Museum Of Science, Boston: Annual Report 2006

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Annual Report 2006

The Museum of Science sits at a pivotal moment: Extraordinary successes of the past year were signposts to its future as the science and technology center of the 21st century. We will achieve this goal through four strategic initiatives, or “pillars.” We will enhance our core exhibits and programs, illuminate the life sciences—the theme of this report—champion engineering and technological literacy, and ultimately renew our physical presence. The institution’s financial strength is a result of the year’s banner achievements. Most notably, Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination, developed with Lucasfilm Ltd., our first major interactive exhibit to incorporate engineering lessons, garnered critical acclaim. Actor Anthony Daniels (C-3PO) emceed its gala premiere, with special guest George Lucas and catering by Wolfgang Puck. Last year, over 1.6 million visitors experienced the Museum, while Star Wars attracted record crowds and beat attendance projections by 23 percent. Treasured in Boston, the Museum is also respected nationwide for its visitor experience and accessibility. As partners joined us, we forged ahead with our strategic initiatives. The National Center for Technological Literacy® is working with 28 states to introduce engineering into schools and lifelong learning centers. Rhode Island Governor Donald Carcieri calls our efforts the “beginning of a movement to breathe new life” into math and science education.


Meanwhile, we made strides in life science education. A major gift from Genzyme Corporation established the Genzyme Biotechnology Education Initiative. Through the Barbara and Malcolm L. Sherman Fund for Adult Programs, we are enriching our nearly 30 adult-learning programs. In addition, a Hayden Foundation grant will enable us to acquire the latest Zeiss Starmaster projector, providing a cutting-edge planetarium experience. As we gained momentum in fulfilling our strategic vision, we established the Chairman’s Circle to recognize the Museum’s most generous benefactors, such as charter members Sophia and Bernard M. Gordon, whose leadership and vision enrich lives and advance the Museum of Science. The Gordons’ gift endowing the Museum’s engineering initiatives opens a new door to inspire tomorrow’s engineering leaders. Last year saw definitive steps towards the Museum’s transformation from a beloved local landmark to a national leader in science and technology education—thanks to the critical support of our partners and benefactors. This book is a tribute to our continuing work together.

Ioannis N. Miaoulis President and Director

Richard M. Burnes Jr. Chair, Board of Trustees

Through life science Life Lessons and technology, the Museum Life science research is changing our lives. honors its past New knowledge influences our decisions, while connecting fuels discourse, and drives societal change. to its future. In response to the dramatic growth in the bioscience world, the Museum of Science is expanding its focus on life science and the technology behind it. We are creating new, permanent exhibits and programs as well as strengthening the presence of the life sciences in temporary exhibits, Omni films, forums, and other formats. This life science initiative also reflects the Museum’s championship of technological literacy across America by incorporating cutting-edge technology into interactive exhibits and programs at the Museum and in classrooms. By expanding our engagement with life science and technology, the Museum honors its past as a natural history museum while connecting to the future through technological innovation. Our goal is to create the science and technology center of the 21st century. People will make that happen, and we are fortunate to have knowledgeable, dedicated experts and deeply committed donors who bring compelling and innovative exhibits and programs in life science to the Museum. We hope you will enjoy meeting a few of them in the following pages.

Museum staff members are shepherding life science initiatives (clockwise from top left): Maureen McConnell, Paul Fontaine, Bunny Watson, and Tim Kardatzke.


Back to Our Roots As adults, we may marvel, but see little mystery in the reproductive process. It’s tempting, therefore, to imagine children as the primary beneficiaries of the Museum’s exhibit How Your Life Began. Of course, children have learned “where babies come from” at the Museum of Science for more than a generation. The exhibit displays detailed, human-scale models of male and female internal reproductive organs, as well as each stage of a fetus’s development inside a woman’s body. Yet the exhibit is equally valuable to adults. Instead of getting answers, they find questions. For instance, one section raises the implications of new technologies


Instead of getting answers, adult visitors find challenging questions.


Bill Schawbel and Judy Samelson Bill Schawbel, a leader in bringing innovative products to market, and his wife, Judy Samelson, an inventor and designer, understand philanthropy. They serve on the boards of 20 charitable organizations, including the Museum. “We appreciate how the Museum of Science promotes and fosters creativity and innovation. As a result, we have made a substantial philanthropic investment to support it,” they say. Schawbel and Samelson are charter members of the Chairman’s Circle.


like genetic testing of the unborn. Are medical breakthroughs necessarily good? Should I use technology just because it’s available? How Your Life Began immerses the visitor, conveying information both in narrative form and through its environment. With dimmed lighting and a circular path from one stage to the next, the physical format suggests the inside of a womb. It is among the most life-affirming exhibits in the Museum.

Renovated Museum Café opens under management of chef Wolfgang Puck

The MathWorks becomes annual sponsor of Omni films

Beyond the X-Ray opens, sponsored by Philips and Mercury Computer Systems

interest is “in My empowering

citizens to use scientific data. Maureen McConnell Exhibit Developer

Bayard and Julie Henry

Power to the People Exhibits content developer Maureen McConnell likes to think big. “I’ve always looked for jobs where I could have wider influence on the public,” she says. The zoologist heads the Museum’s participation in the National Center for BioBlitzes. In a BioBlitz, scientists and other citizens gather to take rapid inventory of plants and animals living in a given habitat in, say, 24 hours. “My interest is in empowering citizens to gather and use scientific data for their own purposes,” she says. Bunny Watson, curator of the Live Animal Center, oversees a collection of some 120 animals of 50 species. She also

Cutting-edge exhibits and programs are not the only reason that the Museum is a recognized leader in science and technology education in K-12 classrooms and museums nationwide. Julie and Bayard Henry know that constant evaluation to measure effectiveness and relevance is equally critical to success. Their recent gift established the Julie and Bayard Henry Fund for Research and Evaluation. “This fund will enable the Museum to be a national leader in the evaluation of exhibits and programs, not just in their development,” says Julie. The Henrys are charter members of the Chairman’s Circle.

chose her career at the Museum in order to connect with

reach Summer 2005

others. A certified veterinary technician, Watson previously worked in a veterinary hospital emergency room. It saddened her that “almost all the conditions that come into the emergency room were preventable.” “It comes down to education,” she says. “At the Museum, we have the opportunity to educate people about the living relationship between humans and nature.”

Record crowds attend Museum’s signature July 4 celebration Final preparations for Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination, sponsored by Bose

Human Evolution exhibit undergoes overhaul

The Innovators, a young philanthropists’ group, forms


The Edge of a New Frontier Museum-goers can see for themselves how cool medical-imaging technology is in Beyond the X-Ray, a multi-part exhibit exploring the revealing and often beautiful world of medical imaging. After premiering last year, the exhibit quickly became a visitor favorite.

Museum “ Thehelps create

excitement about the promise of biotechnology.

 enri Termeer H CEO, Genzyme

Interactivity is a major reason. For instance, individuals


Henri Termeer Henri Termeer is renowned in the business world for his contributions to the biotechnology industry. Under his leadership as president, chairman, and CEO, the Genzyme Corporation made the largest gift in its 25-year history to create the Genzyme Biotechnology Education Initiative. The donation is also the largest single corporate gift in the Museum’s 175-year history. “We have always valued our long-standing relationship with the Museum,” says Henri. “This gift is in keeping with our mutual commitments to promote and support science education locally and globally.” Genzyme is a corporate charter member of the Chairman’s Circle.

can control the speed as they view three-dimensional movies created from CT-scan images connected in a series. They can also play Radiologist for a Day, making a diagnosis based on their examination of x-rays, CT scans, and PET scans. Beyond the X-Ray shows how far medical-imaging technologies have come. A 1993 exhibit asks us to contemplate the outer limits of biotechnology knowledge. Frontiers of Biotechnology illustrates biotech’s role in our lives, from the mundane (environmentally friendly denim) to the heroic (quests for cures for debilitating disorders).


FALL 2005 Star-studded gala kicks off Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination Washburn Award presented to Dean Kamen, inventor and entrepreneur Wright Lecture series launches with Origins of Evolution

Lighting a Spark As program manager of The Human Body

Connection, archaeologist Tim Kardatzke oversees one of the Museum’s most popular venues. The interactive exhibit

Seeing that spark in visitors keeps me coming back.

addresses questions from visitors about anatomy, physiology, evolution, medicine, and medical technology. One interactive

feature is the chance for visitors to collect and analyze data about themselves through surveys on various topics. “We have a curiosity about ourselves,” he

 aul Fontaine, P Vice President, Programs

says, “that we can use as a hook to draw our visitors in for deeper learning.” That hook is a key indicator of the Museum’s success for Paul Fontaine, vice president,

Paul Egerman

programs. “If the Museum of Science

As founder and chief executive of the medical technology company eScription, Paul Egerman pioneered medical transcription with intelligent speech processing technology. By supporting the endowments of the National Center for Technological Literacy and a new technology gallery, board vice chair Egerman hopes to take science and technology from behind the scenes to front and center. “The Museum is a place that makes technology fun,” Paul says. “I’m hoping people will change their views about science and technology as a result of coming to the Museum of Science.” Paul Egerman is a charter member of the Chairman’s Circle.

does two things, we’re successful,” says the 21-year Museum veteran and college biology lecturer. “First: help people see their world differently. Second: light a spark in people.” That spark of imagination and excitement,


which has influenced many career choices, is in turn Fontaine’s own inspiration. “It’s what keeps me coming back,” he says.

WINTER 2005 Omni film Greece introduces Museum to its president’s homeland and draws large audiences Chairman’s Circle established to recognize seven-figure donors All-time attendance records set in February


A Playground for the Curious Am I normal? What makes my heart rate change? What does a heartbeat mean? Visitors to The Human Body Connection ask these and other questions that arise as they explore human biology and medical technologies. Often, participation in the exhibit allows them to arrive at their own answers. For instance, visitors can measure the volume of their lungs, find out how much sugar is in a bottle of cola, assemble a model human torso, or ride a bike with a skeleton.


