Mpn - Pilot Episode

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  • Words: 13,287
  • Pages: 70





Natalia Pratiwi  ©2009, Natalia Pratiwi

[email protected]


“MY PRIVATE NOTE” ACT ONE FADE IN: INT. STAGE HALL, LAKEVILLE SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL – DAY A boy and a girl, bringing their own sheet of paper, standing on a Stage. NATALIE MCLANE, a 15 year old girl, beautiful dark long hair girl with a worried expression, standing face to face with her partner. KRIS WOOD, a 16 year old boy, charming boy with a spirited expression, go deep down into his character toward hers. NATALIE MCLANE “Why?! In the name of Mother of Earth – Why can’t you rescue the Brother of Yours?!” KRIS WOOD “For I have chosen, My Love! Either him stay being the eternity prisoner of King Sayeed or I have to leave you being the slavery wife of that evil King!” NAT “So you help me instead of your brother of blood?!” KRIS “I’m helping you for that I know you shall not be persisted serving all weirdest will from that Evil Man!” NAT “I will! I’m just serving him! Your Brother will be tortured for live!” KRIS “Well I won’t see you serving him!” “Why?!”


KRIS “Because I Love You!” NAT (gasping! – a beat) “…but I love your brother.” KRIS “I know… but you will love me.” Kris walks closer to her right away, holding both of her cheeks and leaning down - ready to kiss her.


NAT Ho-howkay!.. (avoiding immediately) CUT!


Kris seems disappointed about not kissing her, and the director, once again, put off his ‘lazy-mad’ expression toward Natalie. DIRECTOR What was that? NAT W’well, I assumed that we have to save the ‘kissing part’ away for a real stage, so that we really can embrace it more later on. You know?.. (unwilling smile) DIRECTOR (disbelief) Well I assumed that your whole speech about ‘embrace thing’ is bull-ish. There’s something goin’ on between you two and you brought it in here – And thank’s to you, we have to do it all over again – wasting another time. (a beat) And everyone get back on a stage, please!! The casts walk up the stage with lazy behavior. DIRECTOR And Kris, you kiss her up real nice! Okay?! KRIS I will, Sir. Nat just takes her breath out. DIRECTOR Alright, 1… 2… …ACTION!-SFX: KRIIING!!... School bell RINGS. NAT (happy shock) Aaw! Time’s up! Bummer… (Fake disappointed) A slightly disappointed look comes at Kris. While the director seems really fed up with all of the interruption. DIRECTOR Hoow…kay… well Don’t forget tomorrow same place – same time! And Nobody bringing their script on a stage! MUST – KNOW – EVERY SINGLE WORD!.. Everyone starts preparing to leave.


Kris takes his jacket and bag so quickly while sees Nat in the other side way, in a rush to take off of the building.


KRIS (calling!)

But Nat has already walked off, hastily. Kris chases her. EXT. STAGE HALL FRONT YARD, LSHS – SAME TIME Kris still tries to catch her up, while Nat keeps walking faster without looking back. KRIS (keep calling) Nat! Wait up! Nat still doesn’t wanna look back.


KRIS (“finally”)

Kris grabs her arm right away. NAT (cut off; turn around) Can you not Read the Sign that I am avoiding you now?! KRIS Yes, I can. But why?! NAT W’..why?!.. Last night? You kissed me? -- All the sudden?! Have you lost your memories? KRIS W’yes I know, that’s why I wanted to talk to you right now! I wanna explain it. -NAT (sigh) you know what, don’t have to. I get it. KRIS (confuse) What? -NAT (CONT’D) You are still not over Mary – there I was tryna comfort you – but I guess you were a little too comforted by me – I was at the wrong time and a wrong place and Boom! (a beat) Accident Happen.


Nat. -


NAT (cut off) I know it, I understand – But still -- we can’t hide the truth that there’s some awkwardness feeling between us now. So I’m sorry if I wanted to avoid seeing you now until ‘this strange kinda thing’ fading out and we can get back as being friend all over again, alright? KRIS (cut off) Nat it wasn’t an accident! NAT (bit confuse: a beat) …what? You’ve been planned to choose me as your ‘rebound girl’? How dare you! I’m your bestfriend! KRIS No! It wasn’t like that!-NAT (CONT’D) You can choose a thousand girls out here for you to get over Mary! But Me?! How could you do that to me?! KRIS (bit shouting) Because I Love you! Nat’s heart just stops beating. A long pause, then: KRIS … I love you. NAT (cut off) You know that’s not an easy word to say… KRIS I know, cuz I’ve thought about it a long time ago. NAT A long time ago? (disbelief) 3 days after you broke up was ‘A long time ago’ for you?! KRIS W’ of course not! It was way beyond that! NAT W’ this’s ridiculous. (MORE)


NAT (CONT’D) (chuckle) You don’t love me. KRIS Well how can you be so sure of that? NAT Because Wood, (a beat) LOVE doesn’t exist in our Ages! What I believe is we just know Lust not Love! KRIS (cynical chuckling) it’s my feeling – you don’t know that. NAT (voice raising; stand her ground) Well you’re feeling is wrong! Okay?! You can’t just know that you love somebody without having some long relationship first. That’s absurd! Oh really? Really!


KRIS Are you sure? Very! -


KRIS Well how about this, He likes that someone from the first time he saw her face. And along with times he started to adore her attitude, her character, her laughs and that feeling just started to grow inside of him, secretly - but he couldn’t let that out! Because she was with another guy back then and it seemed like serious at the time. Nat just listens to him. KRIS (CONT’D) …And then he decided to move on, met with a girl, tried to connect with her… (a beat) …Damn, but then you broke up with him. Nat just remains silent. KRIS (look her deeply) …Nat you didn’t know how happy yet.. (MORE)


KRIS (CONT’D) …confuse I was after I found out about your break ups… wanted to let that out sooner but didn’t have a gut to come clean on Mary… (a beat) …but I did anyway. …I made the decision… Nat starts to believe and feel what Kris feels for her… KRIS (CONT’D) …I wanted to set my mind free, I wanted you to know… that this whole time… -- I can’t take my attention off of you… just tried to hide that feeling… Nat just looks down, doesn’t know how to react… KRIS …I love you, Natalie… I always do. NAT (cut off) Wood I can’t.. Now, Kris’s heart is the one to stop beating. A long pause. ..why?


NAT Because, (can’t hardly say it) …we were best-friend already and I can’t-KRIS That’s not a right reason for you to try-NAT It is – to me, Wood.-KRIS See I just love how you’re the only one who calls me Wood..-Ok Kris.


Kris suspires. NAT (a beat) I just don’t wanna ruin our friendship. I don’t wanna change this situation because it will. -KRIS Change to a better situation. --


NAT Better or worst –Trust me, it’s still not worth it for ruining this friendship thing. Kris looks away, doesn’t wanna listen more to her opinions. NAT …I’m sorry but we can’t do this. Kris now looks right through her, look disappointed… Then, Nat starts to turn around and walks away. But first, she turns back again. NAT And I think we have to add a little more time for losing the awkward moment – (muttering) between us… Then she starts to walk away again, leaving Kris with a more broken hearted. INT. HALLWAY, LSHS – CONTINUING Students walk around the hallway, chat around, before the bell starts to split them up. Natalie, accompanied by JESSICA CARTER (16), an attractive yet toughie looks kinda girl, walk together through a hall. NAT I mean, don’t you get it? It’s gonna be awkward, isn’t it?! I just can’t see his face in the same feeling anymore. JESSICA CARTER (chuckles) Love feeling for exact.. NAT Seriously, Jess. (offended face) JESSICA I’m sorry, (still chuckles) I too still can’t believe that he actually said those words to you. But I thought you’ve sensed that a long time ago! I mean I sense that, even Shawn senses that! -NAT Shawn can sense that?? JESSICA We’re always gossiping you whenever you both are not around. NAT Ah, that’s just evil.


JESSICA No that’s enjoying. (chuckles) So, what’re you gonna do now? NAT (sigh) I don’t know… stick with the plan I guess -‘Avoiding time’. JESSICA Ha’, Good luck with that… And finally, they arrive at their own lockers, and get shocked! by something written on Nat’s Locker that says: SUPER - BEWARE: BOYFRIEND STEALER OVER HERE! Nat drops her jaw, turning into a raging looks. NAT Oh – My – God… Jessica’s also really stunned yet try to hold the laugh, while each person who comes passing by are chuckling seeing that announcement stick on Nat’s locker. After shocked, Nat immediately comes to her senses and rip that paper off of her locker furiously. NAT This – is Ridiculous! Boyfriend stealer?! Who made this crap?! Jessica takes that paper and reads it once again. JESSICA Who else could’ve been? NAT Oh, I know that Mary is not all ‘angel’… she always envies me for everything. -SHAWN FOSTER (cut off) Nope, Mary doesn’t involve. It’s just Kelly and the Gossip Gang. Came out of nowhere, SHAWN FOSTER (16), a rather very stylish boy – probably too much, suddenly has already stood up and lean over beside Nat’s locker. NAT (un-convinced; to Shawn) How’d you know that? SHAWN I saw them gluing it.


