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1>1RECTORY National Scientists and other Academicians

Copyright ©2006 by the National Academy of Science and Technology. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without prior written permission of the publisher.

ISSN 1908-2517

Published by The National Academy of Science and Technology Philippines 2/F Philippine Science Heritage Center, DOST Complex, Bicutan, 1631 Taguig City, Philippines email: [email protected].. ph; [email protected]

Foreword The

National Academy


Science and Technology (NAST) Philippines, the country's premier advisory and recognition body on S& T matters, is proud to present the Directory of National Scientists and Academicians. The Directory is more than a simple compilation of the names of the members of the National Academy of Science and Technology. For the iinformation of the reader, it also gives a glimpse ofthe History, Mandates and Organizational Structure of the Academy. We are proud of the achievements of the Academy but these would not have been possible without the commitment of our national scientists and academicians and the help of all sectors of society, especially the other members of science community It is hoped that this publication can foster greater awareness of the Academy and its role in achieving the vision of A Progressive Philippines Anchored on Science.

1~~m~6~ o, M.D.

Pef1~ D. S~tos Oca President (1999


Foreword The National Academy of Science and Technology History Mandate Organization Membership to the Academy Honorary Membership Rank and Title of National Scientist Directory National Scientists Other Academicians Corresponding Members Honorary Member


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Hatiead Al'lldulg e1 Seiuee tW1 T~y (HAST)

The National Academy of Science and Technology is the symbol of the nation's commitment to sc1ence. The proposal for its creation originated from the University of the Philippines and was heartily endorsed by the National Science Development Board (the predecessor-agency of the Department of Science and Technology) to the President of the Philippines. On October 6, 1976, a National Academy of Science was created by Presidential Decree 1003. A subsequent amendment established instead the National Academy of Science and Technology and expanded the base of the NAST membership. Thus, PD. 1003-A signed on December 17, 1976, is regarded as the enabling legislation for the present National Academy The science community then submitted nominations of the most eminent among their number to be members of the Academy The President of the Philippines named ten scientists from a wide range of disciplines to be the first Academicians in 1978. Henceforth, nominations have come from the scientific community but their election as Academicians is the prerogative of the members of the Academy alone, following their strict rules of review and selection. Every Member is distinguished, known nationally and internationally in his or her own right. Collectively the Academy represents the best of what this country has produced in science and technology


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To recognize outstanding achievements in science and technology as we// as provide meaningful incentives to those engaged in scientific and technological researches (P0.1003-A) To advise the President and the Cabinet on matters related to science and technology (E 0. 818) To engage in proJects and programs designed to recognize outstanding achievements in science and promote scientific productivity (E 0 818) To embark on programs traditional!y and internationally expected of an academy of science (E 0. 818)

The National Academy of Science and Technology is composed of members called Academicians. The general membership which shall not exceed seventy five (75) at any one time is the policy making body of the Academy. There are at least two meetings of the Academy a year: an annual meeting held on the last Thursday of February and a special meeting on the last Thursday of May. Other special meetings of the Academy may be called by the President of the Academy, by the Executive Council, or by 20% of the members of the Academy An Academician belongs to one of the following divisions of the Academy: I. Agricultural Sciences II. Biological Sciences Ill. Chemical, Mathematical and Physical Sciences IV Engineering Sciences and Technology V Health Sciences VI. Social Sciences The general administration and direction of the affairs of the Academy are vested in an Executive Council of seven members appointed by the President of the Philippines for a term of three years. It has the following powers and duties: a.


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To exercise general administration and direction of the affairs of the Academy; To recommend general policies for the approval of the Academy; To recommend programs/projects to the Academy; To present to the Academy nominations for membership, including pertinent information about the nominees, after making the necessary study; To present proposed nominees for National Scientist to the Academy for its consideration and recommendation to the President of the Philippines; To recommend to the Academy for its consideration an annual budget of expenditures for submission to the Department of Budget and Management through the Department of Science and Technology; To recommend to the Academy benefits, privileges, and incentives extended to Academicians and National Scientists;



To recommend to the Academy changes in the rules and regulations; and i. To exercise other powers and perform other duties in accordance with Section 3 of Presidential Decree 1003-A.

The President, Vice-President, and Secretary are elected by the general membership from members of the Executive Council for the duration of their membership in the Executive Council. The three officers are also referred to as the Bureau. Regular meetings of the Executive Council are held every 2nd Thursday of the month. An Executive Director heads the NAST Secretariat which implements the decisions of the Executive Council, and attends to the day-to-day affairs of the Academy. The Secretariat consists of two divisions: Technical Services Division and Administrative Division. The Academy is an attached agency of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and serves as an advisory agency to the Department.

At present, the Academy is a select group of fifty (50) living members all of whom have made outstanding contributions to science and technology in the Philippines and internationally They are clustered into six divisions: Agricultural Sciences Division, Biological Sciences Division, Chemical, Mathematical and Physical Sciences Division, Engineering Sciences and Technology Division, Health Sciences Division, and Social Sciences Division. A Filipino scientist may become a nominee to the Academy if formally endorsed by at least three Academicians. Credentials of a nominee are then reviewed by the Committee where his/her field of specialization falls, the Executive Council, and the general membership under a prescribed screening system. A nominee joins the roster of Academicians if he/she obtains more than 50% of the votes of the full membership of the Academy and after a formal investiture. Membership in the Academy is for life unless terminated for cause, by voluntary resignation, or by loss of Filipino citizenship. An Academician may be separated for cause by a majority vote of the full membership at a special meeting called for that purpose.


In 2002, NAST created the category of Corresponding Member who has the same scientific qualifications as regular member: (a) has made exemplary contributions to science; (b) must have continuing connections to Philippine science: has advanced the cause of science in the Philippines by serious and continuous activities through: working on Philippine problems; training Filipino scholars; and building institutions of science in the Philippines; (c) regularly coming to the Philippines to practice his/her fields of expertise; and (d) waiving of Filipino citizenship and residency, as long as the first three qualifications are met. It is an honorific membership with no monetary benefits and no right to vote. The total corresponding membership is limited to not more than one-fourth (1 14) of regular Academy membership. With the original 10 members, the Academy has elected a total of eighty (84) Academicians but only 54 of these are living. Out of the 84 Academicians, four (4) are Corresponding Members.

The Academy may confer honorary membership to outstanding scientists who are not citizens of the Philippines who qualify under one of the following conditions: (a) those who have won a Nobel Prize and (b) other world-recognized scientists who have been awarded such prestigious prizes as in the World Food Prize, the Ramon Magsaysay Award and the Japan Prize for their contributions to science and technology. It is understood that the Honorary Membership will be recommended for scientists qualified above only if they travel to the Philippines and give a lecture to the National Academy of Science and Technology. Honorary members are entitled to receive the academic gowns and medals conferred on all members of the Academy. They are not entitled to


any monetary and other benefits that are reserved by law only to citizens of the Philippines They may attend and participate in Academy meetings but do not have the right to vote or to be voted upon.

The Order of "National Scientist'' is the highest honor that could be given to a Filipino scientist for exemplary, significant achievements and contributions to science and technology The Academy ' ~ may recommend annually to the President of the ·· Philippines who shall be accorded the Order of "National Scientist." ~/i <~~·


Scientists are wortd'National ' I c ass sc1ent1sts who have made our country proud through their

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. ''·'f, chosen f1elds of sc1entlf1c mqwry, "'"(a.ij{:) and who through their original insights · · and findings have enriched our understanding of the human condition and the material universe around us. Their original contributions are of lasting value to humankind. Twenty nine (29) National Scientists have been named since 1978, of these, eleven (11) are living national treasures.


AGONCILLO, TEODORO A. Field of Specialization Philippine History Date of Birth 09 November 1912 Date of Death 04 January 1985 Education Ph.B., University of the Ph11Jppines. 19J4 M.A. (Philosophy). Un~versltys of the Philippines, 1935 Doctor of Letters, Honons causa, Central Philippine University, 1969 Year Elected to the Academy 1979 Year Proclaimed as National Scientist 1985

Considered as a radical historian, and the maj, r in luence in Philippine Historiography, which reflects the Filipin•) poi;-:t of view, from its beginnings, when it was largely unf)opular. to the present when it is now integral with Filipino writing of history.

ALZONA, ENCARNACION A. Field of Specialization Philippine History 25 March 1895 Date of Birth Date of Death 13 March 2001 Education B.S., University of the Philippines, 1913 M.A., University ofthe Philippines, 1918 A.M., Radcliffe, College, Harvard University, 1920 Ph.D. (History), Columbia University, 1922 Year Elected to the Academy 1979 Year Proclaimed as National Scientist 1985

Eminent historian and mentor to generation of other eminent historians. A prolific writer, some of her works have already become classics, particularly History of Education in '.he Philippines. First woman Ph.D. in the Philippines. Has received praccically every distinguished award the country can bestow on a person.


