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Self-Driving Cars Larry Bruce Keely III Sally Spear March 22, 2019

AI is not the future it is the present. If there’s any best place to start the creation of AI it would be for sure in a spot where people don’t always like doing, which is driving. Self-driving cars are definitely in the testing stages and probably will not be in total effect till the next generation of humans. There’s a lot of pros and cons to cost to how much safety it will actually provide. The general objectives on the product, is making money, another way of traveling, and provide safety to the up most and start the AI revolution. One of the biggest pros for self-driving cars have so many good benefits. According to Auto Insurance center, “In comparison to the myriad of bad behaviors a driver might exhibit behind the wheel, a computer is actually an ideal motorist. Since 81 percent of car crashes are the result of human error, computers would take a lot of danger out of the equation entirely.” This statistic would result in a lot of life saved. In 2018, according to, roughly forty thousand according people died in a car crash, but if society was completely self-driving then it would be estimate of thirty two thousand less deaths a year, which is gigantic difference compared to forty thousand. Why this statistic can be proven is because of human error; distractions, road rage, eating, texting, and or tiredness which the computer has none of these problems. How much would the car cost considering that it all the newest technology is on it including a laser system, cameras all around and motion sensors around the car. Auto Insurance Center states that just the engineering aspect itself would be over hundred thousand dollars alone. This is not including the designs, cameras, laser sensor, or even the car parts etc. In this result how many people will actually be able to afford this car when it comes out, the price will be so high the demand will be extremely low, which would end up slowing the all AI vehicles movement back a few decades. According to This Week, self-driving cars will be flooding the

streets in 2020 and by 2030 is predicted that almost all cars will be non-human automated. By 2030 should be the end result of the product, where it’s near perfection and completely safe. Insurance companies are soon coming to a complete end. This will save money for people not just in America but all around the world tons of money. Why buy the car if the factory is not insured its save to use, you shouldn’t have to pay for it if it’s not entirely save. Nerd Wallet says, “86% of insurances people pay for is car insurances but by 2050 it will be 22% or less.” Even though they are making self-driving cars they will still have the driving function for some of the people who will still love driving, which is why the auto insurance companies will still somewhat be around. A con that will impact companies like Lyft and Uber is that there will be a lot of job cuts. On a site called, Uber solidly states that “Technology also creates new work opportunities while disrupting existing ones.” Meaning that, yes uber, lyft, and normal taxi drivers will be losing their jobs but this was also creating different jobs. It would definitely have more people working on the car and maintaining the cars because no matter what all machines are not perfect so software and electrical skills will come to play on these cars. Uber also mentioned that truck drivers would be the first of the transportation side of jobs that would be the first to be hit, why have a human who has to go eat, the restroom, and sleep when you can have a robot that will constantly drive till it has approached its targeted spot. Currently even taxi drivers in general have been expanding rapidly on their technology skills such as GPS, tablet, and credit card machines since the world is becoming much more complicated. With self-driving cars also impacts not just the road but cities incredibly. Wired says that our cities and roads will drastically change due to them being made for humans. Cities would lose stop signs, stop lights, metered parking spot on the side of the road. This would enable a lot

green spaces and possibly more trees and grass. Wired also states that the only signs they could see still being around are bus stops or directions to get to a bus stop. Speed limits around the city and even a possibility in the city would increases due to the machine knowing it would not hit another machine, resulting in an even faster way of travel. Buildings in the city usually has parking garages but if your cars drop you off and drive themselves to park, then there would be no need in a underground parking lot saving a lot of new businesses that are creating a new building save money. Jay walking as a crime would also disappear considering the car should sense your presences so you can freely walk in the street. Police Officers will see changes and in general all law influenced with transportation will have a drastic change. Police will not have to focus on the minor crimes like speeding tickets and will actually be able to be focus on the much more serious crimes. The reality of a car speeding when its controlled by a machine seems like it was hacked, but other than that the car should follow the guide lines on how fast and the details of how the road works for the car. Knowing this is a possibility, then police officer could be a “cyber control force” where it can track how fast your car is going and then maybe be able to shut it down if it has been hacked, something like an insurance. If a computer hit another computer what kind of case would that be, would the person or the company who made the car be at fault for the accident and who would be responsible for the payout of the damage of the cars? That is huge question that a lot people even including some of the judges are asking, According to Fortune it states the person in the front seat is considered at fault for now while cars art still able to be driven and automatic. Fortune does not state anything about the future when they become true fully automatic where the driver cannot take control.

This will be a difficult topic to discuss and will have a bunch of debates on how the process of the case should and handled. According to Freckly law firm, “Nobody would need to own a driverless car. Instead a “car share” system could be implemented that would allow several families to share one vehicle. This would also mean vehicle maintenance costs would be shared.” If this were the case, this would reduce jobs, but would most likely increase the cost on maintenance considering they need a decent wage on the car and it would be consider a much more complexed machine since it has software and lasers sensors unlike simple machines with just moving wheels and axels. This would reduce the amount of natural gas we consume by a large amount and would take away the amount of construction on roads. America would not need as many workers repave because the roads would not be as used due to multi families using one car. That’s taking the typical 2 or 3 car family and reducing it to 1 for 3 families that’s 6-9 cars less on the road, and if everyone does that then traffic should substantially decrease. With self-driving cars also comes perfected electrical cars. This meaning everywhere around the world that has natural gases also known as oil will lose a lot of revenue. Gas stations would be non-existent but charge stations would be the thing typically replacing them. Currently there are some gas stations where they actually have electric pumps for the hybrid or electric cars. This change is such a big change around the world since it is been a century since cars have ran on fossil fuels so it would be lots of jobs would be lost not just in America but around the world. This will stop a lot of the current global warming crisis; electric cars will be perfected way before self-driving due to it focused and way more researched on. Instead of focusing on driving you talk to your passenger, watch a movie, text or friend or whatever you like to do then drive in a car. Self-driving cars would allow you to put less focus

on the road and more into your life. You would be much more social instead of doing an unending chore, which most people have to do every day to go and come home to work. Self-driving cars are here. The cars are currently being tested and made by major companies, which will increase the process of them becoming prefect. There is a lot of focus and development going into and the results will be here before you know it, in the next decade. A lot of change will be happening and the impacts will be very beneficial and could hurt others such as jobs to improving cities. The next generation of humans will not need to drive.

“Top 20 Pros and Cons Associated With Self-Driving Cars.” Cheap Auto Insurance Quotes, 22 Mar. 2019, Bell, Lyndon. “10 Benefits of Self-Driving Cars.”, 22 Mar. 2019,

Buczynski, Beth, et al. “With Self-Driving Cars, Auto Insurance's Time Is Limited.” NerdWallet, 21 Aug. 2017,

Johnson, Leif, and Michelle Fitzsimmons. “Uber Self-Driving Cars: Everything You Need to Know.” TechRadar, TechRadar The Source for Tech Buying Advice, 25 May 2018,

Goodman, Paul. “Advantages and Disadvantages of Driverless Cars.” AxleAddict, AxleAddict, 24 Jan. 2019,

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