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Exploring the infinite field of possibilities that lies in each of us...

“ I F ” T H E W O N D RO U S P OW E R O F G R AT I T U D E


TH E ERV IN H Y P NO S IS C ENTER The Ervin Hypnosis Center is dedicated to helping people succeed in reaching their maximum potential through the use of hypnosis. Each person is unique and requires individual attention. Hypnotist, Richard Ervin, consults with the client to understand the issue and to tailor the session to fit the individual's need. Richard studied hypnosis while working on his undergraduate degree in Psychology at the University of Memphis.  His studies continued while pursing his Masters degree in Management and Human Relations at Webster College.  Richard later attended the Southern Institute of Hypnosis to complete the course work required to gain his certification and the title of Master Hypnotist.

Synolve Craft Editor-in-Chief & Publisher Milton Craft VP, Business Solutions Music Manager Executive Producer


INFINITE FIELD MAGAZINE Exploring the infinite field of possibilities that lies in each of us...

Terri Lee-Johnson Assistant Editor Rhonda Jones Assistant Editor Contributor Acquisitions Malene Bell Section Editor Maria-Danielle Casinelli Copy Editor Alexzandria Craft Teen Editor Editorial Assistant Evan Craft Assistant Producer Creative Team LaTongia Jenkins Marketing/Social Media Business Office The Infinite Field Publishing 5865 Regents Village Drive Winston Salem, NC 27103 p. 336.529.6762 Advertising [email protected] p 336.529.6762 Subscriptions [email protected] p 336.529.6762 Submissions: Music, Books, Articles, Poetry, Art, Movies & Films [email protected]

Copyright 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS MAGAZINE OR ANY ARTICLE HEREIN MAY BE REPUBLISHED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE AUTHOR AND THE INFINITE FIELD PUBLISHING (TIFP). Individual articles may be downloaded for personal use; users are forbidden to reproduce, republish, redistribute, or resell any materials from this MAGAZINE in either machine-readable form or any other form without permission of TIFP or payment of the appropriate royalty for reuse. This magazine is not intended to provide medical advice on personal health conditions, nor to replace recommendations made by health professionals. The opinions expressed by contributors and sources quoted in articles are not necessarily those of the editor and publisher.


Table of Contents Feature SYNOLVE CRAFT





















































The Infinite Field Magazine


The Infinite Field Magazine Presents The Tonya Parker Collection. The collection features healthy recipes for healthy living created by Tonya Parker. The recipe E-Book will be available December 1, 2009. For only $15 you can have your own copy. Click here to pre-order your copy today!


Tonya Parker I approach diet like I approach religion—there is an element of truth to them all. Just like I have evolved my spiritual practice into an interfaith, metaphysical point of view, I intuitively integrate what the various diets have to offer to feed my mind, body, and spirit. Therefore, this cookbook has something to offer for fish and fowl-eaters, vegetarians, vegans, raw foodists, and soul foodaholics, to name a few. Tonya Parker

my thoughts editor’s note Gratitude ultimately brings us to veneration and love of the lifebestowing spirit of man. It gives birth to love and love makes the heart open for the spirit-powers pervading life. If after every meditation, we arouse in ourselves the feeling of gratefulness and reverence - a feeling that we call "mood prayer" and beware in what grace we are taking part, we shall realize that we are on the right path for the spiritual worlds to approach us. ~Rudolf Steiner One morning as I was preparing to interview Stacey Robyn for the November feature on Gratitude for The Infinite Field Magazine, I heard the voice of God say to me in a whisper: "Ask what you will and it shall be done for you." Realizing that I was still half asleep, I tried to rouse A message from Synolve myself from my deep meditative dream state. Then quickly before the (click to listen) moment could pass, I began to simply pray for myself and for my family and our continued health, happiness, and prosperity. It was an amazing experience. It sends chills down my spine to just to reflect upon that moment. I have experienced moments like this in my life many many times before. For example, I experienced this very thing the day that I met my husband and years later when we were trying to conceive our two children. I also experienced this when I began my journey into the infinite field and began pulling together contributors for this magazine. Moments when the voice of God says, "Cast your bread upon the waters, and in many days it will return to you" have been a normal pattern of creation and joy in my life. It is in these moments that I am simply instructed to "Ask and Receive." In the moments, prior to hearing this whisper within me, I remember being immensely grateful for all that Spirit has given me. I was in love with my toes, my fingers, my smile, my life, my husband, our children, our home, and our life together. Bubbling over with gratitude, my cup began to run over...spilling into my intentions and dreams thus calling forth the very essence of creation to speak to me. Maybe you've had these moments in your own life when you felt the impulse to call someone or go to a particular place or even felt a voice calling to you from deep within, but you shied away from the voice or wrote it off as just the wind. Perhaps, you are being called to consider a different path or to expand your vision, but fear has kept you stuck in the same place you were when you began. In this moment, I AM asking you to try. To try a new journey....a new path. To give yourself the gift of gratitude. To give yourself the gift of self-love. To be immensely grateful for the power of Spirit and to trust the voice within.... Listen....God is most certainly calling you. Can you hear it? Infinitely Yours,


Coming in December...

Share Your Heaven With Others !




Look for exciting giveaways and chances to win! If you’re a business owner, author, or have a product or service, please email [email protected] for more information on how you can participate.

a feature by Milton Craft

TAKING TIME FOR ME (My 10 Minutes Each Day)


minutes... of Loving Me!!!




minutes... of Meditation!!!

of Being Grateful!!!


minutes... of Prayer!!!


minutes... of Dreaming!!!



by Liara Covert, Ph.D.

ne way to understand gratitude is to

Often there is something in one's personal

awaken a feeling of profound love and

history which prompts many people to stop

appreciation. This exists in everyone, but

talking openly about their feelings, to stop

some people temporarily forget. You may

feeling grateful, or or to stop expressing

feel grateful for family or other people you

gratitude. From some moment in your

cherish, even situations that you feel

perceived past, a person chose to give fear

fortunate about or describe as "a god-send."

control of their life. Some people learn this

Yet, how often do you tell people aloud,

through examples from relatives, friends, or

express this in writing or show this in

community members.

gestures? How does gratitude become

As a person matures into adulthood, they

something you connect with right now or

tend to grow quiet, to listen more

detach from for reasons you are just

and downplay true thoughts and feelings.

beginning to notice and explore?

This may be perceived as moving toward

At this very moment, you are allowing the

mediocrity or dishonesty about self. Many

mind to awaken based on your memory and

societies do not promote openness and

perception. How openly do you express love

transparency. It can be culturally acceptable

and reinforce a priceless sense of belonging?

to hide. You are programmed to do what is

What does it mean to you when you hear

expected. People are not taught how to react

everything you need has already been given?

to compliments.

The Infinite Field Magazine

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Consider how society has evolved

crave appreciation they have been

Envision what your life is like as

to incorporate special occasions into conditioned to receive only a few

you feel appreciated by everyone,

calendars like Father's Day,

particular times per year.

even strangers. Envision this in the

Mother's Day, Grandparent's Day,

However, if this describes you, you

present moment. This is not a what

Valentine's Day, Veteran's Day,

can shift from fear to gratitude with

if or sometime in the future. There

National Independence Days,

a little work and time.

is no need to create an internal

Thanksgiving and others. Things that feel right for you may not feel right for everyone at the same moment. Take for example, that different countries celebrate these occasions on different dates. Some cultures do not celebrate thanksgiving, but they integrate other rituals of gratitude into their lives.

Feelings reveal expectations. They reveal your desires, needs, and

not getting. It no longer matters if anyone remembers or forgets what

intentions. Gratitude relates to

have become commercialized

unseen expansion. Gratitude engulfs all that you are and all you wish to become. Human beings are forever changed by love and

holidays or special occasions. Look beyond the negative feelings you might feel when people seem to forget about you. What does this

gratitude, though the changes are

really say about how you see

very specific to your own expectations and conditioned limits.

Ever wonder why particular dates

You are invited to ask why you

are chosen to express positive

choose to repress feelings of love.


gauge to measure attention you are

yourself and what you imagine is lacking? Personal revelations are reasons to be grateful. They draw your own attention to the reasons

Imagine that you have the power

One view is special occasions

why you may not be expressing as

and free will to experience or share

symbolize gratitude and remind

much gratitude to others as you

gratitude any moment or every

people how they structure or

could. Step out of a mental place of

moment. It is not necessary to limit

institutionalize reasons to feel

wanting. Shift your perspective to

your love. You can choose to

and express gratitude. People tend

feeling that you have all the love

forget what society teaches you and

to feel badly if they forget special

you need already. Be grateful for

learn to listen to what feels right

occasions. Why might that

that opportunity and teach other

inside. As you learn to attune to

people they too can live a more

be? Sometimes they feel upset when your energy, you realize you have they forget who they are, why they access to bountiful energy and love exist and what they can share.

that you have the option to feel and

When people forget self-love, they

access anytime.

joyful life. You live by example. Everyone is a mirror of yourself.

Books: Self Disclosure: Changes from Within (Strategic Book Publishing, March 2009) Excerpt available on Ebooks: Harness the Energy of Your Dreams (expected completion before end of August 2009)TOC can be provided (includes astral, lucid dreaming, dream walking, exercises)http:// Ph.D. in areas of psychoanalysis and international relations.

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n all relationships, and especially in a marriage, what we have seen is that the words “power” and “love” are often connected. We’d like to discuss how much power really is available to those who are willing to love fully. Power itself requires responsibility, in that we must be willing to accept the consequences of our thoughts, beliefs, and actions, or we simply aren’t powerful. This means, for instance, worrying about how others might judge us or our actions is a slippery slope that leads to giving our power away. Conversely, taking responsibility for one’s life leads to power- the power to weather challenges and create the success we desire.

First, it takes a realistic understanding of relationships. That understanding is based on profoundly huge and largely unconscious amounts of uniquely personal beliefs, habits, and experiences. The key is the level or degree of trust. The mechanism that supports the trust is based on communication, which brings to light many of those unconscious beliefs. This process of revealing ourselves is probably the most challenging aspect of intimate relationships. Nowhere else is it required, and we often resist it mightily. After all, if we really wanted to know that much about ourselves, wouldn’t we already be aware of it?

What Does It Take?

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This willful vulnerability may seem at total odds with the idea of the strength and power of long-term love. In fact, it is exactly the thing that will increase those qualities. Human nature is to withhold emotional involvement where it doesn’t feel safe, and a lack of trust will absolutely confirm one’s fears of being hurt. Strong ties require a willingness to stick things out through the hard parts.

things break down too easily. Without common interests, there’s no unified focus, and no common support. The power of a relationship, focused for great accomplishments through a common vision, relies on each person’s involvement and commitment, built on each person’s faith in self, the other, and the vision.

drawn. The challenge here is that many times, people don’t make clear agreements when they form a relationship and make assumptions about what is acceptable and expected. Conversations about expectations- and how each person hears and responds to them- are the template for what’s to come. And don’t be each other’s therapist. The inherent biases Honor boundaries. That are too deep- each person is means your partner owes you too subjectively involvednothing more- and nothing and we can’t be another Surviving the challenges less- than that to which they person’s object of upset takes a good reason, and it have committed. Violating while simultaneously being a usually means that more than those lines ruins the safety detached observer. just love is required. Without and corrodes the trust, and a common, long-term vision, lines of conflict are quickly

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Deal with anger quickly- everything we do that endangers or destroys relationships is based in fear and expressed through anger. Addressing it at its core is not anger management, as it’s commonly understood. Anger is a smokescreen for deeper issues, the main one being primarily victim consciousness. The underlying belief is something to the effect that someone else is controlling our lives, we don’t like what they seem to be demanding, and we feel we have no say-so in the matter. The feeling is that we are trapped by circumstances and have no way out. These issues often are much older than the marriage, usually from early childhood. We bring them into the relationship and project them onto our partners. The truth is we always have choices. Yes, they may not be comfortable or convenient choices, but we are never trapped except by our own attachments. Every single aspect of deep relationships like marriage unions are a projection of our inner landscape- our conscious and unconscious beliefs, expectations, and habits. We only see and respond to those things with which we are already familiar. Otherwise, we simply don’t recognize anything outside that field of experience, at least initially. Many people are actually afraid of too much love or too much success, and the possibilities for pleasure inherent in romance can often trigger hidden emotional speed bumps. For most humans, a period of time getting support for cleaning up the residue of past traumas and aligning with the principles required for a satisfying experience is very important. We usually need reminders to find the way back to love.

What Does It Create? The payoff for this high-wire act? It’s a phenomenal and exhilarating experience. The energy of one and one can equal ten thousand. It’s important to remember, though, that the old challenges and patterns don’t cease tempting us into unconscious behavior again. The best response is to simply remember who we are now and what we want, so that we reinforce the current vision of happiness and health. The possibilities are limitless- how much joy can one stand? At some point in the personal awakening experience, it becomes apparent that it isn’t our past that holds us back- it’s our fear of the future and how good it could really be. The guiding force, though, is the same one that gets us through the past- trust, in self, the other person, and in our ability to have what we want as long as we are truly committed to it. The universe actually does conspire to support the love, and miracles are ordinary, once we act like we really mean it. Ken and Reneé have been married and working together since 1989. They are conscious connected breath and spiritual life coaches, and Ken is an astrologer. They are senior faculty with Inner Visions Institute of Spiritual Development, created by Iyanla Vanzant. They offer telephone or in-person consultations and group sessions, and can be reached at (804) 320-6958 or [email protected]. Visit their website at http://

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The 2 Most Powerful Words Of All Time David Breslow

Tension Doubt


Fear Lack of Confidence

What about this? or What about that? What if you learned to use this powerful two-word question to create more of what you wanted rather than what you don’t want? For example: John manages 25 people at his job. He spends much of his Two simple words…”What” and “if” are the day “putting out fires”, as he describes it. John most powerful words of all time. Why? admittedly is not a great communicator and Because they can change your possibilities in a usually tells people what to do without really heartbeat. allowing for a two-way dialogue. As a result, people don’t feel confident around him and “What if?” Hmmmmm. I wonder how you believe that John doesn’t really care about would answer that question. Unfortunately, them. Rather than throw a lot of strategies and these words are often followed by words that theories at him about leadership or limit rather than liberate us. In life, people might say things like, “what if I can’t do this?” communication styles I asked John to practice the simple “what if” exercise. I began by asking or “what if I mess this up” or “what if this him to ask himself one simple question, “In all doesn’t work” and “what if I look bad, he/she my conversations with people today what if I doesn’t like me or I fail?” Any of these sound asked a question first instead of just talking?” familiar? My clients run the gamut from Professional athlete to corporate professionals to actors and everything in between and these two powerful words impact the way they live, John discovered something amazing. People actually wanted to talk to him. In addition, he work and play. learned valuable things from folks that he could Let’s take a look at the limiting version of use to better not only the relationship but the “What if”. Used in this way it often triggers: team as well.

