New Beginning Workshop Ppt File

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  • Pages: 102

Go d i s Love [1 John 4: 16] Lineage

God’s tradition of true love conveyed through true parents to their children, passed from generation to generation


God’s ownership, Kingdom of God (Heaven) where goodness reigns. [God living with / in us]

God Adam True Love


Childre True n Life

True Lineage God’s sovereignty (Good World, History)

Go d i s Love [1 John 4: 16] God

Sata n

Adam False Love


Childre Death n

Satan’s Lineage Evil sovereignty (Evil World, History)

Adam True Love


Childre True n Life

True Lineage God’s sovereignty (Good World, History)

Resul ts of the Fall 1) God lost His lineage [Satan became our father] 2) God lost His sovereignty [Satan became our god] 3) God lost His dwelling [God became homeless] 4) God lost His ideal of love [4 Grt. Realms of Heart] • Children’s- lost God, parents’ own ID & value • Brother-Sister- lost true human relationships • Conjugal- holiest place was corrupted, defiled • Parental- lost unconditional, unchanging love 5) Self-centered, double-minded, weak humans

Origin of Conflict God God

spiritual self

• whole • others


body true true person person

1. Separation from God 2. Individual-level conflict

physical self • Self

Origin of Conflict 3. Family-level conflict





Roots of Conflict & Violence Individual Family Tribe Nation World Selfish patterns expanded from family to world ✦ Lack

of self-control, dishonesty, sexual promiscuity

✦ Domestic ✦ Infidelity ✦ Stealing,

violence & disrespect of other sex

and divorce murder, gang strife, war

Historical Role of Religion The God-centered family was to be the foundation for ethics, values & tradition.

God true man

true woman true family

Religio n

With the fall of the family, Religion became the vessel carrying values and traditions through which cultures developed and civilization flourished.

Families inherit their values and traditions from religious culture, passing these on to their children.

Resul ts of the Fall 1) God lost His lineage [Satan became our father] 2) God lost His sovereignty [Satan became our god] 3) God lost His dwelling [God became homeless] 4) God lost His ideal of love [4 Grt. Realms of Heart] • Children’s- lost God, parents’ own ID & value • Brother-Sister- lost true human relationships • Conjugal- holiest place was corrupted, defiled • Parental- lost unconditional, unchanging love 5) Self-centered, double-minded, weak humans 6) Sin

Sin : Any thought or action which violates Heavenly Law (the Principle), forming a common base with Satan, thus setting a condition for give and take action with him.


Sata n



original Misuse of Love

Resul ts of the Fall 1) God lost His lineage [Satan became our father] 2) God lost His sovereignty [Satan became our god] 3) God lost His dwelling [God became homeless] 4) God lost His ideal of love [4 Grt. Realms of Heart] • Children’s- lost God, parents’ own ID & value • Brother-Sister- lost true human relationships • Conjugal- holiest place was corrupted, defiled • Parental- lost unconditional, unchanging love 5) Self-centered, double-minded, weak humans 6) Sin 7) Fallen Nature

Fallen Nature •

FAIL URE T O T AKE GOD ’S STAND POIN T: Se lfish ness, Ratio nali ze, Justify , J ealousy, Riv alr y, Comp etin g, Comparin g, RESE NTME NT

LEAVI NG T HE PROPE R PO SITION : Ir responsib le , B etrayal, Dis loyalty , In fid elity , Deceit, Lying, C heating, Ste alin g, MIST RUS T

REVER SIN G DOMINIO N: Ar rogance, False P rid e, Bo astin g, J udging, Domin ation, Racism , Sexis m,

Fallen Man is i n The Mid way P osit ion God


Fal len Man

Fallen Man is i n The Mid way P osit ion God


Fal len Man

Fallen Man is i n The Mid way P osit ion God


Fal len Man

Fallen Man is i n The Mid way P osit ion



Saved Man

Fallen Man is i n The Mid way P osit ion God


Fal len Man

Fallen Man is i n The Mid way P osit ion God


Fal len Man

Fallen Man is i n The Mid way P osit ion



God Adam


Res tor ation of Lin eage


The Family that God intended to Bless Became Cursed… Adam and Eve’s marriage and family life took place outside the garden. A fallen lineage passed on the tradition of false, self-centered love.

