Navigator Issue 6

  • November 2019
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QL0010/07 Issue 6 magazine

The Amezcua Chi Pendant

pure energy

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A Message From the Managing Director We’re in the last quarter of 2007, which is usually the most festive time of the year. Here at Q Lifestyle, it is even more exciting as we are moving to our new home in October! In this holiday issue of Navigator, we’ve lined up a list of must-see events and tourist hot spots from around the globe to help you plan your year-end vacation: from chilling out in Australia, getting close to nature in China to ending the year with a big bang in South America! Don’t forget to slot V-Africa into your diary too, taking place from 28 Oct – 1 Nov. We also have some great Kenyan hotel deals and exciting safari tours from bonvo especially for you. There are many more news articles and updates inside these pages, with useful tips to make your holiday a memorable one. Great holiday recipes, a step-by-step guide to capture great vacation pictures and even some food for your soul from the Medical Director of Amezcua Wellness Centre. As the year draws to a close, all of us at Q Lifestyle thank you for your support in 2007 and we look forward to serving you even better next year. If you’re planning a getaway, don’t forget to book early with bonvo, QVI Club and Xchangeworld! Quest Vacation International Pte. Ltd. +65 6491 0900 main +65 6491 0911 fax

We welcome your feedback! If there are topics you would like to see in the coming issues of Navigator or you have suggestions and comments that you’d like to share, please email us at [email protected] The title “Navigator”, its associated logos or devices, and the content of Navigator magazine are the property of Quest Vacation International Pte. Ltd. Reproduction in whole or part without permission from the Marketing Manager is strictly prohibited. Contents are correct at the time of printing.

Baggage Claim - Questions & Answers


Destinations - Bonvo


Arrivals - News


Destinations - Prana


Boarding Pass - Latest Happenings


Destinations - QVI


Travel Guide - Smart Travel Tips


Passport - Around The Globe


On The Runway - Feature Story


The Transit Lounge - Interview


Destinations - Amezcua


From The Galley - Recipes



Ms. Yeo and her family enjoying the wonderful sights, shopping and food of Greece.

Mr. Belen’s family enjoying dining by the sea and Phuket FantaSea.

Ms. Chen and friends finding the relaxing yet active lifestyles of Boracay to their liking.

Crete, Greece

Phuket, Thailand

Boracay, Philippines

F i r s t l y, t h a n k s f o r s e c u r i n g t h e availability of Village Heights Resort as it was an excellent choice!

Overall, it was a great experience for us, e s p e c i a l l y o u r c h i l d r e n . We h a d a wonderful time in Phuket. I have attached a few of the snapshots my children took. There are plenty of things to do in Phuket, such as shopping, sightseeing and visiting the many Buddhist temples. We also had a chance to visit the theme park FantaSea which was very entertaining.

Our vacation wouldn’t have been complete without your help. The Panoly Resort Hotel is such a beautiful and amazing resort. The beach is the best beach I’ve ever seen in my life. It is very quiet and the place had a great ambience. The accommodation is excellent and the hotel beautiful.

We (myself and three other friends) enjoyed the stay very much because the resort is new, clean and cosy. The 1bedroom unit I had was well equipped and even though we checked into the resort close to midnight, we were greeted by a warm reception and a welcome drink. We were also grateful to see some basic food stocked in the unit (eg. bread, eggs, bacon) for our breakfast the next morning. We especially enjoyed the fresh cool breeze each morning as we ate breakfast on the balcony.

We thank you very much for your help. Mr. Nestor Belen

Patong Tower Condominium

We enjoyed island hopping, jet skiing, snorkeling, took a banana boat ride, and of course did lots of swimming during our stay there. The service was excellent and the hotel staff were great. I would definitely recommend this resort to all my friends. Ms. Chen Guinihin The Panoly Resort

There was an organised tour to introduce the resort’s on-site facilities but we missed it (as we were too eager to explore Crete Island!). We also took the chance to hire a car to tour Crete Island. Although the weather was harsh (at times scorching hot), the scenery was indeed magnificent and breathtaking. Overall, it was a pleasant and relaxing stay and yes, I would definitely recommend it to my friends. Ms. Lisa Yeo Village Heights Resort

Email us your questions on Q Lifestyle and we will answer them for you in this forum as well as post your letters and feedback. Reach us at: [email protected]

ARRIVALS Revamped QVI Club website!

The Big Q Lifestyle Move Yes, we are moving! By the end of October, we will be settled into our brand new premises in Tanjong Pagar. If you want to send us any snail mail or just pop by for a visit, here’s our new address: 15 Hoe Chiang Road #08-01 Tower Fifteen Singapore 089316 Our email address and contact numbers remain unchanged.

We are pleased to unveil the brand new QVI Club website, which has undergone a major facelift! If you haven’t already seen our revamped site, what are you waiting for? The site now boast a fresher look, easier navigation and even more useful information at your fingertips. Check it out at In addition, watch out for the Farsi version, coming your way very soon!

