My Guardian Angel 6

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  • July 2020
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  • Words: 4,329
  • Pages: 15
Summer holiday had just begun after the end of my remarkable grade 11 at high school. There was no wind, no rain, and no merciful break from the hot summer sun that baked the houses and parched the dirt roads. Under the fiery sun, Renee and I were spending some last-minute quality time together before she left for a vacation with Phil. “I am going to miss you, Bella.” She kissed both of my cheeks again and gave me a warm hug. When she finally forced herself to get into the car and drove off, I slowly walked back into the house before the climate totally wrecked me down. In fact, I had no inkling about the events that would befall me during this lonely vacation- and what a holiday it turned out to be. After a simple lunch at the Italian restaurant, I cycled around in the light drizzle. Like a dog, the only reason why I liked cycling was I enjoyed the wind blowing through my hair and face. I closed my eyes when the bicycle slides down the bumpy road. For a split second, I didn’t notice a pedestrian was in front of me. Without having a second thought, I screeched to a halt exactly where he stood. Then, as if I was a bullet that had been shot from a gun, I lost balance and landed onto him. I wondered if he might be smashed into pieces, silly, by the fall or not. A minute later, I finally bolted myself up and flung out an arm to help that guy. As soon I saw his face, I gasped and my hand flew to my mouth. Ridiculously, I scrubbed my eyes with my knuckles, trying to readjust my eyesight. But, no matter how hard I rubbed them from time to time, the same, striking feature struck me. Our nerves were frayed and no one laughed. “You! What are you doing here?” I screamed a string of obscenities at him. “I could ask you back the same question.” He put his hand on his chest and looked at me dubiously.

Believe it or not, there was much truth in what they said about fate. Well, the summer holiday hadn’t even past one week and now, here we both stood together again, where fate brought us. It was Edward again. I knew I told you that I was deeply in love with this ‘damn nuisance’ freak, but I just hated the way the boundless fate twisted my life with his. It seemed that God wanted us to be together so badly until He always knocked me down in front of this freak, fainted in front of him etc. I groaned and said. “So, how’s your holiday? Any plans?” “Oh, now you are interested in my life...” He stopped a while and gradually continued. “I am going to travel around Europe for a while as a deal with my parents. Anyway, what about you?” “Dying from boredom at home. My parents are “busy” on their vacation.” I answered him lamely. “Oh, come on. I believe staying at home is not that bad.” He rolled his eyes and heaved a deep sigh. I laughed jealously and shook my head. “Well, have fun then.” So then, I got on my bicycle and about to ride off. “Don’t just go like this.” He pursed his lips and stared at me with his emerald eyes. I enjoyed his eyes dazzling me every time. But, all I saw within his eyes this time was sadness, dullness, coldness... Then, I was struck by a sudden thought about why he pleaded me not to go. Bingo! He was the odd stalker I glanced at back to the Italian restaurant. “Were you following me?” I asked him. Presumably, he answered me. “No!” After a long moment, he would take a deep breath and finally admitted the small ‘crime’. “Ok...Ok, I was stalking you. I didn’t mean to-” I didn’t bother to listen to his explanation so; I cycled down the street on top speed. When I turned my eyes back to him, he was racing after me. He must be mad! I thought to myself. Alas, if he wouldn’t stop chasing me, he will be coping with the onslaught.

