Nbc/wsj Survey Results - April 2009

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Study #6094--page 1 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey

1724 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 234-5570

Interviews: 1,005 adults, including 100 reached by cell phone Date: April 23-26, 2009

FINAL 48 Male 52 Female [109]

Study #6094 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey April 2009 Please note: all results are shown as percentages unless otherwise stated.

The margin of error for 1,005 interviews is ± 3.1% 1.

For statistical purposes only, would you please tell me how old you are? (IF “REFUSED,” ASK:) Well, would you tell me which age group you belong to? 18-24 ................................................ 25-29 ................................................ 30-34 ................................................ 35-39 ................................................ 40-44 ................................................ 45-49 ................................................ 50-54 ................................................ 55-59 ................................................ 60-64 ................................................ 65-69 ................................................ 70-74 ................................................ 75 and over....................................... Not sure/refused .............................



To ensure that we have a representative sample, would you please tell me whether you are from a Hispanic or Spanish-speaking background? Yes, Hispanic.................................... No, not Hispanic ............................... Not sure/refused .............................


8 7 10 6 7 10 8 10 11 8 6 8 1

11 89 -


And again, for statistical purposes only, what is your race––white, black, Asian, or something else? White ................................................ Black................................................. Asian ................................................ Other ................................................ Hispanic (VOL) ............................... Not sure/refused .............................

75 12 1 4 7 1


HART/McINTURFF April 2009 3.

Study #6094--page 2 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey

All in all, do you think that things in the nation are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel that things are off on the wrong track? High

Headed in the right direction ..... Off on the wrong track ............... Mixed (VOL) ............................ Not sure...................................

4/09 43 43 10 4

10/45/08+ 12 77 9 2

9/01 72 11 11 6

Low 10/1720/08+ 12 78 7 3

2/09 41 44 9 6

1/09 26 59 9 6

12/08 26 60 10 4

10/1720/08+ 12 78 7 3

9/1922/08+ 16 73 9 2

8/08+ 18 67 12 3

7/08+ 13 74 10 3

6/08+ 16 71 11 2

4/08+ 15 73 10 2

3/710/08+ 20 66 11 3

1/08+ 20 68 9 3

6/07 19 68 11 2

1/07 28 57 13 2

6/06 27 61 10 2

1/06 31 57 10 2

7/05 34 52 12 2

1/05 40 47 10 3

6/04+ 36 48 14 2

1/04 47 43 6 4

7/03 42 44 9 4

1/03 36 47 14 3

6/02 52 31 14 3

1/02 62 20 14 4

3/01 52 32 11 5

3/93 43 35 11 11


+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.


In general, do you approve or disapprove of the job that Barack Obama is doing as president?

Approve............................................. Disapprove ........................................ Not sure...........................................


4/09 61 30 9

Bill Clinton 4/93 52 34 14


Do you generally approve or disapprove of the job that Barack Obama is doing in handling the economy?

Approve ............................................ Disapprove ....................................... Not sure ..........................................


2/09 60 26 14

George W. Bush 4/01 56 30 14

2/09 56 31 13

4/09 55 37 8


Do you generally approve or disapprove of the job that Barack Obama is doing in handling foreign policy? Approve ............................................ Disapprove ....................................... Not sure ..........................................

56 31 13




Study #6094--page 3 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey

In general, do you approve or disapprove of the job that Congress is doing? High

Approve ........................ Disapprove ................... Not sure ......................

4/09 28 58 14

2/09 31 54 15

1/09 23 68 9

12/08 21 69 10

10/1720/08+ 12 79 9

10/45/08+ 13 78 9

9/1922/08+ 15 73 12

7/08+ 15 75 10

6/08+ 13 79 8

1/08 18 70 12

6/07 23 64 13

3/07 31 53 16

6/06 23 64 13

1/06 29 56 15

7/05 28 55 17

1/05 41 40 19

6/04+ 40 42 18

1/04 46 41 13

5/03+ 43 43 14

1/03 42 39 19

6/02 43 41 16

1/02 54 29 17

6/01 47 34 19

1/01 48 35 17

6/00+ 43 46 11

1/00 48 36 16

6/99 40 42 18

1/99 50 40 10

9/98 61 28 11

Low 10/1720/08+ 12 79 9


+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.


America has recently been going through a difficult time. Do you feel that the worst is over or is the worst still to come? Worst is over..................................... Worst is still to come......................... Not sure ..........................................

29 62 9




Study #6094--page 4 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey

Now I'm going to read you the names of several public figures, and I'd like you to rate your feelings toward each one as either very positive, somewhat positive, neutral, somewhat negative, or very negative. If you don't know the name, please just say so.

Barack Obama April 2009.................................. February 2009........................... January 2009 ............................ December 2008 ........................ October 17-20, 2008+ ............... October 4-5, 2008+ ................... September 19-22, 2008+ .......... September 6-8, 2008+ .............. August 2008+............................ July 2008+ ................................ June 2008+ ............................... April 2008+................................ March 24-25, 2008+.................. March 7-10, 2008+.................... January 2008 ............................ December 2007 ........................ November 2007 ........................ September 2007 ....................... July 2007................................... April 2007.................................. March 2007 ............................... High February 2009 .......................... Low Oct. 28-30, 2006+ ..................... George W. Bush April 2001.............................. Bill Clinton April 1993 ...............................


Somewhat Negative

Very Negative

Don't Know Name/ Not Sure

19 21 23 22 19 22 19 20 22 21 23 23 25 26 30 29 28 27 26 26 19

12 12 17 15 10 12 15 13 13 16 17 16 18 18 22 22 24 23 24 25 26

10 9 8 8 10 12 14 12 17 11 11 17 16 13 11 14 12 13 12 8 11

13 10 6 8 23 23 22 20 19 23 22 20 16 15 14 12 12 12 10 6 6

1 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 4 6 9 10 12 16 20

























Very Positive

Somewhat Positive

45 47 43 45 37 30 29 33 28 27 25 23 24 25 19 17 15 15 16 19 18


+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.


