Newsletter - December 6, 2009

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Denver First Church December 6, 2009

keeping in touch...

DFC Ministerial Staff Shawn A. Siegfreid Lead Pastor

Stephen Abbott Young Adult & Family Pastor

Rich Cantwell Business Administrator

Bud Curry Hospital Chaplain

Tina Hayhurst Pastor

Mike Hull Student Ministries Pastor

Scott Nauman Pastor of Worship & Arts

Jerry Nelson Minister of Instrumental Music

Randy Smith Christian Education Pastor

Marvin Suyen West Campus Pastor

DFC Church Board John Bruneau Bob Cheney Curtis Clay Glenn Domokos Troy Edwards Vini Giannatala Bryant Jaggers Judy Jones Gregg Moran Gene Rakes Bud Roe Kathy Tate Jim Webb Ron Williams Bonnie York Denver First Church 3800 E. Hampden Avenue Englewood, CO 80113 303/761-8370

Table of Contents 1. The Mystery of the Manger 2. news update i. important info… ii. kotchadoingood!”

congregation… v. how you can help… word...

3. calendar of events: December 6-12 iii. board perspective iv. timely news for the

News Update Important info... Dear Members and Friends of DFC, I hope this week’s “eblast” finds you hope-filled and celebratory as we journey together through the Advent season, anticipating anew God’s great gift to creation – his only Son, our Savior. This year, perhaps more than any other in my life, I have sensed God speaking to me through the events and people surrounding the birth of Christ. I have especially marveled at the humility of God. I have a 4-month old son named Ian. With the experiences of Ian’s short life fresh in my mind – several months of feeding, diaper-changing, crying, and the sort – it is difficult to wrap my mind around the God of the universe, Creator of life itself, coming into the world just like my son did back in July. Completely helpless. Totally dependent. Entirely un-impressive. What an amazing Savior we have in Jesus, who being in very nature God, “did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness” (Phil. 2:6-7). I was reminded of that humility this past Sunday as we worshipped together with our children. How humble and honest they are as they approach matters of faith. Helpless. Dependent. Un-impressive. Yet, it was these voices that ushered us into the presence of God. They helped make straight the way of the Lord in our hearts on Sunday. Let us reflect this season, right in the midst of all “our plans,” on this mind-boggling truth: In order to make right our relationship with Him, God came as a little, helpless, dependent, un-impressive, baby. “For God’s foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, and God’s weakness is stronger than human strength” (I Cor. 1:25). And for those of us who have believed in Him, the Spirit of that little infant Jesus, now dwells in us. May we live in such a way that the humility of that baby pours through us, bringing peace to those around us this season. Grace and peace to you, brothers and sisters, Pastor Stephen Abbott Please take a moment to read several announcements listed below that will appear in Sunday’s Insight. If you are viewing these in the eblast, click on each for important details; if you are reading this in the hard copy, please refer to the Insight for important details regarding these upcoming events. A Night of Hope Bake Out: Bake Sale Tennyson Center Ministry Navajo Shoebox Meeting Christmas on Wheels Three Nights in Bethlehem Waves Christmas Party Rock Christmas Party Come On Ring Those Bells Sunday Night, December 13 Single’s Christmas Party Sale in the Bookstore Today’s email will cover the following topics: “Kotchadoingood!”, Board Perspective, Timely News for the Congregation and How You Can Help

News Update “kotchadoingood!” Thanksgiving Offering Thank you to everyone who gave to the Thanksgiving Offering for Others! We have exceeded our goal of $75,000! As of Tuesday, December 1st, we have collected $79,542 that will go to help people “Across the Street and Across the Sea!” Nazz Jazz Concert - Jerry Nelson Thank you Jerry Nelson and Nazz Jazz for the wonderful music that you have given us through the years! The finale concert on Sunday, November 22nd was amazing. We truly appreciate you, not only entertaining us, but leading us in worship. You will be missed! Christmas Décor - Dixie, Linda and Team Thank you to Dixie Whittaker, Linda Jackson and their team of extremely capable volunteers for decorating the church for Christmas. The decorations are beautiful and create such an atmosphere of joy and celebration! Shoebox Christmas Response Thanks to everyone who filled and returned a Christmas Shoebox! All the boxes that were returned to DFC will be taken to the Navajo Nation in Chilchinbeto, AZ from December 11-13. Thank you for blessing children in need!

