2. Mpn - Screen Play (2nd Episode)

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  • Words: 16,310
  • Pages: 87





Natalia Pratiwi natnatinstyle.blogspot.com  ©2009, Natalia Pratiwi

[email protected] 1 | P a g e  





On a break hour, every student has their own favorite spot to hang out. Some of ‘em are chillin’ out at a cafeteria, some of ‘em are still crowding the hallway, and some of ‘em are enjoying a sunny day at a park on a back of school. Just like sweet MEAGHAN, who’s having a good time reading her favorite magazine, sitting on a bench park, alone. But one thing she doesn’t know, there’s someone watching over her, adoring her, collecting her photos, considering her as the most perfect creature that God ever sent to the world. That someone is: JESSICA CARTER He won’t do it.-SHAWN FOSTER (shocked!) God! It turns out that JESSICA has been quietly standing behind SHAWN who’s stalking over Meaghan over a big tree, NATALIE is also there, smirking. NATALIE MCLANE Yes, he will. You’re gonna ask her right?SHAWN (cut off; chastising) How long did you guys in here?! JESSICA That doesn’t matter. What matter is How long will you be her secret admirer? Oh I know! Forever! (dramatically undertone) NAT Oh come on Jess. Support your best-friend over here. And as your cousin, I always believe that you have that courage inside of you. You’re gonna step up and do it! JESSICA Ha! ‘yes, he will’. (scoffing) Shawn is again staring at Meaghan, wondering if he really has that gut to finally ask her out. 2 | P a g e    


SHAWN (a beat) …she’s right, Nat. I’m a coward.-NAT (disappointed) Oh Shawn! Jessica is laughing. NAT (snubbed) Jessica, stop teasing him, okay?! Help him! (mouths) JESSICA (reluctantly; sigh) …Seriously Shawn, just go there and ask her! It’s only 50-50, if she said Yes, your happy, if she said No, you are nothing but a missarab-NAT (cut off) Then you’ll still have us to back you up. Okay? (glares at Jess) JESSICA (roll her eyes) Yeah… she’s right… Shawn seems preoccupied, still gazing Meaghan. SHAWN (after a beat) I -- I don’t know guys…-JESSICA (impatient) ah come on! Would you step up already?! She’s alone now! This’s such a good opportunity! Or you wanna wait till the other 2 bitches arrive, huh?-NAT (impatient too!) Come on! Just go there!-SHAWN Ok-ok! I-I just need a moment first! Okay?! 3 | P a g e    


JESSICA You have a moment for about a year!-SHAWN But what should I have to say?!-just GO!


Jessica pushes Shawn over to finally make him walking toward Meaghan. NAT (bit shouting) You’ll find your words after you meet her! So there, he walks. Jessica and Nat are still waiting behind that big tree, chaperoning Shawn in action. He tries to turn back, but he stops it because of the ‘forceful stares’ of his 2 girlfriends. So he keeps trudging toward Meaghan. And there he is, standing un-normally beside Meaghan. SHAWN (gulps; collect his guts) H’-- hi Meaghan. MEAGHAN JETTA GELLAR (turn to him) Hi Shawn! (sweet smile) what’s up? He flutters and gagging. Meaghan looks puzzled. SHAWN (“finally”) C’ can I ask you out? A beat.


Where? He obviously surprised.

SHAWN …Ya I haven’t thought that far… (a beat) You know what? Just forget about it! Have fun reading your magazine! Bye! (immediately turn around) w…hey!

MEAGHAN (call him back) 4 | P a g e  



Shawn looks back to her, embarrassed. MEAGHAN You can take me to the mall. His heart just stops beating. Good surprised. SHAWN R’really? I love Mall! I can go to the Mall. (walks toward her again) MEAGHAN


(giggling) We’ll go tomorrow then. Okay!

SHAWN (smile anxiously)

A silent. He doesn’t know another word to say. Well bye.


He tries to escape. MEAGHAN Hey where’re you going??-SHAWN (immediate turn back) No-no where, why? MEAGHAN Well do you wanna sit here and accompany me reading this magazine? She smiles at him. Genuine sweet smile. SHAWN (impressed smile) …I’d love to… He sits beside her right away. Meaghan is just giggling. MEAGHAN (look at Magazine) … hey look at this dress, d’ you like it? SHAWN Sure, you’ll look even prettier wearing that color. 5 | P a g e    


And then, Shawn secretly looks at Jess and Nat, and giving them a thumb up! Jess and Nat are just smiling relieve. NAT Aww… just look how happy he is. JESSICA I know, …such a moron. ♫In the night, I hear them talk the coldest story ever told… ♫ From a distance, right at the park down there, Nat hears some familiar voice SINGING with his guitar. She turns back and there she sees, KRIS, hanging out with his band pals singing Kanye West – Heartless song with his beloved guitar. She smiles. ♫To a Woman so Heartless…♫ Go.


And then the band guys start to make their music, 2 guitars and a Cajon, making most of the heads at the park turn around at them and listening to their cool music at their own place. Jessica also turns her head around them, following Nat who has already enjoyed them. JESSICA They’re so stupid. Huh? Why?


JESSICA For playing and not being paid! Seriously, a dollar from 1 student, they’ll be rich. NAT Oh, such capitalism minded. They’re playing from their heart. They don’t care if they were not getting paid whatsoever… JESSICA But they won’t refuse money, right? No one will.


They’re just chuckling. They enjoy them playing. But Nat doesn’t stop there. Unaware, she seems also enjoying watching the singer intently. Absorbed by his charmed.

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NAT He’s adorable. Jessica immediately turns her head over Nat. Really surprised hearing Nat’s last line. And Nat starts to notice the suspicious look of Jessica.


NAT (look at her)

JESSICA Nothing. (a beat) Just having a thought that you start to like him. Nat stricken. What??


