Newsletter - October 4, 2009

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Denver First Church October 4, 2009

keeping in touch...

DFC Ministerial Staff Shawn Siegfreid Lead Pastor

Stephen Abbott Young Adult & Family Pastor

Rich Cantwell Business Administrator

Bud Curry Hospital Chaplain

Tina Hayhurst Student Ministries Pastor

Bob Huffaker Interim Pastor

Scott Nauman Pastor of Worship & Arts

Jerry Nelson Minister of Instrumental Music

Randy Smith Christian Education Pastor

Marvin Suyen West Campus Pastor

DFC Church Board John Bruneau Bob Cheney Curtis Clay Glenn Domokos Troy Edwards Vini Giannatala Bryant Jaggers Judy Jones Gregg Moran Gene Rakes Bud Roe Kathy Tate Jim Webb Ron Williams Bonnie York Denver First Church 3800 E. Hampden Avenue Englewood, CO 80113 303/761-8370

Table of Contents 1. All Church Work Days 2. news update i. important info… ii. “kotchadoingood” iii. board perspective iv. timely news for the congregation…

v. how you can help… 3. calendar of events: October 4October 10

News Update Important info... Dear Members and Friends of DFC, I know the calendar shows January as the first of the year, but my internal clock has always felt that fall was the beginning of the year. Going back to my days in school it was always September and October that brought new settings and new relationships to my life. That, in addition to the year’s most awesome weather, always made this time of year my favorite. Now, I have new reason. October 18th is the 1st day of the rest of our life at Denver First Church of the Nazarene. This past year has brought us all ample opportunity to rely on our Heavenly Father in ways we may not have had need to in the past. As we have sought Him diligently, He has answered our pleas in ways that remind us of His unlimited supply of resources. Pastor Shawn and his family are the evidence of this “supply.” October is Pastor Appreciation month and we have several chances to show our appreciation. October 11th is Pastor Bob’s last Sunday with us as Interim Pastor. His leadership and mentoring has been nothing short of God’s providence in the life of our church. Let’s show him our love and appreciation through thank you notes and cards. We will also have a chance to show our love to our whole church staff individually. Please stay tuned for details of how we can get involved. Remember, this is the time to Plug In to the ministries & communities of Denver First Church. You won’t believe the blessings that await you. Sincerely, Bryant Jaggers Please take a moment to read several announcements listed below that will appear in Sunday’s Insight. If you are viewing these in the eblast, click on each for important details; if you are reading this in the hard copy, please refer to the Insight for important details regarding these upcoming events. Missions Council

Adult Education Committee

Military Support Group

Evening Service

Youth Going to the Corn Maze

District Power Surge

Seniors Choir

Nazz Jazz Finale Concert


Candy Collection for Trunk-or-Treat

Celebration Choir & Orchestra Today’s email will cover the following topics: “Kotchadoingood!”, Board Perspective, Timely News for the Congregation, and How You Can Help

News Update “kotchadoingood!” A Letter to Jerry Nelson To my friend, Jerry Nelson: It is my pleasure to mention a few things that will become “memories.” Jerry came to the Denver First Church staff one year after me with Diane and two little boys, Scott & Brad. The next 10 years were energetic “music-wise!” One Sunday morning during the Dr. Wellman years, after a Spirit-filled service, Don turned to Jerry and asked if he could “put words to what we were feeling.” Jerry went out and, in a few minutes, returned with the wonderful song, “What a Warm Family Feeling.” Jerry could have sold this to Mr. Pat Boone, but I’m glad he kept the rights, as it is intrinsically “his” and I am still moved whenever I hear it! I was in the East Foyer when I first heard “Country Church!” What a unique piece of music! I overheard a man on television say, “This Jerry Nelson is a genius!!” How true! Jerry is a man of great humility. I have never known him to practice “showmanship” or to “act out” any kind of carnal pride. I always wanted to retire when he did, but I beat him by 3 years. Happy birthday Jerry and may your future be as blessed as your past and as bright as the promises of our God! With affection and respect, Your friend, Harold Fleshman

News Update “kotchadoingood!” DFC Facilities Crew This has been a tough summer for the DFC Facilities Crew! Early in the summer, there was a hailstorm with golf-ball sized hail that significantly damaged the roof over the west wing of the church. Every time it would rain, the water would pour into the offices! Each time, the water damage got worse! Thankfully, we have gotten a new roof and are correcting all the damage inside the church. The guys on the Facilities Crew have been working incredibly hard for months and have had a great attitude the entire time. Not only did they have to keep up their regular duties, they went above and beyond! Thanks guys!

