New Project Proposal Amalnew

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,769
  • Pages: 11
1. NAME OF THE PROJECT : “Sustainable Women Economic Empowerment Program” (SWEEP) 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT

: Malaiapattu Community Development Block of Vellore District in Tamilnadu. 170Kms from Chennai International Airport. 22 Kms from Vellore, Broad gauge Railway Station. CROSS Registered office is situated in Vellore.

3. OBJECTIVES: “ Our ‘Sustainable Women Economic Empowerment Program’ will empower 100 vulnerable Community women to earn 60- 70 rupees daily by giving skill training like to design Sari, Bangle and hair bands to make them a sustainable community in 1 year program.” 4. SELECTING A COMMUNITY & DIAGNOSIS: The Proposed project is for the Community, Maliapattu, The community population is 1752 in that there are 920 men out of which 467 home leaders, 220 youths, 97 adolescents, 116 Children and 20 infants. There are 832 women out of that there are 458 married women in that 258 are house wives, 194 are going for agricultural work, 6 Widows are too going to work , 134 children, 125 adolescents, 90 youths and 23 infants. In the community there are 473 families. Women are not taking any decisions for their family or for their society because of their ignorance and weakness among themselves. They are ignorant of their rights in the society and being vulnerable because of the men governance. They are depending on men for their basic needs like food, clothe, shelter and to take care of their children. As the community is vulnerable, men are not getting their job daily; they are going to job occasionally because their works are agriculture and 100 days work provided by government. These job are seasonal so they are earning money only during the seasons after then the families are striving for food, clothe and to take care of their children.


Men are treating the women as slave; women are compelling to do what the men are telling. There is no space for the women to take their own decision and to govern the family. If the home leader doesn’t give any money for the family use, the family will be with hunger and would not ask any thing to her husband because of the fear and respect on him. Although the community women are having so much of dream in them, they could not process it in action and also they could not take care of their children well and good. Women are worrying for not feeding healthy food to their children. Although the children of the community women are clever and good enough she is not able to give good education to their children. Name of the No of No of Village Female Married Women


Name of the Village




Total Population


No of Married Women Going to Job 194

No of Families


No of No of No of Married Widows Female women as Youth house wives 258



No of male

No of family Leaders

No of Male Youth




No of Female No of No of Adolescence Female Female Children Infants


No of Male Adolescence


No of Male Children

No of Male Infants




5. PRIORITY CORE PROBLEMS IN COMMUNITY: The core problems in the community are: •

Lack of Knowledge or lack of education for Women Empowerment

Male dictatorship over Female

Due to religion there is depression in the community

The caste is a blocking stone for their development

Due to poverty there is no much graduates in the community •

Due to poverty talented adolescents and youths are going to job instead of studying.

Child marriage is being appreciated in the community. 2


Child marriage is too with their relatives itself. •

There is more land problem were they are staying in a little piece of land. So the environment making the children to feel depressed.

No privacy to the adults in the community.

There is no facility for the young people to do degree and to go college.

No Permanent job for School finished Students

No Permanent job for the family leaders

No Permanent job for the Women

No proper medical facility available

Lack of Irrigations 6. DETERMAINING PRIORITY: The Major Core problem in the society is women are not respected in the society. They are like a slave to men, as they are dependant on men for their basic needs like food, cloth and Shelter and to take care of their children. If the women earn themselves they will get the rights to govern the family as well as to put their own thoughts to bring up their family from the poverty line. If a woman earns she would not depend on men to maintain the family. She herself provides good education to her children as well as gives healthy food thereby makes the children physically and mentally good. 7. STAKE HOLDERS OF THE PROJECT: The Stake holders of the project are • Women of the community • Children of the community • Men of the community • Trainer to the community • Distributor of Product materials • Mediator between distributor and the community (Project coordinator)





Increasing of Problems Lack of Concentration over family

Irritations suffer In rain death rate

No Decision of women is taking into Consideration Children future spoiling

Lack of Food & Clothes

Lack of Women Economic Empowerment

No respect in family / Society

No Privilege

Male Dictatorship over Women


Depression Loosing her Mental Strength Slave Atmosphere No Proper Home

Health Problem

9. ALTERNATIVE TREE: The community problem can be solved in another method too, which is by conducting a meeting among women in the community and form a Self Help Group (SHG) which is small saving although they would save from the earning of the home leader. She can spend the money for her family in urgent needs like for hospital use or for some festival use. After few months she can get loan and do some job privately like buying a cow or goat which will give her a daily income to lead the family. By forming SHG, women would get good relation with other women in the society and get helps like sharing their mental feelings and relax themselves also the knowledge of the women would increase by going to bank and to collector’s office. It will be more useful to them to know about the government schemes that are providing to the rural community. By knowing the Government Schemes from the BDO office or collector office they themselves go and approach the village leader to get the facilities and give it to them. So that the women will get empower through the government schemes.



10. INDICATORS: INPUT Training of How to do Sari designing, Bangle Designing, & Hair band to the Women of Community.

Arranging a meeting point to get the materials to do Sari designing, Bangle Designing, & Hair band and to give the completed Product.

OUTPUT Community women will learn how to do Sari designing, Bangle Designing, & Hair band.

Community women can come after their work got over in home and get the materials weekly and they can come submit the finished product at their leisure time by weekly once. Introducing the Community women of Women can community to the communicate provider of directly to the material of Sari provider and they designing, Bangle can share their Designing, &Hair positive and band. negative to them. The community coordinator will take care of the transaction of money between the provider and community women

PROCESS Community women will do Sari designing, Bangle Designing, & Hair band in home were the materials to prepare will be provided by a company.