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You might be amazed at what transpires in your world as well. I invite you to try this experiment for yourself. Next time you find yourself experiencing any doubt, fear or tension or you feel confused or procrastination strikes you again; stop and ask yourself one of the following:

What if I was clear right now? What would I do? What if I was confident right now? What would I do?


What if I took some action right now? What would it be? What if I actually DID something right now? How would I feel? What if I felt differently right now? What would that feel like?

What if you did things differently today?

What if I didn’t give in to my own sabotage right now? What would I do?

What if…two simple words that focus on the possibilities. What if…opens the door to envision a new possibility, an improved “you” in that moment. Einstein said, “You can’t solve a problem using the same mind that created it in the first place.” Yet, this is what many of us do. Usually, we think, feel and do the same thing time and time again while somehow expecting the results to be different. Sounds crazy doesn’t it? I guess this is why the Chinese say this is the definition of “insanity”.

In addition to my Peak Performance Consulting I’m also an actor and we use the “What if” question as a standard in the creation of a character or in the rehearsal process. “What if the character did this, thought this, felt this way” and so on. This makes the creative process open and endless, which is what the construction of a character is all about.

David Breslow

David Breslow is a Speaker, Author and Performance Consultant. His clients include professional athletes (PGA, LPGA, other sports) as well as Business Organizations. He brings a fresh, direct, no-nonsense revolutionary approach to Human Performance helping people make quicker and more powerful shifts in attitude, behavior, action and impact on others. please visit: or email: [email protected] for more information.

Two little words can open the gateway to incredible opportunities and possibilities! The Infinite Field Magazine

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Teens, Children, & Youth

Laws of Life for Kids

g o r F e s i W e Th upply) (The Law of S

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who loved walking in the woods near her home. On one of these walks, she discovered a very small pond. Curious, she walked closer and found a large, green frog sitting on a lily pad. Surprised, she stopped. There was something very different about this frog, although she could not explain what it might be. He looked like other frogs. He moved like other frogs. She became so interested in him that she felt she had to get closer. She moved slowly, so as not to disturb or frighten the frog. When she felt close enough, she heard herself ask out loud, “What is it about you that is different, Mr. Frog?” To her great surprise the frog spoke; “Well, I am a great big frog living in a very tiny pond,” he said. “You speak?” asked the girl with great surprise. “Oh yes,” replied the frog, “quite well.” And so began their great friendship. During one of their visits, the girl asked the frog how such a large frog could possibly live in such a small pond. It seemed to her that the pond was too little to provide enough food, enough sunshine, or enough space for the frog to swim freely or build a home. The frog explained that every thing he needed to stay alive and really enjoy his life was, in fact, available to him right here in this tiny pond. The girl asked how this could be true. “I know that God made this pond and God made me,” said the frog. “I also know,” continued the frog, “that God is constantly making all that I need to live and always wanting to share it with me.” The little girl thought about this and wondered aloud, “Do you EVER feel you do not have enough of ANYTHING you need? “I do find there is not enough at times, but it is when I believe that God is not able, that God is not kind, or that God is not giving,” said the frog. “Or, if I believe that what I need must look or come to me a certain way,” continued the frog. “For example, if I tell myself that I can only eat, big, juicy green flies and that I will have to look hard for a long time to find them, then I am putting a limit on what I will receive from God,” explained the frog. “Because the truth is that there are lots of bugs I can enjoy eating and they are all around me.” “When I believe what is not true, then I find myself saying ‘no’ to what God wants to share with me. It is as if I am telling God that I do not want what has been made for me,” said frog. “It is only then that I find there is not enough,” said the frog, “and it is because I have limited what I would receive from God, not because it is not there or because God has not offered.” The little girl was amazed. In this tiny pond, the frog had all he needed at all times because God was always providing it for the frog. As if the frog knew what the little girl was thinking, he replied, “This is also true for you.” “You are always given everything you need. If you need words to talk to a friend, they are there for you. If you need love, it is there for you. When you need food, you have it. Whatever you need, God has already created it and is ready to share with you in every minute of every day, forever,” he continued. “Just believe it and ask for what you need. Then open your heart and accept it, when God offers it to you, even if it is not just as you thought it should be,” the frog explained. “Finally, do not forget to say ‘thank you’ when you receive it,” the frog said smiling. The little girl smiled, too. She knew she had learned an important lesson that day, and it was only the beginning of what the large frog from the tiny pond would teach her. The Infinite Field Magazine

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is Min. Jennifer Hopper's mission , dom free ce, to promote love, pea et. plan the on ing and understand Currently, she provides parents, teachers, and children tools and information that support them in understanding themselves and one another.

A Process for Communicating Compassionately in Relationship By Jen Aly, M.S.

Arguing can be healthy sometimes. If you or your partner have not been communicating things that need to be said, creating conflict is one way to get them out. In an ideal world, each partner communicates what he or she needs clearly and gracefully. But when there is unexpressed emotional build up, from change, stress, unmet desires, lack of boundaries, or unclear agreements, upset may move from simmering to boiling over. When you have conflict with someone you care about, it can be challenging to communicate with compassion. All kinds of baggage you didn’t even know you had can surface. To prevent yourself from saying things you don’t really mean or might regret, first take some space until you have calmed down. After you have taken some time to gather yourself, have thought about the situation and have both agreed to take time to practice this process, follow the steps below. This is a powerful method of communication to help reconnect you and your partner, and to clear out emotional gook so you can dive into the issue(s) at hand. This teaching is based on a process taught by Thich Naht Hahn. I have added some tips and suggestions to help the process flow smoothly. Meet in a private space. Sit comfortably side-by-side or facing each other directly (with nothing between you). One person at a time does the following: 1. Share 3 acknowledgements of the other person. This goes beyond a compliment. An acknowledgement is a statement that really lights the other person up because you are seeing deeply who they are. An example is, “James, I acknowledge you for showing up fully for your work and really making a difference in the lives of those you serve.” 2. Say 3 ways you are personally responsible for the situation/conflict. For example, if your emotional fuse has been short lately, have you been over-working, extending yourself too far, not communicating something important, or not getting the support you need? 3. Share what is left for you to communicate. After you’ve seen the other person and owned your part in the situation, what remains for you to express around your needs, fears, desires, frustrations, etc?

Jen Aly, M.S. is committed to supporting women to live Happily Ever Now™. Author of Happily Ever Now™ For Your Love Life. She facilitates international women’s groups via the web and phone from her office in Maui. Jen has been a Certified Martha Beck Life Coach since 2003. Visit her website at

Recently, my partner James and I did this process. We had a few hours apart after our initial conflict to calm down and after dinner we sat on our futon and did these three steps. I found that my perspective of what he was experiencing had been limited and I understood so much more about where he was coming from during the conflict.

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Creative Intelligence The Ultimate Truth For many people, God is simply the Creative Intelligence that thought the Ultimate Truth Book 1 Universe into being. It is the splendor Ultimate Truth: Book I strengthens true belief and expands and beauty of all creation intelligently readers' consciousness into a broader, more rational concept of their creating itself as it goes. Creative faith.     Intelligence is the principle that "Ultimate Truth: Book I's aim is to show readers how each manifests out of the desire to experience individual has the innate ability to resolve and work out all forms of all that there is in as many different conflict within his or herself by acquiescing into a higher form of forms as one can possibly imagine. reality through spiritual principles, open-mindedness, introspection and emotional clearing. Because it is unadulterated intelligence, this force or creative engine merely has a thought and without resistance, that in -Dr. Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D. which it ponders becomes. This Creative Intelligence seeks to express itself through us as us. According to some of the work done by Carl Jung, each of us is a microcosm in which the universal process actualizes itself. Through Creative Intelligence in agreement with our Divine nature, we were manifested in find this logic to be far fetched but in the grand design order to experience our reality in this human form. of things I find this to be true. Truth has a funny way of resonating within our being even when we can’t quite explain how we know it to be so. Something We are Creative Intelligence, from the very beginning deep within us confirms this logic on a subatomic of all creation to the formation of the Being that is level. That being the case, we are the progeny of represented by our material selves. We are It and It is Creative Intelligence and the same force that was used us. There is no differentiating. We are one in the same to patent us as living beings is the same force that we and we can never be apart from our fundamental exert with each and every thought and materialization nature. As crazy as it may sound, we each fashioned of our conscious mind. Creative Intelligence seeks to ourselves in order to experience life as the Beings that experience every condition that comes into our field of we are. Its mind boggling I know and some may even awareness through desire and attraction.


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Creative Intelligence The Ultimate Truth We create our reality by way of our thought process and our belief systems. This has far reaching ramifications because through unhealed traumas we become a fragment of our true selves and we often attract people and situations into our lives that are equally fragmented. However, they are there to serve as a reflection of our own fractured spirits. If we appraise our lives and take stock of our friends, family, loved ones, and our present condition, we will see a pattern because we are vibrating at the same frequency as these individuals. You’ve heard it said that ‘like attracts like’ or that ‘birds of a feather flock together’. This is what we’ve attracted through our oneness with Creative Intelligence. Although it is pure intelligence, it is also subjective. Therefore, it doesn’t question which seeds are being planted into the prolific mind it simply functions as the garden for creation. If we plant seeds in the earth’s soil to germinate, the soil doesn’t question what’s its function is, it merely produces based upon this law. If we plant apple seeds, it produces an apple tree orange seeds will render an orange tree and so on and so forth. Such it is with Creative Intelligence. It obeys our every command in the way of our thoughts. We plant the seeds and it germinates them into reality.

Our lives are exactly as we create them to be moment by moment. While we may not be pleased with our formation, it is the exact blueprint of our thoughts and desires. If we don’t like what we’ve created we must


change our reference point. In order to do this we have to change our views towards creation and our position in it. We have to change the frequency that our allure is emitting. We are the architects and the originators of our own destinies and we wield the key to our very existence through Creative Intelligence.

Dr. Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D Author/Motivational Speaker/Life Coach Ultimate Truth: Book I

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Gifts of Humility for Wild Spirits Photos by Jan Bowers

by Jan Bowers

“King for a day” can be a fun game often indulged in by children and adults seeking to explore the extent of their power and the boundlessness of their creativity. When it comes to divine power, however, there are some things I know I would never have thought of. If I were God, I never would have thought of snow. If I build for the rest of my life, I could never create mountains as large and magnificent as those that ring Anchorage. If I paint, write, and wonder for all of my days, I will never see eagles the way that Alaskan artist JoAnn George does, or look at leaves with the glee of jewelry maker Michael Michaud.


There is a lot of talk about gratitude this time of year, but I think we are missing the mark ever so slightly. The foundation of gratitude is humility, the cultivation of an awareness that something bigger than ourselves exists, provides for us, and that we in turn are grateful. It can be challenging to maintain a sense of humility and gratitude in our on-demand, takeeverything-you-can society. Humility is best fostered in the natural and creative world, where immersion in the gifted vision of another continually reminds the viewer that life exists in vibrant color beyond our petty concerns.

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To give your loved ones the best this season, consider a gift that reminds the recipient of the natural world and fosters a sense of humility. These gifts can take a bit more work than an eBay purchase because many local craftsmen and native artists do not maintain an active web presence. Here are five of my favorites straight from my home, Alaska, and a few from other beautiful places, that are sure to be an inspiration:

For writers – encourage them with an “Alaskan Logbook with Natural Edges” from Lazy M. Leather Company in Kodiak, Alaska. Starting at $35, call (907) 487-4372 to order. For women – adorn them with botanical jewelry from the Silver Seasons Collection by Michael Michaud. Learn more about Michael’s vision at Prices vary; shop at and For artists – inspire them with work by JoAnn George, one of Alaska’s most prolific artists. Her work reflects her life in the Tlingit village of Angoon, Alaska, where she has lived since 1967. Starting at $25; purchase from Alaska art galleries online at,, or For fashionistas – keep them warm in brightly colored sweatshirts and tees from Alaskan Brewing Company, makers of the best beer in the state and beyond, according to devoted fans.


Visit to order; apparel starts at $15. For adventurers – equip them with the best in outdoor adventure gear from Cabela’s. Visit and check out the “bargain cave” for the best deals on tents, apparel, and hunting, fishing, boating, and camping gear that will not let you down when the terrain gets rough. For travelers – give them something to read on the plane, and somewhere to look forward to visiting, with a subscription to Alaska magazine. One year subscription for 10 issues is $18; subscribe online, view hundreds of photos, and read back articles at For visionaries – help their visions become a reality by donating to a charity in their name. Visit Alaska to research hundreds of options, including environmental, animal protection, and action groups.

Jan Bowers is a naturopathic practitioner, iridologist, nutrition consultant, and personal trainer who calls Alaska "home." She works with both people and animals, and currently serves on the board of the International Iridology Practitioners Association. Jan writes about how to heal your mind, body, and spirit the Alaskan way. She blogs about Alaska at, and also maintains the educational website. The Infinite Field Magazine

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Life With Clarity Assisting in the journey of life Allow Dorothy to help you push past the fog in your life – the things that impede you from reaching success – and help you clarify your goals and your authentic life path with clarity.

