Newsletter - October 11, 2009

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Denver First Church October 11, 2009

keeping in touch...

DFC Ministerial Staff Shawn Siegfreid Lead Pastor

Stephen Abbott Young Adult & Family Pastor

Rich Cantwell Business Administrator

Bud Curry Hospital Chaplain

Tina Hayhurst Student Ministries Pastor

Bob Huffaker Interim Pastor

Scott Nauman Pastor of Worship & Arts

Jerry Nelson Minister of Instrumental Music

Randy Smith Christian Education Pastor

Marvin Suyen West Campus Pastor

DFC Church Board John Bruneau Bob Cheney Curtis Clay Glenn Domokos Troy Edwards Vini Giannatala Bryant Jaggers Judy Jones Gregg Moran Gene Rakes Bud Roe Kathy Tate Jim Webb Ron Williams Bonnie York Denver First Church 3800 E. Hampden Avenue Englewood, CO 80113 303/761-8370

Table of Contents 1. Power Surge 2. news update i. important info… ii. “kotchadoingood” iii. board perspective iv. timely news for the congregation…

v. how you can help… vi.a final word... 3. calendar of events: October 11-17

News Update Important info... Dear Members and Friends of DFC, This past Sunday morning’s worship service was a taste of what’s to come: a vibrant, passionate, purpose-filled message, anointed by the Spirit, and crowned with a young person openly confessing their faith in Jesus. We are so pleased that God has favored us with the leadership of Pastor Shawn. On October 18, we look forward to the “official” launch of Pastor Shawn’s ministry as DFC’s Lead Pastor. Plan to join us and bring your friends for this service (see article below for more details). Friends, I would like to remind you of a special nugget of spiritual enrichment that many of you are missing: the Sunday evening service! This past Sunday, Pastor Stephen Abbott presented a message filled with profound scriptural insight, based on Luke 4, entitled “Our Town.” Pastor Bud Curry and Dr. Daniel Roysden will be speaking over the course of the next couple of weeks, each offering unique and relevant biblical perspectives. Recently, we’ve been seeing new faces on Sunday nights; why don’t you let yours be one of them! When a church undergoes a change in leadership, it is common, during the gap between Pastor A and Pastor B, to have a series of speakers to fill the pulpit. On occasion, there will be one “regular” pastor who may offer the bulk of the messages, but that’s pretty much the scope of the responsibility he assumes: he fills the pulpit on Sunday. At DFC, over the course of the past eight months, we have had the uncommon experience of Dr. Bob Huffaker stepping into the pastoral role with us—not only offering the messages, week in and week out, but also attending staff meetings, Board meetings, and assisting in many ways behind the scenes. This Sunday will be Dr. Bob’s official “last” Sunday serving in this role. Following the morning service, we will honor Dr. Bob and his lovely wife Libby with a reception in Diehl Chapel. Please plan to join us in expressing our appreciation to Dr. Bob for his service to our congregation in this important season of transition. Please take a moment to read several announcements listed below that will appear in Sunday’s Insight. If you are viewing these in the eblast, click on each for important details; if you are reading this in the hard copy, please refer to the Insight for important details regarding these upcoming events. Farewell Reception for Pastor Bob Huffaker

Traditions Service

Pastor Appreciation Month

District Tour

Shipshape for Shawn

Trunk or Treat

Tennyson Center

IN Group Banquet

A Taste of Christmas

Children’s Department Need

Today’s publication will cover the following topics: “Kotchadoingood!”, Board Perspective, Timely News for the Congregation and How You Can Help

News Update “kotchadoingood!” Worship & Arts The Casting Crowns Concert with Matt Redman was an exciting night of profound ministry! Many were impacted for Christ…we had over 2200 in attendance. We want to acknowledge the contributions of Scott and Lynn Nauman in making this happen, along with more than 180 volunteers. Thank you for your hard work and determination! Facilities Crew Huge thanks goes to DFC’s team of facilities and technical staff! As you have probably noticed, the offices have been undergoing remodeling because of the damage caused by the hailstorm at the beginning of the summer. As you can imagine, the renovation happening at the same time as hosting the Casting Crowns concert, along with their usual heavy work load, is a huge amount of work. Due to budget cuts we are understaffed, and yet this team has pulled through with a great attitude again and again. You can SHOW them your support by offering 4 hours on either October 11th or 17th (see how you can help in the “Shipshape for Shawn article”). Children’s Department The Children’s Department Work Day was Saturday, October 3rd. Nine people (staff and volunteers) participated. These workers knocked themselves out giving the Garden Level some much-needed TLC. THANK YOU!!