BALTAZAR, CLARE R. Field of Specialization Systematic Entomology Date of Birth 01 November 1927 Education B. S.A. Summa cum laude (Entomology), University of the Philippines, 1947 M.S. (Economic Entomology}, Universitys of Wisconsin, 1950 Ph.D. (Systematic Entomology}, University of Wisconsin, 1957 Address 1571 Pasaje Rosario Paco, Manila Tel. No. (02) 521-5024 Year Elected to the Academy 1981 Year Proclaimed as National Scientist 2001

She has devoted her life to studying the diversity of Philippine insects. She discovered and named over a hundred species and nine new genera of parasitic wasps, and identified effective biological controls. Her five books and monographs are essential references for many scientists and conservationists from all over the world. Known as the "First Filipina Entomologist" she set standards of excellence for all Filipino entomologists to emulate.

BANZON, JULIAN A. Field of Specialization Biophysical Chemistry Date of Birth 25 March 1908 Date of Death 14 September 1988 Education B.S. (Chemistry), University of the Philippines, 1930 Ph.D. (Chemistry}, Iowa State University, 1937 Year Elected to the Academy 1981 Year Proclaimed as National Scientist 1986

Dedicated his scientific endeavors to the Philippine palm, the coconut, a renewable source of chemical and fuels. The producdtion of ethyl esters, coming from two Philippi11e indigenous crops, sugar cane and coconut, is one of the first studies on fuels. He has devised an extraction of residual coconut oil by chemical, rather than by physical process.


CAMPOS, PAULO C. Field of Specialization Nuclear Medicine 27 July 1921 Date of Birth Education A.A., College of Liberal Arts, University of the Philippines, 1940 M.D., College of Medicine, University of the Philippines, 1945 Postgraduate, John Hopkins School of Medicine. 1953 Harvard School of Medicine. 1953, 1958 Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Medicine, 1958 Address 10/F Medical Center Manila 1122 Gen Luna Street, Taft Avenue, Ermitan, Manila Tel. No. (02) 523-5895; 523-81311ocal3001!3002 Year Elected to the Academy 1981 Year Proclaimed as National Scientist 1989 Outstanding research on nuclear medicine, insulin action, red cells, and goiter. He has established many "first" in the medical world of the Philippines: the first radioistope laboratory and medical research laboratory at the UP College of Medicine; the first thyroid clinic at the Philippine General Hospital; and the first comprehensive community health program in the country.

CASTILLO, GELIA T. Field of Specialization Rural Sociology 03 March 1928 Date of Birth Education A.B. Magna cum laude (Psychology), University of the Philippines, 1948 M.S. (Rural Sociology), Pennsylvania State University, 1958 Ph.D. (Rural Sociology), Cornell University, 1960 Adctress International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) Los Banos, Laguna Tel. No. (02) 845-0563 local 2538 email address gtcastillo@mozcom. com Year Elected to the Academy 1983 Year Proclaimed as National Scientist 1999 She made social science theories and concepts more relevant to the policymakers and the public. An eminent Filipino social scientist who has devoted her career to help those who "have less in life", putting science in the services of equity and ethics. Her devotion to her craft and calling continuously inspires younger scholars, teachers, students alike, researchers and development practitioners.


CORPUZ, ONOFRE D. Field of Specialization Political Economics and Government Date of Birth 01 December 1926 Education A. B. Magna cum laude, University of the Philippines, 1950 M.A., University of Illinois, 1953 M.PA.. Harvard University, 1955 Ph. .D., Harvard University, 1956 Address #1 Amethyst Street, UP Professors Village Barangay Culiat, Tandang Sora, Quezon City Tel No (02) 952-2103 Year Elected to the Academy 1999 Year Proclaimed as National Scientist 2004

He was recognized for his sterling contributions to the fields of political science and Philippine social and economic history. The refreshing trademarks of Dr. Corpuz' scholarly journey are an unalloyed fidelity to facts, a disdain for unsubstantiated claims and the courage to challenge existing orthodoxies and familiar interpretations. The depth and breadth of Dr. Corpuz' insights, his grasps, and illumination of difficult abstractions and his intimate knowledge of the original documents make him a model social scientist.

DE OCAMPO, GEMINIANO T. Field of Specialization Ophthalmology Date of Birth 16 September 1907 Date of Death 02 September 1987 Education MD., University CJf the Philipprnes, 1932 Year Elected to the Academy 1979 Year Proclaimed as National Scientist 1982

The Philippines' pioneer in modern ophthalmology, established the first eye hospital in the country and introduced corneal transplantation. Designed the corneal dissector which was manufactured commerciatty in United States in 1956.


DEL MUNDO, FE Field of Specialization Pediatrics Date of Birth 27 November 1911 Education M.D. (Valedictorian), Universityofthe Philippines, 1933 M.A (Bacteriology), Boston University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1940 Address Dr. Fe del Mundo Medical Center Philippines 11 Banawe Street, Quezon City Tel. No. (02) 712-0845; 712-5796 1980 Year Elected to the Academy 1980 Year Proclaimed as National Scientist

Dedicated her life to the cause of pediatrics in the country. Her research on pediatrics, and her training programs for physicians, paramedics and lay health workers in child care, and her extension services to remote rural areas became the moving spirit behind the establishment of various pediatric institutions in the country.

DEL ROSARIO, CASIMIRO Field of Specialization Physics Date of Birth 13 June 1896 Date of Death 15 September 1982 B.S. (Chemical Engineering}, University ofthe Philippines, 1918 Education M.S. (Physics), Yale University, 1924 Ph.D. (Physics), Universtty of Pennsylvania, 1932 Year Elected to the Academy 1979 Year Proclaimed as National Scientist 1982

His researches on ultraviolet light of different wavelengths, on the effect of radioactive radiations on euglena, on the high voltage electrical discharges in high vacuum, soft x-rays, and many others, earned for himself and his country lasting honor and distinction.


ENCARNACION, JOSE JR. Field of Specialization Economics Date of Birth 17 November 1928 Date of Death 05 July 1998 Education Ph.B. (Philosophy). Universityofthe Philippines, 1950 MA (Philosophy) University of the Philippines, 1954 AM (Economics), Princeton University, 1958 Ph.D. (Economics), Princeton University, 1960 Year Elected to the Academy 1070 Year Proclaimed as National Scientist 1987 Noted economist. His contributions to economic theory have been published internationally. As professor and dean of the UP School of Economics, the institution became a regional as well as a national resource.

ESCURO, PEDRO B. Field of Specialization Genetics and Plant Breeding Date of Birth 02 August 1923 Date of Death 08 September 2000 Education B. S.A. Magna cum laude (Agronomy), University of the Philippines, 1952 MS. (Plant Breeding), Cornell University, 1954 Ph.D. (Genetics and Plant Breeding), University of Minnesota, 1959 Doctor of Science, honoris causa, University of the Philipptnes 1979 Year Elected to the Academy 1979 Year Proclaimed as National Sctentist 1994 Provided the leadership in the development, isolation and release of many rice cultivars in the Philippines. The classic rice cultivar (4 6 3 is high yielding, resistant to many diseases and insect pests and has become the standard for high quality rice in the Philippines as well as in many other rice growing countries.


FRONDA, FRANCISO M. Field of Specialization Animal Husbandry Date of Birth 22 December 1896 Date of Death 17 February 1986 Education B.S.(Agriculture)., University of the Philippines, 1919 MS. (Poultry Science), Cornell University, 1920 Ph.D. (Poultry Science), Cornell University, 1922 Year Elected to the Academy 1979 Year Proclaimed as National Scientist 1983

Devoted over six decades of his life to teaching, research and extension activities. Contributed immensely to what is today the country's multimillion peso livestock industry. He was instrumental in the development of the poultry industry in Southeast Asia.

JULIANO, BIENVENIDO 0. Field of Specialization Organic Chemistry Date of Birth 15 August 1936 Education B.S.A., Magna cum laude, University of the Philippines, 1955 M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry}, Ohio State University, Columbus, 1958 Ph.D. (Organic Chemistry), Ohio State University, Columbus, 1959 Address Philippine Rice Research Institute (Phi/Rice) Los Banos, Laguna Tel. No. (049) 536- 3633 email address [email protected] Year Elected to the Academy 1979 Year Proclaimed as National Scientist 2000

He contributed to the improvement of rice and rice food products and their nutritional values, and means to evaluate rice quality-- making a relevant socio-economic impact in many riceeating countries of the world. His works appeared in international journals. He trained many scientists and researchers who have further contributed to rice science and technology.


LAG MAY, ALFRL:DO V. Field of Specializatior, Experimental Psychology DateofBirth 14August1919 Date of Death 1!'i December 2005 Education PI: ..<. rpr.;•,.,sophy), University of the Philippines, 1947 MA. (Philosophy), University of the Philippines, 1951 Ph.D. (Ex:x~rimental Psychology), Harvard University, 1955 Address 8 Pur0k Hen. Emilio Aguinaldo UP Campus, Diliman, Quezon City Tel. No. (02) 928-4627 1978 Year Elected to the r1Cadomy Year Proclaimed as National Scientist 1988

Recognized for his studies relating experimental analysis of behavior , Lchavior modification, relaxation and related states and hypnosis.

