Newsletter Summer2009

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  • Words: 8,959
  • Pages: 16
Pilipinas Summer/Fall Edition

A joint publication of the Filipino American Community Council of Michigan (FILAMCCO) and the Philippine American Community Center of Michigan (PACCM)

August 2009


Inside this issue:







Upcoming Events Organizations

9-10 11-12

Past Events


Calendar of Events


by Willie D. Dechavez The Search Committee is proud to announce the following participants to this year's pageant. Their brief bios can be found on our website:

Rosemarie Caoagas

Abigail Christensen

Katrina Dela Cruz

Lucille Oparka

Johanna Sanders

Margie Muylaert

Special Announcement PILIPINAS Newsletter Is NOW available on the website and via Email. Email us at: [email protected] [email protected] Or call: (248) 443-7037 to receive the newsletter via email

Nimfa Lantz-Tan

FILAMCCO'S Mrs. Philippines of Michigan 2009 promises to be the most exciting event this year. Preparations are underway to this year's pageant that will showcase a Filipiniana portion to further enhance awareness on the rich cultural history of the Philippines. The event will also raise funds to help our fellow countrymen abroad through the Philippine American Foundation, the charitable arm of FILAMCCO.

Jessa Vivio

Mrs. Philippines of Michigan 2009 has been one of FILAMCCO's projects for several years now. This pageant will define and exemplify the role of a married Filipina in our community. It will give honor and recognition to the many accomplishments of our women. It will also provide opportunities for Filipino women to represent the Filipino community and showcase Filipino ethnicity in social, cultural, and civic events and activities in Michigan. (Continued on page 9)



The Philippine Consulate staff from Chicago will be here on Friday, September 18th for paperwork and processing and notarizing documents. Normally they provide services between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. but call the Center for hours. On Saturday, September 19th dual citizens will be sworn in. (And on Sunday it’s the anniversary of the PACCM with a lunch celebration.)

All citizens of the Philippines abroad not otherwise disqualified by law, at least eighteen (18) years of age on the day of the election and who wish to vote for President, Vice President, Senators and Party List Representatives for purposes of the May 10, 2010 National Elections must file applications for registration/certification as overseas absentee voters from February 01, 2009 to August 31, 2009.


Renewal of existing green cover passports or obtaining new machine readable Philippine passports requires you be seen by a Consular official. Save the extra Chicago trip and come to the Center. Dual citizenship applications also require a personal visit to be sworn in. Why not visit the PACCM to handle these personal contact requirements, avoiding the trip to Chicago. Last year over 100 former Philippine citizens were sworn in at the PACCM and obtained dual citizenship. There is paperwork involved which will need to be submitted to Chicago well in advance of the September visit here. For information on dual citizenship documentation and forms (Continued on page 9)

The voting period will be from April 10, 2010 until 3:00 p.m. Philippine time of May 10, 2010. For details, please contact the Philippine Consulate General at Chicago.OR visit the Department of Foreign Affairs (Manila) website at Or the Commission on Elections (Manila) website at [email protected]

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Summer/Fall Edition

PACCM Chairperson message……

FILAMCCO President message…...

I joined the ambassador’s tour to the Philippines sponsored by the Consul Generals and the Department of Tourism. I was not sure what to write for this issue. Suddenly, I realized that I was here not only for fun but to reconnect with my roots. This was a great opportunity. We visited Malacanang Palace and had an audience with the President. It was also fun to visit the touristy places but ultimately you suddenly realize this is the Philippines, the land of the very rich and the very poor. The slums of the city will be there forever. The street children will give you a heartache.

The bountiful season of warmth, having been upon us, has ushered in an amount of energy that had produced a number of community activities for FILAMCCO. The recent Kalayaan 2009 Celebration on June 6 brought all kinds of pleasurable joy in entertainment, food, informal soiree and a bunch of activities for all ages. The Uso-Kamiseta Fashion Show on July 18 brought out the sunshine in all the models with a delicious ensemble of young and old walking down the runway proudly showcasing their choice of wear to the delightful view of the audience. And certainly summer will not end without the highlight of the season, the most awaited pageant, Mrs. Philippines of Michigan 2009 on August 29 with beauties representing and endorsed by their sponsoring FILAMCCO organizations. Everyone is looking forward to this event and we can only wait with anxious curiosity to see who will be crowned with the most coveted title.

Ernie Mac, M.D.

Then I thought of our lives in the U.S. Despite the economic meltdown we should consider ourselves blessed. We have food on our table, clothes on our back, a roof over our heads, a warm bed to sleep in, and most of us are in good health. What more can we ask for? And with these blessings we should be able to share. THE PACCM is in great need for funds to sustain its operation and its programs and to pay for major repairs needed for the building. If only, as a community, we would come together and support our PACCM, it would be a dream come true. This is a home for your children so they will not forget who they are ‑ the Paaralang Pilipino is there for you. In your busy schedule please, make time for your children to come to Paaralan. Pilipinos, as a people, have a knack for assimilation. It is good ‑ but it does not matter how we have assimilated ourselves to our mother country. We will always look different, and this is where we should strongly think of our culture ‑ let us not forget where we came from. On a lighter note, we were able to raise funds from our golf fundraiser. Thanks to the organizers Lito Apigo and company. These are much needed funds to keep our center in operation. To all of you in the communities please support the PACCM, your membership fees go a long way. For all of you that have always been there for the PACCM my personal and heartfelt thanks. To the Board of Directors and our hard-working Executive Director, your commitment and passion and hard work for the PACCM will never be forgotten, you have chosen a life that matters. Visit

