Newsletter - May 7, 2009

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  • Pages: 11
Denver First Church June 7, 2009

keeping in touch...

DFC Ministerial Staff Stephen Abbott Young Adult & Family Pastor

Rich Cantwell Business Administrator

Bud Curry Hospital Chaplain

Tina Hayhurst Student Ministries Pastor

Bob Huffaker Interim Pastor

Scott Nauman Pastor of Worship & Arts

Jerry Nelson Minister of Instrumental Music

Randy Smith Christian Education Pastor

Marvin Suyen West Campus Pastor

DFC Church Board John Bruneau Curtis Clay Glenn Domokos Les Dryer Troy Edwards Vini Giannatala Bryant Jaggers Lyle Johnson Judy Jones Gregg Moran Bud Roe Kathy Tate Jim Webb Ron Williams Bonnie York

Denver First Church 3800 E. Hampden Avenue Englewood, CO 80113 303/761-8370

Table of Contents 1. Tennyson Center 2. News update


i. important info...

v. how you can help…

ii. kotchadoingood

vi. final word...

iii. news from the board... iv. timely news for the

3. Calendar of Events: June 7-13

News Update Important info... Dear Family and Friends of DFC, Sunday, May 31, was Graduates Sunday at DFC. What a day! Dr. Bob delivered a message of hope to the congregation. Rev. Chanshi Chanda gave an update on the missions work of the Church of the Nazarene in Africa. Grads of all levels of accomplishment were honored in the morning service. In the afternoon service, the youth band—under the leadership of Scott Nauman—led us in praise and worship. Chanshi Chanda delivered a message on “The Power of One,” focusing on how God used one man—Abraham—as the vehicle through whom the Messiah would come. Bud Roe represented the congregation in committing DFC to ongoing support, care, and prayer for the high school graduates. Students were prayed over by teams of people committing to support them and communicate with them by email and other means. A participant commented: “This was an example of the church being The Church!” Thank you to all who participated, and to those who committed to upholding our youth in prayer. Please take a moment to read several announcements listed below that will appear in Sunday’s Insight. If you are viewing these in the eblast, click on each for important details; if you are reading this in the hard copy, please refer to the Insight for important details regarding these upcoming events. Orlando Missions Meeting

Evening Service

Support Group for Caregivers

College Ministry Opportunity

Family Movie Night

GPS Class Potluck

Singles Concert in the Park

Molly Brown House Tour

Navajo Mission Trip Meeting

District Assembly Delegate Info

Singles to the Rockies Game

Youth Albuquerque Mission Trip

Palomas Mission Trip Today’s publication will cover the following topics: “Kotchadoingood!,” News from the Board, Timely News for the Congregation, and How You Can Help

News Update kotchadoingood! •

News just in: This past Wednesday night, June 3rd, 107 were present in the Youth Department! Congratulations, Tina and Team!

The Disciples of God group—affectionately known as the DOGS—has become a “can’t-wait-to-get-there” benchmark for kids in our children’s ministries. Full of creative activities, intentionally appealing to a full gamut of learning styles, DOGS is a high-energy, fun place for 5th- and 6th-Graders to learn about Jesus. Originally the brain-child of Tina Hayhurst, and staffed with the likes of Joy Zimmerman, Jon & Franci Bond, Jim Paroline, and many others over the past six years, it has experienced the benefit of Jay & Naomi Hodges’ leadership in recent years. The Hodges, who will continue as teachers in the DOGS group this fall, are stepping aside as program coordinators, a role they have served with dedication, profound commitment, and great faithfulness. Jay and Naomi, we thank you for your over-the-top service to the children of DFC!

Saturday, May 30, was a day of much activity for the congregation. Much service was taking place, with Mission:Denver serving those in need at the Volunteers of America and the MMADmen team, led by John Carveth, serving a widow in our congregation. Thanks to all for your dedicated service. God bless you!

News Update kotchadoingood! •

A word of thanks from Business Manager, Rich Cantwell: Last Sunday, May 31st, marked the end of the fiscal year for the Church of Nazarene and for Denver First Church. In taking a quick snapshot of the finances for the 2008-2009 church fiscal year, we were able to maintain a financially stable cash position while working through a significant savings on the operational expense side of the ledger. During the 2008-2009 fiscal year we saw our tithes, offerings and income down roughly 13% compared to budget while cutting expenses by nearly 10%. Though the economy over the past 12 months has had a substantial effect on our giving, we continued to see God’s hand working as the members and regular attendees remained faithful in their giving despite a strong downturn in the economy, bringing their tithes to the storehouse as referenced in Malachi 3:10. Thank you to everyone who played a part in faithful stewardship, praying and fasting during the fiscal year. We expect great days ahead as God continues to move at DFC. Keep an eye out for more information as we continue to officially close out our church fiscal year and prepare for a more in-depth financial report at the annual church meeting this summer. Again, thank you for your continue faithfulness. “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, “says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out much blessing that you will not have enough room for it.” Malachi 3:10 (NIV)