JESSICA You saw, (a beat; chuckles upset) And why didn’t you pull it off right away you idiot!? NAT I’m your cousin for God Sake! -SHAWN (cut off) Hey-hey-hey! Attacking me no more ladies! I kinda make your name less-humiliated anyway.


JESSICA (disbelief)

SHAWN Well did you notice a scratch right after the “here” word, down there? Jessica and Nat see the scratch that Shawn pointed out. SHAWN They actually wrote a word ‘Slut’ for you, but I erase it already. (smile proudly) Jessica and Nat just can exchange some lazy stare. JESSICA Seriously, you should’ve shown whenever God is giving a brain for Human race. NAT (cut off) And of course Mary wouldn’t come and stick this thing by herself, she got dignity to safe. So she asked her follower to do her ‘nasty job’! Oh I really gotta clean my name for this! (suspires) JESSICA Well chill out!.. It’s not like you really steal Kris from Mary, right? You’re not?


KELLY ABIGAIL (cut off) Yes, you are! And suddenly, the so called ‘Gossip Gang’, KELLY ABIGAIL (16), CASSIE KEYS (16), and MEAGHAN JETTA GELLAR (15) walk toward Natalie with a confronted looks.


KELLY (CONT’D) She only needed 2 days Everyone for making some dirty move and kissing that poor cute guy Kris Wood, at your porch, Last night! Nat shocked! Everyone just gasp! Making some judging looks toward her. SHAWN (after a beat; naive) Really? -JESSICA Shut up. (murmuring)-NAT (pissed) I am not-stealing him! And how did you know about last night?! CASSIE KEYS So it is true, isn’t it? KELLY You are such a Slut! Stealing Kris from our Bestie: Mary?! Everyone agrees that they’re like a match couple! And you just slip right in a middle and ruin their relationship! -CASSIE You should be ashamed of yourself, Missy! Shawn quietly gets closer to Meaghan. NAT (raising voice) Oh why should I be ashamed of myself?! I got no fault in here!

SHAWN (low voice; anxious smile) H’Hi… Meaghan,

KELLY (cut off) You’re kissing someone else’s boyfriend! Is your brain still functioning?!

SHAWN Nice earrings..

MEAGHAN Hi… (smile graciously)

MEAGHAN Thank’s! I’ve bought it yesterday… --

NAT (CONT’D) Look – He was the one who kissed me! I did not steal anyone’s boyfriend, okay?! -JESSICA (helping her) Yeah and this is really none of your business, Gossip Gang!




(off Jessica) Does anyone order you to open your mouth? JESSICA No – but I don’t have to take an order to sew your trash mouth! -CASSIE (cut off) Hey watch your mouth, Male! You sew her mouth I sew you back! JESSICA (getting pissed) Oh like you dare?! CASSIE You wanna piece of me?! JESSICA You wanna Piece of me?! MATT KUTCHER (cut off) Hey-hey-hey!! Cut it off, will ya? Suddenly, the football guys, MATT KUTCHER (17), EVAN ROSS DAVID (16), ROBERT KLEIN (16), and CHACE BYRNE (16), arrive at the crime scene. MATT (sigh) Just hold up Girls.. Then Matt turns around facing everyone. A beat. MATT (shouting) OK I CALL FOR JESSICA! Who’s gonna win the fight?! EVERYONE Cassie!.. YEAH!.. Hahaha..! Jessica’s gonna beat her!.. Everyone just cheers them up – raising their anger and dignity! CASSIE (push Jessica) You’re going down!

NAT Just back the hell off, okay?!

JESSICA (push Cassie) You’re going further down!

KELLY Well just admit your sin, Bitch!


And there it is, a corridor hall becomes so crowded over a cat fight between them girls, the guys just laugh, enjoying the girls’ fight! Jess and Cassie are showing who’s stronger between them while Nat and Kelly start to argue all over again! SHAWN Probably we should back off for a little while.. Shawn takes a chance to hold Meaghan. MEAGHAN (a bit scared) I guess… But that scenery fight will come to an end while MARY ELIZABETH DUNST (16), an enchanted girl with a badge of Student Body President stick to her chest, finally shows up and tries to meddling the fight. MARY ELIZABETH DUNST (Yelling) Hey-hey! Stop it-stop it! Stop it you guys!! Silent everyone!.. With her powerful charm, everybody just start to shut up and follow her order. MARY (suspires) what’s goin on in here?! NAT (sarcastic) Oh, like you don’t know. MARY (unfazed) If I know then I wouldn’t ask, would I? JESSICA Just look at that. Jessica gives the paper a bit rudely. Mary, then reads the paper. And she looks a little bit embarrassed by that. So,


(cross her hand) ready to come clean? MARY You think I made this kinda thing? NAT Well of course Not. (smug grin) You made them to make this kinda thing!


What? -


KELLY (cut off) We did it because we love you, Mary! We empathize your hurt feeling, that created by this tramp over here. JESSICA (cut off) You just can’t shut your mouth, can’t you? CASSIE And you just can’t stand still, can you? JESSICA What are you – her bodyguard?! Hey! -


MARY (cut off; fed up) Ok-ok just shut up guys! No more fighting! (sigh…) Look, I didn’t do it and I’m sorry if my friends are crossing the line but they’re just trying to defend me, alright? NAT (stunng) Defending you? Of what?! You know that this isn’t true! MARY I’m just saying that this is just some kinda misunderstanding! Everyone has their own amount of fault – and we just have to try to deal with this with a cold mind and heart. NAT Well what’d you mean ‘everyone has their own fault’?! What is my fault in this? I’m the victim here! They assaulted me! MARY Yes I know – they gone too far - But they just try to defend their friend. Jessica would’ve done the same thing if it happens to you too. NAT Oh so you’re saying that I did steal Wood from you?! MARY (cold) You’re the one who said it, I didn’t. -


NAT (glares; snorts) I can’t believe this – I know that you’re not entirely perfect – you just act like you’re good outside but inside you’re just the same with all your friends. MARY (bit offended) What’d you mean by that?! NAT What I mean is You are a wolf covered with a sheep wool! You’re a hypocrite!/


KRIS (cut off; yells)

Finally, the one who’s been talking about has arrived at the fight scenery. EVAN ROSS DAVID (announcing) The prince is here everyone! Clap your hand together! Yeeaaah!..


Everyone just cheer up for Kris, CLAP their hands, while Kris looks very disturbed. KRIS (low voice; to Nat and Mary) Can we just talk in a private place, just the three of us? MARY (calming) I think that’s a good idea… NAT (furious; raise voice) No! We have to clarify my name first! Wood, tell them the truth! Do I really steal you from her?! Everyone agrees with Nat. Shouting and laughing, wanting for an answer. KRIS (upset) Alright! Kris suspires.


KRIS (CONT’D) Nobody steal anyone in here, okay?! (a beat) We broke up for our own reasons. Slightly, Marry looks a bit disappointed. NAT And how about the kiss last night? KRIS (lazy looks; a beat) …I kissed her, not in return.


NAT (satisfied)

EVERYONE (groan, disappointed) Oh… Not interesting anymore… NAT (CONT’D) And please, tell your ex-girlfriend to not making such lame rumors anymore.MARY (bit upset) Oh for God sake I didn’t do it! Do you trust me Kris? Kris stares at Mary’s convincing looks. Thinking for a second. KRIS (after a beat) …I’m sorry Nat, but Mary wouldn’t do that kinda thing. Nat stuns. MARY (“I told you”) See?.. (to Kris) thank you, by the way.. NAT (glares at Kris) …Well look, even you still try to defend her, right? KRIS Nat, it’s not about that… NAT (cut off: cynical chuckle) You know what – (MORE)


NAT (CONT’D) - you didn’t even bother to have that speech this morning. (a beat) You’re still gonna choose her anyway.


KRIS (sigh)

Nat just gives ‘talk to my hand’ sign and start leaving the fight scene right away. KELLY (yells at Nat) Okay – bye-bye Loser! (winning laugh) JESSICA (very disturbed) Shut up! KELLY (drops jaw) W don’t tell me to shut up! You shut up! JESSICA No You shut up! Shut up! -


JESSICA Shut – UP! KELLY Shut up 1000 times! JESSICA Shut up a million times!! You --




ACT TWO FADE IN: SFX: KRIING!… Phone RINGS INT. NAT’S HOUSE – NIGHT Nat picks up the phone. Hallo?




It turns out her mother, JODIE MCLANE (37), is in the other line. INTERCUTS BETWEEN NAT AND JODIE NAT No, it’s Hannah Montana. JODIE (fake gasping!) Hannah Montana is in my house?! Ya, ‘haha’. Nat I need your help. NAT You wouldn’t call me if you don’t need one. Nat sits on a sofa in front of TV, eating her snack. JODIE Right, I need you to pick up car at a workshop now - then pick me up in here, okay? Workshop?