News Update Board perspective... Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The activities of the church are in full swing as we enter into this Advent season. The Board does not have its monthly meeting in December, but the work of the ministries pushes ahead at full steam. If you’ve glanced at the financial updates, you might notice we’re running significantly behind where we would like to be in order to accomplish all ministry activities in which we hope to participate. Anything extra the Lord might lay on your heart to give right now would greatly improve our ability to continue to minister according to that plan. The Board is required to keep the church fiscally accountable, and we will be responsible with whatever resources you entrust to your church. We do thank you for your incredible generosity, even in difficult economic times! STOP! Whatever is racing through your mind, let it go. As Pastor Shawn pointed out Sunday, we must take the time to revel in the season. Maybe your passion level is running a little low. It's funny how the hectic pace of all the activities happening at Christmas can actually lull us into slipping right past the real Focus of the season. Let's take the time to fall in love with Him all over again. As I look at Matthew 2:9-12, I'm struck by the passion of the wise men. They were not Jewish. They did not have the luxury of being exposed to all of the messianic prophecies the way an Israelite would have been. They had the writings of Daniel and, based upon just that knowledge, they noticed the birth of the Christ. The learned members of the Sanhedrin missed it. The Pharisees didn't catch it. But the wise men noticed. They saw a star that scripture indicates others didn't see. Again, they expected it. They followed the star and they carried incredibly costly gifts with them to present to this King. Though He was promised to the Israelites and not them, still they anticipated Him. After concluding that the star they saw was pointing to the fulfilment of the prophesies of Daniel, they traveled 800 or 900 miles to the foreign land of Israel. This "star" appears to have likely not been a celestial body but the Shekinah Glory of God. Matthew 2:10 tells us they were "overjoyed" when they saw the star again in Bethlehem. Then, in verse 11, the Bible simply states, "they opened their treasures and presented Him with gifts." What a beautiful, natural response to the recognition of the Christ. What was so different about the wise men that they noticed what everyone else seemed to miss? They anticipated Him. This Christmas I want to anticipate Him. I mean, can you imagine? The Creator of the universe became Emmanuel, God with us. Every time we think of it, it should still overwhelm us! Serving Him Alongside of You, Vini Giannatala

News Update timely news for the congregation... Calendar December Dates: 12/05 A Taste of Christmas 12/06

Advent Theme: Peace


DFC Christmas concert - “A Night of Hope” - 3:00 pm


Bake Out: Bake Sale


Navajo Shoebox trip


Advent Theme: Joy


DFC Children’s Christmas program


Evening of Music with Special Speaker: Pastor Shawn (bring homemade cookies please!)


Advent Theme: Love


No Wednesday Evening Activities


Christmas Eve service - 5:00 pm


Merry Christmas! - church building closed

January Dates: 1/1

New Year’s Day - church building closed


No evening service - church building closing at 2:00 pm

Bake Out: Bake Sale This Sunday, December 6th, be sure to stop by the Breezeway here at DFC and buy some yummy treats from the Bake Out: Bake Sale! Throughout the year, the Bake Out Ministry distributes homemade baked goods to local businesses to bless their days. The proceeds from the Bake Sale go to Mission:Denver. “A Night of Hope” DFC’s Christmas Concert, “A Night of Hope,” is being presented by the Worship & Arts Ministry this Sunday, December 6th at 3:00pm. It is a free concert although we do have “tickets” available for you to use as invitations for your friends, neighbors and family. Please be in prayer for those who need to be invited, those coming

