New U6

  • October 2019
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Unit 6 (Lesson 21---24) Teaching Directions & Advice 教学指导和建议 课时建议:12 课时 教法指津: 口语交际法(针对主要句型,词组) 讲授归纳法(针对名词复数和重点短语) 表演互动法(针对课文表演对话) 竞赛法 (针对本单元新单词和名词复数) 自主学习法 (针对孩子运用所学,编对话和造句)

Teaching Targets 语言目标 Key Words 重点单词 注:本表出现的单词和习惯用语是按内容的先后顺序排列的;黑体字为新目标延展词汇

give one which empty full large little small big box glass cup bottle tin knife fork spoon on shelf desk table plate cupboard television floor dressing table magazine bed newspaper

Key structures 关键句型 注:黑体字为新课标延展句子。

Which book? Give me a book please, Jane. The one on the desk.

Grammar focus 语法聚焦 名词复数(三) ① 有些名词通常只有复数形式: clothes 衣服 trousers 裤子 goods 货物 thanks 谢谢 scissors 剪刀 pants 裤子 glasses 眼镜 people 人们 ② 单复数形式词义不同: glass 玻璃 glasses 眼镜 time 时间 times 次数,倍数 工作 work works 著作 paper 纸 papers 文件,论文 ③ 物质名词的复数形式一般表示不同的种类: these foods 这些不同种类的食品 各种水果 fruits 各种草 grasses

④ 合成名 词复数变 化的规则 合成名词,将主体词改为复数形式。 passer-by -- passers-by 过路人 school teacher -- school teachers 教师 son-in-law -- sons-in-law 女婿 ⑤ 两个构 成部分都 要变成复 数 man writer -- men writers 男作家 woman teacher -- women teachers 女教师

which 引导的特殊疑问句 which 是就定语提问的特殊疑问词。其结构是:which+名词+一般疑问句语序

eg. Which country will win the next World Cup? 辨析:which & where which 是就定语提问,而 where 是就地点提问的特殊疑问词。 eg. The boy is on the tree. (画线部分提问) Where is the boy? The boy on the tree is Tom. (画线部分提问) Which boy is Tom.

Phonetics: 音标 字母组合读音: 1. [ ] 字母组合 ou young enough 字母 o love come son money 字母 u cut but cup up 2. [ ] 字母组合 ir shirt bird sir girl 字母组合 er her term certainly clerk 字母组合 ur purse turn nurse hurt 字母组合 or world work word worse 字母组合 ear heard 字母组合 our neighbour 3. [ ] 字母组合 er worker father mother sister 字母组合 or visitor actor doctor 字母 a opera alive policeman 4. [ a:] 字母组合 ar car park arm farm 字母组合 al calm 字母 a class glass

Useful Words 词汇运用 1. 不定代词 one & ones one 指人或物,表示 “一个 ”之意。 ① 代替前面提到的名词避免重复,他的复数形式是 ones

eg. There are two books, the new one is Tom’s. Which books are yours? The ones are on the desk. ② 泛指人,表示 “一个人,人人 ”之意。

eg. One should do one’s best to work hard.

☆知识拓展 ☆: it 与 one it 和 one 都可代替上文所出现的名词,但二者是有区别的。it 往往指上文出现过 的特定事物,即同一事物。而 one 则代替与前面事物同属一类事物中的一个,并 不是同一个事物。

eg. The knife is new but it is blunt. The knife is blunt I will buy a new one. v. 给, 授予 2. give 固定搭配: give sb sth = give sth to sb

3. full

eg. Give me a book. = Give a book to me. eg. People give me their money. eg. Could you give me a hand? adj. 满的,充满的; 吃饱的 eg. This is a full bottle. eg. Another thing is that it is very rude to say you’re full.

4. large & big & great ① large ② big

(体积, 空间, 数量, 规模等)大的, 巨大的, 大 规 模的 eg. I’d like a large bowl of noodles. 大的, 重大的,重要的

③ great

eg. I like big blue hats. eg. 伟大的,盛大的 [口]了不起的, 绝妙的 eg. China is a great country. eg. Ed Smith has a great sports collection.

同义辨析:large & big & great 这三个形容词的一般含义是物理量值方面的大,但并不总能互相换用。 large: 侧重表示三维量值,强调体积,修饰人时指个子高。此外它也

可以表示范围,能力和数量方面的大。 big: big 也可以表示体积大,但不同于 large。eg. a large box 只说明 盒子大,但未必重。而 a big box 指盒子又大又重。用 big 指人时 表明重要人物。 great: 指物理量值大时,它给人以惊奇或惊诧的感觉。 n. 少许, 一会儿, 短时间 5. little adj. 少的,小的(可爱的) eg. This is a little dog. a little (修饰不可数名词,表示肯定) 有一点 固定搭配: eg. -----Can you draw? -------Yea, a little. little (修饰不可数名词,表示否定) 几乎没有

6. cup

eg. He is poor. He has little money. n. 茶杯

eg. What a nice cup! eg. Then put in two teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt. ☆知识拓展 ☆ a cup of… a cup of tea (一杯茶) n. 玻璃杯 7. glass

eg. Is this your glass? n. 眼镜(常用复数形式 glasses) eg. She wears glasses and jeans.

☆知识拓展 ☆: n. 玻璃 (不可数名词) eg. I cut my hand on some broken glass. n. 瓶子 a bottle of---8. bottle eg. I need a bottle of water. n. 罐头 a tin of -------9. tin eg. Give me a tin of coke. 10. newspaper n. 报纸 eg. My father reads newspapers every morning

·Proverb 谚语 Better late than never.


·Just for fun 轻松一刻 A joke 笑话 George comes from school on the first day of September. “George, how did you like your new teacher?”asked his mother. “I didn‘t like her, Mother, because she said that three and three were six and then she said that two and four were six, too.....”

跨文化视窗 建议教师介绍一些有趣的肢体语言。

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