Murmuring & Complaining

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  • Words: 3,406
  • Pages: 9
Scripture study on Numbers 11 - 14

From Complaints to Apostasy The Wilderness is designed for the Spirit and not the flesh. Israel travelled through the Wilderness to get Egypt out of them. It was also to test them to see what was in their hearts. The whole wilderness experience was a big test to expose their weaknesses and to teach them to walk in His Ways. Even the manna He gave them was to test them:


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We see two things here that we normally do not think about; YHVH provides and in His provision is a test to help you so that you can learn to keep a balance. He gave them what they needed but not what they wanted. This shows us that YHVH is more interested in your spiritual growth than your physical comfort. Y’shua even said in Matt 5:30 that if your hand causes you to stumble, you should cut it off so that you may at least enter His Kingdom than to be lost with a perfect body. The word Wilderness is the Hebrew word “midbar” that is related to the Word. How can this be? The root word for wilderness is the word “davar” that means ‘word’ and ‘order’. What has the wilderness to do with words? Words in a certain order give us sentences that convey a message. It is this order in the message of His Word that He wants us to receive so that we can have order in our lives.


The wilderness is also a place of perfect order where everything is in balance, the way He created it to be. YHVH then placed His people in the wilderness to learn this order, the same way He place us in His Word to learn His order. His Word is a measuring stick that tests our actions and His Wilderness is also the place that test and measure His people to reveal their hearts through their actions.

The Sin of Ingratitude Numbers 11 tells us of the people complaining and murmuring which is regarded as a sin. $ % &'(' &'(' &'(' "




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The people complained and YHVH heard it, this shows us that YHVH is always listening, so you better watch your tongue because His anger was kindled against Israel because of their words. Where have we heard this in the New Testament? "

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2 This is one of the instructions that are casually broken, not thinking that it will have an effect on our salvation. Idle words are words are words that involve complaining, lies, slander, and unclean words est. The tongue is the smallest of all your members, but can set a wild fire alight as we saw here in Numbers. We see that words are connected to fire of judgment and you will be judged by your words and not only your actions. Philippians 2 advise us to be blameless regarding murmurings so that you will be without rebuke. 3




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There are a few reasons why we normally murmur and complain: • • •

If you are in a bad mood, you are normally more prone to murmur and find fault with people and things. People get upset normally when they do not get their way and this is rooted in selfishness. Selfishness or love of self is the opposite of true love, love for your brother. You murmur when what you have is not as good as what someone else has. They compared themselves with the Egyptians and what they eat, compared to what YHVH gave them to eat. This is rooted in covetousness the breaking tenth commandment. If you have no faith, then you tend to complain when you cannot see the outcome YHVH promised.


It is and interesting fact to see the main reason for complaining was food. This was also the first thing that cause the first sin to enter into the world; namely food. Food is directly connected to the flesh and the flesh is the enemy of the spirit. YHVH told them in the Garden to eat of everything except of the one tree in the middle of the Garden. It was the lust of the eye that caused them to fall. They failed to obey YHVH’s commandment because of their “covetousness” and apatite. They actually broke the tenth Commandment which is the commandment that is the furthest away from the First Commandment; faith in YHVH. If our faith in YHVH is stronger than our fleshly cravings, then we will not sin. Covetousness is also the sin that causes you to break all the other Commandments; take someone’s partner, steal, lie est. Man’s greatest instinct or drive is to procreate and the second strongest drive is to eat or survive. Both these are very strong fleshly desires that YHVH gave so that we can multiply and fill the earth. Both these instincts are also the two greatest enemies and cause man to fall into sin. Therefore we must put these two fleshly drives under YHVH’s control through obeying His Word (order and perfect balance) so that we can would not sin. Paul describes in Romans that our flesh is our greatest enemy and there is a constant battle between our spirit and our flesh. This battle takes place in your mind where you follow the Law of YHVH, and in your flesh, where you follow the law of sin. 6


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It is the Law of YHVH or His Word, helps us to battle and overcome the law of sin in our flesh, and those who do not know the law of YHVH (what is right and wrong) will not battle against the flesh and the law of sin. His Law is the solution to overcome sin, not grace. Grace is the Blood of the Lamb that bails us out every time we stumble and fall, but you still have to repent and not give up and let sin take over your life. What do we learn from Numbers 11, not forgetting what He has done for us in the past? Israel experienced miracle after miracle and still they did not believe and complained. It was a slap in YHVH’s Face, forgetting what He has done for them whenever they faced a new obstacle. YHVH allowed these obstacles to see if they have grown in faith or if they were stuck in to their sinful flesh. We have the Word and must learn how YHVH provided for His people and whenever we face a obstacle, we must not loose heart and remember what He has done for our fathers in the Wilderness, so that our faith can be strong and so that we can obey the First Commandment.


