My Capstone Reflection

  • October 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 428
  • Pages: 1
My capstone is how I was given a second chance in life. Some problems that I encountered were the editing process was very hard because it took so many tries to get the recordings of my voice in the right timing order. It was also very hard to get them right because I had to cut a lot of it out to make it sound right. That was very hard and it took alot time. Yet I tried hard and started early enough and got it done to my liking. I learned a lot that when you try hard you will get the best results even if you fall down and have to start all over again. Just do not get down. During this class I learned so much about making films and even movies. When I first came into Beacon I was so excited to get into senior year and do capstone and now that I am here at this point in time I realize how precious time goes by. I truly appreciated this year and this capstone because it made me really see things on a different level. Things in my capstone took a while to turn out the way I liked them. I was very hesitant on things and was so unsure of things. Yet Mr. G, and Mrs. Reeves helped me get over that bump in the road. I wanted this to be a perfect capstone and I knew that if I slacked then I would not have made the best capstone. So when it came time to start coming up with ideas it was very had to at first because I had this vision in my head, but when it came time to try to film some my heart was not with it. That happened so many times. About three times it happened. I was so frustrated. I felt like nothing was right. Then I had this idea and it was hard but I pulled it off. I was being a perfectionist during this process, but learned I needed to let that go. Being patient and letting the camera and your thought come out where the key thing to a good capstone for me. Knowing what I know now has helped me come up with the best capstone that I have made. Even though it is my first. I really enjoyed it. Something that made me happy was filming me as a kid. To be honest I would not change a thing about this capstone only to have come up with it first.

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