By participating, visitors answer their own questions about human biology. Exhibit activities present human biology in the larger context of life science. The Hood chick hatchery has been a favorite for generations, as are the tamarin monkeys, which catalyze discussion of the path of human evolution. The Human Body Connection’s great strength is its staff and volunteers. Answering questions in their signature red aprons, they facilitate the hands-on activities. The exhibit’s cadre of volunteers is especially rich in

Barbara and Malcolm L. Sherman


The Museum—well known for attracting children, families, and educators—is increasing its adult programming thanks to a leadership gift from a couple who are long-standing Museum supporters. The Barbara and Malcolm L. Sherman Fund for Adult Programs will enable the Museum to develop compelling, high-quality, participatory programs for adults. “Given the constant advances in science and technology, the Museum is uniquely positioned to help educate all citizens,” says Mal. “Barbara and I couldn’t be more pleased to help the Museum firmly establish itself as an attractive and comfortable place for adults.” The Shermans are charter members of the Chairman’s Circle.

diversity and experience. Many are current students and professionals from the biotechnology industry who explain the latest information in their areas of expertise.

Walker Prize awarded to Dr. David Nathan, pioneering hematologist Annual spring Women in Science luncheon explores physics

SPRING 2006 Genzyme Corporation makes largest-ever single corporate gift to the Museum

The top minds in life science will help the Museum illuminate human biology.

D. Reid Weedon Jr.

The Hall of Human Life Despite the Museum’s many beloved life science-related exhibits, there is a need for more, given the profound implications of the biotechnology revolution on our lives. To bring this knowledge and technology to its huge audience, the Museum is reconfiguring and expanding its human body exhibits to create the Hall of Human Life. When completed, this exhibit will mount a comprehensive introduction to current research on human biology.


Designing and building an exhibit hall of this scale is a monumental undertaking, already underway thanks to the generosity of

Reid Weedon understands the benefits a planned gift can bring. A longtime supporter, former chair of the board, and life trustee of the Museum, he established a charitable remainder unitrust to support the position of president and director of the Museum. “I am actively involved in helping to raise money for the Museum of Science and thought it best to lead by example,” says Reid. “I want to make sure the Museum will always be here as an important resource for Boston and beyond.” Reid Weedon is a charter member of both the Chairman’s Circle and the Washburn Society.

Genzyme and Henri Termeer. And the Museum has a wealth of other potential partners in the Boston-Cambridge area, home to business and academic leaders in life science research. Exhibit developers will tap these experts for input in developing the Hall of Human Life. The exhibit itself will feature programs by Greater Boston’s preeminent life scientists. They will present up-to-theminute, research-based views of life science issues, helping visitors understand human biology as research constantly reveals it.

Forum project launches nanotechnology series

SUMMER 2006 Charles Hayden Foundation funds new Planetarium Zeiss Starmaster projector Weems sculpture collection moves to Lyman Library


Treasurer’s Report Fiscal 2006 JOHN T. SLAKEY Vice President, Finance

Selected Financial Information Gross Attendance (000’s)

Operating Results (OOO’s)





Results from Operations The Museum posted a financially successful fiscal year 2006 (July 1, 2005 – June 30, 2006) with record operat-


ing revenues of $45.9 million, reflecting the significant positive impact of the Museum’s Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination traveling exhibit as well as unrestricted and


restricted fundraising efforts. Attendance continued to rebound from its low in fiscal


year 2004 and exceeded 1.6 million visitors, with Star Wars proving a robust draw. As a result, attendance-

For the year ended June 30, 2006






Operating Support and Revenue Unrestricted contributions, grants, and pledges Contributed services and gifts in kind Restricted funds and government awards Admissions Membership income Ancillary services Store sales (b) Investment income Program fees Other income Net transfers from/(to) non-operating funds Total operating support and revenue

$ 1,964 2,843 5,829 9,990 3,429 3,828 2,991 999 1,335 749 187 $ 34,144

1,711 1,758 5,794 11,591 3,551 3,808 3,406 928 1,442 985 1,767 36,741

1,977 1,275 6,263 8,924 3,745 3,632 2,726 970 1,256 518 3,536 34,822

2,223 1,963 12,059 11,879 4,603 5,490 – 894 1,472 657 635 41,875

2,691 1,953 14,000 12,609 4,501 5,887 – 715 1,366 1,342 850 45,914

Operating Expenses and Transfers Program services Fundraising and membership Building operations Administration and general Interest expense Bond principal payment (c) Total operating expenses and transfers

19,831 2,560 4,303 5,711 576 1,155 $ 34,136

21,630 2,754 4,649 5,966 524 1,205 36,728

20,586 3,458 4,640 4,360 512 1,260 34,816

25,705 4,231 5,049 6,489 344 – 41,818

29,246 6,041 5,238 5,241 90 — 45,856

Excess of Support and Revenue Over Expenses and Transfers






5,201 81,475 45,487 8,905

5,336 79,637 47,424 –

3,491 89,656 48,750 –

2000 1,576

For the 14 months ended June 30, 2005 (a)

For the year ended April 30 (000’s)

related income exceeded budget by a combined nine percent. Of particular note was the record level of


more than 47,000 Museum memberships, reflecting both



2005 (a)


(a) Fourteen-month period from May 2004 – June 2005

the appeal of Star Wars and outstanding staff efforts. In addition, corporate membership and sponsorship


exceeded budget by 20 percent. The Museum’s function

improvements, and facility repair and renovations. An additional

business grew by over 25 percent compared to the previ-

$0.4 million was earmarked to help replace board funds borrowed

ous year, as both the corporate and the newly expanded

to pay off the long-term debt in fiscal 2005.

social market showed strong gains. Store net income also increased nearly 30 percent despite the nine-week

Financial Condition

closure of the main store for renovations; sales from

Unrestricted cash and investments totaled $3.5 million on June 30,

the temporary Star Wars store more than doubled

a decrease of $1.8 million from a year ago due to spending on

expectations. Renovation of the Galaxy food court and

one-time operating and capital projects and programs offset by the

the new food services contract helped increase net food

positive cash flow from operations. The pooled endowment grew

income by 55 percent. Also, program fees increased by 26

by $10.1 million to $89.7 million, generated from $2.9 million in

percent, led by traveling programs, camp-ins, and courses.

additions along with $7.2 million in market gains. Total endowment return for the year was 13.1 percent (12.4 percent net of fees).

Unrestricted fundraising enjoyed a banner year. Annual

This performance was in the top 10 percent of similar endowments

fund contributions reached a new high of $2.3 million as

and foundations as tracked by our investment consultant. Property,

efforts to increase both the number and giving level of

plant, and equipment increased by $1.3 million as a result of $5.7

donors proved successful. The Museum continued to

million in additions against $4.2 million in depreciation and $0.2

secure government and private funding for a variety of

million in write-offs.

initiatives, and their impact on operations is noteworthy. Over $12.5 million of these funds were utilized in 2006 for

As is true in any successful endeavor, we could not have achieved

operating programs and projects.

these outstanding results without a team effort. Our Trustees, Overseers, and donors led the way with generous commitments of

Operating expenses finished slightly below budget as

time and financial support. Our outstanding Volunteers contributed

savings in staffing and other costs were offset by major

more than 58,000 hours, helping sustain many core Museum

increases in utilities. The Museum transferred more than

programs. Equally, our loyal and dedicated staff faithfully and

$2.9 million to board-designated reserves for a variety of

diligently worked toward implementing the Museum’s vision and

one-time capital and project needs, including Star Wars

provided the backbone for its continued success. Together, these

exhibit construction costs, technology infrastructure

three elements produced an outstanding year.


Selected Statement of Financial Position Accounts (OOO’s) Unrestricted cash and investments Pooled endowment funds at market value Property, plant, and equipment, net of depreciation Revenue bonds payable (c)


6,757 75,343 47,015 11,370

6,169 67,876 45,919 10,165

(a) For the 14 months May 2004 – June 2005 as the Museum transitioned from an April 30 to a June 30 year end. (b) Beginning in FY 2005, the Museum outsourced its retail store to a third-party vendor; net results are included in ancillary income. (c) Through an early retirement provision, the Museum fully paid off its revenue bonds in November of 2004.

uses of operating funds $45,856,000 Fundraising and Membership 13%

Sources of operating funds $45,914,000 Unrestricted Contributions 10% Admissions 27%

Building Operations 11%

Administration and General 12%

Program Services 64%

Restricted Funds 30% Investment Income 2% Program Fees 3% Membership 10%

Ancillary Services 13% Transfer In and Other 5%

Our Partners: Investing in Tomorrow The Museum of Science is like a digital image—an array of exhibits and programs coalescing, like pixels, to form a whole picture. In the same way, the success of the Museum as a whole depends on many investments, small and large, in our various programs. Fiscal success in the past year came from multiple sources. Notable were our achievements in attracting local and national community partners. Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination pooled intellectual wealth and 18

financial support from a roster of major corporations and individual experts coast to coast. Closer to home, Genzyme’s landmark grant will enable the Museum to create fresh and challenging exhibits and programs illuminating the intersection of life science and technology. Looking to the present and beyond, support from engineering visionary Bernard M. Gordon and his wife Sophia ensures the Museum’s role to inspire science and technology pioneers for generations to come. These and other collaborations tell a story of transformation: A treasured New England institution assumes national leadership in science and technology. In fulfilling that transformation, we will work hard to continue engaging community networks and partners. All partnerships with the Museum of Science are an investment in our community and in the institution’s life as a national science and technology leader. As more partnerships beget more successful programming, a clearer image of the future comes into focus, like a pixilated image gaining resolution.