“Sugar! Sugar!” He shouted for me, but I kept on riding on my bicycle. Unfailingly, his figure was vaguely disappearing behind me. Then, when I checked again whether he was still putting a tail on me, I saw him fell down. By the time I reached him, his face was pressed hard on the floor, moaning in pain. One of his knees in his blue jeans was torn and his chin was bleeding. I helped him to stand up, and then I was nagging over him about he shouldn’t have done this, that... Then, he suddenly touched my face and kissed me enthusiastically. It was all coming back-Everything, instead of just only this. After a few days without his presence, my life was complete, whole again. However, I didn’t have a reason about why is this royal guy will enjoy kissing a plain and far worse than ordinary American girl. As he started to pull his lips from mine, I pushed mine back to his. Strangely, for the first time, he gently pushed me away and held up a hand in rejection. “Whoa. Whoa. Please let me just ask you this. Erm...I was wondering if you would come with me to Europe.” He ran his fingers in his bronze hair then, rubbed his nose. “I can’t. I, I...” My jaw dropped. I turned my attention to another direction. “You can’t even think of a decent excuse. That’s truly pathetic.” He traced patterns on my face. I stared blankly at him, knowing nothing to say. His face was pained again when I met his burning emerald eyes. “Just say yes! Please trust me this once.” Edward said affably. And so, I nodded. Instantly, his face was cherished and smiled merrily. * So then, it began a completely new phase in my holiday. I was going to Europe with Edward. When I told the news to Phil and Renee, they began a flurry of arguments on my doing in

Europe. After we had a long talk on the phone, they were still against the idea of my doing just because they didn’t feel safe for me to stay at Europe without their guidance. In addition, they will face financial difficulties if they allowed me to go. It wasn’t their fault, so I respected their opinions and gave them the way by obeying. However, Edward didn’t give up confronting the problem. At the end, my parents allowed me. “What did you just say to them? I mean, I am their daughter for so many years and every time I tried to make a deal with them. They denied everything!” I groaned to Edward while he was practicing his swordsmanship near the pool. “I just told them that I will take care of everything about the financial problems and of course you, then, they agreed.” He was taking out his clothing until he was only wearing a pair of blue shorts. Then, he jumped into the swimming pool. I wished I could do that as this summer climate was really frustrating, ungodly tanning my fair skin into brown. It was quiet and peaceful when he submerged into the pool. “Edward? Edward?” I shouted after him, but he didn’t emerge from under water. So, I timidly walked by the pool, too careful not to fall into it. Suddenly, I felt a huge, warm hand was gripping my ankle, pulling me towards the pool. “NO! Help!” In a short second, I was pulled into the cool water. I was total soaked and all he did was laughing hysterically. I shrugged and tried to get myself out from the pool. But, once again, he yanked at my legs. Great. If I was going to drown, he will be the one to go to jail. When I didn’t struggled any more, he started to swim backstroke restlessly. After a few laps, he swam back to my direction and mumbled something indecipherable to me. “Sugar, just do this favour for me. Swim, for Christ sake!” I stared at him darkly for a long moment. He inserted his hand into my shirt and purposely pulled out my shirt, which left me wearing a bra and luckily still a pair of wet jeans. Normally, I

wasn’t the sort to casually letting someone took out my clothing. But, I was absolutely too shocked at his action and too frozen to form a rational reaction. He was right. The water was cooling me down. We spend the whole evening swimming and sunbathing. By the time, we decided to have dinner; the fiery red sun had disappeared behind the hills. Presently, I saw the lights of the mansion from a distance when I got out of the pool. I felt chilled to the bone, and my teeth rattled together. He seemed to notice that, then, he threw both of his arms around me, crushing me against his warm chest. His warm palms rubbed my back and I felt good. His eyes were twinkling in the dark, like the stars in the sky. Then, he dropped his velvety voice an octave and whispered. “Are you feeling better?” “Yeah, better, I guess.” “Let’s go eat, now. Come on! I am starving.” When my body was not huddled in his big arms anymore, I shivered more worst. “Right. That was so romantic. Ugh!” I complained when he roughly pushed me away from him. Surprisingly, he then pressed his motionless lips against mine. I moaned in passionate. Then, we got changed and had dinner. I recognized some of the servants from time to time, but not every of them. John Carter was there too, busy organizing some paperwork. He waved to me when he saw me walking down the stairs. It was already 9 at night when we finished eating. “OH!” He exhaled deeply while patting his stomach. I grinned while staring at him warily. “What?” He breathed out while his eyebrows furrowed in question.