Unveiling of the Amezcua Chi Pendant in Kathmandu, Nepal 16 June 2007

The recent official launch of the A m e z c u a C h i Pe n d a n t i n N e p a l b y the Finance Secretary of the Nepal Government proved to be an informative and enlightening experience for some 600 participants who attended the event. After the launch, Mr Chong Kok Hong, Head of Product and Business Development of Q Lifestyle took centre stage with a product demonstration of both the Amezcua Chi Pendant and Amezcua Bio Disc. The audience was excited to learn the benefits of these products, especially when users of the Amezcua Bio Disc shared their personal experiences on how it cured various health problems. Four winners walked away with an Amezcua Bio Disc during the lucky draw at the end of the event. Later in the evening, a training session was conducted for over 270 IRs by Mr Raju Tilija from RYTHM Foundation. QLifestyle thanks our IRs, participants and counterparts in Nepal for their tremendous support!

Top Row: Launch of the Amezcua Chi Pendant, Mr. Chong Kok Hong (QL Ltd Singapore) & Mr. Bishnu Dass Dangol (Quantum Int’l Pvt Ltd) Bottom Row: Mr. Rameshore Prasad Khanal (Acting Secretary (Revenue) Ministry Of Finance (Nepal)) Mr. Alfred Cheung (QL Ltd Hong Kong)

Amezcua Body & Health products a hit at the Nigerian Carnival! 9 – 10 June 2007 At the Nigerian Carnival UK held in London this June, we were overwhelmed by the positive response to our products. The Amezcua Bio Disc and Amezcua Chi Pendant proved to be instant hits with the crowd! About 1,500 people visited the QuestNet stall at the event and our products garnered even more publicity when the booth was featured in a local African news channel, BEN TV. The team of enthusiastic IRs presented the wide range of products available and explained the features and benefits to the steady flow of visitors to the booth. Their hard work was rewarded as their efforts secured 75 interested prospects over the two day carnival. After the carnival, the team invited the interested prospects for a follow-up presentation at the YMCA London. Top Left: Vipin, Reddy, Beena, Saravana, Satya, Kumar , Manoj. Far Left: The carnival news was telecasted on a local African news channel called BEN TV. Left: Carrying out product demonstartions.




e’ve all seen them, the vacation photos with heads cut off, bad lighting, or blurry images. With this simple guide we hope to not only eliminate bad vacation photos, but also give you the know-how to create outstanding vacation photos worthy of framing. Most people today have digital cameras, in fact, finding a film camera is hard, so the following is geared towards getting the best from a digital point-and-shoot camera. Composition: Most people tend to take snapshots with the subject planted firmly in the centre of the image and at eye level. This is fine for a few photos, but if you take a lot of vacation photos, they will not only all look alike but also look fairly boring! Show off not just your family but also your vacation destination with these handy tips. • Aim the camera at your subject and gently press the shutter button to lock the focus (don’t press all the way down or you will take a picture). Now compose the photo with your finger still gently pressed on the shutter to put your subject off centre, usually to the far left or right of the viewfinder. There is a rule for this type of composition called “the rule of thirds” meaning the best compositions have the subject either in the right, left, top or bottom third of the image.


Lighting: A lot of bad vacation photos are the result of bad lighting. Low light without a flash will cause slower shutter speeds which while giving you better lighting, if below 1/30th of a second will cause a blurry image due to hand shake. Using a flash will cause the subject to be lit, but the interesting background or light to be black with a severe drop-off of light. To combat this use a tripod. When shooting sunset, there is what is called the magic 15 minutes. That is the 15 minutes just before, through and after the sunset that yield the most amazing results. The problem that most people have when shooting sunset is the timing (either too early or too late) or the subject is silhouetted. To fix these problems, do the following with your camera. • To shoot a subject with the correct exposure and still get a great vibrant sunset, aim the camera at the subject and gently press the shutter to lock focus (this also locks exposure of the subject), then compose the photo using the rule of thirds and take the picture. • Another method is to use a flash (or the red eye reduction feature on your camera) to get fill in lighting on your subject (aim, gently press shutter, then compose). • For advanced photographers, set the camera to manual, put the camera on a tripod and set the shutter generally at around 1/16th of a second and the f-stop around 11 or 16. This can also be combined with using the flash for fill. Remember, you can use the flash in manual exposure mode as long as your shutter speed is 1/60th of a second or lower; setting your shutter speed higher will result in your picture having a black bar across it (a picture of the shutter). When taking pictures of sunsets, it is best to try as many different things and take as many pictures as possible in the magic 15 minutes to ensure a variety of images, proper exposure, composition and lighting.

• As above, aim your camera at the subject, gently press the shutter to lock focus, now compose your image from a different viewpoint (i.e. lower than eye level, higher than eye level, etc.) the more extreme the viewpoint the more unique the image. For example, if you have your subject sitting on the grass having a picnic, lay down on the grass and get as low to the ground as possible to take your picture, this will draw the viewer into the image and create a far more interesting viewpoint. For a group shot, try climbing a wall, standing on a ladder, etc. and take the image with subject looking up at the camera while you look down for an interesting perspective. When creating these interesting angles do remember the 1st tip and try composing the subject(s) off centre.

