Newsletter 113.autumn 2006 03

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Newsletter 113

Autumn 2006 / 03 Web: Email: [email protected]



5 go mad at the Doggy Paddle


A mini Poseidon adventure


The Adventure continues.




Titbit / Thanks


The Marathon!


Clubhouse / Clubhouse keys.


Little bits to fill up the pages.


Events / Diary.


Contacts etc.


EDITORS PIECE It's been a busy, busy summer. For a while it appeared that summer might not come at all but then it warmed up and we all know the rest. Only the other day I noticed a sign on the lock stating that the lock would only operate every 15mins. unless the lock keeper was sure he could fill the lock at shorter intervals. I've been heavily involved in the 1*

course programme we offered this year. Tim Twitchen decided to go for a course a month schedule with 8 places on each. In the end we drew heavily on the clubs coaching members and took as many as 15 on each course. It's been an education for me. Even at this level explaining the strokes can be a lot harder than executing them. But it's been good fun along the way and I would suggest some of you 2*'s and above give some thought to coaching others. Don't forget there is a new coaching set up being introduced as I write, look on the BCU website for details or maybe have a word with Andy Maxted. For every good time there's a bad time. This summer has been no exception with the usual problem ref. Duty Officers. Please take time to digest my item on this thorny subject inside and think what you can do to help. And to finish - more good news. At the 3rd attempt I got my 3*. There's no doubt I wasn't good enough on the 1st try, and perhaps I shouldn't have even taken the 2nd as I had sprained my wrist on the way home from work. But the 3rd; I needn't have worried. Quality coaching from quality members and a ticket to be proud of. Thanks to TT, JP, PC, & Big Dave.

Anyone who tells you portaging is fun is either a liar, or crazy, or maybe both. Marlow Canoe Club Newsletter

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Autumn 2006 / 03

Now here's a nice little piece to get the show on the road. Dave Riverside bought this to my attention some years ago. I've often thought about doing it, but never did. Maybe next year!

5 GO MAD AT THE 2006 'DOGGY PADDLE' Following the late withdrawal of Mr Cooper from the squad, five of us set off for Leamington Spa to take part in the annual Doggy Paddle from Leamington to Stratford a distance of 19.5 miles. Being rather less organised than Dave Goddard, Tim and JP, Susan and I arrived on the bank of the River Leam just in time to miss the last shuttle which at the time didn’t seem much of a deal but later transpired to be a bit of an error which Dave reminded us about all day long. Registration on the day was very easy although it is a good idea to at least fill out your form before you get there as it is likely to be raining because that’s what happens near Birmingham…a lot. We were given advice on what to do at the Deer fences, which we promptly forgot, and also had the opportunity to buy essential things for the day although there was no Kendal mint cake on offer which was rather disappointing given the effort about to be expended. One interesting aspect of the vast armada of boats taking to the water was the impressive array of different types of kayak and canoes on display. There was something for anoraks everywhere although we clearly made a big impression judging by the fact that the photo of Dave and JP in their open and Susan and me on the big pink double kayak made it on to the website. I was slightly concerned at JP’s knowledge of white water racing kayaks and what the big bulge was for behind Marlow Canoe Club Newsletter

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the seat but it was very informative….no, really. The first stretch took us past the remains of a large medieval bridge, which was partly ruined by floodwater in 1795, pay attention; there could be a test later, to Warwick Castle which looks even bigger from water level than when you walk around the grounds. It was a bit of a scrum at the first portage but using techniques honed at getting a pint from a student bar some years ago we muscled our way to the front fairly easily, if anyone had complained we were ready with our ‘sorry, we’re from Marlow Rowing Club’ excuses. After getting back in people spread out quite quickly and although there must have been in excess of a hundred boats on the river at any one time there were occasions where we felt as if we had the whole river to ourselves. We ate our first Mars Bar here and then passed under a big new road which wasn’t on Dave’s map and was called the M40 by people in the know and found ourselves close to Barford which is one of the most scenic parts of the trip and also the birthplace of Joseph Arch, founder of the first trade union, the Agricultural Workers’ Union. The weir at the 11 mile mark made a good spot for lunch and there is quite a nice pool to watch people trying to negotiate what is more like a 6 foot drop waterslide than anything else. It is probably easier to take the drop than portaging as the ‘out’ involves a lot of ‘cow mud’ which you could fall over in and get it all over you if pushed (sorry Susan) and the ‘in’ wasn’t too pleasant either. There are four weirs all told and we all successfully negotiated the last one which was basically a simple two foot drop. Maybe next year we will try a couple more as the portages after the first one were quite tricky and involved Autumn 2006 / 03

