Multiple Choice Questions

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 424
  • Pages: 4
MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Tick make the appropriate answer……………..1*10 1) All of the following are true for clavicle except: a. It is the only long bone that lies horizontally. b. It is subcutaneous throughout. c. It is the first bone to start ossifying.  d. It ossifies in cartilage. 2) Which of the following is not a muscle of pectoral region: a. subclavius b. pectoralis major  c. deltoid d. pectoralis manor 3) The following structures form the boundaries of cervico axillary canal except: a) clavicle st b) outer border of 1 rib c) coracoid process of scapula d) upper border of scapula 4) The following muscles from the boundary of anatomical snuff box except: a) abductor pollicis longus b) extensor pollicis brevis c) abductor pollicis brevis d) extensor pollicis longus 5) The following are the contents of carpal tunnel except: a) flexor digitorum superficialis tendon b) median nerve c) flexor carpi radialis tendon d) radial artery

6) Boundary of quadrangular space are formed by following structures except: a) surgical neck of the humerus b) teres major c) long head of tricep d) deltoid 7) Proximal row of carpal bones are formed by following bones except: a) scaphoid b) triquetral c) lunate d) trapezium 8) The lymph from the upper lateral quadrant of the breast mainly drains into the : A)deltopectoral group of lymph nodes B) posterior axillary nodes C) anterior axillary or pectoral lymph nodes D)lateral axillary nodes 9) Axillary sheath encloses; a) axillary artery and branches of brachial plexus b) axillary artery and axillary vein c) axillary artery ,axillary vein and brachial plexus d) none of the above 10) The followings are the contents of cubital fossa except: a) bifurcation of brachial artery into radial and ulnar artery b) radial nerve and its deep branch c) ulnar nerve d) median nerve


Elbow joint is a : a) ball and socket variety b) ellipsoid variety c) hing variety d) none of the above


In scapula ,latissimis dorsi gets its origin from: a) coracoid process b) inferior angle of scapula c) lateral border of scapula d) all of the above

13) The following tructures are attached to the greater tuberosity of humerus except: a) subscapularis b) teres minor c) infraspinatus d) supraspinatus 14) Lymph nodes in axilla are arranged in following groups except: a) apical group b) central group c) lateral group d) medial group

15) The following muscle of back helps in violent expiratory effort like coughing, sneezing etc a) trapezius b) latissimus dorsi c) levator scapulae d) none of the above

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