Multilingual Dictionary[1]

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  • Words: 1,678
  • Pages: 13





MULTILINGUAL DICTIONARY English-Bulgarian-Italian-Spanish-French-Lithuanian PROJECT “ STEADY EUROPEAN DEVELOPMENT OF MY SCHOOL- PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE” COMENIUS, LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME 2007-2009 With Financial Support of Comenius Lifelong Learning Programme



Welcoming good morning

dobro utro

good evening

dobar vecher

good night

leka nosht

hello / hi / hey


goodbye hello Communication thank you sorry yes no What's your name? My name is... How old are you? How are you? How much is it? I don't know. Here you are! Which ones? Could you repeat? Enjoy your meal! Numbers one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Questions What? Why When? Where? How? Who? Nice to meet you School Life Teacher Headmaster

dovizhdane zdravej blagodarya sazhalyavam da ne Kak se kazvash? Az se kazvam... Na kolko godini si? Kak si? Kolko struva tova? Ne znam Zapovyadaj! Koe? Bihte li povtorili? Dobar apetit! edno dve tri chetiri pet shest sedem osem devet deset Kakvo? Zashto? Koga? Kade? Kak? Koj? Priyatno mi e da se zapoznaem Uchitel Director

Headmistress Deputy Head Student Classroom desk Chair School bag Pen Pencil Piece of chalk break textbook notebook school subjects Maths Literature Geography History English language French language Italian language Spanish language Lithuanian language Physical Education IT Chemisry Physics Science Bulgarian language Phylosophy Psychology Extra Curricular activities excursion friend enemy test absence school mark markbook examination term holiday

Directorka Zamestnik Direktor Uchenik klasna staja buro stol ranitsa himikal moliv tebeshir mezhdochasie uchebnik tetradka uchilishtni predmeti matematika literatura geografia istoria anglijski ezik frenski ezik italianski ezik ispanski ezik litovski ezik fizichesko informacionni tehnologii himia fizika prirodni nauki bulgarski ezik filosofia psihologia izvan klasni dejnosti ekskurzia priatel vrag kontrolna otsustvie otcenka belejnik izpitvane srok vakancia

English- Catalan-Spanish Catalonian flag

English Welcoming

Spanish national flag

Catalan-Català BENVINGUDA

Spanish-Español BIENVENIDA

good morning

Bon dia

Buenos dias

good evening

Bona tarda

Buenas tardes

good night

Bona nit

Buenas noches

hello / hi / hey



goodbye hello Communication

Adeu Hola COMUNICACIÓ Gràcies Perdó Si No Com et dius? Em dic.... Quants anys tens? Com estàs? Quant val? No ho sé Té, Aqui tens ! Quin ? Pots repetir? Bon profit! NUMEROS U Dos Tres Quatre Cinc Sis Set Vuit Nou Deu

Adiós Hola COMUNICACIÓN Gracias Perdón Si No Como te llamas? Me llamo … Cuantos años tienes? Como estás? Cuanto vale? No lo sé Toma, aquí lo tienes ¡ Cual de ellos? Puedes repetir? Buen provecho NUMEROS Uno Dos Tres Cuatro Cinco Seis Siete Ocho Nueve Diez

thank you sorry yes no What's your name? My name is... . How old are you? How are you? How much is it? I don't know. Here you are!

Which ones? Could you repeat? Enjoy your meal! Numbers one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Questions What? Why When?

PREGUNTES Què? Per què? Quan? On? Com? Qui? Encantat de coneixerte VIDA ESCOLAR Professor/a Director Directora Cap d’estudis Estudiant Classe Pupitre Cadira Motxilla Boligraf Llapis Un tros de Guix Pati Llibre de text Llibreta escolar Matèries Matemàtiques Literatura Geografia Història Anglès Francès Italià Espanyol Lituà Educació física TIC Química Física Ciències Búlgar Filosofia Psicologia Activitats extraescolars Excursió Amic Enemic Abscència Notes Llibreta de notes