Tony Kho

A quick glance into the Fall season brings us to more activities to look forward to. For one, children in our community will happily don their colorful Halloween costumes to the tune of the traditional “Trick or Trunk” Night in October, solely an evening of endless treats, games and prizes at the PACCM Center. For another, FILAMCCO Council members can appropriately gear themselves up to seek positions of leadership in our community through the Election Process set for November 14. In the same month, FILAMCCO will also continue its collaboration with PMAM to get the Annual Thanksgiving Mass underway. Into the early part of the holiday season comes the grand daddy of them all, the Rizal Day 2009 Celebration on December 19, an event commemorative of a special remembrance of the struggles of our hero, Dr. Jose Rizal to gain our freedom. And finally our participation in the Simbang Gabi highlighted on the eve of Christmas itself, is a nice way to end the year for FILAMCCO. A reminder is in order as well to all member organizations on your website affiliation. The FILAMCCO website is up and running. You now have an opportunity for your club to place its current news up on your own webpage, under the FILAMCCO community site. Contact me to create your own club webpage and get the process done. Continue to enjoy whatever excitement summer has left to offer and let’s all look ahead at the many opportunities we have to bring the best of unity to make our Filipino community a happy place to be. Visit

Summer/Fall Edition


About one month ago both Fred Porte and Ernie Mac were suffering from exhaustion, because of the golf fundraiser. Ernie was hospitalized. Fred just took a breather and you couldn’t find him. Why? Because the Center is short about $23,000 for next year. Both were exhausted and stressed out. It shouldn’t be that way. Fundraising is everyone’s task! Fred works nearly full-time at the Center, working for free and has done this for years. The Chinese community center, with a paid director, is amazed that we have someone like Fred. Ernie has been pushing and pulling from everyone’s pocket for years, to provide education for your kids. We should all be sharing to make sure the Center is the best and financially sound -long-term. If you receive this newsletter take out a yearly $30 family membership, so the Center can cover its expenses and build a needed and necessary reserve fund. We need major roof repairs. If you or, a group of your friends, can pay for the roof repairs call Fred. We’ve just done some driveway repairs, replacement of a major air-conditioning unit and are in the process of replacing the commercial fridge that died. We need to build a capital reserve to protect the future of the Center. It takes EACH ONE OF US to think about the Center and to pay our fair share annually. And, if you can give more - be an annual $100 donor, an annual $500 donor or higher — please do it, make it a regular practice. You may ask, what’s in it for you Jenks? Why don’t you involve yourself in your Jewish community? I’ve been a donor at my synagogue for nearly 50 years. We have annual dues that go up, based upon age. I’m a Jewish Welfare Federation Century Club member having been a donor for more than 45 years to our community foundation. And, I serve on the Executive Committee of the Jewish Community Relations Council. Then why the Filipino involvement? Because I was an original Kennedy Peace Corps Volunteer elementary school teacher from 1962 to 1964 in a rural barrio in Davao del Sur. People who had nothing gave of themselves daily, and for their kids - to get them a better education. I’ve never been able to repay Dolo for its daily acts of kindness, but I try day by day. If the Bayanihan spirit were operating here, like it still does in the rural Philippines, each one helping another — our Center and our school would be flourishing. Working together for the community and our Center, and giving annually, YOU and I can make it happen!

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The mainstream of American society By Van Ong, FILAMCCO Vice President Last July 10, 2009, community representatives from several Asian countries, Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam Thailand, Cambodia and India gathered at the Philippine-American Community Center of Michigan to engage in a dialogue to promote awareness and understanding of Asian American culture. Atty. Lawrence G. Almeda and I were selected to represent the Filipino community. The event was sponsored by the Council of Asian Pacific Americans. Every participant had an interesting story to tell about coming to America and the travails of adapting to a culture quite different from their own. It is a typical immigrant story of hope driven adventure to a strange land in search of a better life. The point of discussion was focused on the different personal experiences and how difficulties were overcome in the brief adjustment period of cultural immersion which for the some would seem like forever. For others, it is the ultimate test of courage and perseverance. It is life's hard lesson and having gone through it, I can only agree. Those experiences brought in a different perspective that helped me understand and connect well with other people. Ultimately, I had no problem assimilating in the mainstream of American society. But I keep my ethnic roots alive by celebrating the Filipino culture through active participation in community affairs. At the end of the day, only a blade of grass separated the similarities of our stories about getting started in this nation of immigrants. With no inheritance to build wealth, we emulated the tenacity of every able-minded man in America that works to earn a living. Labor is held in honor and although the common man enjoys extraordinary degree of unprecedented dignity, there is sometimes that shade of prejudice and injustice directed towards the "different people" - Asian Pacific Americans included. Understanding that ugly side of human nature instead made us stronger in character and more determined than ever to work doubly hard if that's what it takes to make the grade. We sought fairness when there was favoritism and equal opportunity when there was discrimination. We demanded no special rights or privileges where others don't have them, for we were confident that the inherent strength in our cultural values will pull us through. And although our lifestyles are different, we shared one fundamental principle: To live in freedom where we treat every person as we would like to be treated. America is not a perfect society but it still is a great country. In his travels across the United States, Alexis de Tocqueville, the famous French political thinker, historian and social scientist concluded in his book Democracy in America in 1835: "America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great."

Summer/Fall Edition

Follow-Up Wish List… By Fred Porte, PACCM Executive Director

In the last issue of the Newsletter, I admitted that writing a long article was to me, like writing War and Peace. However, I barely made it then. This time, the editor (Jeff Jenks) suggested that I write a follow‑up to my "How I wish" article. I welcomed the opportunity because there are so many items on my wish list this time. I will really need the help of my Asian genie to locate the generous donors in the community once more. It has been seven years since our dream of having a community center has been realized. During this period, the Center has served as the home of Paaralang Pilipino, and a venue for various community events, private parties, and frequent informal gatherings just to keep up with the goings‑on in the community.

