My Guardian Angel 7

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  • July 2020
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  • Words: 2,997
  • Pages: 10
I looked steadily towards him; he was lying restlessly on my bed in the hotel. I held my breath as long as I could, try not to be the first to talk again. At the end, I approached him and sat down by the bed, I took another deep breath and I said. “OK. What am I supposed to learn?” He got up from the bed and opened the window. I saw a wisp of grey smoke swirled into the room. It spun around and was vortex-like. Instinctively, Edward and I went to look out of the window. Thick black smoke billowed from the lower floor. Screaming, alarms could be heard by then, while danger can be seen. “Let’s get out of here!” He gripped at my wrist and then, we were running out from the building. Edward became an indistinct figure in the alley. It was hard for me to see him. The temperature was growing hotter every minute. As we reached the lower floor, I saw victims were screaming on the floor. Some did not scream. For them, it was too late. They died upon the heavy impact of the furniture. The worst was one of the dead people’s head looked like it had been lopsided. Edward and I helped as much as we could. Then came a series of explosions that rocked the floor. As the fire progressed, more walls and ceilings were tumbling down. Moving with surprising speed, we were about to reach the main door. Then, I started to feel dizzy and faintness. It was an ungodly hour to be at. All I could hear now was the unclear figurative voice calling over me. “Bella? Wake up, Bella!” It became difficult to breathe. Sirens could be heard now and I felt more protective. Then, I knew no more. The room was warm and I could hear my steady heartbeat beeping from the monitor. A breathing mask was covering my nose and mouth too. I felt determined and uncomfortable, and yet feeling safe with a pair of hands holding mine. My scepticism had been permanently suspended the moment I heard more voices. I was not able to control my body.

“Ist sie gehend sein in Ordnung?” Edward was asking in a panicky voice. It was a language that I didn’t understand at all. [Note: It means “Is she going to be fine?” in German language.]

“In kürzester Zeit, Ihre Hoheit.” A man answered. [Note: It means “In no time, Your Highness.”] As they continued to chat, I started to count on my breathings. At first, I thought they will never stop talking and then they stopped. He touched my hand again and again. Then, I felt my arm began to sore. Blood was rushing faster in my veins. I had no doubt what was going on. Then, all in a sudden, I felt my head had lightened and so does my eyelids too. I blinked them and opened-bright lights were blinding my eyes. “Bella?” He squeezed my hand harder. I didn’t respond him at first, but threw my hand to the breathing mask. As I regained total consciousness, I saw Edward with a lot of black-suited men standing by the door. “Sie ist erwachen.” [Note: It means “She is awake.”] A bald man murmured. I blinked my eyes in the confusion that prevailed I was in the hospital again. “Bitte lassen sie jetzt.” [Note: It means “Please leave now.”] Edward spoke to the men and I looked curiously at them leaving the room, while scratching my head. “Who are they?” I asked as the door closed behind them. “Just guys.” He still talked in a German accent that made me furrowed my eyebrows. “What guys?” I tried to force him to answer my real question although I already knew it. But, I just wanted to win this game for once as you remembered he always enjoyed using his lips to attack me. “White guys.” He answered affably. “Who are the white guys working for?” “A boss.”

“Who is that boss?” “A guy.” “What’s that guy name?” He opened his mouth there for a minute, but couldn't answer. Then, he continued. “His name is Thomas Cooper.” “Oh, come on!” I lost my temper and his lips attacked me again. Suddenly, the door opened and it was Edward’s parents. Thinking about parents, I hoped mine didn’t know anything about this incident. Unfortunately, they-my parents-were here again. “Can’t hide from hospital, can you?” Edward whispered into my ears and blew a cool breathe on my neck. Great moments spoilt by visitors. “Mum, I-” So, I was trapped again. I was glad that Edward was still sitting beside me. As my mother continued to nag, I daydreamt. “Are you listening to me?” She was shaking me hard. “You are coming home with me.” I didn’t care what she said as long she will just stop and let me explain everything. * The good news was I still had 4 weeks of holiday before school semester started. But, the bad news was I never actually went to the palace. It was an outrageous rainy morning when I forced myself out of bed. My mother already left for work, which left me alone at house. So, to prevent boredom, I applied for a parttime job at the Starbucks. It was really strange for me that my neighbour, Angela was working at the same place. At that time, I had no foggiest idea about her. So, from the very beginning, she stared upon me curiously like the others co-workers. When I was working, she walked slowly towards me, while staring at me desperately. As she approached, she asked which high school I was studying at.