L - R: Slow shutter speed, Slow shutter with flash, Normal shutter exposed for sun and high f-stop

• Another way to draw the viewer into the image and give the image a greater sense of movement or activity is to slightly tilt the camera (usually no more than 30 degrees).

Special Effects: These are for advanced photographers or for those not afraid of experimenting! Nighttime Cityscapes: Use a tripod, get a good vantage point for your image, set the camera on manual and choose a shutter speed of 1 to 3 seconds and an f-stop of 11 to 16. What this will do is create image blurs of moving cars, with the lights creating trials, as well as capturing the illumination and colour of neon signs, streetlights, etc. L - R Top:

Water Movement:

Composition “Rule of thirds”,

This trick is for capturing images of the ocean or waterfalls to create a silky look to the moving water.

Perspective “Up shot”,

As above, use a tripod, get your vantage point and set your camera on manual with the shutter speed between 1/8th of a second and 3 seconds and the f-stop between 14 and 32 depending on your camera.

Perspective “Ground Level” L - R Bottom: Perspective “Tilt”, Perspective “High”, Perspective “Low & Tilted”

L - R: Slow shutter speed with tripod to make water motion silky. Slow shutter speed with tripod to create motion blur and light trails.


Other Tricks for Interesting Photos: Another popular trick is to set the camera’s white-balance manually. It can be set for a cooler temperature, which will result in an overall blue-cast to the image (handy for landscapes to create a misty, mysterious effect, or for shooting office scenes to create a bolder corporate effect). Setting the white-balance temperature higher creates a warmer image with an orange-cast. This is particularly useful in shooting beach and landscape scenes as it emulates the lighting of sunset and adds vibrancy to colours.

L - R: White Balance Temperature Cool White Balance Temperature Warm

ISO/ASA Film Speed Settings: Another reason most people’s vacation photos are not as good as they could be is that they forget to set their film speed (ISO/ASA). Some digital cameras have an automatic ISO setting. DO NOT USE THIS! Almost all automatic ISO settings will result in grainy pictures as the camera will always choose an ISO much higher than needed. For instance, if you are outdoors in bright sun but your subject or part of your subject is in the shade, instead of asking you or automatically using the fill-in flash, it sets the ISO higher, sometimes up to 800, which will result in unwanted grain and noise. The rules for ISO settings can be found below, but as always, the best thing to do is just keep it simple. For outdoor images, your ISO should be set at 100 on a normal day and no more than 200 on an overcast day. Using automatic ISO or setting higher will result in grainy images like below left (image 1), while manually setting your ISO to around 100 will result in clear sharp images like below left (image 2). Don’t feel however that you must continually adjust your camera’s ISO setting. If you plan on using a flash, setting it constantly at 100 will be fine, even on overcast days, if the light isn’t enough the camera will use the fill-in flash. If you do not want to use the flash however and will be shooting indoors it is best to do the following for great pictures.


Wrong Outdoor ISO Setting (400)

Correct Outdoor ISO Setting (100)

Wrong Low-Light ISO Setting (100)

Correct Low-Light ISO Setting (400)

For low-light or action photos (restaurants, unlit rooms, sports match etc.) you want a higher ISO setting so the camera sensor becomes more sensitive to light, thus a setting of around 400 should be sufficient to capture a good image in these situations. Using a low ISO (100) without use of a flash will produce dark, washed-out pictures, but is fine when used in conjunction with a flash. If you want to capture a room’s ambience, then a higher ISO and no flash is your best option as it will produce a warmer, more evenly lit foreground and background (see above, Images 3 & 4). In Conclusion: The most important thing though in taking great photos and not missing opportunities is to remember to charge your camera battery (a charged backup is always a good idea too) and bring a few memory cards as well. Finally, set your camera to take the largest sized image possible as smaller images will not allow you to enlarge your photos and even smaller photos tend to be grainy. As with all photography and art, feel free to experiment, take some chances and try new things. You’ll come up with some fantastic results! Of course you will also come up with some horrible results, but hey! It’s digital! You can just delete them!


Fiestas From Around The Globe! As 2007 draws to a close, Navigator brings you highlights of the best festivals and events from across the globe that are set to take place over the coming months. So if you haven’t made plans for your year-end vacation yet, why not check out one of the festivals below? What: Manly Jazz Festival Where: Sydney, Australia When: 29 September – 1 October


The annual Manly Jazz Festival in Sydney is the perfect place for you to kick back in true Aussie style and enjoy free performances from midday to sundown. Over 70 musicians performing different jazz styles will entertain audiences on five different outdoor stages. This year’s line-up promises something for everyone, with a great mix of up-and-coming talents, as well as established musicians from Australia and overseas showcasing mainstream, swing and classic jazz. Held over the weekend, the event is Australia’s largest and longest running community based Jazz Festival and is a must for all music lovers. If you are there on the first day, be sure to catch the street parade that will kick start the Festival in New Orleans style. The Festival’s stunning ocean backdrop and hip and bustling vibe add to the experience and make this a not-to-be-missed event.

