Newsletter - May 24, 2009

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Denver First Church May 24, 2009

keeping in touch...

DFC Ministerial Staff Stephen Abbott Young Adult & Family Pastor

Rich Cantwell Business Administrator

Bud Curry Hospital Chaplain

Tina Hayhurst Student Ministries Pastor

Bob Huffaker Interim Pastor

Scott Nauman Pastor of Worship & Arts

Jerry Nelson Minister of Instrumental Music

Randy Smith Christian Education Pastor

Marvin Suyen West Campus Pastor

DFC Church Board John Bruneau Curtis Clay Glenn Domokos Les Dryer Troy Edwards Vini Giannatala Bryant Jaggers Lyle Johnson Judy Jones Gregg Moran Bud Roe Kathy Tate Jim Webb Ron Williams Bonnie York

Denver First Church 3800 E. Hampden Avenue Englewood, CO 80113 303/761-8370

Table of Contents 1. First Impressions Lunch 2. News update i. important info ii. kotchadoinggood iii. news from the board iv. timely news for the

congregation… v. how you can help… vi. a testimony of the miraculous 3. Calendar of Events: May 24-May 30

News Update Important info... Dear Family and Friends of DFC, This past Sunday Dr. Bob presented a powerful message, “Restoring Your Spirit of Hope,” a theme that permeated the entire day. In the evening service we heard two Celebrate Recovery testimonies of profound restoration: a woman testified to having been delivered from a life of defeat through co-dependency, substance abuse, and gender identity issues. A man testified to experiencing the transformational power of Jesus Christ while he struggles with the complicated psychiatric diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder. The testimonies were followed by a poignant message of hope delivered by Stephen Abbott that seemed to be the Spirit’s “Amen!” to the day. Please take a moment to read several announcements listed below that will appear in Sunday’s Insight. If you are viewing these in the eblast, click on each for important details; if you are reading this in the hard copy, please refer to the Insight for important details regarding these upcoming events. Refuge Class Party

No Evening Service

Graduate Recognition Sunday

Singles Bear Lake Hike


Bake Out

Ladies Book Club

Youth Retreat

DFC Widow’s Spring Tea

Tennyson Center Outing

College Ministry Opportunity

Military Support Group

DivorceCare Today’s email will cover the following topics: •


News from the Board

Timely News for the Congregation

How You Can Help

A Testimony of the Miraculous

News Update kotchadoinggood!

First Impressions team—including the team of youth—you provided our congregation and guests with a wonderfully warm sense of welcome this past Sunday! Thank you! And we extend particular thanks to First Impressions team leaders Bob Cheney and Ken Bassham for work well done. This past Sunday from 4:30-6pm, Karen Gunstream and Stephen Abbott conducted an Adult Sunday School Teacher Training of the quality I have dreamed about for DFC. Stephen expanded our understanding of Strengthsfinders. Karen, with a palpable reverence for God’s Word, brought practical insight into how His Word is to be rightly divided. Karen and Stephen, please accept our humble thanks for using your gifts to enrich the expressions of ours. In recent weeks many of you have expressed your gratitude for the new format of the weekly eblast as it comes to your home. Special recognition and thanks are due to Shawn Campbell for work well done in making the formatting of the eblast more user-friendly. The DFC Choir and Orchestra have blessed us with ministry this past year. Most of our musicians are taking time off for the summer months and will reconvene towards the end of August. Thanks to Scott Nauman and his team of committed workers for all that has been accomplished through praise and worship this past year.

News Update news from the Board... Brothers and Sisters in Christ, This week's big news related to the Board is the completion of the election! The members beginning a new, two-year term based on the results of the vote are (ordered by last name): Bob Cheney, Vini Giannatala, Bryant Jaggers, Judy Jones, Gene Rakes and Kathy Tate These will join the following members serving the remaining year of their two-year term in the 2009-10 year: Curtis Clay, Gregg Moran, Bud Roe, Jim Webb, Ron Williams and Bonnie York Also continuing in their service are: John Bruneau - NMI President, Troy Edwards - NYI President and Glenn Domokos - Sunday School Superintendent This upcoming year will, I think, prove to be a pivotal one in the life of our congregation. Not only are we in a pastoral transition, but we are also in a transition of focus as a body. We cannot cling so tightly to the past working of the Spirit through DFC that we strangle our effectiveness today. Rather, we must allow the history of how God has worked through us to be an inspiration for looking forward to His fresh purposes for us! Just as the Lord instructed Joshua to stack 12 stones to commemorate the way He brought His people out of Egypt and crushed the Egyptians (Josh. 4:1-7), He commands in Isaiah 43:18-19 -- in direct reference to those very events of the Exodus -18

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.


See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.