Page 4 PACCM VALENTINE’S BALL 2010 FEBRUARY 13, 2010 - SAVE THE DATE!!! Steve and Gale Miles, Chairpersons Please join us and celebrate as we host our biggest fundraiser of the year with 27 years of proud service in our community, at the Troy Marriott Hotel, 200 W. Big Beaver on February 13, 2010 with reception at 6:00pm followed by dinner at 7:00pm. For more information about our event, please contact: Steve and Gale Miles Event Chairpersons (313) 550-8601 Dr. Ernie Mac PACCM Chairperson (248) 641-8993 Fred Porte PACCM Executive Director (248) 443-7037 “Maraming salamat po” INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE CELEBRATES MICHIGAN ‘S PROFESSIONAL WOMEN By: Arcie Gemino

If you haven’t been here in a long time, you will see many changes. Donors have paid to change the lighting, to lower costs; the bathrooms have been updated; the floors changed. But over time, one could expect a certain amount of wear and tear requiring minor repairs. However, recently and nearly all at the same time, we’ve been hit with a series of required major repairs among which are: replacement of one of our air-conditioning compressors‑‑‑$6,000; the need for a major repair to the roof, which leaks‑‑‑$5,000; plumbing modifications‑‑‑$2,700 (mandated by the city); the need to repair the parking lot manhole for drainage‑‑$850; repair of the entrance to the parking lot‑‑‑$850 (mandated by the city); and repairs to the sidewalk – $900 (mandated by the city). The total amount for these necessary capital repairs is $16,300. PACCM simply cannot afford all the above without a lot of help from “angels” (hence the frequent campaign for membership dues and fundraisers). If you can be an angel for one or more of these projects and pay yourself, or through your family, your club or as a group of friends please, please call me. Although I give my time freely and nearly fulltime I cannot pay for these major repairs, and our fundraising so far doesn’t cover them. I cannot forget to be grateful to the generous individuals who have pledged and donated to PACCM in the past, and continue to do so. Without them we cannot continue to enjoy our Center. Let us maintain the Bayanihan spirit, because when all is said and done, the benefit will be for all of us (present and future) to enjoy.

In observance of the 2009 International Women’s Day, the International Institute hosted a Gala Night to honor women of various ethnicities and from all walks of life to celebrate their achievements, diversity and contributions. The recognition dinner was held at Byblos Banquet Center in Dearborn. “Who’s Who in Michigan’s Professional Women” drew four women honorees from the Filipino community, Dr. Ernie Mac, PACCM Chairperson, Arcie Gemino, Immediate Past President of FILAMCCO and current President of Kiwanis Club of Cosmopolitan Detroit, Tess Tchou, Community Director for Healthy Asian Americans Project and Becky Tungol, Filipino Cultural Ambassador to International Institute and currently holding multiple positions as President of the Filamcco, Foundation, NANAY and Director of Paaralan Pilipino The 4 were among award recipients from the African, Chinese,, Greek, Hmong, , Indian, Iranian, Korean, Latin –American Native American Indian and Russian outstanding women leaders in Michigan. (Continued on page 5)

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Summer/Fall Edition

COME SEE THE TAGALOG MOVIE: BEST FRIENDS FOREVER - AUGUST 14 - 16 Why not come and see a humorous Tagalog movie staring Sharon Cuneta, Ai-ai delas Alas and John Estrada at the AMC Star Theatre Southfield, 25333 W, 12 Mile Road, August 14, 15 or 16 at 3 p.m., 6 p.m. or 9 .pm. Funds raised partially benefit the PACCM and FILAMCCO. When conservative housewife Honey (Sharon Cuneta) confirms her suspicions her husband Tim (John Estrada) is having an affair, she decides to enroll in a gym to make herself physically appealing to her husband, where she meets the fun_loving dance instructor and single mother Frances (Ai_ai delas Alas). But little do the two women know that they are both involved with the same man! In forming an unlikely bond with each other, Honey and Frances help other in becoming better at winning the love of their lives, and becoming better mothers. The question of best friends being forever is put to the test when Honey finds out that the woman she believes is ruining her family is none other than her best friend! Tickets are available in advance from many Filipino markets. Go to to find out the full set of locations. Further information can be obtained from Tony Kho (248) 755-6122; Dr. Ernie Mac (248) 641-8993; Fred Porte (586) 350-5574; Resty Teodoro (248) 303-5054. (Continued from page 4)

Int’l Institute Celebrates..

The International Institute is dedicated to working with Amercan and foreign-born residents in the task of social problem solving, acculturation, education and acceptance. Through its immigration, cultural education and community outreach services, it is able to provide resources necessary to advance the welfare and integration of Foreign –born citizens, promote global awareness and cultural harmony, celebrate heritage and serve other organizations in areas of its competence. ASIAN MULTICULTURAL LEADERSHIP SESSION HELD AT PACCM By: Arcie Gemino PACCM was the chosen site for the Asian American Immersion Program held on July 9, 2009. It was an all day session featuring speakers from the Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indian, Filipino and Hmong communities. The speakers sat at round table discussions to talk about the culture, history and socio-economic issues in their respective communities. The session was attended by participants from the Hispanic, Latino, Arab, Chaldean, Native American and Asian communities. The Asian Immersion is an undertaking of New Detroit, the Coalition in partnership with the American Citizens for Justice (ACJ) who hosted the event. A welcome address by L.G, Almeda, president of ACJ and an overview of APA history opened the session. Later in the afternoon, a panel of other speakers did power point presentations and touched on the topics

of immigration, health issues, acculturation, and youth perspectives. Selected speakers to represent our Filipino community were L.G Almeda, Van Ong and Ashley Manzano. Featured in the event are Filipino food catered by Vangie’s Kitchen and a dance presentation of “Tinikling, the Evolution” performed by JJ Villaflor and company. There was also a cultural exhibit displaying crafts and other informative materials from the various Asian countries. The Multicultural Leadership Session was prepared and executed under the lead of Arcie Gemino and Jeff Jenks. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Hi Jeff, Many Filipinos appreciate your service to the community. Sadly, we pay a very high price for this since you take every opportunity to make condescending remarks. Francis Lim Dear Mr. Jenks, Your consistency of volunteerism to the Filipino community in Michigan and in the Philippines is commendable. I have seen you worked hard for this community since the early seventies as well as being the founding president of the “Movement For Free Philippines”. You may not have a Pilipino blood flowing through your vein, but most importantly, your heart belongs to us. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you have done and continue doing in the future to help our community. Tony Kho, FILAMCCO President