Community women will get the material from the respective place and submit the completed product in the same place.

OUTCOME Community women will earn 300 – 350 weekly by designing a sari in couple of day, 20 sets of bangles in a day and 50 hair bands.

IMPACT Community women can use the money to their children and to their home needs. Community women Community can easily use their women gain leisure time and do knowledge Sari designing, of how to Bangle Designing, communica & Hair band. te and self earn.

Monthly once community women will have a meeting with the provider to share their positives and negatives.

Community Women will get an idea to Produce more number of products and they can earn more.

Community The coordinator will get women will get the the money from the appropriate money provider for the work done for their work done. and distribute the money weekly to the Community women according to their work done.

The community Women will get the money for their work weekly and they use the money for their family needs.


Community women will get a chance to talk among the community that will make them to lose fear among them. Community Women will feel comfortable to make them an own decision to spend the money and to lead the family.

11. ACTIVE PLAN: To overcome the obstacles in the project there is a project coordinator to monitor and govern the community women. The coordinator is also a woman so she will communicate with the other women freely and logically. There will be good relation between the provider and the community women and also there will be a project coordinator to assist the Community Women in preparing the product with given materials and also to market the product to the respective provider of the material. There will be a meeting among the community women and the provider once in a month, so there will be a good relation between the provider and the community women. In that time the community women will share the positive and negative in preparing the product and they will ask their doubts to the respective provider of the goods. If the community women want any assistance in preparing and marketing, the CROSS staff will assist them and do the needful. 12. TIME PLAN: The training will be given to do Sari designing, Bangle designing, & Hair band to 100 vulnerable community women in 1 week of time in that time the women will learn well about how to prepare the product. There will be a practical training as well as orientation program to the community women so that they will learn how to do Sari designing, Bangle designing, & Hair band. After the training gets over a Meeting point will be arrange for the community women to get the materials of the product and to submit the finished product by one week of time in the same place. After the community Women submit the finished product. The project coordinator will submit the finished product to the provider itself and get weekly payment from the provider and distribute the money to the community women weekly, according to their work done. This is a continuous process were vulnerable community women will get weekly payment and they can spend the money for their family purpose.


13. POTENTIAL OBSTACLE / RISK ANALYSIS The obstacles in the project would arise from the family members, relatives, neighbors and friends. •

I n some family, the leaders would not allow the women to do work in home and they may be drunkards. During night times they would come home by consuming alcohol and fight with the women for unreasonable issues and break down the finished products.

If the low religions people get improve in their level the high religion people will get jealous of them and high class people may create more problems to the low religion community like talking in cheap manner.

The place to do the Product would not be sufficient for the community women.























15. MONITORING AND EVALUATION PLAN: Monitoring will be done by the project manager of Community Reconstruction of Social Service (CROSS) and submit the report to the director at monthly once meeting in the organization. In monitoring, the project manager will go to all the home of the community women and see what all the works they are doing and what are the profits/gain they are getting from the work. And also he/she will enquire about their family issue and see is there the objective attained by seeing and hearing from the community women. Three months once there will be an evaluation of community women Improvement and decline in the project. In that the organization will come to know how the community women are doing their work and how the community women getting empower with the work. In one year of the project period the community women activities, interest, ability and improvement would be well monitor and understand by the organization. After the project period the project will be given to the Community Women hands with training of how to manage and govern the project. 16. BUDGET: 17. LOGICAL FRAMEWORK: Narrative Summary

Objective Verifiable Indicator (OVIs)

Means of

Assumption / Risk


GOAL: 1.



empower 1. The trainer to train the 1. Case studies of the 1. There may be lack community community women in 1

women to earn 60 – 70 week of time

training and working

of attendance of the


community women

rupees daily and make 2. The meeting point for 2. Photos of training

due to their family




sustainable the community

community in 1 year


will be arrange to get the material of the product and to submit the finished product



and community.


1. To avert ignorance 1. Monthly once meeting 1.Monitoring by the 1. If two or more from


Vulnerable between the provider and project

coordinator questions rise from

community women and to community women.

and minutes from the the

make them a respectable

project coordinator


community. It would

persons in the family and

be hard to answer by

in the society.

the provider to every one.



women 1. While monitoring done


would earn 300 – 350 by the manager of the

Report of the 1. There may be late

rupees weekly by home organization.


project Manager.

the 2.

based work. They can report of the manager the





from provider.

the project manager.

utilize the money for their outcome would come. family needs. ACTIVITIES: 1. Women will get the 1. materials of the product in submission, a meeting point and they transacted submit



1. Material received 1.


money and submitted book women may submit voucher signed


the the finished product

finished maintaining by the project community women.

product at the same point coordinator.



in one week of time.


voucher family issues.


community women.



late due to some the

The Project is basically for 100 women who are in a Malaiyapattu, a vulnerable community. The aim of the project is to empower the Malayiapattu, 100 vulnerable community women to earn 300 - 350 weekly through daily home based work. The training to do Sari designing, Bangle designing, & Hair band will be given by a trainer to 100 vulnerable community women in one week of time. After the training gets over a meeting point will be arrange for the community women to collect the materials and to submit the finished product. The community women can do the work in home at their free times. The materials provider will be introduce to the community women. The project coordinator will take care of the community women and also she will act as a mediator between the community women and the provider. She would help the community women to get their payment weekly for their work done. They can do the home based work as well as Sari designing, Bangle designing and hair band in their free time. This work makes each woman to earn 300 – 350 rupees weekly. The project coordinator will give the money to the community women weekly once. The money empowers the women to maintain the family as well as to care for their children.


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