Dorothy Gourdine, MA Certified Life Coach For more information: 717.649.6647 [email protected]

Playing with Life

Feng Shui for the Bedroom The bedroom happens to be one of the most important rooms to have in Feng Shui order. It’s not only a place to cuddle and restore intimate feelings with a partner; it is a place to restore your body’s energies to move throughout your life. If the flow of energy in the bedroom is stagnant, irritating or unsettled you might find any part of your life not up to par. The most important idea about the Feng Shui of the bedroom is the placement of the bed itself. No matter what school of Feng Shui you may follow, the bed’s most auspicious place is facing the door, but not directly in front of the door. We don’t want feet dangling out into the hall, but we do need to see who may be approaching. We don’t want any surprises while in a most vulnerable state of rest. Secondly, the room should be free of clutter, especially under the bed. This will allow the energies to flow smoothly through the room and eliminate a feeling of being stuck in one’s life situation! So get out the boxes, shoes and dirty clothing! Additionally, sha chi (negative energy) needs to be lessened by softening sharp corners from walls and furniture. You can accomplish this by hanging a cut crystal ball from the ceiling to absorb the sha chi, or to sit a plant in a terra cotta pot in front of it to ground the energy. Mirrors in the bedroom are generally a no-no. They reflect lots of energy, which may increase restlessness throughout the night. To heat up romance, try some pink sheets, fresh flowers and a pair of red candles in the SW corner of the room. For students, place the desk in the NE corner of the room and have organized workspace, which also faces the door. To improve health, place a live, shiny-leafed plant in the eastern most area of the room.

For consultation and workshop information please contact: Janice Girgenti ~ Feng Shui Studios ~215.572.1650. Janice is a full time, certified consultant, lecturer and decorator. Locally, she teaches at Delaware College of Art and Design, and Moore College of Art in Philadelphia. Janice loves working throughout the Wilmington area, to feel a connection to her roots.

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Body, Mind, & Spirit Cultivating a Healthy Body, Mind and Spirit

Everyday life is an adventure, with ups and downs and unexpected changes – no doubt about it! No matter what is happening in your daily life, there are ways you can boost your ability to handle challenges with grace, as well as to more thoroughly enjoy the wonderful gifts life brings. By acknowledging that everything is connected – that our bodies, minds and spirits are all important aspects of the whole, deserving attention - we can more holistically integrate our daily habits and improve our overall quality of life. According to the Omega Institute for wellness and personal growth, "wellness is not something you just "do." It is a way of life that involves proper nutrition, exercise that fits your lifestyle, stress-reduction techniques, and social and environmental awareness." Even for people who already recognize and strive for this integrated way of living, there is always room for improvement. Everyday life pulls us in many directions - work, family, personal pursuits, etc. - and having tools to get us ‘back on track’ can make all the difference. Ensure you are best equipped to handle life with ease by cultivating a healthy body, mind and spirit with the following tips:

by Shauna Arthurs

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BODY Taking care of our physical bodies not only makes us feel great, it helps us enjoy heightened mental clarity, an enhanced sense of well-being and improved self-confidence, among many other benefits. The psychological benefits that accrue over time, in addition to the physical benefits, are well worth the effort it takes to be mindful of how we treat ourselves physically. For instance, the Association for Applied Sport Psychology cites a wealth of psychological benefits gained through exercise, including improved self-esteem, ability to handle stress and decreased symptoms associated with depression.

Change How You Look at Your Body By gratefully viewing your body as the miraculous vehicle by which you get to experience all life has to offer, you will find yourself respecting instead of judging it, and wanting to nurture and take care of it, inside and out. In this way, activities and behaviors which used to seem like chores or sacrifices – such as exercising and eating healthy, nutritious foods – become gifts you give yourself happily. You want to make your beautiful body last as long as possible, and have it be in the best shape to help you explore your world and handle daily challenges. Whether you run five miles or practice something gentler such as yoga, there are myriad ways to love and strengthen your body through physical activity. Even walking – alone or with friends – is good for the body and the soul, and can help you gain perspective on daily happenings. To feel great about what you eat, try exploring your emotional reasons for eating certain unhealthy foods, and try visiting a nutritionist (get referrals from friends) to explore how you can eat to nourish your body while still enjoying your food. If you often feel tired or irritable, try removing various items from your diet, one at a time, and see if you can’t find the culprits. By eating foods that are as fresh and as close to their natural state as possible and eliminating those that cause you digestive problems, you can help yourself feel light, energetic and capable of handling anything that comes your way.

MIND If we let our minds run on only the ‘standard’ stimulus every day - from television and radio programs to advertising and news programs - we can find ourselves reactive and uninspired. From the various media we are exposed to, to the comments and opinions of people we meet, the input can be mostly negative, and definitely not inspiring! (You may have noticed.) Instead, we can be proactive and feed our minds with satisfying, empowering material that enriches our lives and the people around us. Always remember that life is more fluid than you give it credit for: it flows with your thoughts and intentions, and nothing is ever static. If you change your perspective and your habitual thought patterns, you can literally change just about anything in your ‘external’ life. From difficult people to challenging work or home environments, you have far more control than you may realize, and it all starts on the inside – in your mind. The mind is a powerful tool, and all too often it is put in the place of leader rather than the follower and implementer of conscious intention it is meant to be. The Infinite Field Magazine

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To cultivate happiness, balance and feelings of empowerment and possibility, feed your mind with positive and life-affirming material on a daily basis. You may wish to experiment with various tools to see what works for you, your schedule and your temperament. For instance, some people who find meditation difficult really enjoy the ease of listening to guided meditations, which help the listener relax and focus on a specific topic of their choice. You can also make efficient use of your commute time by listening to personal development or other audios which will have a positive impact in your life. Repetition is a key aspect of how we internalize new thoughts and behaviours, so be patient with yourself and continue to feed your mind good ‘stuff,’ and you will see results. As time passes and you continue taking responsibility for what goes into your mind each day, you will find yourself with more patience, improved people skills and new ideas to handle daily interactions and tasks.

Spirit Your entire being is one whole: you cannot be separated into specific sections or boxes. Everything you do affects everything else, and when you work on improving how you feel in one aspect, it spills like a beautiful salve over all of your life. By investing time to go inside and connect with your inner, higher self – whatever that may mean to you – you will see a trickle-down effect and feel the benefits in all areas of your life. When we nourish ourselves we gain access to potent healing powers and to the love that permeates everything. This love is always present but can be ignited, like a flame, and expanded into a roaring, warming fire that keeps us motivated, shining and full of joy. Take the time to be quiet and come to know your inner voice, which offers much wisdom. When you come from this place of inner knowing and peace, you will find you are better able to weather life’s storms, and offer comfort and light to others as well. With these tips in mind, you can see that by allowing a little time for yourself each day, you can not only benefit yourself but your entire life and those in it.

Shauna Arthurs specializes in sharing effective tools and resources to inspire and help you to create the unique, magnificent life you were meant to live. Get started at and, and for an instant boost of abundance, enjoy her popular e-book 30 Days to Wealth.

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the circle They dance in a circle Candles lit With the power Of many nations They come together Collective hearts Synchronized minds Enraptured spirits Families, friends, neighbors Community For healing They shower themselves in love Wash their feet in humility The essence of who they really are Released Reflected in men, women, and children Of the Light Divine Spirit brings them Soaring together They rise as one The circle will not be broken Contact Adeola Fearon at [email protected]

poetry by adeola fearon


Q &


Artwork by Dora Taggett

an interview with Stacey Robyn Stacey Robyn is co-creator and steward of Go Gratitude, a global service organization dedicated to empowering Wisdom, Oneness and a Great*Full Heart. Read the full article on Stacey Robyn on page 62. The Infinite Field Revealed provides quick and easy tips, suggestions, and examples to help you live in the Infinite Field. Listen to Stacy on Click on the links below. Part 1 Part 2

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“Problem-Solving” !








by Lori Saitz

Did you know that being grateful can improve your problem solving abilities? Of course you’ve heard about the importance of making a daily list of things for which you are grateful for, and that doing so brings forth even more good things in your life. Now it seems that grateful people are better at problem solving. This makes a lot of sense. When you have the ability to bring gratitude into every situation, to see blessings even when circumstances look unfavorable, your mind is more trained in seeing possibilities over challenges. So if you’re better at seeing opportunities, you’ll be more apt to see all the ways something CAN be accomplished when faced with a problem.

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Quite often people look at problem solving with the view “something is wrong and needs fixing.” However, if you enter a problem solving situation with a perspective of improvement and opportunity rather than challenge or issue, just like opening the mind to new possibilities and connections when inviting gratitude, the whole situation shifts. I was reminded of the story of Henry Ford and the development of the V-8 engine. His engineering team told him it was impossible to build. He told them to produce it anyway; to stay on the job until they found a way to do it. After a year of work, they came back and told Mr. Ford that they’d tried everything, but it was, as they had said originally, impossible. He refused to take no for an answer and sent them back to work. As we all know now, they eventually did succeed in creating a V-8 engine. Now I don’t know if Henry Ford kept a gratitude journal, or what his stance on thankfulness was, but the point is, he was only open to seeing how it COULD be done, not the reasons why it couldn’t. Research conducted by Professor of Psychology Robert Emmons at the University of California, Davis, revealed that students who had more gratitude in their lives were more determined and made greater progress toward their health, academic, and personal goals than those students who did not continually count their blessings. More than a hundred adults were split into three groups. The first group had to write about things they were grateful for, the second group about things they felt were irritating, and the third group about factors that had a major impact on their lives. After several weeks Emmons found that those in the gratitude group felt much better about their lives than all the other study participants, and they had also moved further toward attaining their personal objectives. Were these students further along in reaching their goals simply because they were more grateful? Or did improved problem-solving as a result of their gratefulness have a significant impact on their advancement? However you choose to look at it, gratitude is an important part of the equation. Over and over, studies on gratitude confirm that people who take time to notice and appreciate the good things that come their way do better on cognitive and problem solving skills tests. Do your best to embrace gratitude every day and you’ll soon be saying, “Problems? What problems? I only see incredible opportunities! Here are all the ways we can do this.”


Lori Saitz is the Founder and Chief Executive Rabbit of Zen Rabbit Baking Company, which makes the world famous Gratitude Cookie™. The Gratitude Cookie™ is perfect for showing appreciation for valued relationships, whether business or personal. To sign up for F.R.E.E. “Gratuities-Tips on Bringing More Joy to Your Life” and learn more about The Gratitude Cookie™, visit

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HOW TO MAKE THANKSGIVING SPECIAL by Rev. Alan Rowbotham I’d like to offer you a way to make Thanksgiving even more special, with a new and different way of celebrating our traditional Thanksgiving Day. Recently, a woman told me of a wonderful demonstration of prayer that she had experienced and how very, very thankful she was feeling. But she admitted that she wasn’t sure how she could truly express her thankfulness to God. She said, “It somehow doesn’t seem enough just to say ‘Thank You’ to God.”

who was very ill suddenly had what the medical profession calls “an instantaneous remission,” or had an exceptionally fast recovery to complete wholeness and health?

“Thank you, God” into the air and hear it echo and re-echo back to you? I certainly think that silently giving thanks to God in prayer is very good. I think going out on a mountainside or wooded place or seashore and shouting “Thank you, God” with a fervent feeling of gratitude is a wonderful thing to do.

You would feel very, very thankful to that life-giving Spirit which is the Source of all healing and that humankind calls God, wouldn’t you? So how are you going to express But I think perhaps that your thankfulness? this is not enough. This Would it be enough to is consciously being go into a church and grateful. This is silently say “Thank accepting a blessing, You” to God’s invisible what might indeed be a Presence? miracle, from God with Have you ever had a gratitude. But it is not Would it be enough to tremendously wonderful what we might call go out on some answer to prayer? “Thanks-giving,” except mountainside and shout the giving of your time Perhaps a loved one

and perhaps an overflow of your emotions. So let me suggest to you how you can really give thanks to God in this Thanksgiving season . . . and all around the year. Here is what you can do . . . You’re grateful to God for your many blessings – good. You say “Thank You” to God in a quiet time of prayer – good. Then, because in your heart you know God has done so much for you and through you, you arise from your prayer time and determine to be on the lookout for someone who has a need that they can’t fulfill themselves . . . then you fulfill it!

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Then you are truly giving, to express your thanks. And you are giving directly to God, too.

thankfulness is to work diligently at doing the best job possible of teaching the Truth principles that have helped others, both today How are you giving directly and in the future. to God? In short, you can express Well, as Jesus said to the gratitude or “give thanks” Samaritan woman at the by giving back more of well (John 4:24), “God is yourself to the people whose spirit, and those who lives touch yours. worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” Spirit There are many things you means “breath,” or Life. can give to express your God is Life in expression thanks to God. through every person as You can give a little time their individual Being. and understanding to your When you give something teenage son or daughter who of yourself to someone who needs to know that you love has a need, you are giving to him or her. God expressing as that You can give a happy person! attitude around the house This is what the Bible is that will brighten up the pointing out when it says, atmosphere. “Whatsoever you do unto You can give a little extra the least of these, you do service to your customers, or also unto me.” do a little better job at work. Thankful prayer is “ThanksYou can give a word of feeling,” and it is good. “Thanks-giving” involves an appreciation to the fellow who fixed your car instead action of giving. of a look of suspicion that In my years of ministry, I he overcharged you . . . even have often been if he did! Then you are overwhelmed by the really giving something, and expressions of love and it costs a little more than just appreciation that came from a perfunctory “Thank You, so many, many people. I God” in prayer. thank God, and I try to thank Do you get the idea? people with a note or a letter. But this never seems enough. So I figure the only Here’s an idea that could be way I can truly express the better than a hundred Sunday school lessons for fullness of my feeling of The Infinite Field Magazine

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your children: When you sit down to your Thanksgiving table, what if you said, “Kids, we sure are grateful for all our blessings. We are grateful for this food, for our health, for your Mommy, for you, and for all the good things that we enjoy and sometimes take for granted. Tell you what we’ll do, we’ll say our Grace and acknowledge that God has given us these things, and then we will take an equal amount to what the dinner cost and we will send it to ____________ (you add whatever organization your family feels is doing a real good job in helping people).” Later in life, when they imitate their Dad and Mom, they will find that you always get back, in some way or another, more than you gave when you give out of a feeling of thankfulness. It comes back to you, increased and multiplied! Make this the most unique and rewarding Thanksgiving of your life. Give thanks to God in prayer, yes, but then start looking for needs that people can’t fulfill by themselves, and fill the need for them . . . and don’t tell a soul that you did it!

