My Guardian Angel 4

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 3,947
  • Pages: 14
“Wake up, sugar.” He whispered into my ears softly and then brushed my face with his lips. I rolled around and then surprisingly, he hit my butt. “Hey! FREAK! I accepted you as a friend, but it didn’t mean that you can hit me or kiss me!” I screamed at him without much humour. Then, all he did was pointing to his watch with his index finger. I blinked few times. SHIT! It was already 6.30 in the morning. And school will start at 7.30 a.m. “Go, go, go” He desperately shoo me into the bathroom and instructed me to bath as fast as I could within 5 minutes or else he will smashed the door down. Luckily, I made it out after 5 minutes, with a big towel covering me. I rushed around to find my clothes. “Here.” He handed me a few clothes. “Gee, thanks.” Then, without realizing he was still beside me, I desperately changed in front of him. As I checked what time was it already, suddenly, I saw a big 6.00 Arabic numbers on the wrist-watch. GRRR, he cheated me! Then, I bit his chest like a little girl. When I felt exhausted, he gripped my wrists and then he kissed them. Sigh. “Don’t be mad, sweetheart.”He made goo-goo eyesight to me. “I can’t believe it!” Then, something caught my attention. He was wearing a well-tailored, short-sleeved shirt along with a pair of fit trousers, which boost his muscular body. “Since when you changed?” I asked him, dumbfounded. “Easy, I went home.” He said calmly. “When? The last time I saw you, you were still sleeping at 0000!” I stated formally like a news reporter. “Well, someone phoned your house at 3 in the morning then your mum rushed to the hospital. Before that, she sent me home.” He tickled my face slightly. “Then, how did you get back here?”

“Jogging is a good exercise to do in early morning.” Wow, I can’t believe him at all. Did he just run the whole way from his house to here; it could at least be 8 miles. “Come on now, let’s eat breakfast.” He dragged my stunned body to the kitchen and I saw a plate of scrabble egg and bacons. I ate slowly as it tasted quite good; at least its quality was better than my mum. “So...Any good comments about my cooking?” He placed his chin on his folded arm, while looking at me passionately. “It’s oily, stinking, not pleasant...” I tried to criticize the food by insulting the best I could do. But, all I could say was these few words. I really sucked in insulting. “Hmmp, doubt so. But, I think this might help...” Then, he leaned towards me and kissed me with enthusiasm. It was pathetic because I started to love the way he kissed me and so, the more he did every time, I struggled lesser and lesser. This time, I moved my shaky hands and hugged his waist timidly. He noticed it and gently pulled his lips from mine. “So, how was my cooking?” He asked again. As soon, I started to say oily intentionally, he kissed me again. It was like a stream of bright lights from heaven, shot straight into hell where I stayed, gave me all sorts of colours and joy. But, as soon as his lips parted from mine, it was like a glowing bright candle was flickering to the end of life. What was I going to do? 3 days passed and I am in love with the person I loathed the most?! Sigh. Thanks to fate and destiny. * “Mr. Cullen, you failed in your Biology!” Mr. Banner gave Edward his exam paper. “A for Miss Swan.” Mr. Banner said calmly and some of the classmates “Whoa” in amazement.

“I expect you both to get at least B equally in Biology next time or both of you will fail the exam.”The evil Biology teacher exclaimed to me and the freak. Damn it, it seemed like I was going to fail the exam along with him just because of him. It had been always him. GOD REALLY HATED ME! “Now, Bella.” Mr. Banner began. “If you please tutorial Mr. Cullen for these 2 weeks’ detention.” “I guess so.” I said quietly. For a while, I did not move or talk. I supposed I was too shocked as this evil teacher just “destined” me to tutorial this freak once again. Edward knocked his head on to the desk impatiently. * -During Biology Detention ClassThis was a hard and cruel task. In my heart, love and hatred were already at war. My thoughts were already mixed with my emotions. I love my academics so, I had to teach him, but my emotions talked differently. It said he was the freak and I had to stay away from him. “Take out your textbook.” I said at last. “We don’t have much time and your goal is to score B.” “Sure. Sure. Your Highness Sugar.” He answered me coldly. I turned as white as a sheet at his words but I knew this was my job to accomplish. So, without wasting any more time, I tried to explain everything descriptively. Sometimes, he would stare at me in disbelief and that didn’t help but distracted me a lot. And the end, I had to slap his face to get back his attention and Mr. Banner will snapped up his head and looked at us curiously. As the bell rang, he quickly stood up and turned to the door, ready to leave. Then, I sighed in disappointment. That caught his attention and slowly he asked if I wanted him to coach me basketball. Still, my heart was against my thought.