JODIE Got a flat tire this morning. You didn’t know how I had to walk almost 4 blocks to get in to my workplace. NAT You could’ve stopped a taxi. JODIE Hell No, I wouldn’t waste my money on that. Nat rolls her eyes. NAT So where is it now?


Nat reaches a pen and note beside phone. JODIE It’s in… umm… Jodie takes a look at her note. JODIE …9435 Itary Ave, …Philippe Workshop! A shocked. Nat’s eyes widen. NAT Oh no-no-no-no-no… I won’t go there, I can’t help you Mom. Hey why?! -


NAT Philippe Workshop?! Mom that’s Gabriel’s workplace! Gabriel? -


NAT My ex-boyfriend Gabriel! D’you ring a bell now?! JODIE Oh that Hot Guy! Well then great! You guys can get back together now. NAT Mom!.. (whining) JODIE Well so what if you met him?! Just say Hi, grab a car, then leave! Oh, and don’t forget to pay. NAT Mom you don’t understand – we didn’t have a really good break ups. JODIE And if you don’t pick me up now – you won’t have a really good breakfast. NAT Wow that’s a good rhyme mom. JODIE Just Go now and take the car to me, okay?! Mom hangs off the phone, ignoring her daughter who’s in confuse.


EXT. PHILIPPE WORKSHOP – CONT’D Nat slowly walks behind some big tree in front of Philippe Workshop, tries to peek on her ex-boyfriend, Gabriel, whether he’s in the workshop or not. But, it seems he’s not in the place. NAT (murmur to herself) Great… -- wait! Nat brings her mirror and her lip-gloss, and having her final touch up just incase she really meets with her former boyfriend. And then, she now starts to walk in to the workshop. There is one worker there, looking busy fixing some car. Nat walks toward him, suspiciously. NAT (clear her throat) Yellow, VW beetle, where is it? The worker looks around first, then a bit shocked finds her standing behind him. WORKER (fishy) Who’re you? NAT Er’ I’m sorry my Mom brought it this morning and… -She sees her car on the side. NAT (CONT’D) Ah don’t worry – found it! Nat walks closer to her car right away. NAT Okay, how much is it? I’m soo in a rush right now. WORKER (cut off; follow her) Er’ but Miss, we haven’t fixed your car. NAT oh, okay… (a beat) you know what never mind, I’ll consider it fixed, okay? She opens up the front door. WORKER W’ Miss, but you got a flat tire here! You can’t go nowhere. -


NAT Oh come on, it’s not like the machine’s broken or ‘or the fuel is empty, so flat tire is just a teeny-tiny small problem, right? (fake smile) Bye. She just gets into the car. WORKER W’ so you’re just gonna push it hard to the street?? Miss, you’ll get an accident, I can’t let you have that! Not after it left from this workshop.NAT (cut off) You know what - I won’t even sue you – so don’t worry okay? (try to close the door) WORKER (hold the door open) Miss, please! GABRIEL PHILLPPE Hey what’s the noises? Nat just closes her eyes, regretting all the noises that brings him out. NAT (murmuring) Oh no… GABRIEL PHILLIPPE (18), a very charming looking guy with a descent outfit, comes out of his office back there, got bothered by the noises happen in his car workshop. WORKER (sigh; complaining) I’m sorry, Sir. But this lady wanted to take her car out without even fixed yet. The tire flats for God sake, Weird… Gabriel looks down to see a driver seat. And there he finds out some familiar girl. …Natalie.


NAT (off Gabriel; shamefully) …Hey… Gab. Gabriel just smiles. CUT TO:


Still at Philippe Workshop, Gabriel checks up her tires car by himself. While in a b.g Nat crosses her hand, just standing and waiting for him to finish. GABRIEL (without turning) You don’t know how old your car is. All tires have already gone bald in a surface. We’re gonna need to replace all your tires here, I don’t think you’ll be able to take your car now. NAT (sigh; mumbling) Great, so how’d I suppose to pick up my mom now… Gabriel stands up, moping his hand. GABRIEL I can take you. A beat. NAT Oh, no-no, (proper chuckles) she can take a cab, finally. Don’t bother. GABRIEL That’s fine, I got nothing to do after all. NAT No, please. Don’t have to. She rushes to call her mom with her cell-phone. Gabriel sighs. NAT (on her cell-phone) Hallo, Mom?.. Bad News. Car hasn’t got fixed. ..Yeah, I’m afraid you have to -All of a sudden, Gabriel steals her cell-phone and replaces her right away. GABRIEL (on a cell-phone) Hallo Mrs. McLane, don’t worry cuz I got a good news for you, -- it’s Gabriel.. NAT Gab what’re you doing?? (try to take it back)



(avoiding and smirking) No, your car is still broken, but I can pick you up there with your lovely daughter… (stares at her) NAT Gab! Gimme Nat still tries to take it back, but Gabriel’s just too slick and tall for her. He enjoys it. GABRIEL It’s a pleasure for me Mrs. McLane. (smile) Okay, just wait up. We’ll see you soon. Gab finally hangs off the phone. Nat stares at him unbelievably. GABRIEL (cold, stonefaced) C’mon, you don’t want your mom to wait even longer, do you? (start walking) NAT W’ Gab I really don’t want you -GABRIEL (cutoff; turn back at her) Nat, you look even prettier now. I can’t just spend a little time with you, can I? There it is, a sweet flattering that comes from his mouth, always kills Natalie and can’t do anything but follow him. GABRIEL (sneers) …come on. EXT. NATALIE’S FRONT YARD – CONT’D Finally, Gabriel has driven down those mom and daughter savely to their resident. Jodie gets out of Gab’s car bringing all her groceries stuff. Then, helped by Gabriel as they walk thru the front door. JODIE Oh Gabriel, thank you so much! Really, you didn’t have to take us to the County Market first and accompanied us to take a shopping – And you even took us to laundry first! (excited) NAT Mom, you made him to. (fazed)


Oh shut up.


NAT (off Gabriel) She just couldn’t waste some good opportunity, (then, mouths) I’m sorry… -JODIE I just didn’t wanna waste times! You know, we have to fill each every second of our life by doing some useful things – d’you agree with that Gabriel? They stop at the front door. GABRIEL (chuckles) Couldn’t be more agree. And don’t worry, I really don’t mind anyway.


JODIE (smirking at Nat)

GABRIEL (CONT’D) After all, I kinda miss spending time with your beautiful daughter here… (then, stare at Nat) Nat stares him back. Jodie watches them back and forth. A long pause, then: JODIE (after a beat) Aww… just look at you both, staring each other… sparking some chemistry… -- No Sex before Marry thou! (forced smile) NAT (shock; embarrased) Mom!... Mom just ruins the moment. Gabriel just chuckles. MOM Just still tryina be conventional mother. Nat rolls her eyes. MOM Well okay then, I’m gonna leave you two lovebird alone now. (MORE)


MOM (CONT’D) (a beat; off Gab) And oh ya, since you are trying to be back with my daughter, d’you think I can have a discount at your workshop? NAT (more embarrased) Oh please Mom! JODIE It’s not wrong for asking… GABRIEL (chuckles) Well 50% from me. You can count on that. JODIE Oh thank you… (blissful smile) NAT Mom the bed is waiting for you. (sarcastic) JODIE Okay I’ve been chased by my own daughter now. So Good nite, darling. Jodie kisses him on a cheek. GABRIEL Good Nite, Mrs. McLane. (charming smile) Sleep tight. I will!


Then Jodie finally gets in to her house, leaves them alone. NAT (embarrassed face) Believe me, she can be more embarrassing than that. Please, don’t be mad at her. GABRIEL (chuckling) No… she’s alrite. I had fun, you know that.


NAT (smile blushingly)

Gab just can’t take his stare off of her.


GABRIEL (after a beat) Ehm, look… maybe umm… I could take your car tomorrow and… picking you up at the school. You know maybe… we could go somewhere after that. …If, you’d like to, of course. …Oh.


(struggle to find a word) Gab I don’t know… I still don’t think it’s a good idea… since… you know… right? Gab’s frown, disappointed. NAT (flustered) W’ you know what I mean… we’re just… -GABRIEL I know what you mean… that’s okay… -NAT Yeah! It’ll be so… Then, Gab shows her his irresistible cute-puppy-sad-begging face. Making Nat giggling blushingly. NAT That’s not gonna get me this time! But Gab pushes her, a bit leans over her, look even cuter now. NAT (chuckling) How my God - Okay-okay I surrender!... (a beat) Maybe tomorrow’s fine. -Yes.

GABRIEL (cheery)

NAT (blushing smile) Well just come by at 4 tomorrow, after I finish my Play rehearsal. GABRIEL Oh there’s a Play again? Yeah…


GABRIEL Well good! Maybe I get to see this one now.


NAT Well don’t push it too hard though. (mocking) GABRIEL (chuckles) okay I’ll try harder this time. So tomorrow at 4 right? Right. Okay.


Gab smiles and stares at her deeply again, making her even more blushed. GABRIEL (after a beat) Well, good night then. Good nite.


