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  • Words: 4,127
  • Pages: 17

Prof: Dr. Durga Surekha




GROUP NO – 06 Aishwary Gargav (03) Bhoomika Khatwani(10) Punit Singh (38) Richa Golani(41) Tanvi Khandelwal(53)

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“Every child deserves a home.”


Sr. No.


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Learning experience





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“Every child deserves a home.”

ABSTRACT Background : Children of the World (India) Trust, (CWB) is a non-profit, non-political Indian Charitable Trust established in 1982 that aims to work towards the growth, development and progress of children and their families. Children of the World (India) Trust, (CWB) is a non-profit, non-political Indian Charitable Trust established in 1982 that aims to work towards the growth, development and progress of children and their families.

Project Objective and scope: The objective and scope of the project is to provide educational, health and nutritional service to sponsored children and their families. It provides support to sponsored children and their families through need based community projects. To prevent disintegration of families due to socioeconomic reasons.

Project Profile: Our method of doing the work was by completing the task given to us by our mentor. We did different type of task that were assigned to us to get the knowledge about the working of the Ngo. Our task was to gain experience by working in a Non- governmental organization and help the Ngo in best possible way.

Learning experience: We had wonderful experience while working with volunteers of Children of the word trust as well as working for children. The internship with children of the world trust can be described through some lasting memories that we managed to collect.Our overall experience gave us another angle to look and contribute towards our society.

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“Every child deserves a home.”

Recommendations: It felt great and compassionate working with Vishwa Balak Kendra and knowing this aspect of our society. The children over there were interactive and actively participated in all the activities we made them perform. Working and interacting with the kids there was an amazing experience but some of the things which we recommended after working and realising what the actual needs of the children is that apart from getting their basic needs fulfilled by the NGO, they also require motherly love and feeling of being in a family. Perception before: To get the insights of Children of the world , and also develop sensitivity towards the children and their living conditions.

Perception after : We were able to use our knowledge for the welfare of the children. Also we developed more of the understanding skills and affection towards the children.

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“Every child deserves a home.”

INTRODUCTION Children of the World (India) Trust, (CWB) is a non-profit, non-political Indian Charitable Trust established in 1982 that aims to work towards the growth, development and progress of children and their families. It was established in

Navi Mumbai (Nerul) in the year1997. Our

rehabilitation program is built on the core belief that every child is a potential resource and not a social liability. Their motto is: ‘Every child deserves a home.”

Their Vision

Children of the World (India) Trust, (CWB) is a non-profit, non-political Indian Charitable Trust established in 1982 that aims to work towards the growth, development and progress of children and their families.

Their Mission 

CWB is thoroughly committed to finding families for children without parental care as we believe every child needs and deserves a home.

Support children in families to become self-reliant while being emotionally and physically healthy adults.

Enable families and communities to facilitate healthy development.

Ensure that the natives also stand to gain from the development of Navi Mumbai.

Their Work: Our sponsorship programs aim at ensuring that underprivileged children get the necessary education and support to be independent. In addition to this, we also aim to provide nutrition so that health conducive to learning may be maintained. We believe in nurturing our children towards a brighter future. We are reaching out to 30,000 people and 1200 children.

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“Every child deserves a home.”

Objectives: 

To provide educational, health and nutritional service to sponsored children and their families.

To provide support to sponsored children and their families through need based community projects.

To prevent disintegration of families due to socio- economic reasons

Adoption Program: Adoption continues to be a beautiful way of building families. In 2015, Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA), a nodal body for adoption of Indian children, introduced an online portal to centralize in-country and inter-country adoptions. Children of the World has integrated this procedure in the adoption process, following all the mandates that have been set up. This new procedure aims at avoiding multiple registration, facilitating a quick, transparent process.

Child Care Centre – Our Home Vishwabalak Kendra, is not just a house but a home full of love, comfort and warmth. Every wall in the centre is painted with vibrant colours and adorned with objects like birdhouses, shapes and posters to appeal the children living here. An open area, right in the middle of the centre has slides and swings to refresh them after a day of learning. The centre is surrounded by greenery and the numerous windows. Open spaces allow plenty of fresh air and sunlight to fill the corridors which provides the children with a bright, cheerful and healthy atmosphere to play in. The view of the outside world from the corridors allows the children to see people playing in the playground and develop interests in sports. An aquarium and a ball pit ensures that there is no limit for fun. Vishwabalak Kendra has the best facilities to ensure that the children here enjoy good physical and mental health. This coupled with the unconditional love given by the dedicated caretakers, makes Vishwabalak Kendra one of a kind in providing a blissful environment that stimulates healthy growth and learning. Page 6

“Every child deserves a home.”