Fallen Man is i n The Mid way P osit ion God






God Adam


Res tor ation of Lin eage


4000 Biblical Years

“The first man Adam was made a living soul; the Last Adam was made a life-giving spirit.” 1 Corinthians 15:45 “Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam’s transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.” Romans 5:14 “Surely the likeness of Jesus, in the sight of God, is as Adam’s likeness.” Quran

God Adam



Res tor ation of Lin eage Elder Son’s Birthright

Jesus & John the Baptist John the Baptist & Herod Judah (south) & Israel (north) Moses & Israelites Pharez & Zerah Ephraim & Manasseh Jacob & Esau Isaac & Ishmael Ham & Shem Abel & Cain

Res tor ation of Lin eage Reversal of the Fall Adam’s Family

Abraham’s Family

Archang el



“I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing …in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Genesis 12:3 “…Yet is she thy companion, and the wife of thy covenant. And did He not make one?... And wherefore one? That He might seek a Godly seed.” Malachi 2:14-15 “If ye be Christ’s, then ye are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” Galatians 3:29

Res tor ation of Lin eage Reversal of the Fall Adam’s Family

Abraham’s Family

Archang el






Abimilec h



Abimilec h



Res tor ation of Lin eage Reversal of the Fall Adam’s Family

Jesus’ Lineage

Archang el






King of Jericho



Kinsma n






Res tor ation of Lin eage Reversal of the Fall Adam’s Family Jesus’ Family

Archang el






Archang el





Father’s Course Blessing


BLESSI NG OF MARRI AGE Br eaki ng the Cur se 1) Engagement Ceremony- Restores Adam & Eve’s self-centered love to God-centered love 2) Holy Wine Ceremony- Restores original blood lineage spiritually… “a godly seed.” 3) Chastening Ceremony- Restores 6,000 years of abuse & falsehood between men & women 4) 40-Day Separation Period- Separates us from personal & global tradition of sexual immorality 5) 3-Day Ceremony of Renewal- Restores original blood lineage physically… God is present in the “Most Holy Place.”

Motivation of love s Spiritual  Physical O s Giving  Receiving O HUSBAND


Feel God through Love Relationship CHILDREN

Feel God naturally through parents

Final Stage of Mind & Body Unity

God’s Centered Conjugal Love God

Love, Life and Lineage = Children naturally identify as BC

God-centered unity between husband and wife

God: Perfect = Absolute, unique, unchanging & eternal Perfection of man: Unite with Him completely through perfection of family GOD

+ “Through sexual organs” “Center of Universe”


Settlement point of 4GRH

“Vertical & horizontal love ” “Love goes the shortest way” “No shadow (no guilt) ” 90degrees


Parental Love Conjugal Love Brother-Sister's Love Children’s Love

Identity of Blessed Children God

Satan God

True Parents

Blessed Children’s root is God and True Parents

True Parents

Offering Ceremony Blessed Human Central being Family

Blessed Children are in the children’s position to God and TP

Blessed Children



Restoration of Sovereignty

GOD established the pattern: Jacob Restored 3 Blessings (Symbolically) First Blessing - Restored Birthright - Gained Blessing

Second Blessing - Restored Family from Haran to Canaan

Third Blessing - Restored Wealth from Haran to Canaan

Genesis 32:28: "Your name shall no more be called Jacob, but Israel (“May God prevail”), for you have striven with God (Foundation of Faith) and with men (Foundation of Substance), and have prevailed."

Restoration of Sovereignty

Jacob Individu al and Family (Symbol)

Mose s National (Image)


True Parent s

World (Substance Cosmos ) (Restore

Blessed Central Families (4th Adam) All Humanity

The One Who Conquers : Tree of Life

Revelation 2:7 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who conquers I will grant to eat of the tree of life, life which is in the paradise of God.