“Puhllleaseeee...” He begged me while he was on his knees, holding both of my hands. Everyone took a glance at us as they passed by. “Urgh! Fine, one hour basketball and another hour of Biology tutorial. Deal?” I kept my tone businesslike. “Deal!” Hesitantly, he yanked me towards the basketball court. His gang was waiting for him at there and once they saw me, they circled around us and cheered “Oooooo...Love in the air!” They even act among themselves as couples. He was total right this time. Having a basketball practice with his gang wasn’t easy at all. I tripped over the floor for thousands of time, but he did not lend in a hand. I didn’t blame or complaint because it was my will. After a long hour, I went to the school bathroom and took a warm bathe. When I came out from the bathroom, he was leaning against the lockers casually, while his fingers ran off his messy, wet bronze hair. The girls kept on peeking at him and I understood why. He had a towel over his neck and still wearing the tracksuit... “Hey.” He greeted me and the girls stared at him in amazement. Some of them even waved at him as they thought he was greeting them. I sneered while covering my mouth with a palm. So, people will not grimace me. “Ahhemp, Freakish.” I tried to push him away as he was leaning against my locker. He pretended not to realize my existence for a minute. Then, suddenly, girls circled around him and I looked at him sympathetically. “Do something!” He pleaded. I stood there helplessly, and then I decided to kiss him. So, this will disgust the girls and he could flee. “Edward...Awwh” A girl with a pair of big spectacles that magnified her eyes into an impossible size reached towards him, trying to kiss him. Edward tilted his head from left to the right so quickly that made my head spin. Then, I held his neck

tightly and pulled him to my lips. Gently, I pressed him to my bosom. “Ughh...” The girls groaned disgustedly at both of us. At first, he thought I was the girl with big spectacles, then, when he realized it was me-Bella, he gently inserted his tongue into my mouth. I knew what he was doing, so I glanced around to check that we are clear-to-go, and simply pushed his face away from mine. He was speechless for the first time. And I screamed, “WHAT?! I was trying to help you.” “Thanks...” Then, he lifted one of his eyebrows. “Well? Let’s go, or else we will stuck here with your fans again.”I took his hand and ran like a child towards the parking lot. There, I could see my mum waiting in her car as usual. “Hey kids.” She said as both of us entered the car. “HIT IT, MUM!” I shouted, too afraid that Edward’s fan will come, chasing after me. “Ok...Ok...” My mum chuckled at my overreaction. “Erm, madam-”Edward began then my mum cut off his line, “What did you just called me?! Please, call me Renee...Gosh, do I even looked that old!” “Oh, sorry, Renee, may I bring su-Bella,” he corrected then continued, “to my house? If you are too busy, she can stay overnight at my place.” “Sure, sure, no problem. After all, I had to accompany poor Phil at the hospital. Same route as before?” “Ya. Turn left now.” He answered my mum while my brows furrowed in curiosity. * -Edward’s House-

It was like an 18th century country mansion, grander and bigger than any house was. The view from outside was shocking, because there were many great arched windows. My lower jaw dropped to the floor as he opened the main door. I saw two maids cleaning the living room. Every corner in the house was neatly furnished with antiques. He gave me a free tour around the three-storey huge building. He was my tour guide while I was his only timid tourist. Impressively, he even stated his history of family which built this house. “There are total 37 rooms in this house.” He said formally. “Show-off.” In short 30 minutes, he showed me so many rooms that I couldn’t even remember. There were at least 10 bedrooms, a private library, 2 kitchens, 2 office rooms, 4 bathsnot mentioning the sauna room-, an enormous ballroom etc. Outside the mansion, there was a Roman fountain, with magnificent carvings on it that sparkled in the sunlight. “Are you hungry?” He asked me casually. “Sort of.” I said in hyperventilation. * -At the library of Edward’s mansionAfter having lunch in the beautiful garden, we walked back to the mansion. We went into a room which has an extensive and unique collection of books. The library was a beautifully proportioned room that led us to a bright, comfortable reading nook, which is located in the third floor. There were deep leather armchairs arranged around a central fireplace. Up here in the nook, I can overlook the large, beautifully-decorated garden. Then, we began our studies. I did Add-Maths exercises while he read the Biology textbook. Every each hour, we changed our role: He instructed me Add-Maths while I tutorial him Biology.