combinations of steep banks, ropes – and smelly stuff. I can’t remember the ‘approved’ technique for crossing the deer fences which were really large link chains strung across the river either side of some National Trust pile but the John and Dave method of piling straight at them at full pelt whilst singing the Hawaii 5-O tune did the trick and also had the added benefit of scaring all the wildlife away. One particularly nice stretch was fairly shallow through a sea of silver green reeds which was quite spectacular. Plotting a course through was interesting and quite fun although we took the easy option of going a different route to the people in front of us at every turn as they had an uncanny knack of finding the shallowest piece with the result of grounding more often than not. They were also trying to look very professional with their matching outfits and paddles which made us giggle. Then we ate another Mars Bar. The next point of interest was the site of a Second World War airfield responsible for defending Birmingham which obviously had a river right through it which must have made takeoff and landing quite tricky. It is marked by a four bladed Spitfire propeller which commemorates the air force crews who served there. Interestingly enough the propeller must have been from a mark VI onwards as up until 1942 they were equipped with three bladed fixed pitched propellers. The final stretch was relatively featureless, apart from a whacking great Obelisk which is quite famous in the locality, but Dave kept our spirits up with an extraordinary performance of common farmyard animals interspersed with handy hints and tips such as ‘John, if it goes dark and you can’t breathe we Marlow Canoe Club Newsletter

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are probably upside down’, ‘you have got a first aid kit with you haven’t you?’ and ‘I always take a first aid kit on trips’. (Good, we won’t need one then) Finally we reached the start of the navigational part of the river and traffic did become a bit of an issue. The event clashed with some Dragon Boat racing and going by the number of people lining the banks there were quite a lot of other events taking place too. On exiting the water we discovered that we were the first pink double kayak to complete the course although oddly there was no trophy for this class. We were met by a man with a guide dog who thanked us for taking part and raising money for the Guide Dogs which was a nice way to finish the trip. Overall a good trip to do and for a very good cause. I would encourage more people to do it next year but beware the Stratford Car Parks.

Paul Griffin

July 2006

Those of you old enough to remember the film of this title will recall that the plot centres around an upturned boat, this is how I can best relate my introduction to the sport of Kayaking! Having recently become a ‘rowing’ widow with half of my family afloat in extremely skinny boats I decided that I would cross the river, after all isn’t the grass (river weed) greener on the other Autumn 2006 / 03

side, and learn how to Kayak naively thinking that it was sure to be much easier than all that messing about with long blades. Well how wrong I was! Having sent off my membership fee I joined the other eager trainees on the first one star course on a rather greyish May morning. We were met by a host of helpful people ready to kit us out with boats, buoyancy aids and paddles and following an introduction and safety talk were finally let loose on the river with initial instructions to paddle up to Marlow lock. Well why couldn’t I get this craft to go straight, all it seemed to want to do was go around in a circle and face the opposite direction, maybe it had some sort of homing device built in??? John remarked that I was a bit of a tentative paddler I began to think I was b*****y useless. I seemed to consistently be staring at the back of the group disappearing into the distance. However not to be daunted when I eventually caught up with them I was taught how to paddle backwards, sideways and turn around voluntarily! The day went on with more forward paddling or in my case spinning around, (didn’t Kylie sing a song about this?) past the lock to the beach where we practiced our new skills. After lunch came a theory session then we were back on the water to learn more strokes before the day culminated in the dreaded capsize drill This saw a nervous set of people bracing themselves to see the river bottom. Fortunately the sun had decided to come out for this momentous occasion and as you can see my husband turned up with the camera.

