Nitham - Ch 4 - 6 - Submission 06

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 463
  • Pages: 2
Chapter 4 The Way to Carry the Islamic Dawah (Tareeqat Hamled Da’wah) 1. The muslim did not lag behind the world, because of adherence to Islam in the past. Due, to the abandoning of the adherence of Islam and allowing the infiltration of the western culture, regression is inevitable. 2. The only correct way to revive the muslims and human being at large is by reviving human beings intellectually carrying the Islamic dawah. 3. Dawah should be carried as an intellectually leadership because all systems emanate from it. 4. The method of dawah has to be followed with examples of the Messenger SAW without any compromise. The method of dawah is part of Aqeedah. 5. Dawah should be carried with courage, frankness, challenging the falsehood of the contradictory ideologies and system which emanates from those ideologies. 6. In carrying the dawah, important point need to be understood that our submission belongs to Allah and our concerns should be pleasing Allah SWT and not to displease Him SWT. 7. Da’wah carrier does not follow in regards to the customs and traditions of the people rather they adhere to the Ideology alone. 8. As Dawah carriers, we understand that we take upon a challenge to face the whole world and if they disagree with Islam, this is the duty as a da’wah carrier to convey the message of Islam. Islam must be implemented. 9. We have to challenge every erroneous thoughts, customs and traditions which are not confined with Islam, even if we will be prosecuted. 10. Islam is an Ideology. Our understanding of the Ideology is that every Ideology has its method to propagate it and to preserve it. 11. Every action carried out by Dawah Carriers need to be taken for specific objective. Need to make sure if our action is political actions then we need the specific results from that action. 12. We need to be able to measure the effect of the dawah on the society if we have tried our best and we are not achieving the results then we need to look for the other alternative. References: 1. The clash of civilization 2. The Inevitability of clash of civilization 3. The way to carry the da’wah 4. The way to revival 5. The method to re establish the state 6. The new civilization website 7. Book on sharaah • •

Need more explanation on paragraph 3 Need more clarification on paragraph 6 and 7

The Islamic Civilization References: 1. The western beauty myth 2. Muslims heritage 3. Democracy is a system of Kufr 4. Islam and science 5. How the khilafah was destroyed

6. Islamic verdict on cloning

Chapter 6 References: 1. Islamic Personality 1 2. Muslims philosophy website 3. History of muslim philosophy book (Khalil Chami’s book store)

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