2005-2006 Volunteer Leadership Board of Trustees Chair Richard M. Burnes Jr., General Partner, Charles River Ventures, Inc., Waltham Vice Chairs Paul Egerman, CEO, eScription, Inc., Needham Heights Diane R. Gordon, Attorney, Boston Gwill E. York, Managing Director, Lighthouse Capital Partners, Cambridge Chair of the Overseers Laura Barker Morse, Human Capital Partner, Atlas Venture, Waltham President & Director Ioannis Miaoulis, President and Director, Museum of Science, Boston Treasurer John T. Slakey, Vice President, Finance, Museum of Science, Boston Secretary Wendy W. Kistler, Belmont Assistant Secretary Linda Johnson, Senior Vice President, Visitor Experience and Outreach, Museum of Science, Boston Corporation Counsel Wayne M. Kennard, Partner, WilmerHale, Boston Trustees John E. Abele, Founder Chairman, Boston Scientific Corporation, Natick Richard I. Anders, Partner, Still River Fund, Waltham Henry P. Becton Jr., President, WGBH Educational Foundation, Allston Jeffrey R. Beir, North Bridge Venture Partners, Waltham

Joan M. Bergstrom, Professor and Director, Center for International Education and Leadership, Wheelock College, Boston Edward J. Boudreau, Jr., Managing Director, E. J. Boudreau & Associates LLC, Winchester

Leo X. Liu, President and CEO, Cambria Biosciences, Woburn

Matthew D. Shedd, Sudbury

William A. Lowell, Partner, Choate, Hall & Stewart LLP Boston

Malcolm L. Sherman, Vice Chairman, Gordon Brothers Group Inc., Boston

Segundo Mateo, Project Trender, Bechtel National, Inc., West McLean, VA

Lawrence A. Siff, Principal and Managing Director, Gordon Brothers Group Inc., Boston

Joseph Campanelli, President and CEO, Sovereign Bank New England, Boston

The Innovators

Stephen E. Coit, Cambridge

Established in 2005, The Innovators are a group of

Jaishree Deshpande, Andover

philanthropists, aged 21 to 49, who represent the

Gary T. DiCamillo, President and CEO, American Crystal, Inc., Dedham

John D. Hamilton Jr., Vice President, Carpenter and Company, Inc., Cambridge Julie E. Henry, Chestnut Hill

next generation of leadership support at the Museum of Science. Chaired by Trustee Amy Morse Winslow,

Joan C. Suit, Weston

D. Reid Weedon Jr., Cohasset

Samuel O. Thier, Professor of Medicine and Professor of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School, Boston

Sinclair Weeks Jr., Chairman and CEO Emeritus, Reed & Barton Corporation, Sudbury

explore new exhibits and network with like-minded

Life Trustees Vernon R. Alden, Royal Thai Consulate General, Boston

young professionals. By investing in the Museum’s

J. P. Barger, REBOXX, Inc., Hudson

Innovators attend private events at the Museum to

future as the science and technology center of the

William Brown*, Weston

Jonathan J. Fleming, Oxford Bioscience Partners, Boston

technology initiatives.

Helene R. Cahners-Kaplan, Naples, FL

Diane R. Gordon, Attorney, Boston

Elizabeth Houghteling, Cambridge

Edith LaC. Dabney, Chestnut Hill Sean McGrath, President, Stonegate Group, Natick Howard Messing, President and COO, MEDITECH, Westwood Sandra O. Moose, Senior Advisor, Boston Consulting Group, Boston Kenneth J. Novack, Senior Counsel, Boston

Ira Stepanian, Retired Chairman and CEO, Bank of America, Boston

George P. Edmonds Jr., Cambridge

Henri A. Termeer, President, Chairman and CEO, Genzyme Corporation, Cambridge

Walter J. Gamble, Brookline

Hal R. Tovin, Group Executive Vice President, Citizens Financial Group, Boston

Morris Gray, Treasurer, Pioneer Institute for Public Policy Research, Boston

Lawrence Weber, Chairman, W2 Group Inc., Waltham

Paul E. Gray, Professor, Electrical Engineering and President Emeritus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge

John A. Fibiger, Austin, TX

George P. Gardner Jr., UBS, Boston

Ann Kania, Cambridge Donald M. Kaplan, Physician, Pulmonary Associates of Greater Boston, Everett Brian Keane, Weston Wayne M. Kennard, Partner, WilmerHale, Boston

Joyce L. Plotkin, President, Mass Technology Leadership Council, Boston

Amy Morse Winslow, Newton John F. Reno, Chairman, Reno Family Charitable Foundation, Winchester

Wendy W. Kistler, Belmont

Mitchel J. Resnick, LEGO Papert Professor of Learning Research, MIT Media Lab, Cambridge

Michael E. Kolowich, President and Executive Producer, DigiNovations, Incorporated, Concord

John C. Rutherford, Managing Partner, Parthenon Capital, LLC, Boston

Marty Leape, Cambridge

William Schawbel, CEO, The Schawbel Corporation, Bedford

Gwill E. York, Managing Director, Lighthouse Capital Partners, Cambridge Trustees Emeriti Jane C. Bradley, Manchester

Donald B. Wilson, Trustee, Wilson-Cambridge Realty Trust, Cambridge Non-Elected Voting Trustees Martha Leape, President, Volunteer Service League, Cambridge

Warren S. Berg, Sanbornville, NH

positioned to pioneer tomorrow’s science and

Daphne Hatsopoulos, Lincoln

Neil W. Wallace, Co-Founder, General Investment & Development Company, Boston H. Bradford Washburn Jr., Founding Director, Museum of Science, Boston

21st century, our younger members are uniquely

Peter W. Grieve, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., Boston

Ralph Z. Sorenson, President Emeritus, Babson College, Wellesley Hills

Robert C. Seamans Jr., Beverly Farms

Paul Egerman, CEO, eScription, Inc., Needham Heights

Leslie E. Greis, Managing Member, Perennial Capital Advisors, Cambridge

Preston H. Saunders, Partner, Nichols & Pratt, Boston

Emily C. Hood, Boston

Richard A. Carpenter, President, Carpenter Associates, Orwell, VT

Sally L. Dias, Vice President, Programs & Partnerships in Education, Emmanuel College, Boston

M. Dozier Gardner, Consultant, Cambridge Associates LLP, Boston

John B. Hopkins (as of May 2006), Senior Analyst, Transportation Technology Policy, U.S. Department of Transportation, Cambridge Laura Barker Morse, Chair, Board of Overseers, Human Capital Partner, Atlas Venture, Waltham Amy Morse Winslow, Chair, The Innovators, Principal, MW Advisory, Needham Heights Wayne M. Kennard, Corporation Counsel, Senior Partner, WilmerHale, Boston Ex Officio Trustees David P. Driscoll, Commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Education, Malden Stephen H. Burrington, Commissioner, Department of Conservation and Recreation

Jerome C. Hunsaker Jr., Tucker Anthony, Inc., Boston Overseers Robert F. Jasse, Owner and Founder, Alyson’s Orchard, Walpol, NH

Laura Barker Morse Chair, Board of Overseers

John Lowell*, Nahant Key * Deceased ** Resigned (M) Matching Suppport © Reach for the Stars n Corporate Community Fund

Truman S. Casner, Of Counsel, Ropes & Gray LLP, Boston Brit J. d’Arbeloff, Brookline David W. Ellis, President Emeritus, Museum of Science, Boston

Mrs. Roger L. Nichols, North Scituate James R. Nichols, Partner, Nichols & Pratt, Boston Mrs. James L. Phillips, Manchester

Sheila Aborn Lockwood Amy L. Abrams Hassan M. Ahmed William F. Aikman Melvin Bernstein James R. Bertelli

Paul A. Bleicher Alexis Borisy Vanu G. Bose Ian A. Bowles William J. Brady Daniel S. Bricklin Marc R. Buntaine Dolores C. Calaf Eric J. Chaisson Alice Chiang Rena Clark Gerald D. Cohen Howard E. Cox Jr. John Cullinane Jr. James Daniell Virginia M. d’Arbeloff Randall Davis Francis A. de Souza Charles Digate Richard DiPerna Fernando J. Domenech Jr. Judith Donath** Jaime Ellertson Marion S. Ellis Juan Enriquez Prashant Fadia* Saloni Fadia Newell Flather Sr. Carol Fulp** Christopher Gabrieli** Michael G. George Eva Ghosh Robert Gittens Peter Glick Norman W. Gorin Gary R. Gregg Peter W. Grieve Evelynn Hammonds Bruce M. Hauben** Ina Heafitz Kristin Hilf** Andrew Hoar Mark W. Holland James E. Hollis Steven T. Horan David L. House Michael V. Hynes David L. Jegen E. Verner Johnson Paula A. Johnson Philip Johnson Paul G. Joubert Lewis Karabatsos** Ranch Kimball Bhavya Lal Pam Lassiter Frederick H. Lovejoy Jr. Joy Lucas Louise Park MacMillan Paul A. Maeder Laura Davies Mateo Ann Merrifield Cleve B. Moler Elizabeth Moore Laura Barker Morse Valerie Mosley John R. Nelson

Peter Nessen Ronald S. Newbower Mary Anne North Mark Nunnelly Kate O’Neil Julio R. Pabon** Susan P. Pauker Anthony Perkins Donald M. Perrin Finley H. Perry Jr. Eugene E. Record Jr. Patricia Ribakoff* William J. Ribaudo Chris Rogers Robert Sackstein William Sakamoto** Howard Salwen Judy Samelson Alison B. Sander James Savage Ralph G. Seferian Naomi O. Seligman Lisa S. Serafin Raj Sharma Ralph Sheridan Robin Sherman Jenot W. Shipley Leonard J. Shustek Michael Skoler** Kimberly A. Slater Normand F. Smith III Ameeta Soni Alfred Tozzer Spalding Yvonne Spicer** Carol Vash Spritz Walter F. Stafford III Fintan Steele Ava Steenstrup William M. Steul Addie Swartz Jean C. Tempel Michael G. Thonis Richard Tinsman Brian Totty Gene Tremblay Mark Trusheim Stephen M. Van Beaver Margaret Ann Warner Michael Winter Douglas Zingale Overseers Emeriti Nile L. Albright John M. Bradley Earline S. Bush Mrs. Walter M. Cabot Joan Tozzer Cave Jane M. Cole Albert M. Creighton Jr. Mrs. Tarrant Cutler George L. Dow Robert R. Everett Boruch B. Frusztajer Owen Gingerich Marvin C. Grossman Ernest Henderson III Gardner C. Hendrie