Then, in that second, I recognized her instantly and we hugged each other warmly. “So, you guys know each other?” A flaming red-haired guy with beautiful eyes, that made him so handsome asked. “Bella, this is Michael.” Angela linked me to him and we shook hands. “Hi.” I greeted him. It was a very convenient place to work at during my free time other than having French class. It wasn’t a very challenging job to do, but it kept me from boredom by earning some money at the same time. Funnily enough, time passed faster than I thought now. By midnight, I was home. I found a parcel and some letters piled on the dining table in a haphazard fashion. There was two addressed to me. As I opened the envelope, there was a curious feeling.

Dear Bella, Thank you for sharing your notes with me. It is my greatest pleasure to return this book to the rightful owner. Also, I thanked you for spending time with me in Europe. Your annoying freak,

Edward. P.S. There were some little secrets that you just accidently shared in the book with me too. I won’t be that kind with it.

As for the second letter, it didn’t show any good signs at all. There were a lot of blog links written in it. I quickly opened the laptop and went for the links. I froze and my face paled as I saw

pictures, showing me as a prostitute that was flirting with Edward. No doubt it must be his making again! Of course, I forgot that I had written some not-that-crucial secrets behind my notebook. And, this would be a strategic reason for me to hate him again. As the hatred was brought up again, it began to lure my heart. Such was my complicated emotions; still, I slept solidly like a log for the next 8 hours.

Thousands of phone calls were made by Edward at dawn. It irritated me and made my day more restless. To my surprise, I wondered how he would know that I hated him already. Obviously, there must be many rumours and gossips about the issue. I could sense that my first day to school after this summer wouldn’t show any good news. The bath didn’t even last for 20 minutes as usual. So, I was the first one to arrive at the Starbucks. I made some sandwiches and a cup of potent caffeinated coffee for myself. I tucked in the food into my mouth hungrily like a mad wolf; and drank the subsequent mouth-watering coffee. By the time I was loitering around the cafe,-having nothing to do-I thought back Edward’s letter. When I became aware of my surroundings again, I saw a blackshirted man was pushing the door frantically. Obviously he was trying to open the door but I don’t think he was having much success except wasting his energy. “Where are the other workers?” I asked myself. I looked around, ah; there they are, demurely seated at a table, eating slowly and gracefully. Elsewhere, I saw the manager-Frank was brewing coffee. “C’mon, all of you’ve eat enough. Get up!” Frank shouted at the workers and instantly, they bumped out from their chairs and wore their green aprons. Frank had a long, thin face and a

strange pen-like moustache. He was in his early 30s. Somehow, he would act like an immature man. It was almost impossible to serve each customer as more walked in. Spread out over the counter area was a large number of customers. There was not a face that emits joy among us, the Starbucks workers. As I was making more coffee, I felt the vibrations from my hand phone buzzing in my pocket. “Hello.” I said dully. Then, Angela asked me so many questions and complained something that I didn’t concentrate on. Angela’s non-stopping concern about the earlier issue through the phone, it made me felt angry, sad and annoyed. Thankfully, Frank helped me to ditch her. “Gossips and rumours! I hated them!” He said unhappily. As the afternoon wore on, I began to actually feel happier, having the thought of going back to home to have a good nap. The thought lifted my spirits up and soon, I found myself whistling cheerfully. My eyes wandered around and only realised there were only few customers to deal with. By now it was getting darker. I looked at the huge lit clock outside the cafe. The time was just after five in the evening. I untied the aprons and readied to leave. Then, I came across Angela with a weary face sitting huddled-up on the few benches available in the locker room. I guessed she didn’t like the idea of working night shifts. She would have begged me to swap it with her, but I rejected them all. However, looking at her sad face was like stabbing a dagger straight into my chest. She gave me the same look of pleads. Without much alternatives and choices, I decided to help her once and hoped to get something in return some day. “Ok, fine! I will help you for this time only if-” I said.

“There are deals?” Moving with surprising speed, she sprung towards me. “Next week, you’ll be working for me in exchange.” I gasped out when she held me tight closer. “YES!” She grinned and happily left with Michael, holding hands together in a slightly romantic way. “Ohh! Now, I get it!” I shouted at her then, her smile grew bigger. Like a child, she stuck her tongue out at me. I wore the apron back and fumbled around. “I thought you would have left.” Frank asked me while passing a ceramic mug of Cappuccino to a business-looked woman. “Taking over Angela’s shift.” I closed my eyes and leaned against a wall, trying to gain as much energy as I could. From the front door emerged two men when I was washing the dishes. Both of them were young but from the way they talked and walked towards the counter, I seemed to recognize them. I tilted my head to left and continued my job. The emerald green eyes that matched his navy-blue uniforms, with his short trimmed bronze hair were really familiar in such way. True enough, my caution was justified, for the next moment; I heard Frank greeted one of them as Mr. Cullen. “About time, Mr. Cullen. Same order?” Frank treated them outrageously, unlike the previous customers. Then suddenly the lights went off. I heard a lot of gasping and sighing. My hands fumbled around, trying to feel my way to a small room, which led to the electrical mains. “Ah ha!” I found it but only realized it was not the electrical box. In fact, it felt more like chest, slowly; I traced it downwards and felt something flat. I couldn’t see anything, only feeling a big figure. I held my breath as I slowly push the big figure away from my way to the electrical box.