Study #6094--page 5 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey

Q.6 (cont'd)

The Democratic Party April 2009.................................. February 2009........................... December 2008......................... October 17-20, 2008+ ............... October 4-5, 2008+ ................... September 19-22, 2008+ .......... September 6-8, 2008+ .............. August 2008+............................ July 2008+................................. June 2008+ ............................... April 2008+................................ March 7-10, 2008+ .................... January 2008 ............................ November 2007......................... September 2007........................ July 2007................................... June 2007 ................................. January 2007 ............................ October 28-30, 2006+ ............... July 2006................................... January 2006 ............................ September 2005........................ May 2005 .................................. February 2005........................... October 2004+ .......................... September 2004+ ..................... High January 2000 ............................ Low July 2006...................................


Somewhat Negative

Very Negative

Don't Know Name/ Not Sure

28 29 32 23 26 23 25 26 28 27 27 25 25 27 26 27 30 29 25 25 25 26 26 28 25 26

19 18 22 22 20 20 17 21 18 24 22 18 19 24 27 21 22 26 25 27 28 29 26 28 22 20

15 14 15 17 18 16 19 16 18 13 15 16 18 18 22 20 19 16 18 22 20 18 20 16 16 18

19 17 13 21 19 20 14 19 19 19 17 19 15 17 16 15 16 14 17 17 15 14 14 13 19 19

2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1













Very Positive

Somewhat Positive

17 20 17 16 15 19 24 17 15 16 17 20 22 12 8 15 12 13 14 7 11 11 12 14 17 16


+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.


Study #6094--page 6 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey

Q.6 (cont'd)

The Republican Party April 2009.................................. February 2009 .......................... December 2008 ........................ October 17-20, 2008+............... October 4-5, 2008+................... September 19-22, 2008+ .......... September 6-8, 2008+ .............. August 2008+ ........................... July 2008+ ................................ June 2008+............................... April 2008+ ............................... March 7-10, 2008+.................... January 2008 ............................ November 2007 ........................ September 2007 ....................... July 2007 .................................. June 2007 ................................. January 2007 ............................ Oct 28-30, 2006+ ...................... July 2006 .................................. January 2006 ............................ September 2005 ....................... May 2005 .................................. February 2005 .......................... October 2004+.......................... September 2004+ ..................... High December 2001 ........................ Low February 2009 .......................... Michelle Obama April 2009.................................. February 2009 .......................... December 2008 ......................... September 6-8, 2008+ ............... August 2008+ ............................ July 2008+ ................................. March 2008+..............................


Somewhat Negative

Very Negative

Don't Know Name/ Not Sure

22 19 20 21 23 21 22 25 23 21 19 24 21 24 23 25 21 23 20 22 24 23 27 27 24 22

25 24 20 18 17 18 15 22 20 24 23 15 26 24 20 19 21 21 16 18 20 20 17 19 18 16

22 25 26 23 21 19 18 19 22 22 22 21 19 20 27 23 23 23 20 21 20 19 19 18 15 18

22 22 26 25 26 28 25 23 26 25 26 28 18 22 20 23 26 21 28 25 22 22 22 18 22 22

2 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 1













43 43 31 21 19 17 14

21 20 23 19 19 17 18

22 24 24 23 28 27 32

6 5 7 11 11 13 9

5 3 8 20 18 18 11

3 5 7 6 5 8 16

Very Positive

Somewhat Positive

7 7 7 11 12 13 18 10 8 7 8 10 13 8 8 8 7 10 15 11 13 14 13 17 20 21



+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.


Study #6094--page 7 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey

Q.6 (cont’d)

John McCain April 2009 * ............................... February 2009........................... December 2008 ........................ October 17-20, 2008+ ............... October 4-5, 2008+ ................... September 19-22, 2008+ .......... September 6-8, 2008+ .............. August 2008+............................ July 2008+ ................................ June 2008+ ............................... April 2008+................................ March 24-25, 2008+.................. March 7-10, 2008+.................... January 2008 ............................ December 2007 ............................ November 2007 ........................ September 2007 ....................... July 2007................................... April 2007.................................. March 2007 ............................... December 2006 ........................ June 2006 ................................. April 2006.................................. August 2004+............................ July 2004+ ................................ May 2004+ ................................ High August 2004+............................ Low October 1999 ............................ Sarah Palin April 2009 * ............................... December 2008 ........................ October 17-20, 2008+ ............... October 4-5, 2008+ ................... September 19-22, 2008+ ..........


Somewhat Negative

Very Negative

Don't Know Name/ Not Sure

30 29 30 25 25 24 25 31 29 28 29 31 32 31 29 27 27 28 31 31 33 29 27 33 30 30

25 28 25 16 16 15 16 21 26 25 27 26 23 26 26 31 26 25 27 25 22 29 28 26 30 26

18 15 21 18 18 17 15 16 16 19 17 15 15 15 21 19 18 20 15 15 16 11 13 8 9 8

13 12 12 21 21 21 18 17 14 15 13 10 12 7 7 7 11 9 7 9 4 5 6 4 2 5

2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 3 7 7 8 9 11 9 8 12 15 14 11 10 11













14 15 23 26 26

18 20 15 18 16

24 16 13 15 17

11 15 13 15 12

27 30 34 22 24

6 4 2 4 5

Very Positive

Somewhat Positive

12 13 11 19 18 22 25 14 13 11 11 14 15 14 10 8 9 7 11 12 13 11 12 18 19 20



* Asked of one-half the respondents (FORM A). + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.


Study #6094--page 8 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey

Q.6 (cont'd)

George W. Bush April 2009 **.............................. January 2009 ............................ December 2008 ........................ October 17-20, 2008+............... October 4-5, 2008+................... September 19-22, 2008+ .......... September 6-8, 2008+ .............. August 2008+............................ July 2008+ ................................ June 2008+ ............................... April 2008+................................ March 24-25, 2008+.................. March 7-10, 2008+.................... January 2008 ............................ June 2007 ................................. January 2007 ............................ June 2006 ................................. January 2006 ............................ July 2005 .................................. January 2005 ............................ June 2004+ ............................... January 2004 ............................ July 2003 .................................. January 2003 ............................ June 2002 ................................. January 2002 ............................ June 2001 ................................. January 2001 ............................ High December 2001 ........................ Low October 17-20, 2008+...............


