N Profile 20081103 Web

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 2,049
  • Pages: 13
n profile

n is an applied research creativity community that works with individuals and communities to transform a disengaged social structure into an active and purposeful social ecology. n interdependently operates with each individual’s personal unique strengths to create a sustainable community, using technology, arts, social values and cultural stories. Organized around shared meaning, n creates and celebrates authentic human networks - social, physical and virtual.


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n context

With the 21st century stepping forward, individuals and communities need to acknowledge the daily challenges they are experiencing locally, nationally and globally, as well as the opportunities that could emerge from these challenges. With every challenge there is an opportunity. We can capitalize on our

collective creativity to provide solutions for worldwide crises. The solution lies in the hands and hearts of our youth, the future leaders of our earth. We can provide them with an enabling context, and guide them so that they can succeed by contributing affirmatively in the growth of our communities. How do we capitalize our talent, education, culture, and relationships? How do we coexist in a shared space? How do


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we accept our differences, learn from one another and

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grow together? How can we generate enduring outcomes? What is the role of parents in this process? What are additional questions we will need to address? Where do we start to find answers?

n space

A space emerges to house, explore, discover, interpret, and act upon the journey between questions and answers.

n network

our community includes hosts, participants, practitioners,

and supporters.

n visions

our messages are to

Fuse the arts, science and human potential in an interdisciplinary manner Engage in a safe space to achieve a rich learning experience Open up a world of innovative possibilities Challenge restrictive mental models

Reach the source of the social field, the family unit


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Community Hu bs bile Technolo o M gy an S e t u v dio eati s r C e om

Discover a social technology which involves synergistic and generative collective creativity, in a wholesome systematic approach

Involve both parents and youth in the process Use the power of technology to access data, process information, and communicate effectively Operate in a non-judgmental, nourishing and empowering environment

n umbrella our frameworks are science, technology, human network, enviroment, and the arts. space for becoming sharing and growing

n strategies our realization pillars are actions in the form of inquiring realizing developing

engaging initiating learning

reflecting applying achieving

art of conversations | art of improvisation | art of effective decision making | art of conflict transformation | community of practice | community of interpretation | networks of innovation | self-realization and development | re-enabling play | social media technology | learning organizations

n activities our service roles are

Connector human network

Applied Research action-based initiatives

Process Design whole-system sustainable programs

Facilitator practical application guide awareness through connecting, experiencing and learning

Mentorship peer trusted relationships

Feedback Monitoring multi-Loop – amplification – reflection - balancing

Web Content Producer outcome publishing

Training and Capacity Building a - human and community development, b - creative skills development, c - awareness practices, d - leadership

Sustainable Management project management and program coordination

n guiding principles and tools this list is continuously in process, growing longer with new learnings Theory U www.presencing.org Systems Thinking principles The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of the Learning Organization by Peter M. Senge Deep Democracy for effective decision making www.deep-democracy.net Social discipline practices: World Café, Appreciative Inquiry, Open Space Technology Social Media technology (Web 2.0): weblogs, online collaboration, multimedia storytelling, social networks

awareness through the art of conversation and free expression

n reach n audience

Personal Presence the personal connection (knowing one self) to nourish the whole person, connect with our passions, experience our choices and responsibilities within accountable guidelines.

Family Ensemble the nucleus social element with parent guidance around core values, developing personal creativity and modeling social collectivity and contribution.

Professional Establishments the economical and organizational dimension highlighting the value of shared vision, common purpose designed around integrative processes that amplify human potential.

Community Relationships the social body of belonging and empowerment through engagement and co-creation.

n gateway As an initiator, resource, guide, supporter, and facilitator, n seeks to shed light on the beauty and effectiveness of active engagement, personal awareness and social networking. Our goal is to build new models of lifetime learning and cooperation, to further deep democratic and unrestricted practices that revolve around authenticity, inclusiveness and empowerment. n is a gateway towards authentic growth and sustainability with a tangible focus embedded in everyday life and the sphere of human influence.

awareness of a smile that opens a journey of being alive while living

n projects Our Shared Community Story Story weaving in public libraries Status: actioned

In collaboration with ASSABIL www.assabil.com n implemented at public libraries in Beirut “Our Shared Community Story”, a collaborative project designed around freedom of expression, individual creativity and collective empowerment through theatre, literature, music, art, drama and poetry. Funded by Heinrich Böll Foundation, the series of workshops were held at Geitawi, Monnot and the Kotobus (mobile library) during the months of July, August and September 2008. The process involved different groups using various means of expression gradually developing a story. The final product that results from the co-created work will be a multi-media story that will be published on our web-sites. A complementary parent workshop was organized to engage them in the process, opening up opportunities for our shared community story makers to practice at home the new skills they learned and acquired. The story concluded with an established web of connections – teenagers, young adults, parents, librarians – celebrating their innovation together.