PROJECT Our task was to gain experience by working in a Non- governmental organisation. A few tasks were doled out to our group. Some of them are:

We were advised to make the NGO's twelve-month report.

We were advised to make mindfulness with respect to kids adoption and sponsoring kids.

Our undertaking was to manage the physically challenged children and comprehend their feelings.

We were given the task to instruct the under privileged children.

We likewise commended children’s day in the NGO and did each conceivable thing to fulfill the children’s needs and make them happy.

We likewise cleared the play area with so that the kids can celebrate their sports day.

We were made a request to connect with the children and find out about their hobbies and interests.

We additionally got some information about the issues they look in their day by day lives and how would they overcome them.

We influenced them to play distinctive recreations and furthermore showed them in an unexpected way.

We went to their two communities to communicate with the kids.

We were asked to set up a children’s day report and take photos of the considerable number of children there.

We instructed the kids some self-protection strategies moreover.

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There were sure issues that we confronted while working in the NGOFirstly , the NGO doesn't have appropriate caretakers of the kids, the way in which the children are dealt with is a noteworthy issue. The NGO gives convenience to kids just underneath the age of 6. The NGO is then subject to other NGO's. Also, the NGO is totally dependent on volunteers and no appropriate head or in control or a few divisions is there who can keep a legitimate check of the considerable number of tasks and activities. There is nobody to keep a check on the caretakers and the exercises done by them. The caretakers speak in boisterous voice with kids. This can expedite negative effect on the brains of children. The caretakers treat youngsters badly and they don't think about this as an obligation.

One major issue that we saw in this NGO is that the kids don't know how to talk and write in English. They were never shown this dialect and their primary concentrate was dependably on Marathi. We additionally showed them the nuts and bolts of English dialect which is a very important aspect in everyone's life today. Several other subjects are not given due significance in the NGO’s coaching centers.

There are no co-curricular activities for the kids. The main focus is only on studies. There are no programs , activities or learning experiences that complement, in some way, what students are learning in school. Co-curricular activities develop the personality of the students as well as reinforce the classroom learning. It helps in intellectual development. They provide support to the students to venture into professional fields like fashion, music, painting, art, acting, photography, and many more. No personality development classes are held in the NGO to improve or develop different skills of the kids. Communication, listening, speaking, reading and writing skills must be developed in order to enhance one’s personality.

There are a very few therapies that can overcome the disabilities of physically and slow-witted kids in the NGO. What's more, there are no exercises by which contribution of extraordinary kids can be expanded. And they can participate in the real world activities. Page 8

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Another issue was that the infrastructural facilities of the NGO were fair, they were not up to the mark, and there was less space for the children to play and roam around freely to do whatever they want.

They do not have any directing and counseling sessions for the kids which is an absolute necessity as they don't know about their capacities and abilities and what they need to do in their future. Counseling sessions helps a person in discovering approaches to manage intense subject matters, to find out about your own particular qualities and shortcomings, the things which you can work upon and the ones in which you will dependably succeed.

Understanding where the perplexity and difficulties lie will help grow best practice approaches kids welfare administration. Still parents overlook issues like child education, child adoption just because of their old mindset.

Parents don't think once while leaving their new borns and infants, they don't think about their child’s safety, essential needs, the love and care that they need and security of their child. The NGO doesn’t have social awareness programs in which they can show the importance of child education in this world. They can also make people aware of their adoption program so that the people who want children can approach them. The main problem of the NGO was the limited resources and irresponsible caretakers which can be worked upon.

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The centre is home to children who are 6 years of age. The centre provides the children with necessary facilities they need for their development. The centre also serves as a measure for growth and development of children outside the organisation who need support. This support is not limited to only children but also for the adults who are suffering from HIV and TB. The staff and the volunteers carry out different tasks that are assigned to them overtime. They need to manage the centre as well the people outside. It is a complex task and needed to be done with utmost care. Volunteers have to perform variety of roles which are assigned to them, From helping the staff members in their day to day activities to helping children by education them as well as entertaining them to keep their minds fresh and full of life.