Somewhat Negative

Very Negative

Don't Know Name/ Not Sure

17 18 20 18 18 17 18 19 18 19 19 17 18 18 20 18 21 17 20 19 15 17 21 20 27 26 23 25

15 11 10 11 12 11 12 11 10 10 13 12 10 10 11 12 9 12 10 9 8 8 9 12 11 10 16 18

16 17 16 15 13 13 14 15 16 16 14 13 12 17 15 17 15 13 15 15 14 13 14 16 10 7 15 13

41 41 43 45 45 46 41 40 42 44 42 41 43 40 42 35 37 33 28 25 30 24 17 16 9 4 15 17

2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2













Very Positive

Somewhat Positive

9 13 11 11 12 13 15 15 14 11 12 16 16 14 12 17 18 24 27 32 33 38 38 36 43 53 30 25


** Asked of one-half the respondents (FORM B). + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.


Study #6094--page 9 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey

Q.6 (cont’d)

Dick Cheney April 2009 ** .............................. December 2008......................... August 2008+ ............................ June 2008+................................ January 2008............................. July 2007 ................................... January 2007............................. September 2006+...................... March 2006 ............................... December 2005......................... November 2005......................... January 2005............................. December 2004......................... October 2004+........................... September 2004+...................... August 2004+ ............................ July 2004+ ................................. June 2004+................................ May 2004+................................. March 2004 ............................... December 13, 2003 ................... September 2002........................ December 2001......................... October 2000+ .......................... High February 1991+ ......................... Low December 2008.........................


Somewhat Negative

Very Negative

Don't Know Name/ Not Sure

10 14 18 17 17 15 20 21 18 20 17 23 24 20 20 20 20 22 21 22 24 27 27 24

23 18 17 18 17 19 21 15 17 15 19 15 13 12 13 16 19 17 16 18 14 21 23 26

15 18 15 14 15 15 15 15 17 17 16 18 13 11 12 12 14 13 13 14 13 12 3 8

39 40 40 44 39 39 31 35 33 32 33 23 28 31 31 30 28 27 29 22 23 12 6 9

5 3 3 1 5 3 4 1 3 3 5 2 4 2 3 4 3 4 3 6 8 5 5 8













Very Positive

Somewhat Positive

8 7 7 6 7 9 9 13 12 13 10 19 18 24 21 18 16 17 18 17 18 23 36 25


** Asked of one-half the respondents (FORM B). + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.


Study #6094--page 10 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey

Thinking ahead for a moment. . . 7.

What is your preference for the outcome of next year's congressional elections––a Congress controlled by Republicans or a Congress controlled by Democrats?

Republican-controlled Congress.... Democrat-controlled Congress ...... Not sure .......................................

4/09+ 39 48 13

11/12/08+ 36 48 16

10/45/08+ 36 49 15

9/1922/08+ 37 50 13

7/08+ 36 49 15

6/08+ 33 52 15

4/08+ 34 49 17

3/710/08+ 35 49 16

10/2830/06+ 37 52 11

10/139/309/816/06+ 10/2/06+ 11/06+ 37 39 39 52 48 48 11 13 13

7/06+ 38 48 14

6/06+ 38 49 13

4/06+ 39 45 16

3/06+ 37 50 13

1/06+ 38 47 15

12/05+ 38 46 16

11/05+ 37 48 15

10/05+ 39 48 13

7/05+ 40 45 15

5/05+ 40 47 13

10/04+ 43 44 13

9/04+ 42 46 12

6/04+ 42 44 14

5/04+ 41 44 15

3/04+ 42 45 13

1/04 42 43 15

12/13/03 42 42 16

10/02+ 43 42 15

9/02 42 42 16

7/02 43 41 16

6/02 42 41 17

1/02 44 40 16

12/01 42 40 18

12/99 40 44 16

10/99 39 41 20

7/99 39 43 18

6/99 42 41 17

4/99 41 40 19

3/99 37 43 20

10/98+ 41 43 16

9/98 40 39 21

7/98 41 40 19

6/98 39 40 21

4/99 41 40 19

2/98 41 37 22

1/98 40 42 18

12/97 41 37 22

9/97 41 39 20

7/97 45 39 16

4/97 44 38 18

+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.

8/08+ 36 47 17


HART/McINTURFF April 2009 8.

Study #6094--page 11 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey

I'm going to read you two statements about the role of government, and I'd like to know which one comes closer to your point of view. Statement A: Government should do more to solve problems and help meet the needs of people, OR Statement B: Government is doing too many things better left to businesses and individuals.

A/Government should do more .................. B/Government is doing too many things .... Some of both (VOL) ................................. Not sure ...................................................

4/09 * 47 46 6 1

2/09 51 40 7 2

10/45/08+ 47 45 7 1

9/1922/08+ 48 42 8 2

7/08+ 53 42 NA 5

9/07 55 38 6 1

3/07 52 40 6 2

1/02 45 43 9 3

12/97 41 51 5 3

12/951 32 62 NA 6


* Asked of one-half the respondents (FORM A). 1 In December 1995, this question was phrased, “Some people think the government is trying to do too many things that should be left to individuals and businesses. Others think that government should do more to solve our country's problems. Which comes closer to your own view?” + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.

Now, switching topics. . . 9a.

When you look at the first one hundred days of Barack Obama's presidency, would you say that he is off to a great start, a good start, only a fair start, or a poor start? Great start ........................................ Good start ........................................ Only a fair start ................................. Poor start .......................................... Not sure ..........................................


In looking at what President Obama is doing in terms of his leadership and plans for the country, do you feel more hopeful or more doubtful?

More hopeful..................................... More doubtful.................................... Mixed (VOL) ................................... Not sure ..........................................



19 35 25 21 -

4/09 64 30 5 1

2/09 67 28 4 1


Which ONE of the following statements best describes your feelings toward Barack Obama? (IF MORE THAN ONE, SAY:) Well, if you had to choose just one statement, which would you choose?

Like personally and approve most policies.............. Like personally but disapprove of many policies ..... Don’t like personally, approve most of policies........ Don’t like personally, disapprove many policies ...... None of these (VOL) ............................................. Not sure ................................................................