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Summer/Fall Edition

WILL YOU CHOOSE PAARALANG PILIPINO FOR YOUR KIDS OR YOURSELF IN SEPTEMBER? By Rebecca Tungol, School Director I have been contemplating on what are really the reasons why parents should make every effort to send their children to the Paaralang Pilipino. Last Friday, I had the privilege of meeting a gentleman, born and raised here in USA, happily married with a daughter who was enrolled at the Paaralang Pilipino. It was amazing that he tried to speak our language with difficulty but kept trying and he said that he actually learned some of the words from his daughter who learned them from attending the Sunday classes offered at PACCM. That scenario inspired me to continue searching for ways on how we could enhance our curriculum and teaching methods at the Paaralan. During the summer we will be preparing to open our Pilipino school for the next session. We will be holding another meeting with the teachers, some parents and members of the PACCM Education Committee to discuss further on how we can encourage more parents to send their children to YOUR school. At the Paaralang Pilipino our students learn how to converse in Tagalog by teaching them phrases reflecting our values and traditions like using the word “po” or “opo,” addressing elder persons with the words”Tito,” ”Tita,” “Lolo” and “Lolo” for much older people. We offer them fun‑filled activities like playing group games where they have to count in Tagalog, receive instruction in Tagalog, making greeting cards in Tagalog, the most recent addition to their activities is the Pinoy Jeopardy which they really enjoy. At the Paaralang Pilipino our students learn folk dancing. The most popular and the favorite is the Tinikling which has been the signature dance of the Paaralang Pilipino. The students have performed this dance at different cultural presentations, the latest of which was at the foot of the Capitol Building in Lansing. At the Paaralang Pilipino our students also learn Philippine History and Filipino American History from University of Michigan student volunteers. At the Paaralang we enjoy the hospitality and camaraderie of the Board members and parents who bring food for the children to enjoy during recess. I am sure there are other reasons and other stories to tell why parents should send their kids to the Paaralang Pilipino but the above is my own story. I hope you will join us for the “Open House” on September 13h and enroll your kids (or grandkids) for the beginning on classes on September 27. The cost is $30 for a family membership (parents and all kids under 18), plus a $10 per student materials fee. So after you pay for the whole family all kids, under 18 can take classes for $10 each, the nominal cost for materials and supplies. We also need more teachers to get involved, more parents to volunteer and more Kababayans to become members of the PACCM so that we can continue with our mission to serve the community and to reach our vision to be the best community center we can be. Will you join us in our journey to a lifetime commitment of volunteerism and education?

Summer/Fall Edition

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Summer/Fall Edition

Philippine American Community Center of Michigan 17356 Northland Park Court (Philippine Street), Southfield, MI 48075 Phone 248-443-7037 Š Fax 248-443-7078 Š Email: [email protected]


Type of subscribing member:

‰ Individual (20) ‰ Family ($30) ‰ Lifetime ($500) ‰ Student / Senior Citizen $10.00 (Circle one)

Last Name ___________________ First Name _____________________ MI _______ Address ______________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Code Phone Res: ________________ Bus: __________________ Fax: _______________ Email Address: ___________________________________________________

Spouse / Parent(s) Name ________________________________________________ Number of children below age 18: _______

Ages: ___________________________

(These information for purposes of Paaralang Pilipino enrollment)

Can you assist in any of the following Committees? (Please check all that applies)

‰ ‰

Membership Fund Raising

‰ ‰

‰ ‰

Administrative Cultural / Social

Education finance

‰ ‰

Community Services Public Relations

Expertise / Talent _______________________________________________________________________________

_______________________________ Signature

_______________________________ Submission Date

(For Office Use Only)

Referred by: ___________________________________________________________ Amount Paid: $_____________




Check No. ____________

Receipt No: _____________ Application received by: __________________________

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Summer/Fall Edition

Philippine Chamber of Commerce – Michigan Hosts FILAMCCO's Rizal Day 2009 Celebration By Maria Victoria Fought The Philippine Chamber of Commerce – Michigan has volunteered to take on the daunting task of hosting this year's Rizal Day celebration under the direction of the FILAMCCO. The dinnerdance celebration will be held on December 19th at Rock Financial. As President of the Chamber, Ryan Rosario will Chair the event. This is the second year that the FILAMCCO has encouraged its member organizations to take on a lead role in the umbrella organization's biggest annual event which is attended by over 500 Filipinos in Michigan and across the United States. Tony Kho as president of FILAMCCO, started this 'tradition' with last year's event being hosted by the Ang Bisaya group. He initiated this kind of cooperation to get more of the member organizations involved with FILAMCCO. According to Tony, “the attitude is changing, the members are more excited and showing more commitment to the community.” This kind of opportunity was exactly what the Chamber needed to boost its presence in the Filipino community. Being a newly-formed organization and member of the FILAMCCO, the Chamber would like to get more involved in the community to give the members excellent opportunities to meet and be introduced to the Filipinos of Michigan. As the host organization, the Chamber is expected to develop the theme and program for the event. They will be working closely with, and under the guidance of, the more 'experienced' members of FILAMCCO to make sure that Rizal Day 2009 will be an event neither organizations and, hopefully the attendees, would always remember. (Continued from page 1)

Consulate visits..

go to or call (312) 332-6458 x 11. For information on new passport documentation and forms go to or call (312) 3326458. If you have a currently valid Philippine passport you can continue to use that passport. New passports are sent to Manila and will take approximately 6 weeks to process. Plan ahead For general questions not answered above go to or call (312) 332-6458. Also check the FILAMCCO website for updated information. (Continued from page 1)

Mrs. Philippines 2009….

The most coveted title of Mrs. Philippines of Michigan 2009 will be awarded on Saturday, August 29, 2009 at the American Polish Cultural Center in Troy, Michigan. Several distinguished members of a panel of judges will select the winners that will be judged on poise, personality, stage presence, oral communications and talent. Mr. Ryan Rosario, a veteran host of local beauty pageants and Ms. Jennifer Pascua, a TV Reporter and Anchor, will be the hosts. Ms. Andrea Izom, Fox TV Channel 2 Reporter was invited for a special appearance and plans to anchor the show. This year's pageant will be a bit different from previous Mrs. Philippines of Michigan pageants. Participants will be offered personality growth and development workshops. A limousine ride for the participants to select destinations and an outdoor photo shoot will also be conducted. A ten minute video clip of the participants will be shown during the pageant.