“I can see that’s how a noble one eats.” “Oh yeah, talking about that reminds me to train you something.” He said out at once. Oh, great! Since when I had became his pet to train? What surprised me the most was what was he going to do with me. While I was having so many thoughts in my mind, I heard him chuckling. I snapped up my head at once, to look into his eyes. Carter was standing sideby-side with Edward, coughing strangely in the same tone to hide their laughing. “What so funny?” I asked breathlessly. Maybe he would rethink his behaviour before I slapped him in front of Carter. “Nothing. John seems to like my idea.” He said, with strong defensive in his voice-clearly, there must be something hideous he didn’t want me to know. “Too late.” I managed to gasp before I jumped on to him childishly. If he didn’t root himself to the ground in time, he would have been pushed onto the wooden floor. “Chill, Bella!” His hand encircled around my waist, while my legs clung around his hip so tightly that could force him to land onto the ground any time. I could feel his biceps were tensed when I torture him to expose his hideous whisperings to Carter. “Why. Can’t. You. Just. Tell. Me. What. You. Said. To. Carter?” I asked him in a rather burnt angry voice. “No.” He protested. “Tell me!” I insisted. We argued to each other awkwardly when I was clinging on him, while he was hugging me closer into his chest. Then, Carter spat out his words to stroke our conversation. “I will tell if you stop nagging, Bella.” He looked at me with his extraordinary spectacles resting on his nose.

“NO! IT’S A SURPRISE!” Edward let go of me instantly and covered Carter’s mouth with his palm, while I fell onto the hard floor. Carter was mumbling something very fast which I didn’t catch. “Oww!” I was struck by the strong immense pain of my butt. Then, both of them stared at me at once, tilting their head to one side. “Oh my! Sorry, sugar.” He lowered himself onto one knee and curved his hand across my back and over my hip. After a few walks, he finally put me down onto a bed. Carter was still beside him, glancing at him when he walked out of the room in a quick speed. I took chances to ask Carter what Edward told him just now. “What did he just whispered to you!” “He told me that he is going to bring you to some places.” His face was tensed and bright red. “What places?” “Many, particularly-” “WHAT? Tell me!” I started to panic; my heart was thumping faster than ever as I imagined him bringing me to a scary, monstrous place. He opened his mouth, trying to speak but it was too late. Edward was back to the room with an icy cold cloth again. Urgh! How I hate that cloth, it was like my bad-luck-cloth. Every time, I knocked onto somewhere, fall down or anything bad happened to me. This cloth will emerge as if it was my devil. Carter left quickly without another word or looking back. “Don’t you dare touch me with that thing?” My voice was sort of nervous and panicked. “Don’t be hard, sugar.” “I am fine! You are being such an absurd.”

“Ok. Ok.” He placed the cloth on the edge of the table and came over to me. He looked at me anxiously, but I didn’t talk or move. “Just let me see how bad it is, please.” He held my hand in his. “Fine. But, promise you won’t do anything with me using that cloth.” He nodded slowly and instructed me to turn over. He gently lifted my shirt and traced my back with the tip of his hard index finger. I wished I could see his face now, and then I felt his finger was lurking greedily down to my hip and it rested there. He started to draw patterns there. At that moment, my thoughts were stroked, I stopped breathing and moving, but my heart was beating so fast that I could feel it thumping beneath my chest. He slowly came to my side, resting on the bed with his head on the pillow. At first, he told me more about his family with much truth now while I stared at him in disbelief. In any case, he told me that he wasn’t actually the descendant of the 9th generation but the 51st already. He spoke at length about Carlisle might have an opportunity to enhance the potential of such a company he owned her. Then, he mentioned something that I bolted up to a sitting position at once. “You know the Queen is requesting the Parliament to crown me when I turn 21” He sounded eager, but almost humble at the same time. “What? No!” I said with my eyes fixed on him. My thoughts and will were fighting each other in my head. It was selfish behaviour. But my will spoke differently, ‘He is yours, You are his.’ “I doubt this would upset you.” He said calmly. “I am sorry. It’s a selfish thing to say.” My eyes dropped from his face, then, he held my chin delicately and pulled me closer to him.