4/09 51 30 3 12 2 2

1/09 55 22 5 10 3 5




Study #6094--page 12 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey

Which of the following best describes your feeling about how Barack Obama will do during his presidency-optimistic and confident that he will do a good job, satisfied and hopeful that he will do a good job, uncertain and wondering whether he will do a good job, or pessimistic and worried that he will do a bad job?

Optimistic and confident .................... Satisfied and hopeful......................... Uncertain and wondering .................. Pessimistic and worried..................... Not sure...........................................

4/09 30 32 23 15 -

1/09 32 34 24 9 1

10/081+ 27 29 21 22 1



In October 2008, this question was phrased “Which of the following best describes how you would feel how you would feel if Barack Obama were elected president…?” + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.


And how confident are you that Barack Obama has the right set of goals and policies to be president of the United States––extremely confident, quite confident, only somewhat confident, or not at all confident?

Extremely confident ......................... Quite confident ................................. Only somewhat confident ................. Not at all confident............................ Not sure ..........................................


4/09 25 27 25 23 -

1/09 29 25 30 15 1

12/08 30 24 29 16 1


Do you think that in his first one hundred days in office Barack Obama has accomplished a great deal, a fair amount, only some, or very little? Accomplished a great deal ............... Accomplished a fair amount ............. Accomplished only some .................. Accomplished very little .................... Not sure ..........................................

28 31 20 20 1


HART/McINTURFF April 2009 14.

Study #6094--page 13 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey

How would you rate Barack Obama on the following qualities, using a five-point scale, on which a "five" means a very good rating, a "one" means a very poor rating, and a "three" means a mixed rating? THIS TABLE HAS BEEN RANKED BY THE PERCENTAGE WHO SAY VERY GOOD RATING (SCORE OF “4-5”)

Very Good Rating 5 4 His personality and the kind of family man that he is April 2009....................................................................... Being easygoing and likable April 2009 **................................................................... January 2009 ................................................................. June 2008+ .................................................................... March 2008+.................................................................. November 2007+ ........................................................... Being an inspirational and exciting president April 2009 * .................................................................... January 20092 ................................................................ June 2008+ .................................................................... March 2008+.................................................................. November 2007+ ........................................................... Having strong leadership qualities April 2009 * .................................................................... January 20091 ............................................................... June 2008+ .................................................................... March 2008.................................................................... November 2007+ ........................................................... Being compassionate enough to understand average people April 2009 * .................................................................... January 2009 ................................................................. June 2008+ .................................................................... March 2008.................................................................... November 2007+ ........................................................... Being firm and decisive in his decision-making April 2009 **................................................................... January 2009 ................................................................. Being honest and straightforward April 2009 * .................................................................... January 2009 ................................................................. June 2008+ .................................................................... March 2008.................................................................... November 2007+ ........................................................... Improving America's image around the world April 2009 **................................................................... Willing to work with people whose viewpoints are different from his own April 2009 **................................................................... 1


Very Poor Rating 2 1



[171/209] 64



1 [213]

60 54 37 39 34

21 23 32 30 30

8 16 18 17 21

5 2 7 5 6

5 3 5 7 5

1 2 1 2 4 [178]

50 54 40 36 21

19 21 21 20 21

16 14 16 19 29

6 5 11 10 10

9 6 11 13 15

1 2 4 [177]

46 44 23 24 15

22 26 24 22 24

15 16 30 27 28

8 6 10 9 14

9 7 12 16 15

1 1 2 4

46 48 32 35 27

21 22 29 24 27

16 17 21 23 26

8 6 7 8 8

9 6 9 8 7

1 2 2 5

34 37

31 26

15 20

9 4

10 9

1 4

40 41 25 29 26

24 22 27 24 25

14 20 22 22 27

7 6 12 7 8

13 8 13 14 9

2 3 1 4 5




[217] 45





1 [211]






Prior to January 2009, the item was phrased, “Having the strong leadership qualities needed to be president.” Prior to January 2009, the item was phrased, “Being inspirational and an exciting choice for president.” * Asked of one-half the respondents (FORM A). ** Asked of one-half the respondents (FORM B). + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. 2

Cannot Rate



Q.14 (cont'd)

Achieving his goals April 2009 **................................................................... January 2009 ................................................................. Can be trusted to keep his word April 2009 **................................................................... Uniting the country April 2009 **................................................................... January 2009 ................................................................. Bringing real change to the direction of the country April 2009 * .................................................................... January 2009 ................................................................. June 2008+ .................................................................... March 2008.................................................................... November 2007+ ........................................................... Being knowledgeable and experienced enough to handle the presidency April 2009....................................................................... January 2009 ................................................................. June 2008+ .................................................................... March 2008.................................................................... November 2007+ ........................................................... Representing traditional American values April 2009 **................................................................... January 2009 ................................................................. Being a good commander-in-chief April 2009....................................................................... January 2009 ................................................................. June 2008+ .................................................................... March 2008+.................................................................. November 2007+ ........................................................... Having the ability to handle a crisis April 2009 * .................................................................... January 2009 ................................................................. Sharing your positions on the issues April 2009 **................................................................... January 2009 ................................................................. June 2008+ .................................................................... March 2008+.................................................................. November 2007+ ........................................................... Changing business as usual in Washington April 2009 * .................................................................... Appointing qualified people to serve in government positions April 2009 * .................................................................... * Asked of one-half the respondents (FORM A). ** Asked of one-half the respondents (FORM B). + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters

Study #6094--page 14 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey

Very Good Rating 5 4


Very Poor Rating 2 1

Cannot Rate [216]

25 32

35 24

25 24

5 9

8 5

2 6







[212] [215] 28 36

29 24

19 22

8 9

15 7

1 2 [174]

32 34 21 26 18

24 24 32 24 19

20 25 26 20 31

8 9 9 10 13

15 6 11 17 13

1 2 1 3 6

31 26 10 11 11

25 25 20 17 18

19 23 32 30 28

10 11 15 14 17

15 14 22 25 21

1 1 3 5

35 36

20 24

15 17

10 9

18 12

2 2

33 32 13 19 12

22 23 20 22 17

20 20 26 28 30

8 8 15 13 15

15 12 24 16 21

2 5 2 2 5




[179] 31 25

23 21

20 25

9 14

14 9

3 6 [210]

26 29 21 18 13

22 23 18 21 20

21 22 23 23 28

11 12 14 13 12

19 13 23 21 21

1 1 1 4 6 [172]






4 [173]







HART/McINTURFF April 2009 15.

