My Teaching Phylosophy

  • August 2019
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  • Words: 850
  • Pages: 4

Teaching Philosophy FariahaAnunna ID-16303010


My goal as a teacher Teaching is a respected position and teachers are the persons who help to enlighten students. A teacher gives his/her full effort in enlightening their students.I think a teacher’s teaching effort becomes successful when they can apply proper method in their teaching.The goal of my teaching is to deliver a meaningful lesson to my student rather than only rotelearning. My goal is also to make the class interactive. When a teacher takes whole control of a class, student does not get motivation to participate. Successful teaching depends by following teaching principles. As a teacher I would like to make my class a well-balanced participation between teacher and student.I would like to create a friendly environment but that does not mean to be friend with students. I think by creating this kind of relationship there would be a balance. Also, student will be comfortable in class in sharing their ideas. Considering that in my class I will have students from different background, I would try to create my class in such a way that will suit all. My role as a teacher will be, I will be a motivator for them, aparticipant, aninstructor , there will the presence of rapport .

Lesson Plan There will be a lesson plan for each lesson. If my class hour is one hour, I will make the lesson plan in a manner that will include my lecture, class activity also student participation. In My lesson plan I will include the topic that will be easily covered in a given class time. Often the


syllabus is too big that teachers can not complete everything within a given time. Moreover, because of a poor lesson plan they cannot finish everything. Not all topics will seem easy to all. So, I will try to make them understand topics in an easiest way. Mostimportantly my lesson plan will have both terminal objectives and enabling objectives. I think when a teacher sets an objective it becomes easy to take a class. By this, they will know how to manage the time and also lectures. Testing and evaluating In order to ensure my students are learning or not, I will evaluate their learning ability taking exams. For that there will be exam and I will always try to maintain validity. A test should test what is supposed to test. I would try to encourage them to take exams as a part of their learning not just for achieving marks. I will take weekly quizzes to evaluate how much students have learnt about the given topic. There will be both objective and subjective testing. By subjective testing I can test their critical and analytical skill. After all the examinations, I will try to give feedback to all of them either verbally or written feedback. In my courses there will be always a chance for improvement. In case anyone fails go carry good marks they can give exams again. However as a teacher I should also follow my intuitional policy . Environment I will make the classroom a well balance participation of both teacher and student. I will always encourage students to share their ideas, experiences. Students will not learn properly until they actively participate in the classroom. When students willthe get to chance to part in a class, they will get motivated to learn more .Also they will fine classes interesting . To enhance their interest, I will encourage student to ask question. When they will ask relevant question, I will


understand that students are developing their interest in the lesson. In a classroom not all students are extrovert or some may feel shy to participate. In this case I will give students pair work or group work so that they can communicate. By this they will develop their communication ability. As a teacher, I need to keep in mind that every student has different leaning skill. So instead of imposing a fix learning way, I will encourage them to practice according to their skill. Materials Books are the most important material in the class. In this case I have to be strict that all should carry their booked with them. I think when they have books in their hand, they tend to get more involved. I should always make a plan for each class. There should be a plan B if anyplan fails. Also, if there is facility to use technology to use in class, I will use power point also. Moreover, I will use internet to make the class interesting. Classes become monotonous when it follows same activity every day.In that case there will be different class activity. I will not be biased towards any student, all are equal.Those who cannot understand any topic in classI will keep time for them. Also, whoever needs any help I will help them. My role as a teacher will be, I will be a motivator for them, aparticipant, aninstructor. As a teacher I will always encourage my student to learn things meaningfully so that they can use those in real life.

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