New U5

  • November 2019
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Unit 5 (Lesson 17---20 )  Teaching Directions & Advice 教学指导和建议 课时建议:4------6 课时(每课时 50 分钟) 教法指津: 口语交际法(针对主要句型,词组) 讲授归纳法(针对名词复数) 表演互动法(针对课文表演对话) 竞赛法 (针对本单元新单词和名词复数) 自主学习法 (针对孩子运用所学,编对话和造句)

 Teaching Targets 语言目标 Key Words 重点单词 注:本表出现的单词和习惯用语是按内容的先后顺序排列的;黑体字为新课标延展词汇。

employee office tired sit down small heavy grandfather

hard—working assistant boy right open long grandmother

sales reps matter thirsty ice cream shut shoe

man children mum big light

Key structures 关键句型 注:黑体字为新课标延展句子。

come and meet our employees. How do you do? What are their jobs? What’s the matter, children? There’s an ice creams please.

Grammar Focus 语法聚焦 名词复数(二) 英语中除了规则变化的名词复数外,还有一些的名词复数形式是不规则的 1. 有些以 f 结尾的名词变为复数是后面直接加 s, 如:roof---roofs; giraffe---giraffes cliff---cliffs belief---beliefs; chief---chiefs; 2. 变内部元音字母的名词 man---men foot---feet 3. 词尾加 en 的名词

proof---proofs tooth---teeth

ox---oxen (公牛) 4. 单复数形式相同的名词 sheep---sheep fish---fish Chinese---Chinese




Swiss---Swiss craft

Japanese---Japanese works---works

Phonetics: 音标 1. [ i: ]

a. 字母 e 在开音节中



b. 字母组合 ee bee meet c. 字母组合 ea seat sea d. 字母组合 ie field piece e. 字母组合 ei ceiling 2. [ I ] a. 字母 I 在闭音节中 sit pig b. 字母组合 ui build 3. [ e ] a. 字母组合 ie friend b. 字母 e 在闭音节 bet pet c. 字母组合 ea bread sweater head 4. [ae] a. 字母 a 在闭音节中 bag sad


he beef tea niece tip

desk glad

Useful Words 词汇运用

1. employee n. 职工,雇员 eg. There are 30 employees in the factory. ☆ 知识拓展 ☆ a. employ v. 雇用 eg. This boss employed 30 workers. b. employer n. 雇主 eg. Mr. Li is his employer. 2. hard—working adj. 勤奋的, 勤勉的 eg. He said he was hard—working. 3. office n. 办公室;事务所 常用短语:post office 邮局 eg. ------Where’s the post office? ------It’s on Center Street. ☆ 知识拓展 ☆ a. 派生词:officer 官员 军官 b. 短语: office boy / girl 办公室工友 4. assistant n. 助手 shop assistant n. 店员

office hour 办公时间

eg. She wants to be a shop assistant.

5. How do you do? 与初次见面的人之间的问候语。回答时也需要用 How do you do? 6. matter n. 事情,问题。 句型:What’s the matter (with sb.)? …怎么了?(用来询问发生了什么事) eg.—What’s the matter? 2

-- I have a cold. ☆ 知识拓展 ☆ 同义句型: What’s the matter? What’s wrong? What’s the trouble? 7. tired adj. 累得,乏的 eg. Everybody gets tired sometimes. eg. You shouldn’t study when you are tired. 8. thirsty adj. 口渴的 eg. —What’s the matter? —I’m thirsty. 9. right ① adj. 好的,可以 eg. That’s all right. 正确的 eg. You are right, I am wrong. 恰巧的 eg. I was walking down street when a UFO 右边的 eg. Put up your right hand. ② n. 右边 eg. It’s down Bridge Street on the right. 10. open ① adj. 开着的, 敞开的 eg. The shop is 24 hours open. 反义词:closed ② v.打开 eg. Don’t open the door. 反义词:shut 或 close 辨析:open 与 turn on open 指打开一个密闭的的空间。 turn on 指打开或接通水源、电源和煤气。 10. light ① adj. 轻的 eg. I’m going to pack light clothes. ② n. 灯,光 eg. Look at the lights. ③ v. 点着,点亮 eg. He had to light the fire for breakfast. 12.heavy adj.重的 eg. She’s short and a little bit heavy. 反义词:heavy ------ light ( thin ) 13.long: adj. 长的 eg. She has beautiful long black hair.

14.反义词: clean-----dirty big------small old------young short-----long 

hot------cold open------shut old------new

fat------thin light-----heavy short-----tall

Proverb 谚语 A good book is a light to the soul. 好书一本,照亮心灵。 3

Just for fun 轻松一刻 Now It’s Your Turn to Whistle Bob, a boy of three years old, went to see his grandfather with his father. In

the train, he often put his head out of the window. His father was worried and said, “Bob, don’t put your head out of the window!” But Bob didn’t listen to his father and went to putting his head out of he window. Then his father took off Bob’s cap quietly, hid it behind his back and said, “ You see, your cap has flown away.” Bob began to cry. His father said, “Well, go to the window, whistle at once! Perhaps your cap will come back.” Bob came up to the window and whistled. His father quickly put the cap back on Bob’s head. Oh! It was wonderful! Bob was pleased and laughed. He quickly took his father’s cap and threw it out of the window. “ Now, It’s your turn to whistle, Daddy!” He said happily. Notes: 1. hide V, 藏 2. whistle v. 吹哨 3. be one’s turn to 轮到某人… Comprehension questions 根据文章内容选择正确答案 ( ) 1. With whom did Bob go to see his grandmother? A. His mother B. His father C. His parents D. His brother and sister ( ) 2. How did Bob go to see grandmother? A. On foot B. By plane C. By bike D. By train ( ) 3. Where did Bob put his father’s cap? A. He threw it out of the window. B. He put it on his own head. C. He hid it behind his back. D. He put it back on his father’s head. Answers: B D A

跨文化视窗 建议学生自主探究,说出他们想要知道的职业名词。


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