And then Gab just gives her his sweetest smile and leaving the porch down to his car. Nat just stands there, waiting for him to really go from her yard before she finally gets back in to her house. INT. NAT’S HOUSE – CONT’D Inside, Mom waits for her while taking off her shoes. JODIE So… is someone back with someone? (teasing) NAT No. And stop embarrassing me in front of cute guys! Okay?! JODIE Hey I’m just tryina help you. -NAT Trying or No Help at all – always no help at all! Jodie just rolls her eyes while Nat suspires and walks up to her room. But then she turns back at her mom again. NAT But genius with the discount thing though.I know.



INT. GYM HALL, LSHS – DAY AFTER Nat accompanies Jessica at her Tae kwon Do’s Practice, wait for her to prepare the next fighting practice. They’re chitchatting. JESSICA Ooh… Great, you are back with that Yummy Guy again. NAT (cut off) I’m not – back with him! (a beat) …yet. I don’t know – what about his inconsistency? His ego-centric? Being indifferent to my activity? His ignorance to my details? -JESSICA And don’t forget about being late all the time. NAT Wow, I just spill out all the reasons why I broke up with him at the first place. JESSICA Well, people always learn from their mistakes. Maybe he’s changing now. You know, like some says: we can appreciate something better after we experience losing it first. NAT Wow, the wise Jessica reveals. JESSICA (chuckles) well I’m just saying, why don’t you try to go out with him once again… and see if he’s changing or not. NAT (bemused) …maybe you’re right. I should go out with him. JESSICA Yeah, and making Kris so jealous. NAT (bit pained) Hey!... -JESSICA (laughing) Seriously, he’s crushing now. NAT C’mon… don’t talk about him. (uninterested)--


GURU (cut off; calling) Jessica! You’re ready? Jessica’s tae Kwon do’s coach already calls her to have a fight practice. JESSICA Just a second! Right across them, there’s a very handsome tall charming guy, Chace Byrne, also preparing for a battle against Jessica. NAT (check out Chase) Ooh… battling with Chace now? JESSICA (indifferent) Yeah… so what? Jessica wears a bandage on her wrist. NAT He’s Hot. You’re fighting with a Hot guy. JESSICA Ha’ Like I care. NAT Oh you’ll do. Nat just teases her. Then, Jessica walks to a mattress, where Chace has already waited her, looking so ‘hotly tough’ with his white tae kwon do uniform. GURU Okay, you ready? Jessica gives a cold smile. GURU Chace, you ready? Always.


Chace gives a warm smile. GURU Alright, take a bow, first. Jessica and Chace are taking a bow. GURU Okay, ready?.. Go!


So, they start to rumble! Give out their best skill of Tae Kwon Do! Natalie watches them fight on the side, cheering out for her bestfriend. NAT (shouting) Go Jessica! Woow! In the end, Chace finally is able to throw Jessica down to a mattress! And lock her with his body upon her. CHACE I told you, Girls can’t just beat boys, especially a pretty one like you.. JESSICA Oh really? Hyaaah! In a sudden, Jessica can replace their position right away – with Chace lay down below her. JESSICA And boys just have no brain. Especially a pretty one like you. Chace tries to struggle up but Jessica is just too strong for him. GURU Fight’s over! Jessica Win! Nat cheers her even louder now. While Jessica helps Chace to get off of the mattress. CHACE (hold his shoulder) Ouch… Nice move. I know.


They do a cool hand shake. CHACE Next battle you’ll be under me, for real… JESSICA (titters) Proof it, done talking. And Chace just gives her his charming smile, then leave. Without she realize, her cheeks start looking red and blushing. NAT And you told me that you didn’t care about him. Shut up!



INT. CAFETERIA, LSHS – CONT’D On a break hours, most of student seem to bring their body to a cafeteria school. Lunching together, talking together, ‘eye shopping’ together. Unexceptionally, Jessica and Nat, are too going there. They take their lunch and walk to an empty table. And they sit together side by side. NAT You like him!.. (keep teasing her) -Am not!..


NAT That’s okay! He’s so cute, JESSICA Okay, I will blame you when things going awkward between us, you hear that? SHAWN Hello Ladies! Shawn suddenly comes up with his lunch and sits right away with the girls. NAT (excited; to Shawn) Jessica is in love with somebody! JESSICA Hey- in love?!-SHAWN Really? She has the capability of loving life creature? (doubtful) JESSICA (bit pained) ‘haha’ Funny. -Hey.


And right now, it’s Kris who takes his lunch and sits straight in front of Nat. Nat slightly looks discomfited. SHAWN (to Kris) Can you believe this? Jessica is able to like someone.--


JESSICA Okay – Is it really that strange for you guys if I happen to like somebody? -NAT (gasping; excited) So you admit that you like him now? JESSICA (busted; blushing) W’ No! I didn’t mean like that? -KRIS (smile curious) well who is it? NAT (immediately; off Kris) Well you would never guess, He is -Nat stops at a sudden. Gagging for a while. Making uncomfortable situation around them. A long pause. JESSICA (try to break the ice) W’well he’s nobody! He is ugly, stupid, pathetic, and you just wanna throw up if you see him. Eww! SHAWN (serious) So why d’you even like him? Weirdo… Kris and Nat are entering their awkward situation. KRIS Ehm, well I guess I have to go now. -NAT (cut off) No-no, I’ve finished my lunch. I’m going.KRIS No really, that’s fine. (gets up) -NAT No, I’m walking now. (gets up too) -KRIS Seriously just sit here. -NAT No you sit there. -KRIS Well I won’t. --


NAT Just sit there! -JESSICA (irritated; bit shout) Well how about both of you sit your ass together now?! And they all shut up. Others slightly turn around them. JESSICA (fed up) Okay, d’you really gonna act like this whenever you are around? Because that’s pissing me off. SHAWN (agree) Me too! NAT Well he started it! KRIS What – me?! Who always makes an awkward excuse between us?! -NAT Well who’s saying ‘I love you’ in the first place?! -JESSICA Okay-okay! Just sit down first! You guys make a scene now! With a heavy heart, Kris and Nat follow Jessica order. Sitting on their own seat. JESSICA Seriously guys, you both have to deal with this. You were a close friend for God sake. NAT (rushes) Well I told him about that, but he just-JESSICA (cut off; to Nat) Okay you, sshh! I’m not taking a side here. SHAWN (chuckles) you’ve been judged by the Judge Carter now.JESSICA Do I order you to speak now?--


SHAWN No, Your Honor. (silent right away) JESSICA (sigh) Well okay Nat, Yes, he loves you. But that doesn’t make you to avoid him. NAT I’m not avoiding him! -JESSICA Well yes – but you’re making a coldest act toward him! That’s just the same, silly!-KRIS Thank you, Jessica. -JESSICA (cut off; to Kris) And so do you, Mr.! You have to understand that she needs some time to clear up her mind. Yes!--


JESSICA She’s just been ‘asked’ by her best-friend – of course she has the right to be shocked and having some time!-NAT Thank you! That’s what I am saying!-JESSICA (cut off; to Nat) But you also don’t have to turn down his nice thought for being good again with you! What??


JESSICA Well think about it! He has collected his guts to come straight to you and acting normal in front of you – But you just ‘slap’ him at the front! Of course he would feel disappointed!-KRIS Thank you.-NAT Okay so what are you saying now?! JESSICA I’m saying that you have to find a way to make things back to comfort again.


KRIS Well what way is it? JESSICA W’ you’re asking me?! Well it’s your damn problem! You’re the one who has to find your own way! You got brain, do you?! Nat and Kris just shut up and frown. The situation is not yet comfortable. SHAWN (after a beat) Hey I have a way! The three of’em stare at Shawn right away, waiting for his answer. Shawn looks like he’s gonna prepare some speech, But then he gets up and runs away. Leaving them confused. JESSICA Well that’s a good way. Immediately she gets up and follows Shawn, leaving them with one another, still frowning. KRIS …well, she’s right. We have to find the way. A beat. NAT (sigh) …but still not now. She gets up and leaves Kris alone. FADE OUT: END OF ACT TWO


ACT THREE EXT. FOOTBALL YARD, LSHS – DAY Shawn walks through a football yard with his sweet thing hanging down on his neck, camera. He’s checking out cheerleader group practicing their routine on the side of yard, while the football guys are being tortured by their couch practicing their tactics. And there he finds, a sweetest girl he’s ever met in his entire life, sweet cute Meaghan, shaking her little nice body throughout Mary’s direction as a cheerleader’s captain. And then, secretly, he started to grab a picture of Meaghan, many-many times, until: ROBERT KLEIN Hey Shawn. (blocking him)-Aah!


(shocked) Geez, you scared me. Robert Klein or Bob suddenly stands in front of him with his football uniform, sweating like a pig, but still looks really hot! BOB Who’d you aim at, dude? SHAWN Er’… Panties? BOB (look at him weirdly) …Dude, you’re a pervert. SHAWN W’ I mean…-BOB Sweet! (Give him Five!)


