
  • October 2019
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  • Words: 2,491
  • Pages: 6
It started to rain as they got in the car, and seconds later, the cloudburst let loose. Shivering at the freezing cold, Jimmy Jacobs rubbed his hands together as he waited for the driver to get the engine going. “There will be ice on the roads!” he predicted. “We need to get somewhere before it gets too bad!” Tyler Black stared helplessly at the foggy windshield. “Can’t see shit,” he said, indicating the solid sheet of rain. It was too soon to turn on the heater, but he turned the dial to defrost, and let it blow on the glass. Glancing across to the smaller man, he asked, “How’s your head? You took a helluva bump on the concrete! I saw your damn head bounce.” “I need some aspirin.” “I figured,” Tyler grinned at him. “The crowd was great tonight! They loved us!”

“They loved you,” Jimmy said, stifling a shiver. “You’ve got girls creaming their jeans over you! I couldn’t believe what that one yelled out at you!” “Oh, the little blonde that wants to fuck my brains out?” Tyler snorted and shook his head. “I would go to jail if I even looked her way! She couldn’t have been more than thirteen! Her mom was kinda hot, though.” “Her mom was in her thirties! Way too old!” They laughed together. “Maybe her last name was Robinson,” Tyler suggested. “Not my favorite movie.” “Sorry. I forgot.” Tyler poked at him. “You liked Brokeback Mountain, right?” “Actually, yeah! So what? It was a good movie!” “I liked Crash better.” “Crash sucked.” “That’s your opinion,” Tyler told him in a little singing tone as he poked him again. “And your opinions are almost always wrong!” “Not,” Jimmy argued, thrusting his chin out at him. A sudden deluge of sleet zinged on the car’s top, startling them. “Damn!” Tyler reached up to lay a flat palm on the ceiling. “I hope that’s not damaging my paint job!” Jimmy pulled his coat tight and leaned away from the passenger door. “I hate bucket seats,” he complained. “Why?” Tyler asked. “They’re comfortable.” “I want to sit in the middle!” Doubtfully, Tyler patted the console. “It’ll hurt your ass. It’s not even flat.” “I don’t mind sitting on the hump.” Sliding astraddle of the console, he settled, his head resting on his partner’s shoulder. With a blissful sigh, he put both arms around the bigger man. Tyler rolled his eyes, but curled an arm around him. “It’ll warm up in a few minutes,” he murmured. “And as soon as the rain stops, we’ll get going.” The nod was accompanied by a yawn. “Crash sucked,” he insisted. “Did not.” Jimmy kissed his cheek. “Did, too.” Turning to face him, the taller man smiled. “That won’t help you win, you know.” “Why not?” “Because it won’t – that’s why.” “That makes sense.” Jimmy moved in closer and traced his lips with one fingertip. Tyler gazed at him in the dim lighting. “You know, I don’t know any other guy in the world but you who could do what you’re doing and make me like it.” “Hm?” The tall wrestler’s fingers slid gently into the thick, dark hair and began to sift through it. “You always make me think about going gay.”