Rev. Alan A. Rowbotham, a native of England, moved to the United States in 1967. An ordained Unity minister for over thirty-seven years, he is now retired from full-time church ministry. Rev. Alan publishes a blog and a free inspirational e-mail newsletter,

www.spiritualsolutio to which he invites you to subscribe. Please feel free to share this article in its entirety with a friend.

Minute Meditation it only takes a minute to breathe...

Focus on Breath

This technique may be used at any time to assist you in focusing on your breath. I encourage you to first call on your angels and guides to be at hand and to provide a comfortable, loving presence during your meditation You may also find it helpful to record these words in your own voice and play it back during meditation. I recommend you perform this meditation sitting comfortably on the floor or a chair.

Your breath is a key way of connecting with your higher self and the Divine. It instantly soothes mind, body, and soul. It allows your mind to rest and your divine self to take the driver's seat for a while. Don't worry if you cannot focus for more than a few minutes at first. It is like playing a musical instrument; the more you practice, the better you get. Before you begin, choose a word that invokes a positive image, feeling, or goal. It should be simple and easy to pronounce. For example, the word "peace" is positive and clear. Depending on how you are feeling, you might choose "love," "gratitude," "forgive," or even "vacation." Close your eyes. Bring your hands together in front of your heart. Purposefully touch each of your fingertips together, hands in a prayer position. Take a deep breath. Inhale through your nose, letting the breath flow easily and effortlessly into your lungs. Exhale slowly, allowing your breath to gently flow upward and out through your mouth.

Inhale again, this time reciting your chosen word aloud or in your head. Breathe slowly and deliberately, stretching out the word as the air enters your lungs. Pause, holding breath and intention. Now exhale slowly, repeating your word, matching it to your breath. Pause again after the release of breath. Repeat this cycle of breathing, using the same word each time. If your mind wanders and thoughts come into your head, just notice them and allow them to pass through without giving them attention. Continue this cyclic breathing for as long as your time allows. When you are ready, take a final deep breath and feel the energy flowing through your body as you gently come back into the room and continue with your day, fully energized and refreshed. Enjoy! Susan Marek is a life-long intuitive who uses her gifts of claircognizance, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience to be of Divine service. She works with angels, ascended masters, and elementals to provide healing, guidance, and insight to earthly issues. Trained as Reiki Master and as an Angel Therapy Practitioner® and medium, certified by Doreen Virtue, PhD, Susan uses her knowledge to be of service to others through readings, speaking, and writing. She is the author of “A Children’s Guide to Chakras” For more information on Susan, please visit

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What is Spiritus - The Spiritual Marketing Directory? My name is Shelagh Jones, and I want to tell you a little about how Spiritus - the Spiritual Marketing Directory, came to be created. Business Promotion First, being involved in internet marketing myself, I was a member of several social networking sites, where the prime intention was to relationship with other people. But behind this intention was another intention, the intention to attract people to my business. And sometimes this secondary intention got in the way of the first intention, and I began to think to myself - What if there was a business directory where people could openly and cleanly promote their business to like-minded people?

Law of Attraction – like is attracted to like A second place was from my work with small businesses, helping them to build their list of customers. A common cry was - I wish I could find more customers who are just like me. People who have the same values, who think like me about how to live a life, how to run a business, how to have business interactions work out to the best advantage of all involved. And often I would introduce suppliers to customers and see a business relationship flourish because of the shared values of the people involved.

Market from Spirit A third place was meeting people who were operating in industries which have a poor reputation for customer service but who were choosing to do things differently, to do what felt right and good to them, not what everyone else was doing. I thought - what if there was a place where people looking for a company in that industry could find out about the values of businesses, about what motivated them, before starting a business relationship with them? Out of these three ideas, Spiritus - the Spiritual Marketing Directory was born.




Any parent wanting to see their children develop a natural gravitation towards Spirit should not be without Dr. Peggy Joy Jenkins' Nurturing Spirituality In Children. The author believes that "the principles children learn from this book will help prepare them for whatever they may encounter..." The foundation of the book lies within her "[feeling] a great need for more information on mental and spiritual principles in a form easy to share with children." This book is a very simple and easily comprehensible collection of hands-on activities that are suitable for all ages. It's conveniently broken down into three parts: "Seedlings", "Sprouts", and "Blooms", with each covering beginning learners, more advanced learners, and more experienced learners, respectively. Each activity states the materials needed, the lesson, and an affirmation. One such lesson, entitled "Cutting Your Problem In Half", deals cleverly with the issue of problems. It simply calls for cutting in half a potato to represent the removal of resentment and explains that "welcoming problems without resentment cuts the problem in half" and that "Spirit can turn resentment into love." Jenkins ends this lesson with an affirmation stating: "I accept my problems as exciting challenges and release resentful feelings." Other lessons focus on such things as how our closeness to others is a reflection of our closeness to Spirit within and letting go of fear.

Terri's Thoughts: What's great about this book is that, while each activity can be prepped and completed with minimal resources and time, which is very appealing to both parent and child, there is nothing minimal about the impact of this learning tool. Another positive attribute is that it poses no conflict with any established belief system a child may have. This can be a welcomed addition to any parent's library. Children will not only gain insight into God, but will also gain confidence and wisdom on how to maneuver through life in a spiritually proactive and healthy way. Dr. Peggy Joy Jenkins is an adult educator specializing in parent/teacher education, understanding behavioral styles and activating inner joy. She is founder of Joyful You-Joyful Child, Inc., a non-profit organization and author of three other educational books for children. To learn more about Dr. Peggy Joy Johnson and her books visit Terri Lee-Johnson is Assistant Editor and book reviewer for The Infinite Field Magazine.

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The Sacred Mundane 


any years ago I read the book, Chop Wood Carry Water: A Guide to Finding Spiritual Fulfillment in Everyday Life, by Rick Fields and other authors. The lesson I learned was I did not have to wait until Sunday morning to enter into my spiritual self. We can tap into Spirit through our everyday tasks, such as chopping wood and carrying water, or my present day equivalents—eating meals and eliminating wastes, or cleaning house and washing hair. I grew up in a faith tradition where we “said grace” before our meals. It became an act of automation—reciting a prayer learned as a child and said as hurriedly as possible to get to the good part—the food. I have since learned to send Reiki energy healing to my food while giving thanks to the Creator, to the plants and/or animals that sacrificed for my meal, and to all the human hands that have touched it to this point, whether they picked, packaged, stocked, or prepared the food.

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It feels more sacred as a ritual. In his book The True Power of Water: Healing and Discovering Ourselves, Masaru Emoto showed how food, made up of water, is affected by words spoken to it, whether they be loving or hateful. He recommends we send loving and healing words to food as we prepare it and partake of it to improve the quality. Although many of us may bring Spirit into our food, I would guess that few have considered praying during our daily (or more frequent) “constitutional.” Frankly, it was far from my mind until a wise teacher suggested this process as a way to more actively release all that we no longer need. We physically release in so many ways—stretching, sneezing, nasal dripping, bathing, belching, coughing, climaxing sexually, menstruating, urinating, and yes, defecating. What a novel thought to take these routine situations and elevate them to the spiritual level! Also looking at the picture metaphysically, releasing wastes and toxins offers an opportunity to consciously release other situations/feelings/ behaviors/people that no longer serve us, and create space for something new to come in. Do you remember the song from the musical, South Pacific, also popularized by the Weather Girls: “I’m Gonna

Wash that Man Right Outa My Hair?” Essentially, that song is a mantra, or sacred chant used to facilitate spiritual power and transformation of consciousness. In this instance, if you have a partner who has taken root in your head, but the relationship is no longer serving you, the act of washing your hair, coupled with prayerful singing, helps to shift your consciousness to allow the release to happen. There is something to be said for Eastern traditions that recognize the sacred in daily tasks. Certainly, there is a lowered level of stress and stress-related illnesses in these cultures. I imagine when Westerners take time out to pray, the earth’s vibration spikes. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to raise it [earth’s vibration] not just on Saturday or Sunday mornings, but every moment of every day? What would happen if folks became prayerful when driving to work, vs. honking horns and cutting off other drivers? What would happen if we ate food in restaurants that was prepared in a loving atmosphere vs. by those cursed at by the executive chef? What would happen if people hummed and smiled as they walked their dogs, shopped for groceries, picked up trash, chopped wood, and carried water? I encourage us all to pray outside the box, and find ways to more fully incorporate spirit into our daily lives by transforming the mundane into the sacred.

Tonya nurtures Mind Body & Spiritworks, the vehicle for her natural health ministry, providing massage, Reiki, aromatherapy, conscious catering/personal chef services, holistic wellness consulting, and training workshops. She currently is working on a book based on her Natural Sistah adventures, and is completing her first e-cookbook, Natural Sistah’s Recipes for Healthy-As-You-Wanna-Be Living. Visit Tonya at and

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anuary is a chilly time as well as chili time, thanks to professional football season. Including so many vegetables is a wonderful opportunity to turn the seemingly mundane task of chopping into the sacred. Also, portabella mushrooms are so “meaty” that carnivores won’t miss the ground beef or turkey.

recipes by Tonya Parker

Tonya’s Tasty Vegetarian Chili


1 jalapeno pepper with seeds, diced

3 15-oz cans dark red kidney beans, drained

5 TBS garlic, minced

1 15-oz can black beans, drained

1 TBS chili powder, or to taste

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

1 tablespoon dried whole oregano

2 large onions, diced

1 tablespoon ground cumin

2 stalks celery, diced

1 large can (28 ounces) crushed tomatoes, undrained

2 yellow crook-necked squash, diced

2 cups frozen corn, thawed

2 zucchinis, diced

1-2 packets Stevia sweetener

2 cups portabella mushrooms, chopped

Sea salt and pepper, to taste

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Cafe Gratitude


Living and Doing Business! Message from Café Gratitude: “We invite you to step inside and enjoy being someone that chooses: loving your life, adoring yourself, accepting the world, being generous and grateful every day, and experiencing being provided for.”

My prayer in writing this article is that I can place myself in the frequency in which the creators of Café Gratitude live, so I can honor their level of high consciousness and share that level of consciousness with you. I’m over the top excited about introducing you to Matthew and Terces Engelhart and their revolutionary ‘Sacred Commerce’ business model for Café Gratitude. This cafe' is not what you would consider a normal everyday café. They call it, “a school of transformation” in the setting of an organic vegan restaurant chain in beautiful Northern California. Husband and wife team, Matthew and Terces Engelhart, are the founders and owners of the five Gratitude Cafés. They have 200 employees, and their own Biodynamic farm. Matthew and Terces’ business model is based on them being accountable for the spiritual and emotional wellbeing of their staff, the environment, and

community. This is an exceptionally courageous model. Matthew and Terces have raised the bar of how to create a successful business! They operate with an extremely high vibrational rate of love, connection to source, love for the earth and community which began with their own spiritual journey and spiritual awakening. Matthew had been on a spiritual path for many years, and he has done extensive spiritual study. He worked for many years with a spiritual teacher where he received powerful training in the teaching philosophy of being abundant. And, Terces’ has spent many years in personal growth, healing and transformation, as she healed herself of anorexia and bulimia, and this healing process opened her up to a deep spirituality. Through her journey of returning to vibrancy; she learned to listen to her intuition, trust Spirit and herself, and keep her heart open. This was a very creative time for them and Spirit began sharing with them several creative ideas including games and learning about "live" raw foods.

“We champion participants to embrace love, the fundamental reality of Oneness as a state of being and courageously live in the world as a light bearer.” Matthew and Terces Engelhart The Infinite Field Magazine


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Cafe Gratitude Spiritual awakening is the foundation for their Sacred Commerce business model. With this foundation, conflicts and mistakes are viewed as a chance to learn and grow and heal. Their evolved business model includes: ·

Developing and maintaining Sustainability/Bio-dynamic farm/recycling/composting


Creating Green non toxic Cafes


Serving Live Nutrient Rich Organic Food


Creating Sacred Positive Intentions, Spiritual/emotional clearing exercises


Creating Books/games/workshops with staff & community: focus on abundant being/living & transformation Café Gratitude’s business model leaves no stone unturned. They take into consideration every aspect of doing business environmentally green. Cafe Gratitude filters their own water, composts food scraps, which are then used in their own Farm in Vacaville, CA. They use only all environmentally green products, using cotton cloth napkins that eventually become rags in the auto industry and they serve only organic food. And of course, they recycle all paper and cardboard.