News Update timely news for the congregation... End of Year Giving Reminder The end of year is quickly approaching (believe it or not!!). Contributions (tithes and offerings) that you would like to be posted in 2009 need to be dropped off at the church or postmarked by 5:00 pm on December 31st. If you have questions, please call the Business Office at 303/761-8370. Children’s Rehearsal Schedule “The Mystery of the Manger” Children’s Christmas musical is scheduled for Sunday, December 13th at 10:30 am. Dress rehearsal is Saturday, December 12th from 9:00 am -12:00 Noon in the main Sanctuary. The Cast Party will be 12:00-1:00 pm in the main Fellowship Hall following rehearsal Status of Harold Fleshman Harold Fleshman, our former Hospital Chaplain, had back surgery recently. He had been transferred to a rehabilitation center after the surgery and began having severe pain. Harold went in for surgery again on Wednesday, December 2nd to fix the problem that was causing his pain. The doctors believe that the surgery went well. Please be in prayer for Harold and Wilma during his recovery. Jerry Storz Resignation Jerry Storz, our interim 1st - 4th Grade Director, submitted his resignation in recent weeks, to be effective December 16th. The resignation is due to his heavy academic schedule as he continues to pursue his doctorate. Jerry made significant contributions to DFC Children’s Ministries during this interim period. Under his leadership, we saw forward movement in Children’s Church, the Bible Blast, Trunk-or-Treat, and the Children’s Christmas program. He assisted us in working through some challenging moments. We appreciate the impact Jerry’s committed service has had upon the children and Children’s Ministries of DFC.

News Update timely news for the congregation... Kid’s Corner Christmas in the Children’s Department “Three Nights in Bethlehem” has returned to the Children’s Department on Wednesday evenings. Our DFC kids are experiencing the sights and sounds of this Holy Land. Designed much like a living museum, “Three Nights in Bethlehem” is allowing our kids to experience what life was like when Jesus was born. The Census Taker checks the children into the village, the weaver demonstrates how to card wool and weave on a loom, the shop keepers have baskets filled with grapes, cheese, and breads, a couple invites the children to view a one room home, and the rabbi encourages the children to study in the ancient synagogue. Wednesday, December 2 was the first night in this series. If you would like your children to know what life was like when Jesus was born, and if you would like your children to have sights and sounds swirling in their heads when they sing Away in a Manger, please join us in the Children’s Department on Wednesday, Dec. 9 and 16 at 6:30 PM for the remaining “Three Nights in Bethlehem” dates. The Children’s Department would also like to invite everyone to the children’s Christmas musical called “The Mystery of the Manger.” Our children will present this musical on Sunday, December 13, 2009 at 10:30 AM. As we listened to the kid’s choir sing a favorite song from this musical last Sunday, we were all blessed by their sincere and angelic voices. Their desire to share the message of Christmas on December 13 is real, so please join us and bring your neighbors who are longing to hear the Christmas story. As our children participate in engaging opportunities like “Three Nights in Bethlehem” and “The Mystery of the Manger”, our prayer is that these experiences will make a lasting impression on their lives so that they will always sing… Be near me, Lord Jesus; I ask thee to stay Close by me forever, and love me, I pray; Bless all the dear children in thy tender care, And fit us for Heaven to live with thee there. -Martin Luther Sincerely, Susan Foster

News Update how you can help...

Fighting Hunger during the Holidays In November, the DFC Pantry helped feed 42 families (147 individuals). We depend on your contributions to help those in need. If you are able, please donate non-perishable food, hygiene and paper goods to the Pantry. Right now, we are running low on hygiene items like toothpaste, soap, shampoo and all sizes of diapers. We truly appreciate your donations.

News Update final word….