(weird chuckle; flustered) Th’That’s ridiculous. I only said he’s adorable so that means I am sooo in looove with him?? JESSICA You’re not in looove with him -- You just like him. (taunting smile) NAT Oh come on, I don’t like him. I was just saying that as a friend. No special feeling. I mean -- I never really noticed him before, you know… pro’lly because I was with Gabriel back then. And now, as a friend, (firmly) I started to understand why most of the girls here are idolizing him. Because…?


NAT Well you know… because he’s got that charming look, sweet attitude, brainy, -really nice vocal… (gazing him) …so caring, …very low profile… humble… Nat falls deep into her amusement. While Jessica’s smirk gets even wider. But after a beat, Nat comes to her senses.

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NAT Er’ you know, he’s just cool. JESSICA …You’re saying that as a friend? NAT As – a friend. A beat, then: JESSICA I believe you. NAT (resistant) W’ I am!... JESSICA Sure, I know. It’s been like a month since his love confession. Is there any chance for you to finally reconsider your answer? Not a chance. (teasing) NAT Ah, whatever. I’m the one who actually feels it, so I know what the truth is. / Hey! He’s looking over here! (sudden react) Kris sees Nat and Jessica up there, and gives them a nodding with a sincere smile while still playing. Hi…

NAT (mouths)

Nat’s waving at him and giggling cutely, even blushing a little bit. Jessica scrutinizes her entire shameless acts. And Nat herself also just realized how she acted. A long pause, then: JESSICA Yeah you like him. Nat’s eyes just dart about, looking for a place to hide. FADE OUT END OF TEASER

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Jessica watches Nat editing her article for the next LS Times (Lakeville South Times) printed in the notebook. And then, the door’s open, Kris and Shawn come into the room. Hey girls.


The girls look up. Nat’s heart beats a little faster as she sees Kris. JESSICA Hey. Got any news? KRIS Good news actually, still remember Mr. James Klerk, one of the school funder? Shawn directly heads to a photocopy machine, and copying some papers. JESSICA A busy guy who always never had time for us? KRIS (smile proudly) Now, he has. JESSICA (happy shock) Seriously?! She gets closer to Kris. KRIS Yeah, he got us an appointment this afternoon at his office. So, prepare for the questions, okay?-JESSICA (cut off) Wowow’ wait, what did you say? ‘this afternoon’?? Yeah, why?


JESSICA W’ this afternoon I got a schedule to train Bob’s brother! 9 | P a g e    


KRIS And you can’t cancel it, because…? JESSICA Because I’ve done it twice to him! Last Monday: Interviewing the Principle. Yesterday: working on Earth Day Jargon! So I move it today! I can’t turn him down once again, I just feel bad about that. SHAWN (smirks; not facing Jess) Sure… because you’re starting to like him. JESSICA Not a right reason! Thank you for joining our conversation. (nipping) KRIS (sigh) Well you gotta set your own priority. Pick what’s more important. Remember, this busy guy won’t have another time for us. Jessica confused. So, she tries to compare those 2 options by raising both of her hand. JESSICA (raising left palm) Training Bob’s brother, I got paid. (raising right palm) Interviewing the school funder, I got grade. KRIS Lower the left one, just lower the left one. SHAWN Well I’ll help you to consider it. (turn over them) Would you rather to hang out with your ‘hunk lover’ Bob or just got stuck with this ‘solid Kris’? KRIS (chuckles) Dude, you’re not helping me.-NAT (raising her hand) I’ll do it. 10 | P a g e    


The others look over Nat right away. Jessica puts her suspicious look, while Natalie herself seems not realizing her sudden act and just takes her hand down slowly. NAT O’ or not whatever… I’m just the editor here, journalism is a whole lot different world for me. ‘Hahaha…’ (awkward chuckles) KRIS Oh, well if Nat can replace your position, I think we have no problem here. You don’t have to cancel your date with bob then. JESSICA He’s not my date! – And actually, Natalie, I was a bit surprised by your nice thought for replacing my duty here with Kris. (investigate look) That’s quite a candor of you, since you always refuse this interviewing job before. Well…


(gagging a bit) I’m just being nice now. But, if you mind with that, you can always ask Shawn to-Pass.—


NAT I guess not.-KRIS No-no! There has to be a girl here. Cuz some says that old guy is kinda odd, he could never avoid answering questions from a cute girl, like you for instance. And Nat just starts to blush. NAT …Oh Wood, that’s flattering… hihi… (giggling) Jessica winces. Seeing Nat’s odd behavior really makes her feel sick. KRIS Well, some people says that I’m the “master of the Flatter”. -11 | P a g e    


NAT Ah – Haha!! (overacting laugh) Master of Flatter! That’s a good one! Jessica winces even more. KRIS (chuckles) Well okay then, it’s a deal now. Jess, you help her making the questions, okay. Nat, I’ll see you after school. Okay!


Kris just smiles and leaves. While Nat still can’t rid her happy face. And now, Jessica’s suspicious look is the one for her to be concerned of. …what?


SHAWN So now it’s your turn to like him? Nat is completely shocked with Shawn’s sudden accusation! So is Jessica. JESSICA Oh Thank God you realize that too! SHAWN Well who doesn’t? She’s blushing when Kris flattered her, and she’s laughing at Kris’s joke, which was not funny. NAT W’haha… (nervous laugh) okay that is a premature accusation. First, you know me from a child my skin is easily blushing Not only because I’m ashamed. And second, I -- kinda thought it was funny! You know, some people have their own level of jokes, maybe you didn’t understand that one. -JESSICA It was not funny. And your laughing was hideous! Kris is never good at making jokes, for God sake! NAT Ah, you guys are just exaggerating. (gets up) (MORE) 12 | P a g e    


NAT (CONT’D) I don’t – like him. I’m just trying to be a nice person here, but I guess you just didn’t see that. I’m-offended here. So, bye-bye. I’m off to class. (trots off) SHAWN & JESSICA Bye-bye, Mrs. Wood. (holding their laugh) NAT (from a bit distance) Oh stop it! Shawn and Jessica are just laughing at her. INT.