LANTICAN, RICARDO M. Field of Specialization Plant Breeding and Genetics 08 January 1933 Date of Birth B.S. (Agriculture), University of the Philippines, 1954 Education M.S. (Plant Breeding), North Carolina State University, 1956 Ph.D. (Plant Breeding and Genetics), Iowa State University, 1961 Year Elected to the Academy 1988 Address Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture University of the Philippines, Los Banos. Laguna Tel. No. (049) 536-2466; 536-2468

For his research on cytoplasmic inheritance of hypersensitivity to a disease in maize, a discovery that has created an awareness among biologists of the importance of genetic diversity as a weapon against environmental adversities. Dr. Lantican's efforts in plant breeding, more specifically in the development ofvarietal resistance and the improvement of plant structure and morphology, have paved the way for the release of outstanding varieties. These varieties are now being commercially grown by farmers in the Philippines, parts of Southeast Asia, East Asia and South Asia. The new plant structure developed in mungbean through his effort and that of his team has resulted in doubling of yields. The plant types evolved in the Philippines were hea.vily used as parents in the breeding program of the Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC) in Taiwan 10

LARA, HILARIO D.G. Field of Specialization Public Health Date of Birth 15 January 1894 Date of Death 18 December 1987 Education M.D. University of the Philippines, 1919 MPH. (Epidemiology), Johns Hopkins University, 1923 Dr PH. (Epidemiology), Johns Hopkins University, 192 Year Elected to the Academy 1983 Year Proclaimed as National Scientist 1985

His exhausting studies on the epidemiology of cholera, typhoid, dysentery, measles, and diphtheria led to the control of these diseases in the country. Devoted more that 50 years of his life to public health.

UM-SYUANCO, CLARA Y. Field of Specialization Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry Date of Birth 18 August 1925 Education B.S. Magna cum laude (Chemistry), Silliman University, 1949 M.S. (Chemistry), University of the Philippines, 1953 Ph.D. (Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry), University of Iowa, 1957 Address 44 S. Dee Street, Grace Village, Balintawak, Quezon City Tel. No. (02) 361-9554 Year Elected to the Academy 1980 Year Proclaimed as National Scientist 1994

Her numerous discoveries of environmental mutagens culminated in the designation of her laboratory as an international training center for the detection for chemical mutagens in 1986 and her appointment as member of the International Advisory Committee on Antimutagens in 1989.


OLIVEROS-BELARDO, LUZ Field of Specialization Pharmaceutical Chemistry 03 November 1906 Date of Birth Date of Death 12 December 1999 Education B.S. (Pharmacy), University of the Philippines, 1929 M.S., (Pharmaceutical Chemistry), Universityofthe Philippines, 1933 Ph.D. (Pharmacy), University of Connecticut, 1954 Year Elected to the Academy 1980 Year Proclaimed as National Scientist 1987

An expert on chemistry of natural products and essential oils from Philippine plants. Extracted and identified 33 new Philippine essential oils which are now being used in creating new flavors and medicinal products.

QUISUMBING, EDUARDO A. Field of Specialization Plant Taxonomy, Systematics and Morphology 24 November 1895 Date of Birth Date of Death 23 August 1986 Education B.S. (Agriculture), University of the Philippines, 1918 M.S., University of Chicago, 1921 Ph.D. Magna cum laude (Botany), University of Chicago, 1923 Year Elected to the Academy 1979 Year Proclaimed as National Scientist 1980

A botanist and taxonomist par excellence. Published numerous original articles on Philippine flora. His studies on Philippine orchids resulted in the identification of many new plants. His book on Philippine medicinal plants is the forerunner of researches on medicinal plants in the country.


RAMIREZ, DOLORES A. Field of Specialization Biochemical Genetics Date of Birth 20 September 1931 Education B.S.A., Magna cum laude, University of the Philippines, 1956 M. Sc. (Cytogenetics), University of Minnesota, 1958 Ph.D. (Biochemical Genetics), Purdue University, 1963 Address Institute of Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna Tel. No. (049) 536-2298; 536-3304 Year Elected to the Academy 1987 Year Proclaimed as National Scientist 1998

Noted for her comprehensive researches on the cytogenetics of various Philippine crops; her pioneering works on biochemical genetics, foremost of which are the genetics of the makapuno and the biochemical basis of plant resistance; and the alien gene transfer in maize, rice, and selected vegetables, from their respective wild relatives. Initiated researches in genome analysis and molecular /biochemical markers in important agricultural crops. A scientist, educator and administrator.

SALCEDO, JUAN JR., 5. Field of Specialization Nutrtion and Public Health Date of Birth 29 September 1904 Date of Death 25 October 1988 Education M.D., University of the Philippines, 1929 M.S. (Biochemistry), Columbia University, 1943 Year Elected to the Academy 1978 Year Procfaimed as National Scientist 1978

A medical doctor and scientist, his numerous researches in biochemistry, nutrition and physiology furthered the cause of health for the Filipino people. He was also an administrator, policy maker and science promoter.


SANTOS, ALFREDO C. Field of Specialization Physical Chemistry 15 August 1900 Date of Birth Date of Death 11 April1990 Education B.S. (Pharmacy), Universityofthe Philippines, 1921 Doctorate in Pharmacy, University of Santo Tomas, 1925 Ph.D. Westfalishe Wilhems-Universitat Munster, Germany, 1929 Year Elected to the Academy 1978 Year Proclaimed as National Scientist 1978

Devoted his career in the study of chemistry of natural products, and the search for medicinal properties of local species. Isolated and studied the structures of the alkaloids-phaenthine and phaetharinefrom indigenous medicinal plants.

SANTOS, FRANCISCO 0. Field of Specialization Human Nutrition and Agricultural Chemistry 03 June 1892 Date of Birth Date of Death 19 February 1983 Education A. B., University of the Phtlippines, 1912 M.S., University of the Philippines, 1919 Ph.D. (Biochemistry), Yale University, 1922 Year Elected to the Academy 1980 Year Proclaimed as National Scientist 1978

He made comprehensive investigations on the nutritive values and chemical composition of Filipino foods, the amount of nutrients and vitamin contents of traditional Philippine nutrition problems, nutrition plan of families of various laborer communities, and probable effects of a one-sided diet. He established the anti beriberi content of sweet potato and demonstrated the food value of this crop.


UMALI, DIOSCORO L. Field of Specialization Genetics and Plant Breeding 17 November 1917 Date of Birth Date of Death 01 July 1992 Education B.S.A. (Agronomy}, Universityofthe Philippines, 1939 Ph.D. (Genetics and Plant Breeding), Cornell University, 1949 Doctor of Agricultural Education, honoris causa, Xavier University, 1967 Doctor of Humanities, honoris causa, Central Luzon State University, 1979 Doctor of Science, honoris causa, Ateneo de Manila University, 1992 Year Elected to the Academy 1978 Year Proclaimed as National Scientist 1986

As plant breeder, he developed and improved varieties of rice and corn, food legumes, fruits and ornamental plants. His research output and writings paved the way for the launching of programs of rainfed and upland agriculture, social forestry, environmental conservation and rural poverty alleviation. An Academician, scientist, educator, research organizer, development administrator and science statesman with far reaching vision.

VELASCO, JOSE R. Field of Specialization Plant Physiology Date of Birth 04 February 1916 Education B S.A., Cum laude, University of the Philippines, 1940 Ph.D. (Plant Physiology}, University of California at Berkeley, 1949 Address 778 Bayang Luma, lmus, 4103 Cavite Tel. No. (046) 471-6570 Year Elected to the Academy 1983 Year Proclaimed as National Scientist 1998

His pioneering research on plant mineral nutrition specially on cadang cadang of coconut, rice photoperiodism, chemical weed control and plant growth provided the basis of important crop production management practices and research directions.


VELASQUEZ, CARMEN C. Field of Specialization Parasitology 07 August 1913 Date of Birth Date of Death 16 October 1994 Education B.S. (Zoology), University of the Philippines, 1934 M.S. (Zoology), University of Michigan, 1937 Ph.D. (Parasitology), University of the Philippines, 1957 Year Elected to the Academy 1978 Year Proclaimed as National Scientist 1983

Her pioneering research on trematodes resulted in the identification of 32 new species and one genus of Philippine food fishes, birds, and mammals, including Capil/ara philippinensis from human intestines which was the first to be reported in the world. Her book on "Digenetic Trematodes of the Philippine Fishes,' the first in South East Asia, provided a regional reference to fish parasitology and aquaculture management

VELASQUEZ, GREGORIO T. Field of Specialization Phycology 02 September 1901 Date of Birth Date of Death 29 July 1989 Education B.S. (Botany), University of the Philippines, 1925 M.S. (Botany), University of the Philippines, 1931 M.S. (Phycology), University of Michigan, 1937 Ph.D. (Phycology), UniversityofMichigan, 1939 Year Electected to the Academy 1978 Year Proclaimed as National Scientist 1982

Contributed immensely to the study of algae, devoting 30 years of his life to this field. Taught and developed generations of Filipino biologists and pioneered in Philippine phycology particularly on Myxophyceae.