Less than a year prior to the first Cafe Gratitude, Matthew and Terces' had created a game called the Abounding River Game. The Abounding River Game teaches people in a fun way to be abundant and prosperous. The creation of Café Gratitude was an idea that was sparked after they created the Abounding River Game. Terces and Matthew thought: "Wouldn’t it be nice to have a place where we can serve healthy food to people and a place people can play the Abounding River Game. From this thought, they began the journey of Café Gratitude. If you are lucky enough to visit one of their Café’s, you will see that they offer the largest array of food and beverage items that contain the highest nutritional content I have ever seen offered in a cafe. Café Gratitude’s wonderful and creative menu offers live Super Food elixirs such as, “I am enlivened,” made with blue green algae and vitamins and minerals, to juices called “I am Healthy” made with kale, celery cucumber and lemon. They also offer live food sandwiches, appetizers, organic coffee drinks and wonderful organic salads. Many of their food items come fresh from their Farm. The Managers of Café Gratitude partake in a special “clearing” exercise with their employees. Every manager ‘clears’ (listens to) every employee at the beginning of their shift. They find that once a person is cleared, they are able to get "out of their own head" and into their heart. This allows each employee to be present and in the moment as opposed to thinking or even bringing in feelings or thoughts from the past. After the clearing the employee is then set up to serve Unconditional Love, Joy and Presence (their sacred intentions) to all the customers who come through their door. Wow! Can you imagine working for a company where your boss’s job is to listen to your problems and help you feel “bigger” about yourself? The Infinite Field Magazine

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Cafe Gratitude “Imagine EVERYONE working in an environment where, everyday, you are celebrated and held as nothing short of amazing!” Café Gratitude

Through their books, their Abounding River game and inspiring workshops, Matthew and Terces encourage people to believe in an abundant way of being, believing and living in all ways. The Cafe Gratitude describes their Abounding River game as, "an explorational board game that introduces people to an unfamiliar view of BEING ABUNDANCE. It encompasses both training people in a day to day practice as well as discovering a Spiritual foundation that opens up to a whole new way of looking at money and resources. People experience themselves being at the source of unlimited supply." Customers say: "This was the best food I have ever had in my life, and it almost made me cry to know that somewhere people are serving food this pure." - Lauren, from Idaho

"We spent maybe our whole day in the spirit of this place and are ever so grateful for the generosity of that Spirit. Thank you." -anonymous customer "What an incredible placeso full of light, love & life. Truly magical! Thanks for sharing." –Lali A personal thank you to Eva Ackerman, a manager of Cafe Gratitude, for spending her time sharing information with me to write this article. I celebrate Terces and Matthew for being who they are and spreading their love and gratitude to thousands of people. Along with many people, they are shifting the way we live, and I’m very excited! Matthew and Terces Engelhart have manifested this phenomenal business model into consciousness. I look forward to this harmonically centered company expanding and becoming the way the masses

conduct business- shifting to a belief of abundance versus scarcity. The Café Gratitude ‘Sacred Commerce’ Business model is being taught in Philadelphia on November 10. To get more information on Café Gratitude locations or to check out their books, games, workshops, and clothing, please visit: http://

Welcome to Smile Across Your Heart! Laurie Martin is a self-love and acceptance teacher, author of Smile Across Your Heart: The Process of Building Self-Love, Speaker of Inner Wisdom, and certified Life Coach. For more information, visit: Http:// Or email me at: [email protected] The Infinite Field Magazine

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Where Your Dreams Become Real In Your Source’s Golden Flow



here is a place where your energy flows into you and your life- it is at your core. Our consciousness is what runs through our lives, animating us into this physical experience. Using our will, our consciousness goes where we want it to via our attention. Our consciousness can flow into divine places of our choosing or to places of difficulty and misery, again of our choosing. The choice is ours, and is simple to make. Consciously, we choose who we prefer to be and what we prefer to experience. We then find that our choice becomes where we focus. What we focus on in our lives then becomes the place our energy goes. Our consciousness is divided into seven layers of consciousness within us, one at each chakra. As many people know, each chakra holds an energetic theme for us to work through, the whole of which works towards our evolution. Our first chakra is at our root, which holds the energy of safety and security. Holding a safe and secure place in life, means that we know we won't be hurt and that we have our basic needs met. A couple inches below our belly button is our second chakra, the pleasure chakra. This chakra holds our creativity and our ability to experience pleasure in all forms. Holding creativity and pleasure allow us to not only have experiences, but to have meaningful, joyful and fulfilling experiences. The third chakra, a couple inches above our belly button, is our personal power chakra. This chakra holds our ability to have personal power in our lives. Power in this sense means the ability to take the actions in life that we need to take in order to care for ourselves and our lives. Our fourth chakra is at our heart and holds our ability to connect and to love. This chakra determines how well we can open to and connect with people, nature and even our Source. Our ability to express or communicate with people in our lives resides at our throat chakra, at the nape of our neck. Right at our brow and a bit above is our insight chakra, which is about our ability to see into the true nature of something as opposed to only taking things at their face value. Our last chakra, our crown chakra, is located just above the top of our head, and it holds our divinity. This chakra determines how much divine connection we do or do not allow, feel and experience in our lives. The Infinite Field Magazine

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Everyone has a chakra that needs to come into greater balance. For example, if a person’s root chakra is out of balance then they will experience problems that pertain to safety and security in their lives. A chakra out of balance means that the chakra is not in alignment to Source flow, which has no lack of safety or security. Another way of saying this is that the flow of our Source Energy, which is the magic that is our vital life force, is not flowing evenly and smoothly through our chakra. Like water entering a tunnel at an angle, only part of that Source flow is making it into our tunnel and flowing through us. The rest is spilling out. When we are born we are fully connected to our Source Energy, which most of us see or sense in the presence of a newborn. We often exclaim that an infant is still bringing through divine energy. It is only through the living of life and a series of experiences that initiate us into the density of everyday life that we are emotionally and energetically wounded, such that aspects of us fall out of our flow. These parts of our consciousness that fall out of our flow then attract experiences to us that are, generally speaking, characterized by pain and suffering. Simply put, any part of us, namely of our energy, that is outside our own Source’s flow experiences energies of separation. In the Flow state, or in our Golden Flow™, we are in alignment at our chakras and consciousness. We experience the love and the light of the higher vibrating energies of our divinity, or our Source Energy. In this state we can’t help but return to our natural, authentic being which experiences the energies of our Source, energies of endless abundance,


love, joy and so on. In other words, our Flow state is the place where we are working with our Source Energy our universal flow so that we are being taken by the current of life toward the fulfillment of our dreams. We are in a place of connection with our Source or the universe and we feel as though we are a significant part of life and the universe. More and more people are remembering and awakening to the fact that a life riddled with problems or pain is not authentic, nor is it what we are meant to experience. People are coming to realize that they need to get themselves into the flow, that place in life where things work out for us, where our lives are harmonious and where life is at we know it is meant to be. More and more books, movies, music and even internet sites, such as Facebook, hold content of a more spiritual nature. In my work as a spiritual coach, I have found that people are more welcoming of nontraditional ideas and concepts such as energy and the Law of Attraction. People are welcoming a change in the way they perceive life that puts them into a Flow state of seeking this. As people become comfortable with a more spiritually-oriented life, they also become more comfortable with allowing their lives to be touched, influenced and shifted by the magic of their Source Energy and their lives. In this place, it becomes easier for them to be welcoming of the whole of their experience, allowing both the good and the bad of their day to exist. This is all it takes to get yourself into the Flow state: whereas people used to be very uncomfortable and non-allowing of problems, dysfunction and mistakes they also used to have a difficult time getting into their flow.

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Decide that life is just a series of experiences and that your Source Energy is always with you, helping you find the life you dream of. In this place recognize that every experience in life is just an experience and allow the whole of your life. Allow yourself to welcome every part of your day including your dreams and your fears. When we allow the presence of our experience, then our Source Energy, which has always been with us, flows all our experiences away, reclaiming the energy. Our Source then replaces that energy with a higher-vibrating energy that is more aligned to who we prefer to be and we experience more Flow state in our lives, more magic and more that we could have imagined. When our consciousness is thus aligned to our own divinity in our Flow state we find the place where we are Who we have always wanted to be and Who we truly are, in addition to finding the fulfillment of our dreams.

Kalyn B Raphael is a Spiritual Life Coach, Co-founder of the Golden Flow™ System, a published author and channels The Oracle ( Kalyn has worked with people for nearly ten years helping them significantly improve their lives in accordance to universal laws through classes, seminars and on journeys.

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Guided Meditations: 10:30am Sunday Services: 11:00am 5420 Kimmerly Glen Lane Charlotte, NC 28215 704.393.5157

Welcome to C.O.L.O.R.S.! We honor your path on your spiritual journey. We offer love, support, fellowship and affirmative prayer (Spiritual Mind Treatment).

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The Center for Spiritual Living, C.O.LO.R.S., is a member of International Centers for Spiritual Living and we recognize that all there is, is God. We understand that our beliefs out-picture as people, places and events in our lives. We have the ability to examine our belief system and come to a clearer understanding of the truth and  operating from this greater truth change our lives. We know that we are always supported, connected and guided by our source, God. We are always supported and guided to our greater good.

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The Renford Books FREE – Investigate and see for yourself the most comprehensive book series available on the Universal Laws that are in affect in our lives. Down load the free E-book, The Searcher’s Road Map and view the synopsis of each book in the IAMPress Bookstore.

Be Mindful Of Your Non-problems by Dennis Merritt Jones

"When we have a toothache, we know that not having a toothache is happiness. But later, when we don't have a toothache, we don't treasure our non-toothache. Practicing mindfulness helps us learn to appreciate the well-being that is already there." - Thich Nhat Hanh

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Isn’t it amazing how often we don’t take time to truly appreciate something until we no longer have it? We get complacent and slip into a “take life for granted” mode. This happens many times in relationships and often with our material status, but even more so with our physical well-being. It seems we get so caught up with the “doing life” that we forget to stop and breathe into the moment and simply take stock of how good it is to be alive. When we are caught up in the “doing” of daily life, often the only thing that gets our focus of attention are those things that appear to impede our forward movement toward whatever goal or agenda we have set for ourselves – this impediment is sometimes referred to as pain. In the process, we overlook or simply forget about the incredible blessings life is bestowing upon us in every sacred second. In challenging times such as these, it is easy to get sucked into obsessing on what’s wrong with our lives. Perhaps today would be the perfect day to take some time out to focus on what’s right and good about our lives. Practicing mindfulness around some of the things that you believe make your life a life worth living is a great place to begin. For starters, begin with your body. When was the last time you appreciated your heart and liver for the great job they do at keeping you alive? How about your feet and toes? (Did you know you would fall flat on your face without your toes?) How about your eyes and teeth? Then move on and contemplate, just for a moment, the relationships you have with your partner, family and friends that give deep meaning to your existence. Would this be a good day to call someone you love and tell them so? How about the roof over your head; do you ever take your home for granted? This list could go on and on, yes? As a mindfulness practice, consider taking five minutes and think about some of the "nonproblems" you have in your life. Compare those to the challenges you may be facing. I will wager that the non-problems by far outweigh the challenges. Now, give thanks that this is so and make a commitment to be more mindful of how good life really is in this moment, knowing that every moment is a precious gift, never to be taken for granted. With this awareness we begin to see there is no end to the well-being that we can be mindful of when we take time to be present. Don’t wait until you have a toothache to be appreciative of how good a “nontoothache” feels. Don’t wait until your co-worker has gone home to say, “good job.” Don’t wait until a loved one is no longer there, to say “I love you.” Don’t wait until you have the time to be mindful. Every moment is the time. Peace, Dennis

Dennis is a universal speaker who is equally comfortable speaking to an audience seeking spiritual inspiration or to those seeking a purely secular motivational message that moves people toward specific goals and fulfillment of their desires. He has a deep understanding of universal principles and draws on wisdom from both eastern and western philosophies. For more information, please contact [email protected].

Be Here, Now Part III by Doreen Sweeting, MD Over the past two months we have looked at, “ THE HOW,” as in how you came to be where you are.  And, “THE WHAT,” as in what are you doing to keep yourself there. Many of our traditions of psychological treatment and self examination ask you to focus on all those things outside of yourselves that got you into your current state of unhappiness. Once you delineate all of your traumatic experiences, you get to examine all of the things that you have done to perpetuate your unhappiness. These processes may take months or even years. I hope that, after reading the last two sections, you have let you off the hook with respect to having to remain in the limbo of ruminating over all of the things that, up until now, were wrong. I am assuming that you are ready for a change. You want to create a new experience for yourself. In fact, you want to recreate yourself and your life. And that is why, “THE WHERE,” is important. THE WHERE,” is a three part entity.  The first part of "THE WHERE," is defining  where you are right now. The second part is deciding where you want to be.

The third and most important part of, "THE WHERE, " is figuring out where are you in all of this. Let's take each part one at a time. Where are you now? Write down what you think about your current set of circumstances. How do you feel about yourself and your life? Describe yourself to yourself. You must be brutally honest with yourself. I know that it probably isn't going to be pretty, but remember, the basic rule of navigation is to, first, find yourself

on the map. Don't judge yourself for what you are about to reveal to yourself. If you are honest it will probably be harsh, but it is important to realize how harshly you treat yourself. That will be the first thing that you will navigate yourself away from. Okay! Do you think that you are stupid? Are you fat? How about poor?Are you ugly? Are you lost? How about rudderless and confused? Or are you an addict?

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Now, set that aside and write down your honest thoughts and feelings about where you want to be. Go crazy here.

Re-framing and refocusing will allow you to take a giant step from where you are to where you want to be.

Assume that anything is possible and describe your new self to yourself. How do you feel everyday? What do you do now that you are where you want to be? Who and what do you have in your life? Remember, ignore the laws of physics. Do not be realistic, be honest!

If your constant thought is," I am fat," re-frame it. I am now in a state of being____ lbs. That is all. No judgement. Just the facts.

Got it. Great! Now, for the third part of "THE WHERE." Now, where are you in all of this? Did you find it difficult to admit your feelings of self loathing. Did you have trouble imagining yourself in a better place? These are very common problems. Often we find ourselves in a sea of discontent. With our most prominent and habitual thoughts locked into how much we suck, how much our lives suck, and how stuck we feel. You are in there. You do know what you want. You wouldn't be unhappy where you are if you didn't feel that it was somehow wrong for you to be there.  So, connect the dots between where you have established that you are and where you want to be. But do it in a kind and gentle way. Reframe and refocus.

Now, refocus. This is my starting point. This is where I am today. I am now moving toward my goal of___lbs. Ah! Doesn't that feel better? The refocus statement should feel good. It is a healthy, happy truth about you. It indicates that you have set a positive goal for yourself fully aware that you can reach it. If your constant though is, “I am an addict,” RE-FRAME. Change your thought pattern. Remind yourself that, up until now,  you have been in a state of being magnetized to a person, place, or thing that is about to be eliminated from your life. You are free, ready willing and able to change. You now choose change.

  Absolutely yes! Well, if the thing that you desire has ever happened, it exists in the realm of human experience. That means it is possible. It can happen and you, being human, can make it happen for yourself. In fact, so much more is possible. But first things first. You have packed your baggage. ‘The HOW” and “The What” are the baggage that you are leaving behind. You have discovered the WHERE. You have found yourself on the map and your destination is set. Now, get on the train and enjoy the trip.  Document your success and the success of others. Let each victory serve as a reminder of your human potential. And don't forget to take pictures. I'd love to see them! Email your pictures (before & after) and a short bio about yourself and your healthy accomplishments to [email protected].