News Update news from the Board... We are called as His children to be in fellowship with Him and to be so sensitive to His will that we act in accordance with His plan. It is never our responsibility to figure out a formula we can repeat over and over. Jesus taught us to pray that the Father's will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. He prayed to the Father that we (those who would believe in Him through hearing the Gospel) would be unified and "in God" (John 17:20-21). We are to passionately seek our relationship with the Father through Christ, empowered by His Spirit, and from that relationship there is a natural emergence of what He would have us do. The moment we turn our hearts away from maintaining the relationship and begin to focus on the work, we've lost our guidance and our ability to operate in His divine provision. There is never a time when we can rely on our understanding or our familiarity with the past to determine where He will take us next. We must always be moving when and where He moves. As we look with anticipation to our next pastoral leader, let us each prepare our hearts to be ready for our Father's leading. He is always moving. He always has a purpose. We are privileged to be sons and daughters of the Living King of the Universe! Let us constantly be about His business by staying close to Him. Serving Him Alongside of You, Vini Giannatala

News Update timely news for the congregation...

We apologize for having had a shortage of gift books for women on Mother’s Day. Women who did not receive books can get them at the breezeway table following the morning service, May 24. Once again, we wish to welcome as new members into the family of DFC the following parishioners: Ron and Gloria Achenbach; David and Janet Baker; Miseon Kim; Charla Knox; Matt Lamoureux; Bill Parks; and Helen Rickert. Welcome and God bless you! We are continuing to vet possible solutions to the rough entrance into the west side of the church lot from Hampden. We are addressing the issues regarding Monroe Street with the city; it is included in our current long term negotiation with Cherry Hills to develop a permanent strategy. We have included some additional monies in the budget for next year to work on a more permanent solution. We appreciate your patience. On Sunday, May 31st we will recognize our graduates at all levels in the morning worship service. In the evening service, at 4:30pm in the Fellowship Hall, we will honor our graduating high school seniors. Special speaker Chanshi Chanda will be giving the message. Following the service, we will have a cake and appetizer reception. Please join us in honoring our seniors and their accomplishments AND in pledging to them our ongoing support.

News Update timely news for the congregation... LOOKING FORWARD: Saturday, May 30, is a day filled with many opportunities. •

Mission:Denver—Help serve food and distribute clothing to those in need! Location is 2877 Lawrence Street in downtown Denver. Meet at the church at 8:00am. We will return to DFC at approximately 1:30pm. For more info contact John at 303.328.7303. Wakeup Call for the Summer ‘09 Promise-Keepers event at Southeast Christian Fellowship in Parker – 9am-12pm. We encourage every man who is available to come to this meeting for the purpose of offering prayer support for this summer’s event, ‘A Time to Honor.’ MMADmen service project -- Fourteen workers are assisting with the maintenance and upkeep of the home of one of DFC’s widows. We are grateful for their assistance. Singles hiking -- Meet at DFC at 7:30am to car pool up to Rocky Mountain National Park to hike Bear Lake. Bring a sack lunch, sunscreen, hiking gear, snacks and water. Contact Elsie at 303.806.0248 for more information.

“Widow’s Might” Spring Tea will take place on Saturday, June 6th at 2pm in the Fellowship Hall. Spread the word and come for light refreshments, games and fellowship! Our special speaker will be Karen Gunstream. Please RSVP to Gwenda at 303-806-2612 by May 30th! Transportation will be provided upon request. Oh, and don’t forget to wear your favorite hat!! Please be in prayer for the family of Nelma Smith, a long-time church member. She passed away Thursday morning. Her service is set for Tuesday, May 26th at 2:00 pm at their Nazarene Church in Nampa.

News Update timely news for the congregation...

Peek to Peak Peek to Peak, the Wednesday evening program for children at DFC, had an exciting season. During Peek to Peak, children became immersed in a challenging curriculum called “Kid Quest: Discovering God’s Plan and Discovering God’s Word.” As children moved through the Kid Quest curriculum on Wednesday evenings and during their home Bible study devotionals, they were challenged to know and grow in Christ. “Three Nights in Bethlehem” and “African Safari into the Kingdom of the Son” were additional treats that were woven into the Peek to Peak season. The “Three Nights in Bethlehem” mini series allowed participants to go back in time and experience what it must have been like right before the birth of Jesus. The five week mini series called “African Safari into the Kingdom of the Son” took kids on a journey to a distant land where they learned that God listens, provides, forgives, protects, and rules. Of course, a program designed for kids wouldn’t be complete without an evening to reflect and celebrate! The menu of Lion Kabobs, Spotted Stew, and Zebra Dropping S'mores provided children with a unique snack and a night of fun that they will always remember. The children, their parents, and our entire DFC family would like to thank Jerry Storz and a host of volunteers for a job well done. Thank you for investing in our kids, serving willingly, and modeling what it means to walk daily with the Lord. Thank you, also, for embracing Proverbs 22:6: “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” Sincerely, Susan Foster

News Update how you can help...

The Children’s Department needs additional help in the Preschool Department this summer. Several families are unable to continue offering assistance over the summer; therefore, we are asking for your help. Can you help once or twice during a chosen month over the summer? Please call the Children’s office at 303-806-2612 and let us know your availability. Thank you! Help Send a Child to Summer Camp! The Children’s Department is asking 40 people to give $40 to help send children to summer camp. You can donate by placing a check in the offering plate marked “Children’s Summer Camp” or dropping it off in the Children’s office. Special Needs class: We are starting to gather toys that have tactile qualities appealing to autistic children. Please call Randy’s office or the Children’s office for more information about how you can help.