SHAWN (relieve!)

(clap their hand; titter) I know… BOB By the way, are you gonna see Jessica after this? SHAWN I don’t know – I’m not her bodyguard. She can take care of herself though.


BOB (chuckling) Yeah that’s what I thought. Well can you tell her to meet me at a Meadows park tonite? I got something to tell to her. SHAWN Huh? Why’d you wanna meet with her anyway? BOB Hey do I have to share everything with you now? Shawn looks at him suspiciously. But then, he starts to realize something. SHAWN (taunting smile) …Oh… I get it… Yeah.. Jessica told me this morning. BOB


SHAWN Don’t worry my brother, your message will be delivered safely by me. All you have to do is just waiting for her and she’ll come for you. Bob doesn’t get it. BOB (after a beat) …right, tell her I’ll be under the Clock Garden @ 7, aite? Aite!

SHAWN (give him a salute)

BOB (confuse even more) Yeah okay… Then he’s gone. And Shawn just chuckles alone. INT. MUSICAL ROOM, LSHS – CONT’D Mary, still with her cheerleader uniform, walking thru a hallway. But then she looks at a couple girls giggling while watching something thru the glass door of Musical Room. She slightly hears someone singing with a guitar from a distance. So, she got curious and comes closer to them. And there she finds, inside Musical Room, Kris plays his guitar, tutoring his entourage about guitar lesson. And he’s singing too. Yiaay! Mary smiles watching him seriously. Until Kris’ entourage sees her and tells her to Kris. Making Kris looking back at her. She’s shy a little


bit for getting caught watching him. But Kris gives her a smile. She smiles back, then she takes a courage to come in, passing those 2 giggling girls. KRIS (to entourage) Well probably we just end it now, next week we can move on to the next chord, alrite? ENTOURAGE Alright, Thank’s Kris. Kris just smiles. The entourage passes Mary out of the room, leaves Kris alone with Mary. MARY (smile) …your voice is still awesome. KRIS (chuckles) just singing from the heart. Kris puts down his guitar while Mary leans over a table watching him moving. KRIS Done from the cheerleading? MARY Yeah, I was gonna go to the locker room. But then, I heard your familiar voice… so I came and see. KRIS (just smile) I still got the vibe, huh? Mary laughs a bit. Kris then lays over the wall, cross his arms, right across her. They look at each other. Pause. MARY So, …how things goin’ on between you and… Natalie? KRIS (bit hesitate) …well, not quite as good as I hope I guess, (chuckles) MARY (sincere smile) well just take your time. I’m sure that she’ll come to you in a right time. Kris just stares at her.


MARY (a bit shy) …what? KRIS (look down) …Mary I can never said enough, for how sorry I am to you.-MARY Oh Kris, just get over it…--


KRIS (cut off)

Kris slowly walks thru her, a beat. KRIS You were so great, so perfect… so kind-Kris…--


KRIS (CONT’D) You even could try to understand about how I wanted to break up with you…-MARY Kris seriously, I’m fine (smile)-KRIS Well I’m not. He stands right in front of her, face to face. KRIS …it makes me feel even worse when you could handle it so nicely like this. Mary just stares at him. KRIS Mary, you have a right to be mad at me. (a beat) just Mad, I can accept that.-MARY Well but I can’t.-Why?--


MARY Because I know you’re a good person! Kris is a bit shocked hearing her answer.


MARY (CONT’D) …whatever you do to me, good or bad, you always have a right reason for that… (a beat) I just can’t be mad at you… I’m sorry… Mary really touches his heart, he can’t do nothing but just stares at her. But then, he puts his hand on her cheek, making Mary’s heart beating a bit faster. KRIS …I am sorry. And slowly but unsure, Kris takes off his hand, smile a bit, and he’s just gone, leaving her alone with a heart beats rapidly. INT. SCHOOL PAPER CLUB (SPC) ROOM, LSHS – CONT’D Jessica types something in her notebook, related with making article for the School Paper, LS TIMES. But then, Shawn comes in with a widest smile he’s ever got when he sees Jessica there. SHAWN (taunted smile) hello, Lover girl. Jessica looks right up to him, senses something evil. JESSICA …oh no… what did you do now? SHAWN (come closer) The right question is -- what will you do tonight? Huh?


SHAWN (smirking) I know who’d you crush with. JESSICA (bit shocked) What?! SHAWN He sent me a private message to you, when I was in a football yard. And you gotta listen carefully, cuz I don’t wanna get beaten off if I didn’t sent this properly.-JESSICA What are you--


SHAWN (cut off back) He said, “Meet me at the Meadows Park, 7 o’clock. I’ll be under the clock Garden, waiting for you, My Love.” Jessica is even more confused listening to Shawn’s message. SHAWN (after a beat) There I said it, I’ve sent the message to you. So, my job here is done now. Just waiting for your story tomorrow about how you getting laid with him… (naughty smile)-JESSICA What?! Hey who’re you talking about?!-SHAWN Just come tonight, and you’ll see! Have fun baby. And he just walks off immediately. JESSICA W’hey! (get up and chase) I’m still confused here!! And she just snorts. INT. STAGE HALL, LSHS – CONT’D Nat and Kris are doing their last rehearsal for tomorrow’s Play. And they’re still not speaking to each other, purposely, until the rehearsal come. DIRECTOR Alright, let’s start from the last part we had yesterday, where Natalie didn’t wanna kiss Kris because of their own problem which is not making us care even more. The casts just chuckles listening to sarcastic line from the Director toward Nat and Kris. Nat and Kris are just making looks, “whatever..”. DIRECTOR So, take your own place, casts. All players walk up to the stage, stand in their own spot. Nat stands right in front of Kris, still feel awkward. NAT (breath in – preparation) “So you help me instead of your brother of blood?!”


KRIS “I’m helping you for that I know you shall not be persisted serving all weirdest will from that Evil Man!” NAT “I will! I’m just serving him! Your Brother will be tortured for live!” KRIS “Well I won’t see you serving him!” “Why?!” --


Kris stuttered in a sudden, can’t hardly say the next line. The director and Nat are confound and waiting for him to speak. A long pause, then: KRIS …Because I love you. Nat hits the struck. Kris seems genuine saying those lines, doesn’t feel like some act. A beat, then, suddenly realize: NAT “…er’ but I love your brother.” KRIS “I know… (dramatic pause) …but you will love me.” Kris comes closer to her, holding both of her cheeks and really kiss her softly… And right now, she kisses back. Everyone in the room seem able to feel their earnest, even the director can’t take his eyes off of them. And after an enchanted moment, Kris takes off his lips from Nat’s, and they just stare each other so intently. Without they expect, some applaud are filling the stage, making Nat and Kris come to their senses. Everyone likes their performance, even the director gives them a standing ovation. But then, Nat turns back at Kris once again, where Kris hasn’t taken off his stares at her. They just stare… CUT TO:


DIRECTOR Alright everyone! This is our last rehearsal! Tomorrow, we’re gonna show what we got to the audience, and probably the talent hunters for watching your each performances. The casts are really looking forward to meet the so called talent hunters. DIRECTOR So, tomorrow we’ll meet at 8 in the morning. Having preparation, and… Best of Luck for you guys! Give your self an appreciation, come on! They CLAP their hand for themselves, and then they prepare to leave the rehearsal. Nat is also preparing to leave the stage, then: Hey.


Kris already stands behind her, ready to go.


NAT (turns at him)

A beat. …umm…


(gagging; awkward pause) Good Luck for tomorrow! NAT Er’yeah! You two! (titter) The awkwardness that fills around their space is filled with a different feeling now. Not for avoiding each other, but they know that there is something new growing up between them. KRIS So umm… wanna walk together? NAT (a beat) …sure. Kris gives her a beaming smile, and she also makes some nervous-sweet smile at him. So, they start to walk together to the doorway, but then: Nat sees Gabriel standing at the doorway, surely waiting for her with his charming smile put on his face. And Kris also realizes that he finds he’s rival, Nat’s ex-boyfriend, waiting for his crush. And it makes him so disappointed.


NAT Oh… I umm…-KRIS Just Go… (unwilling smile) NAT (look at him; a beat) … Bye. And then, she walks toward Gabriel, and they start to walk out of the hall, smile happily, leaving Kris with a more brokenhearted. FADE OUT: END OF ACT THREE


ACT FOUR EXT. FRONT YARD, LSHS – AFTERNOON - CONT’D SFX: KRIIIING!!... School bell RINGS. SERIES OF SHOTS A. The school is over end every student are walking out of school, looking so happy after the hours of learning, it’s time to hang out off the school with their own type of group. B. Jessica walks out of the front door alone, but then seeing Chace hanging out in the front stairs with his pals, Matt and Mario. Apparently, Chace also sees Jessica seeing him while walking to the outside. CHACE (smile) …can’t wait for our next meeting. JESSICA (giggling shyly) howkay… And she keeps walking and passing him by with a biggest smile she has ever had today. C. Shawn with a camera on his neck, are happily taking a picture of everyone that passes by him. But suddenly, Meaghan walks in front of him. Hi Shawn.