Aside from the Mrs. Philippines of Michigan title, the committee will also award several honorary titles to all participants like Mrs. Philippines Michigan 2009 FILAMCCO, Mrs. Philippines Michigan Independence Day, Mrs. Philippines Michigan Tourism, Mrs. Philippines Michigan Friendship, and Mrs. Philippines Green Earth Michigan. Special awards will be given to the best in Filipiniana costume, most photogenic, best in talent, best in gown, and a People's Choice trophy. A Mrs. Popularity Trophy will be awarded based on the highest tickets and advertisement pages sold by the participant in total dollar amount. Aside from the $1,000 cash prize for the winner of the pageant title of Mrs. Philippines Michigan 2009, participants will also be awarded dinner certificates, a complimentary hotel overnight stay, complimentary personal massages, physical fitness membership cards, and the widest post event publicly with local Filipino newspapers in the United States and Canada. A reunion of previous Mrs. Philippines of Michigan title holders is also being planned by the pageant committee. For more information about this event, please call any of the following: Mrs. Flor Penner, Pageant Executive Director at 586- 506-7352, Willie Dechavez, Event Chairperson at 586-713-8261, Ryan Rosario, Event co-Chairperson at (586) 8084568, Fe San Agustin, OIC at 586-360-6822, and Tony Kho, FILAMCCO President at 248-755-6122. For ticket information, call Becky Tungol at 248-755-6119. The dinner and pageant show cost $40.00 per person.

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Summer/Fall Edition




Ron Damasco - PBA and NABA Commissioner

Join us from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the PACCM Center. Get your Flu Shot Free, if you’re 65 or older, otherwise it’s $10. You can also get for FREE: a Health Screening, Blood Pressure check, Blood Sugar test (Diabetes), Cholesterol test (12 hours fasting required), your BMI measurement (Body Mass Index ‑ Weight Awareness), and you can ask the doctor for free. Screening and vaccine supplies are limited. First come, first served. Pre‑registration recommended. This is a joint community service effort of NANAY (National Alliance to Nurture the Aged and Youth) and APAMSA (Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association) at Wayne State University)

The PBA is currently busy preparing for the upcoming NABA tournament to be held at Scarborough, Ontario, Canada this coming September 4 - 6, 2009. As Commissioner of both the PBA of Michigan and NABA (North American Basketball Association) I am bound to deliver what is expected of me by the of members of both organizations - the fair application of the rules and regulations. The PBA of Michigan will will be participating in 10 divisions in the NABA tournament, ranging from ages 7 to 45 and above. There will be approximately 150 athletes from the PBA of Michigan competing and a total aggregate of 1500 to 2000 other players from around North America. The PBA of Michigan will launch a fund raising campaign in the form of Golf and Casino outing, to cover some of the expenses..

Donations of either flu vaccine OR funds to purchase flu vaccine, and donation of testing supplies or funds to purchase testing supplies are invited. For further information on tax deductible donations or for health fair information contact: Becky Tungol (248) 755‑6119, [email protected] This is a project co-ordinated by Becky Tungol and Tess Tchou.

The PBA of Michigan will conduct it's annual Fall League tournament at the Beechwood Recreational Center in Southfield Michigan. For more information contact the Commissioner at [email protected]



by Jeff Jenks, PACCM PRO

By: Arcie Gemino

Rizal Province 14 - 18 year-old girls will represent Asia/Pacific in the Big League Softball series to be held at Vandenberg Park in Kalamazoo. The opening will begin at 11:30 a.m. and the Championship game will be at 8:00 p.m. on August 12 and will be televised live on ESPN or ESPN2. This is the 28th season for Big League Softball girls in Kalamazoo. The Philippines has been represented during at least the past three years.

We can once again look to another celebration commemorating the anniversary of our community center on September 20. A vital segment of the event, known as “Consulate on Wheels” will provide services for dual citizenship and passport applications to anyone wishing to obtain these documents without the hassle of a trip to Chicago. Consul General Blesila Cabrera and her staff come to Michigan usually Friday of the weekend designated for thePACCM anniversary to entertain applications.

Unfortunately we won’t see a Philippine team at the Junior League Baseball (13 and 14 year old boys) in Taylor, Michigan. Mantinlupa came in 3rd this year in the Asia-Pacific games.

It only takes a day to process the papers and applicants benefit from immediate receipt of their documents within the confines of their own community. If you are interested in these services, contact Fred Porte at [email protected] , 586-350-5574 or Arcie Gemino [email protected], 586-954-9711. The consular outreach is scheduled to serve other Midwestern states of Wisconsin in July and Minnesota, Missouri and Ohio in August.

ILLAM (the International Little League Association of Manila) did win three slots in Little League World series playoffs and will be playing Senior League Baseball 14 - 16 year olds (Bangor Maine) Aug. 16 - 22; Junior League Softball girls 13 - 14 (Kirkland, Washington) Aug. 16 - 22; and Senior League Softball girls 14 - 16 (Lower Sussex, Delaware) Aug. 9 - 15. Championship games will be televised live at 8:00 p.m. on the last day of each series on ESPN.

On Sunday, September 20, a luncheon will be held at PACCM to celebrate the occasion followed by a program and entertainment. Plans are underway for this community event. Flyers will be circulated detailing relative information. You can reach event co-chairs Arcie Gemino, (at the abovementioned contact information) or Lory Ward at [email protected]