The volunteers are mostly involved in : 1. Completing the assigned duties by the staff, in our case it was completion of annual report and Children’s day report. 2. Interacting with the children, helping them in every possible manner. 3. Monitoring the day to day activities of children in the centre. 4. Teaching the students outside the centre. 5. Interacting with the people of quarry, who need help. 6. Motivating children to participate in activities. 7. Working with staff in their activities. A week on the field: 13th November – Day 1:  Our beautiful enlighten journey started with a formal introduction by Mr. Arun Chede followed by introduction of NGO, Vishwa Balak Kendra.  What stood next for us was exploration of place filled with innocence of beautiful kids and their stories. Page 10

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 Since Children’s day was just round the corner we started to put are souls and creativity to bring the most beautiful smile on kid’s faces on their special day.  We all came with a plan to make children’s day more entertaining and happening for kids, we made sure to involve children in as many activities possible right from singing, dancing and games.  Meanwhile we got to meet that innocent kid within us who was lost somewhere in this entire journey called life.  We then completed the work and left the place but our souls decided to stay. 14th November – Day 2:  Second day of our journey started, although we completed our work a day before but something felt missing so we started to decorate the space that was left undone.  Finally we completed decoration, and place was ready to start celebration.  And the fun started, we made kids to dance on their tunes and sing their hearts out, it was amazing to witness life without layers. Their eyes sparkled and place got filled with aura of enthusiasm in its purest form.  Staff of NGO took even more interest than us in making the day memorable for kids and they did their best to bring the best for the day.  We divided ourselves and staff in 3 groups, 1st group was given responsibility to look out for kids and involve them in all the activities, 2nd group helped visitors in carrying out activities they planned for kids and 3rd group was responsible for clicking pictures.  People from all over the city came to wish children and brought different – different gifts for them and also people from other NGO’s came and involved children in different activities and helped them to learn things which were alien to them. 15th November- Day3  It was time for us to look life from different lenses so Mr. Mohan took us to slums and their community centers Shirvane Quarry and Mahatma Gandhi quarry and it was then we got a reality check, before that day even small problems seemed like big challenges in Page 11

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life but then we got to know that circumstances in that space were way difficult than we could have possibly imagined, then and there all we could think was to thank for all that we have got in life and think for the ways to make life of people living in those slums a bit better.  Well even good thoughts are of no use if we cannot bring them to life so it was time to go a little dipper in people’s life to bring a change in their lives, so we started interacting with the students at Mahatma Gandhi Community Center, and got to know about their interest, aspirations, goals and more precisely a hope to see a difference in their lives.  Communication is the key in today’s world and when clubbed with analytics can do wonders in life so it was necessary to introduce students with this deadly combination so we started to give them basic knowledge of both English and Mathematics.  Physical health is possibly the most underrated thing in present time so invariably it became important for us to explain them about the importance of being physically fit and introduced them different outdoor games and made their playing ground fit to play on.  We also came across peoples who suffered from tb and got to know how they recovered from the same with the help of NGO, Children of the world asked them about their life after decease and what do they look forward to do in life.  There was this one guy who was pursuing MBA from a reputed college and was there to do his internship under the same NGO, the most pleasing thing was to know he belonged to the same place, his childhood has seen this all and came out from this life by his sheer hard work, It was delighting to see that hard work and perseverance can elucidate the most opaque situations.

