2006 CS
% Ch.
REVENUE Net Sales Membership Fees Total Revenue
$47,148,627 $51,879,070 $58,963,180 100.00% 13.66% 961,280 1,073,156 1,188,047 2.01% 10.71% 48,109,907 52,952,226 60,151,227 102.01% 13.60%
OPERATING EXPENSES Merchandise Costs SG&A Website expense Preopening Expenses Impared Assets and Closing Costs Total Operating Expenses Operating Income
42,092,016 4,600,792 30,451 1,000 46,724,259 1,385,648
46,346,961 5,061,339 53,230 16,393 51,477,923 1,474,303
52,745,497 5,732,141 42,504 5,453 58,525,595 1,625,632
89.45% 13.81% 9.72% 13.25% 0.00% #DIV/0! 0.07% -20.15% 0.01% -66.74% 99.26% 13.69% 2.76% 10.26%
(36,651) 51,627
(34,437) 109,096
(12,570) 138,355
-0.02% -63.50% 0.23% 26.82%
1,400,624 518,231 882,393
1,548,962 485,870 1,063,092
1,751,457 648,202 1,103,215
OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE) Interest Expense Interest Income and Other
IBIT Provisions For Income Taxes
2.97% 13.07% 1.10% 33.41% 1.87% 3.77%
2007 CS $66,900,400 100.00% 1,330,613 1.99% 68,231,013 101.99%
% Ch.
2008 CS
13.46% $78,146,500 100.00% 12.00% 1,490,286 1.91% 13.43% 79,636,786 101.91%
59,845,735 6,503,763 47 37,957 5,016 66,392,518 1,838,495
89.45% 9.72% 0.00% 0.06% 0.01% 99.24% 2.75%
13.46% 13.46%
69,905,931 7,597,059 2.4 30,385
-10.70% -8.01% 13.44% 13.09%
-14,262 109,096
-0.02% 0.16%
13.46% -21.15%
(16,659) 138,355
-0.02% 0.18%
1,933,329 715,332 1,217,997
2.89% 1.07% 1.82%
10.38% 10.36% 10.40%
2,225,104 823,289 1,401,816
2.85% 1.05% 1.79%
77,533,377 2,103,409
% Ch.
2009 CS
16.81% $88,915,800 12.00% 1,669,120 16.72% 90,584,920
89.45% 16.81% 9.72% 16.81% 0.00% -94.94% 0.04% -19.95% 0.00% -100.00% 99.22% 16.78% 2.69% 14.41%
100.00% 1.88% 101.88%
79,539,605 8,644,003 2.4 32,171 88,215,782 2,369,139
89.45% 9.72% 0.00% 0.04% 0.00% 99.21% 2.66%
16.81% 26.82%
(18,955) 109,096
-0.02% 0.12%
15.09% 15.09% 15.09%
2,459,280 909,933 1,549,346
2.77% 1.02% 1.74%
% Ch 14% 12% 14% 14% 14% 0% 6% #DIV/0! 14% 13% 14% -21% 11% 11% 11%
REVENUE Net Sales Membership Fees Total Revenue
$47,148,627 100.00% $51,879,070 961,280 2.04% 1,073,156 48,109,907 52,952,226
OPERATING EXPENSES Merchandise Costs SG&A Website expense Preopening Expenses Impared Assets and Closing Costs Operating Income Gross Profit
42,092,016 4,600,792 30,451 1,000 1,385,648 5,056,611
89.28% 9.76% 0.06% 0.00% 2.94% 10.72%
46,346,961 5,061,339 53,230 16,393 1,474,303 5,532,109
(36,651) 51,627 6,457,235 518,231 5,939,004
-0.08% 0.11% 13.70% 1.10% 12.60%
(34,437) 109,096 7,081,071 485,870 6,595,201
OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE) Interest Expense Interest Income and Other
IBIT Provisions For Income Taxes
NET INCOME NET INCOME PER COMMON SHARE Basic Diluted Shares Used In Calculations (000's) Basic Diluted Dividends Per Share
Amount of Shares Outstanding
12.84 1.85
13.96 2.18
459,223 482,459 $0.49
473,945 492,035 0.43
2004 462,673
2005 472,480
100.00% $58,963,180 100.00% 2.07% 1,188,047 2.01% 60,151,227 89.34% 9.76% 0.00% 0.10% 0.03% 2.84% 10.66%
52,745,497 5,732,141 42,504 5,453 1,625,632 6,217,683
-0.07% 0.21% 13.65% 0.94% 12.71%
(12,570) 138,355 7,969,100 648,202 7,320,898
$66,900,400 100.00% 1,366,254 2.04% 68,266,654
$78,146,500 100.00% 1,571,192 2.01% 79,717,692
89.45% 59,845,735 9.72% 6,504,365 52.4 0.07% 37,957 0.01% 5,016 2.76% 1,873,529 10.55% 7,054,665
89.45% 69,905,931 9.72% 7,598,364 0.00% 2.4 0.06% 30,385 0.01% 5,417 2.80% 2,177,592 10.55% 8,240,569
89.45% 9.72% 0.00% 0.04% 0.01% 2.79% 10.55%
-0.02% 0.23% 13.52% 1.10% 12.42%
-0.02% 0.16% 13.49% 1.10% 12.39%
-0.02% 0.18% 13.49% 1.10% 12.39%
(14,262) 109,096 9,023,028 733,928 8,289,100
(16,660) 138,355 10,539,857 857,306 9,682,551
15.84 2.3
16.34 2.35
18.54 2.40
469,718.00 480,341 0.49
470,658 493,884.69 0.50
470,188 487,065.77 0.50 income tax % 0.08
2006 462,279
2007 470,000
2008 470,000
2009 $88,915,800 100.00% 1,806,871 2.03% 90,722,671 79,539,605 8,646,090 2.4 32,171 5,851 2,498,952 9,376,195
89.45% 9.72% 0.00% 0.04% 0.01% 2.81% 10.55%
(18,955) 109,096 11,965,287 973,250 10,992,037
-0.02% 0.12% 13.46% 1.09% 12.36%
19.72 2.42 471,129 500,799.08 0.51
2009 470,000
REVENUE Net Sales Membership Fees Total Revenue
47148627 51879070 58963180 961280 1073156 1188047 48109907 52952226 60151227
OPERATING EXPENSES Merchandise Costs SG&A Preopening Expenses Impared Assets and Closing Costs Operating Income Gross Profit
42092016 46346961 52745497 4600792 5061339 5732141 30451 53230 42504 1000 16393 5453 1385648 1474303 1625632 5056611 5532109 6217683
OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE) Interest Expense Interest Income and Other IBIT Provisions For Income Taxes NET INCOME
-36651 51627 6457235 518231 5939004
-34437 109096 7081071 485870 6595201
-12570 138355 7969100 648202 7320898
NET INCOME PER COMMON SHARE Basic Diluted Shares Used In Calculations (000's) Basic Diluted Dividends Per Share
12.84 1.85
13.96 2.18
15.84 2.3
459223 482459 0.49
473945 492035 0.43
469718 480341 0.49
Amount of Shares Outstanding
2004 462673
2005 472480
2006 462279
67807657 ### ###
### ### ###
### ### ###
### ### ### ### ### ### 50154.72 59182.57 69835.43 5889.24 6360.38 6869.21 ### ### ### ### ### 13569307 -12821.4 -13077.83 -13339.38 109096 138355 109096 ### ### ### 864770.07 ### ### ### ### ### #NUM!