Natural Anti-cancer Remedies

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NATURAL ANTI-CANCER REMEDIES A 3RD OPINION ( Some of these Remedies also work against AIDS. ) DISCLAIMER: This list was compiled from unorthodox sources that have shown themselves to be reliable. The compiler of this list is NOT a doctor of any kind, but is exercising his First Amendment Constitutional RIGHT of FREE SPEECH on the subjects of his choice. ( MOST of these Remedies can be found in ANY Grocery Store. MOST of the rest of them can be found in ANY Health Food Store. What is important is HOW they are used, and, for the first two remedies below, what else is EXCLUDED DURING their use. ) (1) THE 7-DAY FAST. 1st day: Eat as much fresh fruit as you want, one kind at a time, preferably grapes. 2nd day: Eat all the vegetables you want, at least half raw, including GARLIC; also, whole kernel corn to help scrape clean the intestinal linings. 3rd day: Drink all the fresh fruit and vegetable juice you want. Preferably start with 16 to 32 ounces of prune juice WITH PULP, followed by a gallon of pure (NOT from concentrate) apple juice, then grape juice. (Stay close to your home bathroom.) 4th day: Eat all the UN-salted nuts (NO peanuts) and dried fruit you want, preferably raisins and almonds (ALMONDS CONTAIN LAETRILE.). 5th day: ONE GALLON OF LEMONADE. Squeeze the juice from two lemons into a gallon of water (preferably distilled), and add 2 to 4 tablespoons of locally-made honey, (NO sugar). Drink one glass per hour. [EVERYone, including healthy people, should do this one day every week, preceded by a large glass of prune juice WITH PULP.] 6th day: Same as 5th day. 7th day: Same as 6th day. All 7 days, eat ONLY the foods listed above for each day, along with your usual vitamin and mineral supplements, plus as much DISTILLED WATER as you want. (2) THE GRAPE DIET. Eat 2 to 3 ounces of fresh grapes every 2 hours, 8 AM to 8 PM, every day for six days. Eat NOTHING else during the six days, but drink as much DISTILLED WATER as you want. (3) APPLE CIDER VINEGAR.

Mix a teaspoon of pure apple cider vinegar (NOT apple cider "flavored" vinegar. Regular vinegar is HARMFUL.) in a glass of water (preferably distilled) and drink all of it. Do this 3 or 4 times per day, for 3 weeks; then stop for a week. Repeat if desired. Do this along with a normal healthy diet of natural foods. This remedy is especially effective against those types of cancer that resemble a FUNGUS, as well as against other kinds of fungus infections. (4) THE SEA-SALT & SODA BATH. [Please keep an OPEN MIND.] Fill a bathtub with moderately warm water so the level comes up almost to the overflow drain when you get in. Immerse yourself in it for a minute, and then completely dissolve in the bath water 1 pound of SUN-evaporated SEA-salt (regular salt won't work.) and 1 pound of fresh baking-soda. Soak in this bath for 10 to 20 minutes, while exercising your fingers, toes, and limbs, turning sideways and onto your stomach, dunking your head, sitting up and laying back down, chomping your teeth together, etc.. Among other things, the SEA-salt & Soda Bath neutralizes the accumulated effects of X-rays, etc., as described in the book "Born To Be Magnetic, Vol. 2", by Frances Nixon, 1973. PRECAUTIONS: Only the ONE person using each bath should prepare it and drain it. For at least 30 minutes after taking the bath, stay away from, and even out of sight of, other people. (Your greatly expanded Aura energy-field during that time could disrupt other people's fields.) Two hours after the bath, eat at least 8 ounces of yogurt containing ACTIVE Yogurt Cultures. (The bath may kill FRIENDLY bacteria also.) Better yet, take a 2-Billionbacteria "Acidophilus" capsule, which is also an EXCELLENT DAILY REMEDY AGAINST THE EFFECTS OF "A.I.D.S." (because it kills all kinds of harmful bacteria in the digestive tract, taking a big load off the remaining immune system). [Because this external bath can kill IN-ternal bacteria, it may also be a CURE for "Lyme disease".] Do NOT take this bath within a few hundred miles of a thunder storm, within 3 days of a full moon, nor during "Major" or "Minor Periods" as listed in the "Solunar Tables" published bimonthly in "Field & Stream" Magazine, (because of the measurable disruptive ambient environmental energy-fields present at those times). Do NOT take this bath more than four times per year. (5) MISCELLANEOUS NATURAL ANTI-CANCER REMEDIES: For skin cancer, apply STABILIZED Aloe Vera Jel to the affected skin twice daily, and take 2 to 4 tablespoons per day of STABILIZED Aloe Vera Juice internally, for