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Summer/Fall Edition


Kiwanians all over the world trekked music country USA, Nashville Tennessee, site of the 94’th Kiwanis International Convention from June 25-28. Thousands of delegates convened at the Nashville Convention Center and The Sommet Center for a 4 day schedule of events and activities consisting of a Grand Opening, exhibit hall, workshop sessions, caucus, tours, seminars, committee meetings, prize giveaways, entertainment and a closing session. The clubs of Kiwanis Cosmopolitan Detroit sent Arcie Gemino, current President, Jeff Jenks, President designate and Division Lt. Governor Becky Tungol as official club delegates. Metro North Troy delegates were current President, Lydia Palaganas, President Designate Jovi Engalan and Division 7 Lt. governor Roger Palaganas. In May, both clubs held their respective Prayer Breakfast celebration with a brief memorial for their departed fellow Kiwanians and continued their regular interclubbing, volunteer work at Medical World Relief, solicitation of regular club guest speakers, children – oriented projects and other human services. In Late August, the Michigan District will hold its own convention at the Amway Hotel in Grand Rapids. All clubs from both divisions will send their set of delegates to the District Convention. Registration is now open for other interested Kiwanis members to attend the local counterpart of the international convention. There is an abundance of workshops and activities in store for everyone. Kiwanis Cosmopolitan Detroit is conducting its annual camping trip to Howell Convention and Nature Center for a long weekend of fun for members, their families and friends at the Knoll Lodge in late July. Contact Tony Kho for inclusion, Cosmo Club will hold its Induction Ball on September 26, 2009 and Metro North on October 17, 2009 at the same venue, the American Polish Cultural Center. Contact their respective presidents for reservations…

SAMAHANG PILIPINO NG OAKLAND CELEBRATES 40TH ANNIVERSARY By: Susan Mangune This year marks a monumental milestone in the life of the Samahang Pilipino ng Oakland (SPO), an organization that we proudly represent. We will honor and celebrate the values and traditions SPO stands for. We have a great joy in being able to look back over 40 years of service and camaraderie. We feel

tremendous pride and thanksgiving for being given this unique opportunity to celebrate such a remarkable achievement. Many of you have heard of SPO’s humble beginning and have been with us through this amazing journey. What started 40 years ago with merely 10 families or so, has blossomed into a social organization of 100 families. In honor of this important milestone, SPO is hosting a formal Dinner-Dance to be held on November 6, 2009 at the fabulous The Palazzo Grande located at 54660 Van Dyke in Shelby Township. We extend a cordial invitation to all of you, our friends and supporter, to attend this very special celebration. For more information about this event and to buy tickets, please contact Lito and Myrna Gener at 248-332-0053, Mike and Delia Short at 248-320-5284 Bebot Siega at 248-681-1353 or Nelly Mojica at 248-682-6575. We look forward to seeing you there.

MED TECHS FUN RAISE and WILL ATTEND PAMET-USA MEET IN LA By Daisy Nogoy The Philippine Association of Medical Technologists of Michigan (PAMET-MI) will hold their annual picnic / fundraising at the Nogoy's residence on Saturday August 1st. from noon to ...... Aside from the usual festival of foods, we will have dancing, singing and friendly games of mah-jongg, bingo and other fundraising events. For more information about the picnic or PAMET please call Daisy Nogoy at 586-883-8041 They are also planning on attending the Executive Board Meeting of PAMET-USA (our national organization) to be held in Los Angeles, California Aug 13 to 15. The delegates will include Nile Alconcel, the Michigan president and also the President-elect of PAMET-USA 2010-2012, Daisy Nogoy, Andy Nogoy, Teena Fernandez, Phil Fernandez, Elena Perez, Ampy Gallardo, Gloria Trajano and Lavinia Mateo. Let Us Support Our Community Center. “It Is Our Home Away From Home”

Summer/Fall Edition

UPAAM 2009 Outstanding Youth of Michigan Recognition and Installation By Bong Jaramillo, PRO The University of the Philippines Alumni Association of Michigan. recognized five 2009 high school graduates for their achievements and each were presented with ‘Capili Memorial Award’ as UPAAM’s Outstanding Youth of Michigan for 2009 on June 21st in a recognition dinner at St. Owen Church Center in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. The awardees are: Marc Cunanan - Sterling Heights HS. Academic Excellence. Hilary Janice Melvindale HS, Excellence in the Performing Arts. Rene Juridico Shrine Catholic HS, Athletic Excellence. Michael Munoz - Divine Child HS,, Excellence in Arts and Letters. Chelsey Revita - Allen Park HS, Excellence in Leadership, Citizenship and Filipino Heritage.

Page 12 Mrs. Rayos has been active in community activities since the late 60's. She is the founding President of the University of the Philippines Alumni Association of Michigan, past president of the Philippine Medical Association Auxiliary, the National Auxiliary to the Association of Philippine Physicians in America, and the Filipino‑American Political Association of Michigan. She is a passionate advocate of Gawad Kalinga/Answering the Cry of the Poor (ANCOP) and Habitat for Humanity. She and her building partner, Alma Ambrosio Chand, have raised funds to build a total of 42 homes in three GK Villages (two in Naga City, Bicol, and one in E. B. Magalona, Negros Occidental), and they are still raising funds from friends and families for 18 more homes. She and Alma Ambrosio Chand are chairs of the UPAAA Convention Gala Night Committee. Information on the Biennnial Convention can be directed to Delia (UPAAA VP, Midwest) at 313‑303‑6544 or Alma (Liaison Officer, Midwest) at 313‑668‑4146.

The awardees gave remarks and talent presentations during the program.


The new officers for 2009—2011 are: Bayani Domingo — President, Ellen Porte — VP, Anita Sodawala — Corre-sponding Secretary, Vickie Fought — Recording Secretary, Noel Santos — Treasurer, Bong Jaramillo — PRO, Es-peranza Christensen — Auditor, and Helen Domingo — Parliamentarian. Those elected to the Board of Directors are Norma Bada, Evangeline Capili, Alma Chand, Roy Coloma, Francis Lm, Lavinia Mateo, Delia Rayos, Nely Revita, Chit Rojas, Nimfa Springer, and Corrie Tunac.

As the summer comes to a close, students flock back to school and prepare for another year of studying, spending time with friends, and extracurricular activities. For those in college, this means this is time to look forward to spending with the Filipino-American clubs on their campus. These organizations host social mixers, educational workshops, give back through community service, and showcase cultural and modern performances that attract surrounding communities.