LITERATURE CLASS, LSHS – CON’T MR. CROCKER Alright, Just open the page 15th,kids.

Jessica sits at the front, while Bob and Chace are in the same class, sitting in a back row. They open up the page. MR. CROCKER Okay, now you’ll see, there’s a piece of Sonnet here from William Shakespeare. You know what that means? Students’re whining. Aww… MR. CROKER Yes, aww… I heard from your whining that you already know what this mean. So, who wants to read this sonnet? Someone raises the hand, and it turns out: MR. CROCKER Ah, Mr. Klein! That’s unlikely. You wanna read it? BOB Oh not me, Sir. But I know the one who can read something like that so… beautifully. Probably she’s some kind of a poetry I guess. MR. CROCKER Really? Whom? Jessica.


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Jessica’s startled, and the stares of everyone immediately turn to her. MR. CROCKER Miss. Carter! I never knew that you like poems.-JESSICA W’well I don’t! (panicking) He’s lying! He’s just fooling around with me, Sir! He hates me! (strong whispering) She glares at him, but Bob seems don’t even care and just holding her laugh. Chace, who sits beside Bob, also seems enjoying her panicking. MR. CROCKER Oh, so you don’t like poems.-NO.

JESSICA (straight answer)

Mr. Crocker looks a bit offended. Jessica notices it. JESSICA I-I mean, I like it, but not a big fan, (smile awkwardly) MR. CROCKER Well, Miss. Carter. You still must read it. If you’re good, you’ll get some point. If you’re bad, you and Mr. Klein will lost some of the points. BOB What? Why am I included?!-MR. CROCKER Because you’re the one who gave the recommendation to choose her. So, let’s see. Miss. Carter. Oh great…


With a heavy heart, Jessica looks at Bob cynically and starts to stand up slowly. And turns around facing the students. Ehm-ehm….


Everyone chuckles a bit, prepares to laugh at Jessica. Jessica steals a peek at Chace who’s still smiling at her. She feels more embarrassed. 14 | P a g e    


JESSICA (sigh – breath in) ….”O FATHER” -(Yelling!) And everyone just shocked hearing Jessica’s thunder voice! JESSICA “what a Hell of witchcraft Lies!” Everyone starts to chuckle watching her ‘strong reading performance’. Including Chace, especially Bob. JESSICA “In the small orb of…” And their chuckling noises starts to rise up gradually making Jessica realize that she is the object of their laugh, Of Course! JESSICA “of one particular tear!” (take a look at them) “But… but with the inun, inundation” umm… “of - of the eyes/” Sir, they’re laughing at me! She complains at Mr. Crocker, but finding him ALSO holding his laugh. JESSICA And You are too!! Bwahahahaha…! And they just blow their laugh out!.. Even Mr. Crocker holds his stomach to make the noises not too loud! The jokes really on Her! JESSICA W’ Okay this’s totally uncool guys! Not Funny!! But they are still laughing. JESSICA Argh… whatever. (grunting) And now she just let them. CUT TO: SFX: The Bell RINGS Finally, the class is over. All students prepare to leave the class right away. Jessica puts her books to her bag, still with an upset feeling.

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BOB O Father!.. (mocking Jessica) Jessica just rolls her eyes hearing that taunting voice of Bob. BOB Me Ears are hurt by Thy Strong Voices! Haha… People who still in the room is laughing hearing Bob’s mock toward Jessica. BOB Seriously, How many mega volt your voice is?-JESSICA Seriously, you’re gonna have your turn later. Just wait. BOB Oh Ok, I’m scared. I think I’m gonna run now. Bye-bye!! (shouting and leaving) JESSICA (sigh…) Jerk… -CHACE (cutting) Well at least you made us laugh here. Jessica turns around and a little bit shocked seeing Chace behind her. And she starts to blush. JESSICA Er’ yeah by humiliating me. CHACE (chuckles) Well I don’t think you’re humiliated. They walk out of class together. JESSICA Well did you not see, even Mr. Crocker took out of his tears for laughing out so loud. CHACE Yes, you’re funny, yet you were not totally embarrassed. You suck up the situation, and try to be cool with it. 16 | P a g e    


JESSICA W’he… what, d’you think I would run away and start to cry? Hell No. that’s just gonna make it worst. CHACE I know, …you’re a tough girl. That’s cool. I like it, (smiling) JESSICA (blushing a bit) well I am a tough girl, that’s why I took tae kwon do class. Ahaha… (weird laugh) CHACE Yeah… well keep it up… He smiles and starts leaving her with a happy smile as she walks toward another class, which is Chemistry. And before she reaches the front door, on the other way, there’s Nat walking toward the same direction, frowning. JESSICA Oh look at us, meeting in a middle road. NAT (sigh) I hate this road. Huh?


But by the time they finally turn right and get in to the Chemistry Class, Jessica understands the situation. JESSICA Oh, I see what you’re point. What?


It turns out that Kris and Mary are also in it, already sitting down side by side in the right corner, holding each other’s hand with a smile on their face. JESSICA Someone is in jealous now… Oh shut up…


Then Kris sees them come in.

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KRIS Hey Jess, Nat! Hey!