PREGUNTAS ¿Qué? ¿Por qué? ¿Cuándo? ¿Dónde? ¿Cómo? ¿Quien? Encantado de conocerte VIDA ESCOLAR Profesor /a Director Directora Jefe de Estudios Estudiante Clase Pupitre Silla Mochila Bolígrafo Lápiz Trozo de tiza Recreo Libro de texto Libreta escolar Materias Matemáticas Literatura Geografía Historia Inglés Francés Italiano Español Lituano Educación física TIC Química Física Ciencias Búlgaro Filosofía Psicología Actividades extraescolares Excursión Amigo Enemigo Ausencia Notas Libreta de notas

Where? How? Who? Nice to meet you School Life Teacher Headmaster Headmistress Deputy Head Student Classroom desk Chair School bag Pen Pencil Piece of chalk break textbook notebook school subjects Maths Literature Geography History English language French language Italian language Spanish language

Exàmens Trimestre Vacances

Exámenes Trimestre Vacaciones

Lithuanian language Physical Education IT Chemisry Physics Science Bulgarian language Phylosophy Psychology Extra Curricular activities excursion friend enemy absence school mark markbook examination term holiday

English- Italian Welcoming

Benvenuto !

good morning


good evening

Buona sera

good night

Buona notte

hello / hi / hey

ciao / salve

goodbye hello Communication thank you sorry yes no What's your name? My name is... How old are you? How are you? How much is it? I don't know. Here you are! Which one/ ones? Could you repeat? Enjoy your meal! Numbers one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Questions What? Why When? Where? How? Who? Nice to meet you School Life Teacher Headmaster Headmistress Deputy Head Student Classroom desk Chair School bag Pen Pencil Piece of chalk break textbook

arrivederci ciao / salve Comunicazione grazie ! scusi ! scusa ! si no Come ti chiami ? Mi chiamo … Quanti anni hai? Come stai? Quanto costa? Non so Ecco ! Quale (sing)? Quali (plur) ? Potresti ripetere? Buon appetito ! Numeri uno due tre quattro cinque sei sette otto nove dieci Domande Quale? Perchè? Quando? Dove? Come ? Quanto ? Chi? Lieto di incontrarti Vita scolastica Insegnante Dirigente scolastico Dirigente scolastico Docente Vicario Studente Classe banco sedia borsa / zaino penna matita bacchetta di gesso ricreazione libro di testo

notebook school subjects Maths Literature Geography History English language French language Italian language Spanish language Lithuanian language Bulgarian language Physical Education IT Chemisry Physics Science Phylosophy Psychology Extra Curricular activities excursion friend enemy test absence school mark markbook examination term holiday

quaderno materie scolastiche matematica letteratura geografia storia lingua inglese lingua francese lingua italiana lingua spagnola lingua lituana lingua bulgara educazione fisica tecnologia dell’informazione chimica fisica scienze filosofia psicologia attività extra-curricolari escursione amico nemico test assenza voto registro esame quadrimestre vacanza

English- Lithuanian Welcoming


good morning

Labas rytas

good evening

Labas vakaras

good night


hello / hi / hey


goodbye hello Communication thank you sorry yes no What's your name? My name is... How old are you? How are you? How much is it? I don't know. Here you are! Which ones? Could you repeat? Enjoy your meal! Numbers one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Questions What? Why When? Where? How? Who? Nice to meet you

Viso! Iki Labas BENDRAVIMAS Ačiū Atsiprašau Taip Ne Koks tavo vardas? Mano vardas...

Kiek tau metų? Kaip sekasi? Kiek tai kainuoja? Aš nežinau Prašau! Kuriuos? Kurias? Ar galėtum pakartoti? Skanaus!

SKAIČIAI Vienas Du Trys Keturi Penki Šeši Septyni Aštuoni Devyni Dešimt KLAUSIMAI Ką? Kodėl? Kada? Kur? Kiek? Kas?