Young Adult Leadership Inquiry Dialogue Personal creativity, Family relationship, Community Platform Status: in process

YALID is a forum designed to promote profound leadership and resourceful creativity through a deep dialogue experience between high-potential young adult leaders and the core social unit - their families. It highlights where we are today. It brings to light various possibilities for growth. It maps the intended future desires for Lebanon primarily within the social field context. It sets a baseline for future initiatives.

Community Voices – Wishes for our future Open Heart Collective Dialogues at Public Spaces Status: in process

Wishes for Our Future is a process designed to invite the youth of Lebanon to share their desires for their future individually and jointly, through hosting profound conversations between young adults in different public spaces around the country. Embedding various social technology and awareness practices, the meetings will open a space for exploring, understanding, reflecting, expressing and sharing. The generated wishes will be presented to government officials, civil society organizations, and academic institutions. The target completion date of the project is May 2009, prior to the Lebanese parliamentary elections.

Conscious Dialogue Lebanon for its Children Status: in process Conscious Dialogue is a forum designed to engage Lebanon’s people in deep conversations; integrating their heads and hearts in profound dialogue circles resulting in initiatives that all are willing to act upon. It provides a gateway for Lebanon’s people whose voices remain trapped in the

hierarchy of societal and political structures to bring forward their true desires for their homeland. It brings to light the underlying causes and explores the various possibilities for a country thriving to regain its position in the world. It breaks free from reenacting patterns of the past reaching towards a future that is coming from Lebanon’s embryo - its children. The intention is to initiate the process in October-November 2008.

Leadership and the Arts Harmonious Strategy for the 21st Century Status: in process Harmonious Strategy will bring inspiration to leadership as a transformational tool and motivation for managers and leaders to connect passionately with their work.

World Café Reading Empowerment Status: actioned During the Junior Chamber International (JCI) National Convention in Lebanon in October 2008, n facilitated a World Café conversation around its main theme: Read to Lead. A group of dynamic participants from diverse backgrounds: teachers, young entrepreneurs, students, business leaders, technologists, designers, and human resource professionals joined in circles of sharing around the following two questions: How can you participate in reading empowerment in an emerging technology driven environment? Who are the key players involved in the generated ideas, insights, and initiatives? The responses were harvested through the clustering of sticky notes on a visible white blank page, before transformed into a flow of connected ideas and recommended activities. ‘Parents encourage reading by reading Open a family book account and celebrate our first book publishing Invite our extended relatives and don’t forget our helpers who can feed us knowledge through there own reading Out there in the neighborhood, is a public library, please do find it Municipalities, civil societies advertise it, give it a face on facebook, a vision on TV , a presence on a web-site, just let us know about it

Wait don’t forget to add a flavor Link the reading to real stories, Make it fun with lots of creative activities there around it Socialize my reading, yes I can find it in a bus stop and while I’m waiting in a spa or resort Books of passion in the subject sit there waiting just for me to pick one up with good intention Reading not a school requirement, no not a burden, an obligation Truly open, Free reading time we ask for you Allow the children to choose what motivates them, fiction, nonfiction, just inspiration Teachers, hear us, you are now Leaders Bringing leaders to the picture, start by creating reading room in your communities, businesses and learning enterprises Form book clubs, read together and open up the conversation in a book café, pub or lounge and in ablog for the technology generation that is found Lovers of competition do not worry, amongst collaboration we encourage cafés and cultural centers to keep you up and going through setting up reading competitions to evoke the culture of reading Reading books with fonts so small, Oh no, that is tiresome, boring, I do recall Writers, publishers do wake up to the cries of your audience: Make your Headlines and Titles just attractive, really bright Technology we do not fear you Reading remains so strong in your shadow e-books, you’ll reach the mass soon as sharing of electronic copies joins in the tune What about my books, we hear you say Throw them away, oh no way But if your library overflow and your heart warms to another to be nourished by its though, Recycle a book in a fun accessible way; Drop it on a bench, leave it in a restaurant, keep it in the taxi, it will reach the hand of someone who found it and freely chose to hold it and read it Ministry of Education hear our call: initiate a media campaign with no labels nor boundaries just simply: READ’

www.nnow.org ı [email protected] ı +961 3 20 07 16 ı PO Box 13 5274 ı Beirut Lebanon

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