News Update Board perspective... Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The weekend is here and what a weekend! Casting Crowns and Matt Redman will be in concert Friday night. Bring friends and come experience the passion of these gifted artists in a time that will be a worship experience. Plus, Pastor Shawn will help host the evening, and he will be bringing another challenging message Sunday morning. Please check the Insight, the website, or call the church (303761-8370) to see the many other events happening in October. Let's remember that our intent should be on getting plugged into a ministry that will extend far beyond a "Sunday and Wednesday" existence and take us to an explosive, vital life that is absolutely contagious to those who witness it. As we seek to "Plug In," perhaps you're questioning why this connection is necessary. An event documented in three of the Gospels (Matthew 17:14-17; Mark 9:17-19; Luke 9:38-41) might help answer the question. Let's take a look. In this story involving a desperate father, a demon-possessed son, and a group of disciples smarting from their inability to free the boy, we might expect Jesus to affirm the disciples for their effort. Perhaps He might have taken the opportunity to help them understand where they needed to revise their methods. Instead, each Gospel account records Jesus leveling the same rebuke! After chastising the people for having such short memories regarding the miracles they had witnessed at His hand, He says, "Bring the boy to me." In other words, why do you insist on trying to do things on your own power when I AM RIGHT HERE?! Though it is the one Gospel that does not record this event directly, it is actually the twelfth chapter of John that records Jesus' summarization most pointedly. In John 12:35-36;44-50, Jesus says that He is the light of the world sent by the Father to obliterate the darkness. To ignore the Light takes intentionality and is an affront to the Father; for if we have seen the Light, we have seen the One who sent the Light. So, why plug in? Whether it's our own life or the lives of those to whom we are witnessing, our only hope of prevailing is to plug into the singular Source of all power -- Jesus Christ. His words ring from 2000 years ago until now, "Bring everything to me!" Serving Him Alongside of You, Vini Giannatala

News Update timely news for the congregation... Casting Crowns/Matt Redman Concert The Casting Crowns concert, featuring Matt Redman, is TONIGHT (Friday, October 2nd). Tickets are still available and will be sold at the door. This will be an amazing concert! You will regret it if you don’t come! Important Calendar Items – October Dates: 10/02 Casting Crowns concert 10/04 Pastor Shawn 10/10 & 17 Shipshape for Shawn & Sherri – 8-12 (lunch 12-1pm) 10/17 – 27 Nicaragua trip 10/18 – 10am Pastor Shawn installation 10/25 Communion 10/25 Bake Out 10/27 October Board Meeting 10/30 Fred October, youth outreach 10/30 NazzJazz concert 7:30pm 10/31 Trunk or Treat in the west parking lot 10/31 Mission:Denver 10/31 Daylight Saving Time change November Dates: 11/01 Tennyson Center 11/08 Baptism Class 11/15 Baptism 11/20-22 Power Surge district retreat 11/24 November Board Meeting 11/26 Thanksgiving day – no Mission:Denver in November December Dates: 12/02-06 Mexico shoebox trip 12/03 Point Loma preview days 12/03-04 A Taste of Christmas preparation 12/05 A Taste of Christmas 12/06 DFC Christmas concert 3pm 12/06 12/11-13 12/12 12/13

Bake Out: Bake Sale Navajo shoebox trip Mission:Denver DFC Children’s Christmas program


Christmas Eve service – Baptism & Communion

News Update timely news for the congregation... 3 Sundays! The next few weeks are busy ones here at DFC. This Sunday, October 4th, our new Lead Pastor, Shawn Siegfreid will be speaking. Sunday, October 11th is Dr. Bob’s last Sunday as Interim Pastor. Dr. Bob has been so gracious and has done such a great job for us. We will have a reception in his honor after that morning service. And, Sunday, October 18th is Pastor Shawn’s “installation” service. Traditions Service Pastor Stephen Abbott will speak in our Traditions Service this Sunday evening (October 4th) at 6:00 pm in the Diehl Chapel. His sermon is titled “Our Town.” You won’t want to miss it! Play at Bethany Lutheran “A View from the Underside: The Legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer” Wednesday, October 7, 2009, 6:30 p.m. at Bethany Lutheran Church Admission: Please bring a non-perishable food item which will be donated to Metro CareRing. In a dramatic one-person play, Al Staggs presents a powerful and moving account of the struggles and passion of Dietrich Bonhoeffer during his imprisonment by the Nazis and ultimate execution. Don’t miss this opportunity to see and hear about his commitment to the German resistance movement and his conversations with God as he struggles with evil and injustice in the world. For details, go to Sad News Condolences to Ray Kent and Corrine Weeks in the passing of their mother Nina Kent, she passed away on September 26th. The service was September 29th in Shreveport, LA. In lieu of flowers, donations can be sent to the Children's and Youth Departments of Grace Point Church of the Nazarene, 6825 Pines Rd., Shreveport, Louisiana 71129.

