Newsletter, August 2009

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Be r ke le y U n i t e d Me t h o d i s t Ch u r c h BERKELEY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2407 Berkeley Ave. Austin, TX. 78745 (512)447-6633 Email: [email protected]

Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Permit #2713 Austin, Texas

Volume 39, Issue 8 August 20, 2009



Berkeley United Methodist Church 2407 Berkeley Ave. Austin, TX 78745 (512) 447-6633 Fax: 851-8438 [email protected] Childcare Center: 443-3509 Ministers Members of the Congregation Pastor Rev. Jeannie Whitehurst

Be Transformed It’s Labor Day weekend—a time to rest from our labors. But this is also an opportunity to reflect on our daily work and discern whether our effort is thankless and uninteresting or something that gives us deep and lasting satisfaction. God intends for our work to be much more than a job, much more than a daily grind. It should be, instead, a vocation— which means, quite literally, a “calling.” In Romans 12:2, Paul challenges us with the words: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.” The apostle’s advice, then, is to be transformed by the renewing of your minds. Paul says be transformed by discovering what the Lord God is calling you to do. ~Homiletics

Youth Director Paul Seeman Director of Music Victoria Schwarz Pianist Tyler Mabry Administrative Assistant Tara Nash Childcare Director Allison McGillicuddy

A WORD FROM PASTOR JEANNIE “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body… Indeed, the body does not consist of one member but of many.” (I Corinthians 12:12-14, NRSV) By our baptism in Jesus Christ, we have become a part of the body of Christ known as the “CHURCH.” As a part of this body, each of us is called by Christ to contribute our unique talents and gifts to help the body fulfill its mission to “make disciples for Christ.” The church needs YOU to help Berkeley UMC reach out to our neighbors with the love of Christ. Has God been calling you into a deeper relationship? Do you want to respond to that call? HOW WILL YOU RESPOND TO GOD? August, September, and October are the months in which the leadership of the church offers opportunities to grow in the knowledge of God, enrich your spiritual life, share a gift or talent, and serve Christ. Now is the time to take that Bible study you have wanted but never found the time. Disciple I, a 34 week overview of the whole Bible, begins the first week of September, and short-term studies of the bible and spiritual disciplines will begin in October. The choir and hand-bell choir, and an instrumental ensemble are recruiting new members now. The special music for Christmas and Easter are going to be spectacular, so join now to get prepared while enjoying the fun and fellowship of these groups. Are you more interested in working with the homeless; providing meals to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one, or recovering from a major surgery; teaching children/youth/ adults; making decisions about personnel, management of the finances, maintaining the buildings and grounds; serving as an usher or liturgist for worship; or hosting dinners and fun activities for the church and community? All of these activities are functions of the body of Christ that keep it healthy as it shares the love and concern for others. Not only does the body of Christ need your voices, hands and feet, it also needs your financial gifts to function. Ninety-nine percent of the church income is contributed by you, the members and visitors. Our annual budget of just over $200,000 pays salaries for the pastor and staff, the weekly cleaning service, utilities, maintenance and repairs of the buildings, administrative costs, program expenses for children, youth, and adults, as well as local, national, and international missions. The Annual Stewardship Campaign begins September 4 th and culminates on October 4th, as we explore the theology of “Abundance” in the midst of a world that shouts “scarcity.” We do have ENOUGH time, energy, commitment, and financial resources as gifts from God to live faithfully as the Body of Christ. I pray that you will listen to God’s call on your life and get involved at Berkeley. Please contact me or Tara in the church office at 447-6633 to contribute your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness for the wellness of the BODY OF CHRIST. ~Pastor Jeannie

Serving God +++Sharing Christ+++Receiving Mercy

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Rally Sunday will be held Sunday, August 30th. All children and youth should gather on the deck at 9:30 a.m. to meet the Sunday School teachers and go to their new classes. The activities will continue during the second worship service with the recognition of Sunday School teachers and the presentation of the Elementary School Bibles.

Advantages to joining the choir:

“Speak to each other with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord.” ~Ephesians 5:19

1. You have excellent seats and are assured a reserved seat for Christmas and Easter. 2. From your advantageous seat, you can smile at, gawk at, ignore and otherwise enjoy the rest of the people in the congregation. 3. The pastor is nearly always looking the other way. 4. Your in a wonderful spot to see new members. 5. The cost for all these benefits? Just one evening a week. 6. Oh, yes, one more reason to join the choir: You’re a leader in the worship experience!

The Rally Sunday celebration will culminate in the Fellowship Hall with the fifth Sunday potluck lunch following the second service. There will be a book table available for viewing books, movies, and music that can be found at Cokesbury Christian Bookstore. Come join the fellowship and celebration as the summer comes to a close and the new Sunday School year begins!

Contact Director of Music, Vikki Schwarz, for more information on the music opportunities at Berkeley and come make a joyful noise! [email protected], 447-6633

ENRICHMENT OPPORTUNITIES THIS FALL Two classes are beginning in September: Disciple 1 Bible Study for spiritual growth and Financial Peace University for pocketbook growth! It’s not too late to register and scholarships are available. Childcare is also provided if needed. Contact the church office for more information.