“I do? Why is that?” Jimmy asked, distractedly outlining his face with the artistic index finger. “Oh, I don’t know…” With an ironic roll of his brown eyes, Black shrugged. “Maybe because you cuddle so much, and you’re always in my face, touching me and getting close enough - that if I was so inclined, I could just lean over and…” Lightly, he touched his lips to the other man’s. “…kiss you.” Jacobs licked his lips and stared at him. “So, do it.” “I think I just did.” “Do it again.” “Okay, why not?” Tyler groaned. “There’s nothing else we can do at the moment, so I might as well.” Pulling him into a closer hug, he tilted his face and gave him a long, deep kiss. Twenty seconds passed while they allowed themselves to enjoy the experience of the kiss, and when they drew back and locked eyes, he turned his face away and let out a heated raspberry. “Shit, Jimmy.” “That wasn’t just any kiss,” Jimmy said, tasting his own lips again. “That was a wedding kiss.” “It might’ve been a mistaken kiss.” “No, it was nice.” “I didn’t say it wasn’t nice. I said it might be a mistake.” “Well, aren’t we allowed a few mistakes?” Jimmy moved in for another kiss, and Tyler welcomed it. Chapter 2 Tyler Black nosed the car up to the motel, peering at the door that bore the number 8 before he dimmed the headlights. The rain was still coming down hard, but for the moment, it wasn’t storming. “We’ll get wet going in,” he said. “But at least we can get dry again and get some sleep.” Still seated on the center console, Jimmy was determined to get out the driver’s side door along with him rather than regressing to the far side of the car. “Rain always makes me feel like I need a serious shower! I know that makes no sense, but it makes me itch!” “It makes me itch, too,” Tyler told him. Assisting him out and reaching to the backseat for their luggage, Tyler handed Jimmy the key. It wasn’t an upstanding enough establishment to rate the newer, more high-tech key cards. It was a simple, old-fashioned key on a ring with a round, plastic number eight for decoration. “You go unlock the door,” he prompted when Jacobs waited to carry something. “I’ll get everything.” The smaller man made a blinding dash through the rain and huddled beneath the slim cover of the eave to fumble with the lock. Wiping the water from his eyes, he got the door unlocked and swung the door inward as Tyler approached, loaded down with bags. They hurried inside and closed the door firmly behind them. Tossing the bags onto the floor, Tyler moved straight into the bathroom and proceeded to dry his long hair. When Jimmy joined him, he used the same towel to also dab at his thick, multi-colored hair. “It’s cold in here,” he commented. “I’ll check in a minute and see if there’s a thermostat or something we can adjust. Meanwhile, let’s get out of these wet clothes and wrap up in some blankets or something!”

It took Jimmy less than a minute to shimmy out of his waterlogged shoes, socks, coat, jeans and shirt. When he dropped his underwear into the tub along with the other garments, he scurried to the bed and hopped in beneath the covers. “Brrr!” he complained. “The sheets feel like ice!” After undressing himself, Tyler strolled into the room as if there weren’t chill bumps rippling his skin and searched nonchalantly for the thermostat. When he found it and turned it on, he moved on to the bed and climbed in, gently shoving Jimmy to the back side. “It’ll warm up in a minute,” he said. “Snuggle up here with me, babe. We’ll thaw out eventually.” Jimmy scuttled closer and plastered himself against him, wrapping an arm tightly around him. “I’m glad you’re here with me. I would really hate to be all by myself right now,” he shivered. “Why?” “I hate being alone in a storm!” “You hate being alone, period. You’re more like a pet than a partner. You want to be petted all the time and you don’t want to be alone in the dark when it thunders.” Jimmy snickered. “Just don’t leave me tied to a metal pole out in the yard,” he pleaded mockingly. “And don’t beat me!” Tyler laughed at him. “I would never tie you to a metal pole,” he assured him, combing the resilient hair back from his face. “But what’s wrong with a little beating once in a while?” Jimmy grinned at him. “I’ve had relationships that were based on way kinkier shit than that,” he said. “Yeah, I know about those relationships.” Tyler kissed him. “I hope you realize that I was joking. I’m not like that. I won’t hurt you.” Jimmy was deeply affected by the kiss and the promise. “You’re sweet, Tyler. I knew you would be different.” “Yeah, well…” After another soft kiss, Black cuddled him up tightly and murmured, “Let’s talk about it in the morning, okay? I’m tired.” He wanted to be disappointed that they weren’t going to make love tonight, but his own exhaustion made him agree. “Love you,” he whispered. Getting comfortable, he settled down for sleep. Tyler’s body stiffened for a moment. “What’s the matter?” Jimmy asked, yawning. “Nothing. You just caught me off guard there. I’m not used to hearing that from anybody, but it’s nice.” Tyler gave him an extra tight little hug and murmured into his ear, “I love you, too, Jimmy.” Chapter 3 Tyler grunted peacefully in his sleep, but movements disturbed him. When all was still, he drifted back to sleep, but too soon, the bed dipped again, and a chilled body was crawling back into his arms for warmth. With a gasp, he opened his eyes, finding a thick head of dark hair in his face. And then he remembered bringing Jimmy here to the motel in the rain. He remembered the kisses and the ‘I love yous’, and it gave him a tingly, warm feeling. He sighed and pulled his bed partner closer. “What happened?”