That all important first dunking! Relieved at getting the capsize over and grateful to have come up to see the light of day again dry clothes and a cup of tea now seemed to be the only important thing on my mind, well apart from stressing how I was going to paddle in a straight line for 100m for the assessment the next day. Sunday morning saw an equally enthusiastic bunch of trainees if not somewhat tired ready to launch and practices our new strokes. We went on to learn emergency stops, sweep strokes, I was beginning to get quite practiced at these as well as how to prevent a capsize. After lunch followed the theory assessment then the all important practical. Would I be able to stay in a straight line? We duly paddled off to the beach to perform the required strokes and then returned to the club to throw ourselves yet again into the river.

Last one back buys the drinks!

Marlow Canoe Club Newsletter

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Autumn 2006 / 03

I am pleased to say that all the course attendees came away duly qualified as one star paddlers. I left the club that night tired, bruised, bedraggled but extremely satisfied with the sport of Kayaking.

The other half or should I say opposition?

Having completed the one star course in May and being a glutton for punishment I then signed up for the two star course the following June. In between I ensured that I attended as many club sessions as I could and slowly my forward paddling started to become straighter if not faster, a personal milestone achieved but little did I know I was yet to face another nemesis in the form of the low and high brace support strokes! The two star course got off to a wet start but thankfully this was only because it rained on the Tuesday Marlow Canoe Club Newsletter

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evening. We split into two groups and I ended up being the only female in a group of gents feeling somewhat out numbered and out paddled but my fears were soon forgotten. I couldn’t have asked for a better bunch as they were all very helpful and supportive. We spent the evening learning new strokes and improving on the ones already learnt on the one star course plus we were introduced to those magic words ‘TRUNK ROTATION’. Saturday started off well until I came across the ‘high brace recovery stroke’ and then went on to see quite a bit of the river bottom! On the first failed attempt I was rescued by Paul and was most impressed at the way he chucked my kayak over his boat and calmly told me to get back in not knowing at the time that this was my first introduction to the deep water rescue. As the rest of the group began to fall in at various stages throughout the day I started to feel better, sorry lads. The day finished with yet more orchestrated capsizing as we all got to grips with the Eskimo and deep water rescue techniques. This is where you suddenly learn that a few minutes bobbing about under a kayak waiting to be rescued can seem like an eternity. Having been rescued myself and without a partner I pleaded to the other guys that I needed a victim, Andy bravely stepped up to the mark and at this point I uttered the quote of the day “don’t worry I will save you”. It started off well but after initially managing to grab my boat I could not hold it in place long enough for him to get a firm grip so a somewhat breathless Andy emerged a few minutes later quoting the above line to me in triplicate! Sorry Andy but I did say I needed the practice.

Autumn 2006 / 03

Sunday ran along the same lines as Saturday improving on strokes, remembering trunk rotation, getting wet, getting wet again, followed by lunch and yes you guessed it more getting wet. I left with the assessment to come on Tuesday looming in my mind and those immortal words ‘TRUNK ROTATION’ ringing in my ears.

Monday was spent boring the ‘rowing half’ of my family with discussions on forward, backward and side paddling, high and low brace strokes, Eskimo rescues etc. and it gave me great satisfaction to do so having listened to years and years of rowing blurb. The kitchen broom took on a new lease of life as a good implement to practices paddle strokes which is infinitely more interesting than sweeping the floor! Tuesday came and having a head full of kayaking I missed the turning to take the kids to school, not that they protested, and had to take a diversion before arriving at work thinking it was going to be a long day. I arrived early that evening at the club and was met with an equally set of nervous adults gazing at a very windswept river. Adrian and Dave were assigned to assess this course and as we stood huddled waiting to boat up the conversation centred around who might be the most lenient. Adrian took the group I was in and off we went to Marlow lock to begin. The wind was blowing a gale and I soon found that a paddle in the air doubles up quite nicely as a sail. We managed to complete most of the assessment above the lock and moved to more sheltered water below it to perform support strokes and rescues. I am pleased to say that everyone passed Marlow Canoe Club Newsletter

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the assessment and we all paddled back to the club relieved and trunk rotating all the way. Now my only question is where do I put these lovely badges? Clean answers only please!