BAM President to Receive UPAAA Award

A few of these clubs include the Filipino American Student Association at the University of Michigan (FASA), the Pilipino American Student Society at Michigan State University (PASS), and the Filipino Student Society at Wayne State University (FSS). You may have seen some of them volunteering at the arts and crafts table at this year’s Kalayaan Picnic. The respective Presidents for the 2009-2010 school year are Raisa Razalan from FASA and Bobby Cordero from PASS. Students of any year are encouraged to come out, meet the rest of the members, and join.

by Alma Ambrosio Chand Delia Hidalgo Rayos, President of the Bicol Association of Michigan (BAM), will be awarded the 2009 University of the Philippines Alumni Association of America (UPAAA) Distinguished Community Service Award at the Biennial Convention to be held on September 4‑6, 2009 at the G. W. Marriott in Washington, D. C. The award will be presented by the University of the Philippines President, Dr. Emerlinda Roman, during the Gala Night on Saturday,September 5, 2009. The UP Distinguished Alumni Awards are "intended to recognize U.P. alumni in the U.S. for their outstanding achievements that bring about substantial benefits to society and distinct honor to the University".

Ashley Nicole Manzano

The clubs can be contacted at [email protected] , [email protected] , and the FSS website . They are also searchable on Facebook. Be sure to check them out!

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Summer/Fall Edition

YOUTH INSPIRING OTHERS by Edina Estupigan Klein Style, Confidence, and Individuality defined the looks featured at the ‘uso kamiseta’ fashion show on Saturday, July 18th, where 25 Filipino-Americans participated in a multi age group fashion show. The models included grade school, tweens, teens and young adults. Uso kamiseta models sashaying down the runway sporting their own threads, allowed them to express their individuality. In addition, tanks and T's were provided by event sponsors Pinoy+Proud and FILAMCCO. Much excitement was had by the audience, as nine uso kamisetas and a Pinoy+Proud T were raffled off. With a total of 18 segments including a Pinoy+Proud and a sweet mother-daughter number, pride and inspiration was experienced by all that witnessed their loved ones on stage. The models were not only there to support the community and the foundation, but also to experience and learn something outside of their comfort zone. The rewarding aspect is witnessing new friendships develop and delighting in the models’ excitement and satisfaction with something that they helped produce. Uso kamiseta is a benefit for the FILAMCCO Foundation -- sponsored by FILAMCCO with Pinoy+Proud (, Lia Sophia Jewelry (Mina Aniciete) and Tess Magno/Filipino Women's Club of Detroit. It was held at the PACCM. For more information, about FILAMCCO and initiatives like this, visit

1. uso kamiseta: Liselle Tungol, Chelaine Dueweke, MJ Caoagas 2. Mother-Daughter: Gabrielle Caoagas, Rose Caoagas (event co-chair), Isabel Mozo, Laura Mozo, Audrey Diaz, Juliet Diaz 3. Pinoy+Proud: Guian Estupigan, Anatalia Klein, and Sabrina Tungol

L-R: Anatalia Klein, Sabrina Tungol, Guian Estupigan, Isabel Mozo, Laura Mozo, Rose Caoagas, Gabrielle Caoagas, Julia Rosario, Juliet Diaz, Audrey Diaz, Rachel Rosario, Aliyah Voyce, Skye Logan, Eden Klein (event chair), Lindsay Regala, Gabby Logan, Bella Logan, Jackie Navarra, Armando de Jesus III, Emily Caoagas, Brendan Tungol, Jaxen Klein, Brendan Tungol, Krystle Laja, MJ Caoagas, Liselle Tungol, Chelaine Dueweke

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Summer/Fall Edition



By Lito Apigo Who is the best Filipino golf league in Michigan? This question was always answered by the Annual Interleague Golf Tournament / Fundraiser sponsored by PACCM. It was held at Devils Ridge Golf Club in Oxford, Michigan last June 20, 2009. The event was again overwhelmingly participated by the local Filipino golf leagues in the Metro Area such as the IAM (Ilocano Association of Michigan), PGTL (Pangasinan Golf Touring League) , TGA (Touring Golfers Association), Metroline Golfers and Kiwanis Club. The reigning champions for the past 2 years, IAM, again prevailed this year but won with a very slim margin and were closely contested by the second place TGA. The IAM normally dominates the competition based on their record on previous years winning with an average margin of 20 points or more however, this year was a different story since they only won by 4 points which meant the competition was fiercely contested. With the other leagues slowly closing in, are we finally going to see a different champion next year? That remains to be seen. Nevertheless, the IAM were triumphant in their victory and once again have the bragging rights to who is the best Filipino league in Michigan. The real victory however was the amount of funds raised by this event for the Center. It also meant continuing to provide outstanding programs such as Paaralang Pilipino for the children with an increasing number of enrollments, community health initiatives for the underserved and underinsured citizens of Michigan with the Health and Fitness Expo program that focuses on the elderly, Consul on wheels which provides consular services for local immigrants, and many more first rate projects that benefit the community at large. This event is one of the lifelines for all of these successful programs and thanks to all the participants and hole sponsors who made it much more meaningful especially to those who will benefit from it – the community. To participate in other PACCM fundraising events, please visit for announcements.

Giving special tribute to graduates in our community had become a tradition. A brainchild of former chairperson Dr. Efren Platon with the collaboration of the then Paaralan Pilipino Director Fe Rowland, the dinner to honor graduates had been a successful event under the charge of the Educational and Cultural Committee. It aims to recognize the academic commencement of students from high school and college as a means of encouragement and expression of community pride for completion of their secondary and college education. The evening drew a big crowd with the parents, graduates and guests enjoying delicious meal, program and fellowship. What topped it all is the ceremonial offering of a unique stole depicting the Philippine flag wrapped around each graduate’s neck. The keynote speaker, Reggie Pacis, an immigration lawyer and a shareholder practicing in Butzel Long’s Detroit office shared a lot of wisdom to the young students encouraging them to reach their highest potentials and as they prepare for better opportunities ahead, to maximize their patience in search of jobs during these tough economic times. The high school graduates honored were Marc Cunanan, Hillary Janice, Rene Juridico, Marvin Montante, Michael Munoz, Samantha Ramirez, Jason Ricarte, Jordan Rubio., and Samantha Sollestre. Unable to come were Andrei Natividad and Chelsea Rabano. The college graduates were Ryan Tungol Changcoco, Michael Maloles, Ashley Manzano, Rosalynne Pinga, Eduardo Reyes, Reynaldo Tungol Jr., JJ Villaflor. Unable to join the batch were Ann Palaganas, Ann Moses and Jonathan Fabro.