“Here...” He put the rolls of paper into my hand. And I noticed what they were at once. It was the quiz paper I set for him. Then, I scanned the paper. Correct, correct, correct...I thought in my heart. Then, something caught sight of mine, oops...wrong, wrong, wrong...ok, luckily it was back to the right track, correct, correct...... “So...” He began and took out a pair of round, scholarly spectacles. “Since when do you even own a pair of spectacles?” “Since now.” He replied. “Come on, score me!” “15 out of 25 for the first paper, C+, 17 out of 25 for the second, B- and 7 out of 25 for the last one, E.” I said dully. His face was relieved at first then it was glowing in happiness and dimmed. “C+, B-, E....Crap, DOOMED! DOOMED! DOOMED!” He screamed in agony. For the first time, I saw grief and tension in his eyes. “Don’t be so baby!” I began. “Here...” I pushed my precious notebook into his hands. It was a book I loved the most with descriptive explanatory notes in it. “Whatttt? I thought it was your secretive book...” He rejected it and gave me back. “Use it wisely. Take care of it or I will personally slaughter you.” I threatened him jokily. “Are you sure?” He asked me again. I nodded in encouragement. Sigh. I didn’t know what I was doing too. I still remembered the time he snatched my book when I was scribbling something into my book during Biology class. He always did that to me every time I wasn’t cautioned. I could see the sun is setting down and we relaxed while enjoying the twilight.

“You know, you are the first person I invited into this house.” He spoke in sudden. Then he continued, “You want to know why?” “Whatever. And I don’t want to know why.” Although I simply replied to him in words, but truly, I was touched. “I know you didn’t mean that.” He pursed his lips and he looked like a Donald duck. “Donald Freak, I don’t care.” I slightly teased him and then he acted like a duck and made strange voices. I giggled but kept on hide my face by setting more Biology quizzes. “Come on, sugar.” He felt my left cheek with his palm and then it flushed. “YOU CHEEKY DONALD FREEK, don’t you dare lay a finger on me!” I screamed at him when I snapped my head up. Then we hit each other foreheads at once. “Sweeeeet, Sugar.” He said cheerfully while rubbing his forehead. “Oh, shut up! Look what have you done.” I could feel my head was spinning. “It can’t be that bad...” Then, he noticed the blue-blacks around my forearm. “Where did you get those?” I looked at his direction and said, “Oh, nothing.” “What do you mean nothing?!” He was filled with anger and concern. I didn’t answer him but kept on setting up the quiz. “Well? Answer me!” And then, I turned as white as a sheet at his anger. “I...I...I...” My voice cracked and I hid my face into my hands and wept uncontrollably.

“Ohh- I am sorry...I didn’t mean to me so mad. It’s just I get angry when I saw someone get hurt.” His voice turned in a calm, low voice. “You...are...already hu-urting me emotionally...” “Don’t cry...Shh...Don’t cry...I am sorry.”He hugged me and soothed me down. Then, I wept more; shortly his shoulder was wet with my tears. Then, he suddenly lifted my head off his shoulder and exclaimed, “DIRTY SUGAR!” A weak smile was replaced then and he sighed in relieved. “You gave me a heart-attack, Bella.” I still kept silence then he tickled me and I chuckled like a cartoon. He never turned back to the sensitive subject anymore and asked me, “You hungry?” I nodded dumbly. While eating, Edward questioned me a few questions. “Back to the old subject, you want to know why I never give up on know, while the others were easily dumped?” “Who do you mean by “others” specifically?”I asked him back. “You know those girls who like being the central of attention and flirts a lot.” He said with a growl that stunned me. “Uh-huh. So, why is it?” I questioned casually. “I think it’s because you are the only one I know so far that hates me-the indifferent species- among the “Others” that likes me.” “You enjoy having a relationship with someone that hates you?” I was disgusted by what he just said. “Well, it’s a lot more fun than those obsessive-flirting-disorder ones, there were so many lies in them.” He said in sadness. “Is there such word? I never heard before.” I sneered quietly. “I created for those filthy liars. That is why this word exists.”

“So, does it matter after all?” I placed my chin on the table delicately while he focused on eating. “No, it’s just I wanted you to know.” He rose up when two maids came in. They were dressed in beautiful skirts with a white apron in front of it. His face turned black and grim when he came back. “What is it?” I asked. “My parents were expected to come back home earlier, which is tomorrow.” “Aren’t you supposed to be happy?” I looked straight into his eyes and I could see sadness burning in his dazzling greenish eyes. “They don’t like visitors or my friends coming to their house. And, they are very rude to people...people like you.” “Well, I deserved it because I am equally rude to you. And, I doubt if they did the same thing to me, I promise they will get my best “servings”. So, relax, freak.” “Well, then, I would better let you know who they are briefly.” I didn’t speak and then he continued, “My father, Carlisle Cullen is a businessman. He owned and ran one of the city’s prestigious banks. My whole family had been in banking for many generations, and I am the 8th.” “Show-off. You are the 8th generation? Wow, you are really freaky, freak.” He smiled slightly and continued. “My mum, Esme Evenson is a doctor. After years, she became the executive of the hospital which is built by my greatgrandfather.” “I wonder why I never overcome your family’s descendants in a book or something.” *