John, JP, Paul, Tim, Dave and Adrian who freely give their time and expertise in running and assisting on the many courses the club runs each year. Also to my fellow course attendees for making the whole experience fun and sharing the ups and downs of learning to Kayak.

P.S By the time you read this my son would have joined the ranks of the canoe club therefore making an equal 50/50 split in the family maybe we can stage a take over between us! Julie Briggs

July 2006

THE YAHOO GROUP Can I draw your attention to the clubs Yahoo group? Big Dave, our webmaster tried to set up a messaging service through the website and although this offered more functionality it also registered as chat on a lot of work pc's, which seriously undermined its undoubted qualities. So the Yahoo group reigns supreme as a means of keeping reasonably up to date with what's going on. It's calmed down a lot now, and the tit for tat stuff that manifested itself in the early days seems to have disappeared. Just the other week Paul Griffin decided to do a short trip in Oxford as featured in Canoe focus. A message was placed on the yahoo group and all who were members saw this. An enthusiastic response saw Paul's day out snowball into what became a group trip. All Autumn 2006 / 03

organised through the Yahoo group, pick ups, times & meets, and even the loan of club boats were agreed and a good time was had by all. So much so that a handful went and did it again the next week. All you need to do is go to the website and click on the link for the Yahoo group and so long as you've not done anything to upset Big Dave he'll sign you on. Whilst the Yahoo group is of most benefit to those that paddle in groups, I'm sure the fast boat section could make use of it as well. Join it, try it, and if it's of no use at all to you, you can always rescind your (yahoo group) membership.

John Norris

August 2006

LAST ISSUES QUOTE Believe me, my young friend,…………….. was spoken by Water Rat from 'Wind in the Willows' in case you didn't know!

DUTY OFFICERS. It's been a nightmare again this year, just scarier than the previous few years. The D.O.'s have been mostly made up from those who already give extensively of their time, namely the committee. On one occasion we had to rely on a couple of under 18's. We have never had to do this before, and despite the skills of the people concerned we probably overstepped the mark here. I trust that this will never happen again and that more people will come forward. This has led the committee to consider proposals that would not have seen the light of day when I joined the club a few years ago. Perhaps the most radical was a compulsory D.O. stint by every key holder. I know there are a lot of marathon types who are quite capable Marlow Canoe Club Newsletter

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in other boats, as well as short boat types who could do a little more. We normally look for 3* / 18+ / responsible people but have gone with 2*'s previously. Andy Maxted, who has prepared a short evening course on the roll of the D.O. has even gone so far as to say that the D.O. need not go on the water, so long as they are there to open up, able to ensure those that need a watchful eye get the care and attention they deserve and is there to ensure the club is closed at the end of the session. If we were to take out the winter months, say December - February or possibly March as the group pretty much takes care of itself then we are left with 40 Sundays and 20 Tuesday evenings. 60 sessions max. out of a club membership of some 150+. Considering that some members are unable to do this for various reasons (moving away from the club and just staying in touch seems reasonably valid to me, new members another) we should, if correctly organised, be able to limit this to one D.O. role per year. I've done 4 or 5 so far and a couple of courses and other committee members have done a fair bit. It's time to ask yourself what you can do for the club.

John Norris

August 2006

Since composing this Andy Maxted has rescheduled his D.O. course for late August, and we have a no. of people who have expressed interest and committed to attend. But it would be nice to have a pool of people from which to draw on for a role that is vital to the clubs continued success.

Autumn 2006 / 03



The Thames itself, from Lechlade to Teddington, at 'bank-full' conditions, holds about 20,500 million litres (4,500 million gallons), so it only holds about as much water as falls on the catchment area in one day. I suppose that excludes this year and any other 'drought' year.