JESSICA (friendly face) NAT (Lazy face)

MARY E. DUNST Hey guys! (sincere smile) C’mon, sit over here. Allri--


But Nat immediately hold Jessica for not being able to walk toward them. NAT Oh no thank’s, we’ll just sit over there, hehe… JESSICA w’ Why’re we-NAT (cutting) Well you haven’t finished your story, right? She makes some face signal for Jessica to understand her. JESSICA What story?-NAT (CONT’D) --Well we just don’t wanna interrupt you guys with our… loudy voice! Haha… So, just enjoy your quality time there. Ok? Bye! KRIS Well as long as you’re not talking about us. (teasing them) NAT W’ oops! Busted! Hahahaha… (really fake laugh) Nat pushes ‘confuse’ Jessica to the direction she wanted. Kris and Mary just chuckling watching their behavior. While Nat and Jessica finally sit in the corner left across Kris and Mary. 18 | P a g e    


JESSICA (sigh) You are soo jealous now. NAT I’m not, okay? I really don’t want us to interrupt them talking like that. JESSICA “I really don’t want us to interrupt them talking like that.” – (impersonate Nat) whatever, you are jealous and you know it. NAT “No, I don’t know it.” (impersonate Jess; sigh)


Mr. Burk, the Chemistry teacher, writes something on a whiteboard, while the student are slightly paying attention to him, most of them are just chitchatting around, sleeping, etc… unlike this perfect couple, who seriously pays attention to the white board. The Smart Couple, Mary and Kris. MR. BURK Okay, who wants to give it a try to solve this formula? As always, Mary raises her hand immediately. MR. BURK Oh hoho… No dear, we know that you are good on this subject. Mary just smiles blushingly while Nat just rolls her eyes. MR. BURK Or probably, you’d like someone to take an attempt on this one? MARY Er’ you mean I’m the one who has to choose? Yes, please.


MARY Umm… you know, I have no one in my mind except, … Mary put her hand on Kris’s shoulder. 19 | P a g e    


Mr. Wood.


KRIS Oh c’mon… (smiling) MARY (speak softly; teasing) Like you can’t do that… MR. BURK Mr. Wood, would you mind to step up and grab the chalk? KRIS Ahmm… of course, Sir. (get up; teasing Mary) You’re gonna pay for this… MARY I’ll take that chance… (giggling) And Nat just sticks her finger to her throat as she’s seeing that ‘romantic action’ between Kris and Mary. So then, Kris walks to the front class, and taking the chalk to try answering the formula. Miraculously, most of the student, especially all the girls, are more paying attention to watch Kris rather than when Mr. Burk explained the lesson. GIRL 1 (whispering) Oh he is so cute… Suddenly, two girls that sit in front of Nat and Jessica start to make conversation concerning the cute boy who’s standing in front of them, which making Nat wanted to ease drop at them. GIRL 2 Tell me about it… he’s a musician but just look at his arms… So sexy…


GIRL 2 He could hug me whenever he wants… (giggling) Nat just shakes her head listening to their opinion, and pro’ly feel a little bit proud for having Kris ever liked her, so she just smiles alone. GIRL 1 But you know what? I really Thank God he’s back with Mary now… 20 | P a g e    


And Nat just loses her smile in a sudden. GIRL 2 Oh totally agree, they’re just like, a perfect couple ever. No one can compare with his charms except her. -NAT (cutting) SSSHHHHHH!!!!..... All at once, everyone starts to look over Nat, stealing all the attention. Including Kris. Yes, she’s shushing too loud. NAT Er’… … They’re talking all the time! I can’t concentrate! (a little too freak out)


GIRL 1 & 2 (Gaps!)

MR. BURK Well both of you should be quiet, okay? Just look at the front. GIRL 1 (look over Nat; cynically) Tattler… Whatever…


But then, Nat looks around Jessica, and seeing her watching Nat with a ‘really?!’ look puts on her face. Nat doesn’t mind about that,…or does she. FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE

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SFX: SCHOOL BELL RINGS The school is over for today! All students start to get out of the class immediately, ready to meet their own group of friends. Just like, Natalie group which content herself, Jessica, and Kris are already in their basecamp, School Paper Club, having some preparation for the next interview. JESSICA Okay, here are some questions list. And this is a recorder. See, first you click this button over here and then-NAT (cutting) I know how to use a recorder. Thank you. (offended) The door’s open, and Kris gets into the room. KRIS Wrap up the questions? All done!


NAT And I know how to work this. (showing the recorder) Oh! This’s gonna be my first interview! Yiay!.. JESSICA Yippie… (unexcited) KRIS (chuckles) Okay, we’re going now.-All of a sudden, the door is PUSHED by someone till it open so widely! SHAWN (shouting) I’m gonna have a Date with Meaghan! Right Now! Woohoow!!... And then he runs again, like a wind blow, leaving them a bit confuse, and don’t really care. 22 | P a g e    


CUT TO: At the school corridor thru a way out, Kris is giving some advices for Nat, who looks really excited, by the interview and probably by something ‘else’. NAT So, do I have to raise my voice in a middle part, or just keep it low for having mysterious act? KRIS Just, try to talk like normal people if you can. NAT … … right. I’m not nervous. KRIS (chuckling) Oh, you look fine. -Kris!...


As they’re walking to the outside, Mary’s voice is heard from behind them. So, they turn around and see her. KRIS Hey!.. finish helping Mr. Norman’s project? Nat’s face seems a bit unwanted seeing Mary there. MARY Umm… not yet. Just got out from the toilet, I saw you guys walking, he… where’re you going? KRIS Well, going to the interview. I’ve told you before, right? Nat just smiles along. MARY …Oh. (pause) I… thought you always do that with Jessica, …right? NAT Well, she got something else to do. So I come to the rescue! Woow! Hehe… 23 | P a g e    


Kris’s also joining the chuckles, but not Mary who’s still in a ‘need some explanation’ mode. NAT I’ll… wait you at the front then. Bye-bye. Nat immediately leaves them first, avoiding the awkward atmosphere between them. KRIS …what’s the matter? MARY Er’ he… nothing, just… a bit surprised knowing that you do this with… Natalie. Kris moves a bit closer to her. …so?