The One Who Conquers : Kingship

Revelation 3:21-22 “He who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, throne as I myself conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne. He who has an ear let him hear…”

The One Who Conquers : Authority

Revelation 2:26-28 “And he who conquers, and keeps my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations. And he shall rule them with a rod of iron… iron and I will give him the morning star. He who has an ear let him hear…”

The One Who Conquers : A New Name

Revelation 2:17 “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, stone with a new name written on the stone which no one knows except him who receives it.”

The One Who Conquers : A New Name

Revelation 3:12 “He who conquers, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God; God never shall he go out of it, and I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem which comes down from my God out of heaven, and my own new name.” name

Restoring the Original Lineage Spiritual Go True d Parents Jesus Holy Spirit Spiritual True Believer Father s TRUE True True PARENTS Mother Father

Blessed Central Families Second Generation

Spiritual True Mother

Reality of Our Families Sata n

Evil Spirit s Husband

Go d Wife

Sin: Any thought or action that violates the Principle… …establishing a common base for give & take action with Satan.


Blessed Central Families Second Generation Third Generation


Go d i s Love [1 John 4: 16] Form: • Omnipotence • Omnipresence • Etc…

H.S. S.S. Love

God Parent Child

= Axis of the Universe

Character: • Righteous • Good • Faithful • Orderly • Lawful • Principled • Eternal • Unchanging • Absolute… Emotion Intellect Will

Go d i s Love [1 John 4: 16] Grace: a: Unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification b: a virtue coming from God c: a state of sanctification enjoyed through divine grace. Merriam-Webster Dictionary

God’s Grace • God’s Creation is Grace

God’s Grace • God’s Creation is Grace • The Providence of Restoration is Grace

Complete Restoration Isaiah 46:11 “I have spoken, and I will bring it to pass; I have purposed, and I will do it.” Matthew 5:18 “For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the law until all is accomplished.”

Complete Restoration Rom. 8:23 And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you, Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.” I Pet. 1:5 “… who by God's power are guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last

Complete Restoration II Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow concerning His promise, as some men consider slowness, but is patient toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that everyone should come to repentance.”

Complete Restoration

Salvation Restoration Re-Creation

(According to Principles of Creation)

God’s Responsibility Human Responsibility God’s Will

95% 5% 100%

(Actually: More like 99.999999999 %) • Commandment to Our Ancestors • Biblical History • Our Human Experience

God’s Grace • God’s Creation is Grace • The Providence of Restoration is • Grace Indemnity (Tanggam) is Grace • Providence of the Messiah is Grace • Salvation Through the Cross is Grace • The Merit of Our Age is Grace • Meeting True Parents is Grace • The Blessing is Grace • True Parents’ Course  Grace for

Sp ec ia l A mn est y f or C IG Ci tiz en s • Grace, forgiveness available in the past,

according to advance of providence: - through Indemnity - by True Parents’ authority • This Special Amnesty is unique, unlike any past opportunity - Connected to establishment of CIG - Can cover even the misuse of love - Not only forgiven… ERASED!

Sp ec ia l A mn est y f or C IG Ci tiz en s

• Cheon Il Guk:

- Nation of Cosmic Peace & Unity - Where 2 become 1 - literally, “One Heavenly (Cosmic) Homeland”

Kingdom of Heaven on Earth (Where God is Sovereign)

Sp ec ia l A mn est y f or C IG Ci tiz en s

Cheon Il Guk / Kingdom of Heaven • The era after the coming of Heaven • God & goodness are Sovereign - TF expanded foundation for God’s authority through 8 stages of unity / victory - TF returned ownership to God through the Coronation Ceremony (Jan. 13, 2001) • God’s position  “High Noon” • We should stand at 90° , casting no shadow • God/TP need a pure people as citizens of

Sp ec ia l A mn est y f or C IG Ci tiz en s

• Family Pledge:

- “As Owners of Cheon Il Guk…” - but… • Registration Blessing - to connect us as citizens of CIG - but…

We continue to violate the “First Principles” of CIG citizenship

Sp ec ia l A mn est y f or C IG Ci tiz en s

Cheon Il Guk / Kingdom of Heaven Jeremiah 31: 33-34; Revelation 21: 1-4 • God shall dwell with His people • He will write His word on their hearts • All will know Him, from the greatest to the least • He will make all things NEW • The former things will have passed away • He will forgive His people’s iniquity