I was completely lost when I was trying to get back to the dining room. But, no matter how I changed the route from time to time, I came back to the same place: A long alley that led to nowhere else. “Bella? Bellaaaaa...” Someone was calling my name and no doubt that the “someone” is Edward. “Here!” The door slammed open suddenly and hit my face at once. I could feel my face squashed onto the wood for a while. Then, all I saw next was his leg. He scoped me into his arms and carried me into a bedroom. “Oh, Thank God there weren’t much damage.” he heaved a sigh. He was scrubbing my forehead with a piece of cool, icy cloth. I pushed the cloth slightly away and he threw my hands away, so he could scrub my head. “Get it off me...Get it off!” I begged pathetically. “Fine...Fine...”Then he kissed my forehead and I could feel his warm, hot lips trembled slightly on my icy, froze forehead. Then, he brushed downwards...Yikes, I covered my lips with a hand instantly and turned my head to another direction. He giggled and then he bit my neck. How could he?! Then, I gripped his neck into a choking position. “I. Can’t. Breathe.” he said in a choked voice. I let go him at once, too afraid I will end up as a murderer. Then, he smirked and snog me. Believe me, he was a greedy person. Once you permitted him to kiss you, he will lean closer to you, and then touch you......If you didn’t react, I guessed he won’t stop kissing you at all. Suddenly, 3 knocks on the door saved me from his lips. He quickly tidied his hair and clothes, cleared his throat and said formally, “Come in.” “Sir, I didn’t mean to disturb, but someone on the phone is looking for Bella.” The maid said in a sweet voice.

“Hello.” I said into the phone once he handed it to me and I gave him a stern look. “Bella, it’s me. How was it?” It was my mother, calling me for the third time after she left me here at Edward’s house. “What you mean how was it?” I asked curiously. “Well...I know he loves you-” I cut Renee’s line and exclaimed, “Love me?!” And then, Edward pressed his left ear onto the other side of the phone, to listen. I tried to push him away but ended up lying on the floor. “I can see the way he stares at you, Bella.” “Whatever, but I don’t care. By the way, what you mean how was it?” I repeated the question. “I mean, did know?” Urgh, how could my mum ask this kind of question! Then, Edward snatched the phone from me and said, “Yes!” in a copied-voice-of-mine. “Really?!” Edward pulled the phone from his ear in a big distance as my mum’s voice reached to a superbly high tone. Then, I grabbed back the phone. “No, MUM! It was him who said ‘Yes’.” I rejoined sharply. “Oh, was it Edward just now? Let me talk to him.” Renee mused darkly. When he was talking to my mum, I stared resolutely at the floor. Then, he clicked the “End Call” “How dare-” Once again, he didn’t let me finish my line and continued to sync his lips onto mine. He was like a virus programme, trying to hack the Spyware which is me. As soon as he was satisfied of his “Virus-project”, he lifted his lips from mine. “Why are you doing this again and again all day long? Can’t you just give me a rest?” I questioned him strictly.

“If you want me to stop doing this, then control your temper, sugar.” He answered easily. “What’s wrong with my temper? It was you who started it and lit the fire in my emotions!” I defended myself. “Nothing’s wrong with it. Well, since you accused me starting the fire, so, I supposed I should be the one to extinguish it at the end.” He rose up and turned to the door, while I followed him right closely, feared to be lost again in this freaking huge mansion of this freak. “Do you like music?” He changed the subject while leading me into a big room with a grand piano in it. “It’s ok, I guessed.” “Do you play?” he asked curiously. I only stood where I was, answering “Yes.” “Can you play for me?” He pursed his lips like Donald Duck again. “Can’t you play?” I asked him back and heaved a sigh. “But, I asked you first!” He pointed out. “Not Fair!” “Don’t be such a baby...Will you play after I played?” He said teasingly. “Only if I am satisfied.” I folded my arms in front my chest and hide my hands beneath my armpit. Then, he started to play while humming in his low voice. Wow! I must say it was really good. He legated the keynotes into a smooth, even music. I closed my eyes and relaxed. “Your turn.” He stood up and said bossily. The reason I was playing was because I wanted to prove that I was as good as him. So, I began in staccatos then I legated. It was as similar as my feelings to him. It began from hatred, then growing into

friendship and maybe to the strongest feeling of all kind-love, but it was too soon to tell as my thoughts were always against my heart. He clapped when I finished the song. We spent almost all night in the music room. Then, he accidently fell asleep on the sofa when I was playing in concentration. “Edward? Wake up, Edward.” I patted his arm. But, he laid on the sofa, livid, eyes closed, luxurious short, bronze hair strewn on the sofa. I walked briskly to the living room and found the maid. “Oh...let me show you the guest room.” Aunt Lucy said in here gravelly voice, arms folded. My room was at the third storey, next to a home theatre. “Thanks, Aunt Lucy.” I thanked her gracefully. I looked at the king-sized bed and surveyed the room. All was in perfect order; there was a wardrobe in the corner of the room. Few sequined dresses hung straight in it.

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