VERGARA, BENITO S. Field of Specialization Plant Physiology Date of Birth 23 June 1934 Education B.S. (Botany), University of the Philippines, 1955 M.S. (Botany), University of Hawaii, 1959 Ph.D. (Plant Physiology), University of Chicago, 1960 Address 48 Dinorado Street, Sta. Fe, Los Banos, Laguna Tel. No. (049) 536-0689 email address: [email protected] 1987 Year Elected to the Academy Year Proclaimed as National Scientist 2001 With a noble vision to help farmers and bring science and technology closer to the Filipino people, he contributed enormously in improving rice varieties to produce richer harvests. He popularized the scientific basis of growing rice. He is the mind behind the creation of the IRRI Rice World and the Philippine Science Heritage Center, two science centers that instill scienceoriented culture among the public.

ZARA, GREGORIO Y. Field of Specialization Engineering and Inventions 08 March 1902 Date of Birth Date of Death 15 October 1978 Education B.S. (Mechanical Engineering), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1926 M.S. (Aeronautical Engineering), University of Michigan, 1927 DSc. (Physics), Sorbonne University, France, 1930 Year Elected to the Academy 1978 Year Proclaimed as National Scientist 1978 His innovations in the field of engineering have contributed to the popular understanding. He pioneered research on solar energy sources at a time when there was no energy crisis - his forward looking perspective in science


ABARQUEZ, RAMON JR., F. Field of Specialization Cardiology Date of Birth 09 July 1928 Education A.A., University of the Philippines, 1948 M.D., Universityofthe Philippines. 1953 Year Elected to the Academy 1993 Address 3/F Medical Center Manila 1122 Gen. Luna Street, Taft Avenue, Manila Tel. No. (02) 524-0354 email address: [email protected]

In recognition of his outstanding research accomplishments in the field of cardiovascular diseases and significant and pioneering contributions to exercise ECG methodology

ALCALA, ANGEL C. Field of Specialization Biological Sciences Date of Birth 01 March 1929 Education B S. Magna cum laude (Biology), Silliman University, 1951 M.A. (Biological Sciences), Stanford University, 1960 Ph.D. (Biological Sciences}, Stanford University, 1966 Year Elected to the Academy 2004 Address Angelo King Center for Research and Environmental Management, Silliman University, Dumaguete City Tel. No. (035) 422-5698 email address [email protected]

In recognition of his significant researches and accomplishments in the field of biological sciences specifically on herpetology and marine biology. His pioneering concept and management strategy referred to as marine reserve for coral reefs and reef fisheries conservation have resulted in the protection of marine biodiversity in the Philippines. The strategy has also increased the fish catch of fisher folk in areas adjacent to marine reserves. His scientific and technological works on marine reserves and conservation of biodiversity have been nationally and internationally recognized. His dedication to promote environmental protection and conservation of biodiversity (both terrestrial and marine) has been manifested in his numerous publications, as well as his research and advocacy for coastal resource management here and abroad


BARBA, RAMON C. Field of Specialization Horticulture Date of Birth 31 August 1939 Education B. S.A. (Agronomy), University of the Philippines, 1958 M.S. (Horticulture), University of Georgia, 1962 Ph.D. (Horticulture), University of Hawaii, 1967 Year Elected to the Academy 2004 Address P 0. Box 110, College, Los Banos, Laguna Tel. No. (049) 536-0054 email address: [email protected]

In recognition of his significant and outstanding scientific and technological contributions to Philippine Agriculture including the discovery of a very effective and practical flower induction treatment which is considered as the most significant breakthrough in mango research in the country. His technology of using potassium nitrate to stimulate flowering is a milestone in the study of tropical tree physiology and is the main stimulus to the growth of the local mango industry. His researches on tissue culture of bananas, sugarcane, cassava, and many other horticultural crops have resulted in the development of valuable methodologies ingood compensation to discover something significant and useful.

CABRERA, BENJAMIN D. Field of Specialization Medical Parasitology and Public Health Date of Birth 18 March 1920 Date of Death 07 August 2001 Education M.D., University of the Philippines, 1947 M. PH., Tulane University, 1950 Year Elected to the Academy 1981

Dr. Cabrera has more than a hundred scientific publications concerning medical parasitology and public health. For his work on filariasis, Dr. Cabrera received the Philippine Legion of Honor, a Presidential Award in 1966. With the elucidation of the epidemiology and life cycles of filarial parasites, preventive measures in the form of drug treatment of human cases as well as measures against mosquito vectors can be implemented. Dr. Cabrera also worked on the control of ascariasis. With the model he proposed, hazards produced by these soil·transmitted helminths can be reduced.


CAMARA-BESA, SOLITA F. Field of Specialization Biochemistry Date of Birth 02 March 1915 Education M.D. Cum laude, University of the Philippines, 1938 M.S. (Biological Chemistry), University of Michigan, 1940 Year Elected to the Academy 1987 Address 603 Julio Nakpil Street, Malate, 1004 Manila Tel. No. (02) 523-3497 email address: avesta@prodigynet Dr. Camara-Besa is a medical educator and researcher. She has worked on the sodium and potassium content of Philippine foods and established standards useful in the preparation of diets. Her series of eight papers on cholesterol levels in relation to dietary patterns of various segments of the Filipino population which are very important epidemiological basic data on the Filipino give an idea of the importance of fats and cholesterol in the epidemiology of atherosclerosis among Filipinos.

CAMPOS, FILOMENA F. Field of Specialization Plant Breeding/Cytogenetics Date of Birth 30 March 1930 Education B.S. (Botany}, University of the Philippines, 1951 M.S. (Plant Genetics), University of Minnesota, 1954 Ph.D. (Plant Breeding/Cytogenetics), University of Maryland, 1958 Year Elected to the Academy 1987 Address /bayo Farms, Dasmarifias, Cavite Tel. No. (046) 416-0715 Dr. Campos is recognized for her contributions to cotton re search in the Philippines leading to the development of a package of technology on cotton production achieved in relatively short period of three years. She is also noted for deep involvement in research on the sunflower, a very promising source of edible oil and livestock feed.


CANTORIA, MAGDALENA C. Field of Specialization Botany Date of Birth 25 October 1924 Education B.S. Cum laude (Pharmacy), University of the Philippines, 1947 M.S. (Botany), University of the Philippines, 1951 M.S. (Pharmacy), Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, 1955 Ph D. (Botany}, University of Chicago, 1961 Year Elected to the Academy 1980 Address 10-B Malinis Street, UP Village, Diliman, Quezon City Tel. No. (02) 921-6564

With pharmacy and botany as background, Dr. Cantoria's researches dealt particularly on the morphology, physiology and biochemistry of drug plants. She ha_s done basic studies on the pharmacognosy of agar, rauwolfia, datura, mint, and Piper species.

CARINO, LEDIVINA V. Field of Specialization Public Administration Date of Birth 22 April1942 Education B.A., Cum laude (Public Administration), University of the Philippines, 1961 M.S. (Political Science), University of Hawaii, 1964 Ph.D. (Sociology), Indiana University, 1970 Year Elected to the Academy 1995 Address National College of Public Administration and Governance (NCPAG) Universityofthe Philippines, Diliman, 1101 Quezon City Tel. No. (02) 981-8500 local 4186 email address: [email protected]

In recognition of her outstanding works and accomplishments in the fields of Public Administration, Political Science and Sociology which spanned a range of issues and approaches in development studies from rural to urban development, from local autonomy to national governance, from bureaucratic corruption to the imperatives of the civil service, and from participatory development models and approaches to a focus on the elite.


CASTILLO, LEOPOLDO S. Field of Specialization Animal Science 15 November 1921 Date of Birth Education B.S. (Agriculture), University of the Philippines, 1948 B.S.(Education), Colegio de San Jose, 1950 M.S. (Dairy Science and Animal Nutrition), Cornell University, 1955 Ph.D. (Dairy Science and Animal Nutrition), Cornell University, 1960 Year Elected to the Academy 1990 Address 5551 Maahas, Los Banos, Laguna Tel. No. (049) 536-1393

A scientist, educator and administrator, Dr. Castillo has contributed vital research information in the improvement of the livestock and poultry industries as in animal nutrition and management. He was also instrumental in carrying out innovative research, training and extension programs in dairy development among small farmers which included health care delivery system and family planning as components of an outreach activity.