Without talking, Mary gives ‘You know…’ look to Kris. KRIS (smile) Mary, there’s nothing left for her. It’s been a month ago, for God sake. MARY I know… Just, … have a little worry for that. -KRIS (cutting) Well being with you all over again, …makes me realize that I’m not worth it for losing you, one more time. Mary blushes as she’s hearing those romantic words from Kris. So then, Kris holds both her hands, softly. KRIS Mary, you help me to erase my feeling from her. And believe me, …it works. … really?


KRIS Yeah, …Things are going so fine now. We’re friends again, nothing awkward between us. And what matter is… I’m back with you now. Bit by bit, Mary starts to give him her sweetest smile. 24 | P a g e    


KRIS …So, trust me alright?.. MARY (smile…) …Alright. Alright…


And then, they start smooching in the middle of the corridor. Be seen by Natalie who’s waiting Kris in front of the school entrance. She just looks around seeing something else’s funnier. KRIS Wish me luck, MARY Good Luck… KRIS (chuckle) Bye… So, Kris starts leaving Mary who’s still watching him walking toward Natalie. And they go. INT.


Shawn is having so much fun accompanying Meaghan spending out her cash for something worthless. They try some dresses, accessories, even Shawn is told by Meaghan to try some of T-shirts, scarf or pants she picks out for him. From a silly outfit to a cool outfit. And Meaghan could never look ugly even though she’s wearing the silliest costume you’ve ever thought. They’re just laughing all the way. And they don’t stop till there. Meaghan takes him to see one shop to another shop till they drop! But it never takes away Shawn’s widest smile from his face. And then, they stop at the ice cream counter, Baskin and Robin, and they pick out their favorite flavor. They’re just having a goodtime!... Shawn is extremely happy to have this moment with his most favorite female on earth. And finally, they’re walking to the front gate, with lots of shopping bags of Meaghan. And they’re waiting for the worker to get Meaghan’s car up there. MEAGHAN Gosh!... I never had this so much fun doing shopping with a guy. SHAWN Really? W’what’s it like with the other guys then? 25 | P a g e    


MEAGHAN Well, they are so boring! Just waiting for me to finish picking out some dresses. But you? You really enjoy this moment! I ♥ it! SHAWN W’he… well I did enjoy it. I ♥ it too! MEAGHAN I know you do! Ha… Thank you! And Meaghan just hugs him in a sudden. Making Shawn’s heart stops beating for a moment, and enjoying her breast gluing to his chest. But the car is already there, makes Meaghan letting off her hug. C’mon!


The worker helps them to put their shopping bags to the car. While Meaghan and Shawn are getting in to her open Cap Car. Shawn sits beside her who’s driving the car. SHAWN So umm… I’ll… I’ll just stop at the right corner after the red-light then. It’s near to my house. MEAGHAN What? You’re just gonna go home now? (sad face) SHAWN Not if you have somewhere else in mind. (straight answer) MEAGHAN Well I’m thinking we could go to my house, trying all of our new dresses. Chitchatting, and maybe… I don’t know… just doing something else fun! Shawn just can’t say other words except, SHAWN Yes, let’s go to your house. MEAGHAN Okay! Let’s go now! Shawn just can’t say anything but mouths “Oh My God!”. And they go! INT.


Kris and Natalie still wait for him to show up in a lobby. Nat just sitS, watching the room situation, while Kris readS some music magazine. 26 | P a g e    


NAT …God, this’s excruciating. This’s too much, he’s never gonna see us. KRIS Hehe… Relax. It’s only been an hour. (still reading) NAT Only?? It feels like a century for me! Seriously, are you always waiting like this with Jessica? KRIS We’ve ever waited a senator for almost 3 hours. NAT Three??--… You’re kidding me. KRIS He said he got something else more important to do first, we didn’t mind. And the interview just went over 10 minutes. NAT Oh I hope Jessica’s beating him out after that. KRIS (laughing a bit) She would. But thank God I was there. NAT Ha… I could imagine that. (breath-out) …So what’re you guys usually doing in this waiting situation? KRIS Umm… nothing much. Just reading like this. Or suddenly, she starts punching my arms just to transfer her stress not knowing that I bruised easily. NAT (laughing a bit) Aaw… Poor you. He… Yeah,


NAT You mean like this? 27 | P a g e    


Bug! Nat is just punching Kris’s left arm. And Kris just looks over her with a straight face, no laughing. NAT … … I’m not stronger like her. She’s a monster, I’m just a little girl. Then Kris just slowly slides over to a far place from Nat, and start to read again. Nat just sigh… INT.


A BREAKING WOOD is heard from Bob’s garage. That because Jessica is teaching Bob’s brother, Tom, to do the ‘wood breaking’ with a fist. JESSICA Use the pressure of your elbow! Not from the wrist! Get that?! THOMAS KLEIN Okay-okay!.. So, Tom tries to do it one more time. He takes a deep breath, and… Haaayyaa!


The wood is BREAKING! JESSICA Yes! That’s it! Aaw!!...


And It looks like Tom also broke his hand. JESSICA Still hurt on your fist? Ya, that means you lack of techniques! You should pay more attention on those terms! Ya hear that?! TOM I heard that… Wow, Jessica seems to be the fiercest coach ever, makes Tom a little bit, scared, or maybe even more. Uninvited, as always, Bob joins them at a garage, with a chopstick and a pack of noodle on his hands, prepare to mock his little brother up.

