Multiple Intelligences

  • June 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 189
  • Pages: 6
Multiple Intelligences Based on slides originally produced for Master Student Houghton Mifflin Company.

What are the Multiple Intelligences? • There is no single measure of intelligence • There are alternative ways for people to learn: there are many intelligences • Each of us has all of these “intelligences” to some degree

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Claim Your Multiple Intelligences • Verbal/linguistic – Learns best by speaking, writing, reading, listening

• Mathematical/logical – Good with numbers, logic, problem solving, patterns, categories

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Claim Your Multiple Intelligences • Visual/spatial – Thinks in images and pictures – Understands best by seeing the subject

• Bodily/kinesthetic – Prefers physical activity – Would rather participate than watch

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Claim Your Multiple Intelligences • Musical/rhythmic – Enjoys musical expression – Sensitive to sounds

• Naturalist – Loves outdoors – Excels in observing fine distinctions among similar items


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Claim Your Multiple Intelligences • Intrapersonal – Exceptionally aware of own feelings and values – Generally reserved, self-motivated, intuitive

• Interpersonal – Outgoing – Does well with cooperative learning – Good leaders .

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