Newsletter Winter 08

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Miro&marta news Miro&marta news Winter 2008 Potter’s house Nitra, Slovakia

Can the dry bones live? Can the dry bones live? The well known prophesy given by Ezekiel in chapter 37 has been preached so many times. Of course, we understand he is talking about the prophetic impact of the nation of Israel coming together to become one nation under God’s rule. However, there are quite a few transferable ageless truths in this passage. We can’t just skip over them, we have to learn from them. Let me suggest a few… First, God recycles the dry bone. We may throw it away but God will pick it up from the ground and start working on it. He is a master in recycling! He takes into his hands that which others would trample upon and shapes it into something awesome. He did that when he created Adam—he took the dust of the earth, shaped it and breathed life into it. If you’ve been despised and abused he is ready to pick you up, gather the shattered pieces and make them into a beautiful piece of art! Next, God uses the exiled prophet. The same God who doesn’t really need anyone’s help will delight in taking somebody’s life and use it for his glory. Ezekiel is

far away from his land, family and his dreams, yet God uses him. He loves to use the broken, the fallen, the exiled. He used Adam who sinned, Abraham who lied, Moses who killed, Gideon who feared and David who was rejected. We are called to be a prophetic generation, a voice to the nation. We don’t possess the power to revive and heal. But we are the voice that declares life and healing!

work with, to come to our new church. But guess what, he sends those that are broken and shattered. He gives me those that forgot to dream, lost all hope and can’t laugh anymore. He sends those that were hurt by other Christians and were mistreated by friends and family. There is a lesson for me to learn. And I am learning it. Still... Slow... God is patient with me. And I am learning to be patient with them...

Finally, God revives the valley. It Just a few thoughts from a bonewas not just a minor micro-miracle. picker in the valley… God did not just bring to life one little forgotten dead bone. He actu- Your friend in Nitra, Miro ally revived a whole valley! He sent a reviving mighty wind that totally changed the landscape of the dead and dry land. It was a mass revival! There was a mighty loud noise! See, if God is doing a work in your heart reviving it and stirring it toward a new thing it will usually be a part of a bigger picture. He has a plan, we don’t need to worry about that! And our story is always a part of a bigger story he writes. What I’m learning from the Master at this time is to be a bone picker. You know, I would like to have some ready and perfect people to go where no one has ever gone before... go where no one has ever gone before...

2008 was quite a year for Toby (9). He went through a major change in school behavior—from being a wild boy to becoming a serious preteen. After 5 years he stopped taking medication related to neurological problems. After his latest EEG test he was declared healed! He also finished speech therapy as his speech improved really well. At the same time he is diagnosed with ADHD by psychologists so we have a hyperactive boy in the house. Nothing new… Also, he was wonderfully filled with the Holy Spirit and was water baptized. He is very much into soccer and art. He is taking painting lessons and is learning to play the drums. And, he loves the baby Natan! He truly is a great oldest brother…

Natan has just turned one year (December 13th). He is a sunshine! He is not walking yet but after two very active boys it is actually nice for a change. He is very entertaining, makes all the funny sounds and just loves everybody. There’s nothing like his smile! He is just a happy kid bringing joy to the family and all the relatives. And one more thing: don’t bother buying him toys. Just buy me a cell phone, remote control or just any cable and he’ll play with it for hours :)! As we come to the end of this year we must say that God is good! It’s been a very busy year and has gone by sooo fast! We are still working on the house—step by step. This year we managed to finish the patio and a part of the basement. We didn’t have a summer holiday, instead we had to work on the house. Toby went to a camp in the summer and we went to a pastor’s camp. The family is united and strong. It seems like baby Natan has brought a new dimension of love and appreciation to our house. Even the big boys stopped fighting (almost)! There were no major sicknesses. Marta says we got younger :) Maybe it’s because we get to sleep most nights. She does feel isolated from the rest of the planet since she’s without a car when I’m away. Thanks God for Facebook!