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BOB Hehey, so, what has Not been doing my brother? Does he finally can do ‘the kick’? (teasing) JESSICA Oh don’t undermine your brother… Look, he finally can break a wood now! BOB Wow, 1 month and you already broke 1 tiny piece of wood. Score! (still mocking) TOM Hey it’s harder than it looks like, okay? Besides, (bit whispering) She may be Hot, but she’s scary… makes my guts moving ups and downs.. BOB Haha… really. JESSICA Hey I still can hear you! And don’t listen to your brother. Someone who just yickyacking is never able to proof his bluff. BOB What? So you think I can’t break that piece of wood? JESSICA No, I think you can even break a piece of Styrofoam. BOB Oh, okay. (feel challenged) “Miss. I wanna see some proof”, I’ll proof it to ya. Take this. Bob is handing the noodle to his brother, and moving forward in front of Jessica, prepare to do the breaking. BOB Ready to be wowed? (confidently) JESSICA Whatever you say, Mr. She holds on to a piece of wood. 29 | P a g e    


TOM Ha… Just don’t forget to pray first, bro. Or you can say goodbye to your quarterback position, because of your hand’s bleeding. Jessica slightly paid attention to Tom’s crap which probably has a point. BOB Naah… just pray that you can be more awesome like your brother, okay? You ready? Bob is breathing in, try collecting all of his power down to his fist. And then, he prepares to punch that wood, and… BOB One… two… / Haayyaa!-JESSICA (cutting) Undo it. All of a sudden, Jessica’s just evading the wood from his fist. BOB Wha/ hey why’d you do that?! JESSICA Seriously, I don’t wanna see you crying like a baby because of your hand’s hurting. BOB Oh c’mon! That’s like a thin wood! I can easily break it down in two! Or maybe four! You’ll never know.-JESSICA (cutting) Hey it is not about just breaking stuffs, okay?! If you would – you can even break it with your ‘bone-head’. But the lesson you must learn here is ‘are you able not to feel the pain after that?’ Do you even know the technique for doing that!? Your brother’s here, finally understood about how the technique works, so his fist won’t feel the pain afterward.-TOM Er’ but I kinda feel a little bit hurt..-JESSICA Shut up, I’m trying to compliment you now. 30 | P a g e    


BOB Hey, it’s just breaking that piece of crap, for God sake! There’s no need to know the techniques, that’s unimportant. JESSICA Oh, okay. But don’t make me responsible if your hand is really hurting then it makes you can never feel the grass of a football field ever again! Okay?! BOB What?! What’re you--… But then, Bob realizes something from the last lines she throws at him. Oh…


Here comes the taunting smile from Robert to Jessica, making Jessica a bit suspicious, while Thomas is on the side watching them having argument. BOB (move closer to her) …are you worrying me now? JESSICA (stunned face) What? BOB Aww… that is so sweet… It turns out a masculine girl like you is not that evil after all. You still cared about me! JESSICA Tom, are you willing Not to be the witness while I beat the crap out of your brother? TOM I see nothing! Good!


TOM Except about you worrying my brother. JESSICA W’ I wasn’t!-BOB See?! My stupid brother even can realize-(MORE) 31 | P a g e    


BOB (CONT’D) --that you’re trying to watch my back. Oh come on… just say it, you start to like me, don’t you? JESSICA Ah would you get a break! (bit blushing) I’d rather boil myself up than making you my ‘boyfriend’! Ewwgh!— BOB W’ hey what makes you think that I wanna be your boyfriend anyway?! (chuckling) I never imagine that I would have such barbaric girlfriend like you are! JESSICA Oh – oh really?! Then don’t feel like you’ve been worried by me! Because I already have someone to be worried at! Get that?! BOB Owhow ya seriously…I … I…-Suddenly Bob just can’t find other words to get back at her. JESSICA (sigh) You know what, get over it! You’re wasting your brother’s rehearsal time now. Why don’t you finish that cold noodle and thinking for another word to mock me off, okay? Tom, get me more woods here, now you’re gonna learn to break it with your kick. Thomas brings the woods over Jessica, while Bob still stands there, thinking about something that bother his mind. Jessica feels his weird act. JESSICA Hey are you just gonna stand over there and interrupting our practice? Or are you just gonna back off? Bob then starts to realize and just take his cold noodle again. BOB I’ll back off. (smile properly) Then he just leaves the fighting room. 32 | P a g e    


…weirdo… INT.



It’s almost 2 hours, Natalie and Kris are still waiting for that Mr. Busy to show up. And they look like running out of conversation. But Natalie seems don’t wanna wait in silent. So, she starts to find some conversation. NAT So… Let’s chitchatting!... (thinking first) … How’s things going on between you and Mary? Oh,


He closes his magazine and sits directly toward Nat, very fascinated. KRIS well you know, it’s good actually. Thing’s are going better than before we got back-NAT (cutting) Ya you don’t have to explain it – it’s just chitchat. Kris looks offended for being cut off of his talking, but Nat seems don’t mind about it. KRIS … … …Ok, Fine. Nat just sigh… The office is filled with silent again. So,


(look at her) how’s the Script you’ve been writing on lately? Oh,


(interested) you know it’s getting really exciting after the last scene I-KRIS (cutting) You don’t have to explain it, it’s just chitchat. (reading again) 33 | P a g e    


Yes, Kris gets back at her, making Nat feels a little bit upset. Grr… NAT Just wanna get even, huh? KRIS You started it. NAT “You started it.” (impersonate him) whatever… KRIS “whatever.” (impersonate her) And this is what it looks like when things are getting bored around them. But finally, the front door is open! MR. JAMES KLERK (on his cellphone) Ya, we’re not gonna sign that. It doesn’t have a solid background. Get that? Mr. James Klerk with his busy act is walking through the front door, making Kris and Nat are getting up of their seats, so is the hot secretary, immediately walking toward him and get even with his steps. SECRETARY Mr. Clerk, there’re some students from the Lakeville South High School. They said they already had an appointment to interview you this afternoon. Mr. Klerk sees them, Kris and Nat who are also walking closer to him. MR. KLERK Oh yes, from the LS TIMES. The children of Principal Connery, huh? Sorry for the tardiness, I gotta take care something else important first.-He’s shaking their both hand, one at a time. KRIS Well that’s okay, Sir. At least, we’re still able to finally see you now. I’m Kris, by the way. And this is my partner, Natalie. (smile properly) Sir.