He just makes a widest smile, so happy. SHAWN Er’ care for one photo shot? Really??--


KELLY (cutt off) I care!-Me too!


But then, Kelly and Cassie just block Meaghan off of the camera, posing right away. Making Shawn a bit upset but still photograph them. Thank God, Meaghan also taking a pose with them too. END OF SERIES SHOTS EXT. SPARKS BUILDING – AFTERNOON – CONT’D


NAT Ya, I should’ve known that you’re gonna take me here. GABRIEL Our “historical place” (sneering) The Sparks Building is one of the greatest monuments in Lakeville, which has some telescope placed in a highest floor to see up off the sky. There are also several visitors that come into this building. This is the place where Nat and Gabriel used to hang out when they were together back then. Gabriel takes Nat to one of the telescope and they are chillin’ out in there. NAT (hold the telescope) Actually I haven’t gone in here since the last time we were together. She peeks out of the telescope. GABRIEL (stand closer to her) …so do I. NAT (turn to him; a beat) …so are you gonna flirt with me all over again? GABRIEL …Do you want me too? Nat thinks for a second.


NAT (after a beat)

GABRIEL …okay, first rejection.-NAT (chuckles) Well, we broke up for some reasons.-GABRIEL Well those reasons could be our learning. Nat looks right up to him. GABRIEL (a beat) …People change.


NAT …So, you think your changing? GABRIEL I’m on a process. …Process of changing, …process of healing from you. NAT Healing from me? GABRIEL Believe me, forgetting you is the hardest thing I do… Nat looks a bit flattered with what he says about her. GABRIEL Until you showed up yesterday, …and the feeling starts to grow on me all over again. Gabriel sweeps her hair softly, just to see the full of her face. GABRIEL (CONT’D) You’re just wrecking my process. (chuckles) Nat just smiles blushingly, but still wanted to look firm. Then, Gab’s hand moves from her hair… down to her lips. GABRIEL Let’s get back… Nat looks a bit hesitate, her eyes show some uncertainty. Gabriel seems able to feel that. But he slowly leans down to her, and just kisses her so softly. Gabriel takes off his kiss for a moment, just to see how Nat’s reaction. But he just can’t see her hesitation now, he just sees that Nat’s eyes are really staring his so deeply… And then they start to kiss each other, enjoying the moment of their own, back in their historical place. EXT. MEADOWS PARK – NIGHT Jessica walks on a road, bewilder, looking a bit unsure. She even tries to walk back all a sudden, but then she turns again and keeps moving to a right direction. Her appearance seems a bit feminine than she used to, with a cute dress but still wearing her legging, and her long wavy hair hanging down and she’s wearing some make ups! It’s all because of: BOB Hey Jessica! Jessica surprised. Not what she expected. The guy who stands in front of him is not ‘the charming guy’, Chace, but his football buddy, Cute Bob!


JESSICA (confused) …Bob?! BOB (come closer) Hey, so you look a little bit different at night, huh? (checking out Jessica) your hair’s down… cute tops, Are you wearing a make up? – Bob tries to touch Jess’s face: JESSICA (avoiding; sigh) what’re you doing here? BOB Well, waiting for you. You did receive my message right? JESSICA Ya, but I never thought that it was you. BOB What? Shawn didn’t tell it? JESSICA Well… it’s kinda misunderstanding between the two of us. So, whatever, here we are now! (a bit upset) Oh,


(a beat) So you think I’m like, other person now? JESSICA Umm… Kinda like that. BOB (bit hurt) Ouchy, … -JESSICA W’no! no offence! it’s not that I hate for seeing you right now, -BOB Oh so you love it? (teasy smile)-JESSICA Not – too close to that one either. W’ you know what? It doesn’t matter anyway, what d’you wanna talk now?


BOB I will tell you after you tell me who should I supposed to be now? Jessica gags, wanted to let it all out but, who does she think she talks with? So she just keeps that in her mind. JESSICA Naah… I think I’ll keep that in mind. So, what is it?-BOB Oh c’mon, do I have to guess now?-JESSICA No! He’s no-one, okay?!-BOB Is he one of us? JESSICA (bit shock; blushing) W’ o’of course he is! He’s a guy! What am I – a lesbian!?-BOB Well you got a tendency to be one of’em I guess…-What?!--


Bob just laughs. BOB Relax! I’m teasing you. (chuckling) And believe me, I really don’t care about who supposed to be waiting for you here. What matter is, you are here with me now. Jessica kinda feels awkward with this situation. BOB Well c’mon lover, Bob snakes around her neck all a sudden. BOB (CONT’D) we’re gonna have a super date now.-JESSICA (panicking) Wowow-What?!-BOB But first, you’re gonna meet with --


JESSICA (cut off) Okay Bob, stop it first! Jessica stops her steps, takes off Bob’s hand and turn to him. Bob also turns at her with a bit confused looks. JESSICA (sigh) Okay, before it’ll be moving to a further wrong direction. I think I’m gonna have to clarify now. BOB (confuse) …about what? JESSICA (sigh) I’m sorry to say this, but -- I never actually considered you as… “my future boyfriend”. Jessica puts a fly quote mark in “my future boyfriend” line. Bob doesn’t understand. A long pause, then: Huh?


JESSICA Well, despite, right now you’re giving me this so called “sudden date” – Again, a fly quote mark. JESSICA (CONT’D) - and me having thought of you as being another guy – I’m guessing… -- it just won’t work!-BOB (cut off; chuckles) Oh wait a minute Jess-JESSICA (cut off; continuing) So I’m sorry if I have to cut this right now – I know you look so cool, handsome, (checking him) and tall…whatever, But -- I just have feeling for someone else. Bob’s face now looks like having a big question mark. Doesn’t follow what she said. So…


(a beat) I guess we just have to end it now…


She touches his chest. JESSICA (pityful looks) …I’m sorry. Bob still confused. JESSICA And don’t worry, I know that you “popular guys” Enough with a fly quote mark. JESSICA (CONT’D) - can not deal with a rejection nicely. So, whatever happens in here, stays in here. I promise. They just look at each other. Jessica gives him a pity looks, Bob gives her a pretty dumb looks. A long pause, then: Jessica…


Bob holds Jessica’s hand that touches his chest. BOB Oh, Jessica… Yes?…

JESSICA (wise looks)

BOB Before you become more embarrassed with all the words you said to me… …uhuh?


BOB …I want you to meet my brother first… (a beat) Are you ready? Jessica’s a bit confused. BOB (calling) Hey Tom! Suddenly, a curly skinny puberty boy, who looks like a brat, pro’ly around 13, walks toward them, and joining them. And now, Jessica’s face is the one who deserves to be confused.


BOB Jessica, this is Tom, my brother. And Tom, this’s Jessica, a hot girl who can teach you Tae Kwon Do. TOM Damn! She is Hot! Tom is shaking hand with “foolish” Jessica. BOB And Jessica… He holds her hand again. BOB (CONT’D) …not that I hate for being rejected whatsoever… -- But the reason why I wanted to meet you now… And now, it’s his turn to give her a pity looks. BOB (CONT’D) …is for talking about How you wanted to teach my stupid brother over here, your skill of Tae Kwon Do. And now Jessica finally knows the real reasons why they are there. And she is definitely embarrassed. BOB Cuz he just wanna be taught by a Hot Girl. …And don’t worry, there’s some payment too. Jessica just can’t hide her humiliated face anymore. She’s so shyly blushing now! …Oooww…


Bob is just nodding wisely to her. A long pause, then: JESSICA …I’m embarrassed… I know.


JESSICA Can you just forget all the things I said to you then? BOB Whatever happens in here, stays in here. (teasing her) I promise…


So, Jessica can do nothing but having some silly grin at Bob. JESSICA (beat) Well - So let’s talk money then! C’mon you little guy! I’ll show you what tae kwon do is! She then wrangles Tom on a neck, and start walking to avoid any embarrassment towards Bob. And Bob is just laughing and following them. INT. KRIS’S ROOM – NIGHT Kris looks at his laptop screen, watches some of the photograph that includes him, Shawn, Jessica, and Nat as being the members of a School Paper Club. He’s remembering all the good times they had when he looks at those pictures. He smiles once in a while, looking some silly pictures of Shawn and Jessica. And then, he finds his pictures laughing with Nat over Shawn’s silliness. He puts a sincere smile on it. But then, he sees Nat and Gabriel pictures together with them back at the school paper club. He lost his smile. He becomes preoccupied. Deeply absorbed in his thought. SFX: TING – NONG!... The door bell RINGS So, he starts walking and going downstairs to open the door for the guest. He then open the front door. And there it is, lovely Mary, standing in front of the door, looking a little bit saddened. KRIS (friendly) …Mary, (smile; a beat) what’s wrong? A beat. MARY …I am mad at you now. Kris is a bit surprised with a first line she said to him. MARY …for having me thought about what we’ve been thru all over again, …for what you’ve done to me whether it’s good or not, …for breaking up with me regardless of how perfect I was for being your girlfriend… (a bit teary; beat) …for always sorry you are for hurting me.