What: Day of the Dead Where: Throughout Mexico When: 2 – 3 November Unlike the name suggests, Day of the Dead, or Dia de los Muertos, is not a morbid occasion. In fact, the Mexicans embrace and celebrate this day by dancing, holding picnics by the cemetery and putting up colourful altars around their town and homes. This is after all, the day when it is believed that the souls of the dead come back to their families. The holiday’s traditions generally revolve around the living remembering their departed relatives. Family members gather around the graves of their loved ones, usually bedecked with marigold flowers and candles, and tuck into a sumptuous meal. Sometimes, the celebrants bring toys for dead children and place bottles of tequila on the tombs of the adults. If you are traveling to Mexico during this time, visit the local cemetery and take in the sights of this unique ritual. Depending on which part of the country you are in, you can either catch candle-light vigils, folk dances, or a night time carnival-like procession at the graveyards. Day of the Dead is celebrated throughout the country but the more traditional customs are more apparent in southern Mexico and in the rural areas. What: Diwali Where: Throughout India When: 9 November

What: Eid ul Fitr Where: Singapore When: 13 October

In a land famed for its numerous festivals and fairs, one of India’s most colourful and best known celebrations is Deepavali or Diwali. As with most Indian festivals, Deepavali brings an abundance of colour, good food, and unbridled merriment every November.

Eid ul Fitr is celebrated by Muslims worldwide to mark the end of the fasting month, Ramadan. While celebrations are very different from country to country, it is always a day for feasting, celebration and thanksgiving. In the cultural melting pot of Singapore, this festival is also called Hari Raya Puasa and the festive mood starts during Ramadan itself, with bazaars springing up all over the island. The best time to visit Singapore and bask in the celebratory mood is about two weeks before Hari Raya, when preparations are at their peak.

Celebrations and customs differ in various locales and even between North and South India, but a common characteristic in all the celebrations is the illumination of lights, which signifies goodness in Hinduism. Bursts of fireworks and firecrackers starting from the eve of Deepavali are a crowd favourite, especially for children. In addition, thousands of diyas (small oil lamps) or candles can be found almost everywhere; in homes, walkways, temples and government buildings.

The most popular bazaar is in Geylang Serai, a bustling hive for Muslims to buy new clothes, local delicacies, textiles, antiques and decorations for their homes. This is a great time to immerse yourself in the Malay Muslim culture in Singapore; from sampling the delicious food and snacks, buying traditional costumes like “baju Melayu” for men and the “kebaya” for the ladies or simply sharing the joyous community spirit. Apart from the bustling outdoor market, the area is also famed for its Hari Raya light-up, where the whole street is decorated with brilliant streetlights, colour and much pomp.

To add to the festive mood, fairs called “Melas” are held throughout India. Main attractions of these Melas include food stalls selling sweet and savory delicacies, performances by jugglers, snake charmers and fortune tellers and puppet shows. Tourists visiting India during this period are assured of a treat for their senses.

L-R: KL at night, Lord Muragan’s Temple at the Batu Caves


What: Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade Where: New York City, USA When: 22 November

What: Putignano Carnival Where: Putignano, Italy When: 26 December – 5 February

Since 1924, Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York has been the main highlight of the Thanksgiving Holiday in the city, attracting two million onlookers and over 44 million television viewers. It started out with a group of immigrant employers working at Macy’s who wanted to celebrate Thanksgiving the European way, with a festival. The first parade was an instant hit and has continued until today. Spectators brave the chilly November winds to see a march of the trademark giant balloons, beautifully decorated floats, clowns, dancers and marching bands, as they parade around the city. Balloons of famous cartoon charac ters like Garfield, Snoopy and Spongebob Squarepants will delight both the young and the young at heart.

Join in the revelry that is Putignano Carnival, one of the oldest and longest parades in Italy. The celebration starts on 26 December annually in Putignano, in the province of Bari, with the age old tradition of Propaggine. This ancient ritual has its roots in the middle ages, when the Holy Relics of St Stefan’s Protomartyre were carried from Monopoli to Putignano and local farmers danced, sang and chanted rhymes during the original transfer. Now the relics are safely preserved in the Church of St Maria of the Greca but the cheerful procession continues to this day. The main draw of this carnival today is the enormous papier-mache floats. Despite its medieval origins, the floats now carry political or social messages. The carnival opens on 26 December each year and will continue on the three Sundays preceding Shrove Tuesday. The main parade will take place on 5 February next year.

