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NGO Management Skill Based Elective-I

(Semester – III)

Principles of Management Unit –I The Nature of Management, the management functions, management types, management skills, Manager’s role and functions. Unit II : Foundations of Management understanding. Historical forces shaping management -Early management-Classical Perspective -Human resource perspective -Management science perspective-Contemporary extensions -Recent historical trends Unit III : Organizational goal setting and planning Overview of goals and plans-The nature and purpose of planning -Types of plans-Steps in planning -The planning process-Strategies and policies-Premising-Decision Making-Making Planning Effective Unit IV : Organizing Overview of goals and plans-The organizing process - Organizing the vertical structure-Organizing the lateral structure – Balancing vertical and lateral structure - Departmentation-Line and Staff relationshipCommittees and groups Unit V : Staff Nature of staffing -Recruitment and selection of managers-Training and development of managerAppraisal of managers References Goyal. V.P. (2005), Schemes for NGO’s in Development, Mangal Deep Publications, Jaipur. Gulati, Ravi and Kaval Gulati (1996), Strengthening Voluntary Action in India, Delhi: Konark. Laxmi, Kulshreshta and Archana Gupta, (2002), NGO’s in Micro-financing Patterns in Rural Development, Kurukshetra- Journal of Rural Development, Vol-50. Laxmi, Kulshreshta and Archana Gupta, (2002), NGO’s in Micro-financing Patterns in Rural Development, Kurukshetra- Journal of Rural Development, Vol-50. Manimekalai, N., (2000), NGOs Intervention through Micro-credit for Self- Help Women Groups in Rural Tamil Nadu, NGO’s and Socio- Economic Development Opportunities, Deep& Deep Publications, PVT. Ltd, New Delhi. Pruthi.R.K., (2006), NGO’s in the New Millennium, Saad Publications, New Delhi. Puran Chandra, (2005), NGOs in India – Role, Guidelines & Performance Appraisal. Akansha Publishing House, New Delhi.


Skill Based Elective-II

(Semester – IV)

NGO Accounting & Documentation Unit- I Fundamentals of Accounting – Booking Keeping, definition, objects and importance Accounting, definition, objects, functions and purpose of accounting, branches of accounting – different systems, double entry and receipts and payments systems of accounting – Banking procedure and formalities. Unit-II Recording of transactions – kinds of accounts – Rules for recording transactions books of accounts : journal – subsidiary books (Cash book only) – preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement – Ledger Accounts – Balancing Ledger Accounts – Trial Balance, meaning, objectives, scope and preparation – errors and their rectification – Maintenance of financial records and documents – Performs invoice, vouchers, documents of fixed assets – Stock Registers. Unit-III Final accounts and balance sheet, Adjusting entries – Capital and revenue expenses, meaning and distinction – final accounts and balance sheet, Definition, objects and preparation of Trading account, profit and loss account and balance sheet.

Unit-IV Accounts of Non Trading Concerns, Receipts and payments accounts, income and expenditure account, balance sheet of non trading concerns, maintenance of project account. Unit-V Accounting information system – meaning and importance – End users of accounting information’s – Limitations of financial statements – need for rearrangement and modification of financial statements – accounting Vs. Reporting formats of financial statements – Reporting to National and International Funding.

References Manual of Practical Management for Third world Rural Development associations – Fernard Vincent – Volume II – Financial Management – IRED-3, rue de varembe, Case 116, 1211 Geneva 20, Switerland. 2001 Governance & Financial Management in non-profit organization – M.Kandaswamy – Exective Director, Canitas India, CBCI Centre, Ashok Place, New Delhi – 110 001, 2003 Manual on Financial Management and Accounts Keeping, Society for participatory Research in Asia. 2000


Skill Based Elective-III

(Semester – V)

Fund Rising

Unit-I Historical role of Philanthropy – Achievements of Philanthropy – Limitations – Role of Philanthropy today. Unit-II How to get started on Fund raising – Strategies for getting started – who to approach and why – communication – How to present your case. Unit-II Corporate Partnership – Pre-preparatory stage – Preparing stage – Determining your needs – Identifying and prioritizing corporate partners – Preparation of basis communication materials – Implementation – Follow up and reporting. Unit IV Director Mail – Contents of the mailer – Types of mailers – Mailing – Factors for success of mailers – Cost benefit Analysis – Follow up – Infrastructures – Date Base Analysis and Reliability.