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RECOMMENDATIONS We live in a country where not all children get the privilege to live with their respective families. There are cases where children are left on the streets, in temples or even in garbage bins on the road. They are ruthlessly abandoned without even having a thought about the future of these innocent children. These children then grow without getting the love of their actual parents and knowing what family is all about. There have been various NGOs in India who work for these children and help them grow, learn and get the love they deserve. Children of the World (India) Trust is one such organisation known for the selfless efforts in upliftment of the society. They are known for providing these children with a bright future. They work for their education and overall development of the kids which includes computer training, grooming their personal talents like dancing, singing etc and even giving them emotional support. It felt great and compassionate working with Vishwa Balak Kendra and knowing this aspect of our society. The children over there were interactive and actively participated in all the activities we made them perform. Working and interacting with the kids there was an amazing experience but some of the things which we recommended after working and realising what the actual needs of the children is that apart from getting their basic needs fulfilled by the NGO, they also require motherly love and feeling of being in a family. Also, they are in a need of better computer teachers who can help them with the start from the basic level since these children have seen these type of machines the very first time. Another aspect that can be worked upon is making them familiar with the outside world especially with the children of the same age group and the same capabilities. When this will happen, they will be able to cope up with the world when they enter the competitive world. For this to make happen, we can invite kids from nearby schools. The interaction between the NGO kids and the kids from various families will make a change in the mindset of the kids. Not all kids are same. Some maybe good in sports, some in art while some others in dancing and sports. The organisation must must keep weekly classes for various areas and the kids must be given the freedom to choose the class they want to sit in. by this, they will not only be able to learn those skills but also introspect about their own self. The way the children are treated in the NGO is a major concern. Sometimes talking to children in a loud voice can bring a negative impact on the minds of innocent children. So, it must be taken care that there can soft and polite ways to make children learn some different attributes of Page 13

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their nature. By this, they’ll not only learn the desired behaviour but also learn the way of living in a society. We would also recommend that when they are in the early stage of schooling, they are made aware of the future career options so that they can have a rough picture of what they want to opt in their future. Also, since there are some physically and mentally challenged, they must be provided with some more therapies in order to overcome their weaknesses. The last recommendation would be that the families who adopt these children must be made to come to the knowledge of the child. They must be told about the child’s nature, his behaviour, his special qualities and talents and other important things. To conclude, each child is unique and special in his/her own way. Children of the World (India) Trust is doing a great work towards these homeless children. These were the few recommendations we found which can be implemented, rest the NGO is doing a great job.

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LEARNING EXPERIENCE We had wonderful experience while working with volunteers of Children of the word trust as well as working for children. We always heard that it feels great to help others and keep others safe and we loved to provide our contribution to them. We interned with a positive attitude, good work ethic and a willingness to get involved wherever it was needed. We learned a lot while volunteering in the Ngo. The internship with children of the world trust can be described through some lasting memories that we managed to collect. When we first met our mentor, Mr Arun at our Ngo before starting our work he wanted us to know about the background of the Ngo and their different centers. He took us to the different centers which were located in the slum areas, his main intention was to make us realise about the conditions and the background from which the students were coming. The children came from a background, where there was no atmosphere of education. Their parents keep migrating, hence even if they learn something, they tend to forget. Lack of interest and support hinder their educational growth. He explained the problems and the situations faced by these children which made us realise how comfortably we are living. We likewise observed the difficulties that are engaged with the administration of a NGO. We can envision how hard it must be to oversee more than 100 children of different age groups. We were given different task each day so that we had an overall idea and knowledge about the work done by the Ngo such as teaching students, concentrating on their overall development, field work (for example as they planned to have sports day so they engaged the children for preparation of the field), maintaining their accounts. By assigning different task each day it gave us an overview of the work. We learned how to manage different task simultaneously within given time frame. The most challenging part was of course managing the .kids. It was a task to go around the home and gather the kids. Then they were to be held in a room by one volunteer, while the other went around looking for some more. While some of them were very enthusiastic to learn, others

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considered themselves just too cool to stay put. One very typical scene would be that two kids would start fighting and while we made efforts to stop them, others would become spectators. But When we would manage to get the two kids to negotiate, we would look up only to find the room empty. Members and employees of the NGO supported us a lot, and gave us ideas also. Atmosphere there was awesome, close to nature, peaceful, we got to know individuals who have dedicated their entire lives for the improvement of society; with no self - pick up or ravenous rationale behind it. They picked social work as their calling; since they needed to do it, not for picking up attention or profiting; but rather for the fulfillment of delight of giving. Respect for them truly. The main thing which we have learned from this internship is to keep ourselves involved in all these kinds of social work as it make us realise how beautiful our life become when we are their foe others in need and it gives us a ray of hope as well as the blessed feeling which is not at all easy to get these days. Despite all the hurdles it truly moved us to offer back to the society. our overall experience gave us another angle to look and contribute towards our society.

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“Every child deserves a home.”

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