Kris just pays attention to every word that comes out of her sweet mouth. MARY …And I am mad… --because you still cared about my feeling now… Kris looks so sad hearing what she says. And a tear starts to come out of her eye. MARY Don’t you care about me no more… Don’t you ever…-KRIS (cut off; come closer) Can I kiss you now?… (speak softly)


MARY (stunned)

But before she can tell her answer, Kris suddenly kisses Mary on the lips. First, Mary looks so shocked knowing his reaction. But then, she starts to kiss him in return. Kris’s holding both of her arms softly, making Mary puts her hands on his chest. They feel it, they’re still kissing, enjoying the wonderful moment now. Like what happens to Nat and Gabriel. Gab takes Natalie home, and they start kissing again in front of her front door. Also enjoying their own wonderful moment. FADE OUT: END OF ACT FOUR


ACT FIVE INT. STAGE HALL, LSHS – DAY At 10 o’clock in the morning on Saturday, every each student has already come and gathered in a Stage Hall, just to see the play (because if you don’t come then you’ll be grounded!). They start to fill every empty seat. Jessica and Shawn come together and they start to walk to the empty seats across the doorway, so they have to pass some of students which has already sit on their seat. Unfortunately for Jessica, She has to pass the seats of Bob, Matt, Evan and Chace. JESSICA Oh great… (mumbling) Bob and the gang aware that Jessica will pass right through them. JESSICA Sorry. (passing them) MATT Don’t be, you’re Mrs. Klein now. (hold his laugh) A shocked! Jessica’s widening her eyes. Immediately she turns back right away, with a shocking-embarrassed-anger looks! Shawn also turns back. And there she sees, 4 big guys are smirking and holding their laugh together. And she just drops her jaw; think that they know about last night! JESSICA (gagging; furious) …You told them?! And a BIG LAUGH blows up! They start laughing out loud. Stealing all the attention. They’re just laughing at Jessica so hard. Jessica’s face turns into outrageously red – holding her shamed and anger at the same time. JESSICA (very upset; to Bob) What happen to -- “what happen here stays in here”?! Shawn confused. BOB (laughing) I’m sorry but you were so funny last night…-


EVAN (laughing) Hey baby, you wanna have some lunch together? / don’t worry, it’s just lunch – Not confessing anything. They are laughing again. Harder. JESSICA Okay it’s not funny you guys! However, (struggle to find words) …I rejected him! Ha! That’s right, He’s been rejected by me! How embarrass you are!-W’hey


(still chuckling) I wasn’t even “confessing” to you! So the rejection is “illegitimate”. Bob teases her by doing some fly quote mark toward her. JESSICA (upset) Well you know what? That rejection is valid forever to you! So don’t bother to even confess me next time.-BOB W’ha! Relax – I’m not planning on that forever. (mocking her) -JESSICA Oh you will be— (pointing at him) – and I will reject you For Sure!-BOB Ooh… I’m scared… (teasing her)-Jessica snorts and turns right back. BOB (whispering) She’ll be with me. EVAN Yes, she is. (chuckling) The 4 of’em are still enjoying teasing her and laughing at her. So then, angry Jessica start rushing her steps running away from them, but Chace long feet is blocking her way off. Chace is the one that Jessica really ashamed of. Excuse me.



CHACE (still chuckling) There you go. (make her way) Then Jessica starts walking again. SHAWN (follow her) So it’s not him?-JESSICA Of course not! You idiot… CUT TO: In a back stage, Nat is already wearing her beautiful ‘Egypt costume’, also Kris in the other side, looking so striking with a sword on his hip. DIRECTOR Okay everyone! Before the curtain’s up, let’s pray together first. Come around-come around! All casts are coming closer to the Director, Kris is walking closer to Nat’s way. Nat is also looking at him come closer. So, Kris just gives her a smile, and she smiles in returns. And they’re standing side by side. DIRECTOR So, Dear heavenly Lord… KRIS (whispering; to Nat) You look great. NAT (whispering) Back at you. And they just smile together. CUT TO: The seats are full now. The hall is very crowded, waiting for the show to start. Jessica and Shawn also have taken their seats. JESSICA Gosh, why’s it taking so long? SHAWN Ya… Tell me about it. Shawn’s eyes are inspecting all the crowds, like looking for someone. SHAWN Aah… there she is!


Jessica looks at Shawn’s stares that pointing to Meaghan, which sits at the front with Kelly, Cassie and Mary, always looking adorable with her pink dress. SHAWN Could she be anymore Perfect? JESSICA Could you be anymore pervert? (mocking) What?-


JESSICA Why don’t you just ask her out anyway? I will. When? Soon.


JESSICA Yup, just like you said one year ago. -DIRECTOR Attention everyone! The Director stands on a stage. We can hear the audience moaning and grumbling, expecting for the show to start sooner. DIRECTOR Okay, Patient Everyone. We won’t be run away. “The Time Has Come” is really Come! (laughing) Everyone just stare at him, some of them gives him an “appreciation chuckles” DIRECTOR (after a beat) Ehm, well alright then! Without further information, I now present to you, The play that brought by Lakeville South High School Play, “The Time Has Come!” AUDIENCE Yeaaah!.... (clapping their hand) And the stage curtain finally starts to open up. And there we can see, the stage that has been created like an Egypt’s style, with some of the


casts that has been there, standing at their own position. The audience looks so amazed with that beautiful stage. They’re like, Ooh… And suddenly, the sound of Michael Jackson music – ‘Remember the Time’, is filling up the hall. The casts are ready with their dance position. And then… BREAK! – Kris is suddenly showing out of the Pharaoh’s coffin on the center! KRIS (sing) “♫Do you Remember…♫” ALL THE LADIES Aaaaaah!!.. Kriis!!!... All the ladies are so hysterical watching the ‘Charming-Kris’ singing and a little bit dancing. KRIS (sing) “♫when we first fell in love…♫” Mary who sits at the front is so enjoying the view from there. She’s like smiling all the way looking at her adorable boyfriend. Jessica and Shawn are also proud watching that performance. JESSICA (sigh) She is soo… stupid. Who?


JESSICA Nat! For rejecting Kris. Just look at him! He is so charming, smart, good singer! He can do almost like anything… and he’s like the finest and sweetest guy I’ve ever known! SHAWN What? So you like him now? JESSICA No-Silly! I’m saying that a guy like him is like one in a million. And I’m telling this as a respectful friend, okay? SHAWN So, if you’re like, the one who Kris in love with, you’re gonna accept him? JESSICA What? Why would he love me?!-IF.





(thinking) I don’t know, he’s one of my close friends. Things are not gonna be the same after we “fell in love”. So I guess not. SHAWN Well that also becomes Nat’s reason for that. So, you’re saying she’s so stupid because…? JESSICA (offended; a beat) …what are you? Psychiatric? Shawn just chuckles. JESSICA Because you’re good. I know.


And the scene is now moving to Nat’s turn where her character is singing for the Brother of Kris’s character whose lock in a dungeon. And Kris’s character is looking disappointed standing outside the dungeon scene. She is singing “MJ – One Day in Your Life” NAT (sing) “♫ One day in your life.. When you find that you're always waiting.. For a love we used to share.. Just call my name, and I'll be there…♫” Some of the audiences are tearing their eyes out, too deeply watching the play, I guess. KELLY Ah, she is soo… lame at acting. CASSIE I know. Right Mary? MARY (watching seriously) …no I think she’s good.



The last scene of “The Time Has Come”.


THE BROTHER “But My Love, we are meant to be together! We’re destined to be each other!..” (stand on his knee) NAT “I know.. But I don’t believe in destiny! For I believe in my heart, my soul, (walk closer to Kris) …and my body.. is belonging to your brother, (a beat) …Oh Salomon… I truly now love you!” “I do too!”


And they are kissing once again! “Aah…”


Nat beautifully fainted on his arms. THE BROTHER “No…!.... NO`……!!” And last, the sound of “MJ – The Way You Make Me Feel” is now on for being the last song. All the casts are again ready in their own dancing position! The crowds start clapping their hands knowing that it is the last scene. KRIS (sing) “♫Hey pretty baby with the high heels on – You give me fever like I’ve never ever known!♫” Kris’s singing and dancing with Nat becomes the last scene of the Play. Everyone clap their hands and most of them are even giving them standing ovation. The director looks so satisfied with the job of all the casts. Mary also gives standing ovation, which follows by Meaghan, and also Kelly and Cassie with an uninterested clapping. The 4 big guys are also clapping but not standing. Jessica and Shawn are so happy with their friends Job, and they start to move from there wanted to go to a backstage. ALL CAST (sing) “♫The way you make me feel – you really turn me on – you got me off my feet – my lonely days are gone – the way you make me feel! ♫” Everyone is clapping so hard now. The show is success! On stage for the last bow of all casts, Nat is turn around to Kris with a happy smile, And Kris is immediately hugging her happily!