Jonnet K. Holladay Charles H. Hood Max D. Hopper Richard M. Hunt Howard W. Johnson Jerome P. Kassirer Robert A. Lawrence* Richard G. Leahy George Lewis John F. Magee Terrence B. Magrath Susie E. Mooncai Lorraine Graham Morss Thurman F. Naylor Rodger Nordblom Kenneth H. Olsen Edith Hall Overly Thomas L. Phillips Douglas E. Poole Helen M. Pounds George Putnam William M. Raeder Thomas A. Rosse Helen Chin Schlichte Marvin G. Schorr Arthur R. Schwartz Emily Hubbs Scott Mrs. Donald C. Seamans John A. Shane Eleanor G. Shore Ella P. Smith Helen B. Spaulding John K. Spring Ralph C. Sweetland Stephen B. Swensrud Barbara P. Washburn Joanne Weafer John P. Weitzel Charles V. Willie Anne B.R. Witherby

The Innovators  Steering Committee Amy Morse Winslow, Chair Nishith Acharya Jeff Behrens R. Matt Fates Todd Foley Pearl Freier Dozier Gardner Mattew Hamory David Jegen Michael Miller Kristin Keating Moeller Ifeanyi Mokwunye Christopher Shannon Laura Weinstein

Key * Deceased ** Resigned (M) Matching Suppport © Reach for the Stars n Corporate Community Fund

Volunteer Service League  Board of Directors President Martha Leape, Cambridge Vice President John Hopkins, Cambridge Treasurer Sally Martin, Cambridge Secretaries Pearl Torresyap, Arlington Dorothy Foxon, Reading Directors David Ching, Medford Bob Kinckle, Chelsea Irv Krause, South Dartmouth Jill Norton, Cambridge Ellen O’Brien, Medford Barbara Roth, Dover Jean Shepard, Topsfield Warren Sylvester, Needham Richard Thorne, Billerica mrn Tomusiak, Arlington Non Voting Director Kevin Dunckel, Belmont CONTRIBUTIONS FY 2006 The Museum is grateful to the following donors for their generosity during fiscal year 2006, which concluded on June 30. Thanks to all of them, it was our most successful year ever. Chairman’s Circle Charter Members Rick and Nonnie Burnes Brit and Alex d’Arbeloff Joanne and Paul Egerman Genzyme Corporation Sophia and Bernard M. Gordon The Charles Hayden Foundation Julie and Bayard Henry Institute of Museum and Library Services Intel Corporation National Aeronautics & Space Administration National Institute of Standards and Technology National Science Foundation John and Suzanne Reno Mr. William Schawbel and Ms. Judy Samelson Barbara and Malcolm Sherman Carl and Ruth Shapiro Family Foundation Ira and Jacquie Stepanian Dr. and Mrs. Herman Suit U.S. Small Business Administration Mr. D. Reid Weedon Jr.

Unrestricted Gifts Annual Fund contributions provide the Museum with resources to maintain and develop world-class exhibits, present educational programs, conduct community outreach efforts, and continue essential day-to-day operations. The Museum gratefully acknowledges the work of the Co-Chairs of the Annual Fund and Membership Steering Committee Richard A. Carpenter and James Daniell for their outstanding service in helping make this our most successful year ever. Discoverers Society Discoverer Titanium ($100,000 or more) Brit and Alex d’Arbeloff Mr. and Mrs. A. Neil Pappalardo Discoverer Platinum ($50,000 - $99,999) Rick and Nonnie Burnes Mr. and Mrs. John F. Reno Ira and Jacquie Stepanian Discoverer Diamond ($25,000 - $49,999) Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. John Abele © Sarah and Jeffrey Beir Jaishree and Desh Deshpande Joanne and Paul Egerman Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Fleming Bayard and Julie Henry

Ms. Kathryn B. Kavadas Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis © Dr. Leo Liu and Dr. Pendred Noyce Howard and Colleen Messing Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Novack Discoverer Gold ($10,000 - $24,999) David and Amy Abrams © Mr. and Mrs. Richard Anders Drs. Joan M. and Gary Bergstrom Mr. Edward J. Boudreau Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bradley Mr. Jay Cashman Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Creighton Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary T. DiCamillo © Dr. Richard A. DiPerna and Dr. Jean Nichols Mr. and Mrs. George P. Edmonds Jr. © Mr. and Mrs. M. Dozier Gardner Mr. Granville C. Garth Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hollis © Ms. Elizabeth Houghteling and Mr. Philip Balboni Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Kania Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Donald Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Wayne M. Kennard © Wendy and Philip Kistler Lars Foundation © Mr. and Mrs. Sean McGrath Ms. Ann Merrifield and Mr. Wayne Davis © Sandra Moose © Laura and Ken Morse © (M) Mr. John R. Nelson William and Helen Pounds © Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Record Jr. Mr. William Schawbel and Ms. Judy Samelson Ms. Naomi Seligman ©

Chairman’s Circle Established this year, the Chairman’s Circle recognizes the Museum’s most generous benefactors: individuals, families, corporations, and foundations making gifts and pledges of seven figures or greater. Their leadership and vision are the very essence of philanthropy, changing and enriching people’s lives and advancing the Museum of Science.

Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm L. Sherman Mr. and Mrs. John K. Spring © Kenneth and Carol Vash Spritz William M. and Judith A. Steul Dr. and Mrs. Herman D. Suit Mr. and Mrs. Henri A. Termeer © Brian Totty and Shernaz Daver Uvas Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Eyk Van Otterloo © (M) Ms. Gwill York and Mr. Paul Maeder Discoverer Silver ($5,000 - $9,999) Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. James R. Bertelli © Bill and Nancy Brady © (M) Mr. Robert F. Bulens Catherine and Marc Buntaine Mrs. Earline S. Bush © Joe and Carolyn Campanelli © Mrs. Edwin F. Cave © Michael and Maureen Champa © Mr. Howard Cox © Michael F. Cronin Mrs. Tarrant Cutler © Charles and Deborah Digate Denise Dupre and Mark Nunnelly Mr. and Mrs. David C. Evans Jr. Judith A. and Lionel P. Fortin Dr. and Mrs. Walter J. Gamble © Gold Lakeside Foundation Hannelore and Jeremy Grantham © Karen and Gary Gregg © Ms. Leslie E. Greis Henry and Jean Hall Bambi and Frank Hatch Dr. and Mrs. George Hatsopoulos © The Helen G. Hauben Foundation Ina and Lewis Heafitz © Gardner Hendrie and Karen Johansen Ms. Emily C. Hood Ronald and Kathleen Jackson David L. Jegen and Cynthia Greene (M) Mr. Paul Joubert and Ms. Beverly Hand Tracy and Jonathan Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Karp © Barbara Kirchheimer Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Kolowich John Little and Nancy Wittenberg © Dr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Lovejoy Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Lowell Mr. and Mrs. William A. Lowell Louise P. and John H. MacMillan IV Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Mayer Mr. William C. Mercer © (M) Elizabeth and J. Stuart Moore © Thurman Naylor and Enid Starr Thomas and Liz Niedermeyer © Mr. and Mrs. Rodger P. Nordblom Mrs. Ervin Pietz © Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Rosse Mr. and Mrs. John C. Rutherford Jim and Carol Savage ©

Ralph Sheridan and Anne Steer Dr. and Mrs. William U. Shipley Drs. Eleanor and Miles Shore © Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stata Robert and Christina Suh S. A. Swensrud Charitable Lead Trust Hal and Lisa Tovin © Gene and Susan Tremblay © Mr. Marc Ullman Penny and Jeffrey Vinik Neil and Elise Wallace Peg Warner Anne Lovett and Stephen Woodsum © Discoverer Bronze ($2,500 - $4,999) Anonymous (3) Donald-Bruce Abrams and Roberta Rubin James and Edith Bastian © Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Becton Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Russell S. Beede © Warren and Marjorie Berg © Dr. and Mrs. Melvin Bernstein © Dr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Bililies © Dr. Paul Bleicher and Ms. Julia Greenstein © Alexis Borisy and Lia Meisinger © Ian and Hannah Bowles (M) Charles and Shari Button © Dorothy S. and Walter M. Cabot © Lucy Caldwell-Stair Julie and Kevin Callaghan Ronald and Mary Campanelli © Richard and Elizabeth Carpenter Susan and Gerald Cohen © Mr. Stephen E. Coit Karen and Brian Conway © Mr. Steven D. Corkin © John and Sandrine Cullinane © Mr. James Daniell and Ms. Susan LeClaire Dr. Randall Davis and Dr. Dana Penney © Mr. and Mrs. Jean E. de Valpine Sally and John Dias © Wesley and Virginia Eaton © Medha Sinha and Arthur G. Epker III © Shaoul “Ziggy” and Suzanne Ezekiel © Denise Waldron and Michael Feinstein © John and Barbara Fibiger © Peter and Patricia Fontecchio David Forbes and Virginia Sherwood-Forbes Mark Forziati © Robert Frankston and Eleanor Elkin Bob and Iris Frisch © Mr. and Mrs. Boruch Frusztajer Dozier and Elise Gardner Mr. and Mrs. George P. Gardner © Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Gelb © Mr. and Mrs. John A. D. Gilmore © Peter and Kerstin Glick

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gordon © Norman and Amy Gorin © Jonathan Green and Jennifer Stone © Ms. Anne B. Hagan © John D. Hamilton Jr. James and Lucie Hangstefer Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Henderson © Eric and Karol Hjerpe © Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Holland Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hood © Mr. Steven Horan Robert and Margaret T. Huskins © John Huth and Karen Agnew © Ms. Susan Jacobs © Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Jacobson © Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Jeffries Mr. Ernest W. Jennes Linda and E. Verner Johnson © Mr. and Mrs. C. Bruce Johnstone Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Karabatsos Morris and Elizabeth Kellogg © Mr. and Mrs. Seth A. Klarman Mr. Michael A. Krupka and Ms. Anne C. Kubik © Elizabeth and Abner Kurtin Jone LaBombard and William Noyce © Ms. Pam Lassiter Martha and Lucian Leape © Mr. Andrew Ley and Ms. Carol Searle Mr. Caleb Loring Jr. Alistair and Sharon Lowe © Catherine Lyden and Joseph Siemiatkoski Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lynch © Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacPherson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Magee Anne and Paul Marcus Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Martin Alan Matthews Dr. and Mrs. David J. McGrath Trevor Miller and Kim Williams Lorraine and Charles Morss © Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Mucci Dr. and Mrs. David G. Nathan Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Nicholas © James and Elizabeth Nichols - Wapack Foundation Mary Anne and Jeffrey North © Annette and Dan Nova © Kate and Ford O’Neil © Donald and Sandra Perrin © E. Lee and Slocumb Hollis Perry © Finley and Patricia Perry © Ms. Joyce L. Plotkin and Dr. Bennett Aspel © Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Poole Jill and John Preotle © Robert and Sally Quinn Patricia Nolan and David Rabkin Mitchell and Adrienne Rabkin © Mr. William J. Ribaudo © Chris and Cathy Rogers © James and Jennifer Rosenberg Arlene and David Rubin ©