about 2 months. D.M.S.O. (Dimethyl Sulfoxide) causes cancer cells to perform NORMAL cell functions. ALMONDS (UN-blanched, UN-roasted) CONTAIN LAETRILE. To help prevent cancer, eat several almonds every day. To help cure cancer, eat several OUNCES of almonds per day. [NEVER take large concentrated doses of Laetrile orally. IT WILL KILL YOU! Take it INTRAVENOUSLY ONLY. (Cancer cells contain a certain enzyme which converts Laetrile into cyanide, which then kills the cell. This enzyme is ALSO present in the digestive system.)] ANTI-OXIDANTS are FREE-RADICAL SCAVENGERS, and include Vitamin E, Selenium (200 mcg. per day is safe for most people.), Chromium (up to 100 mcg. per day), Vitamin A (25,000 IU per day is safe for most people.), Superoxide Dismutase (up to 4,000,000 Units per day), Vitamin C (up to 3000 mg. per day), and BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene), [1 to 4 capsules of BHT every night at bedtime will also MAKE ONE IMMUNE AGAINST HERPES (BOTH types), suppress herpes symptoms if one already has herpes, prevent spreading herpes to other people, but will not cure herpes. BHT MIGHT ALSO DO THESE THINGS AGAINST "A.I.D.S.", which is really a form of cancer similar to leukemia.] (See the book "Life Extension", by Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw.) HYDROGEN-PEROXIDE. Dilute twelve (12) drops of 3% hydrogen-peroxide in a glass of pure water (preferably DISTILLED) and drink it. Do this once or twice per day, hours before or after eating or drinking anything else. Apply 3% hydrogen-peroxide directly to skin cancers several times per day. Use hydrogen-peroxide ONLY if you are taking a good daily dose of some of the various anti-oxidants described above. VITAMIN & MINERAL SUPPLEMENTS are more effective, and much less expensive, when COMBINED together in MEGA doses into SINGLE tablets made from NATURAL sources. Cancer cells can NOT live in a strong (100,000 Maxwell) NORTH MAGNETIC FIELD, especially if it is pulsating on and off. [A strong south magnetic field is an aphrodisiac.] In my opinion, ALL types of ionizingradiation treatments for cancer should be REPLACED with daily 30-minute doses of pulsating 100,000-Maxwell NORTH

magnetic fields. Properly made and operated RADIONICS/PSIONICS MACHINES can both diagnose and cure all forms of cancer, as well as most other medical problems. Some Radionics/Psionics Machines can even take cross-sectional X-ray-like photos of cancer tumors, etc., with-OUT X-rays! [One source of Radionic/Psionic Equipment is Bruce Copen Laboratories, Highfield, Danehill, Sussex RH17 7EX, England. Write to them for their latest Cataloque.] INTERFERON tablets. TAHEEBO TEA, (Lapacho). HOMEOPATHY can cure cancer, and many other medical problems (even drug addiction!). [Homeopathic Remedies can be made ELECTRONICALLY using special Electronic Vibro-Potentizing Equipment such as that available from Bruce Copen Laboratories, Highfield, Danehill, Sussex RH17 7EX, England. Write to them for their latest Catalogue.] 50 mg. per day of CHELATED ZINC can help prevent or cure prostate trouble. This list is NOT exhaustive. The above NATURAL Remedies can CURE both diagnosed AND UNDIAGNOSED cancers, as well as PREVENT them, and also prevent and cure many other medical problems including heartdiseases. They are NOT too simple and inexpensive to work effectively. Besides acting on a person biologically and chemically, these remedies, especially The 7-Day Fast and The Grape Diet, send a strong message to one's subconscious mind, PROGRAMMING it to CURE the cancer. In my opinion, if a person finds out that s/he has cancer, then s/he should promptly try at least the first 4 remedies described above, in sequence (starting with The 7-Day Fast), BEFORE resorting to the UN-natural and expensive mutilations and agonies [POISON, BURN, and MUTILATE!] of orthodox cancer treatment [organi$ed-CRIME!]. DISCLAIMER: This list was compiled from unorthodox sources that have shown themselves to be reliable. The compiler of this list is NOT a doctor of any kind, but is exercising his

First Amendment Constitutional RIGHT of FREE SPEECH on the subjects of his choice. FOR MORE INFORMATION, contact Cancer Control Society, 2043 N.

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