THANKS This past weekend (2/3 Sept.) the clubs final 1* course commenced. Six people completed the course but for one, Lisa Randall, it seemed nothing was going to work. Not wanting to get her hands wet was a major problem along with generally a slow start. But a change to a skegged boat and a determination previously hidden behind a smile that never ceased the whole weekend saw all that change on Sunday assessment. That evening I got a call from her mum and an e-mail which I've copied here

John Many thanks to all the coaches and members concerned with the 1* induction course. Our daughter Lisa was helped, supported & encouraged by all concerned. Lisa had a fantastic time learning the basics of canoeing. Many thanks to everybody concerned for this weekend. Me, PC, TT, AH & SH all did what we could but perhaps the biggest contribution came from others on the course, notably the 'NYE' family whose encouragement vocal and otherwise played a major part in Lisa's success. Thanks all!

Marlow Canoe Club Newsletter

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Ever since Homo sapiens started to stand up on two legs he, or she, has aimed to go further or faster than their fellows. Paddlers have been no exception - constantly looking for new thrills and ways of racing. Sprint or marathon kayaking provide plenty of thrills and action. Long narrow boats both canoes and kayaks - have been developed specifically for getting from A to B as fast and efficiently as possible. However what has been gained in speed has been lost in terms of manoeuvrability and stability. They take some getting used to!! Sprint racing is incredibly popular in this country. It takes the form of a time trial over a fixed distance - ranging from 500m to 10,000m- from a standing start. Sprint racers usually race on lakes and travel in straight lines. There are categories for singles, doubles and the spectacular K4 (four-seater kayak) Marathon is also very popular. It differs from sprint in that the distances are greater and courses resemble more a journey than a dash to the finish line. A typical marathon course will involve negotiating bends and getting out to portage around weirs, rapids or locks. In some races, such as the British Exe Descent or the Irish Liffey, competitors in their tippy boats, tackle, large drops over weirs and rapids instead of running around them. The distance for a marathon can be anything from about 6.5km (4 miles) to the gruelling 200km (125 miles) British Devizes to Westminster race held each Easter or even the Arctic Canoe Race that is over 1,000km (620 miles) held in Norway. On October 22nd we - Marlow CC - will be running one such marathon as we have done each year for a long time. Starting from Longridge, competitors Autumn 2006 / 03

will race on one of three distances - to Bourne End, to Cookham Lock or Boulters Weir and back. Taking part will be some 150 - 200 paddlers from all over the Southern Region racing for points for the prestigious Hasler Trophy. Clubs that are bound to figure in this will be Reading, Wokingham, Newbury and Banbury whilst Bourne End Junior Sports Club can be relied upon to field a large number of paddlers. The event is a good opportunity for our own paddlers to taste the marathon game by entering the short race 6.5km - to Bourne End and back. If this is what you are planning to do you really ought to be clocking up the miles in a "pointed boat". Good Luck But for the rest of you not minded to tear down river and back, please give a thought to coming and help run the event. There are a number of jobs that need to be done effectively: marshalling turns and portages; time keeping; compiling results; car parking or being a gofer. It cannot happen without at least two dozen people committing themselves to ensuring a good event.

So, please put the date - Sunday October 22nd - in your diary now and when we start asking for volunteers do not hesitate to offer your services. Thanks David Lyddiatt Race Organiser

THE CLUBHOUSE Wear and tear has made its presence felt on the inside of the clubhouse, which would benefit greatly from the kind of attention lavished on the outside in recent years. Fortunately, this is not a major financial burden but Marlow Canoe Club Newsletter

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is labour intensive. Volunteers would be appreciated for a 'Work Day' when we will be able to get the shed in some order. Repairs to the floor and the boat racks are essential, there's a load of rubbish to be disposed of and a few other tasks. The 'Committee' invite you attend said workday scheduled for 14th October. See AC or notices around the club for specific job details.