Howard Salwen and Sheryl Marshall © Alison Sander Mr. and Mrs. Preston H. Saunders © Ms. Emily F. Schabacker Dr. and Mrs. Marvin G. Schorr Dr. and Mrs. Harold S. Schwenk Jr. © Daniel Schwinn © Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Seferian Bob Segel and Janice Sherman © The Shane Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Shedd © Ms. Deborah Sheedy Lawrence and Joan Siff Judith and William Silver Dr. and Mrs. Edward Simon Elizabeth G. Riley and Daniel E. Smith Jr. © Ameeta and Vivek Soni Mrs. Helen B. Spaulding © Lee and Robert Sproull Walter and Sue Stafford Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stanley © Mrs. Fredrick J. Stare Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert L. Steward Jr. © Addie Swartz and Joel Rosen © Dr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Sweetland Gerry Swislow © Dr. and Mrs. Samuel O. Their (M) Karen and Tom Tierney © Mark and Charla Trusheim Mr. Eric Vogt and Mrs. Robin Grumman-Vogt © Mr. and Mrs. Hans F. E. Wachtmeister Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warburton Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Weber © Mr. D. Reid Weedon Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Weitzel Stetson Whitcher Susan Whitehead © Dr. and Mrs. Charles V. Willie © Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Wilson © Michael Winter and Deborah Goldberg © Ms. Amy Woods and Mr. Humberto Gil Douglas A. and Francy F. Zingale Explorers Society Everest Level ($1,200 - $2,499) Anonymous (2) Mrs. Emily Byrd* Mr. Matthew J. Conti Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Dabney Kevin Dunckel and Kathie Lyons Mrs. Herbert S. Elins © Ms. Cheryl Forte © Mr. and Mrs. Jay L. Gainsboro Dr. and Mrs. Steven D. Garland © Mr. and Mrs. Bob W. Garthwait Jr. Robert Gittens and Donna Latson Gittens © Mr. and Mrs. Morris Gray Bethe and Robert Hagopian Michael and Pamela Halpern © (M) Dr. and Mrs. William H. Harris ©

Julia Krapf © Kurt and Therese Melden Ioannis and Beth Miaoulis © Dr. and Mrs. Vincent Pattavina © Albert and Martha Plante © Hon. and Mrs. William L. Saltonstall © Mrs. Helen Chin Schlichte © Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Schwartz Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Seamans Jr. © Mrs. Anne L. Seaver Mr. and Mrs. Norton L. Sherman Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Z. Sorenson © John and Elinor Svenson Jacqueline and John Welch


McKinley Level ($600 - $1,199) Anonymous (3) William F. Aikman Dr. Vernon Alden Edythe and Jay Anderson Dorothy and David Arnold Jeff Behrens and Lori Rutter © Thomas and Lisa Blumenthal © Marietta and David Boon © Mr. Daniel Bricklin and Dr. Carol Singer Robert and Beverly Brown © Dr. and Mrs. Edmund B. Cabot John and Kate Cabot © Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cabot Ms. Heather Calvin Laurie and Marc Campos © Mr. and Mrs. Truman S. Casner Riaz and Cecily Lonergan Cassum © Mr. Philip J. Cavaretta Po-Shang Chen and Shan-Lee Liu © Mrs. Edward D. Cole Thomas and Lisa Collins © Mr. William Copacino and Dr. Janet Hall © Elisabetta Cortesi and Michael Cima Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cullinane Flora D’Angio © Mr. and Mrs. John R. Danieli © Mr. and Mrs. Nelson J. Darling Jr. Bruce C. and Lynn B. Dayton John and Elizabeth Dean © Matthew and Gabrielle D’Errico © Emily Ehrenfeld and Gary Valaskovic © David W. and Marion S. Ellis Prashant* and Saloni Fadia R. Matt and Katherine Fates © Drs. Karim and Leila Fawaz Michael and Linda Frieze © John and Brenda Geishecker © Alexander Goldberg Carol R. Goldberg Key * Deceased ** Resigned (M) Matching Suppport © Reach for the Stars n Corporate Community Fund

and Avram J. Goldberg © Herbert and Wendy Gowen © Kathy and Gary Grise © (M) Paul and Lauren Gudonis Annie Halvorsen © Matthew and Beth Hamory © Mr. and Mrs. G. Felda Hardymon © Margaretta and Jerry Hausman Martha Hazen and Douglas McHenry Michael and Jeanne Henry Mrs. Bradford F. Holt © Mr. and Mrs. David L. House Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jasse © Gail Jennes and Alma Antoniotti © Theodore Johnson Linda Kaboolian and Harold Nahigian © Steven and Michelle Karol Mr. Robert Kaufman © Seth and Mary Kaufman Alexa and Ranch Kimball © Mr. and Mrs. F. Danby Lackey III © Dr. Robbie Lacritz and Mr. Joseph Deitch Elisabeth and William Laskin © Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leahy Sheila and Roger Lockwood © Dr. Keith Merrill Jr. Cynthia and Timothy Moran John Morris and Gina Adamo-Morris Ms. Valerie Mosley Mrs. Robert B. Newman Cilda and Leopold O’Donnell Margaret and William Paine © Jill and Thomas Pappas © Thomas Pattavina Caroline and Guy Patton Drs. Stephen and Susan Pauker © Dr. and Mrs. Maurice M. Pechet Mr. and Mrs. James L. Phillips © Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phillips Mr. and Mrs. George Putnam © Mr. and Mrs. William Phipps Rice (M) David Rockefeller Jr. Debra Rutter © Robert and Beth Sackstein Nancy Sandreuter and Nathan Plowman Matthew Schierland © Linda Seamonson and Jeff Mayersohn © Ms. Robin Sherman Dr. Leonard J. Shustek Stephen and Ann Skinner Kimberly and Clifford Slater Mason Smith and Gordon Green (M) Mrs. Gladys E. Sohier © Tom and Carlotta Soviero Cynthia Stack © Ms. Elizabeth Steele Mrs. Prudence Steiner James and Cathleen Stone © (M) Donald Straus and Carol Goss Cynthia and Arthur Sweetser © Steven A. Tague ©

Ms. Jean C. Tempel and Mr. Peter A. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Traylor Mrs. Charles Watts © Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair Weeks Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walther T. Weylman © Ms. Amy Morse Winslow and Mr. Toffer Winslow © Kilimanjaro Level ($300 - $599) Anonymous (2) Tracy and Jane Adams William and Carolyn Aitken © Mary Barbara and Michael Alexander © Jill and David Altshuler Anchor Capital Advisors, Inc. Paula and Sheldon Apsell © Tara Audette © Ann and Jeffrey Aylward © Jane and P.C. Balboni © Ronald and Susan Barris Patrick Bartlett Susan Bear and Michael Hill © Robert and Jacqueline Bechek © Reinier and Nancy Beeuwkes Adrienne Bennett and Gregory Gasic Donald and Marjorie Bentley J. Raymond and Joan Bentley David and Monica Bernstein Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Besen © Firdaus and Jasmin Bhathena © Carolyn and George Bingham Jordan and Barbara Birger Mr. Steven Birnbaum and Ms. Cyndi Jones Les and Beverly Blicher © Taylor and Willa Bodman © Sissela and Derek Bok © Joanna Bonventre and Brian Goldberg © Kathleen and Dean Boylan © Lyn Brakeman and Richard Simeone © Mr. and Mrs. John R. Breckenridge Peter and Debra Breed Susan and Richard Briggs Susan Britt © David and Joan Buckman © Judith and Bruce Bullard © Julian and Marion Bullitt © Susan and Roger Burke Mr. Gordon E. Cadwgan David Campbell and Joanne Pappadopoulos Ippolita Cantuti and Jonathan Friedes © Mr. and Mrs. James I. Cash Jr. Benjamin Chigier and Shelly Dews Chigier © Emily and Jonathan Clark Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Clyde © Eli and Virginia Cohen © Gerard and Sherryl Cohen Mark and Valerie Cohen Pieter Cohen and Lauren Budding

Mike and Denise Colman Peter and Philippa Condakes © Karen Ernst Connolly and Kevin Connolly © Nathaniel S. and Catherine E. Coolidge © Robert G. Cordes and Rose Diaz Michael and Kimberely Cox Mr. and Mrs. Joel A. Dain © Anton Dainty © Jeannie and Jamshed Daroga © Charles and Patricia Davis Richard J. Davis © Laura DeBonis and Scott Nathan © Jennifer Delikat Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. DeMarco III © Antonette and Philip Dennis © Dr. and Mrs. Charles Dickinson III © Mary and Gerald Dinneen Marna Dolinger © Joseph Dollard © Mr. Richard Donoho Elisabeth M. Drake © Melvin and Carolyn Drapkin © Marc Duby © Susan and Jonathan Durkee William and Kathryn Duryea © George Eberstadt and Cynthia Young © Amy Edmonson and George Daley © E. Michael Egan and Laura Sen © Farouk and Catherine Patricia El-Baz © Melissa and Eric Elkanich © Pamela Elrod and Debbie Wynn © Stephen and Lisa Emsbo-Mattingly © Bruce Enders © (M) Dr. Gerald Entine and Mr. Oliver Entine © Cynthia and Michael Evanisko © Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Everett Shari and Bruce Feibel James Fieger and Isabel Argelaguet © James Fitzgerald Todd and Melissa Foley Paul and Carla Fontaine Nigel Foster and Susan Howitt © Jill Frankle Janet and Greg Fraser © Patricia Freysinger © Alan and Sandra Frohman Debra and Walter Fromm © Caralyn and Steven Fuld Hilary and Christopher Gabrieli Dr. John A. and Dr. Mildred G. Galloway © Adlumia and Benjamin Gannett Timothy Gaudreau © Donna and Charles Gibson Charles and Sheila Gillis © Ms. Sofia Gitter © Marlene Goldberg Ms. Sandra Goldfarb Sandra and Philip Gordon © Ms. Kathryn D. Grado Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Gray ©

Walker Prize Presented on April 4, 2006, to David G. Nathan, M.D.; President Emeritus, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; Robert A. Stranahan, Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics and Professor of Medicine, Harvard University; and Physicianin-Chief Emeritus, Children’s Hospital, for his extraordinary contribution to medicine, to medical research, and to the lives of thousands of children. William Johnson Walker, M.D., an eminent surgeon, created this award in 1864 at the Boston Society of Natural History, the founding organization of the Museum of Science. Established to acknowledge work in the field of natural history, the Walker Prize now recognizes meritorious published scientific investigation and discovery in any scientific field.