How do we understand YHVH’s reaction to Israel’s actions? YHVH is a Righteous El Who will reprimand His people for their own good. And if they do not listen, then they will face the wroth of His anger and the kindling fire of His judgment. YHVH is the El of extremes; He created the universe that cannot be measured and also created life that is microscopically small. He is very loving and kind and gracious, but He is also just, righteous and is the Judge. Balance is seen in the Menorah which has seven branches, a centre and three on each side, the same pattern applies to Him and He is fully balanced with His Love and Grace on the one side and His anger and judgment on the other. If you take away one side, like most Christians do, then your are taking away form the god you serve and he will fall over and is a mere idol you created in your mid and you are actually not serving the one true Elohim. What can we learn from this account about controlling our appetites or flesh? A wise man once said that YHVH gave everything that is good for life, but if you loose balance in one of those areas, it has become a sin in your life and a currse. Anything regarding your flesh is given to you as a gift of life but if you loose control in one of those areas, you will fall into sin through covetousness. Sex, eating, drinking, or any other fleshly pleasures can either be good or bad, it depends on how you apply it and control it in your life. Balance is the key. If you are out of balance in one of those areas, repent and ask YHVH to give you the strength to get back the balance in your life and you will be set free from following the law or sin in your flesh and will follow the Law of YHVH in your mind. There is a saying, “Be careful what you ask or pray for, you might get it” What does it mean, and what can we learn from it for our selves? $

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They complained and asked for meat and YHVH have them meat, a lot of meat and they had to eat this for a month. It was clearly not YHVH’s will to give them the meat but He gave it to them because they would not stop asking. By this we learn that He can even give you what you want if you persist, but that might not be His will and it might be bad for you at the end of the day and can even lead to your death. The thing you lust after will be give to you but it will become a curse if it is not the will of YHVH.


Pressures on Leadership Read Numbers 11:21-23. How again does the humanity of Moses come through? $

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Moses was also in a learning curve learning how to trust YHVH. He tried to figure out how he can make it possible to feed the people, but all from a man’s perspective. It seems like Moses lost trust in YHVH and the pressure caused him to think like one of the normal fleshly people than trusting YHVH to make it happen. Leaders can also fold under stress and pressure from the people and can try to sort out their problems in a logical way rather than a spiritual way trusting YHVH. We are all physical beings and YHVH uses situations to “stretch” us so that we can overcome those “impossible” situations in life. Think of and example from your own life where YHVH did the impossible with the supernatural.

Family Nastiness Read Numbers 12. What wretched human traits are being revealed here by Miriam and Aaron? How is their sin contrasted with the attitude and character of Moses? What should this story tell us about how YHVH views the bad attitudes revealed by these people? $

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Miriam spoke against Moses because of jealousy. Jealousy is a form of covetousness because she coveted Moses’ relationship with YHVH. She used “words” to speak against him. “Word” in Hebrew is the word “davar” and means ‘order, words and plague’. Why do you think words are connected to a plague. It links to this story where Miriam spoke against Moses and her evil words of slander brought a plague called leprosy against her. To murmer against someone is to bring a curse upon yourself and it is not wise to do so. Clean your words and be careful what you say so that you might stay in the blessings of YHVH.


Despite the powerful manifestation of YHVH’s power among them, these two faithful people displayed some very bad attitudes. Examine your own heart: What bad attitudes need to be purged from you before they lead to your own spiritual ruin? Your tongue is but a little member as a small flame that can set a forest on fire. The tongue is also like a sword and evil words of slander are like arrows shot from behind a lurking place and no one knows their origin. 3


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Our words should be refined like silver, and you should think seven times before you speak.