News Update Board perspective... Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The glorious arrival of autumn can be seen in shorter days, milder temperatures and the explosion of colors in God's creation. It ushers in a flurry of activities as the memories of the lazy days of summer give way to the hectic schedules of school, work and home. So too, go the schedules at church. There are too many activities happening to list in this little article. Please check with the individual ministry leaders to see what's happening in your favorite area. Speaking of ministry leaders, the one thing I would like to highlight is that October is Pastor Appreciation Month. As Kathy Tate, who coordinates the pastor appreciation focus, points out, our staff has endured a very difficult year and has consistently given God their best. Let's look for little ways to show our appreciation to each one of them. The acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior by the precious young lady was the perfect outcome as a targeted message found its mark last Sunday. Did it hit you as it did me...THIS is what we've prepared for these past several months! Was our response more surprise than expectation? Would we have been disappointed had there NOT been a response to the invitation? I hope so! It really is quite simple...but that's usually when we miss it! 1 John 5:14-15 states that we already have whatever we ask in the Father's will. Matthew 18:14 tells us His will is that none should be lost. Isn't it interesting that Matthew 18:14 is the conclusion to the message Pastor Shawn brought to us in September about the one lost sheep?! The process? Find what the Father is about; get in step with what He desires; anticipate His fulfilling His will through us. Easy? No. Nothing of value is ever easy. Just ask Jesus. But it is definitely that simple. Serving Him Alongside of You, Vini Giannatala

News Update timely news for the congregation... Important Calendar Items – October Dates: 10/10 & 17 Shipshape for Shawn & Sherri – 8-12 (lunch 12-1pm) 10/17 – 27 Nicaragua trip 10/18 – 10am Pastor Shawn installation 10/25 Communion 10/25 Bake Out 10/27 October Board Meeting 10/30 Fred October, youth outreach 10/30 NazzJazz concert 7:30pm 10/31 Trunk or Treat in the west parking lot 10/31 Mission:Denver 10/31 Daylight Saving Time change November Dates: 11/01 Tennyson Center 11/08 Baptism Class 11/15 Baptism 11/20-22 Power Surge District Retreat 11/24 November Board Meeting 11/26 Thanksgiving day – no Mission:Denver in November December Dates: 12/02-06 Mexico Shoebox trip 12/03 Point Loma preview days 12/03-04 A Taste of Christmas preparation 12/05 A Taste of Christmas 12/06 DFC Christmas concert 3pm 12/06 Bake Out: Bake Sale 12/11-13 Navajo shoebox trip 12/13 DFC Children’s Christmas program 12/24 Christmas Eve service – Baptism & Communion

News Update timely news for the congregation... Children’s Update “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are endless.” Mother Theresa The kind words and actions of our DFC kids are reaching others. It seems that our children understand what it means to serve. It seems that they are developing an understanding of Mark 9:41. This fall, the elementary age Sunday School classes have taken on special projects that will allow these children to reach others in Jesus’ name. The first graders are planning to organize, sort, and haul many of the Shoebox Christmas boxes that will filled to the brim with thoughtful gifts. As children in the Adventure Zone bring their wrapped boxes to church, our first graders will make sure that these boxes are sorted properly and ready to be delivered. For several years, the second grade teachers have encouraged the children in their class to adopt a local family in need. Christmas 2009 will be no different. Currently, our second graders are praying that a deserving family will be brought to their attention. Gifts will be purchased for this family and our children will be given the opportunity to share God’s love in a tangible manner. The third grade class has been focusing on children who attend a Christian Kids’ Club in a small Kenyan village called Kithituni. Our third graders have been collecting money to purchase goats for the Kids’ Club members. As the children in Kithituni raise these goats, they will be given an opportunity to develop a sense of responsibility and will be able to contribute to their family’s well being because goat milk can be consumed by the family or sold for income. God is using this ongoing project to teach our third graders what it means to be mission minded. With these three projects in place, our fourth graders have started the brainstorming process. Listening to their ideas causes one to realize that the sky is the limit to a fourth grader and that these nine year olds know “that with God, all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 NIV Our fifth and sixth graders are planning to collect items for soldiers in Iraq & Afghanistan. God is sure to use this project to encourage those in our military forces and to teach our children to appreciate the sacrifices that these soldiers are making for our freedom. As all of our children stretch their arms and reach out to others, the hands of our church family can fold together and thank God for choosing our kids to be used by Him. I tell you the truth, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to Christ will certainly not lose his reward. Mark 9:41(NIV) Sincerely, Susan Foster