CHAN, VERONICA F. Field of Specialization Microbiology Date of Birth 24 March 1933 Education B.S. (Hygiene), University of the Philippines, 1954 C.PH., University of the Philippines, 1956 Ph.D. (Microbiology), Yale University School of Medicine, 1969 Year Elected to the Academy 1996 Address College of Public Health University of the Philippines, Manila Tel. No. (02) 525-5874

In recognition of her pioneering and outstanding scientific achievements in Virology and Immunology, including new knowledge that has been applied in medical practice, and for international standing as scientist, sharing her expertise with the World Health Organization and the health institutions of other countries. As one of the earliest pioneers in Philippine virology and immunology, she liberally opens her storehouse of knowledge to all. Her fruitful labors have brought improvements in policy, management of severe cases of viral infections as well as their prevention and control. 25

CONCEPCION, MERCEDES B. Field of Specialization Demography Date of Birth 10 June 1928 Education B.S. (Chemistry), University of the Philippines, 1951 Certificate (Statistics), University of Sydney, Australia, 1954 Ph.D. (Sociology), University of Chicago, USA, 1963 Year Elected to the Academy 1992 Address 2423 Zamora Street, 1300 Pasay City Tel. No. (02) 831-8452 email address [email protected] In recognition of her contributions in the field of population research and policy. Her study of population growth in the Philippines has been a significant input in the development, monitoring and evaluation of our national population policy and program. Her pioneering research and continuing work on the Philippines as well as on Southeast Asian demographic processes is recognized internationally.

CRUZ, LOURDES J. Field of Specialization Biochemistry Date of Birth 19 May 1942 Education B.S. (Chemistry}, University of the Philippines, 1962 M.S. (Biochemistry), University of Iowa, 1966 Ph.D. (Biochemistry), Universityof/owa, 1968 Year Elected to the Academy 1987 Address Biochemistry and Toxicology Laboratory Marine Science Institute, College of Science University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City Tel. No. (02) 433-2991; 928-8799 email address [email protected]; [email protected] Dr. Cruz has made significant contributions to the biochemistry of toxic peptides from the venom of fish-hunting Conus marine snails. Her studies led in part to the biochemical characterization of over 50 biologically active peptides from Conus venom, and the development of conotoxins as biochemical probes for examining the activities of the brain. co-Conotoxin is now one of the most widely used tools for studying neuronal calcium channels, and u-conotoxin is the reagent of choice in neuroscience when muscular activity must be controlled to examine events at the synapse.


DALISAY, AMANDO M. Field of Specialization Economics Date of Birth 06 February 1913 Date of Death 20 January 1986 Education B.S.A., University of the Philippines, 1937 M.A. (Economics), Harvard University, 1942 Ph.D. (Economics), Harvard University, 1946 Year Elected to the Academy 1981

Dr. Dalisay had done pioneering work on economic policy for Philippine agriculture; consistent in-depth studies and field practices on agricultural and rural development in the country since 1954. His book, Agricultural and Rural Development in the Philippines (Post-War Period) defines the setting and the various factors or forces that influence agricultural and rural development in the early post-war period. His paper Values in Policy Formulation for Rural Development presents the role of our social values in providing direction to the formation of public policies for rural development.

DAYRIT, CONRADO 5. Field of Specialization Pharmacology, Internal Medicine (Cardiology) Date of Birth 31 May 1919 Education M.D., University of the Philippines, 1943 Postgraduate, University of Michigan Medical School, 1947 Visiting Professor, Cornell University, 1948 Year Elected to the Academy 1980 Address Victor R. Potenciano Medical Center EDSA, Manda/uyong City Tel. No. (02) 631-8501; 638-4844

Dr. Dayrit has contributed immensely to the fields of cardiology, pharmacology, health sciences and medical education. His researches include the effects of dynamic exercise on the ECG of cardiac patients, the sodium and potassium levels in the heart of Filipinos, control of various infectious diseases, and the medicinal and health values of coconut oil.


DAVIDE, ROMULO G. Field of Specialization Plant Pathology-Nematology 14 March 1934 Date of Birth B.S. (Agriculture), University of the Philippines, 1957 Education M.S., Oklahoma State University, 1962 Ph.D., North Carolina State University, 1966 Year Elected to the Academy 2002 Address Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna Tel. No. (049) 536-2467; 536-3534 In recognition of his pioneering and significant contributions to Nematology including host-parasite relationships, national survey and identification of nematodes infesting economic crops, and their cultural and biological control which undoubtedly enriched the science of Nematology in the Philippines and earned him international recognition and the distinction of the first Filipino to be included in the "Who is Who" in Nematology. His discoveries on the cultural and biologica l control of nematodes have provided the Filipino farmers effective tools against nematodes, thereby increasing their crop productivity and income. He discovered the first biological control agent against nematodes, which has been commercialized in the country as well as in Australia and Germany.

DE GUZMAN, EMERITA V. Field of Specialization Plant Physiology 22 September 1929 Date of Birth Date of Death 18 November 1981 Education B.S. Magna cum laude (Botany), University of the Philippines, 1953 M.S. (Plant Physiology), Cornell University, 1956 Ph.D. (Plant Physiology), Cornell University, 1961 Year Elected to the Academy 1980 An outstanding contribution of Dr. de Guzman is her series of work on the growth and development in vitro of the makapuno coconut embryo. As a result of this effort, she has revolutionized the old ratio of the makapuno-bearing nuts in the tropics which produce only 3-5 makapul'lo nuts in every receme bearing 14-19 nuts. Dr. de Guzman produced 100% all makapuno-bearing in the receme


DOMINGO, ERNESTO 0. Field of Specialization Internal Medicine/Gastroenterology Date of Birth 28 June 1936 Education Associate in Arts, University of the Philippines, 1956 M.D., University of the Philippines, 1961 Year Elected to the Academy 1992 Address M25 Medical Center Manila 1122 Gen. Luna Street, Taft Avenue, Manila Tel. No. (02) 521-3325; 521-3250 email address [email protected]

In recognition of his outstanding accomplishments in the study of the nature of schistosome granuloma and its role in hepatospLenic disease; the epidemiology and control of hepatitis Band all known viral hepatitides in the Philippines; and the pathophysiology, clinical behavior and treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma in Filipinos.

EDUARDO, SALCEDO L. Field of Specialization Veterinary and Medical Parasitology Date of Birth 11 September 1947 Education D. VM., Magna cum laude, Araneta University Foundation, 1968 M.S., University of the Philippines, 1973 Ph.D., UniversityofLondon, 1981 Post-Doctoral, University of Glasgav, 1989 Post-Doctoral, Swedish Museum of Natural History, 1991 Year Elected to the Academy 1993 Address College of Veterinary Medicine University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna Tel. No. (049) 536-2730; 536-2728 email address [email protected]

In recognition of his outstanding researches on parasites of livestock population with emphasis on the basic aspects of helminthology. His works significantly contributed in the undertaking of sound control measures in conservation, agriculture management and public health.


FABELLA, RAUL V. Field of Specialization Economics Date of Birth 19 April1949 Education A.B. (Philosophy}, Seminario Mayor-Recoletos, Baguio City, 1970 MA. (Economics}, University of the Philippines, 1975 Ph.D. (Economics), Yale University, 1982 Year Elected to the Academy 1995 Address School of Economics University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City Tel. No. (02) 920-5463; 927-9686 email address [email protected]; raul.fabe/[email protected] In recognition of his pioneering works on novel analytic constructs which turn out to be useful for problems in economics. His introduction of subsymmetric sets resulted in extending the reach of the celebrated Nash bargaining solution to more egalitarian (Rawlsian) grounds. He also proposed the Olson ratio which enriches the rent·seeking paradigm and derived and applied the debt· adjusted real exchange rate which enlarges the pool of relevant indicators for exchange rate policy.

FAVILA, RAYMUNDO A. Field of Specialization Mathematics Date of Birth 15 March 1909 Date of Death 31 January 1995 Education A.B., UniversityofCalifornia, Berkeley, 1933 M.A., University of California, Berkeley, 1935 Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1939 Year Elected to the Academy 1979 One of the pioneers in mathematics in the Philippines, Dr. Favila contributed significantly to the advancement of mathematics and mathematics education in the country. He has done basic studies such as on stratifiable congruences and geometric inequalities and has co-authored textbooks in algebra and trigonometry.


FOLLOSCO, CEFERINO L. Field of Specialization Mechanical, Electrical, and Agricultural Engineering Date of Birth 03 February 1931 Educatiot~ B.S. Magna cum laude (Mechanical Engineering), Feati University, 1953 B.S. Summa cum laude (Electrical Engineering), Feati University, 1955 M.S. (Agricultural Engineering), Iowa State University, 1962 M. Management, Feati University, 1963 Doctor of Humanities, Honoris Causa, Ateneo de Davao University, 1990 Doctor of Laws, Honoris Causa, University of the Philippines, 1992 Year Elected to the Academy 2001 Address Alpha Machinery and Engineering Corporation CLF Building I, 1167 Chino Races Avenue, Makati City Tel. No. (02) 896-5556 to 59 email address: [email protected] In recognition of his outstanding works and accomplishment in the field of engineering (Agricultural Mechanization and Automotive), technology innovation, public sector governance embracing a wide field of creative approaches in re-engineering the bureaucracy, formulating laws and program for small and medium enterprises and SftT administration. He also pioneered the formation of organizations involved in promoting Quality, Productivity, SEt T, Industry Clustering, SME development and Entrepreneurship.