News Update testimony of the miraculous... On Monday evening I was at work and received a text message from my wife saying to call her immediately…it was urgent! Before I could pick up my phone my boss walked up behind me and said: you need to call home now! Right away I knew something “not so good” had happened and my mind began spinning. Tina Hayhurst called me at that moment letting me know that my son, Caleb, had fallen out of a window at home and onto the driveway. He was being taken to the hospital via ambulance. You can imagine the thoughts going through my mind as my heart was racing. The first I said to myself was, “God no! Not my Caleb, please no!” While I was driving to the hospital I was thinking to myself how our lives might be changed because I knew that falls like these are often serious. Tina had told me that he was okay but I had to see it for myself. Within minutes, people from DFC, friends and family from everywhere (some across the country) began sending me text messages to say they were praying. At one point I could not keep up with responding to all the messages coming in.

I arrived at the hospital bracing myself for how I might find my son. Angela was there already with Caleb and holding his hand when I walked into the room. Caleb was quiet at first until I leaned right over his head (he had a full neck brace on) and he said to me, “Hi Daddy.” We waited for scan and x-ray tests to come back and after a full and thorough examination, there were NO broken bones to be found or any internal injuries! The only visible sign was a bruise on his right hip. The doctor said to us that Caleb was very lucky to have escaped serious injuries considering the hard fall, which by the way, was about 25 feet. It was truly a miracle! I saw Him work that night in not only our son’s life, but in mine. If I hadn’t seen the miracle then I was truly blind. Irene Rosales put it best. “God must have special plans for Caleb because he was totally watching over him tonight.” Caleb was released from the hospital at a very late hour that evening. I still felt dazed by the fact that we were leaving with Caleb completely intact after what had just happened. I almost could not believe it!

News Update testimony of the miraculous... The next day I made my way into the office later in the morning. I was listening to the Christian radio station and every song played was about God’s grace and his healing power in our lives. Ironically, as I got close to my office there was an accident up ahead and the traffic was backed up a bit. As I passed by the scene I glanced over at the single car accident and it was evident to me that the driver had not survived. I was reminded again from the night before with Caleb that life was not only precious but short! To this day the miracle of life and God truly watching over us sticks in my mind vividly. I can’t explain it. You see, I needed this experience, as terrifying as it was for a few hours, to jolt me to realize that we need God. I honestly do not know how people live life without Him…I just don’t get that. I have tried living life using my agenda and it does not work all that well. What’s more…as for DFC…the church was the church for us that evening. With Tina and Irene being there with us along with a host of others praying from home, we knew God was at work.

I just had to share. Obed Maldonado A FINAL WORD Very few moments of conversation with a member of the Pastoral Selection Committee are required before one senses raw enthusiasm. Something is a-brewing, folks, and that “something” is good. Dr. Reuben Welch was famous for saying, “When nothing’s happening, something is happening!” During this time of transition, God has neither abandoned us, nor left us, like an orphan in the storm. Let’s press on and finish strongly our prayer support for the Selection Committee, for the Board—old and new—and for God’s will to be done. On behalf of the Ministerial Staff of DFC, God bless you. Randy Smith

Calendar of Events May 24-May 30

Wednesday, May 27:

Sunday, May 24: 8:30 am:

Youth Prayer

4:30 pm:

Hang Time in the Youth Café

9:00 am:

Sunday School (all ages)

5:30 pm:

Rock Worship Band Sound Check

Nursery & Preschool open

6:30 pm:

Prayer Meeting (Community Room)

10:30 am:

Morning Worship Service (Sanctuary)

Celebrate Recovery (Room 200, 202 & Cry Room)

Nursery available 10:30 am:

1st - 4th Grade Children’s Church (GLA) 5th & 6th Grade DOGS Worship (Dog Pound)

12:00 pm:

Refuge Class Lunch & Games (Third Floor Youth Area)

2:00 pm:

Growing Kids God’s Way (Fellowship Hall) Childcare for ages birth - 3 (nursery) Childcare for ages 4 and older (GL Room #5)

4:00 pm:

Financial Peace (GL Rooms Auditorium)(Childcare provided in Room 5)

Youth Worship Service (Rock Room) 6:45 pm: Thursday, May 28: 8:30 am:

MOPS (Fellowship Hall)

Friday, May 29: 9:00 am:

Mission:Denver Cooking (Main Kitchen)

5:00 pm:

Celebrate Recovery Sponsor Meeting (Cry Room)

6:00 pm:

Celebrate Recovery (Fellowship Hall)

Monday, May 25:

Divorce Care (Fellowship Hall/ Community Room)

Memorial Day - Church Closed Tuesday, May 26:

MASH Men’s Bible Study (Room 201)

Saturday, May 30:

7:00 am:

Men’s Bible Study (GL Conference Room)

7:00 pm:

Prophesy Bible Study - Bereans (Fellowship Hall)

7:00 am:

Men at Prayer (Community Room) Ladies Prayer Walk (DFC Parking Lot)

8:00 am:

Mission:Denver (off-site)

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