Are you feeling stupid, lonely, poor?  Rewrite it! Has anyone in history of the world educated themselves beyond expectation. Has anyone lost weight and kept it off, or quit smoking or drinking and remained smoke free or sober? 

Dr. Doreen Sweeting is currently working on her new book Musings of a Medical Mystic. She is the founder of Psychosomatic Wellness Intuitive Life Coaching. Doreen is a medical doctor with a specialty in Internal Medicine and Acupuncture. She has studied in the United States, Asia and India. She is also a medical intuitive and energy healer. Consultations are in person, by Skype and by telephone. Visit Doreen at www.GOD-AS-ART.COM

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Beginning from the end may seem to be the most logical approach to living with grace and ease. The end can translate as our desired outcome. Imagining our ideal situation of our future to the point where we feel present in that moment puts us in a state of already having achieved our goal. This feels good to us and a sense of intense joy arises. What we may realize is that we feel very grateful to have arrived at our goal. So here we are within our imagination in a state of gratitude where we are in resonance of receiving or having received our desired outcome and we ask ourselves, “How did I get here?” or “I choose to remember the first steps I took to arrive here now at my desired outcome.” Then trusting or truly having faith with the first things we feel inspired to do and continuously act on those inspirations until we meet face to face what we have already created through our imagination. Essentially, we are remembering how we arrived at what we have already created and giving thanks along our way as all our interactions and experiences are contributing to our reality.

An important point to keep in mind is to be in resonance with our desired outcome so that we do attract and interact and can trust those experiences with gratitude and be thankful to all which unfold along our path to our once imagined destination. As all our thoughts, feelings, writings, spoken words, and actions are energy I choose to live in a way which increases my conductivity to my created and chosen energy. Thinking through how energy travels and is affected by the integrity or quality of a particular instrument we can choose to craft ourselves in the same way. By this I am saying, we can essentially be a fine tuned instrument where the music of life harmonizes inside and outside of us. How do we become more conductive to the electrical energetics of our creations or what increases our bioelectrical integrity? We can choose to give consideration to our nutrition and eating style by looking at the amount of pure water we are drinking and whether the foods we eat are in their natural state and rich in minerals such as dense greens like arugula and basil, sea veggies like nori & dulse and a high quality salt. This is why

living primarily on nutrient dense, calorically sparse super foods such as chia seeds, hemp seeds, bee pollen, gojis, & cacao are so appealing. In comparison to a body constantly being numbed down by never ending digestion of empty foods and dehydration, we can live truly hydrated and nourished to a degree where our body literally becomes this clean and well crafted instrument where our thoughts, intentions, and actions are the notes or chords being played in harmony and resonating throughout the universe with great clarity. Simply, we can make a choice to begin everything from a state of gratitude born from our imagined desired outcome and be in resonance with that along the way through our actions. With every experience along the way, being grateful is truly holding an appreciation for every moment as they are all collectively contributing to what we have imagined and what we are creating. Enjoy Everyday, ~ Ben

Ben Child is a Raw, Vegan Chef focusing his energies as Team Lead of True Life Synergy to assist people bringing their health upscale through healthy education and supplying Pristine Quality Super Foods. If you feel inspired to learn more please visit

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SOMETHING TO PONDER Recently, while walking my normal path in the park, I decided to sit down and people watch. So I sat on a bench and just took in the scenery. I noticed a little 3 year old boy running with his mom, and he did not appear to be tiring like mom was. I noticed the many people on bikes and those walking with their dogs. Then I noticed that people kept walking behind me. After about 5 or so people zoomed by me, I stopped one woman and asked where that path led to. She told me that it led to a different part of the park and that this was one of the many ways to get there. So I debated going down this new path. A few minutes more of people watching and I decided to take the path and to see where it led. As I began up the path, it looked very promising. There were the same type of trees along this path as the one I was familiar with. I continued up the paved path and was greeted by the long limbs of the tree that brushed by my face. After a short while I came to an opening and I could see more of the same kind of monuments that represented those who fought many years ago on the very land I was walking. It all seemed safe so I continued. I went over to the monument and took note of the names and dates of those who’d been here before me. Now, I had to decide to go left or right. The Infinite Field Magazine

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Truth is: I could not see beyond a certain point either way. I thought about it a little more and decided to go right. As I walked to the right, I noticed a graveyard over to my left. Maybe this was a sign, so, I went over and checked it out. After a quick minute, I made note that this is the final resting place for loved ones and so I decided to follow the arrows and went the opposite way. Now, I’m on the right path. At least I hope I am. As I continued down the path, I realized that nothing was familiar to me. I saw people I did not know, more monuments, more paths yet nothing was familiar. All I knew was that this path led to somewhere and that I needed to continue down it to find my way to where ever I was going. The more I walked the more I really noticed that I had never been on this path before. I had walked at this park for more than 15 years and never had I been here. I had always kept to the same path because it was familiar. Today, I decided to venture out and step onto an unfamiliar path and now I did not know where I was. Instead of panicking, I just put one foot in front of the other and kept moving forward. As I continued forward, I sent up a prayer to God asking that I not be too far off the path. I hoped that I did not have to go all the way back to where I started to know where I am. Instead of worrying about where I was, I began to take notice of the rocks, the trees, the people, and other gifts of nature. Then I thought about the prayer I had just sent up. Can I ever be too far off the path not to make it back? Of course not, I thought. Any ‘detour’ that I make is actually part of my journey. It may not be the easiest or shortest way to get to my destination at times, yet it is a part of my path. Shortly after this thought, I saw the sign. It read, "Country Park This Way!"

Ah, ha. I wasn’t lost. I was just on a different path than most and it still took me to where I desired to be. It may have taken me a bit longer and it certainly looked different, yet I ended up right where I wanted to be. I returned to my familiar course with a new vigor and actually began to jog instead of just walk. I'd discovered that no matter how lost I thought I was, I was always right where I needed to be and doing what was required of me. I realized that it is okay to take a less traveled path because it will still allow me get to my destination, and possibly with more zeal. Traveling a new path gave me a new perspective. As I walked this new path I saw many things that I had not previously seen by taking the same path, over and over again. Now I was able to see more monuments, different types of trees and birds, and get a clearer view of where I really am.....on a different road headed to my desired end. All these things came to me by just taking a different path. How many times in life have you not gone down a path because it was unfamiliar? How many times have you not taken the road less traveled because you did not know where it would lead? Just something to ponder.


Rhonda Jones is the assistant editor/contributor acquisitions for The Infinite Field Magazine. She is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, where she earned a degree in Media Studies. She is graduate of the Inner Visions Institute of Spiritual Development, Rhonda can be reached at [email protected].

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GRATEFUL TWEENS & TEENS Gratitude is a good thing to have because it shows you have manners. One of the most common ways we use gratitude is to say 'Thank You' when someone gives you something or something good happens to you. Gratitude can also be used even if you do not want something that someone gives you. You can just simply say 'No thank you' or take whatever is being given to you and still be grateful. As kids, we forget about some of the many things that we have like food, parents, friends, clothes, and the many other things that we take for granted. The word that we need to remember is gratitude. We need to be grateful for what we have.  A lot of kids don’t have as much as you do. So you should be grateful for that too, and don’t pout about what you don’t have. Instead be grateful about what you do have and try sharing what you have with someone else. The best way to have gratitude is to show it.  The more you show it the happier you feel.  The happier you feel, the more stuff you get.  The best gift is the gift that you give to yourself and to others because when you smile and say 'Thank you' that's the best gift of all. by Evan Craft

(click to here to see gratitude by Evan)

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AMBIENCE by Lisa Gutowski

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Ambient sound is all around us. The word ambient is derived from the Latin ambire- to go around. In English, it means all encompassing, existing or present on all sides. We move through it in our daily lives, sleep with it in our dreams, there is not a place on planet Earth that is absolutely quiet. The music of life fills the spaces that move beyond what our conscious mind can hear. Ambient sound is all around us, and until we actually stop and focus our attention on it, it moves silently under our awareness radar. Our brain only processes a miniscule amount of noise, what we choose to hear and that which is needed to survive. Stop what you are doing right now, how much can you hear? The neighbors garage door shutting, an airplane or two overhead, a faraway dog greeting a passer by? That level of low ambient sound is obvious, available to anyone who turns their ear into it. A more insidious noise level, one that even if we turn our focus to it we cannot hear, is the sound of electronics in the home, electricity running through cables outside or under our feet, and sound vibrations from space which pelt us daily. In order for us as humans on a noise polluted planet to thrive, we must filter what we hear, tucking away what may be useful later, and completely disregarding that which our brain deems as trivial. This uses a lot of physical energy, diverting the energy we could be using to keep our body at optimal health away. Ambient sound has been proven by scientific research to be a major factor in stress related illnesses. Chronic levels of noise drains the body’s immune system by keeping the Fight/Flight/Flee response on high alert. A car alarm creates a distress response in your body without your conscious awareness, dumping acidic adrenalin into your bloodstream. Pedestrians having a heated debate, which you in some way attach to for the briefest of moments, causes your emotions to create stress chemicals as if you were in the conversation. The sound of sirens triggers memories of a car accident, returning familiar neurochemicals in your brain to free float throughout your body. We can’t help it; it is simply what we are programmed to do. Ten million people have some form of hearing loss due to “toxic noise” in the workplace. The Mayo Clinic has discovered a link between low level noise and Alzheimer’s disease. There are many people who cannot sleep unless their television is on in their bedroom, bringing sleep deprivation. Until we advance as a civilization to dampen the noise, our only other option is to live on the moon! Is it no wonder the quiet stillness of meditation unnerves some people? The utter unfamiliarity of soundlessness wholly overwhelms the unpracticed mind. Bodies, used to having a level of high alert homeostasis, are addicted to the chemicals. Like addicts, our bodies seek to reestablish the disabling imbalance, running to our adrenal dealers for the next fix. The Law of Attraction brings the needed chaos, and the cycle is reinforced. The only cure for noise obsession is retraining your body mind and emotions to crave the silence. The very best method for this is meditation.

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A friend, who was a heavy smoker, quit smoking in a way I’d never heard of before. She didn’t buy patches, pills, or gum. Acupuncture and hypnosis were beyond her scope of acceptance. For one week, she smoked normally, writing the exact time when her craving for a cigarette began, and when she smoked. The following week, when her craving appeared, she purposefully waited 2 minutes before she smoked. With each cigarette, she waited. The following week, she added 5 minutes, the week after that another 5 minutes, and every week adding that little 5 minute increment. Eventually, since there are only so many hours in a day, and only so many of those hours we spend awake (can’t smoke when you are asleep!), she cut her cigarette use, whittling it down to nothing.

In this shifting time, nearing the end of one age, gearing up for the birth of the next, an incredible point of contact between our awareness and source has been emerging in those who are conscious to hear. The Language of Light, the brilliant flash that gives instantaneous understanding, is beaming into consciousness. All light carries information, of frequency and vibration, which has the power to change what it contacts. The sun can trigger the chemicals of melatonin in the skin to release so pigment becomes darker, fiber optic cables carry light codes through hair thin wires for clear communication, our pineal gland must have light for our wake/sleep cycles to function properly. Light is not an option for humans, it is a life source full of information.

Using this same principle, we can maneuver our homeostatic point (the place where we feel most comfortable in our body, for good or dysfunction) up a few notches every time we sit in meditative practice. Getting a nice fit on a cushion for a 5 minute sit is a beginning. If that is the only thing you can do for a week or a month, so be it. Add a minute here and there, working your way up to a comfortable time. Allow your mind to befriend the silence, let peace creep up on it slowly. Practicing your “shut ups” gives more control over the “monkey mind”, and through the Law of Attraction, serenity will be what you experience more of in your daily life.

The Light Language, though not directly translatable, downloads knowing from source in such a direct way that we know but can’t explain in words how we know what we know. So, the choice is simply this- to be controlled by your environment, creating a disease process which lessons life quality, or to control your internal environment, creating a space for regenerative healing. The choice, as always, is yours.

In the stillness, behind the ambient noise, past the ticker tape thought parade, is our one true self. Connecting to this place where spirit dwells, even for the briefest of moments, brings a healing that can only be found within. Once our inner voice is recognized, accepted and internalized, an even more profound inner hearing occurs. This voice is one of source connection, hearing soul to soul from the creative spark that enlivens every cell in you. It is here that inner wisdom is given, received and integrated for a life changed.

Lisa Marie Gutowski’s teaching, lectures and workshops have helped raise the consciousness and bring heart centered healing to thousands of people. As a direct conscious channel for the Beings of Light, Lisa Marie has brought forth information that has helped mankind evolve to it’s full potential. Lisa Marie’s first book, Beyond TechniquesThe 2012 Shift, Evolving From Lightworker to Light (ISBN 978-0-595-49853-6) can be discovered at iUniverse, Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

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You may contact her at [email protected],

“ I F ” T H E W O N D RO U S P OW E R O F G R AT I T U D E B Y



ave you ever wondered: What is gratitude? Have you ever thought that perhaps there was more to gratitude than meets the eye and certainly more to gratitude than what we’ve been told in traditional settings or even in our popular culture? While I was searching for this answer early one morning (around 2 a.m.), I ran across Stacey Robyn on Stacey Robyn is an author, speaker, Light Coach, and co-creator and steward of which is a global service organization dedicated to empowering Wisdom, Oneness and a Great*Full Heart.