Study #6094--page 15 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey

Would you describe Barack Obama as liberal, moderate, or conservative? (IF “LIBERAL” OR “CONSERVATIVE,” ASK:) And would you say Barack Obama is very (liberal/conservative) or somewhat (liberal/conservative)?

Very liberal........................................ Somewhat liberal .............................. Moderate .......................................... Somewhat conservative ................... Very conservative ............................. Not sure ..........................................

4/09** 36 23 30 4 3 4

1/09 27 22 37 3 4 7

7/08+ 33 23 29 5 3 7

6/08+ 35 23 24 6 3 9

3/08 30 25 24 5 3 13


** Asked of one-half the respondents (FORM B). + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.



Thinking about the events of the past one hundred days, which one or two of the following has made you feel most positive about President Obama? (IF MORE THAN TWO, SAY:) Well, if you had to choose just two, which would you choose? THIS TABLE HAS BEEN RANKED BY THE HIGHEST PERCENTAGE

Reaching out to other nations and attempting to improve the United States’ standing in the world...... Willing to simultaneously deal with the issues of the economy, health care, and energy .................... His personal style and the kind of family atmosphere he has created .................................................. Working to improve the economy ........................................................................................................ Reaching across party lines to work with Republicans ......................................................................... Providing loans to the American Automobile companies to help them survive ..................................... Appointing talented people to his administration................................................................................... Other (VOL) ........................................................................................................................................ None (VOL) ........................................................................................................................................ Not sure ..............................................................................................................................................


31 25 20 19 12 7 8 1 8 1

[220-221] >

Thinking about the events of the past one hundred days, which one or two of the following has made you feel most negative about President Obama? (IF MORE THAN TWO, SAY:) Well, if you had to choose just two, which would you choose? THIS TABLE HAS BEEN RANKED BY THE HIGHEST PERCENTAGE

Not being tough enough on the banks, financial companies, and Wall Street firms ......... Spending too much and increasing the budget deficit ...................................................... Being too willing to compromise with countries like Cuba, Venezuela and Iran ............... Trying to take on too many issues.................................................................................... Too much publicity about the personal lives of the president and his family .................... Not working cooperatively with Republicans .................................................................... Being too focused on international issues ........................................................................ Other (VOL).................................................................................................................... None (VOL) .................................................................................................................... Not sure..........................................................................................................................

36 31 19 16 9 6 4 1 6 2

[222-223] >


Study #6094--page 16 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey

(Q.18 AND Q.19 ARE ROTATED.) 18.

When it comes to how President Obama has dealt with the Republicans in Congress, would you say that he has been too stubborn, too willing to compromise, or that he has struck the right balance? Too stubborn .................................... Too willing to compromise ................ Has struck the right balance ............. Depends (VOL)............................... Not sure ..........................................



When it comes to how the Republicans in Congress have dealt with President Obama, would you say that they have been too stubborn, too willing to compromise, or that they have struck the right balance? Too stubborn .................................... Too willing to compromise ................ Has struck the right balance ............. Depends (VOL)............................... Not sure ..........................................


25 14 48 3 10

55 15 19 3 8


Let me read you a series of actions taken by President Obama since he was inaugurated. For each one, please tell me whether you approve or disapprove of this action. * THIS TABLE HAS BEEN RANKED BY THE PERCENTAGE WHO SAY APPROVE

Dismissing GM’s chief executive and requiring big changes in the company’s business plans as a condition for federal government loans....... Sending twenty-one thousand additional troops to Afghanistan ................... Expanding government funding for research using embryonic stem cells .... Ordering closure of the Guantanamo Bay prison for terror suspects ............ Releasing previously secret memos giving details of harsh interrogation methods used by the CIA on terror suspects ................................................



Not Sure

66 61 61 42

29 33 34 50

5 6 5 8

[227] [230] [228] [226]





* Asked of one-half the respondents (FORM A).


Let me read you a series of proposals that President Obama has suggested since he was inaugurated . For each one, please tell me whether you approve or disapprove of this proposal. ** THIS TABLE HAS BEEN RANKED BY THE PERCENTAGE WHO SAY APPROVE

Making it easier for schools to dismiss teachers who are shown to be poor performers ................................................................................... Spending one hundred twenty billion dollars in government funds over the next decade to develop clean-energy technology ......................................... Talking directly to the Iranian government .................................................... Charging a fee to companies that emit greenhouse gases, which might result in higher utility bills, and using the money to provide tax cuts for middle-income Americans............................................................................. Using government funds to expand health insurance coverage, and raising taxes on wealthier Americans to pay for it ** Asked of one-half the respondents (FORM B).



Not Sure





68 62

27 32

5 6

[235] [234]









HART/McINTURFF April 2009 21.

Study #6094--page 17 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey

Would you approve or disapprove of a proposal that would require companies to reduce greenhouse gases that cause global warming, even if it would mean higher utility bills for consumers to pay for the changes? * Approve ............................................ Disapprove ....................................... Not sure ..........................................

53 40 7


* Asked of one-half the respondents (FORM A).


Do you think that, as a country, we are more safe, about as safe, or less safe than we were before the terrorist attacks of September eleventh, 2001?

More safe than we were before .......... About as safe as we were before........ Less safe than we were before ........... Not sure ............................................

4/09** 29 40 28 3

9/07 33 33 32 2

7/07 34 27 37 2

9/06+ 42 32 23 3

9/05 31 37 31 1

8/04+ 41 31 27 1

9/02 38 41 20 1


** Asked of one-half the respondents (FORM B). + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.

Now turning to the economy. . . 23.

How satisfied are you with the state of the U.S. economy today—are you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied with the state of the economy?

Very satisfied.............................. Somewhat satisfied .................... Somewhat dissatisfied ............... Very dissatisfied ......................... Not sure ...................................

