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Netball Monday, 21 July 2008 04:00 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATION 1. RULES The 14th ASEAN University Games Netball Competition will be conducted in accordance with the Rules of the International Federation of Netball Associations (IFNA) and Malaysian Netball Association (MNA). In case of a disagreement in the interpretation of rules, the English text of the rules shall prevail. Any unforeseen incident not covered by the Rules shall be dealt with accordingly in the following manners: 1.1 Technical questions shall be resolved in accordance with the IFNA and MNA Rules. 1.2 Cases of general nature shall be resolved in accordance with the AUSC Rules. COMPETITION RULES AND REGULATION 1. TECHNICAL ORGANIZATION The Malaysian Netball Association (MNA) is responsible for and has full control of the technical organization of the netball competition, in consultation with the Malaysian Technical Delegate, when necessary. 2. TEAM REGISTRATION 2.1. Each team shall consist of not more than fifteen (15) persons made up of twelve (12) players and five (3) officials. 2.2. The status of the three (3) officials are Coach, Manager and other personnel of whom must be a Primary Care Person who is qualified to diagnose and treat injury and/or illness (for example, Doctor or Physiotherapist). 2.3. The Team Officials and up to five (5) players, not on court, shall constitute the Team Bench. 2.4. Each team shall register using the official registration form provided by the organization. 3. LAWS OF THE GAMES 3.1. All the matches shall be played in accordance with the Laws of the Games authorized by the International Federation of Netball Associations and published by Malaysia Netball Association (MNA) for the current year. 3.2. In case of any discrepancy in the interpretation of the Laws of the Games the English

text shall be authoritative. 4. TEAM CLOTHING AND COLOURS 4.1. Each team shall play in the registered uniform and colors of its Country and all players shall wear the initials of their playing position placed in front and back above the waist. 4.2. In the event that both teams are donning bibs of the same color, the change of bibs will be determined by the team that been called first. 4.3. Each team shall bring two (2) set of different colored bibs. 4.4. No advertisement may appear on any item of clothing used by any Player, Umpire or Official except as may be permitted by IFNA in accordance with the Statutes and ByeLaws. 4.5. Manufacturer’s identification on a particular item of clothing worn by player whilst playing must be within the frequency and size limits prescribed by IFNA. 5. MODE OF COMPETITION 5.1. There shall be no competition unless there are four (4) or more teams participating. 5.2. If there are four (4) to five (5) teams, they shall play in one (1) group with team playing once against each other (one round league) 5.3. If there are six (6) to ten (10) teams, they shall be divided into two (2) groups (A and B) by means of a draw 5.4. In the one round league system and the preliminary round of two group competition, the system of play shall be the league system. Each team shall play one match against each of the other teams in the same group, with three (3) points for win, one (1) point for a draw and no points for a defeat. 5.5. At the completion of the Round League System, points will be tallied to determine the rank placing in a one round league or each group. 5.6. In the event of a tie on points in a one round league/ preliminary round of the two group competition, the final position shall be determined by the goal average that is, dividing the number of goals a team scores by the number of games played. The number of decimal points for goal average shall be three (3) to determine the final position. 5.7. Should the goal average still result in a tie, then the goal difference, the number of

goals scored minus the number of goals conceded, shall be used to resolve the issue. 5.8. If the result is still the same, then a decision shall be taken on the results of the match between the two teams concerned. 5.9. If this is still the same, then a coin shall be tossed to determine the result. If at this stage, more than two teams are involved, the result shall be determined by drawing from the hat the names of the teams. 5.10. In the event the Competitions is played on a One Round League System, the top two (2) teams in the league shall qualify to play in the finals and the winner and the loser being declared the gold and silver medal list respectively. The third place in the league proper shall be the bronze medalist. 5.11. In the two (2) Group Competition, the two (2) top team in a Group A and Group B shall play in cross-over semi-finals as follows:A1 vs B1 vs

B2 A2

5.12. The winners of each semi-final shall play in the final to determine the first and second placing while the losers of each semi-final shall play for third and fourth placing. 5.13. Semi-final and final matches resulting in draw shall be resolved in the following manner:a. At the conclusion of full time, the teams will immediately change ends and continue to play without a break, for a further seven (7) minutes. b. The rules governing Centre Passes and Substitutions per IFNA Rule Book will play. c. At the conclusion of the first seven (7) minutes, the teams will again change ends and continue play without a break. d. If, at the conclusion of the second seven (7) minutes period. There is still no result, play will continue until the next two (2) goal is scored. 6. DURATION OF GAMES 6.1 The game shall consist of four (4) quarters of fifteen (15) minutes each, with an interval of three (3) minutes between the first-second and third-fourth quarters. Teams shall change ends quarter. The half time interval shall be five (5) minutes. 6.2 Where any one (1) team plays two (2) or more matches in one day, or where time is limited, the duration of the games shall be as agreed by the teams officials. In the event that agreement is not reached then the games shall consist of two halves of twenty (20) minutes each with five (5) minutes at half-time. Teams shall change ends at half time.