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Summer/Fall Edition

ARAW NANG KALAYAAN SA MICHIGAN 2009 By: Betsy Henry KALAYAAN Officer-In-Charge and Co-host 2009 Last June 6, 2009, we celebrated our KALAYAAN 2009 (Philippine Independence Day) at Halmich Park in Troy. We had an overwhelming attendance of over 1,000 Filipino-Americans. This day brings forth a united community in an atmosphere of camaraderie, pure fun of sharing talents, social entertainment and savoring delectable dishes. This year's theme "Cultural Connections Across the Filipino Community" was echoed by Governor Jennifer Granholm's Certificate of Proclamation making June 6, 2009 Philippine Independence Day in Michigan. Kahirup of Michigan, NaFFAA-Michigan and FAPAM are humbly honored to have been the proud cohosts of FILAMCCO'S KALAYAAN 2009. It was a privilege to be of service to our fellow Kababayan and friends of the community to be able to showcase our heritage and Filipino culture. The day started with the Independence Day parade of all the participating organizations, Miss and Mrs. Philippines and their court. Opening Remarks were given by our dynamic FILAMCCO President, Tony Kho followed by a Welcome Address by Warren’s Mayor Jim Fouts. Luncheon was highlighted with various homemade Filipino dishes along with our six Lechons (Roasted Pigs). What a great delight to see everybody just feasting, laughing and just having a great time. Cultural Presentations followed with games and dances throughout the rest of the afternoon. Our sincere appreciation to our committee members, very energetic and vibrant committee leaders, FILAMCCO officers and Board, to our donors, sponsors, ethnic neighbors, member organizations, vendors and volunteers. Most especially to all of "You", who made this day very memorable and meaningful. Maraming Salamat. Please mark your calendar for early June in 2010 for our next Araw Nang Kalayaan.

KALAYAAN 2009 Festival


Philippine American Community Center of Michigan 17356 Northland Park Court (Philippines St.) Southfield, MI 48075

PACCM / FILAMCCO Publishers 17356 Northland Park Ct (Philippine Street) Southfield, MI 48075 Tel: (248) 443-7037 Fax: (248) 443-7078 Editor Co-Editor Production Layout Circulation Pictures Writers:

Jeff Jenks Van Ong Steve Miles Tony Kho Fred Porte Mac Fuller Alma Chand Arcie Gemino Ashley Manzano Becky Tungol Betsy Henry Bong Jaramillo Daisy Nogoy Ernie Mac, MD Eden Klein Lito Apigo Ron Damasco, MD Steve & Gale Miles Susan Mangune Vicky Fought Willie Dechavez

Community Calendar of Events Summer/Fall 2009

August 2009

September 2009 Sep 5-7

The Annual NABA (North American Basketball Association) Intercity Tournament to be held at Scarborough, Ontario, Canada during the Labor day weekend

Sep 13

Paaralang Pilipino Open House at the PACCM from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Contact Becky Tungol @ (248) 755-6119

Sep 19

Waray-Waray Inaugural and Induction Ball from 6:00 pm at American Polish Century Club, Maple Lane in Sterling Heights , Michigan . Contact: Florie Mojica (248) 340-9276 or John White (245) 854-4221.

Aug 1

Kiwanis Metro North-Troy Annual Picnic - from 11:00 am 'til Sep 18sunset at Brinston Park on John R (between Maple Road & 19 Big Beaver) - Contact Roger Palaganas at (248) 705-5306

Aug 2

PAFA Summer Picnic at the Heritage Park Pavilion 2&3 in Canton from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Contact PAFA @ (734) 273-4190 [email protected]

Aug 8

PACCM Anniversary Celebration at the PACCM Center Contact: Arcie Gemino (586) 954 9711 or Lori Ward

Sep 26

Kiwanis Club of Cosmopolitan Detroit Induction Ball at the American Polish Cultural Center. Contact Arcie Gemino (586) 954-9711

October 2009 Oct 3

Aug 8

JOY OF THE LORD Golf Tournament and Annual Picnic at Heritage Park in Canton. Invite your Friends and Family. For info, Contact Louie Morfe @ (248) 982-7040 or (248) 310- Oct 18

Aug 8

Ang Bisaya of Michigan Annual Picnic at Halmich Parh in Warren. Invite your Friends and Family. FANA’s 3rd Induction & Inaugural Ball @ Sheraton Novi, Haggerty just north of 8th Mile from 6:00 pm to 12:00 midnight. Contact: Cecilia Espino @ 586 248 1739 & Van Ong

Aug 29

Mrs. Philippines 2009 Pageant at the American Polish Cultural Center in Troy, Contact: Willie Dechavez (586) 2684725 or Tony Kho at [email protected]

Aug 29

Kiwanis Metro North-Troy Golf Tournament - 9:00 am at the Bruce Hills Country Club in Romeo. Contact Roger Palaganas at (248) 705-5306.

Consular-On-Wheel at the PACCM Center 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Contact: Fred Porte (248) 443-7037

Sep 20

Downriver Filipino American Association is celebrating their 11th Biennial Inaugural and 10th Debutant Ball at the Crowne Plaza 8000, Merriman Road, Romulus, MI. Contact Ceasar Sumanting at (734) 729-2600

Aug 15

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Oct 24

Mini Health Fair at the PACCM from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Flu Shot will be available Kiwanis Club of Metro North-Troy Induction Ball at the American Polish Cultural Center. Contact Arcie Gemino (586) 954-9711 NaFFAA Michigan 6th Annual Banquet at Somerset Inn – Featuring Anthony & Carla Castelo. Contact Willie Dechavez @ (586) 268-4725

November 2009 Nov 6

SPO Dinner-Dance at Palazzo Grande in Shelby Twp. For contact information, see page 11.

Nov 21

Michigan Circulo Pampangueno 25th Anniversary and Induction Ball at Somerset Inn - Contact Becky Tungol (248) 755-6119

Nov 26

Thanksgiving Mass 10:30 am at St Hugo Church in Bloomfield Hills

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