“I wonder if you do.” My face seemed redder than ever with my eyes on him. “Now, go to sleep. Don’t worry about me too much.” He said to me while patting my head. I checked my wrist-watch last time before my dreams drifted me away. The last thing I felt were his fingers tangling around my jaw and his lips shaping on mine. * It was the second week of the summer holiday. Tomorrow, I will go to Europe for three weeks. Although I was going to miss home for a while, but I had a strong feeling that tugged my heartstrings. Without exceptions, Edward and I had already readied our luggage. Every time, I asked him what did he whispered to Carter on the other day, he will try to look nonchalant and innocent. “Please. Please. Just tell me!” I pleaded again during breakfast. We stared into each other eyes for a long minute. In his eyes, there were no sign of answers and empty, just those dazzling emerald eyes. I hated surprises, especially from him. If I had supernatural powers, I will choose to read people’s minds anytime, anywhere with no exceptions. “Please.” I broke to silence once again. Even his parents were wondering what the hideous secret was. “Edward, can’t you just tell her.” She winked at me and gave me two thumbs-up, hoping her son will expose the secret too. Esme disliked secrets too, until she was involved too. “Thanks, but no thanks, mother.” He simply breathed out while eating a bowl of porridge. After he drank a few big gulp of water, he continued. “But, I think-” All of his looked at him doubtfully, reaching towards him. Then, he said. “Never mind. It’s a surprise.”

I closed my eyes and sighed offended, waiting for the heartbreaking answers. “Please, Edward. I am begging you. Where are you taking me to?” I whispered into his ears again, and then he coughed chokingly. He cleared his throat and began. “Who gave you all these clues?” “No one.” I tried to lie but I couldn’t. I was a bad liar, not just to him but everyone. I dropped my eyes onto the bowl of porridge he was eating while letting my face burned. “Fine.” He shook his head slowly and continued to eat his porridge. It was an endless breakfast. Since the time we began eating, I begged him to tell me the same thing. I even lost count how many bowl of porridge had he eaten. “Well, you know what, Edward. Since you are being so secretive, I think I won’t go to the Europe trip any more. I changed my mind.” I wiped my lips with the napkin and rose up. He gulped and dropped the spoon. At the moment, both of us eyed each other with strong emotional, angry eyes. It was an eye-contact war. ARGH! Why can’t he just tell me? I wanted to scream and shout out loud to God, telling Him that I would rather die than being kept from this secret. “Well?” I questioned him with puppy eyes. His face was in pain and torn. He didn’t answer immediately. Then, he leaned to my height and whispered. “You are unbearable adorable when you wanted to know something.” He smirked evilly and stole a kiss from me. Burgh! He cheated me again. Even Edward’s parents laughed hysterically over me. Worst of all, the servants shrieked into laughter too. Then, an imaginable thought came to my mind. What if I pretended to faint and cheated him like he did to me. That’s it!

I stood there, trying not to move a single inch as if I was a plant rooted there. After a long second, they inhaled a deep breath before stopped laughing and looked at me, stunned. “Bella?” He scoffed. Then, I acted that I couldn’t breathe, rolled my eyes back to my head and finally, hit myself hard onto the floor. All of them rose up without a second thought and rushed towards me. Edward was the first to reach me, he patted my cheeks slightly. “Bella?” He tried again. This time he shook my shoulders harder, which made my teeth rattled together. “Maybe she is sick or whatever.” She circled my wrist with her thumb and index finger, feeling my pulse. I recognized the sweet, decent voice at once. It was Esme. Damn. I even forgot she was a doctor and she would know what I was trying to do. Blood started to flush onto my cheeks. What was I going to do? If I opened my eyes now, they will embarrass me more. And if I didn’t open them now, I will personally regret it later. I heard her mumbling something into Edward’s ears. “OH---” A short laugh escaped from his throat. I knew then, that he already found out that I was cheating. He scooped me up with his strong, muscular arms. The next thing I felt were his lips tracing on mine. “You are never a good liar, sugar.” His breathed out into my ears that shivered me momentarily. At last, I opened my eyes and looked at his nonchalant look again. “I know. You don’t have to point it out.” “Come on, let’s go.” He suggested. “Go where?” I was confused while he twisted my hair into a knot playfully. “I need to train you something.” He pulled me to a standing position and ran out of his bedroom, with his hand on mine.

