Neuro Tb 3.docx

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  • Words: 1,646
  • Pages: 5
1. Which of the following cell bodies are found in the dorsal root ganglia? A. Microglia B. Multipolar cell C. Oligodendrocyte D. Pseudounipolar E. Astrocyte 2. Which of the following cell's primary function is phagocytosis? A. Astrocytes B. Oligodendrocytes C. Amphicytes D. Schwann cells E. Microglia 3. What cell(s) is/are involved in the formation of the blood-brain-barrier? A. Astrocytes B. Ependymal cells C. Both a and b are correct D. Neither a nor b are correct E. GSE fibers 4. Which of the following is derived from neural crest tissues? A. Dorsal root ganglia B. Robinson C. Grey Matter of the CNS D. White Matter of the PNS E. Axons F. Dendrites G. Astrocytes H. A and c I. A and d 5. Oligodendrocytes are located in: A. Gray matter of the CNS B. White matter of the CNS C. Both a and b are correct D. Grey matter of the PNS E. White matter of the PNS F. None of the above are correct 6. The dendritic zone contains the: A. Boutons B. Cell body C. Axon D. Axonal termini E. All of the above F. None of the above

7. Which of the following is the site of synaptic transmission on the efferent neurite? A. Telodendron B. Bouton C. Axonal terminus D. All of the following 8. Sensory cell bodies of spinal nerves are found in which of the following structures? A. Dorsal horn of the spinal cord B. Dorsal root ganglion C. Dorsal primary ramus D. Ventral primary ramus E. All of the above F. A and b G. A, c, and d H. None of the above 9. Which of the following types of cell to cell connectivity involves gap juntions between two neuronal cell bodies? A. Anodendritic B. Anoaxonal C. Somatosomatic D. Dendrodendritic E. Axosomatic 10. Spinal cord ventral (anterior) horn cells are classified to their fuction as which of the following? A. Sensory neurons B. Connector or interneurons C. Motor neurons D. Goldgi type II neurons 11. Neuronal perikarya are located within which of the following? A. Gray matter of the CNS B. White matter of the CNS C. Dorsal Root Ganglia D. Ventral Ganglia E. A and c F. None of the above G. Robinson 12. Which of the following are derived directly from neural crest cells? A. Substantia nigra B. Pons C. Medulla D. Pia matter E. Dorsal root ganglia F. A and e G. None of the above

13. The meningeal layers of the brain in correct order from outside to inside are: A. Dura, arachnoid, pia B. Pia, arachnoid, dura C. Arachnoid, dura, pia D. Arachnoid, pia, dura E. Dura, pia, arachnoid F. None of the above 14. What form of cell-to-cell communication is the most common? A. Axosomatic B. Axoaxonal C. Axodendritic D. Somatodendritic E. Somatosomatic 15. Which of the following compoinds are not involved in the synthesis of acetylcholine? A. Oxaloacetate B. Acetyl co-enzyme A C. ATP D. Isocitrate 16. All of the following statements concerning nerves are correct except: A. A nerve tract is the name given to a fiber in the CNS B. The supporting cell of a mylenated nerve fiber in the CNS is called an Oligodendrocyte. C. A Node of Ranvier are absent from mylenated nerve fibers in the CNS D. The major dense line of myelin consists of two inner layers of plasma membrane that are fused together 17. What morphology of neurons is found within a cranial nerve ganglia? A. Multipolar B. Bipolar C. Unipolar D. Pseudounipolar 18. Which of the following are derived from Mesoderm? A. Microglia B. Multipolar cell C. Oligodendrocytes D. Schwann cell E. Astrocytes

19. Most brain tumors are derived from oligodendrocytes. A. True B. False 20. Which of the following cell's primary function is the maintaining of the structural integrity of the brain via the pial-glial limiting membrane and the blood-brainbarrier? A. Astrocytes B. Oligodendrocytes C. Amphicytes D. Schwann cells E. Microglia 21. What cell(s) is/are involved in the formation of elaborate myelin sheaths within the grey matter? A. Astrocytes B. Oligodendrocytes C. Microglia D. Both a and b are correct E.None of the above 22. What glial cell is typically associated with peripheral nerves? A. Schwann Cells B. Oligodendrocytes C. Amphicytes D. Astrocytes 23. Nissi substance is composed of what structures? A. Smooth ER B. Polysomes C. Free ribosomes D. B and c only E. None of the above 24. Loss of staining characteristics of Nissi substances with an increase in the volume of the perikarya is referred to as: A. Transneuronal degeneration B. Chromatolysis C. Both and and b are correct D. Neither a nor b are correct 25. Which of the following structures are involved in synaptic transmission onto the afferent neurite? A. Telodendron B. Bouton C. Axonal terminus D. All of the following