Unit V Event Marketing – need for events – Types – Steps for planning an event – benefits of organizing events Limitations of events – Internet applications for fund raising – Networking – Exchange information – Building contracts – Sharing experience – Lobbying.

References NGO – Guidelines for good policy & Practice – Published by The Common Wealth Foundation, 2004. Schemes for Voluntary Organization – vol-1 Published by PDC Network. 2003.


Skill Based Elective-IV

(Semester – V)

Social Marketing

Unit-I Core concepts of marketing, 4 P’s of Marketing – Essentials of Marketing – Environmental Scanning for Marketing – Marketing Research. Unit –II Role of Marketing with special reference to India – Segmentation, Positioning and Targeting – Product Life Cycle. Unit -III Social Marketing and its implications for NGO’s Social Marketing Institution for India, Social Marketing strategies – Marketing – Sanitation , Education, Family Planning, Medicare, Afforestation and Small Savings.

Unit -IV Social Advertising – Importance – Positive and Negative influences – Policy divisions – Testing and effectiveness. Unit - Unit Rural Marketing – International Marketing, emerging trends in Social Marketing, Internet Marketing.

References S.M. Jha -Social Marketing , 2004 Philip Kotler - Marketing Management , 1999 Bhatt, Arthur, Averting the Apocalypse: Social Movement in India today, Durham: Duke University Press, 1990


Skill Based Elective-V

(Semester – VI)

Community Health Unit-I Introduction History of Medicine – concept & Health – Dimension, Indicators of health and health situation in India Concept and natural history of disease, causative agents, prevention and control – Concept of social and cultural factors in health and disease – Ecology – Environment and health Unit-II Nutrition and Health – Assessment of Nutrition status, Food Surveillance, Food borne diseases, Nutrition Programmes, - Social Science & Health- Occupational Health, Unit-III Occupational Environment , Occupational Hazards, Prevention of Occupational Diseases – Genetics and Health , Genetics Diseases, Preventive Diseases – Mental Health, Problem, Preventive – Unit-IV Maternal and Child Health, Maternal Care, Problems, Solutions, Paediatric Care, Problems, Solutions – Epidemiology of Communicable Diseases and Non Communicable diseases, Preventions and control Health Care of the Community, Concept of Health Care, Health Care Services, Levels of Health Care, Basics PrimaryUnit-V Health Education and Communication, Health Education and its principles, Mode of Health Education – Health Planning and Management , Health Planning, Management, Evaluation of Health Services – Health Programmes in India, National Programmes, Health Planning in India, Demography & Family Planning – International Health Agencies. References J.E. Park, Text Book of Preventive Medicines.


Skill Based Elective-VI

(Semester – VI)

Technology Transfer

Unit – I Technology – Overview of Technology – Definition – Appropriate Technology – Process of Development – Conventional Technologies and Modern Technologies – Their Characteristics – Integrating Technology with society – Technology forecasting. Unit – II Extension Education : Concept – Philosophy – Principles – Aims – Steps – Relationship with other Social Sciences – Role of Extension Education in Development – Characteristics of extension. Unit – III Communication : Concept – Definition – Meaning – Communication Process – Elements – Importance in Extension work - Communication models – scope and functions – Feedback – Problems in communication – Types – Interpersonal and Mass Media. Unit – IV Audio – Visuals : Communication and extension approaches – Individual, Group and mass Approach – Motivating the audience – Aids – Audio, Visual and audio – visual – other teaching aids – Communication through written words.

Unit – V Advances in Training : Meaning – Importance – Concepts – Systems approach – Problem and prospects – Assessing training needs – Training models – Types Trainer’s Role and ethics – Training methods – Micro Lab – Lecture – Case study – Role Play – Brain storming – Promoting team work. Reference Allini Reddi A, Extension Education, Lakshmi Press, Babetla, 2003 Dhahama O.P. Bhatnapar C.P., Education and communication for Development Oxford and IBHCO, New Delhi. 2005 Craig, Roberts L (Ed) Training and Development Hand Book: A guide to Human Resource Development, McGraw Hill, Book, 2005


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