As we came into a horse stall, I understood everything. There were 5 horses in it, 3 colts, a white filly and a cute pony. Easily, he mounted a black horse and about to rode off. Then, he sprang out a hand, inviting me to ride with him. I gripped around his biceps and then, he was cuddling me once I got onto the horseback. “What are we doing?” I asked in the same casual tone. “We are going to play polo.” “And who are we going to play with?” I asked swiftly. “My parents and John are already waiting for us at the field.” He frowned with concentration as the horse galloped towards the greenish field. “Oh,” I muttered. I wondered how he was going to play when I was on the horse with him. Double figures, double damage. As the horse galloped across the field, I felt like I was a complete princess with my prince from those fairy tales. * Even as an adventurous globetrots, I never liked someone keeping places as secrets to visit at with me. I hoped his preferred destination to discover is good enough. Our first destination was Oslo, Norway. It encompassed a range of never ending natural delights and a fascinating heritage of culture and traditions. Oslo as the largest city in Norway was marvel at its diverse and dramatic beauty. “Wow.” I said in inspiration. “Cool huh?” He lowered his cap to hide his face and encircled my waist with his arm, yanking me towards a cafe. A waiter looked at him curiously when he was sipping the cup of coffee. I wondered why and whispered to him. “Why are there staring at you?”

“That’s because I am the Duke of Denmark, and he seemed to notice it.” He answered me in a quick and low tone. I elbowed him again when the waiter was still keeping an eye on him. “Maybe we should go before he recognized you.” “You are right.” Then, he took out a diary from his jacket’s pocket. “Hmmp...Let’s go to the Town Hall.” As soon we came out from the cafe, he simply asked a pedestrian about the directions to our destination in a strong accent of English-Danish. I always enjoyed his accent, but it wasn’t that strong and recognizable back to the States. It was an exceptional large building that had the monumental representational style. We went for a walk around the place until twilight. By then, we travelled to Sognefjord and stayed in a traditional hut which was located in Luster. I wanted to sleep early that night because I was worn out. But, it seemed too impossible as Edward snored so loudly. And so, I lied there awake for a long time, listening to his snores. Then, slowly, nightmares haunted me and sent me to sleep. On the next day, we went to visit the inspirational Luster Parish church which was richly decorated with supreme artistic designs and carvings. I was impressed by Edward’s surprise places, so until now, I hadn’t nag or scold over him. In fact, I enjoyed every place in awed silence and that made him quite cocky sometimes. “You are really such an annoying, cocky mongrel.” I poked him in the ribs with my elbow. Then, in exchange he would say and give me a sharp prod. “Stop nagging around.” We spent another 2 days at this outrageous natural Norway by hiking the fertile hillsides, playing at the breathtaking waterfalls, enjoying the fjords or glaciers, and ate the local salmons. In these few days time, I found out that Norway was almost likely a heaven of nature.

The next destination was The Isle of Skye, Scotland. I would rather call it The Beauty of Mother Nature. Here, when I first saw the vibrant Edward’s parents’ summer house built on the rugged, mountainous landscape of Scotland, I was stunned by the spectacular scenery. Skye was also the heaven of wild animals, particularly birds. “Do you like it?” He placed his chin onto my shoulder and whispered into my ears. Sometimes, he could be the worst-kind of humanity that failed me over and over again, but, he could also be the most angelic person. “I would say too early to judge.” I thought doubtfully then, he slightly kissed my burned cheeks. In a short 2 weeks time, we went across Norway, Scotland, France, Italy, German and the last destination that caught me off guard was Denmark. He was bringing me to the Marselisborg Palace. “Come again.” I said. “We are going to the Royal Palace, Bella. Now, there are few things I want to teach you.” ...

Please again, simple leave a comment or scribble if you want me to continue the story. And be honest if you think it isn’t that nice –have mercy and no bad worded comments-. THANK YOU for reading.

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