On a couple of occasions this past year, I have had the delightfully serendipitous experience of hearing the testimony of Dr. Diane Dike, featured speaker for Saturday’s “A Taste of Christmas 2009.” Diane was formerly an aspiring athlete/singer/performer who was suddenly stricken with the compound diagnoses of cryoglobulinemia and vasculitis. Today, her life is very day-to-day, with frequent uncertainty that she will see the day’s end. And yet, she lights up a room when she enters. Her joy for Jesus and exuberance for life are refreshingly contagious. Dr. Dennis Prager, nationally syndicated talk show host and rabbinical scholar, has stated that people who pollute their relational environments with a bad attitude have the same effect as if they had walked in with terribly offensive body odor. I can say that Dr. Dike has the opposite effect: though wheelchair-bound, she enters a room transcending its confinements, bearing the rich fragrance of the risen Christ. Dr. Dike, and others like her, embody the hope we find in Jesus. We celebrated that hope this past Sunday, the first Sunday of the Advent season. May the hope He brings burn brightly in our hearts, empowering us to rise above life’s challenges and grace our world with the fragrance of His Spirit. Randy Smith

Calendar of Events December 6-12 Sunday, December 6:

Wednesday, December 9 (continued):

8:00 am:

Praise Team Sound Check (Sanctuary)

8:30 am:

Choir & Orchestra Sound Check (Sanctuary)

6:15 am:

Nursery open for Birth - 2 years old

9:00 am:

Sunday School (all ages)

6:30 pm:

Celebrate Recovery (Room 200, 202)

6:00 pm:

Rock Christmas Party (Salvation Army)

Nursery & Preschool open 10:30 am:

Wednesday Night Prayer (Community Room)

Morning Worship Service (Sanctuary)

Women of the Word Bible Study (Fellowship Hall)

Nursery available 1st - 4th Grade Children’s Church (GLA) 5th & 6th Grade DOGS Worship 12:00 pm:

Shoebox Trip Meeting (Community Room) Rock Creativity Team Meeting (Rock Room)

1:30 pm:

Missions Council Meeting (Community Room)

Waves Christmas Party (Wave Pool)

Celebration Choir & Orchestra (Riverpointe - off-site) Children’s Activities for all ages Thursday, December 10: 8:30 am:

MOPS (Fellowship Hall)

6:30 pm:

Celebration Choir & Orchestra (The Village - off-site)

Friday, December 11:

3:00 pm:

A Night of Hope (Sanctuary)

5:00 pm:

Puppet Practice for 5th & 6th Grade (GL Room # 12)

5:00 pm:

Celebrate Recovery Sponsor Meeting (Cry Room)

Bible Quizzing Practice for Blue Level - 4th - 6th Grade (GL Room # 14)

6:00 pm:

Celebrate Recovery (Fellowship Hall)

Navajo Shoebox Trip Leaves

Monday, December 7: 9:40 am:

Divorce Care (Community Room)

Celebrate Recovery Sponsor Meeting (Cry Room)

Divorce Care for Kids (Room #6)

Tuesday, December 8: 7:00 am:

Men’s Bible Study (GL Conference Room)

9:00 am:

Women of the Word Leaders Mtg (Fellowship Hall)

9:30 am:

Women of the Word Bible Study (Fellowship Hall)

7:00 pm:

Bereans Prophesy Bible Study (Fellowship Hall)

Wednesday, December 9: 9:00 am:

IN Group “Christmas on Wheels” (off-site)

5:00 pm:

Women of the Word Leaders Mtg. (Fellowship Hall)

5:30 pm:

Bible Quizzing Practice for Red Level - 1st - 3rd Grade (GL Room # 2)

Saturday, December 12: 7:00 am:

Men at Prayer (Community Room) Ladies Prayer Walk (Parking Lot)

9:00 am:

“Mystery of the Manger” Dress Rehearsal (Sanctuary)

10:00 am:

Heaven’s Calling Seniors Choir (Julia Temple Center) - meet at DFC at 9:30 am

12:00 pm:

“Mystery of the Manger” Cast Party (Fellowship Hall)

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