26. Neuronal perikarya are located in: A. Nuclei B. Lamina C. Ganglia D. Both a and b are correct E. All of the above are correct 27. Excitatory synapes with motor neurons are mainly on dendrites. An 'all or none' action potential occurs first in the: A. First node of Ranvier B. Distal dendrites C. Axon hillock D. Proximal dendrites E. Soma 28. Microglia cells arise from the: A. Neural tube B. Neural crest C. Both a and b are correct D. Neither a and b are correct 29. The CNS is derived from what specific primitive embryological structure? A. Neural tube B. Neural crest C. Mesodermal edemas D. Ependymal cells E. Both b and c are correct 30. Cells that produce myelin are: A. Derived from the neuroepithelium on the neural tube B. Derived from the neural crest C. Both a and b D. Neither a nor b 31. Multipolar neurons are found in all of the following sites except: A. Cerebral cortex B. Cerebellar cortex C. Dorsal root ganglia D. Anterior horn of the spinal cord E. Sympathetic ganglia 32. All of the following cellular and extracellular components are found directly associated with a spinal nerve except: A. Schwann cells B. Astrocytes C. Epineurium D. Axons E. Myelin sheaths

33. Which of the following glial cells are NOT found in the CNS? A. Fibrous astrocyte B. Oligodendrocyte C. Microglia D. Schwann cell E. Protoplasmic astrocyte 34. Ependymal cells line or cover all of the following except: A. Cerebral cortex B. Central canal or the spinal cord C. Choroids plexus of the capillary network D. Ventricular cavities of the cerebral hemispheres E. Venticular cavity of the diencephalon 35. Which of the following are involved in the formation of the blood-brain-barrier? A. Astrocytes B. Nonfenestrated capillaries C. Both a and b are correct D. Neither a nor b are correct 36. Due to the ability of glial cells to undergo mitosis, spontaneous remission of MS is possible. A. True B. False 37. Nissl substance: A. Is responsible for the synthsis of peptides and proteins B. Is activated by RNA C. Both a and b are correct D. Neither a nor b are correct 38. The most common morphological subtype of neurons of the sensory nerves is: A. Bipolar B. Multipolar C. Oligodendrocytes D. Pseudounipolar E. Unipolar 39. The pial-glial limiting membrane involves: A. Arachnoid matter B. Astrocytes C. Both a and b are correct D. Neither a nor b are correct

40. All nodes of Ranvier: A. The axon is not covered by glial cells B. Axons from other neurons participate to axoaxonic cmmunication C. Both a and b are correct D. Neither a nor b are correc 1. What connects the 3rd and 4th ventricles? -cerebral aqueduct 2. What divides the cerebral peduncle into an anterior and a posterior part? -substantia nigra 3. Where would you find the graciles tubercle? -brain 4. At what level does spinal cord end? -L1 adult, L3 pedia 5. What divides frontal and parietal lobes? -central sulcus 6. What separates frontal and temporal lobes? -lateral sulcus 7. What separates the cingulate gyrus from the superior frontal gyrus? -cingulate sulcus 8. What separates the cingulate gyrus from the corpus callosum? -callosal sulcus 9. What structure hangs by the infundibulum from the hypothalamus? -posterior pituitary/neurohypophysis 10. What part of the spinal cord contains somatic cell bodies and have motor functions? -ventral and anterior horn 11. What part of the spinal cord contains visceral cell bodies? 12. What part of the spinal cord contains the cell bodies of the neuron and have sensory functions? 13. What is the general function of the parietal lobe? -

14. What kind of nerve fibers are foud in the dorsal rami? 15. What kind of nerve fibers are found in ventral rami? 16. What are the spinal levels of the sympathetic nervous system? 17. Where is the primary sensory cortex located? 18. In what tract do pain and temperature travel? 19. In what tract does light touch travel? 20. In what do proprioception, stereognosis, barognosis and 2 point discrimination? 21. Where do the gracillis and cuneate fasiculi decussate? 22. Which tract is concerned with subconscious perception ie. muscle and position sense pathway? 23. Where does reticular formation take place? 24. Where are the reflex centers located (cardiac, respiratory, and vasomotor)? 25. What cranial nerves have their nuclei of origin in the midbrain? 26. What cranial nerves have their nuclei of origin in the pons? 27. What cranial nerves have their nuclei of origin in the medulla? 28. Where are the superior peduncles located? 29. Where is the substantia nigra located? 30. What part of the brain regulates the emotional state? 31. In what part of the brain do we consolidate short term memory into long term? 32. In what part of the brain do we find conditioned fear? 33. Stimulation of this part of the brain causes euphoria? 34. Where is dopamine released from? 35. What is released from raphe nucleus?

36. Where is norepinephrine released from in the brain? 37. Which cranial nerves have parasympathetic action?

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