News Update timely news for the congregation... Children’s Activities Friends, things are HAPPENING in children’s Church all week long… on Sunday mornings, the Denver First Football League is in full force. This Wednesday, watch out, or get bowled over by the Bible Blast! If you’re under age 12, these are exciting days to be at DFC! MASH Men's Bible Study of the Book of Romans All interested men of the church are welcome to join us as we plunge into the apostle Paul's most important epistle. We meet every other Wednesday night (next meeting October 21st) from 6:30 to 8:00 PM in the west side of the Diehl Chapel. (Point of contact - Pinky Sloane, 720-344-8825, email [email protected]). We're using both a DVD from Radio Bible Class(publishers of "Our Daily Bread"), which examines the physical and spiritual state of the first century A.D. Roman empire, and a Bible study guide for Romans authored by Pastor John MacArthur to delve into the book he calls "...the preeminent doctrinal work in the New Testament." Bring your Bible and come and take a look - we'll be glad to have you join us. Reception Desk Information The coverage hours at the Reception Desk are changing. The new hours will be: Monday & Tuesday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm Wednesday: 8:30 am – 8:00 pm Thursday & Friday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm Saturday: CLOSED Sunday: 8:00 am – 12:30 pm

News Update timely news for the congregation... DFC Military Support Group Founded in 2003 as our country went to war against Iraq, this gathering of concerned church members with relatives in our country's armed forces meets on the first Sunday of each month from 5:00 to 6:00 PM in the church's Room 200. (Point of contact - Pinky Sloane, 720-344-8825, email [email protected]). Our purpose statement: We seek to glorify God by uniting to support the men and women in the church's families who serve in the armed forces and the Coast Guard, particularly during crises, by: •

praying for them and their families

encouraging them through correspondence and "care" packages, and

seeking to better understand what it's like for them to serve in the military today.

Everyone is welcome to join us in praying for these wonderful men and women in uniform and their families, seeking a better understanding of military operations and organizations, deciphering military "dialects" and acronyms, discussing the current state of the conflicts in the Middle East, and demonstrating our concern for these folks with cards, letters, and "care" packages for the Christmas season.

News Update timely news for the congregation...

Pastor Bob’s Last Sunday This Sunday, October 11th is Pastor Bob Huffaker’s last Sunday as Interim Pastor here at DFC. Following the morning service, we will have a reception for Dr. Bob and Libby in the Diehl Chapel. Please join us to honor them for their exceptional service over the paast few months. Pastor Shawn’s Installation Service Next Sunday, October 18th is Pastor Shawn Siegfreid’s Installation Service. The service will begin earlier than normal, at 10:00 am instead of 10:30 am. We will have a reception to welcome Pastor Shawn and Sherri after the service. Invite your neighbors and bring all your friends to this monumental day. Sad News Last Sunday, we requested prayer for Hudson Mullholland, the 2-year-old boy who choked and was without oxygen for quite some time on Saturday. Sadly, he was taken off life-support systems Sunday afternoon. The funeral service is scheduled for Monday, October 12th at 10 am in Lakewood. For more info, please call 303/761-8370. Please be in prayer for his parents, Todd & Mary, during this devastating time. District Tour! October 13th at 6:30 pm the Colorado District Tour of Churches ( lands at DFC! For all church leaders who want to help grow the church — “Join the Revolution!” Info will be presented regarding Sunday School and Small Groups, Youth Ministries, Missions, Money Management and Fulfilling Dreams.

News Update how you can help... Candy Collection for our Fall “Trunk-or-Treat” Please help the Children’s Department to collect candy for our Fall “Trunk-or-Treat” (held here in the DFC parking lot, Saturday afternoon, October 31). Collection locations are at the Reception Desk and at the Children’s Welcome Center in the Garden Level. DFC 2009 Trunk or Treat October 31st, DFC will be holding their first ever Trunk-or-Treat event! Do you have a trunk, tailgate or door? Register your cars now to participate! Decorate your trunks! There will also be a Cake Walk, Family Entertainment and a Low Cost Dinner! Pick up your registration at the close of service as you leave, or call Gwenda Rakes at 303/806-2612 for more info!