The free parade lasts from 9am to noon but onlookers come as early as 6.30am to get themselves a good seat. It is advisable to wear layers of warm clothing and bring a thermos of hot tea or cocoa so you can enjoy the procession in comfort and without freezing. One day before the parade, you can also watch the balloons being inflated near the American Museum of Natural History. A definite must-see if you are in New York! 16

What: Christmas Market Where: Nuremberg, Germany When: 30 November – 24 December If gaudy decorations, fake snow and plastic fir trees are not your idea of a merry Christmas, you’ll be pleased to find that there is one place which still preserves the traditional charm and spirit of Christmas. Every year, tourists from all over the world flock to the famous Christmas Market in Nuremberg, which has been bestowed the honour of Germany’s “Number One Christmas City” by the German Tourist Office. Christmas markets in Germany have been around since the middle ages, and each year practically every city and town is transformed into a magical scene from a fairy tale. What’s unique about the Nuremberg Christkindlesmarkt (as it is called in German) is that stallholders restrict their wares to the traditional. No kitschy ornaments, twinkling lights or plastic junk are to be found. Instead, only traditional Christmas goods are sold throughout the 180 wooden red and white stalls. Locals and tourists alike will be delighted by the multicolored variety of food and wares on sale – gluhwein (hot spiced wine), spicy gingerbread, marzipan, Christmas sweets, roasted sausages, wooden nutcrackers, hand painted glass ornaments, beautifully decorated candles and other handmade gifts. Be sure to get your hands on the favourite Nuremberg souvenir, “Plum People,” little figures made from prunes. The best time to go is when the market is all lit up, so you can truly enjoy the enchanting ambiance. It gets dark early in winter in Germany, so by 5pm you can begin enjoying the lights. With the scent of cinnamon, almonds and gluhwein wafting through the air, the atmosphere is said to be almost magical, especially when it snows.

What: New Year’s Eve Celebration Where: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil When: 31 December Arguably the largest New Year’s Eve party happens at Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro, where about three million revellers gather for a massive countdown. Throngs of party goers greet the dawn of each new year with champagne and of course, a spectacular display of fireworks spanning 4 km that illuminate the beach in a kaleidoscope of colours. Live shows take place on outdoor stages that dot the whole beach. Here are some tips if you’re heading to Copacabana. Everyone wears white for the party, so make sure you abide by the dress code unless you want to stick out like a sore thumb. You can add a splash of color if you like; red for those looking for romance, yellow for wealth and green for good health. Bring flowers to throw into the sea before midnight. This is considered an offering to Lemanja, the goddess of the water. Some may even bring perfume, gifts and rice which are set off in little boats and cast adrift to sea. Lastly, plan your trip and book your hotel well in advance as it is not easy to get last minute air tickets and accommodation.


BELOW: Top: Underground Mosque Bottom: Friendly Locals Main Image: KL At Night

This is an all-night celebration with beautiful people, incredible beaches, wild nightlife, and great weather (it’s summer in Brazil). A perfect ending to the year indeed!

“If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay at home.” James Michener

Check with QVI Club & XchangeWorld for availability of locations during these festivals.



Dr. Edwin Arellano Bien: Successfully Treading the Road Less Travelled


The Amezcua Wellness Centre in Manila opened in February 2006 as the first modern urban spa clinic in the Philippines. It is an oasis for serenity and rejuvenation with its combination of spa treatments, wellness therapies, and fitness activities designed to guide one towards a healthy lifestyle. D r. E d w i n A r e l l a n o B i e n , M e d i c a l Director of Amezcua Wellness Centre, is a respected practitioner in the field and one of the few who received formal training and routinely practices integrative medicine in the country. He was recently nominated as contender for D i re c t o r- G e n e ra l o f t h e P h i l i p p i n e Institute for Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC); and by the time this issue is published, he will have taken his oath as Public Relations Officer of the Chamber of Herbal Industries Philippines, Inc., in ceremonies led by H.E. President of the Republic of the Philippines, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Currently, he has his hands full with various product endorsements that have made his face a staple on local commercials, and in the works is his own television programme.

which are rarely used by other medical establishments in the Philippines. Among these is the Body Terrain Assessment (BTA) or Quantitative Fluid Analysis. Part of the BTA results approximate a person’s age in terms of body condition. As a consequence of modern living, it generally reflects a number higher than one’s biological years. Our objective is to reduce this to a reasonable level, such as the case of a 68-year-old man who registered 90 years old from a scientific study of the state of his organs. We prescribed the necessary therapies, treatments, and supplements, and after a month, we narrowed the gap by a considerable 15 years. QL: How did you, a graduate of Medicine from the University of Santo Tomas, become so convinced of the benefits of Preventive Medicine that you chose to specialize in this relatively unpopular field?

We caught up with this “golden boy” of integrative medicine in the Philippines recently for an exclusive interview.

DB: I was inspired by the book ‘The Road Less Travelled’ by M. Scott Peck, M.D. The author touches on ‘prevention’ as an example of virtually eliminating potential health problems, if incorporated into one’s lifestyle. The concept made such an impact that I resolved to take up the challenge.

Q Lifestyle: What is so unique about the Amezcua Wellness Centre?

QL: What is the difference between conventional and alternative medicine?

