Narration And Description

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 181
  • Pages: 7
Narration and Description English 101 Week 3

Keys for Success Be passionate Include Characters Create memorable descriptions

Anecdote 

Definition: “a short, direct story that adds spark to your writing while introducing a topic or illustrating an idea. (VanderMey, p. 133)

Introduce a Topic Illustrate a Point Illustrate character traits

Descriptive Detail Tips Set the Stage Describe through your senses What you see, hear, smell, taste Verbs in present tense Make transitions Flashback to add depth Powerful Images to reinforce meaning Drop into the action Unexpected word choices to give reader new


Descriptive Detail Tips Dialog Picture scene through details Contrasts between characters, feelings or

actions Build plot Express your feelings 

Narrative and Description Writing Select a Topic 

Narrow your focus Find key moment What led up to it? What was result? How did others experience it What has time taught you about it? What would you change? 

Narrative and Descriptive Writing Determine Purpose and Audience Gather Details Tell someone your story and get feedback Write a draft Review and Revise Edit and Proofread 

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