Following my natural curiosity, I clicked on Stacey’s link to her website and found myself reading these words: “Imagine ~ within you lies an infinite source of possibilities - rippling to create waves of intentioned time with each breath, blink, thought and emotion. This is our sacred space to re-member our Divine nature ... to flow beyond our imagined Selves into a life of waking Dreams." ~Stacey Robyn

Knowing I was at the right place at the right time to begin my journey into Gratitude and that I had indeed found the perfect teacher, at that moment, like no other before, I became an intense student of gratitude. My new commitment lead me to throw away all I thought I knew about gratitude and to submit myself as an empty vessel for Spirit to teach me. As I released myself into a “mindful state” of meditation and sacred prayer, I felt compelled to request an interview with Stacey Robyn and she graciously accepted. One of the most important things that I came to learn from Stacey Robyn is that the symbol of gratitude is extremely important and beautifully complex because within it is the very symbol of all things. It is the Alpha and Omega from which all things emanate. If you pay close attention to the world around you, you will see the symbol of gratitude over and over again unfolding beautifully before your eyes and calling you to participate in this sacred journey. For example, if you open any plant such as a rose or watch water spiral down your sink, you will see this wonderful

Images by Robert Donaghey and Tammi Baliszewski.

symbol unfold. (To see the symbols of gratitude: Click here to watch the Master Key video or here to watch the Master Key video on YouTube for more on the symbol of Gratitude.) Early in Stacey’s adult life and shortly after becoming a mother, she learned that she had to go inside to find her truth. As a mother of 3 children, she desired to create a loving, creative, and purely nurturing environment for her children that was quite different from her own chaotic experience as a child. To do that she connected with her Aunt DeVie who became a divine “mother” and guide for her. Stacey would meet with her aunt one day a week while her children were in school. For one hour a week, her Aunt shared with her information about the divine feminine and the divine goddess; thus, beginning Stacey’s journey into Spirit which ultimately transformed her life.

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Stacey’s story reminds me of a quote from The Wingmakers: “Establishing a relationship with the universe through the outflow of Gratitude also attracts life experience that is trans formative – experience that is richly devoted to uncovering life’s deepest meaning and most formative purpose.” The Wingmakers Synolve: One of the things that is clear and evident from hearing your story is that we each have the opportunity to create our own reality. Stacey: Yes, we really are creating our own reality. [Once we understand this] Then we can use the secret to live the life of our dreams. And when I say live the life of your dreams, I mean it really is the experience of being alive where we are totally present and totally in the moment and witnessing the majesty of creation right before our very eyes. Synolve: That has been my experience as I’ve watched The Infinite Field Magazine and other miracles in my life manifest before my very eyes. It has taught me to not look for a “savior” outside myself, but to hear the messages from within. Stacey: As long as we have anyone that we put above ourselves in this kind of “guru” state, we live in the illusion of separation that “they” have something that we do not. Each of us lives in the infinite field. We all live here. It’s just about how awakened we are to this infinite field. By being open to the small miracles that occur each day and we’re not looking for the “big miracle” or the “big teacher to come along, we fully accelerate our evolution, our growth, our level of self-love because we’re open to that grocery cashier who might appear in that moment. Synolve: So that’s really recognizing our own divinity? Stacey: Yes, the Mayan’s have a really great term for this called InLakesh and it translates into “I am another you.” When we see each other thru those eyes: that I am you and You are me and we are one throughout all infinity, then all of a sudden [we realize] why would we speak ill of our brother? Why would we wage war against our brother? Why would seek to do anything else, but to love and edify each other because we realize that we are one? The Infinite Field Magazine

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Synolve: Mmmmmm, InLakesh. I will definitely have to research more about this.

Synolve: Ohhh, Stacey...I had never thought of it that way. It also speaks to the possibilities. What IF? What IF your world could be different? What IF your life could change? IF you could have. Thank you for sharing this. I love you...

translate Manna it means “what then is it?” It’s choice...meaning what shall it be this day? It is truly a gift from God. Studies have shown that manna, beyond what the Hebrews ate, is a substance that is secreted from our brain when our heart and mind are connected and in resonance with one another. Glands in the brain seek to produce an alchemical reaction that drains down from the brain to feed our bodies. This is known as Manna. It is known as philosopher’s stone, the elixir of life, and the food of the gods. And interestingly enough, it connects the heart and the mind. When the heart and mind are connected, then we really are living in the infinite field and pure choice because we are awake to the wisdom of love.

Stacey: Awww...(chuckle) It opens up all those doors of possibilities. What greater gift can any of us really receive than to have this awakening that: Yes, there are rules, but they are just guidelines and you always have choice. So what IF? What IF?

Synolve: Stacey, you explain this so beautifully. Yes, I have certainly experienced these amazing times in my life where "all things are possible." But I have never fully understood the theory beyond the “magic.”

Synolve: Stacey, there have been times in my life, like this morning during my meditation and prayer time, when I knew that God was speaking to me and saying “Cast your bread upon the water.” Meaning, ask me what you will and it shall be done for you or Ask and you shall receive. But I’ve never really understood this fully and often wondered if I could recreate this experience time and time again.

Stacey: I sense that you are vibrationally aligned to your goals and intentions. When we are vibrationally aligned with the energies of creation and the more deeply aligned we are - and my sense is that the deeper our self-love - then the more powerful our faith. In our faith the mind lets go of how, and works like a lever. The faith becomes a lever for the power of love, and in that power “all things are possible.”

Stacey: Also Synolve, as I look at The Infinite Field, what I really see is The “IF” which is the acronym for infinite field. The “IF” is really all about choice. It’s remembering we live in a realm of creation, and we live on a planet that is all about free will.

Stacey: Do you remember the story in the Bible of the Hebrews being lead out of Egypt and being fed manna which fell from heaven? Manna created no waste and it was there in the morning. When you

Synolve: So how important are symbols, specifically the symbol of gratitude to our experience as creators of our own reality?

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Stacey: Well, it’s really Sacred Geometry --- To give you a little background, my work with the symbol of gratitude came about thru Masaru Emoto’s (author of The Hidden Messages in Water) work with water crystals and thoughts changing the structure of water. I was really fascinated with our thoughts having an effect on water. This lead me to the symbol realm because when you look at crystals, you can see all these patterns such as squares and hexagons, etc. Masaru says, “Love and gratitude is the most beautiful symbol of all of the water crystals.” So then I asked, ‘What is the symbol of gratitude?’ This all took me down a really unique path. Synolve: Why are symbols so important? Why do they [symbols] have such a strong impact on the human psyche? Stacey: Symbols bypass the mental duplicity. We’ve got the right and the left brain and they have a bridge called the corpus callosum which separates these two sides. But they [two parts of the brain] are still inherently polarized. Whenever we are seeking simply from the mind, we are coming from a place of duality. When we use symbols, they bypass that consciousness and move into the super-consciousness. We then work and move into the realm of Spirit and to the realm of the geometries that create matter. Synolve: Now, that’s powerful. But how do I connect this with the miracles that happen in my life or to miracles like Moses and the Children of Israel. Stacey: So when Moses parted the Red Sea, he didn’t need to know how he was going to do this, he was just vibrationally aligned to it [parting the sea]. That’s what symbols help us do...that’s what sacred geometry helps us do, it helps us to move past the “how.” We can then see the perfection of the formation. This helps our bodies and our total being-ness to become in vibrational alignment with the perfection of that form. And when we are in that alignment, we have all of the power [to manifest and to create]. Just like a lever has the power to lift the heavens, so does the power of our thought have the power to manifest our reality and manifest our intent. Synolve: Tell me more about the symbol of Gratitude. What is it? And what does it mean?

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INFINITE FIELD MAGAZINE Exploring the infinite field of possibilities that lies in each of us...

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Stacey In-Depth: For gratitude, there is one symbol and there is a formula for that symbol. The symbol itself is built out of three basic shapes that then create every angle in creation. It [symbol of gratitude] is built out of an egg that’s at the center, then there’s a spiral that moves out and flows out, and there is a circle. When you put all three of those together, it is like connecting the Alpha and the Omega. The Alpha being the egg, the spiral being the journey of life, and the circle being the completion - the Omega. In this simple symbol, there is majesty because it awakens in our consciousness to the great full-ness of life from beginning to end. All of the beauty is contained in one [symbol of gratitude]. What is really interesting about the symbol of gratitude is that it is the essence of the constructs of life. If you look at water going drain, flowing down the drain making its little vortex, there’s the hole in the center, then there’s the spiral around it, and there’s the circle that’s around the edge of it. When you look at tree rings, they [tree rings] grow out one by one by one. There’s always the center, there’s the part that’s telescoping out, and then there’s the “perfect circle.” If you look at a flower bud from the very top that’s closed up, there’s the hole that enters the center, there’s the part that spirals around and there’s the circle. The gratitude [symbol] mirrors earth wisdom which is designed for the continuance of life. Earth wisdom is necessary and important to the continuance of life. This is really really important. The natural order of life is for the continuance. When you plant a seed, contained within that seed is the “program” for the roots, the tree, the leaves, and the next generation to infinity. Contained within that seed is the infinite field. When you use the symbol of gratitude, then that is also in resonance [vibrational harmony] with what a seed is. Gratitude is appreciation and growth. For example, when you talk about money and you invest it, it appreciates: it grows and it multiplies. This is what gratitude does with our multiplies multiplies the energy associated with our thoughts. A seed embodies the energy of gratitude because it multiplies and it supports the continuance of life. This symbol, in essence, brings us home and reconnects us to the earth that energy of the continuance of life and overcomes the illusion of separation of life that has afflicted humanity. It awakens us to oneness of life. It awakens us to a reverence for life. In that reverence for life, we see the beauty in all all people, rather than ignoring all of the challenges that are meant to grow us and make us stronger.

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Thoughts from Synolve: I am certainly still learning so much about the symbol of gratitude and the magic of life from my time with Stacey Robyn. Not only did she share with me the importance of Gratitude in a unique and multidimensional way that I have never heard before, she opened my eyes to the infinite field and the possibilities of “IF”. Stacey Robyn is an amazing teacher of gratitude. She has opened my eyes to the knowledge of the ancient esoteric wisdom of gratitude, and for that I AM truly grateful. I know now that the anatomy of gratitude is so much more than a simple 'Thank You," but rather a journey into the power of self and the infinite power of the universe and Spirit. Thank you all for joining me on this journey. May you all find the joy of creating as you open and release yourself into the wondrous power of gratitude and the infinite field. Infinitely Yours,

Synolve Stacey Robyn is co-creator and steward of Go Gratitude, a global service organization dedicated to empowering Wisdom, Oneness and a Great*Full Heart. Stacey is also a published author, speaker, workshop facilitator and spiritual Light Coach teaching the art of making change from the inside out. Stacey currently lives with her sweetheart/soulmate, Ken Herbert, in the Pacific NW and together they are dreaming a healed world into being. To learn more about Stacey Robyn visit: or The Infinite Field Magazine

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GO GRATITUDE Gratitude Exercise  By Stacey Robyn Here is an amazingly simple, powerfully effective process that, when applied with intent, will create a state of Peace, Grace, and Openness within every moment. This Process is based on Dr. Emoto's formula of two parts Gratitude and one part Love. It is a powerful tool I personally use to gracefully move through moments of growth, change or choice.

Ready? Ok, here goes: Imagine resistance is signaling a course correction. Now: 1. Give Thanks 2. Ask Love 3. Go Gratitude Perhaps this sounds too simple? This is the beauty of the process, and why it is so easy to use on a daily basis. Let's quickly explore the finer points of this process.

Step one: Give Thanks By acknowledging the moment is a gift, The Present, and is designed by YOU as an opportunity to learn, release, and re-center, you are opening an opportunity to return to the heart of the matter. A short mantra may be: 'I AM thankful for NOW.' Step Two: Ask Love Go to your heart, allowing each and every cell within your body to radiate Love while simultaneously asking 'What is my message? What is the gift Now brings to me? What habit/belief/fear am I ready to release gaining insight, wisdom, and direction? A short mantra may be: 'I AM Love's Messenger.' Step Three: Go Gratitude As you are now aware of patterns creating resistance in your life, you are prepared to tap into Gratitude as a guide for your next step. Using the wisdom Love has given you as a source to draw from, allow yourself to trust what your heart has shared and go forward in Gratitude. A short mantra may be: 'I AM waking Gratitude.' Now, you may be wondering 'How does this work?' Quite simply, you are building a bridge between your Heart-Mind . . . one that will continue to grow in strength, speed, and span as you make the journey between choice and effect, an event simply called NOW. As you use this technique it will quickly become a habit, then a Mastered Skill, and eventually a State of Being. By quickening your ability to listen, learn, and receive, you stand before all doors of possibility, as a living, breathing Master of Love and Gratitude. This three step process will quickly flow into a singular state of being, that of Peace. Beyond the physical bodily signals of resistance, there are other ways to roll through this process within the body. Let nature be your guide, as well as serendipitous events or even a simple Gratitude sticky note perfectly placed to bring you to NOW. As today rolls on you may find yourself confronted with the reality of war, whether it be across our lands, thundering in our homes or present in our hearts. Let us give thanks to know there is Peace - and that Peace begins with ME. As you begin to peacefully translate your heart's thoughts, wisdom and intuition, you will be keenly aware of the effects on your reality and of those around you. You draw inspiration from source and serve as an earthly messenger who willingly strives to be excellent in all communications of the heart, spirit, soul, mind and body. Within each of us is an innocent child, one who remembers every answer, who must forget what time has erased and let Love be the guide. Just for today - let us be the Peace we seek, by bridging heart to mind through Love and Gratitude. Thank you to each and every one of you for being a part of my waking dream. Go Gratitude! In Love and Gratitude,

Stacey Robyn

A great way to encourage positive energy flow within your chakras is to Chakracize. ChakraCizes guarantee an instant positive energy flow. Your chakras can be blocked, too open and unbalanced. Each chakra carries specific characteristics determined by their health. Learning to notice the characteristics associated with each chakra will provide you with the tools to heal. These tools are easy to do and can be tailored to your specific physical abilities. If you are unable to physically practice any of the chakracizes you can use visualization to obtain the same benefits. Visualization is very powerful and will also produce positive energy flow in your chakra system. I am excited to share some of the chakracizes with you. Let's ChakraCize!