At the Borders Read Deut 1:19-23 & Numbers 13. What mistake was made here? Why was sending out the spies a compromise? Israel was sent to spy out the land of Canaan and 12 spies were chosen, one from each tribe. They were away for 40 days and came back with evidence of what the land is like. All agreed that it was a good land, and they exhibited the rich fruit, which they had brought as evidence. One cluster of grapes was so large that two men carried it between them on a staff. They also brought of the figs and pomegranates, which grew there in abundance. After they had spoken of the fertility of the land, all but two spoke very discouragingly of their ability to possess it. They left Elohim out of the question. They acted as though in taking the city of Jericho, the key to the land of Canaan, they must depend solely on the power of arms, which was not in line with His Plan. This story is prophetic of the end times and the pattern of Israel leaving Egypt up to the Promised Land shows us the steps we have to go through from the day we leave Egypt (sin and bondage), how we went through the red sea (baptism), faced Mt Sinai where we accept to do His Commandments (received His Holy Spirit) and where we travel through the wilderness (life with tests and trials) until we enter the Promised Land (New Jerusalem). But before we can enter the Promised Land we have to face the battles starting with Jericho. There were 12 spies send out and only two witnesses had the truth and the word, the other 10 are like the false prophets with a bad report. YHVH warned us of these false prophets as well as the dark time that lays ahead where we have to face the enemy (dragon/Satan) before we can enter.


YHVH promised Israel that He would give them the land and that He would deliver them and in the same way we have to have faith in what YHVH promised. He will look after us and deliver us during the time of the Tribulation. What did the reaction of most of the people reveal about them, even after all the manifestations of divine power? The people wanted to believe the bad report, the report that was not in line with the Word and Promise of YHVH. They were still fleshly orientated and cannot see the spiritual truth behind these physical events. In the same way we find the modern church at, they rather believe people that tell them what they want to hear, even if it is contrary to the Word of YHVH. *9


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In the Time of Trouble (Tribulation), these people will grow cold and many will lose their faith because the do not know YHVH or His Word or His Promises and will be terrified and will try to do things in their own power because they are unprepared. They will rather follow the false Prophets who do signs and wonders than to follow the Word of YHVH and they will be deceived. How can you learn to trust YHVH despite the seemingly impossible obstacles in your path? What choices are you making today that will determine how you will respond to what you face tomorrow? The only real way to trust YHVH in a time of great trouble and distress is to know Him, His Character, know His Promises and His Plan and basically to know His Word. That is the only hope we have and there will be a time where we will need to trust Him and Him alone. A time of distress is referred to in scripture as darkness and His Word a a light upon your path. # ! ,: *3 ! 4


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The Word of prophecy is as a light in a time when the darkness will dawn upon us. This time of darkness is the beginning of the Tribulation where all of humanity will face many obstacles and tests to see if they will follow YHVH and do His Commandments and have prepared them selves with their lamps alight waiting for the Groom to come. 4







Back to Egypt Read Numbers 14 – What is the most powerful and important spiritual lesson you can take from this story? In what ways have you ever done the same thing? $

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The people rebelled against YHVH again and again, but this time YHVH said that He will destroy them all and bring forth a nation form Moses. Moses remained YHVH of His promises and declared His Character and interceded for the people. Moses was a Levite and part of the Priesthood and we are YHVH’s priesthood here on earth today, we must in the same way intercede for the rebellion of the people and plead before YHVH for their souls, then you will receive the seal of YHVH on your forehead. E: F 6

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Your actions and your heart of intersession will declare you worthy of receiving the seal on your forehead which makes you as one of the Priesthood like Moses who pleaded for the people in the midst of their rebellion. We are not to condemn them, we are called to grace and mercy and to plead before YHVH for their souls. To receive the seal of YHVH is to have the same attitude and heart for the lost when He died for the sinners on the stake (cross). We should have the same heart of intersession for the lost in this world as our Master Y’shua to be worthy of this seal. # !*++




How do we see YHVH’s mercy and grace revealed here even when they openly rebelled against Him? Moses prevailed with YHVH to spare the people; but because of their arrogance and unbelief, YHVH could not enter the Promised Land, except their children. Therefore, in His divine mercy, He led them back into the wilderness toward the Red Sea and let them wonder there until all of them except Caleb and Joshua was left from that generation.


This shows us that YHVH is a righteous El and He does not let rebellion be unpunished. Rebellion is the sin of witchcraft and is directly related to Satan worship and shall not be tolerated or go unpunished. C

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If you fall and sin due to your weaknesses, and you repent, then you will be forgiven, but if you fall and sin and know the truth and do not repent, you are rebelling and this will cause you to be judged. Work out tour salvation with fear and trembling and have a humble heart without rebellion, seek the truth and apply it to your life as best you can with and meek spirit of repentance to cover your weaknesses.


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