Coding standard and mistakes : 1) Write an interface then an abstract class with implementations then that needs to be extended on to the basic class, Because common functionality can be added and shared across 2) Use logs during each invocation of method as it is good if we have a log implementation in the abstract class which triggers the developer’s implemented call methods so that we can trace where the exact error is. 3) Don’t declare Class level variable unless a common singleton value 4) If u need declare all the variable in the initial part of your method call 5) Initialize the method variable with null or necessary defaults 6) Write down the comments 7) Split your logic in to different methods for easy readability 8) Use connection if needed else release it ,prior to releasing the connection it is better to commit the values thru connection.commit. Issues with java 1) When I tried to run a java application from command prompt I found I am not able to compile and run the application it was because I need to append my classpath value with ;.; a dot 2) Classpath value needs to be C:\ajith\softwaresinstalled\Java\jdk1.5.0_09\lib (contains dt.jar,htmlconverter .jar etc) 3) Path value needs to b C:\ajith\softwaresinstalled\Java\jdk1.5.0_09\bin(contains all the exe files, javap.exe,appletviewer.exe ) Issues with serena: 1)Don't rename a file . (or) delete a file in serena directly as it will have its back up stored than more than one place means seems to be two 2)Version Manager has a problem with files that have parentheses in their name (eg:)xgen/help/EDBCwindows/AU_Composition_(EDBC).html
Use of XSD: We have an XSD file, _schema.xsd, to assist us while creating a xml schema file. For those who do not know about XSD here is some description.
WHAT IS XSD? XML Schema Definition, a way to describe and validate data in an XML environment. A schema is a model for describing the structure of information. Unlike DTD(Document Type Definition) it is written in xml so it do not need any parser. XSD makes it easier to validate documents based on namespaces.
HOW TO USE IN OUR PROJECT? The file _schema.xsd is available in ../WEB-INF/schema folder. To include the this xsd in our xml schema file please use the below format (see the <maps> tag attributes values in bold style) <maps xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="_schema.xsd" xmlns:xsi="">
We need to use Eclipse to create/edit the schema file and Eclipse should have XML BUDDY plug in. I believe we all have that plug in.
While working with a schema file using 'code assist' (.i.e., Ctrl + Space) will list you the possible attributes and corresponding possible values. I believe this will help new developers.