Find out how to change your financial future $ 13 week class Sundays, 5:30 p.m. starting September 13, 2009 CLC—Room 7 Facilitators: Letha Peters & Summer Kaylor $ Information sessions August 30th & September 6th 5:30 p.m., CLC-Room 7

A big thank you to those who provided a wonderful breakfast on August 13th for the church office and childcare staff. We enjoyed an assortment of tasty breakfast tacos, fruit and pastries. What a treat! With gratitude, ~The Berkeley Staff


2009 140 48

2008 115 42


MEMORIAL FUND: $9,698.40 ENDOWMENT FUND: $65,502.91

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The Annual Conference was held this year in Corpus Christi from June 3rd—June 6th. To open the conference, a memorial worship service and Opening Eucharist was held in the Selena Auditorium. The auditorium was filled with the Spirit of God. Bishop Dorff made a State of the Church report and discussed combining the work of the Southwest Texas and the Rio Grande conferences. The intent was not to combine the two conferences but to work together toward growth of the Church and beginning new churches. This would be through creation of a joint commission with co-chairs. Nine Ordinands were introduced by Rev. Eradio Valverde, five from the SWTX Conference and four from other conferences. Two were introduced for approval for full membership and seven for full connection. He then presented a video, “Open Minds, Open Hearts, Open Doors”. (See It was reported by Conference Lay Leader, Jay Grimm, that from 1716 thru 1910 there were 1—2 churches started each day in the U. S. Now, the Methodist church is in a ”Institution” mode. The Ministry and the Laity must agree to keep “Mission” before us. The “Four Areas of Focus” is not just a talking point, but must be the focus of the congregation. The Board of Laity will publish a guide in August for creating a budget for 2010. Grimm stated that churches must create plans for new members and that we must teach our young people our Wesley heritage. A report concerning Methodist Health Care showed that the Wesley Nurse Program served 350,000 people over the last 6 years. However, efforts to establish a public policy for caring for the under-served poor were not successful. Jamie Wisosky, CEO Healthcare, reported that they served people in 24-25 counties, primarily in San Antonio and in surrounding counties. Rick Manto presented a report on “Nothing But Nets” The Gates Foundation will provide 1.6 million nets at a cost of $16,000,000 provided the conference collects $1.5 million within 6 months. A silent auction was held giving away Spurs basketballs for “Nothing But Nets "and a total of $6,000 was received. On Friday afternoon breakout sessions were held on various subjects. Rev. Barbara Ruth lead a discussion on Multiple church activities, opening the church to the neighborhood and organized activities within the church, such as chess clubs, etc. That evening the Ordination Service and Commissioning Service were held in Selena Auditorium with Bishop Dorff preaching.


What was God’s plan for Adam in the Garden of Eden? A. To till it and keep it B. To manage the animals C. To enjoy its beauty and the food all around him D. To fill it with people Answer: See Genesis 2:15

On Saturday, after small group communion services, the 5th business session was held. The proposed Constitutional amendments were voted on using ballots. The results were forwarded to the National conference where the final results will be tabulated. A full conference report and a copy of the results of the voting in our conference are on file at BUMC. The Conference concluded with a Celebration of Covenant and Fixing Appointments.

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Each Week: SUNDAY 6:30 am Work Corner Prep 8:30 am Worship 9:00 am Children’s and Youth Choir 9:40 am Sunday School 10:50 am Worship 5:30 pm UMYF (FH) 5:30 pm Covenant Group (9) 5:30 pm Financial Peace (7)

Serve the LORD with s nes Glad

MONDAY 10:00 am Women’s Group (7) 7:00 pm Covenant Group WEDNESDAY 10:00 am CC Chapel 6:00 pm Handbells 7:00 pm Choir THURSDAY 6:30 pm Disciple One Bible Study (7)

9/1 9/3 9/5 9/5 9/8 9/9 9/11 9/11 9/12 9/12 9/13 9/16 9/19 9/20 9/21 9/22 9/27 9/28 9/30

Christy Hodson Liz Skiles Alex Currie Elizabeth Walters Doris Lyon Glenn Allen Beth Smith Emily Smith Letha Peters Jonathan Schultz Glenn Bostick Garin Wootton Daniel Shank Jean Barton Barbara Huff Shelly Currie Susie Goodson Jim Barnes Cheryl Johnson

9/7 9/15 9/15

Ray & Roz Hodson Joe & Janice Farmer Clifton & Susie Goodson

Special Dates: Labor Day, September 7, 2009 Patriot Day (remembrance of Sept. 11), September 11, 2009 National Grandparents Day, September 13, 2009 National Hispanic Heritage Month, September 15-October 15, 2009 First Day of Autumn, September 22, 2009

Don’t see your birthday or anniversary? Contact Tara in the church office—4476633 or [email protected]

S E P T E M B E R I N T E N T I O NA L P R AY E R C A L E N DA R September 6-12:

For ease of the worldwide economic crisis.

September 13-19:

For people struggling with mental illness and neu rological disorders.

September 20-26:

For peace and understanding in the Middle East.

September 27-Oct. 3:

Hope for the agricultural industry during the har vest season.

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