4/09 2 16 30 52 -

2/09 1 6 22 70 1

1/09 2 8 25 65 -

4/08+ 2 12 28 58 -

12/07 5 27 28 40 -

High 9/98 31 55 10 3 1

Low 2/09 1 6 22 70 1

9/06+ 10 33 32 25 -

1/04 6 45 30 18 1

12/02 3 33 38 25 1

10/02+ 4 27 37 31 1

9/02 2 32 41 24 1

7/02 4 42 39 14 1

4/02 6 44 33 15 2

1/02 4 43 39 13 1

12/01 5 47 32 15 1

1/01 18 57 18 6 1

4/00+ 29 52 12 6 1

10/99 23 53 17 7 -

12/98 26 54 13 6 1

10/98+ 27 55 12 5 1

9/98 31 55 10 3 1

12/97 18 52 20 8 2

9/97 13 52 23 10 2

6/97 10 51 27 10 2

3/97 13 45 27 13 2

12/96 9 51 27 11 2

9/96 7 49 30 12 2

6/96 5 43 32 18 2

5/96+ 4 43 38 14 1

3/96 3 39 37 19 2

1/96 3 37 38 19 3

7/95 4 39 35 21 1

4/95 4 40 37 18 1

12/94 4 41 38 15 2

+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.


HART/McINTURFF April 2009 24.

Study #6094--page 18 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey

During the next twelve months, do you think that the nation’s economy will get better, get worse, or stay about the same?

Economy will get better.......... Economy will get worse ......... Economy will stay about the same................................ Not sure ...............................

4/09 38 30

12/08 36 28

10/1720/08+ 38 20

7/08+ 25 43

6/08+ 21 49

4/08+ 19 45

3/07 16 31

1/07 21 16

30 2

34 2

37 5

28 4

27 3

29 7

49 4

60 3

9/3010/2/06+ 22 22 51 5

6/06 16 39 43 2

4/06 17 44 36 3

3/06 24 27 46 3

1/06 24 30 42 4

12/05 26 34 37 3

5/05 28 30 36 6

1/05 43 17 36 4

10/04+ 43 10 33 14

3/06 24 27 46 3

9/04+ 43 13 33 11

5/04+ 42 16 34 8

3/04+ 44 18 35 3

1/04 50 10 37 3

11/03 49 15 33 3

9/03 44 19 33 4

7/03 45 16 34 4

5/03+ 49 17 31 3

1/03 35 25 37 3

12/02 40 20 35 5

10/02+ 41 20 34 5

9/02 39 18 39 4

7/02 41 20 37 2

4/02 50 13 32 5

12/01 50 15 32 3

4/011 36 25 34 5

3/01 28 29 37 6

10/98+ 17 24 54 5

9/98 19 22 53 6

4/97 19 22 57 2

1/96 21 21 52 6

7/95 20 21 54 5

4/95 24 23 50 3

12/94 31 17 46 6

10/94 31 24 40 5

9/94 28 24 44 4

6/94 28 17 52 3

5/94 27 21 49 3

3/94 29 16 52 3

1/94 44 16 36 4

10/93 21 27 50 2

9/93 23 24 51 2

7/93 20 29 48 3

6/93 23 27 47 3

4/93 33 21 44 2

3/93 39 15 43 3



Prior to April 2001, the question was phrased, “Over the past year…” + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.


Looking at President Obama’s first one hundred days, do you feel that he and his administration have had a clear and sharp focus on the economy, or do you feel that President Obama and his administration have been trying to take on too many other issues at the same time? Have had a clear and sharp focus on the economy ............... Trying to take on too many other issues ................................ Not sure ...............................................................................

43 52 5


HART/McINTURFF April 2009 25b.

Study #6094--page 19 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey

Do you think that the recently passed economic stimulus legislation is a good idea or a bad idea? If you do not have an opinion either way, please just say so.

Good idea ......................................... Bad idea............................................ Do not have an opinion ..................... Not sure ..........................................

4/09 38 39 18 5

2/09 44 36 15 5

1/091 43 27 24 6



In January 2009, the question was phrased, “ . . . recently proposed economic stimulus legislation . . . .”


How satisfied are you with your own financial situation today—are you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied with your financial situation?

Very satisfied...................... Somewhat satisfied ............ Somewhat dissatisfied........ Very dissatisfied ................. Not sure............................

4/09 14 44 22 19 1

Skip to Q.27 CONTINUE

2/09 15 35 23 26 1

1/09 15 41 22 22 -

4/08+ 17 42 20 21 -

12/07 21 46 17 16 -

High 9/98 26 52 14 7 1

Low 2/09 15 35 23 26 1

1/04 19 50 18 13 1

12/02 17 44 21 17 1

10/02+ 18 40 23 19 -

7/02 16 47 24 13 -

1/02 19 50 19 12 -

1/01 21 50 17 11 1

4/00+ 25 51 13 10 1

10/99 21 53 14 11 1

9/99 22 50 18 10 -

12/98 25 51 13 10 1

9/98 26 52 14 7 1

12/97 20 51 16 12 1

9/97 19 49 17 14 1

6/97 16 50 20 13 1

3/97 17 48 20 14 1

12/96 16 50 21 12 1

12/94 13 48 24 14 1


+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.

(ASKED ONLY OF RESPONDENTS WHO SAY SOMEWHAT SATISFIED, DISSATISFIED, OR NOT SURE IN Q26a.) 26b. When it comes to your own financial situation, do you feel that the worst is over or the worst is still to come?1 Worst is over..................................... Worst is still to come......................... Not sure .......................................... Very satisfied (Q.26a)....................... 1

This question asked of 861 respondents.

38 39 9 14


HART/McINTURFF April 2009 27.

Study #6094--page 20 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey

When it comes to your current job security, are you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied?

Very satisfied.................................... Somewhat satisfied .......................... Somewhat dissatisfied...................... Very dissatisfied ............................... Not sure..........................................

4/09 32 36 13 17 2

1/09 35 35 14 15 1

4/00+ 46 35 9 9 1

12/98 45 33 10 11 1

12/97 40 38 11 10 1

9/97 41 37 10 11 1

6/97 38 36 12 13 1

3/97 37 40 12 11 -

12/96 36 38 13 12 1

9/96 37 39 10 13 1

6/96 38 37 12 12 1

3/96 36 37 14 12 1

1/96 30 31 10 10 19


* Data shown does not include the responses of those who say the question does not apply to them (24% of respondents). + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.