Dr Bien: We boast some of the world’s most modern equipment and facilities

DB: Conventional medicine uses synthetic drugs to alleviate the problem

as it exists in its current state. Complementary methods tackle the source of the problem, aiming to prevent disease by strengthening the body’s immune system. If damage has occurred, they help in managing the illness by alleviating pain or discomfort. The process is made distinct by its espousal of homeopathy. Its advantages are numerous – no chemicals, safe, nontoxic, with no risk of overdose or side effects, and most of all, effective. QL: What is the major challenge you face at Amezcua Wellness Centre? D B : I fo re s e e w i d e r a cce p t a n ce o f integrative medicine as a complement to conventional medicine. The challenge is to obtain the market’s t r u s t i n a n e s t a b l i s h m e n t t h a t ca n provide professional services effectively. When this happens, Amezcua Wellness Centre will be able to offer its expertise to like-minded hospitals which recognize how a medi-spa can be an effective support to their practice of Western medicine. The full interview article can be found on

bonvo goes JAMBO*! *Jambo means Hello in Swahili Come explore magical Kenya with and experience why it is the safari capital of the world. From the foothills of the snow-capped Mt. Kilimanjaro to the vast, endless plains of the Masai Mara, this safari will definitely earn its place in your hearts and memories forever. Witness one of Nature’s most amazing annual feats – the Masai Mara Wildebeest Migration, dubbed as “the greatest show on earth,” where more than 1 million wildebeests, 500,000 gazelles and 200,000 zebras cross from Masai Mara to Serengeti from July to October. You can also try your luck to meet up close and personal with the Big Five of Africa – Elephant (ndovo), Rhino (kifaru), Leopard (chui), Buffalo (mbogo) & Lion (simba). bonvo has a variety of special packages available, ranging from 1-day city tours to 6D/5N safari adventures. Please visit the bonvo website for full details or email us now at [email protected] for details of these exciting tours!

Conference Specials:, bonvo has come up with special packages for the upcoming V-Africa conference in Nairobi, Kenya. bonvo selects the best hotels for each “Star” category to cater to every budget, located nearest to the Kenyatta International Conference Centre for convenience and block books the rooms for more value. Reservations are on a first come, first serve basis so do book early! E-Cards Accepted!

bonvo before you go!






Loving your Ghosts Thailand is a visual spec tacle with vibrant colours, unique buildings and shrines in abundance.

have dancers and elephants to ensure that the spirits do not become lonely or bored.

celebrations involve music, food, drinks and Buddhist Monks from the local monastery who also give their blessing.

One of the most common shrines that you will see in Thailand is that of the spirit house or Sarn Pran Prom.

Spirit houses are frequently located around business establishments, temples, schools and private residences. Their bright appearance is to ensure that the spirit house is an attractive shelter for any spirit or celestial being that may be passing or who would otherwise reside in the heavens. By making the spirit house so attrac tive, this also encourages the benevolent spirit to reside here rather than the main building and also ensures that homes, gardens, schools or businesses are protected.

V i s i t o r s ca n o f t e n s e e T h a i p e o p l e praying in front of the spirit houses where they will place food, drink, flowers, candles, incense or additional figurines on the spirit house pedestal in hope that their prayers come true.

Spirit worship, or Animism, was practised in Thailand before the arrival of Buddhism over 2,500 years ago. Over time, Buddhism and Animism have become intertwined and spirit houses are one of the results. A spirit house is a small unique wooden house that is often painted with vibrant colours or covered in a mosaic of m i r ro re d t i l e s . T h e y co u l d b e s t b e described as a birdhouse-sized Thai styled temple mounted on a pedestal. Within the spirit houses are two small figurines who act as hosts to the spirits while the more ornate spirit houses

So if you have a secret wish or desire to follow suit, find your nearest spirit house, and bring your offerings - the local Thai spirits may be listening.

Careful consideration must be made when building in Thailand as the spirit house must have a prominent position and not be overshadowed by any structure. Spectacular ceremonies are often planned and celebrated when the spirit house is installed. These

Split your vacation weeks for a more flexible holiday! To fully enjoy the flexibility of your QVI Club membership, you can choose to split your vacation week over different times of the year. Split weeks are popular with members who prefer to go on shorter holidays as this gives them the option to split the use into a three or four nights stay instead. T h e u s e o f s p l i t w e e k s i s c u r re n t l y available on all QVI Home Resorts and 26 Xchangeworld properties throughout A s i a . We ’ re c u r re n t l y a d d i n g m o re properties to the list, so watch this space for the latest updates! For reservations and enquiries, please email our customer care officers at [email protected] or visit for more information.

“Their bright appearance is to ensure that the spirit house is an attractive shelter for any spirit or celestial being that may be passing or who would otherwise reside in the heavens.” Simon Illingworth - GM Prana Resort

