Survey Results 2009

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 417
  • Pages: 5
Survey Title: FAAPI Conference 2009 - A Room of One’s Own Q.1 Name and city People who answered question: People who skipped question:

50 (94%) 3 (6%)

Q.2 E-mail address People who answered question: People who skipped question:

49 (92%) 4 (8%)

Q.3 How do you relate to literature? Answer


I enjoy reading literature myself, but I don’t teach it.

41 (55%)

I use literature in my EFL classes

26 (35%)

Other Option...

4 (5%)

I teach literature at TTC/ University

3 (4%) People who answered question: People who skipped question:

53 (100%) 0 (0%)


Survey Title: FAAPI Conference 2009 - A Room of One’s Own

Q.4 Are you involved in any particular area of literary research? Answer



49 (96%)


2 (4%) People who answered question:

51 (96%)

People who skipped question:

2 (4%)

People who answered question:

3 (6%)

Q.5 If you answered yes to the previous question, tell us about your research here.

People who skipped question:

50 (94%)

Q.6 3- Are you carrying out any project involving the use of Literature in EFL? Answer



40 (87%)


6 (13%) People who answered question: People who skipped question:

46 (87%) 7 (13%)


Survey Title: FAAPI Conference 2009 - A Room of One’s Own

Q.7 If you answered yes to the previous question, tell us about your project here. People who answered question: People who skipped question:

8 (15%) 45 (85%)

Q.8 Would you like FAAPI 2009 to offer a similar slot for Literature? Answer



52 (98%)


1 (2%) People who answered question: People who skipped question:

53 (100%) 0 (0%)


Survey Title: FAAPI Conference 2009 - A Room of One’s Own

Q.9 If you answered “Yes” to question 4, which of the following topics would you like to see included? Answer


Teaching Literature to adolescents

36 (23%)

Contemporary authors

32 (21%)

Teaching Literature to children

30 (19%)

Contemporary issues in literary studies

17 (11%)

Teaching Literature in Higher Education

15 (10%)

Literary theory

11 (7%)

Teaching Literature at Post Graduate level

10 (6%) 4 (3%)

Other Option... People who answered question: People who skipped question:

52 (98%) 1 (2%)


Survey Title: FAAPI Conference 2009 - A Room of One’s Own

Q.10 Which role would you be willing to have in AROO in the future? Answer



46 (87%)


4 (8%)


2 (4%)

Other Option...

1 (2%) People who answered question: People who skipped question:

47 (89%) 6 (11%)

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