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MR. KLERK Alright, so come in to my office now. Hurry. Mr. Klerk hurriedly comes in to his office, followed right away by Kris and Nat. And they get in to his main office. MR. KLERK Okay then, start giving me questions, kids. Mr. Klerk still looks so busy by organizing some paper works he brings to his sideboard. KRIS Record it. In a rush, Nat takes out her recorder from her shoulder bag and ready to play it, while Kris’s taking out his notes, still standing. KRIS Okay thank you, Sir. As you already knew, we wanted to ask you about the early Budget for senior students.-Go on.


KRIS Well, just like how many additional dollars spent during the senior year can be applied. Including the expense of tuition, books or room and board for the following freshman year. MR. KLERK Well, Parents need to get their pens ready and their checkbooks open for their child’s last year of high school. On the low end, a parent can spend $1500 on a child's senior year. However, parents can spend thousands of dollars. So we come to the solution, for allocating some of the school budget to help them. KRIS Could you give us the details for that $1500? MR. KLERK ACT registration fee is $30 with a $19 late charge for late registrations. SAT registration fee is $43 with a $22 late charge for late registrations.-(MORE) 35 | P a g e    


MR. KLERK (CONT’D) --Additional costs of the test, study guide is $30-45 and ACT or SAT preparation classes are $100-200. And don’t forget about the overnight expenses, this can range from $150-$500. Nat is soo… impressed watching Kris in action, so calm yet confident! But she seems really couldn’t keep up with Mr. Klerk explanation. KRIS So, before students decide on a college to attend, they should really visit the campus. (chuckling) MR. KLERK (chuckling) Yes, that’s correct. Okay,


He writes it down on his note. MR. FUND Okay, next question? KRIS (whispering) Nat, next question. (still writing) NAT Huh? What? (murmuring) KRIS (look over her) …w’ take off your note and see the Qs. NAT Oh, right. Sure.. Nat really looks nervous, as she takes out her notes so recklessly and caught by Mr. Klerk’s attention. MR. KLERK …Okay, I don’t have much time right now. Just spill out the questions and get it done quickly. NAT O-oh I’m sorry, sir. It’s just that we -(MORE) 36 | P a g e    


NAT (CONT’D) --already wasted our time for almost two hours just to wait for you before – so I’m guessing you could just sit down first and relax a little bit – and then we can start the interview again. That statement from Natalie really makes Mr. Klerk takes off of his own business and stares at Natalie right away, and making Kris widening his eyes for not believing what he just heard from his partner. KRIS Ahaha..ha! (awkward laugh) Although – we really didn’t mind for the waiting because it was worth to see you now, right Natalie? NAT (just got realized) Riiight… Hahahahaha… She just realizes her flaws! And a bit panicking! Mr. Klerk is still looking at her, but seems like he is a little bit offended yet kind of agree by what she’s saying. MR. KLERK Well okay then. We’ll sit down first. Mr. Klerk sits prudently, immediately followed by frightened Kris and Nat. MR. KLERK So, now you may start the questions, Miss. Swagger. NAT Haha… Swagger, I like that. Okay… … And Kris just can breathe out for that near-accident. INT.


Meaghan drives her car into her garage. MEAGHAN Ha… Finally, we’re here! Hihi… C’mon! Let’s take all our shopping bags! Meaghan gets out of the car, followed by Shawn, and taking all their stuffs from the back of a car. MEAGHAN Hurry! Let’s get inside!

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But before he walks into the house, first he has to find something in his pocket. And he found it! So, he eats that minty fresh chewing gum preparing for something he hopes for, and then he start following her into her big house. As they’re walking in the house… SHAWN Er’ it’s really quiet for a big house like this. Where’s everyone? MEAGHAN Well you know, typical busy parent. Never have any time for their own daughter.. (smile dimly) And I got no siblings. So, you know, there’s only the two of us down here. Hihi… Except for the housekeeper. Could the situation be more supporting for Shawn’s romantic scene?? Shawn is so… excited about this! SHAWN Er’ so umm… where’re we going now? MEAGHAN He… to my room! Where’d you think we’re going now? And I got a surprise for you up there… So, come on! Hihi… Shawn’s heart is about to burst off, he finally comes to his dream day! SHAWN To your room, all aboard. Shawn speeds his steps right away through the stairs. And then, On the way to Meaghan’s room. MEAGHAN Oh first of all, I’m so doesn’t really fit with I’m sure that you would rearrange the stuffs in you??

sorry if my room the furniture. But help me to my room, wouldn’t

SHAWN Oh I love rearranging stuffs! MEAGHAN I know you do! Hihi… Gosh Shawn… I’m really happy that we could finally do this. 38 | P a g e    


SHAWN W’ you’re happy? W’ I’m extremely excited waiting this moment for so long. Oh Meaghan, you don’t know how much it means for me to even-And Meaghan opens up the door to her room. MEAGHAN Hey you guys!! SHAWN Feel this -- Guys? KELLIE ABIGAIL & CASSIE VENTURA Ah Finally!! What?