News Update timely news for the congregation... Trunk - or - Treat On Saturday, October 31, 2009, the Children’s Department will be hosting a “Trunk – or – Treat.” This FREE event will begin at 3 pm and will run until 7 pm right here at DFC in the West parking lot. Entertainment will include Bill Anderson, a family entertainer, and Josh the Magic Man. Activities will include a cakewalk, an obstacle course, and Trunk - or - Treating. Since this event is scheduled over the dinner hour, there will be a low cost meal available to purchase. Thanks to the generosity of our congregation, there will be plenty of candy for dessert! Laura Nelson, the event coordinator, is looking for 40-50 volunteers who are willing to decorate their trunks or tailgates and hand out candy to the hundreds of kids who are planning to attend. Please be on the lookout this Sunday for a vehicle registration card. For the safety of the children, only pre-registered vehicles will be able to park in the Trunk – or – Treating zone. Other volunteer opportunities include helping with the cakewalk, obstacle course, concession stands, and the information booth. Please call Gwenda Rakes in the Children’s Office (303/761-8370) if you would like to help in one of these areas. Trunk - or - Treat 2009 is sure to be an exciting event. We can hardly wait to welcome those who will be joining us for the festivities. Sincerely, Susan Foster

News Update how you can help... All Church Work Days - October 10th & 17th from 8:00 am -12:00 pm The work day will be followed by an all you can eat food bar! Please give four hours to make DFC shipshape for Shawn & Sherri…and Shawna, Shayli and Shaden! Pastor Shawn’s installation service is scheduled for October 18 and we would like to give him and his family a wonderful welcome that says we are ready for business! We are asking for 100 volunteers to help us on October 10 & 17 and, so far, we only have 41 people signed up! We need 59 more volunteers! Whether you are an indoor or outdoor person, we have plenty of work for all: Inside: Paint touch-up Oiling wood panels Polishing brass Window cleaning Carpet cleaning and much more… Outside: Weed control Cleaning out flower beds Cleaning up the children’s playground Soil prep for grass seeding Tree trimming Cleaning gutters and much more… Please sign up at the Hot Booth this Sunday or call Randy Smith’s office at 303/806-2625. Let’s work together as a team.

Calendar of Events Oct 4-10 Sunday, October 4: Shipshape for Shawn sign up (Hot Booth) 9:00 am:

6:15 pm:

Nursery Open (ages 2 and under)

6:30 pm:

Wednesday Night Prayer (Community Room) Women of the Word (Fellowship Hall)

Sunday School (all ages) Nursery & Preschool open

10:30 am:

Nursery available

Youth Outreach Night at Gunther Toody’s

1st - 4th Grade Children’s Church (GLA) 5th & 6th Grade DOGS Worship

Men’s Study - Tender Warrior (Room 201)

1:30 pm:

Missions Council (Community Room)

2:00 pm:

Rock Band Practice

3:00 pm:

Tsunami Band Practice

4:00 pm:

Collaboration Band Practice

4:30 pm:

Military Support Group (Room 200 South)

5:00 pm:

Celebrate Recovery (Room 200, 202)

Morning Worship Service (Sanctuary)

Puppet Practice—5th & 6th Grade (GL Room 12)

MASH Men’s Bible Study (West Diehl Chapel) Children’s Activities (all ages) Thursday, October 8: 8:30 am: Friday, October 9: 5:00 pm:

Celebrate Recovery Sponsor Meeting (Cry Room)

6:00 pm:

Celebrate Recovery (GL Fellowship Hall)

Quizzing Practice—Blue Level 4th—6th Grade (GL Room 14) 6:00 pm:

Divorce Care (Community Room)

Traditions Service (Diehl Chapel)

Divorce Care for Kids (GL Room #6)

Monday, October 5: 9:40 am:

Celebrate Recovery Sponsor Meeting (Cry Room)

7:00 am:

Men’s Bible Study (GL Conference Room)

9:00 am:

Women of the Word Leaders (Fellowship Hall) Women of the Word Childcare (Room #5) Women of the Word (Fellowship Hall)

Wednesday, October 7: 5:00 pm:

Women of the Word Leaders (Fellowship Hall)

5:30 pm:

Saturday, October 10: 7:00 am:

Tuesday, October 6:

9:30 am:

MOPS (Fellowship Hall)

Quizzing Practice—Red Level 1st-3rd Grade (GL Room #2)

Wednesday, October 7 (continued):

Men at Prayer (Community Room) Ladies Prayer Walk (DFC Parking Lot)

8:00 am:

Shipshape for Shawn Clean Up Day

9:30 am:

Youth to Corn Maze (off-site)

12:00 pm:

Concerned Disciplers—Snack & Game Day (Fellowship Hall)

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