Adam (8) has turned into this innocent looking, blond heart-breaker. He is a talented showman, fun-to-be-around kind of a guy. He is wild, full of energy and passion. He loves to be with his friends and is good at school. Adam is a singer, dancer, actor, entertainer. He is taking piano lessons and also a drama/theater class. At times we find it hard to help him channel his energy the right way—if you know what I mean… He also loves Natan and teaches him an important lesson for life: laugh and laugh and laugh again! He makes sure I tell a good night story to them every night and doesn’t let me miss even one… He’s got a strong will and let me just say he is trying to use it for the good :).



family mosaic

church mosaic I led worship on a city wide crusade put on by the Lutheran church in Nitra where probably the most well known German Lutheran evangelist Ulrich Parzany spoke. Our team in Nitra was joined by Matt&Amber Price, missionary interns from PAOC (Canada). They came to serve for 2 years. We hosted a young adult student team from St.Catherine’s, Canada. They served on one of the university dorms helping out in whatever they could and creating relationships with quite a few students. We had a number of BBQ’s at our house. Numerous families, friends, groups came over and we were able to share life together. One of them was a whole church cookout at our place – full of kids, parents, students, good food, lots of fun, etc. You should have been here!

We hosted a ministry team of 3 ladies from Alberta, Canada, led by Debbie Fawcett. One of the highlights with team was a regional ladies getaway in a nice restaurant downtown Nitra. We had 60 women from our area and it was a great blessing! The team also served in two family crises centers. Our team for university outreach put together a series of club events entitled “Quietly Outspoken”. It was a great opportunity to get together with a number of young adults in Nitra and discuss life and life with God. Nitra has 25,000 university students and this ministry has a great potential! We had a one day outreac with Operation Mobilization in Nitra. It was an OM bus with a mobile Christian bookstore. We were able to distribute quite a few church invitations on that day. We had a Christmas children production for the children in our community. We also had a Christmas all church dinner recently. I was invited to do a 10 minute broadcast on the local TV station that has an audience of half a million. It was a presentation about heart and I was able to speak about God healing the heart. I was on air 21 times that week and even quite a few of my neighbors saw it:). Then I did another broadcast. It was a Christmas show where I spoke for about 5 minutes about family foundations in relation to the Christmas story.

In October we were kicked out of the place we were using for our Sunday service totally unexpected. It was very unfair. For two Sundays we had to meet in a private house. After trying about 15 different places we have a place to rent until the end of January . We are now praying for a new place and need God to open the door. I had a meeting with the vice mayor, the main city architect and the city manager. We started the process of applying for buying land or an existing building. Serious prayer needed! Please, pray for a favor of God for us in the city!

ministry mosaic Conferences, camps and festivals I had a privilege to minister at a number of events this year. It truly was a great experience and definitely a great privilege. Here are the events: national youth conference in Stara Voda, regional conference in Nove Zamky, our largest worship festival Campfest, our largest leadership conference KPM in Zilina, a national youth conference in Budapest (Hungary), a national Gypsy church conference in Hungary and a youth camp in Nova Lehota. Churches and local events I also had the privilege to speak at a number of local churches and events including: Life Church and New Life Church (both in Oregon), ministry in Zenavlje and Vescica (Slovenia), ministry in Galanta with a men’s choir and preaching in the Hlohovec church. Weddings We did or preached at 6 weddings including one in Slovenia to a wonderful couple that made me do the vows in Slovene! We also did a lot of pre-marriage counseling... Seminars I had the privilege to either lead or teach at a number of seminars over the year including: a leadership training weekend for the northern region of Slovenia, a day long seminar for the worship ministry in the church in Bratislava, a relationships seminar together with Marta for youth & young adults in Nove Zamky

Our details (note the new email) Miro&Marta Toth Address

Ceresnova 41 95101 Nitrianske Hrnciarovce Slovakia


+421 37 656 3186


+421 905 476 382


[email protected] [email protected]


Let me just say how thankful we are to have people all around the globe praying for us. We couldn’t succeed in Nitra without prayer and without you. Thank you again for standing with us! May the Lord bless you as you enjoy his presence this Christmas and as you enter his promises for 2009. Remember, the latter will be greater than the past! Love from Nitra, Slovakia!

Miro, Marta, Toby, Adam & Natan

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