Wycliffe and Corinne Grousbeck Ronald Guertin and Beth Cederberg-Guertin Kristin Gustafson and Mary Kay Tuohy Gloria and Joseph Haddad Sarah and Tom Hancock Charles Hannum © Cynthia Harrison and Lois Duquette © Dr. William Helfrich Jr. © Dudley and Georgene Herschbach © Claire and David Hertan © Joerg Heyer and Birgit Funke Charles and Donna Hieken Dane and Wendy Hileman © John Hitchcock © Linda and Tim Holiner © Mr. and Mrs. Howard Holladay Lisa and Sean Holly © Dennis and Marlene Honan Tina and Neil Horwitz © Ms. Sylvia Houghton Michele and Charles Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Jerome C. Hunsaker Jr. Joan and Timothy Ingraham © Diane and Robert Jaye © Marijane and John Jensen © Dr. and Dr. Alexander Jesurum Paula Johnson and Robert Sands Robert and Nancy Johnson © Cynthia Jones and John Kachele Paul and Elizabeth Kastner Steven and Judith Kaye © George and Nancy Kidder Charles and Charlotte Kline © David Kluchman Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Knowles © Henry and Elizabeth Kolm Albert Kopek and Chris O’Brien © Pete and Jill Kovatsis © Rachel and Bob Kramer © Dewolf Kratovil

Patricia Krippendorf © Melvin and Maxine Kutchin © Libby and Peter Laino © Mary Anne Lambert and David Litwack Michael and Kathleen Langen © Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lapham © Grace Lau and Stephanie Hsu Phillip Ledin © Bryan Lee © Lily Lee © Peter Lefkowitz and Lori Silver Alexander and Eileen Leith © Pamela Lenehan and Lawrence Geuss Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Leventhal © Beirong Liang © Karen Lieberman-Daly and T. Edmund Daly © Mr. John D. C. Little Alba Lopez and Sandra Wheeler © Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Lubin © Jonathan Lupfer and Susan Berseth © Mrs. A. Theodore Lyman Jr. Karen and Sean Lynn-Jones © Laurence and Janet Macdonald Lynda L. MacDonald Heidi MacLean Peter Mager and Michele Chabot © Denis and Maryellen Maher © Nancy and Eric Malm © Jan Maloney Marlene and Francis Marchilena © David and Deborah Marcus David Margolin and Nancy Bernhard © Robert and Melissa Marriott Nancy Marshall © Sally and Terry Martin Kat McCabe © Edwina and Richard McCarthy © Thomas and Emily McClintock

James and Diane McDermott © (M) Peter and Jeannette McGinn Harriet B. McGraw Richard and Elizabeth McMullan © Alexandra and Robert McNamee © Glenn and Barbara Meurer Martha Minow and Joseph Singer Ifeanyi Mokwunye © Lois M. Monge Gregory Moore and Wynne Szeto Ph.D. © Alex Moot and Nancy Roosa © Mr. and Mrs. John R. Moot John and Stephanie Morgan © Ms. Allison Morse © Ruth Mary Moser Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Muggia © Ramesh and Barbara Murthy © Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Catherine Myer © Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Nasella © Peter and Beatrice Nessen Julia Neuringer and Herbert Cohen © Ronald Newbower, PhD and Donna Newbower Mary Noble © Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Nunes Gary and Kim Oberbrunner © Stephen O’Neil © Jeryl and Stephen Oristaglio © Lynn and Duane Oser Deborah and Jon Osgood © Gregory and Lori O’Shaughnessy © Jerry and Virginia Panarese © Melanie and Elias Papatestas © Georgia and Anastasios Parafestas © Heidi Carter-Pearlson and Lewis Pearlson © Mrs. Leopold Peavy Jr. © Randy Peeler and Kate Kellogg Mr. and Mrs. Lovett C. Peters Robert and Veronica Petersen © Maureen Phillips and Douglas Horst Thomas Poor Patty and Chris Popov © Richard and Janet Post © Valerie and Howard Price © Mr. William Raeder © David and Beth Raffeld Caroline Reeves and Jim Lee © Phyllis and George Reservitz © Mr. Mitchel Resnick Marc Restuccia and Robin Yurkevicz © Frederick and Bonnie Rich © Dr. Ilonna Rimm and Dr. Joseph Madsen © Daniel Rinehart © Leslie and Mark Roberts © Kathryn and William Robinson Dorothea and Grant Rodkey M.D. © David and Judith Rosenthal © S. Douglas Rothstein © Paul and Linda Rousseau © Samuel and Phyllis Rubinovitz © Anne and Rudy Ruggles Mr. and Mrs. John C. Ruttenberg Melanie Salisbury ©

Deborah Sanders and James Rosenfield © H. Jay and Marilyn Sarles Jacqueline Savoie © Mr. and Mrs. H. David Scarbro © Stanley and Barbara Schantz Robert and Catherine Schneider © Sarah and Chris Schoettle © Cynthia and Robert Schuneman © Miriam Kadima Schwartz and Beverly Ilene Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Donald Seamans Douglas and Anne Sears © Nancy and Frank Selldorff Christopher Shannon © Tamara Shapiro Ledley and Fred Ledley © Robert and Elizabeth Shaw © (M) Mrs. Gertrude F. Shelley © James Shields and Gayle Merling © Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Shupe Robert and Susan Sigel © Russell Simpson and Margarita del Valle Simpson © Sandee and Peter Simshauser © Mr. and Mrs. Hinton C. Smith © Mrs. Walter A. Smith © Eric Solem © Cynthia and Paul Soucy © Anne St. Goar Ellen and Antony Stark Ms. Ava Steenstrup Mr. Charles Stewart and Ms. Kathryn Hess © David Stoldt and Connie Wright © Mary Ann Streeter © Kimberly Summa and Jason Summa © Meeijih and David Sun Amy and Andrew Sutherland © Warren and Janice Sylvester © Alicia and Stephen Symchych © Mr. and Mrs. Ganson P. Taggart Thomas Tarpey and Carolyn King © Jared and Heather Tausig Dr. and Mrs. Nasser Tehranian © Rich and Cindy Tennant © Janet Testa Barbara Thomas © Kelly and Michael Thome © Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Thompson Samuel and Elizabeth Thorne © Gregory and Helene Thornton Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wheelock III © Christopher Tingus and Kelley Dunham Raffaella Torchia Michael and Ellen Tucci Mr. and Mrs. F. Cort Turner III © Craig and Patty Underwood Dr. and Mrs. Robert Utiger Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Van Beaver Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Vickers Jr. © Nathanael Waller Laura Weinstein and Keren Goldenberg © Susan B. Weir © Kendra and Frederic Weldon ©

Scott and Jacqueline Wellman © Anne Whalen Mrs. Mark C. Wheeler Peter and Rebecca White Sheldon and Elaine White © Mrs. Eleanor C. Williams Ladd Robert and Caroline Winneg Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. H. Witherby Sara Withington Meldon Wolfgang © Brian Worobey and Cindy Cooper Worobey Scott and Dana Yaphe © John Yates and Ellen Sheets David and Terry Yoffie William Zink and Sara Delano © Matching Gifts Anchor Capital Advisors, Inc. Anchor/Russell Capital Advisors, Inc. Atlas Venture Babson Capital Management LLC Bank of America Matching Gifts Program C. R. Bard Foundation, Inc. Cabot Corporation Cisco Systems, Inc. The Clowes Fund, Inc. The Commonwealth Fund GE Foundation Gillette Company Matching Gift Center Global Impact Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo & Co. LLC John Hancock Matching Gift Program Hewlett-Packard Company Homesite Group Incorporated Houghton Mifflin Company IBM Matching Grants Program Instron Corporation Johnson & Johnson Microsoft Matching Gifts Program National Grid NSTAR Foundation Pfizer Foundation Plymouth Rock Foundation Saint-Gobain Corporation Foundation State Street Matching Gift Program Sun Microsystems, Inc. Thomson Financial Tyco Matching Gifts Program United Technologies Corporation Verizon Foundation World Reach, Inc.