“I had to go potty,” Jimmy mumbled. “It took a while. I got cold. The heat is on, but it’s still cold in here.” “You require more warmth than some people,” Tyler said with a yawn. “What time is it?” “I don’t know,” Jimmy answered, and didn’t raise up to look. Tyler shook his head and rolled over to glimpse at the digital clock on the stand behind him. It read 9:43 AM. “It’s almost ten in the morning! It’s still dark outside!” “That’s because it’s still raining,” Jimmy said. “Go back to sleep.” Without another word, Tyler sprang to his feet and strolled to the bathroom. When he returned, he unzipped his carry bag and began piling items out on the dresser. He laid out clothes and grooming accessories, and laid a couple of particular items on the stand by the clock. Jimmy groaned as he lifted his head to look at him. “What the fuck are you doing? I thought you were coming back to bed. You’re not getting dressed, are you? I don’t want to leave, yet!” Tyler grinned challengingly at him. “I’m not getting dressed just yet, but we do have to leave soon. Checkout time is eleven. That’s enough time to mess around a little bit first, though.” “Mess around?” In his state of semi-wakefulness, Jimmy was confused. He blinked a couple of times, trying to figure it out. And then, he saw the things Tyler had laid out on the table. A condom, some lube and a towel. No words needed to be spoken. He sat up quickly, staring pensively at his tall friend, waiting for him to make the first move. “You okay with it?” Tyler asked. Jimmy nodded mutely, eager expectancy in his deep brown eyes. Tyler climbed back into bed and kissed him. “You ever done this before?” The smaller man nodded, then shook his head. “Yes, and no. I have – but not with a guy.” “That’s what I meant, you little dipshit.” Black was amused. “I meant have you been fucked before.” “I have. Lacey did that.” “No, I meant …” He shook his head. “You know what? Never mind.” Tyler chuckled at him as he kissed him again. “She wore a strap-on,” Jimmy explained. Tyler’s eyes went wide. “Really? Shit, Jimmy! That bitch is kinky!” “Yeah, and she likes to play rough sometimes.” “Did she hurt you?” Running gentle fingers through his hair, Tyler shook his head. “I won’t play rough, babe. I’ll be careful, and I’ll go slow.” “You’re sweet,” Jimmy said happily. He wrapped both arms around him and began to kiss him passionately over and over. “I love you so much!” After a second’s hesitation, Tyler responded with a one-sided grin, “Love you, too, baby.” He could feel the willingness and the desire, and it made him want to hurry the process. He forced himself to take it slow. “I want you more than anything I’ve ever wanted in my life.” “I want you, too,” Jimmy murmured, wrapping his legs around the top man’s torso. “You’re so strong and gorgeous. You’re so sweet and warm and cuddly. I want you, Tyler.”

Black wasted no more time. Reaching for his supplies, he sat back on his knees between Jacob’s legs. First, he lifted his hip higher and wedged a pillow beneath the small of his back. Then, he spread the towel beneath his butt. After rolling the condom onto his own already hard cock, he squeezed out a generous amount of the lubrication and carefully slid two fingers into Jimmy’s anus. “Take it easy,” he muttered, rubbing his stomach with the other hand. His fingers traveled to a nipple and began to tug on the jewelry that pierced it. The nipple instantly hardened, and he leaned over to suck on it. Jimmy whimpered at the sensations. “Yes, that feels good!” he whispered. “Oh, shit, Tyler, this is going to be so good!” As Tyler’s mouth changed nipples and his teeth skimmed lightly over it, he shivered, and hugged him tightly. “I’m never letting you go,” he swore. “I love you,” Tyler said again, his eyes already in a haze of passion as he rose to lubricate his erection. “Are you ready?” “I’m definitely ready,” Jimmy said, pulling him closer. Tyler entered him cautiously, and moved slowly for a few testing strokes while he watched Jimmy’s brown eyes roll back in his head. “You like this, don’t you?” he surmised. “I love this!” Jimmy told him, already out of his mind with pleasure. “Oh, God, Tyler, fuck me!” Tyler gave it up and began to fuck him. It didn’t take long. Both men began to pant with exertion. When they came, it was explosive to the point of absolute euphoria. It took a few minutes to regain the presence of mind enough to move again afterwards, and then it was clumsy. Finally, Tyler rose and wiped their bodies with the towel, and kissed him exhaustedly. “You are beautiful,” he said, shaking his head in amazement. “This is going to happen again really soon, okay?” “It’s going to happen again and again and again and again!” Jimmy swore, hugging him tightly. “And I’m the happiest person in the world!” “Even if our being together is a mistake?” “You and me together is not a mistake. It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” “Yeah, baby,” Tyler said, kissing him again. “Me, too.” The end

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