Sp ec ia l A mn est y f or C IG Ci tiz en s

Amnesty: from the Greek amnēstia- to completely forget (as in “Amnesia”)

The act of an authority (as a government) government by which pardon is granted to a large group of individuals Pardon: the excusing of an offense without exacting a penalty

Sp ec ia l A mn est y f or C IG Ci tiz en s

True Parents, as the sovereign King & Queen, are offering a pardon to all who have violated the standards of Cheon Il Guk, allowing us to stand as its citizens, provided we are determined to live according to its laws: - Don’t misuse love / stain lineage - Don’t misuse public money / things - Don’t wound the hearts of others

Sp ec ia l A mn est y f or C IG Ci tiz en s

• Extent of this pardon:

- Sins of abusing others’ hearts - Sins of misuse of public money / things - Sins of the fall / misuse of love

• How can True Parents absolve the Fall? - God’s absolute sovereignty is established through 3 generations of the root, true family… LASTING FOUNDATION FOR OWNERSHIP!

Sp ec ia l A mn est y f or C IG Ci tiz en s

Conditions to Participate: 2. One Day Fast

- TF: “It should be 40 Days!” - If missed, should do absolutely

2. Gratitude Offering 3. “New Beginning” Workshop 4. Receive Amnesty Holy Wine - Prepared for 3 Years

• Confession / Holy Burning Ceremony - TF: “I don’t want to remember it!”

Sp ec ia l A mn est y f or C IG Ci tiz en s

• Not only for you, for God & TP

- They can’t go to CIG alone - God needs a pure people- objects of goodness

• True Father’s painful heart • Dae Mo Nim’s Conditions • Heung Jin Nim & Dae Mo Nim’s Heart

Sp ec ia l A mn est y f or C IG Ci tiz en s

• Most Important Point:

Our determination to live ABSOLUTELY as citizens of CHEON IL GUK • Hoon Dok Hwe • Sunday Service • Life of Attendance to God (in the family) • Life of loving/living for others • Perfection?


TP’s C ou rse True Parents’ Lifetime Vision & Goal: Liberate the Heart of God and Humankind through the Restoration of: - Lineage - Sovereignty • Lineage is Restored through the Blessing of Marriage • Sovereignty is restored through 8 Stages of Victory  returning Ownership to God

TP’s C ou rse Indiv.




TP’s C ou rse Birth

“Yes” Preparation



“Before I would conquer the universe, let me first master myself.” SMM




TP’s C ou rse Birth

“Yes” Preparation



“Before I would conquer the universe, let me first master myself.” SMM

1945 Ministry Family

Indiv. HSA-UWC

1954 1960 40 Years HSA-UWC 40 Years



TP’s C ou rse 21 Years 1954


HSA-UWC Global Foundation

Family 1975

World Rally for Holy God’s Korean Wedding Day Freedom Family Nation World 1960 Mother 1968 Family Holy Days TP’s Tribe


Tribe People Nation

Protect 1975 USA 1981 Global Korea Movement Pioneers VOC

“Father’s heart… servant’s shoes…tears for man, sweat for earth, blood for Heaven.” SMM

TP’ s C ou rs e Children’s Era

Indiv. Family

1989 1981 Victory Over Communism 40 Years Wilderness

2001 1998 HJN 3 Sons

True Parents WFWP…

1985 1992 Cheong Pyeong Heung Jin Nim Liberate SW Danbury Prison

Tribe People Nation World Cosmos God January 13, 2001 Coronation for God’s Kingship

Ch eo n Il Gu k Era January 13, 2013

January 13, 2001 2001- 2004 BCF Coronations: God Jesus TP  Family (Wedding) King & Queen of Peace • UN / IIFWP • 4th Israel • IIPC

2005- 2008 • CIG Blessing • UPF (Abel UN) • Ambassadors for Peace Cheon Jeong Goong (Settlement) “AJU”

2009- 2012

USA  CIG Hyun Jin Nim’s Vision 7 Year Course

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