Key * Deceased ** Resigned (M) Matching Suppport © Reach for the Stars n Corporate Community Fund

Donor Advised Funds The Museum acknowledges the following donor advised funds for the role they played in helping us achieve financial success. Boston Foundation Combined Jewish Philanthropies Community Foundation Silicon Valley Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving United Way of the National Capital Area United Way of Southeastern New England Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program

Corporate, Foundation & Government Donors These gifts help support the general operations of the Museum, including maintenance of exhibits and the physical plant and operating expenses of our many outreach educational programs for public and school groups. Lassor and Fanny Agoos Charity Fund Bain Capital Children’s Charity, Ltd. A. W. Baldwin Charitable Foundation, Inc. Bayer Foundation Massachusetts Cultural Council MEDITECH Sawyer Charitable Foundation UNICCO Service Company WCVB-TV, Channel 5 Edwin S. Webster Foundation Clara B. Winthrop Charitable Trust

Corporate Partnerships Explorer ($25,000 and more) Bank of America n ♦ Boston Scientific Corporation ♦n Citizens Bank ♦n Hewlett-Packard Company ♦n The MathWorks, Inc. ♦n The Millipore Foundation ♦n New England Development n ♦ Parametric Technology Corporation n ♦ Raytheon Company ♦n Verizon Foundation ♦n WCVB-TV, Channel 5 ♦n Wolfgang Puck Catering & Events n ♦

Visionary ($15,000 - $24,999) John Hancock Financial Services n ♦ Massachusetts General Hospital ♦n Inventor ($10,000 - $14,999) Boston University ♦n Cabot Corporation n ♦ Charles River Ventures, Inc. ♦n Fidelity Investments ♦n Flag Capital Management, LLC ♦n Genzyme Corporation ♦n Gillette Company n Harvard Outings & Innings n ♦ Harvard Pilgrim Health Care ♦n Mellon New England ♦n New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc. ♦n PerkinElmer, Inc. n State Street Corporation ♦n Teradyne, Inc. n Investigator ($5,000 - $9,999) Accenture ♦n Analog Devices, Inc. n ♦ Arrow Electronics ♦n Berklee College of Music n ♦ Boston Duck Tours n ♦ The Boston Globe ♦n Cole Hersee Company ♦n Digital Federal Credit Union n ♦ Eaton Vance Corporation n ♦ Fisher Scientific International, Inc. n ♦ General Dynamics Network Systems, Inc. ♦n W. R. Grace Foundation, Inc. n ♦ Grant Thornton LLP n ♦ Greenberg Traurig, LLP ♦n IBM Corporation n ♦ Keane, Inc. ♦n KPMG LLP ♦n Liberty Mutual ♦n Mass High Tech n ♦ Merck Research LaboratoriesBoston ♦n Mercury Computer Systems, Inc. n ♦ M.I.T. Activities Committee ♦n Morgan Stanley ♦n Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Inc. n RBC Dain Rauscher ♦n Royal Sonesta Hotel n ♦ RSA Security, Inc. n ♦ Sigma Partners ♦n Smith & Nephew, Inc. ♦n Tau Beta Pi - M.I.T. n ♦ University of MassachusettsDartmouth Alumni Association n ♦ Upromise, Inc. ♦n WGBH Educational Foundation ♦n WilmerHale ♦n Patron ($2,500 - $4,999) Abt Associates, Inc. Acadian Asset Management

Adcole Corporation n ♦ American Power Conversion Corporation Ames Safety Envelope Company ArQule, Inc. AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP Axcelis Technologies, Inc. BioProcessors Corporation BMC Software, Inc. Boston College Jay Cashman, Inc. Charles River Laboratories, Inc. Comverse, Inc. Deloitte & Touche LLP Delta Projects, Inc. Demoulas Foundation Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc. Duke Energy General Dynamics C4 Systems Harvard Bioscience, Inc. Hopedale Foundation Houghton Chemical Corporation Houghton Mifflin Company International Data Group, Inc. Invensys Process Systems Inc. JP Morgan Investor Services Company LandAmerica Commonwealth Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C. MKS Instruments, Inc. Old Mutual Asset Management ♦n Philips Medical Systems ♦n PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Putnam Investments Segway Senior Aerospace Spencer Stuart Stride Rite Charitable Foundation, Inc. Textron Systems TJX Companies, Inc. UNICCO Service Company Vacuum Barrier Corporation Webster Industries, Inc. Wellington Management Company, LLP Wilson-Cambridge Realty Trust Wyeth Fellow ($1,000 - $2,499) Advanced Financial Services Advanced Instruments, Inc. ♦n Albany International Research Company ♦n Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. ♦n American Crystal, Inc. American Postal Workers Union #3844 Analogic Corporation Animal Rescue League of Boston Artisan Industries Inc. Atlas Venture Automatic Data Processing Avant Immunotherapeutics, Inc. BAE Systems/IR Imaging Systems Bemis Associates, Inc.

Bentley College Bethesda Lodge #30, I.O.O.F. Bingham McCutchen LLP Boston Acoustics, Inc. Brandeis University Brimmer and May School Bristol-Myers Squibb Medical Imaging Brockway-Smith Company Bruker Daltonics, Inc. Building #19 Foundation Cambridge Brands, Inc. Cambridge Savings Bank Cambridge Trust Company Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc. Cantata Technology Center for Families at Children’s Hospital Cheviot Corporation ♦n Children’s Hospital Boston Children’s Hospital Boston Radiology Coca-Cola North America Cohesive Technologies Inc. n ♦ W. J. Connell Company Connell Limited Partnership Constar International, Inc. Continental Resources, Inc. Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. n ♦ Cultural Care Au Pair Cummings Foundation Cutter Associates, Inc. Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Danaher Motion Delta Dental Plan of Massachusetts n DigiNovations, Incorporated Digitas, Inc. Dunkin Brands East Boston YMCA East Cambridge Savings Bank EPIX Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ♦n Goodwin Procter LLP Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce Greylock Partners ♦n GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. Hill, Holliday, Connors, Cosmopulos, Inc. Hollingsworth & Vose Company Instrument Industries International, Inc. International Institute of Boston E. Verner Johnson & Associates, Inc. n ♦ Kronos Incorporated L-com, Inc. Learning Technologies, Inc. Lockheed Martin Sippican, Inc. Lonza Biologics, Inc. Lucent Technologies Lytron, Inc. MagCap Engineering, LLC Mathsoft Engineering & Education, Inc. Microwave Development Laboratories, Inc. Middlesex-Essex GMF Social & Recreation Commission MITX

Momenta Pharmaceuticals M.O.S.E.S. National Amusements, Inc. ♦n Navy Morale Welfare and Recreation New Boston Fund, Inc. New England Insulation Company OSRAM SYLVANIA INC. Oxford Bioscience Partners ♦n Parent Talk, Inc. Parker Chomerics Pegasystems Inc. Pinnacle Partners, LLC Pulse Systems, Inc. Reed & Barton Foundation Rogers Foam Corporation Royco Mailing Service, Inc. Sasso Construction Company, Inc. n ♦ Scully Signal Company Shriners Hospital Spaulding & Slye Colliers Specialized Roofing Company, Inc. Spotfire, Inc. H. C. Starck, Inc. Stonegate Group Suffolk University ♦n Suffolk University Law Library Sullivan and Worcester LLP TD Banknorth, Massachusetts The Timberland Company ♦n Trinity Church Turner Construction Company University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth Library Univisions Crimson Group Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Verizon Wireless ♦n Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated VFA, Inc. Waltham Parks & Recreation Department Weingarten, Schurgin, Gagnebin & Lebovici LLP ♦n Wellesley College WHDH-TV, Channel 7 Wheaton College White Oak Associates, Inc. ♦n

Restricted Gifts These gifts to the Museum provide support to the endowment, exhibits, capital needs, and other specific purposes. ($500,000 - $999,999) Joanne and Paul Egerman Institute of Museum and Library Services ($100,000 - $499,999) Boston 2004 Cisco Systems, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gary T. DiCamillo Dr. Richard A. DiPerna and Dr. Jean Nichols GE Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Donald M. Kaplan

Bradford Washburn Award Presented on November 15, 2005, to Dean Kamen, inventor and physicist, who holds more than 200 U.S. and foreign patents, mostly for medical devices. He is perhaps best known for his creation of the Segway Human Transport and for founding FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) in 1989, an organization dedicated to motivating the next generation to understand, use, and enjoy science and technology. An anonymous Trustee established the Bradford Washburn Award in 1964, the 25th year of Brad Washburn’s 40-year service as Museum Director. A golden medal and an honorarium of ten thousand dollars are awarded annually to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution toward public understanding of science.

Lockheed Martin Corporation The Lowell Institute Massachusetts Technology Collaborative Lakeside Foundation National Institutes of Health James and Elizabeth Nichols – Wapack Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Novack Philips Medical Systems Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm L. Sherman Lawrence and Joan Siff U.S. Department of Labor Edwin S. Webster Foundation Ms. Gwill York and Mr. Paul Maeder ($50,000 - $99,000) Boston Foundation Michael F. Cronin Dr. and Mrs. George Hatsopoulos Kresge Foundation Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Herman D. Suit ($25,000 - $49,999) Anonymous (2) AeroVironment, Inc. The Coca-Cola Foundation Dozier and Elise Gardner Mr. and Mrs. M. Dozier Gardner Genzyme Corporation Ms. Emily C. Hood Laura and Ken Morse Mrs. Thornton Stearns Mr. and Mrs. John Weitzel Yawkey Foundation (Under $25,000) Anonymous (2) Dr. and Mrs. Nile L. Albright

H. G. and M. R. Anderson Foundation Julia Appleton Bird Charitable Trust The Paul and Edith Babson Foundation Bank of America Mr. Ross W. Beales Jr. The Behrakis Foundation Warren and Marjorie Berg Julia Appleton Bird Charitable Trust Bromley Charitable Trust Concord Communications, Inc. David W. and Marion S. Ellis Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Grossman Bambi and Frank Hatch George and Laura Heller Roy A. Hunt Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Kania Jr. Henry P. Kendall Foundation Ms. Pam Lassiter Mr. Caleb Loring Jr. Massachusetts Board of Higher Education Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. McAfoose Carolyn W. Miller Motorola, Inc. NEFA Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Nicholas Pfizer, Inc. Ms. Barbara C. Rimbach Mr. Andrew Riseberg Mrs. Marilyn J. Riseberg Rohm and Haas Electronic Materials, LLC Richard Saltonstall Charitable Foundation Saquish Foundation Jocelyn and Eric Scheirer Anna B. Stearns Charitable Foundation Ms. Ava Steenstrup Eudoxia Woodward


Museum of Science ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Sponsors The Museum deeply appreciates the following donors for their sponsorship of temporary and permanent exhibits, Omni films, prizes, events, and other projects. Bose Corporation Coca-Cola North America Harvard Pilgrim Health Care The MathWorks, Inc. Mercury Computer Systems, Inc. Philips The Raytheon Company Washburn Society The Washburn Society honors Brad and Barbara Washburn and recognizes the many generous individuals, past and present, who have included the Museum in wills and estate plans, or who have otherwise entered into life income arrangements with the Museum. The lives of future generations will be enriched thanks to the foresight and generosity of these dedicated individuals.


Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. David B. Arnold Jr. Mr. David B. Arnold Dr. Gail A. P. Bruns James I. Cash Jr. Mrs. Edwin F. Cave Dr. Richard A. DiPerna William B. Farinon* John and Barbara Fibiger Mr. and Mrs. George P. Gardner Ms. Elgie Ginsburgh Ralph Green Frederick and Mary Hafer John D. Hamilton Jr. James and Lucie Hangstefer Dr. Bettina Harrison* Howard K. Holladay Ms. Gail Jennes Wendy W. Kistler Dr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Lovejoy Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Lowell Mr. William C. Mercer Dr. and Mrs. Keith Merrill Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Plimpton Christopher and Sheryl Poole Mr. Theodore J. Poulos William and Helen Pounds Heidi Reslow

Key * Deceased ** Resigned (M) Matching Suppport © Reach for the Stars n Corporate Community Fund

Beth and Stephen Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Preston H. Saunders Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm L. Sherman Dr. and Mrs. Herman D. Suit Mr. D. Reid Weedon Jr. Ms. Lorraine T. Welsh Stetson Whitcher Constance V. R. White Mr. and Mrs. Grant M. Wilson Robin and Marc Wolpow Eudoxia Woodward Brian Worobey and Cindy Cooper Worobey Bequests All bequests received by the Museum are used to support its long-range goals, unless otherwise restricted by the donor. We deeply appreciate the bequests and distributions made by the following trusts and individuals. Charles H. Blake Charitable Trust Dorothy Buhler Estate Francis T. Colby Trust Under Will Margaret Dumas Trust Under Will Constance B. Fuller Richard Lord The Mary B. Van Etten Trust Frank W. West Trust Under Will Helen A. West Trust Under Will Tribute Gifts A number of donors chose to honor or remember the following friends or loved ones through gifts to the Museum. Anne Chorover* Esther Chorover Jackson Codd Henry Cutler Prashant Fadia* Ms. Emily C. Hood David L. Jegen Dr. and Mrs. Donald Kaplan Jon M. LaFreniere* Ms. Pam Lassiter Bernice Lewiton Dr. and Mrs. David G. Nathan Ronald Newburgh William and Helen Pounds Patricia Pozon and Ernest Aguayo Dr. Iver S. Ravin Mr. William Schawbel Brian Totty and Shernaz Daver Bradford I. Towle* Ralph and Elaine Tucci Dr. and Mrs. Bradford Washburn Jr. Mr. Mark C. Wheeler* Sheldon H. White* Alice F. Wolfe*

Services and Gifts-In-Kind The Museum gratefully acknowledges the following individuals and corporations who contributed services or gifts-in-kind valued at $500 or more. Anonymous Allendale Farm Boston’s Last Working Farm Bill Amend American Airlines, Inc. Angell Memorial Animal Hospital Arnold Worldwide Barefoot Wine Carol Basserman Joan and Gary Bergstrom Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Better Energy Systems Bose Corporation Boston Celtics Boston Medical Center Boston Red Sox Boston Symphony Orchestra, Inc. Boston University Barnes & Noble Boston Youth Fund Brigham and Women’s Hospital British Consulate-General California Academy of Sciences Caritas St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center Charles Street Inn Shelley Chesson Children’s Hospital Cisco Systems Citizens Bank City Inn City of Boston, Boston Youth and Family Program Mr. Stephen E. Coit Cornell University Hospital for Animals Anthony Daniels Deloitte & Touche, LLP East Coast Lighting and Production Services Escada Firestone & Parson, Inc. First Oriental Garden Neighborhood Charities Giorgio Armani Corporation Glaceau Gnomon Copy Grettacole Salon & Day Spa Hamersley’s Bistro Hellenic Adventures Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hollis Hotel Le Toiny Infineon Technology International Service Consultant Limited Invivo Corporation iRobot Corporation Isabella JEOL Jurys Doyle Hotel Group PLC Karmaloop Wendy and Philip Kistler

Mary Klatt Justin Knight Photography Lala Rokh La Morra Laverty/Lohnes Properties Lucasfilm Ltd Lux Bond & Green Marc Jacobs International Company LLC Max Mara Mass High Tech Howard and Colleen Messing Debra Messing Michael Bondanza, Inc. Middlesex Gases & Technologies, Inc. Mistral MIT Media Lab Mix 98.5 Monterey Bay Aquarium MooBella Ice Cream Motorola, Inc. NECCO New England Biolabs New England Patriots and The Kraft Family No. 9 Park Dan Noren Northeastern Limosine One & Only Padmilla Resort Philips Pigalle Point Grace Rasky Baerlein Strategic Communications, Inc. Roger Pelissier Photography Mr. William Schawbel and Ms. Judy Samelson Janet Schmidt Seitz Architects Segway, Inc. St. Regis Hotel, San Francisco Ava Steenstrup Strand Sound Turkey Hill Dairy Voltaic Systems WBCN 104.1 WBOS WBZ News Radio 1030 WCVB - TV WilmerHale WODS Oldies 103.3 Wolfgang Puck Catering 100.7 WZLX

Director’s Office President and Director Ioannis N. Miaoulis Chief Operating Officer Wayne M. Bouchard Manager, President’s Office and Trustee and Overseer Relations Amelia Brock Advancement Senior Vice President Beth Balmuth Raffeld Associate Vice President Thomas Cahill Director, Corporate, Foundation, and Government Relations Anne McGuire Cademenos Director, Principal Gifts and Planned Giving Barbara T. Feldman

Manager, Exhibit Hall Operations and Audio/Visual Daniel J. MacDonald Marketing Vice President Cynthia G. Mackey Director, Publications and Internal Marketing Carl Zukroff Manager, Media Relations Carole McFall Manager, Group and Function Sales Sheryl White Vincent Manager, Advertising and Promotions Suki Volk Senior Institutional Communications Officer Gail Anne Jennes  ational Center for N Technological Literacy®

Director, Advancement Communications Vacant

Director Ioannis N. Miaoulis

Manager, Advancement Research Vacant

Vice President, Elementary Curriculum Development Christine M. Cunningham

Finance Vice President and Treasurer John T. Slakey Controller Leon J. DeMartin Director, Public Safety Robert P. Colantoni Human Resources Vice President Britton S. O’Brien Manager Judith R. Sokol I nformation Systems and Resources Vice President Brian S. Worobey Director, Information Systems Steven F. Nichols Manager, Internet and Digital Media Emily J. Bottis Manager, Educator Resource Center and Lyman Library Inga J. Laurila

Vice President, High School Curriculum Development Cary I. Sneider Associate Director, Informal Education Lawrence Bell Associate Director, Formal Education Yvonne M. Spicer Research, Development, and Production: Exhibits, Technologies, NISE Network, Strategic Projects, and Research Senior Vice President Lawrence Bell Vice President, Exhibits and Design Peter Johnson Vice President, Technologies David G. Rabkin Vice President, Research Christine M. Cunningham Associate Vice President, Exhibits Lawrence J. Ralph

Director, Exhibit Development Susan Sunbury Director, Creative Project Management Janice Crocker Director, Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network Andrea Durham Director, Strategic Projects Group Carol Lynn Alpert Manager, Exhibit Production Peter R. Garland Manager, Informal Education Research and Evaluation Christine A. Reich Research, Development, and Production: Programs and Strategic Initiatives Senior Vice President Lawrence Bell Vice President, Programs Paul M. Fontaine Associate Vice President, Outreach and Enrichment Programs Nancianne E. Doyle Associate Vice President, Strategic Initiatives and Collections Barbara L. Harvey Manager, Youth and Community Programs and Director, Intel Computer Clubhouse Gail J. Breslow Manager, Outreach Program and Development Annette M. Sawyer Manager, Public Programs Michael J. Alexander Manager, Discovery Spaces Lucy Kirshner

 isitor Services and V Operations Vice President Jonathan R. Burke Associate Vice President, Visitor Services and Membership Heather M. Calvin Director, Facilities Franklin E. Robinson Manager, Membership Deborah Kulich Manager, Visitor Services Aileen Duffy Manager, Science Central David H. Howells Manager, Omni Theater and 3-D Digital Cinema Cheri Larson Rivers Assistant Manager, Visitor Services Wendy Tatarouns 2005-2006 Annual Report For the fiscal year July 1, 2005 – June 30, 2006 Museum of Science Science Park Boston, MA 02114-1099 617.723.2500 Director of Publications Carl Zukroff Editors and Contributors Paul Brawley Gail Anne Jennes John T. Slakey R. Gordon Talley Lisa Yoon Carl Zukroff Design OHO

Manager, Charles Hayden Planetarium Robin W. Symonds

Photography Nordberg Photography Tom Kates Eric Workman

Senior Curator, Living Collections Lewis R. Stevens

Printing Kirkwood Printing

Senior Curator, Collections Carolyn Kirdahy

Every effort has been made to review all of the information included in this report. However, errors and omissions may still occur. Please accept our apologies if your information appears incorrectly, and please bring it to our attention. The Museum of Science greatly appreciates all support and, unless instructed otherwise by you, recognizes contributions in our publications. You may request that your identity not be publicly disclosed. To do so, please write to the Office of Advancement Communications.


Our Mission

The mission of the Museum of Science is to stimulate interest in and further understanding of science and technology and their importance for individuals and society. To accomplish this educational mission, the staff, volunteers, Overseers, and Trustees of the Museum are dedicated to attracting the broadest possible spectrum of participants and involving them in activities, exhibits, and programs which will: • encourage curiosity, questioning, and exploration • inform and educate • enhance a sense of personal achievement in learning • respect individual interests, backgrounds, and abilities • promote life-long learning and informed and active citizenship All this is offered in the spirit that learning is exciting and fun at the Museum of Science.

Museum of Science Science Park Boston, MA 02114-1099 617-723-2500

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