Thinking about the economic conditions that you and your family face, which one of the following elements has the greatest effect on you personally? THIS TABLE HAS BEEN RANKED BY THE HIGHEST PERCENTAGE

Savings, such as the drop in the stock market or savings for retirement1..... Employment, such as job security and wages ............................................. Health care, such as the cost of health insurance and prescriptions ........... Inflation, such as the cost of groceries ........................................................ Energy, such as the cost of gasoline and utilities ........................................ Housing, such as home values and the mortgage market ........................... Not sure .....................................................................................................

4/09 24 22 18 14 11 9 2

12/08 25 16 16 21 11 9 2

10/1720/08+ 23 13 13 15 25 9 2

10/45/08+ 7 8 18 21 37 6 3



Prior to December 2008, the item was phrased, “Savings, such as savings for retirement or college.” + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.


How much have you been affected personally by the downturn in the economy--a great deal, quite a bit, just some, or not at all?

Affected a great deal .......................... Affected quite a bit ............................. Affected just some.............................. Not affected at all ............................... Not sure ........................................... 1

4/09 23 23 41 13 -

2/09 23 20 42 15 -

1/091 22 20 42 16 -

1/01 12 12 40 36 -

In January 2009, the question was phrased, “ . . .the slowdown in the economy . . . .“


HART/McINTURFF April 2009 30.

Study #6094--page 21 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey

There has been a lot of talk recently about the budget deficit. In thinking about the budget deficit, which comes closer to your point of view? Do you think of the budget deficit as being A real and important number that has a direct effect on the average citizen, OR More of a bookkeeping and governmental number that does not have a direct effect on the average citizen?

Real and important ................................................................. More of a bookkeeping and governmental number ................ Not sure................................................................................

1/09 61 32 7

4/09 68 27 5


Now I'd like to ask you a few questions about health care. . . 31.

Do you think the American health care system needs a complete overhaul, major reform, minor reform, or is there no need for change? Complete overhaul ........................... Major reform ..................................... Minor reform ..................................... No need for change .......................... Not sure ..........................................


From what you have heard about Barack Obama's health care plan, do you think his plan is a good idea or a bad idea? If you do not have an opinion either way, please just say so. Good idea ......................................... Bad idea ........................................... Do not have an opinion..................... Not sure ..........................................



33 26 34 7

And from what you have heard about Barack Obama's health care plan, do you believe it will result in the quality of your health care getting better, worse, or staying about the same as now? If you do not have an opinion, please just say so. Quality will get better ........................ Quality will get worse........................ Quality will stay the same ................. Do not have an opinion..................... Not sure ..........................................



33 37 21 7 2


22 24 29 20 5

Which one of the following do you think the president and Congress should be most focused on addressing–--the cost of health care, or people who are not covered by insurance? * The cost of health care ................................... People who are not covered by insurance...... Both equally (VOL) ....................................... Not sure ....................................................... * Asked of one-half the respondents (FORM A).

39 42 16 3


HART/McINTURFF April 2009 34b.

Study #6094--page 22 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey

Which one of the following do you think the president's health care plan is most focused on addressing––the cost of health care, or people who are not covered by insurance? ** The cost of health care ................................... People who are not covered by insurance...... Both equally (VOL) ....................................... Not sure ........................................................

12 69 12 7


** Asked of one-half the respondents (FORM B).


Now I am going to tell you more about the health care plan President Obama proposed and please tell me whether you would favor or oppose it. The plan requires that health insurance companies cover people with pre-existing medical conditions. It also requires all but the smallest employers to provide health coverage for their employees, or pay a percentage of their payroll to help fund coverage for the uninsured. Families and individuals with lower- and middleincomes would receive tax credits to help them afford insurance coverage. Some of the funding for this plan would come from raising taxes on wealthier Americans. Do you favor or oppose this plan? Favor ................................................ Oppose ............................................. Depends (VOL)............................... Not sure ..........................................


56 33 6 5

I'd like to briefly ask you about just a couple of other issues. . . 36a.

Recently there have been a series of articles about the interrogation techniques used during the time of the Bush administration. Based on everything you've seen, read, or heard, do you think the United States used methods of torture or not? If you don't know enough about this to have an opinion just say so. Yes, used methods of torture..................... No, did not use methods of torture............. Don't know enough to have an opinion ...... Not sure ...................................................


53 30 15 2


Which statement better represents your view Statement A: Harsh interrogation techniques helped the U.S. by extracting valuable information to stop terrorism, OR Statement B: Harsh interrogation techniques hurt the U.S. by undermining its moral authority and inflaming anger in the Islamic world. Statement A/Helped by extracting valuable information........ Statement B/Hurt by undermining moral authority ................ Both (VOL) ........................................................................... Not sure ...............................................................................


46 42 6 6


Do you think that there should be a criminal investigation about whether torture was committed during the time of the Bush administration or not? Yes, should be investigation ............. No, should not be an investigation.... Not sure ..........................................

33 61 6


HART/McINTURFF April 2009 36d.

Study #6094--page 23 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey

Suppose that there is a criminal investigation, please tell me whether the following people should be or should not be included in any criminal investigation about whether torture was committed during these interrogations?


Bush administration lawyers who wrote the memos ...... The intelligence agencies who directed the interrogations................................................................. Dick Cheney .................................................................. George W. Bush ............................................................ The people who conducted the interrogations ...............

Should Be Included In Criminal Investigation 53

Should NOT Be Included In Any Criminal Investigation 40

Not Sure 7


53 49 48 43

42 44 47 52

5 7 5 5

[261] [258] [257] [260]

Moving along. . . 37.

Do you favor or oppose a law to ban the sale of assault weapons and semiautomatic rifles? *

Favor ................................................ Oppose ............................................. Not sure..........................................

4/09* 53 41 6

5/91 75 22 3

7/90 73 23 4


* Asked of one-half the respondents (FORM A).