News Update news from the Board... Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Things are really beginning to move in the search for our next pastor. The Board will be considering the Search Committee's recommendations within the next several days! The process will likely be one of the Board meeting across two consecutive days-the first to have the candidates revealed and the second to hold final discussion and make a selection. The process is intentionally being spread across two days to provide opportunity for prayer and reflection between having the candidates introduced to us and making the selection of the recommendation we will bring to the congregation. Would you please redouble your prayer efforts as we come to this culmination point of a decision that will so significantly influence the future days of our church? The process of "introducing" the candidate to the congregation will begin immediately after the Board has made our selection. Information will be provided as to how this person fulfills DFC's profile of what we're looking for in a Senior Pastor (created from the combined surveys of the Board and the congregation). This introduction will not include specifics regarding who they are because we want to be considerate to their current congregation. To this end, we would ask that you please not attempt to discover the identity of the candidate in advance of a formal announcement of such. We will, however, make every effort to communicate the essence of the person and their ministry with immediacy so you will understand why the person was selected as our recommendation. Once a personal visit can be scheduled and the format for the interaction can be developed, we will provide those details. Exciting days are ahead!

News Update news from the Board... Perhaps you're finding it difficult to relate to the excitement. With the economic upheaval impacting our world, the progression toward moral relativism, and the plight of so many ever in our consciousness, it is easy to become discouraged. It's an old trick of our crafty enemy. It is arguably his most potent weapon. Call it separation. Call it isolation. Call it feeling alone. The result is the same: lack of peace at our core. If I'm feeling distant from my God, it's an illusion created by Satan. My Father is never far from me. Perhaps there are feelings of remorse over something. Maybe I feel like I've disappointed Him somehow and now I'm embarrassed, so I avoid contact with Him. I stand on the sidelines, disengaged and disenchanted, afraid of facing my Father. Friend, that's exactly where Satan wants me. If I'm His child, then whatever I've done or failed to do does not disappoint Him. Is He grieved for me because I missed out on His best for me in a situation? To be sure. But He isn't disappointed in me. I must remember that He does not have faith in me; it's the other way around! Notice that my faith is not that He will bring about certain results or a particular conclusion. My faith is in His ability to accomplish His sovereign will, regardless of the challenges. My faith is in Him! When I realize I am ultimately secure under His protection and nothing can come between Him and me, then my peace returns. Romans 8:3839 depicts an unbreakable (because of Him) bond between me and my Father. And if I've run astray somehow, my Father comes seeking to bring me back and rejoices when He does (Matthew 18:12-13)! Friend, don't be discouraged! You're the child of the King and your inheritance for eternity is secure! Don't walk, run into His open arms and continue your journey with your hand in His. Serving Him Alongside of You, Vini Giannatala

News Update timely news for the congregation... •

Sunday, June 7, Dr. Bob will speak in both the morning and evening services. We are a blessed people! Don’t miss his message of hope and inspiration.

Summertime Movie on the Lawn @ DFC! Next Friday, June 12, join us on the East Lawn at 6:30 pm. The movie, “Snow Buddies,” is FREE! Bring some money for concessions; bring a lawn chair; bring an umbr…(—OOPS! Where did THAT come from!?!); Bring your family; AND…BRING YOUR FRIENDS!!!

Promotion Sunday The Children’s Department at DFC is looking forward to Promotion Sunday. As families check in at the welcome desk on Sunday, June 7, children will be invited to meet their new teachers. Two of our grade levels will be promoting to new programs. Celebrations have been planned to honor these particular milestones. So that families know exactly what to expect on Promotion Sunday, the following information outlines the changes in store for our DFC kids. Preschool June 7 is Promotion Sunday for Preschool. 2's turning 3 in June, July & August will promote to 3's 3's turning 4 in June, July & August will promote to 4's 4's and Pre-K's will promote in September. Kindergarten On Sunday, June 7, there will be a graduation ceremony on the North West patio at 9 AM for the current Kindergarteners. The Kindergarteners and their families will be featured in a Bible presentation ceremony during the morning worship service in the sanctuary. These families will then gather in the Kindergarten classroom for a brief training session and light lunch right after the worship service.

News Update timely news for the congregation... Early Elementary Grades Current 1st, 2nd & 3rd graders will promote to their new classes on Sunday, June 7. Fourth Grade Current 4th graders will be recognized at a Graduation Reception on Sunday, June 7. The breakfast will begin at 8 AM and end at 9 AM. At the close of this reception, the current 4th graders will promote to the DOGS. The DOGS is all about action! Your first activity will be a 5th & 6th grade bike ride along the Highline Canal to Lois Lenski Elementary School and back. This bike ride will take place on Sunday, June 7 after the morning service. Parents are invited to attend. All participants will need a bike, helmet, sun block, water bottle, and a sack lunch. The plan is to be back at church by 5:30 PM. DOGS (Disciples of God) Sunday, June 7 will be the first Sunday for the incoming 5th & 6th graders in the DOGS. Sunday will be a time for those who have been around the Dog Pound for a year to show the new DOGS old tricks! Promotion Sunday is sure to be filled with promise and excitement.