CLUBHOUSE KEYS We've got a functional padlock, a slightly less reliable version of the same, and keys for both dotted all over the place. Various members have tried to keep track of keys over the years but our most recent list of keyholders contains names of people who have not been seen or heard of for many years. September's committee meeting decided to replace the lock (and keys). The process will be somewhat arduous but Andy Maxted has agreed to coordinate the issue of new keys. If you have an existing key and will need a replacement, please get in contact with Andy so that a replacement can be issued and a proper register drawn up. If you do not have a key but would like one, the existing procedures are that an application needs to be made to the committee in writing for approval. You will need to be over 18, three star standard and deemed by the committee to be sufficiently responsible. If you are no longer a user of the club but still have a key it can be returned for your initial deposit. We will announce a date in a couple of months when the padlock will be changed and when the old keys will be of no further use.

Autumn 2006 / 03

WELCOME The club tries to run a social event or two, sometimes successfully, sometimes not. Amongst those who have had a stab at this post in the past are Gary Board, myself, others, and most recently Debs; whose recent endeavours were thwarted by the 'World Cup'. That's the football world cup - not Rugby (next Winter), or cricket (sometime in 2007 or possibly 8) even I can't remember them all. A new member, Melinda Livett, has offered to give the role a go so if you have any suggestions for activities you think others would enjoy, please let Melinda know. Details for Melinda will be on the contacts page at the end of the newsletter.

MORE GOOD NEWS Ever since he got his L1 coach award, Paul Crichton has done a fair bit toward seeing a large no. of paddlers get their 1* award, very important as the club no longer takes out paddlers without a certificate. Now he's gone and got his L2 coach award so all those he taught 1* this year can benefit from his skills when they do their 2* next year.

Next year, things are going to be different. I'm putting ME first, cutting back on the D.O. stints and courses as well if necessary. The Capella will go to sea. But I need some help. I'm looking for a few experienced people who are prepared to give up a Sunday / Weekend so that we may get a sea trip on the club calendar. I would like to get the genre re-established as a club activity. The people I'm looking for are those with considerable experience but able to look after new to sea paddlers, some of whom will have sea boats and some who will not. I read an item in an old newsletter about a trip out from Poole harbour, around a headland for lunch in an otherwise inaccessible bay and return. This sort of trip, or something similar sounds like a good introduction. A good day out, an easy paddle, to show us inexperienced types what it's all about. Looking at some of the boats in the clubhouse some of you took this very seriously indeed and now there's a chance to teach your skills to a new generation. If you are able to assist in this venture, or would like to try something different and be included, e-mail me with your details at [email protected]

STOP PRESS THE SEASIDE BECKONS It had been my intention to take the Capella out on the briny this year but sometimes even the best of intentions can go awry. I had pencilled in a CYM PENNANT 'Intro to Sea' course, but a combination of 1* courses and a family problem excluded all available dates. Some of the older (more experienced sounds better) members have said they would assist but I've been a bit to busy to benefit from these offers. Marlow Canoe Club Newsletter

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Andy Maxted's D.O. course was reasonably successful with a strong showing amongst the new members. Some 9 people in all attended and as I write one has already done a couple of turns. Perhaps some of the more established members should turn back a page or two, reread DUTY OFFICERS and enquire as to when another course will be held.

Autumn 2006 / 03

WHAT'S ON, WHEN AND WHERE The complete and authoritive guide to all that the club hopes to do in the forthcoming months. Please note that at the time of going to press dates cannot be guaranteed and that the programme is subject to changes. 19/09/06



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Marlow Canoe Club Newsletter

01844 07730 01753 01494 07973 01628 01628

344580 852760 887773 483833 820515 483252 851001

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THE COMMITTEE AND OTHER USEFUL NUMBERS A list of those members who serve on the club's committee, their role and a contact no. should you need to contact them.































CONTACT NO. 01494 482959 01844 344580 07730 852760 08708 806962 07833 995289 01494 483833 01753 671389 01628 773555 01753 887773 01628 483252 07812 749555 01844 344580

01628 476384 01844 275418


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01865 248673 01189 665912 01932 247978 01926 640573

Please advise the editor if any contact details are wrong or if you wish to add an alternative no. / e-mail address to the list.

Marlow Canoe Club Newsletter

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Autumn 2006 / 03

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