News Update how you can help... All Church Work Days - October 10th & 17th from 8:00 am -12:00 pm Sign Up and Show Up -- or just Show Up! To make this an “official” Nazarene get-together, it will be followed by an all you can eat food bar! Please give four hours to make DFC shipshape for Shawn & Sherri…and Shawna, Shayli and Shaden! Pastor Shawn’s installation service is scheduled for October 18 and we would like to give him and his family a wonderful welcome that says we are ready for business! We are asking for 100 volunteers to help us on October 10 & 17 and, so far, we only have 70 people signed up! We need 30 more volunteers! Thom Tougas has volunteered his time this week and has been calling those on the list, organizing them into teams, so when Saturday comes, we can hit the ground running! Think about it: There are 10,080 minutes in a week. Donate four hours to the church, and you still have 9,840!!! Come join us! Your church needs you! Let’s make it shipshape for Shawn! Whether you are an indoor or outdoor person, we have plenty of work for all: Inside: Paint touch-up Oiling wood panels Polishing brass Window cleaning Carpet cleaning and much more… Outside: Weed control Cleaning out flower beds Cleaning up the children’s playground Soil prep for grass seeding Tree trimming Cleaning gutters and much more… Please sign up by calling Randy Smith’s office at 303/806-2625. Let’s work together as a team.

News Update A Final Word... In the past couple of weeks, I was reminded of the DFC’s generous vacation policy with regard to the ministerial staff. On behalf of the staff, let me say “Thank you.” I was having that thought because, for more than a week, Jane Ann and I were on vacation hiking nearly 50 miles of slot canyons and desert canyons around Moab; spotting 31 arches and three natural bridges; and doing a little 4-wheeling. While hiking, our attention was directed repeatedly toward the juniper tree. Twisted. dried up, at times appearing lifeless, they could easily be overlooked as a point of interest. At times, branches would redouble against themselves, or would shoot down into the ground to provide additional support to a trunk that had gone awry. Surviving a tortuous process in a torturous environment, the juniper tree carries the secret for how to thrive in transition; its roots grow deep into the soil and spread to great breadth. The Apostle Paul recognized the stresses and challenges we face as followers of Christ. He encouraged us to live our lives in this manner: And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow Him. Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught… Col. 2:6-7 (NLT) …Then we too, will be able to withstand…the storms of transition. God bless you. Randy Smith

Calendar of Events October 11-17 Wednesday, October 14 (continued):

Sunday, October 11: Hot Booth - Shipshape for Shawn

6:00 pm:

Youth Accountability Class Nicaragua Pack Night (Diehl Chapel)

8:00 am:

Rock Band Sound Check (Sanctuary)

8:30 am:

Youth Prayer Time

6:15 pm:

Nursery Open (ages 2 and under)

9:00 am:

Sunday School (all ages)

6:30 pm:

Wednesday Night Prayer (Community Room)

Nursery & Preschool open 10:30 am:

Women of the Word (Fellowship Hall)

Morning Worship Service (Sanctuary)

Choir Rehearsal

Nursery available

Celebrate Recovery (Room 200, 202)

1st - 4th Grade Children’s Church (GLA) 5th & 6th Grade DOGS Worship 12:00 pm: 12:30 pm:

Youth Worship Service (Rock Room)

Reception for Pastor Bob (Diehl Chapel)

Men’s Study - Tender Warrior (Room 201)

Adult Sunday School Teachers Lunch (Offsite)

3:00 pm:

Tsunami Band Practice

4:00 pm:

Collaboration Band Practice

6:00 pm:

Traditions Service (Diehl Chapel)

Monday, October 12: 9:40 am:

Celebrate Recovery Sponsor Meeting (Cry Room)

6:30 pm:

Caregivers Support Group (Community Room)

Children’s Activities (all ages) Thursday, October 15: 9:00 am:

MOPS Steering Committee (Community Room)

6:15 pm:

Praise Team Vocals & Rhythm Choir Rehearsal Childcare (Room #5)

7:00 pm:

Praise Teams & Choir Orchestra

Friday, October 16:

Tuesday, October 13: 7:00 am:

Men’s Bible Study (GL Conference Room)

9:15 am:

Seniors Choir Rehearsal (Music Room)

9:00 am:

Women of the Word Leaders (Fellowship Hall)

5:00 pm:

Celebrate Recovery Sponsor Meeting (Cry Room)

Women of the Word Childcare (Room #5)

6:00 pm:

Celebrate Recovery (Fellowship Hall)

9:30 am:

Women of the Word (Fellowship Hall)

6:30 pm:

District Tour of Churches

7:00 pm:

Bereans Prophesy Bible Study (Room 202)

Wednesday, October 14: 4:30 pm:

Hang Time in the Youth Café

5:00 pm:

Women of the Word Leaders (Fellowship Hall)

5:30 pm:

Rock Band Practice

Saturday, October 17: Nicaragua Mission Trip Leaves 7:00 am:

Men at Prayer (Community Room) Ladies Prayer Walk (DFC Parking Lot)

8:00 am:

Shipshape for Shawn Work Day

5:00 pm:

MASH Class Potluck

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