GARCIA, EDITO G. Field of Specialization Parasitology Date of Birth 16 September 1921 Education M.D., University of the Philippines, 1949 MPH., Harvard University, 1956 Year Elected to the Academy 1987 Address 63 S.C. Santos Street, BF Homes, Phase 3, 1700 Paranaque City Tel. No. (02) 826-2510 Dr. Garcia, Professor has done work in the areas of immunology and parasitic infections. Since 1979, Dr. Garcia has been conducting studies on the immunology of Schistosomiasis japonica especially on the development of vaccines. A hypothesis has been developed which enabled Dr. Garcia and his associates to identify an immunologic mechanism which leads to granuloma modulation and consequently disease abatement in schistosomiasis.


GOMEZ, EDGARDO D. Field of Specialization Marine Biology Date of Birth 07 November 1938 Education B.A./B.S. Ed. (Social Science/English), De La Salle University, 1962 M.S. (Biology), St. Mary's College, Minnesota, 1967 Ph. D. (Marine Biology), University of California, San Diego, 1973 Year Elected to the Academy 1993 Address The Marine Science Institute, College of Science UniversityofthePhilippines, Diliman, 1101 Quezon City Tel. No. (02) 981-8500 local 2908; 435-7417 email address [email protected]

In recognition of his outstanding research achievements on marine ecosystems which serve as basis for management of and the conservation programs for the country's marine resources

GONZALEZ, ANDREW B., F.S.C. Field of Specialization Linguistics Date of Birth 29 February 1940 Date of Death 29 January 2006 Education B.A., St. Mary's College, 1959 M.A. (English Literature), Catholic University of America, 1960 Ph.D. (Linguistics), University of California, 1970 Year Elected to the Academy 1996 Address Presidential Adviser for Academics and Research De La Salle University, 2401 Taft Avenue, Manila

In recognition of his outstanding works and accomplishments in the field of linguistics: his studies on language and nationalism as well as the cultivation and intellectualization of Filipino, the development of Filipino as a language of intellectual discourse, and his study on language acquisition of Filipino and of English by Filipino children


GUERRERO, RAFAEL Ill D. Field of Specialization Fisheries Management/Aquaculture Date of Birth 07 August 1944 B.S. (Zoology), University of the Philippines, 1964 Education M.S. (Applied Zoology}, University of the Philippines, 1970 Ph.D. (Fisheries Management}, Auburn University, 1974 Year Elected to the Academy 1992 Address Philippine Council for Aquatic and Marine Research and Development, Department of Science and Technology Los Banos, Laguna Tel. No. (049) 536-1582 email address: [email protected]

In recognition of his scientific and technological contributions to the development of sex reversal and hatchery techniques that led to the commercial production of high yielding market-size tilapia in the Philippines and other countries.

INTENGAN, CARMEN Ll. Field 0f Specialization Nutrition Date of Birth 07 April1915 Education B.S. Magna cum laude (Pharmacy}, Manila Central University, 1935 A.B. Magna cum laude (Chemistry}, University of Southern California, 1938 M.S. (Food and Nutrition), Columbia University, 1948 Ph.D. (Nutrition) with distinction, Columbia University, 1961 Year Elected to the Academy 1987 Address 1736 Banyan Road, Dasmariflas Village, Makati City Tel. No. (02) 843-9237

Dr. lntengan has contributed to the advancement of nutrition in the country as a researcher and science administrator, having served as the director of the Food and Nutrition Research Institute from 1974-1980


JAVIER, EMIL Q. Field of Specialization Plant Breeding and Genetics 11 September 1940 Date of Birth Education B. S.A. Cum laude (Agronomy}., University of the Philippines, 1960 M.Sc. (Agronomy}, Universityofl/linois, 1964 Ph.D. (Plant Breeding), Cornell University 1969 Year Elected to the Academy 1982 Address Institute of Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna Tel. No. (049) 536-0177; 536-3304 email address eqjavier@yahoo. com The most outstanding virtue of Dr. Javier as a scientist is his ability to conceive and put into action realistic approaches to the problems that confront tropical agriculture in a developing country. Aware of the small farmer's limited resources, he has always directed his researches toward developing practical methods of improved crop production, using cheap, indigenous inputs. Based on his experiment of introducing legume into native lmperata pastures with minimum or no tillage, a national pasture development program was launched in 1972 premised on the minimum or no tillage establishment of adapted legumes on native pastures with application of phosphorous.

JULIANO, JOSE 0. Field of Specialization Nuclear Chemistry and Physics 16 October 1932 Date of Birth B. S.A. Magna cum laude (Agricultural Chemistry and Education Mathematics), Universityofthe Philippines, 1952 M.S. (Electrochemistry and Chemical Engineering}, Louisiana StAte University, 1954 Ph.D. (Nuclear Chemistry and Physics}, University of California, 1957 Year Elected to the Academy 1983 Address Calamba Medical Center, Calamba City Tel. No. (049) 545-29341ocal 2411 email [email protected] Dr.Juliano is known for his researches in nuclear chemistry and physics. Noteworthy of his published research works which total 50 are (1) Rapid and Non-destructive Analysis of Sulfur and Calcium by Radioactivation and Photoneutron Counting, (2) Disintegration of Iron-52 and Iron-53. His contributions have helped attain increased understanding of nuclear science.


KINTANAR, QUINTIN L. Field of Specialization Environmental Medicine Date of Birth 12 August 1937 Education M.D., Universityofthe Philippines, 1961 Ph.D. (Environmental Medicine}, Johns Hopkins University, 1969 Year Elected to the Academy 1985 Address 5505 Boyle Street, Makati City Tel. No. (02) 831-5929 email address [email protected] Dr. Kintanar has distinguished himself in the fields of pharmacology and environmental science through original researches that advanced the frontiers of knowledge in these fields. He investigated the mechanisms of fatty liver and hypolipidemia induced by orotic acid thus assisting in the clarification of the molecular mechanisms of lipo-protein biosynthesis. He also pioneered in the pharmacological screening of Philippine plants using multidimensional observation techniques.

LAZARO, ANGEL Ill L. Field of Specialization Civil Engineering 23 August 1943 Date of Birth Education B.S. (Civil Engineering), University of the Philippines, 1964 M.S. (Engineering), Princeton University, 1966 M.A., Princeton University, 1967 Ph.D., Princeton University, 1971 Year Elected to the Academy 2001 Address Angef Lazaro and Associates Consulting Architects and Engineers 160 Panay Avenue comer EDSA, Quezon City Tel. No. (02) 924-1911; 924-1879 email address alazaro3@1azaro. com In recognition of his outstaflding works and accomplishment as teacher, professor, researcher, administrator, practitioner and leader of the engineering profession. For his pioneering work in Limit Analysis and Design of reinforced Concrete structures and significant contribution to the engineering programs of two of the most prestigious universities in the Philippines.


LOPEZ, CECILIO F. Field of Specialization Philippine Linguistics and Oriental Studies 15 January 1894 Date of Birth Date of Death 05 September 1979 B.S. (Zoology), Universityofthe Philippines, 1923 Education Dr. phil. (Linguistics), University of Hamburg, 1928 Year Elected to the Academy 1978

Dr. Lopez was cited as the Father of the Philippine Linguistics in recognition of his pioneering work in the development of a Filipino tradition in the scientific study of Philippine Language. Many of his works are considered classics such as A Manual to the Philippine National Language, two sequels of a Comparative Philippine World List, 1974 and 1976 and A Handbook of Comparative Austronesian, 1978 and in two parts: the mnemonic, consisting of 109 problems of proto·morphs solved in five Indonesian languages, two Melanesian l languages; the heuristic, including 24 Philippine languages and 192 proto-Austronesian morphs.

MAGNO, MELECIO S. Field of Specialization Physics Date of Birth 24 May 1920 Date of Death 27 September 2003 Education B.S. (Mining Engineering), University of the Philippines, 1940 M.A. (Physics), Johns Hopkins University, 1951 Ph.D. (Physics), Johns Hopkins University, 1958 Year Elected to the Academy 1979

Dr. Magno has done studies on the absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy of crystals, specifically rare-earth crystals; effects of typhoons on the distribution of atmospheric ozone; sky luminosity; atmospheric radiation; gravitation; and the philosophy of science. He is a co-author of University Physics, a textbook in physics at the University of the Philippines.