News Update how you can help... •

• •

At 5 am, June 4, the Palomas mission team left the DFC parking lot. They will be crossing into Mexico at Columbus, NM, just south of Deming. All reports received over the past several months have consistently maintained that there has been no cartel activity at this crossing. Nonetheless, please pray for the safety of the team and that the purposes the Lord has impressed upon them to accomplish (construction, VBS, Celebrate Recovery, outreach and evangelism) will be achieved. Pray for our high school graduates. If anyone is interested in being a delegate to the District Assembly (July 19-21) call or email Angie at [email protected] or 303/806-2603. Single mom and DFC choir member, Terri Wood, is moving this Saturday, June 6. She states she is in need of “Strong backs and pick-ups.” For more information, call 303.393.7074 and ask for Terri. Summertime is a very active time for the youth ministries of DFC. Please pray for the safety of our youth and their leaders as they travel on missions trips, participate in service projects, camps, and many other activities. With youth ministries there are invariably many logistical issues that have to be resolved as the summer’s programming moves along. Pray for “smooth sailing” in this regard, as well. Please continue to pray for volunteers to serve in our Children’s Department. More workers are needed even at this moment. Please pray with us regarding this need. If you feel impressed to volunteer, please call Gwenda at 303/806-2612.

News Update final word...

A FINAL WORD What does it mean for “the church to be The Church”? Doesn’t it include things like praising the Lord; worshiping together; praying for one another; encouraging one another; and giving to those in need? Doesn’t it include a lot of “one-anothering”? Doesn’t it include a healthy dose of “confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed” (Jas. 5:16)? In other words, doesn’t it include a whole lot of things we’ve just written about in this eblast? And every eblast? Friends, although we may experience disagreements and the inevitable acute angle between each other, these issues are light and temporary: let’s hold them with a loose grip and surrender them at the foot of the Cross. Let’s hold firmly to the bond of unity, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our Faith. We have much to rejoice about. We have examples each week of how the Lord is working in us and through us, allowing our church to be His Church. Let us encourage each other with these words. On behalf of the Ministerial Staff of DFC, God bless you. Randy Smith

Calendar of Events June 7-June 13 Sunday, June 7:

Tuesday, June 9:

8:30 am:

Youth Prayer Time

9:00 am:

Sunday School (all ages) Nursery & Preschool open

10:30 am:

Morning Worship Service (Sanctuary) Nursery available 1st - 4th Grade Children’s Church (GLA) 5th & 6th Grade DOGS Worship (Dog Pound)

12:00 pm:

7:00 am:

Men’s Bible Study (GL Conference Room)

7:00 pm:

Prophesy Bible Study - Bereans (Fellowship Hall)

Wednesday, June 10: 4:30 pm:

Hang Time in the Youth Cafe

5:00 pm:

CR Leaders Meeting (Room 200)

5:30 pm:

Rock Worship Band Sound Check

6:30 pm:

Prayer Meeting (Community Room)

Congo Connection Potluck (GL Fellowship Hall)

Celebrate Recovery (Room 200, 202 & Cry Room)

Kindergarten Family Lunch and Bible Training (Room 7) VBS Leadership Luncheon (Fellowship Hall) 1:30 pm:

Mission Council (Community Room)

2:00 pm:

Growing Kids God’s Way (Room 200) Childcare for ages birth - 3 (nursery) Childcare for ages 4 and older (GL Room #5)

4:00 pm:

Financial Peace (GL Auditorium)(Childcare provided in Room 5)

Youth Worship Service (Rock Room) 6:45 pm: Thursday, June 11: 5:00 am:

Palomas Mission Trip Leaves

6:30 pm:

Ladies Book Club (Fellowship Hall)

Friday, June 12: 5:00 pm:

Celebrate Recovery Sponsor Meeting (Cry Room)

6:00 pm:

Celebrate Recovery (Fellowship Hall)

Adult Sunday School Teacher Training (Community Room) 5:00 pm:

Waves Return from Golden Bell (South Patio) Orlando Parent/Student Meeting (Rock Room)

6:00 pm: Monday, June 8: 6:30 pm:

Divorce Care (Fellowship Hall/ Community Room) 6:30 pm:

Caregivers Support Group (Community Room)

Free Family Movie Night (East Lawn)

Saturday, June 13:

Traditions Service (Diehl Chapel) Quizzing Practice

MASH Men’s Bible Study (Room 201)

Fresh Flood Bike the Summit 7:00 am:

Men at Prayer (Community Room) Ladies Prayer Walk (DFC Parking Lot)

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