The end. CUT TO: At the backstage, all cast are looking so happy with what they’ve done, and very sweaty also. DIRECTOR (cheerfully) Success everyone! The Crowds love ya’ll! Good Job! Yeeaah!...


Jessica and Shawn are finally coming to a backstage, meeting up with their best-friends. JESSICA (calling) Kris!.. Nat!.. Kris and Nat hear Jessica’s voice, and they come to them right away. Guys!

NAT (hugging Shawn)

SHAWN Looking Good my couz! JESSICA You’re just like a rock-star up there. (hugging Kris) Girls are like, totally hot for you! KRIS (chuckles) thank’s.. NAT So is it good?? SHAWN Good?? It’s awesome!-JESSICA A little bit pity of the brother I guess. They’re laughing together. But then: Kris!


And then, Mary comes to a backstage. They turn to her right away. Mary!



Mary starts passing over Jess, Shawn, and Nat and immediately hugging Kris so proudly. MARY You were so great on a stage! KRIS Thank’s! (smile happily) Kris slightly look at Jessica, Shawn, and Nat that look a little bit confused looking them like back as being a couple. And finally, she lets off the hug and realizes that there’s Nat in here too. MARY (to Nat) Hey! ..You were also great. Congratulation! NAT (smile respectfully) Thank’s. MARY Oh you look so sweaty… you got a towel? KRIS In a dressing room, I guess. MARY Well let’s go there! C’mon. (pulling Kris) KRIS I’ll see you guys later, aite?! Aite!


And they both go to a dressing room. Nat just keep looking at them, unaware. But then, Shawn is caressing her shoulder. SHAWN I’m sorry… (teasing) NAT (aware being teased) Hey!.. what was that for?! (chuckling) JESSICA Just tell us if you do jealous, honey. (pitiful act) Shut Up!



Jessica and Shawn are also chuckling, loving teasing their friend. Nat moves her head to see who else is coming to a backstage. …But unfortunately she doesn’t find the one who she looks for. Jessica finds her weird act. JESSICA Who’re you looking for? NAT (a beat) …apparently no one… Jessica looks a bit questioning. NAT Well I gotta change, guys. Wait up! Nat leaves. SHAWN (shouting) Tell me if you need any help! JESSICA She’s your cousin, for God Sake. (disgusted) SHAWN You’re not. Can I help you getting change? (naughty smile)-JESSICA Kiss your ass first. They just chuckle. INT. DRESSING ROOM, STAGE HALL – DAY – CON’T Some of the casts change their costume here, but there’re only 4 left in the room. Including Nat who’s making a pony tail because of the high temperature of her body and the sweatiness. From a distance, she hears some guy joking with Kris. GUY (O.C) Ya got too many fans, dude! (chuckling)-KRIS (O.C) Ya I do! (chuckles) And then Kris, with no shirt on, bumping with Nat in a dressing room.


NAT (a beat)




He goes to his bag beside Nat’s. KRIS (not turning) Jess and Shawn are still waiting for us? NAT Yeah, they’re outside. Nat is still tidying her stuffs on her bag, slightly she sees Kris who’s wearing his t-shirt now. Looking so, Hot. NAT Ehm, Oh ya, Jess told me that she wanted to go to “Flint” first. Hang out for a second. You wanna come? KRIS Umm… -- I’ve made a promise to go home with Mary now. Somehow, it makes her harder to breath when she heard that line. A beat, then:

NAT …Oh. -- Okay, I’ll talk to them.

Kris doesn’t seem really feel good about this situation, while Nat is taking her bag and ready to go. Bye!

NAT (start walking)

Kris still confused about how he should do now. But then, he made a decision. KRIS (calling) Er’ Nat! (run after Nat) Nat is almost at the doorway of dressing room, she stops and turns to Kris. Uh…


(gagging) …look I’m sorry. NAT (a bit confused) …sorry?


KRIS …for making us, (a beat) like this. -- I know, I get your point. NAT (after a beat) …Oh. -KRIS (CONT’D) And I uh… really hope that things are going back to normal between us. …Cuz I kinda miss that. (a beat) Us as being friend, I mean. Nat doesn’t know whether she has to be relieved or not after hearing Kris’s another confession. NAT …well I do too. Kris is just smiling to hear Nat’s answer. KRIS …So umm… -- friend again? NAT (sigh) howkay… (act indifferent; roll eyes) And they just chuckle. And there comes a silent awkward. NAT Ok it’s getting awkward again, I’m gonna go now.-KRIS That’s a good idea. And Nat immediately leaves Kris who starts to smile again. EXT. FRONT YARD OF STAGE HALL – DAY – CON’T So there they are, Jessica, being wrangled by Shawn, walking together with Natalie out of the Stage Hall. JESSICA So they are back together? NAT I don’t know.


SHAWN I think they are. He’s been let down by your rejection, so he might as well get back with that hottie again. (chuckles) That guy never waste any time. NAT And he said he loved me. Yeah right. (cynical) JESSICA Alert, someone’s jealous here.-NAT I’m not – jealous, okay?-SHAWN You’re not. You’re in Jealous rage!-NAT “Hahaha” – Funny.-Hey Nat.


Unexpectedly, they see Gabriel getting out of his car in a parking lot, looking so gorgeous with his sunglasses on. Nat’s face is changing to a serious look now. JESSICA Is that Gabriel? Gabriel is noticed that he’s been watched by them. So he’s waving his hand at them. SHAWN (just realized) Oh!.. So he’s the one who you’ve been waiting for, huh? So you’re getting back with him? Is that why you’re not jealous? Nat just stays silent, looks at Gab, ignoring Shawn’s questions. JESSICA (after a beat) …I think we should leave her alone. C’mon. (pulling Shawn farther) Have fun!


And they both finally leave. So, Nat starts to walk toward Gabriel, so does Gabriel, and they meet at the center. GABRIEL Hey so it’s over? (take off his sunglasses)


NAT (empty smile) …almost an hour ago.-GABRIEL (rushes) Look Natalie, before you start mad and judging me now, believe me I got a right reason for this. I was just gonna leave, but then my father asked me to paint this sport car, and it must be done right away cuz the customer wanted to take it today. (a beat) So I’m sorry cuz I pass your performance.-NAT (cut off) All over again… Nat’s face has already shown some apathy toward Gabriel. And gab feels it. GABRIEL (a beat) …Nat I didn’t mean to do this.-NAT Gabriel, I’m tired…-GABRIEL (cut off) W I know! But it’s not like I intentionally doing this! I wasn’t overslept or-or probably intentionally late like I used to do back then - I got some works to do!-NAT And I don’t care! -- because you’re still gonna be like this. Putting something else first and then me, whether is your friends or maybe your busyness-GABRIEL (cut off) Natalie.-NAT (CONT’D) And I know that it’s an important job – but I still don’t care. Gabriel now starts sullen yet still tries to listen to her. NAT (after a beat) I was hoping so – much for you to finally show up and proofing that you really do can change, (MORE)


NAT (CONT’D) - but you didn’t. (a beat) …And maybe I’m being selfish now for wanting to be the first priority for you, but that’s what I felt from the first time we were together… Gabriel seems a little bit guilty hearing that. NAT …you couldn’t do that. (a beat) …And you can’t do that. Gab is looking away wanted to deny all the things she said to him, but she just catches him off guard. NAT …And I’m definitely gonna be so.. tired for always mad and judging you all the time, -because I know you will.. Gabriel starts to look at her eyes again. GABRIEL (after a beat) …So what’d you want now? Separated again? …yes.


Gab is really shocked to hear Nat’s decision all of a sudden. GABRIEL (forced sneering) you’re not giving me another chance?... A beat. And Nat just shakes her head. … No.


Gabriel starts to breath in, try to accept the reality of breaking up with his girlfriend all over again, but his face still looks can’t accept it. So now, he puts his sunglasses on again. GABRIEL (murmuring) …yeah whatever.. So he walks away from her with an upset feeling, leaving Nat alone… He turns on his car, and leaving the school immediately. Nat really thinks that she made the right decision. So, she smiles alone to let herself back into normal and stronger now, but then she turns around..


(background Music: Taylor Swift – Fifteen) ♫You take a deep breath and you walk thru the door, It’s the morning of your very first day♫ Nat starts to feel so heavy on the heart all over again, as she’s seeing Kris walking out of the Stage Hall with Mary, cheerfully,…and they start kissing… enjoying their times together. Nat looks down, questioning about how she really feels about Kris actually …but it’s just too late …so she starts walking back, and leaving. ♫Cuz when you’re 15, and somebody tells you can love you, You gotta believe them, and when you’re 15, feeling like there’s nothing to figure out…♫

*** My Private Note: We never know when love comes and goes back into our life.. Cuz Love doesn’t come and knock first, It just goes straight into our heart And it’s up to us whether if we gonna keep it inside us, Or try to deny it and throw it away. But believe me, once it comes in, it’ll be hard to come out again. :) FADE OUT END OF SHOW

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