ChakraCize Your Spirit

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Root Chakra The root chakra is the first of the seven chakras and is located at the base of the spine. The root chakra holds the survival and security energy. This is also where your childhood energy settles. When your root chakra is blocked you can suffer from low self esteem, living with a victim personality and acting self destructive. A root chakra that is too open has characteristics of being self centered, a bully mind set. When you have a balanced chakra you will be self confident with high self esteem to share with the world. The chakracize for the root chakra is the bridge pose. This chakracize will increase energy and circulation in your lower body as well as open the channels between your upper and lower chakras.

ChakraCize:  Root Chakra:  Bridge Pose Step 1: Lie your on back with arms at your side, palms facing the floor. Step 2: Take a deep breathe, bend knees and lift your buttocks off the floor. Keep your feet flat on the floor. Stay in this position as long as you are comfortable. Step 3: Lower yourself to the floor. Affirmation: “I am Connected to the Earth.” You can use positive affirmations to enhance the results of each chakracize. Repeat as needed! The fourth chakra is your heart chakra. The heart chakra is your essence of joy, carrying all your universal love. When the heart chakra is blocked you will experience a block of love. This includes a lack of love for yourself as well as others. When your heart chakra is too open you can be one who limits your love, offering conditional love to yourself and those in your life. With a balanced heart chakra you are able to love with pure intentions. There are no conditions or limits on giving and receiving love in your life.

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ChakraCize: Heart Chakra: “Sending My Love” The chakracize to encourage positive energy flow within your heart chakra is “Sending My Love.” This chakracize will give you a sense of emotional empowerment while releasing emotional wounds that are stored in your heart chakra. Step 1: Find a comfortable place to sit~ Where you feel connected to self. Step 2: Close your eyes and place your hands, one on top of the other, palms facing your chest over your heart chakra. Step 3: Visualize the most vibrant green light radiating within your heart chakra. Step 4: Now take pieces of this green light and start sharing them with people that you love~ Be generous and know that you have SO much love to give away, it will not ever run out. Step 5: Be sure to give a piece of that love to yourself as well. Once you are done giving take the time to appreciate being in the moment with so much love. Affirmation: “I love myself and others unconditionally” Your chakra system ends with the crown chakra at the top of your head. This chakra carries the energy of your spirituality, you connection with source. A blocked crown chakra results in lack of purpose and weak moral beliefs. When a crown chakra is too open, a being can feel spiritually overloaded, questioning all spirituality. A balanced crown chakra allows for a profound awakening or quantum moment. Since you are being so connected spiritually, that you are at your integrated best.

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ChakraCize: Crown Chakra: Headstand The chakracize for the crown chakra is the headstand. This chakracize will align your spinal column while encouraging mental clarity. Step 1: Get in headstand position- on all fours with palms flat. Step 2: Lift your body up with feet towards the ceiling. Affirmation: "I am one with Universal Love.”

Robin Marvel is an author, Empowerment and life positivity coach and motivational speaker for children and adults as well as the senior editor for Marvelous Spirit Press. Using tools from her “Awakening Consciousness” book series she is expanding creativity and self awareness in beings everywhere. Robin is Leading Out Loud as the owner of Marvelous Empowerment. Providing a variety of workshops to encourage empowerment in all ages. More information on Marvelous Empowerment can be found at, a website designed to strengthen your being while encouraging Universal Awareness. Check for upcoming lectures and workshops.

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Mosaic by Matthew Williamson

The winds were eating away at the remaining moisture in the earth. Sunshine was brilliant and made the days seem to sparkle. The People would need to dance soon to ask for more rain, to offer more tobacco and sing throughout the night for the Cloud People to send down the rains. In the hills the trees were talking quietly about Grandfather Wind and Grandfather Fire; in a few more days there would be fires if gentle rains did not fall before the coming storms. Lightning and thunder would bring fire to the hills if the gentle rains did not come first. The trees called out to the Cloud People, but no rains fell tonight. Down in the village the People thanked Grandmother Corn for the harvest as they ate their meals. They soon sat around in the star-lit night listening to the Storyteller talk about the Grasshopper People and the Fox. Deep in the night they all went to their beds to sleep before another day on the plains.

After their morning meals some gathered sticks from the hills, thanking the trees for offering fuel for the cooking fires. Some went to the riverbeds, looking for trapped fish in the receding waters. Others went further from the village to visit with the Spirits in the canyons, asking if the time was right for a Dance. They made small fires and burned sage, watching the smoke rise, listening to the Spirits' song on the wind. The Shaman went to the canyons, sat between the walls of the red stone and tapped a lone beat on his drum. Those few that had gone with him made a small fire, laid sage on the flames and watched the smoke rise, looking for the crows that would carry messages to the Spirit. "Hey heeeey ho ya ho ho-ya," he sang quietly. The canyons became a funnel for his song and the trees in the hills above sang with him, asking the Cloud People to send the rains soon.

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Above the darkness, sitting atop the clouds, where the sun and the moon and the stars always shone, was a small village that looked very much like the village down on the grasses below. The Cloud People set out each morning to tend to their chores. Collecting the wayward wisps of clouds that had broken free during the night and putting them back with the rest of the clouds. Moisture to moisture, life to life, intent to intent. The chief of the Cloud People sat in his small tent, smoke rising to the sun as he listened for the singing. Faintly, on the wind he could hear a lone man, singing his songs and then with him the chief heard the trees and the grasses as well. They were thirsty, a stream of tears began to flow from his eyes as he cried for those below. Now the chief's palms began to flow water too, as if fountains had sprung up from his hands, and his people began to dance.

The stars began to disappear one by one, clouds formed in the sky where none had been during the daylight hours and now the People could smell the coming rains. Life on the winds. In the hills the trees shook and rolled on the winds, ready to drink in the rains and thank Grandmother Water for Her gift. As the drops began to fall, the trees in the distance tasted it first. Cool, refreshing and clean. Like tasting youth, this energy in the form of water flowed into the leaves, bark and roots of the trees. Soon all of the plains were filled with the sounds of falling rain. The winds blew the rains toward the village and the dancers were covered in the drops of life. Flowing from the Cloud People to the People, the water came and refreshed the whole earth. That night two peoples were joined again.

Later that night as the Shaman and his party arrived back in the village the cook-fire blazed, a thick blue tobacco smoke was in the air. The Dance had begun with the setting sun and the whole village was alive with energy, asking that their brothers and sisters on the clouds would come to them this night, to visit them with rains.

Matthew Williamson happens to think a lot about matters of the Spirit. He is a writer and listener. Hologram Thoughts features his fiction and poetry & Chakra Retreat is where he muses about our energetic life. The Infinite Field Magazine

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The Creative Impulse and Meaning We were not designed to be anxious, harried, over-stimulated creatures. We have the equipment we need to be integrated, self-actualized, and serene. The equipment is our cognitive brain and the creative impulse. Since “time out of mind”, humans have created symbols. The earliest artifacts include everyday objects bearing symbolic markings, often invoking a deity associated with the activity for which the object was designed. Others were used in ritual, in teaching and creating cultural identity and continuity. A symbol recalls a narrative. The narrative leads to meaning. The symbol of mother and child recalls the narrative: a quickening of seed in warmth and moisture; the emergence of a vulnerable human tendril; a time of nurturing, growth, and learning; finally, the yielding of life to the process of rebirth. As with a kernel of corn, quickening in warmth and moisture, emergence of a tendril into light, a time of nourishment, growth and fruition, then life yields its bounty and the seed returns to earth. The symbol of the triskele used by the Celts, showing the unity of earth, water and sky. The narrative: within the cells of a plant, a molecule of mineral and water are conjoined and offered to light, light stimulates an electron, a chemical process begins and the result is the chemical basis of all life on Earth. I use the triskele in my own jewelry work; either on its' own, or portrayed as being within the circle of life. The sacred act of gratitude is, itself, part of a tri-form structure - the act of giving, the gift itself, and the response of the recipient. Each is necessary to the cycle, each is a form of its own; and they act synergistically to accelerate the flow of spiritual energy. So – place symbols in your life. Regard the symbol, recall the narrative, be led to the meaning. Over and over; the meaning will integrate itself into your awareness, and will be with you in all events. Each recurrence will help form mental habits, deepening the neural pathway you follow from object to remembered narrative to the sensation of holding meaning. Remind yourself of what you believe, bring it into your daily life, it will become part of all your thinking. We can be as we were meant to be, as we choose to be. By using the transforming powers of symbol and imagination, we transform our lives and transform our world. Let it be so... John The Infinite Field Magazine

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Perhaps when you were a kid, your parents, relatives, or teachers always encouraged you to try different activities and to do different things at school and in your community. Join the band, be a cheerleader, join the student council, sing in the church choir, or play sports were just a few suggestions. There was always something for you to participate in and plenty of options for you to express your gifts and talents. It was a time when many of us may have been thinking with a child-like attitude ‘don’t I have enough to do already’? Unfortunately, we didn’t take the time to look at it any other way. But as you look back over it now, what they [parents, relatives, and teachers] were doing was expanding you. They were training you to be able to expand your mental capacity to allow more great things to come into your life. Your business is really going good and you are ready to grow. Your life is really wonderful and you are ready for more. Are you? Are You Expandable? Did you know that God wants to bless you exceedingly and abundantly. Ephesians 3:20 says “ Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” God has promised blessings unto you. The blessings of the Lord are abundant and overflowing. However, God can only pour into you want you allow.

Are You Expandable? In order to maintain that successful business, you have to be willing to allow more to pour into you...more goodness...more information...more possibilities. Become expandable. Allow God and the universe to increase your capacity and growth. God can only pour into you what you allow. You have to allow these great blessing to flow into your life. In order to receive, you have to keep things in order. You have to run your business with professionalism and gratitude. Be grateful for what God has allowed you to achieve, and be grateful for what God continues to pour into your life. Gratitude opens you up to the possibilities of greatness in your life by providing an open space where you are full of love, compassion, and hope. When you begin to pour water into a cup it begins to fill up. Then the more water that you continue to pour into the cup causes the cup to overflow. This is like the blessings of God. The more you allow God to pour into your life the more you will begin to overflow. Allow yourself to become expandable. Expand. Become a bigger cup. Allow those new creations and thoughts to become reality in your life. Allow that new relationship to develop and become something that blesses and glorifies the universe. The more you do this, the more you will see your life expand beyond anything you could have ever imagined. Always remember to be grateful. God has supplied all of your needs and will continue to supply all of your needs. Allow God to pour more into your life so that you will have more to share with the universe. Gratitude is always appropriate. And so it is... The Infinite Field Magazine

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My Cup Runneth Over   God is good. The indwelling Spirit of Love is good and I am good My cup runneth over   All the prosperity my mind can imagine pours forth into my world now My cup runneth over   My mind is stayed on abundance  My heart is stayed on prosperity My cup runneth over     I am not disturbed by the world of conditions, effects and outcomes My cup runneth over   I create my world with my abundance thoughts and my feelings of pure joy and gratefulness I now create the grandest abundance ever for myself My cup runneth over   I am now a prosperous new being, bringing into my awareness all thoughts I harbor which block my good  I release all such thoughts now My cup runneth over    I am filled with inspiration  Creative ideas for greater wealth and abundance flow from my mind  into physical fruition easily and elegantly My cup now runneth over     I am happy and grateful for all the ways money, substance and supply instantly appear for me  I am open to receive new and fresh blessings in each holy moment as My cup runneth over     The Infinite Field Magazine

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I understand and recognize any seeming lack for the lie it is   Lack is not the truth of my being   Surely, my cup runneth over The truth of my being is plenty, abundance and divine prosperity The truth of my being is a new and divine rich blessing in each holy moment I now see and know the truth of my being My cup runneth over    I am infinitely blessed  All good and only good comes to me now  for My cup runneth over     I am divine prosperity I am divine abundance I am divine substance I am infinitely blessed  Surely, my cup runneth over   I am the very essence of good  I am the very essence of plenty  I am worthy of every good gift  All I think I need and want is within me and  I summon it into being now My cup runneth over I summon riches beyond all human imagination I summon abundance in all its wondrous forms I summon prosperity in all its variations I summon my highest and most prosperous state of being now Yes, my cup runneth over

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  And because my word is so powerfully creative, I declare the following over my life: All good and only good comes to me now and always  for My cup runneth over     All good and only good comes to all whom I love now and forever   for My cup runneth over   Greater and greater sums of money flow to me in copious amounts and  I know what to do with it   for  My cup runneth over    Wealth is my friend  I am wealthy beyond my most vivid dreams and fantasies Nothing is impossible for me and there is never any struggle  My cup runneth over   I turn lemons into lemonade  Anything in my life which is not in harmonious accord with my extreme good and  my extreme wealth are hereby banished from my consciousness forever I am now transformed into a powerful magnet for good Yes, my cup runneth over   Every belief I have ever had is now subject to the Spirit of Love which is now fully activated in my being and heals all   This Love emanates from my being and brings back to me more gifts than I can count  With this Love, my entire being resonates I am highly joyful now as My cup runneth over I submit my life, my mind, my heart and my body to the indwelling Spirit of Love  which brings forth the endless bounty and good that lie at the core of my being Yes, my cup runneth over 

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  This indwelling Spirit of Love now guides me to my extreme good  I am now guided to the people, situations and events which move me powerfully forward in my life   of intentional and supernatural abundance   I have supernatural power at my disposal and I use it now   My cup runneth over  This indwelling Spirit of Love always knows  what to do, when to do it, how to do it and with whom to do it   I am divinely guided to the most amazing good for me and  I receive it gladly All is well  My cup runneth over   I am profoundly grateful,  surpassingly thankful and filled with abundant joy,  beyond all words,  for the extreme good which is now unfolding in my world in the most magnificent ways,  beyond all human comprehension   My cup runneth over   I am carried on the wings of angels to new heights of praise and gratitude All I can say is Thank You God!  

Valerie Love is an Abundant Living Enthusiast who teaches the simple truth that we can truly have it all, by using a proven 5-step simple system in each of the 7 major areas of life: Faith, Fulfillment, Family, Friends, Fitness, Finances & Fun. Valerie is an Author, Inspirational Speaker and the creative voice of the online blog:

My Cup Runneth Over


INFINITE FIELD MAGAZINE Exploring the infinite field of possibilities that lies in each of us...

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Manifesting Abundance

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