As you may have heard, Congress is debating legislation that would change the way in which workers unionize. This change would allow workers at a company to join a labor union if a majority of workers at that company sign a petition saying they want to form a union, rather than by requiring the vote take place in a federally supervised secret ballot election as they do now. Would you favor or oppose passing this legislation? Favor ................................................ Oppose ............................................. Not sure ..........................................

42 45 13


Getting near the end of the survey. . . 39.

Let me read you a number of personal elements that Americans have learned about Barack Obama and his family during the first one hundred days. Please tell me which one or two most impressed you, or do you feel there has been too much emphasis on style and personality and it has diminished attention from his job? (IF MORE THAN TWO, SAY:) Well, if you had to choose just two, which would you choose? THIS TABLE HAS BEEN RANKED BY THE HIGHEST PERCENTAGE

Too much emphasis on style and personality ..................................................................................... The kind of parents Barack and Michelle Obama have been to their children..................................... The kind of first lady Michelle Obama has been, reaching out to both the young and the elderly ....... The willingness of the Obamas to volunteer and help promote civic service....................................... Their promotion of racial diversity and inclusiveness .......................................................................... Their new dog, Bo ............................................................................................................................... The way Michelle Obama's mother has moved to the White House to help the children .................... All (VOL)............................................................................................................................................ None (VOL) ....................................................................................................................................... Not sure.............................................................................................................................................

29 19 16 16 13 8 8 4 6 4

[264-265] >


Study #6094--page 24 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey

FACTUALS: Now I am going to ask you a few questions for statistical purposes only. F1a.

Are you currently registered to vote at this address? Registered ........................................ Not registered ................................... Not sure ..........................................


A lot of people are unable to get out and vote for many reasons. Did you happen to vote in last November's election for president? (IF “YES,” ASK:) For whom did you vote––Barack Obama, John McCain, or someone else? Yes, Voted Voted for Barack Obama ................ Voted for John McCain ................... Voted for someone else.................. Not sure ......................................... Did not vote/not sure.........................



43 32 5 6 14

Are you currently employed? (IF "CURRENTLY EMPLOYED," ASK:) What type of work do you do? (IF "NOT CURRENTLY EMPLOYED," ASK:) Are you a student, a homemaker, retired, or unemployed and looking for work? Currently Employed Professional, manager ............................. White-collar worker .................................. Blue-collar worker .................................... Farmer, rancher ....................................... Not Currently Employed Student .................................................... Homemaker ............................................. Retired ..................................................... Unemployed, looking for work.................. Other........................................................ Not sure ...................................................



90 8 2


19 20 14 3 4 27 9 4

What is the last grade that you completed in school? Grade school........................................................... Some high school.................................................... High school graduate .............................................. Some college, no degree ........................................ Vocational training/2-year college ........................... 4-year college/bachelor's degree ............................ Some postgraduate work, no degree ...................... 2-3 years postgraduate work/master's degree ........ Doctoral/law degree ................................................ Not sure/refused....................................................

5 25 16 12 23 3 11 2 3


HART/McINTURFF April 2009 F4.

Study #6094--page 25 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey

Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as a Democrat, a Republican, an independent, or something else? (IF "DEMOCRAT" OR "REPUBLICAN," ASK:) Would you call yourself a strong (Democrat/Republican) or not a very strong (Democrat/Republican)? (IF "INDEPENDENT," ASK:) Do you think of yourself as closer to the Republican Party, closer to the Democratic Party, or do you think of yourself as strictly independent? Strong Democrat........................................ Not very strong Democrat .......................... Independent/lean Democrat....................... Strictly independent ................................... Independent/lean Republican .................... Not very strong Republican........................ Strong Republican ..................................... Other (VOL) ............................................. Not sure ...................................................



Thinking about your general approach to issues, do you consider yourself to be liberal, moderate, or conservative? (IF "LIBERAL" OR "CONSERVATIVE," ASK:) Do you consider yourself to be very (liberal/conservative) or somewhat (liberal/conservative)? Very liberal........................................ Somewhat liberal .............................. Moderate .......................................... Somewhat conservative ................... Very conservative ............................. Not sure ..........................................


21 9 12 19 11 7 13 4 4


11 13 35 22 13 6

What is your religion? Protestant (includes Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, Episcopal, Presbyterian, and other Christians) ......................................... Catholic.................................................................................... Jewish...................................................................................... Muslim ..................................................................................... Mormon/LDS/Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints ..... Other...................................................................................... None ...................................................................................... Not sure/refused ...................................................................

50 25 2 2 6 10 5



Skip to Q.F7


(ASK ONLY OF RESPONDENTS WHO SAY PROTESTANT, OTHER, NONE, OR NOT SURE IN Q.F6a.) F6b. Would you describe yourself as either a fundamentalist or an evangelical Christian, or would you not describe yourself that way? Fundamentalist/evangelical ........................... Neither fundamentalist nor evangelical .......... Not sure ....................................................... Catholics/Jewish/Muslim/Mormon (Q.F6a) .....


18 42 11 29


How often do you attend services at a church, synagogue, mosque, or other place of worship? Never ................................................ Once a year ...................................... A few times a year ............................ Once a month ................................... About twice a month ......................... Once a week or more often .............. Not sure ..........................................

17 7 16 7 11 36 6


HART/McINTURFF April 2009 F8.

Study #6094--page 26 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey

Are you a current or retired labor union member? (IF “NO,” OR “NOT SURE,” ASK:) Is anyone else in your household a current or retired labor union member? Labor union member ........................ Union household .............................. Non-union household ....................... Not sure..........................................


15 8 73 4


If you added together the yearly income of all the members of your family who were living at home last year, would the total be less than ten thousand dollars, between ten thousand dollars and twenty thousand dollars, between twenty thousand dollars and thirty thousand dollars, between thirty thousand dollars and forty thousand dollars, between forty thousand dollars and fifty thousand dollars, between fifty thousand dollars and seventy-five thousand dollars, between seventy-five thousand dollars and one hundred thousand dollars, or would the total be more than that? Less than $10,000 ............................ Between $10,000 and $20,000......... Between $20,000 and $30,000......... Between $30,000 and $40,000......... Between $40,000 and $50,000......... Between $50,000 and $75,000......... Between $75,000 and $100,000....... More than $100,000 ......................... Not sure/refused .............................

4 8 8 7 10 15 11 18 19


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