MENDOZA, EVELYN MAE T. Field of Specialization Biochemistry Date of Birth 07 August 1947 Education B.S. Cum laude (Chemistry), Mapua Institute of Technology, 1967 M.S. (Biochemistry), University of Massachusetts, 1971 Ph.D. (Biochemistry), University of Massachusetts, 1975 1992 Year Elected to the Academy Address Institute of Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna Tel. No. (049) 536-2298; 536-3304 email address [email protected]; [email protected]

In recognition of her sustained basic researches in plant biochemistry: (a) on the factors affecting the nutritional quality and acceptability of cowpea, mungbean and several underutilized Philippine indigenous legumes, cassava and sweet potato; (b) on the biochemical basis of resistance of selected plants to pest or disease; and (c) on the biochemical basis of the makapuno phenotype of coconut.

MIJARES, TITO A. Field of Specialization Statistics Date of Birth 26 December 1922 Date of Death 18 August 2003 Education A.B. (Meteorology), University of California, Los Angeles, 1948 B.S. {Electrical Engineering), National University, 1950 M.S. (Statistics), University of the Philippines, 1958 Ph.D. (Statistics), Harvard University, 1962 Year Elected to the Academy 1978

As researcher, Dr. Mijares conducted studies concerning multivariety theory and analysis which were published in The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, an international journal. As Deputy Director-General of the National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) and Executive Director of the National Census and Statistics Office (NCSO) for a number of years, Dr. Mijares had the responsibility of overseeing the overall development and direction of the statistical system in the country.


NAVARRO, QUIRINO 0. Field of Specialization Nuclear Chemistry Date of Birth 29 March 1936 Date of Death 22 August 2002 Education B.S. (Chemistry), University of the Philippines, 1956 Ph.D. (Nuclear Chemistry), University of California at Berkeley, 1962 Year Elected to the Academy 1985 A significant contribution of Dr. Navarro to science is the determination of nuclear property in the isotopes of californium, einstenium and dysprosium using cryogenic techniques. His findings were cited in two books and three international tomes of nuclear science and later confirmed at the University of California at Berkeley with the use of advanced instrumentation. Dr. Navarro has also worked on neutron spectrometry and crystallography; and electronics and instrumentation process.

NAZAREA, APOLINARIO D. Field of Specialization Biophysics Date of Birth 11 October 1940 Education B.S. S. T, First in Class (Chemistry), University of the Philippines at Los Baflos, (1st in class), 1962 M.A. (Economics). University of the Philippines, 1969 Ph.D. (Theoretical Biology/Biophysics). University of Chicago, 1971 Year Elected to the Academy 1990 Address 607 Tower B. Wack-wack Twin Towers Mandaluyong City Tel. No. (02) 723-1796 email address: a. d. [email protected]; [email protected] For his contributions to the theories on biophysics and biotechnology including his own conceptual framework on the structure of RNA/DNA probes. With his internationally-cited scientific work and theoretical know how, he has laid the foundation for the design of synthetic vaccines on a sounder molecular basis, using Debye-Waller crystallographic data and other biophysical parameters describing the properties of proteins. At the crossroads of the country's technological surge, his role in the development of biophysics and biotechnology is both pivotal and timely.


NEBRES, BIENVENIDO F. (S.J.) Field of Specialization Mathematics Date of Birth 15 March 1940 Education A.B. (Philosophy), Berchmans College (Cebu City), 1962 M.A. (Philosophy), Berchmans College (Cebu City), 1963 M.S. (Mathematics), Stanford University, 1967 PhD. (Mathematics), Stanford University, 1970 Year Elected to the Academy 1983 Address Ateneo de Manila University Loyola Heights, Quezon City Tel. No. (02) 426-6078; 426-6001 email address bnebres@ateneo. edu

Fr. Nebres is one of the foremost living mathematicians today. He has published some 15 papers in pure mathematics and in mathematics education. As president of the Mathematical Society of the Philippines for a number of years, he contributed greatly to the development of higher mathematics education in the country. Fr. Nebres was formerly President of the Southeast Asian Mathematical Society and is now member of the Executive Council representing the Philippines in this Society.

ORILLO, FAUSTINO T. Field of Specialization Mycology Date of Birth 16 February 1921 Education B. S.A. Magna cum laude (Plant Pathology), University of the Philippines, 1944 M.A. (Mycology), Harvard University, 1948 Ph.D. (Mycology), Harvard University, 1950 Year Elected to the Academy 1983 Address Kanluran Road, College, Laguna Tel. No. (049) 536-6780

Dr. Grillo's researches in plant pathology helped pave the way to minimizing losses suffered by crop producers attributable to plant diseases. Noteworthy of his scientific publications are on coffee rust, blight affecting kenaf and leaf spot of maize caused by Helminthosporium maydis.


PADOLJNA, WILLIAM G. Field of Specialization Phytochemistry 15 November 1946 Date of Birth B.S. Magna cum laude (Agricultural Chemistry), Education University of the Philippines, 1968 Ph.D. (Botany-Phytochemistry), UniversityofTexas atAusfjn, 1973 Year Elected to the Academy 1995 Address International Rice Research Institute Los Banos, Laguna Tel. No. (02) 580-5600 local2213 email address wpadolina@cgiarorg

For his excellent pioneering research in, leadership and promotion of natural products chemistry and biotechnology which have led to significant growth and development in these fields in the Philippines

RAYMUNDO, ASUNCION K. Field of Specialization

Microbial Genetics/Antimicrobials! Biotechnology Date of Birth 15 August 1946 B.S.A. Cum laude, University of the Philippines, 1966 Education M.S., University of Hawaii, 1969 Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1980 Year Elected to the Academy 2002 Address Institute of Biological Sciences College of Arts and Sciences University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna Tel. No. (049) 536-3368; 536-2893 email address [email protected]

Dr. Raymundo's specialization covers microbial genetics, industrial microbiology and biotechnology. A pioneer in the application of biotechnology to agriculture in the Philippines, she has worked in areas of microbiology ranging from crop pathogens to antibiotic producers, microorganisms in extreme environments, and


single cell proteins. Among her recent researches are studies on the detection, diversity and genetics of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola and Ralstonia solanacearum. She and her team have proven conclusively that both Moko, a bacterial wilt disease of banana which occurs in many parts of the world, and "bugtok," which causes blackening and hardening of fruits of the cooking varieties of banana (plantain) in the Philippines, are caused by the same strain of R. solanacearum. On the other hand, her work on oryzicola has succeeded in elucidating the genetics of this important rice pathogen. All these accomplishments have important implications on the formulation of disease management strategies, selection of resistant varieties, and detection of pathogens. Dr. Raymundo has also been involved in the studies related to antibiotic production.

RODRIGUEZ, JOSE N. Field of Specialization Leprology 01 December 1896 Date of Birth Date of Death 1982 Education M.D., Universityofthe Philippines, 1920 C.P.H., Johns Hopkins University, 1932 MPH., Johns Hopkins University, 1948 1979 Year Elected to the Academy

Renowned Filipino leprologist and researcher, Dr. Rodriguez devoted 53 years to the control of leprosy in the country. As one of the very few pioneers in the early fight against leprosy all over the world, he proposed a control program which was not only adopted in the Philippines but in other Asian countries as well. Dr. Rodriguez had written many scientific articles on leprosy which have been published in various journals all over the world and considered classics in leprosy research.


SANTOS OCAMPO, PERLA D. Field of Specialization Pediatrics 25 July 1931 Date of Birth Education Associate in Arts, with high honors, University of the Philippines, M.D., Universityofthe Philippines, 1955 1994 Year Elected to the Academy Address Suite 803-804, Makati Medical Plaza De/a Rosa corner Amorsolo Streets, Makati City Tel. No. (02) 750-9114; 750-9115 email address [email protected]

Dr. Santos Ocampo is widely recognized for her outstanding work and accomplishments in the twin scourges of diarrheal diseases and malnutrition that have contributed in the elucidation of etiologic factors and planning of control measures that reinforced international recommendations in oral rehydration and nutritional management.

SORIANO, JOVENTINO D. Field of Specialization Cytogenetics and Mutation Research Date of Birth 15 March 1940 Date of Death 09 January 2004 Education B. S.A., University of the Philippines, 1944 M.S., University of the Philippines, 1952 Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1957 Year Elected to the Academy 1980

Dr. Soriano is recognized for his studies on plant cytogenetics and mutations research some of which found publication in international journals. By using radiation and chemical mutagens. Dr. Soriano contributed to the elucidation of the mutation process.


TOPACIO, TEODULO JR., M. Field of Specialization Veterinary Medicine Date of Birth 30 November 1924 Education D. VM., Cum laude, Unwersityofthe Philippines, 1951 MS., Michigan State University, USA, 1956 Ph.D., Purdue University, USA, 1962 Year Elected to the Academy 1993 Address 26 Pura V Kalaw, Tierra Pura 1107 Quezon City Tel. No. (02) 931-4756 email address [email protected]. In recognition of his significant original contributions to knowl edge in the area of leptospiral disease of domesticated animals which may serve as the basis for the institution of control measures for these diseases.