Malonu susipažinti

School Life


Teacher Headmaster Headmistress Deputy Head Student

Mokytoja (female)/Mokytojas (male) Direktorius Direktorė Direktoriaus pavaduotojas Mokinys (male)/Mokinė (female)

Classroom desk Chair School bag Pen Pencil Piece of chalk break textbook notebook school subjects Maths Literature Geography History English language French language Italian language Spanish language Lithuanian language Physical Education IT Chemisry Physics Science Bulgarian language Phylosophy Psychology Extra Curricular activities excursion friend test absence school mark markbook examination term holiday

Klasė Suolas Kėdė Kuprinė Parkeris Pieštukas Kreida Pertrauka Vadovėlis Sąsiuvinis Mokykliniai dalykai Matematika Literatūra Geografija Istorija Anglų kalba Prancūzų kalba Italų kalba Ispanų kalba Lietuvių kalba Kūno kultūra Informacinės technologijos Chemija Fizika Tikslieji mokslai Bulgarų kalba Filosofija Psichologija Popamokinė veikla Ekskursija Draugas Testas/kontrolinis darbas Nebuvimas Pažimys Pažymių knygelė Egzaminas Trimestras/semestras Atostogos

English- French FRENCH


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

alerte incendie (une) aller en permanence avertissement (un) baccalauréat (le) billet d’absence (un)

6. 7. 8. 9.

bourse d’étude (une) brevet (des collèges) (le) brevet de technicien supérieur (BTS) (un) bulletin de notes (un)

10. cantine (la) 11. carnet de liaison (le) 12. centre de documentation et d’information (CDI) (le) 13. certificat de scolarité (un) 14. (classe de) seconde (la) 15. (classe de) première (la) 16. (classe de) terminale (la) 17. classes préparatoires aux Grandes Ecoles (CPGE) (une) 18. concierge (le) 19. conseil de classe (un) 20. conseil de discipline (un) 21. conseiller d’orientation (un) 22. conseiller principal d’éducation (CPE) (un) 23. cour de récréation (la) 24. délégué de classe (le) 25. devoirs (les) 26. devoir maison (un) 27. devoir surveillé (un) 28. diplôme (un) 29. examen (un) 30. examen blanc (un) 31. exposé (un) 32. gymnase (le) 33. heure de retenue (une) 34. intendant (l’) 35. interclasse (l’) 36. internat (l’) 37. lycée d’enseignement général et technologique (LEGT) (un) 38. lycée professionnel (LP) (un) 39. matière (une) 40. note (une)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

fire drill to go to the prep room warning A-level absence slip (filled in by the teachers at the beginning of each lesson) 6. grant 7. GCSE 8. two-year post-A-level vocational course 9. grade sheet /school report (sent to parents at the end of each term) 10. canteen 11. mark book in which the students write down their test marks and teachers write messages for the parents. 12. school library 13. proof of attendance 14. fifth form 15. lower sixth form 16. upper sixth form 17. two-year post-A-level course taken in a “lycée”(for entrance to selective higher education establishments) 18. caretaker 19. end of term meeting 20. disciplinary committee 21. careers adviser/guidance counsellor 22. behaviour manager (someone who supervises discipline and class attendance) 23. school ground 24. student representative (one for each class) 25. homework 26. assignment 27. test 28. degree 29. examination 30. mock exam 31. presentation 32. gymnasium 33. detention 34. bursar 35. break between classes 36. dormitory / boarding school 37. comprehensive school attended by fifth formers and sixth formers 38. vocational school 39. subject 40. mark / grade

41. option (une) 42. préau (le) 43. professeur principal (un) 44. proviseur (le) 45. proviseur adjoint (le) 46. récréation (la) 47. retenue (une) 48. (salle de) permanence (la) 49. salle des professeurs (la) 50. stage (un) 51. surveillant (un)

40. option / elective 41. covered part of the school ground 42. class head teacher 43. head 44. deputy head 45. break 46. detention 47. prep (room) where students can go and work when they have a free period 48. staff room 49. training period 50. someone who watches over students and is responsible for discipline in all other places than classrooms, who also keeps a record of the students’ absence.

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