Hotel / Resort Name

Town / City

Chateau Dale Resort Pattaya Elegance Suites Hotel Bangkok Grand Tower Inn Bangkok Patong Tower Condominium Phuket Prana Samui Resorts & Spa Koh Samui BeiHai Furama Hotel Beihai City, Guangxi Province DaLi YiLong Inshore Hotel Daliang, Yunnan Province Furama Nanshan Garden Hotel Dalian City, Liaoning Province Good Chance Hotel Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province Guesthouse International Hotel Sanya City, Hainan Province Guilin Osmanthus Hotel Guilin City, Guangxi Province Hangzhou Xinjingshan Hotel Hangzhou City, ZheJiang Province Manhattan Bund Business Hotel Shanghai Vannabe Hot Spring & Seaview Sanya City, Hainan Province Wugong Hotel Shanghai Shanghai Wuhan Xuan Gong Hotel Wuhai City, Hubei Province Xiamen Gulang Villa Hotel Xiamen, Fujian Province Yantai International Hotel HaiKou City, Hainan Province Emerald Villas Bali Royal Bali Beach Club Candidasa Bali Royal Bali Beach Club Jimbaran Bali Country Villas, Kajang Selangor Leisure Bay Penang Perdana Beach Resort Langkawi Island Resort Suite Pyramid Tower Bandar Sunway, Selangor Sunway Hotel, Georgetown Georgetown, Penang Sunway Hotel, Seberang Jaya Seberang Jaya, Penang The Legend Hotel Kuala Lumpur The Legend Resort Cherating / Pahang Astoria Plaza Residential Suites Ortigas, Manila The Panoly Resort Hotel Malay Island, Boracay

Country Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand China China China China China China China China China China China China China Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Philippines Philippines

PASSPORT Taking a trip to Lijiang feels like taking a step back in time, giving the city its well deserved moniker of China’s best preserved town. Time seems to have stopped still in the enchanting town of Lijiang in Yunnan Province. It has one of the best preserved ancient towns in China, garnering the honour of being on UNESCO’s World Cultural Heritage list since 1997. The Old Town of Lijiang is famous for its sound preservation of 800 year old Chinese architecture and culture. This is one place where you can find a mix of south and north Chinese architectural styles. The people of Naxi, a minority ethnic group in China, make up most of the population in Lijiang and their culture and customs are still very much alive today. Numerous streams and brooks interweaving through the town, cobblestone streets instead of tarmac, local musicians playing traditional Naxi instruments – all these add to the charm and beauty of the city. In addition to its rich heritage and history, Lijiang is blessed with pleasant weather all year round. With snow capped mountains, forests, lakes and low floating clouds making up its picturesque landscape, it is no wonder the town is popular among tourists who want to be close to nature and away from the busy city life.


Clockwise From Top Right: Old men performing traditional music, Ornate antique door handles, Old man smoking opium, Village yak in traditional garb, Old town along the stream at night, Black Dragon Lake looking out towards White Dragon Mountain.

How to get there? From Kunming International Airport, connect to a domestic flight to Lijiang. The distance from Lijiang Domestic Airport to Lijiang Sina Hotel is approximately 26 km. You can take a taxi to the hotel, which will cost you about 100 RMB for a 30 minute drive. Please proceed through the South Gate to Lijiang Sina Hotel. Resort Amenities Operational private tour packages, Chinese restaurant, bar lounge (can be converted to conference hall), gift shop. Unit Amenities Telephone, internet broadband, safe Address Yunnan Lijiang Old Town Qi Yi Jie, Chong Ren Xiang 120, Yunnan, PC 674100 China Lijiang Sina Hotel is an Xchangeworld associated resort. Contact our Customer Care Team at (65) 6491 0927 or email [email protected] to book your holiday now!

Lijiang, China

Old World Charm!

In the heart of the Old Town lies the Lijiang Sina Hotel, where guests can enjoy modern amenities within traditionally-styled accommodation. Dining in the hotel is a unique experience itself, with the restaurant located in an open courtyard alongside the streams. Savouring the best of Naxi culinary delights as well as international cuisine in such tranquil s e t t i n g s w i l l ce r t a i n l y w h e t o n e ’ s a p p e t i t e . W i t h t h e breathtaking Lijiang scenery as a backdrop, the Lijiang Sina Hotel is a great accommodation for you and your family.

Top L-R: View from Lijiang towards White Dragon Mountain, Lijiang’s unique cuniform good luck charms, Lighting lotus candles. Bottom L-R: Relaxing at Two-Tigers Gorge, Girl releasing lotus candle in stream, Performance of traditional ethnic singing and dance, Calligraphy master at work. Main Image: White Dragon Mountains




Left: Ibu Rayi Anggraini enjoying her QVI Club holiday

We caught up with Ibu Rayi Anggraini from Indonesia, a Platinum Club member since 2003, and found out the secret to the perfect holiday.

Q: What attracted you to becoming a QVI Club Member? I: I like the Vacation Membership concept. It allows me to have tomorrow’s holidays at today’s price. Being a QVI Member also gives me a kind of commitment that I should take a holiday for at least one week, once a year. Q: What is your most memorable holiday experience and why?


I: It was my trip to Europe in 1997, before the Asian economic crisis. I went to eight countries in Europe within a week, it was crazy! I started from London and it was a multi-national tour with Asians, Indians, and Europeans. Imagine a bunch of people from around the world sitting in the coach wandering around Europe!!


Q: How about your worst holiday experience and why?

In this issue, FROM THE GALLEY takes a look at festive food representing some of our holiday travel destinations.

I: The same as my most memorable one! One week, eight countries… it was tough. It was my worst holiday ever but yet the most memorable one too.

To submit a recipe, email us at [email protected]

Q: What do you like to do most when on vacation?