TORRES, WILLIAM T. Field of Specialization Computer Science 15 November 1932 Date of Birth Education B.S. (Mechanical Engineering), Mapua Institute of Technology, 1955 (recipient of Presidential Scholarship Gold Medal) M.S. (Computer Science), University of WisconsinMadison, 1968 Ph.D. (Computer Science), University of WisconsinMadison, 1971 Year Elected to the Academy 2001 Address Mosaic Communications, Inc. Suites 601-602 The Peak Tower 107 Alfaro Street, Salcedo Village, Makati City Tel. No. (02) 848-2606/ocal116 email address [email protected] In recognition of his leadership and significant contributions towards the advancement of Information Technology (IT) and its applications in academe, governance and business, the initiation of graduate degree programs in the computer sciences, the institutionalization of information systems planning and IT policy· making in the government, and bringing the Internet into the country as well as being actively involved in its continuing development.


URIARTE,' FILEMON JR.,A. Field of Specialization Chemical Engineering 15 October 1945 Date of Birth B.S. (Chemical Engineering}, University of the Philippines, 1965 Education Master of Engineering (Chemical Engineering), University of the Philippines, 1967 Ph.D. (Chemical Engineering}, Carnegie-Mellon University, USA, 1970 Year Elected to the Academy 2000 Address 15 Mt Clemens Street, Filinvest Homes 1, Quezon City Tel. No. (02) 931-8423; 932-3964 email address juriarte@mydestinynet Dr. Uriarte has been recognized for his scientific work on the application of the modern theory of flocculation/ aggregation for multi-component solutions and suspensions and the subsequent engineering applications to environmental pollution control.

VEA, REYNALDO B. Field of Specialization

Marine Transportation Systems, Naval Architecture, Engineering Education Date of Birth 20 March 1952 Education B.S. Magna cum laude (Mechanical Engineering), University of the Philippines, 1978 M.S. (Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1981 Ph.D. in Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, 1991 Year Elected to the Academy 2001 Address Mapua Institute of Technology Mural/a Street, lntramuros, Manila Tel. No. (02) 527-5170 email address [email protected]; [email protected] In recognition of his outstanding work and accomplishments in the fields of naval architecture, marine engineering, and marine transportation systems. His pioneering work on the optimization of schedules of containership liner service brought together stochastic variables, including sea conditions, in a coherent and practical method. His original contributions to prope!ler selectio9n methodology released the traditional


procedure from the deterministic assumption of calm water conditions by successfully incorporating statistical sea conditions. His contributions to the design of containership and offshore supply vessels that now ply international waters have enriched the world's reservoir of ship technological know· how.

VILLAREAL, RUBEN L. Field of Specialization Horticulture Date of Birth 19 April 1939 B.S. (Agriculture). University of the Philippines, 1960 Education M.S. (Agronomy), University of the Philippines, 1964 PhD. (Horticulture), Rutgers- The State University, 1966 1990 Year Elected to the Academy Address 2132 Kayumanggi Street, Collegeville Subdivision Los Banos, Laguna Tel. No. (049) 536-3656 email address [email protected] A recognized horticulturist, his discovery on the nonMendelian or cytoplasmic inheritance of the southern leaf blight disease (Helminthosporium maydis) of corn ended the incorporation of "T" cytoplasm in the U.S. and in the local inbred lines. His findings are very important to basic studies of mitochondrial biochemistry and ultra structure leading to a better understanding of cytoplasmic genes.

ZAIDE, GREGORIO F. Field of Specialization History Date of Birth 25 May 1907 Date of Death 31 October 1986 Education Ph.B., University of the Philippines, 1921 M.A. (History), University of the Philippines, 1931 PhD. (History), University of Santo Tomas, 1943 1985 Year Elected to the Academy Dr. Zaide, renowned historian, has made significant contributions to Philippine history. A hardworking scholar, he authored 67 books, some of which became textbooks in history for high schools and colleges in the country. He has also written more than 500 articles in history published in local and foreign periodicals.


ZAMORA, PRESCILLANO M. Field of Specialization Plant Anatomy-Morphology Date of Birth 04 January 1933 Education B.S. (Botany), University of the Philippines, 1952 M.S., Cornell University, 1958 Ph.D, Cornell University, 1965 1987 Year Elected to the Academy Address 5 Malinis Street, UP Village, Diliman, Quezon City Tel. No. (02) 922-0748

Dr. Zamora is recognized for his contributions to plant anatomy-morphology, pteridophyte biology, and the conservation of environment and natural resources policy research. His work on the xylem elements of vascular plants is the basis for the formulation of the two-phase wall deposition concept now accepted universally. His studies on the taxonomy of Philippine ferns led to the discovery for more species of the group.


CRUZ, JOSE B. Field of Specialization Electrical Engineering Date of Birth 17 September 1932 B.S. (Electrical Engineering), University of the Education Philippines, 1953 M.S. (Electrical Engineering), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1956 Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering), University of Illinois, 1959 2003 Year Elected to the Academy Address Ohio State University Department of Electrical Engineering 752 Dreese Laboratories, 2015 Neil Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43210-1272 USA Tel. No. (001) 614-292-1588 In recognition of his scientific and technological contributions to electrical engineering through the development of several methods for the sensitivity analysis of dynamic systems with respect to parameter variations; establishment of the concept of comparison sensitivity matrix that captures the effect of feedback on altering the influence of parameter variations on system output errors in multivariate feedback systems; and the maintenance of system optimality for a range of parameter values even when the feedback control structure is fixed.

MURIEL, AMADOR C. Field of Specialization Physics Date of Birth 24 November 1939 B.S. (Physics), University of the Philippines, 1959 Education M.A. (Physics and Astronomy}, State University of New York, 1965 Ph.D. (Physics and Astronomy), State·University of New York at Stony Brook, 1967 Year Elected to the Academy 2003 Address 347 East 62nd Street, New York NY10021 USA Tel. No. (001) 212-888-6931 email address [email protected]; [email protected]


In recognition of his significant works and outstanding contributions to the field of theoretical physics, in particular, his development of theoretical tools to explain turbulence. His new kinetic equation isuseful for exploring fundamental problems of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. In his researches on stellar dynamics, he has proven analytically that self-gravitation alone is sufficient to produce a hierarchy of structures in one dimensions. Dr. Muriel discovered the exact and approximate solutions for the behavior of a twolevel system, which were considered by his peers as a pioneering contribution to a quantum Turing machine, now a growing field in quantum computing.

OLIVERA, BALDOMERO M. Field of Specialization Biochemistry Date of Birth 29 July 1941 B.S. (Biochemistry), University of the Philippines, 1959 Education Ph.D. (Biochemistry), California Institute of Technology, 1965 Post-doc (Biochemistry), Stanford University, 1968 Year Elected to the Academy ~004 Address Biology Department, University of Utah 257 South 1400 East, Salt Lake City Utah 84112 USA Tel No. (801) 581-8370 email address [email protected]

In recognition of his significant studies and accomplishments in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology, specifically the discoveries of numerous Conus peptides which are now in various phases of clinical trials as highly specific drugs of pain, epilepsy, and other disorders of the nervous system. His researches on marine gastropods and his keen sense of observation have led to the elucidation of the mechanism of action, functions, and classification of the neuroactive Conus peptides into families and superfamilies.


PADLAN, EDUARDO A. Field of Specialization Biophysics Date of Birth 31 August 1940 Education B.S. (Physics), University of the Philippines, 1960 PhD (Biophysics), Johns Hopkins University, 1968 M.S. (Computer Science), Johns Hopkins University, 1984 Year Elected to the Academy 2003 Address 4006 Simms Dr., Kensington, Maryland 20895 USA email address [email protected] In recognition of his outstanding contributions and accomplishments in Biophysics, specifically the elucidation of the 3-D structure of hemoglobin and antibodies in relation to their evolution and function. His most recent work on "humanized antibodies" has potential applications in the treatment of various diseases including cancer. He has fourteen granted and pending patents on various aspects and uses of antibodies.

BORLAUG, NORMAN E. 1970 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

Field of Specialization Plant Pathology/Agronomy/Plant Breeding Date of Birth 25March 1914 Education B.S. (Forestry), University of Minnesota, 1937 M.S. (Plant Pathology}, University of Minnesota, 1939 PhD (Plant Pathology}, University of Minnesota, 1942 Year Elected to the Academy 2000 Dr. Norman Borlaug , known as "The Father of the Green Revolution", is best recognized for his hybrid wheat and modern agricultural techniques. An ecletic, pragmatic, goal-oriented scientist, he accepts and discards methods or results in..a constant search for more fruitful and effective ones, while at the same time avoiding the pursuit of what he calls "academic butterflies".



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