6.3 An interval may be extended by the Umpires to deal with any emergency (refer Rule 3.4.1). 6.4 Time held for the stoppage must be played in that quarter or half of the game (refer Rule 7). When a Penalty Pass/Shot is awarded and not taken before the whistle is blown to end a quarter or half, the player shall be allowed to take the penalty (refer Rule 15.1 (v). 6.5 Procedure for the extra time where a winner is required: (i). There shall be a two (2) minute interval at the end of full time. Substitutions and/or team changes are permitted; (ii). Extra time of two (2) halves of seven (7) minutes each shall be played. Teams change ends at half time without an interval. No substitutions and/or team changes are permitted. The Centre Pass is taken by the team entitled to the next Centre Pass; (iii). In a event of tie remaining at the end of extra time, a visual signal shall be used to indicate that play shall continue until one team has a two (2) goal advantage. 7. UMPIRES 7.1 It is obligatory that each team provide a National Umpire who is on the list of the Countries Pool for the current season. 7.2 Umpires shall be appointed to matches by the Umpires Appointment Committee (UAC). 7.3 The decision of the Umpires shall be final. 8. UMPIRES APPOINTMENT COMMITTEE (UAC) MNA shall appoint Umpires Appointment Committee (UAC) which shall consist of three (3) members and they shall be responsible for the following:8.1 Appoint an Umpire for all matches. 8.2 Submit an assessment and performance ratings on the umpires and any other observations and recommendations on the Umpires. 8.3 The decision of the UAC shall be final and shall not be subject to appeal judicially or otherwise. 9. EQUIPMENT 9.1 All facilities and equipment shall be in conformity with the Rules and Regulations of IFNA.

9.2 The Organizing Committee shall decide on the brand of match balls to be used for the competition. Last Updated ( Monday, 04 August 2008 22:03 )

Bola jaring Dari Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas. Lompat ke: navigasi, gelintar Bola jaring merupakan sukan yang sama dan terhasil dari bola keranjang, pada asalnya dikenali dinegara asalnya, Amerika Syarikat sebagai "bola keranjang wanita". Dicipta oleh Clara Gregory Baer[1], peneraju dalam sukan wanita, ia kini merupakan sukat berpasukan wanita tersohor (kedua-dua sebagai penonton dan pemain sukan) di Australia dan New Zealand dan turut popular di Jamaica, Barbados, South Africa, Sri Lanka, dan United Kingdom.

Senarai kandungan [lipat]

• • •

1 Gambaran dan peraturan o 1.1 Saiz gelanggang 2 Perlawanan Bola Jaring utama 3 Pemain bola jaring terkemuka 4 Lihat juga

5 Pautan luar

[sunting] Gambaran dan peraturan

Lakaran gelangkang bola jaring. Sebagaimana bola keranjang, permainan ini dimainkan diatas gelanggang keras dengan gelung mata dikedua hujung gelanggang, dengan bola menyerupai bola keranjang (tetapi lebih ringan, kecil dan lembut sedikit binaannya, malah kebanyakannya putih). Gelungnya mempunyai dimensi lebih kecil dan rendah berbanding gelung bola keranjang, dan juga ia tidak mempunyai papan latar. Gelangang dibahagi kepada tiga yang mengawal pergerakan setiap individu dalam pasukan, dan dua separuh bulatan "bulatan penjaring - (shooting circles)" pada setiap hujung di mana semua lontaran gol perlu dilakukan. Terdapat tujuh pemain setiap pasukan, yang dilantik, kedudukan yang ditetapkan. (Sesetengah variasi remaja (junior)/latihan hanya mempunyai lima pemain setiap pasukan.) Setiap pemain memakai "bib" menunjukkan satu dari kedudukan di bawah, menunjukkan kedudukan pemain. Setiap pemain hanya dibenarkan pada sudut tertentu digelanggang: pemain yang terkeluiar dari kedudukan mereka dianggap "salah kedudukan -(offside)". Kedudukan digambarkan di bawah:

Kedudukan bola jaring

Nama kedudukan



Kawasan dibenarkan

Goal Shooter


Goal Keeper.

Attacking goal third including goal circle

Goal Attack


Goal Defence

Attacking goal third, goal circle, and center third

Wing Attack


Wing Defence

Attacking goal third and center third, not goal circle




Everywhere except goal circles

Wing Defence


Wing Attack

Defensive goal third and centre third, not goal circle

Goal Defence


Goal Attack

Defensive goal third and centre third, including goal circle

Goal Keeper


Goal Shooter

Defensive goal third, including goal circle

[sunting] Saiz gelanggang Gelanggang bola jaring besar sedikit dari gelanggang bola keranjang, sepanjang 30.5m dan selebar 15.25m. Garis panjang dikenali sebagai Garis Sisi dan garis panjang dikenali sebagai Garis Gol (Goal Lines). Gelanggang dibahagi kepada tiga kawasan sama besar. Bulatan Pusat bergaris pusat 90cm terletak ditengah gelanggang. Separuh bulatan bergaris pusat (radius) 4.9m pada setiap Garis Gol dikenali sebagai Bulatan Gol. Lebar garis gelanggang tidak lebih dari 50mm. Tiang gol adalah setinggi 3.05m dari atas gelung. Gelung mempunyai dimeter dalam 380mm dan terletak 150mm dari tiang gol. Gelung diperbuat daripada besi bergaris pusat 15mm.

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