I: I love going sightseeing. Shopping is not my priority and not always on my list. When I travel, I spend every day immersing myself in the local culture and history and visiting well known places. This can keep me busy the whole trip. Q: What are your favorite destinations? I: The mountains, especially in Europe during autumn. It’s beautiful. I can see so many colours in the leaves. I like the greenery and the fresh air. I also love it when it snows, it reminds me of Christmas. Q: What is your idea of a perfect holiday? I: Well, for me a holiday is not just about a holiday. It’s also about the experience, exposure, and learning. All this makes a perfect holiday. Q: Amongst all the countries you have been to, which one has left you with the strongest impression? I: Can it be two countries? I would say Paris (France) and Vienna (Austria). Q: Name at least 3 essential items you always take with you when traveling overseas. I: Handy bag, travel wallet and camera. Q: If you were to be exiled to a desert island and could only take one person and one personal item with you, what would you select? I: My husband, of course and my magic handbag which contains everything I need!



Makes roughly 35-40 Cookies DOUGH 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 c up chopped candied fruit 1 1/2 tsp ground cloves 1 tbs ground cinnamon 1 tsp baking soda 1 cup chopped nuts

1/2 cup honey 2 1/2 cup flour 1 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg 1/4 tsp salt grated rind of 1/2 lemon 2 tsp orange juice

GLAZE juice of 1/2 lemon

confectionery sugar

Preheat oven to 163 celsius. Heat honey and sugar to boil. Add the rest of the ingredients. Add a little more OJ if mixture is too hard to combine. It’s easiest to mix this with your hands once it cools off enough. Spread in a 9x11 pan lined with parchment paper. Bake for 20-25 minutes. When cool, make glaze: combine lemon juice and confectionery sugar to a consistency that is not too runny yet not too thick to spread. Spread over baked Früchtebrötchen. Let sit at room temperature. When glaze has hardened, remove Früchtebrötchen from pan and cut into diamond shapes by cutting diagonally one way first across the Früchtebrötchen and then the opposite direc tion.


CAKE 1/4 cup powdered sugar 3/4 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon 1/2 tsp ground cloves 1/4 tsp salt 3 large eggs 1 cup granulated sugar 2/3cup mashed pumpkin 1 cup walnuts, chopped (optional) FILLING 1 pkg. (8 oz.) cream cheese 1 cup powdered sugar 6 tbsp butter or margarine 1 tsp vanilla extract Powdered sugar (optional for decoration) FOR CAKE: PREHEAT oven to190° C. Grease 15 x 10-inch jelly-roll pan; line with wax paper. Grease and flour paper. COMBINE cake ingredients till smooth. Spread evenly into prepared pan. Sprinkle with nuts. BAKE for 13 to 15 minutes or until top of cake springs back when touched. Loosen and turn cake onto prepared towel. Carefully peel off paper. Roll up cake and towel together, starting with narrow end. Cool on wire rack. FOR FILLING: BEAT ingredients till smooth. Carefully unroll cake. Spread cream cheese mixture over cake. Reroll cake. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate at least one hour. Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving, if desired.

“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” J.R.R. Tolkien Makes 100 Pineapple Tarts

Makes about 40 bars

140g plain flour 140g self-raising flour 125g icing sugar 150g butter 50g ground almonds 1tsp vanilla essence 2 egg yolks 2 teaspoons pineapple juice/lemon juice 1 kg pineapple jam

250 gm Almonds (soaked overnight) 200 gm Sugar powdered Few tbsp Milk Silver foil (optional) Pistachios and/or almonds (whole) (optional)

Sift all the flour and sugar in a bowl and mix well. Cut butter into small cubes and add to flour mixture. Use fingertips to rub the butter into the flour until mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Add vanilla essence, beaten egg yolks and pineapple/lemon juice. Mix into a smooth dough. Wrap up with a cling film and chill in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. Roll the dough and using a tart cutter, stamp out the pieces. Place some pineapple jam in the centre. Place on baking trays which are lined with grease-proof paper. Brush pastry and top of the jam with beaten egg. Bake in preheated oven at 175 degrees for 15 minutes or until golden brown.

Drain and change water from almonds. Peel almonds. Keep aside. Wash once more to remove any traces of brownishness. Grind to a fine paste using as little milk as possible. In a heavy large skillet mix paste and sugar. At this point you can stir in whole pistachios and/or almonds (optional). Cook, stirring constantly, using a large handled spoon or spatula. Take care of splattering in initial stages. Also, do not stop stirring because the mixture burnt and stuck to bottom of skillet will spoil the taste. When a soft lump is form, which leaves sides of skillet easily, take off fire. Grease a clean work surface and a rolling pin with melted ghee (crisco also works). Put lump on it. Roll quickly while still warm to 1/5” thickness. Apply silver foil and press lightly with foil paper(optional). Mark out long diamond shapes with a sharp knife. When almost cool remove carefully with a sharp edged wide spatula. Cool completely before storing in layers between sheets of butter paper. Top with whole Almond or Pistachio before serving.

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