Nitham - Ch 4 - 6 - Submission 05

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 971
  • Pages: 3

The cause of the decline and fall of Muslims from being leaders of the world is the deviation from Islam which is characterized by unIslamic concepts and thoughts alien to Islam. Therefore the only way to revive and resume the Islamic way of life is to attach ourselves back to Islam.

A true and complete revival is impossible without complete adherence to Islam and carrying this dawah in an intellectual manner. All thoughts must be built upon this Islamic intellectual leadership.

The only example that must be followed in conveying this dawah is that of Rasool Allah SAW irrespective of the difference in time.

The dawah carrier should fear none but Allah. He must face and expose everything that contradicts Islam and everything that comes as an obstruction to the Dawah. This requires the Dawah carrier to possess certain qualities such as frankness, courage, strength.

The main idea behind the dawah is that the ultimate sovereignty belongs to the Islamic ideology.

The dawah must be direct, unambiguous, and uncompromising in nature without paying any respect or regard to anything that contradicts Islam, because the dawah of Muhammad SAW was exactly of this nature. Therefore the Dawah carrier must challenge unIslamic thoughts and traditions and must challenge the wrong public opinion and do his best in creating a public opinion in favour of Islam.

The dawah carrier must always care for the complete implementation of Islam and must never accept any concession or postponement in it. This is found in many examples in the life of Muhammad SAW where he never compromised or delayed any order of Allah swt.

Every action of the dawah carrier must be aimed at achieving some objective and he must do his utmost in trying to achieve the objective. The correct way of doing this is to connect the thought with action and uniting the two to achieve a specific objective.

The dawah must first focus on the Muslims in calling them to resume the Islamic way of life by establishing an Islamic state. Once Muslims establish the Islamic state, the state will then carry this dawah to the rest of the world.

The dawah must be very practical. It must point out to the existing corruptions in the society and give the Islamic alternative for it. It must also give Islamic solutions addressing the current problems in the society, the same way Rasool Allah SAW did in Mecca.

The dawah carrier must always try to clean his mind from any idea or concept foreign to Islam. He must always by thirsty of Islamic knowledge and truth.

The dawah carrier must not do anything for the sake of recognition or worldly benefit. He must carry the dawah only to please Allah swt and get his rewards.

THE ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION Hadarah (Civilisation) The whole concepts about life  specific based on the point of view towards life. Madaniyyah (Material Progress)  Material forms of sensed objects  can be specific such as statues or general such as products of science and technology. Madaniyyah (material progress) can either result from the hadarah i.e. a specific view point about life or may result from science and technology. We can take the Madaniyyah resulting from science and technology because no one owns it but we cannot take anything resulting from the western hadarah. The reason why we can’t take anything resulting from the western hadarah is that this hadarah is established upon the idea of separating deen from life which totally contradicts the Islamic hadarah. The Islamic hadarah is built upon the belief in ALLAH, His prophet Mohammad SAW and the belief that religion cannot be separated from life. Happiness and spirituality in the western hadarah In the western hadarah happiness is providing man with full independence in acquiring maximum sensual pleasures in his life. In the western hadarah the spiritual side is restricted to the individual as long as it does not interfere in the social order. Happiness and spirituality in the Islamic hadarah In Islamic hadarah, happiness is nothing but performing every action according to the commands and prohibitions of Allah SWT. Any action performed according to the commands and prohibitions of ALLAH SWT is based upon the person’s recognition of his relationship with his creator (Ruh). This constitutes mixing matter with spirit which clearly contradicts the idea in the western hadarah.

The ultimate objective for a muslim performing any action is to gain the pleasure of ALLAH SWT which gives him happiness but the immediate value for that action can be materialistic, spiritual, moral, or humanitarian, What muslims can take and what they can’t? The wetsren hadarah and the Islamic hadarah are totally contradictory to each other in every aspect. Therefore it is not allowed to take the madaniyyah resulting from the western hadarah. Examples of such objects resulting from the western hadarah that the muslims are forbidden to take are •

Pictures of naked women,

A house structure that do not take into account the women being seen from within the house to the outside world,


Clothes revealing the body shape etc.

However the products of science and industry are not specific to the west’s view point towards life. Therefore muslims are allowed to take such objects. Examples of such objects are

Laboratory equipment,

Medical and industrial tools,


Carpet etc.

CONCLUSION The western hadarah (view point towards life) is the cause of all the misery and sufferings existing in the world today because it contradicts the man’s innate nature. The reason for the great achievements and success of the muslims for over 13 centuries was it’s hadrah (the view point towards life that religion and life cannot be separated and happiness lies in acting on the commands and prohibitions of ALLAH SWT).

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