Then, suddenly, the door slammed shut behind me and made me screamed. Someone was coughing and it didn’t help at all but freaked me. After a short moment, the person tended to cough more. This time, it caused me to screamed and jumped. “Who’s there?” I asked while my body shivered. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you but I was just trying to fix the electrical mains...” “Oh...” I said in a calmer voice this time. I could hear him laugh silently. Even though I couldn’t see anything, but I sensed his mouth just pulled into a crooked smile. Thank god he couldn’t see, I thought as I felt the blood rising up onto my cheeks. Pukkek, the electric went back. “Well, it’s fixed” he said in relieve. Then he continued his sentence “Let’s get the hell out of this small, dusty room!” I tried to turn the knob but only to found that I couldn’t open it. “Damn door!” I mumbled silently. “What is it?” his velvety voice was still so calm until I told him we were locked inside. “COME AGAIN?!” I could feel he is really nervous now. Then I heard someone was knocking the door. “Hey...Hey! We are in here!” Both of us shouted in unison. “Bella, is that you?” The strange, recognizable voice was asking me from outside. “Angela? What are you doing? Open up!” I screamed. “Be cool...Is Edward in there?” she asked patiently. What?! Edward?! Thanks to that rebellious friend, I was stuck with this annoying guy again that I loathed and loved in lots of ways in this small, dark room. “Did someone just called out my name?” he asked innocently. Then, without warning, I punched him in the face and his chest.

“What are you doing here?” Meanly, I even stomped at his foot. “Hey, sugar-Ouch! Ouch!” He screamed in pain when I broke his nose. “Don’t call me sugar, you crazy stupid emotionless freak!”I crackled. “Please, Bella, I am sorry. LET ME EXPLAIN.” he screamed as I kept hitting him non-stopping until he held tight both of my wrists. Then, I crack into tears. I fell to my knees and started to scream; wishing the pain, agony, grief and sorrow will burst out from my chest. “Bella? Bella?” He asked nervously. “Please, it’s just a misunderstanding. Listen to me, please, I love you...”I calmed when he soothed me with his magic words. “Bella, I didn’t do it!” he said decently and slowly wipes away my string of tears with his fingers. Then suddenly, I grabbed his fingers and put them into my mouth and bite them. “What the hell, Bella?!” “It’s not fair that you hurt me so much every time emotionally and I couldn’t hurt you back...” I pointed out and glared at him. But, surely he couldn’t see it as it was so dark in here. “I am sorry, Bella. I will do whatever you wish, demand, want; anything!”He said as sweet as possible. “You said that!”I poke him hardly on his chest. “By the way, sorry about those punches and slaps...You know I didn’t mean to.” I said calmly and hopefully he won’t be offended. Then, I felt he was leaning closer and closer to me. Then, I can feel his lips sync onto mine. His tongue touched my lower lip as if he was asking me to let his tongue stick into my mouth. Eventually, I opened my mouth slightly and then his tongue sticks into my mouth, battling with mine eagerly for a moment.

“I miss you so much.” He said passionately after our lips parted. Then his lips glued onto mine once again. Suddenly, bang! Who is that?! I thought furiously. “Aww...As lovely as birds.” Angela snickered silently. Both of us bolt up from the floor, patting our clothes to dust away the dirt. “Love puppies would be more appropriate words to describe them.”Michael said cheerfully. He spent the entire night waiting for me to finish my shift. *********** It had been the day I awaited for years since I stepped into high school life: Senior year. It was also known as the worst year as there will be more juniors for me to tutor in academics and being led in co-curriculum. As for myself, the most, most, most important was my end-year exam result that will decide me going to college or not. Almost every day after school, Edward and I will study in the library, no matter at school or at his house. It was the most utterly common place we spent time together at. We had suffered a lot from exam nerves. Sometimes, he would end up sleeping on books and got kicked out from the library. Once, he accidently fell asleep upon the Science books and snored loudly. Then, the old, withered librarian- Mrs. Randy ridiculously shushed him from the counter dumbly. “Oh, shut up, you creepy bitch.” Edward mused dreamily back to the librarian with his eyelids shut. Everyone stared at him dumbfounded. After that, Edward was meanly hit by Mrs. Randy with her handbag on the head. Trust me; you should have seen the event. I always teased him about this and his cheeks will burn bright red like mine.

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