Surprisingly, Kellie and Cassie are already lounging on the bed in Meaghan’s room, waiting for them! Which makes Shawn completely shocking. KELLIE Where have you been?! We’re like stranding in your room, forever! CASSIE Yeah and your magazine, is soo… out of date. MEAGHAN He… well Shawn, are you surprised? They’re here to have fun with us! SHAWN Haha…ya.. (disappointed) MEAGHAN Sorry Guys, but we were like surveying every store at the Mall and we just had a goodtime in there! Hihi… -KELLIE Okay what-ever, So what’d you got for me? C’mon!-CASSIE For us. Give it to me. Hihi… They were like stealing all Meaghan’s shopping bags and put them on the bed right away, invading all the stuffs in there. 39 | P a g e    


MEAGHAN Trust me guys, you’re gonna love all of’em. Shawn picked them out for us, like, everything! Meaghan’s also joining them in the bed. KELLIE Oh Shawn, I bet you have a good… sense of style! Just like you’re wearing now. CASSIE Yeah, we always love your style. Hihi… SHAWN W’he… thank’s. I guess… Shawn actually is renowned for the most stylist guy in the school, with his fedora, his scarf, his cool colorful shoes, just everything that he wears. SHAWN Er’ so umm… why are you girls-KELLIE Oh – My God! This is like the coolest jumpsuit I’ve ever seen! Shawn you picked this? SHAWN Oh umm… Well I’ve seen on Olsen’s blog that they wear that cute outfit, so I guess Meaghan would look cute-KELLIE Olsen’s Blog! I knew I ever saw this dress! Shawn – you’re a genius! I called it!-CASSIE Oh my God! I’ve been, like, looking for this kind of coat everywhere! Online – Outline! And finally you can totally found this! Shawn I love you! SHAWN W’he… thank’s-MEAGHAN Oh you gotta see this top he picked out for me! It looks like Cavalli but cheaper and it’s really cute! Just look at this! (shows the top) KELLIE & CASSIE Oh My God! That is gorgeous!... 40 | P a g e    


CASSIE I wanna have it!-MEAGHAN No! It’s for me!-KELLIE This color really suits with my tanning skin, so it’s gotta be mine.-CASSIE Who’s tanner than you are?-KELLIE You’re not tan! You’re black already! I envy that…-MEAGHAN W’ but Shawn picked it out for me!… Shawn who’s getting really confuse with all of this, is sat on the near sofa, watching them fighting for dresses. CASSIE Ok-ok! Shawn! Why don’t you decide who’s more likely wearing this top? KELLIE Ok Shawn – you got to think carefully, just pick Me! Meaghan just sigh… SHAWN Er’… w’well… I picked that for Meaghan, so it’s gotta be Meaghan’s. MEAGHAN See?! Hihi… Thank you Shawn!-KELLIE Ah whatever, there’re still, like, plenty of dresses here. CASSIE You know what? Let’s just try it on, so that we could really sure who’s Hot and who’s Not. KELLIE Oh now you’re talking. Let’s do that! And shamelessly, they just take off their shirt in front of Shawn, even Meaghan! Shawn just can not believe this kind of behavior! 41 | P a g e    


SHAWN W’ Hey-hey-hey!!.. what the heck do you girls think your doing?! Those three sexy girls are just staring confuse at Shawn. KELLIE We’re gonna try these dresses. What’d you think we’re doing? SHAWN W’ in front of me?! CASSIE Oh come on Shawn, it’s not like, you’re gonna “turn on” seeing us naked, right? KELLIE Yeah we’re not like, those football guys you secretly took a picture all the time while they’re taking off their uniform. (continue open her shirt) SHAWN w’What?! I took a picture of them?! When? Where? w’What’d you think I am?!-Shawn,


Shawn is looking at Meaghan. MEAGHAN You are… …Gay, right? And his heart just falls down to his feet, after hearing that “G” word. SHAWN …wHat?!! (make squeaky voice) CASSIE …or you’re not…? They slowly raise up their shirt again to close up their front part. And now Shawn is panicking and thinking. Is he rather confessing that he’s 100% straight or… taking his chance to see 3 beautiful naked ladies. SHAWN …You got me! I’m… totally Gay!.. (female act) KELLIE Oh Thank God! 42 | P a g e    


And they just open up their clothes. CASSIE Oh we almost like, doubt for a second! But who’re we kidding?! Ahahaha… KELLIE There’s just nothing “Straight” comes up from you! Hahahaha… CASSIE It always feels so good to finally coming out of your closet, huh? Hahaha… MEAGHAN Oh Shawn, we’re gonna be Best-friend forever! Hihi… SHAWN Haha… yippie!... How crap… And Shawn can do nothing but enjoying his miserable moment yet amusing at the same time. INT.


Jessica has finished training Bob’s brother, Tom. JESSICA Okay, see you next… when are we gonna practice again? TOM Umm… Monday. JESSICA Oh, okay. But don’t forget to practice alone, right?! Don’t be lazy. TOM Okay, Hot Guru. (going into the house)-JESSICA And stop calling me that! Jessica puts her stuffs into her bag, prepare to leave, and then walking into the front yard. But then, she sees Bob is sitting at a front porch, with an earphone plugging into his cell-phone. So, Jessica is walking toward him first. JESSICA You know, it’s really comfortable tutoring (MORE) 43 | P a g e    


JESSICA (CONT’D) --without you bugging me and your brother all the time. Making the condition feel less-…bugger. You know what I mean? Bob just looks at her, and smile properly, and looking at his cell-phone back. Jessica feels the difference on his act. JESSICA Heh?... what’s wrong with you? Nothing.


She feels a little weird by his sullenness. So, without making it look more uncomfortable, she thinks she might be leaving sooner. JESSICA …Okay. …See ya. And Jessica just start walking to the front yard, but before she even reach her 5th steps, Bob is throwing some question. BOB So, who’s the guy? And it makes Jessica turning back at him all over again. …what?


BOB …The guy. That you’ve been worried about. Jessica tries to figure out his question first. And then, she starts to realize something. And there it is, the taunting smile comes from Jessica. Oh…


(taunting smile) so you’ve been thinking about that this whole time, huh?… (slowly move closer) Bob just looks around, try to avoid her tease. But it’s not stopping Jessica thou. JESSICA …Are you being jealous now?.. (Teasing) … You start to looove me… you wanna huuug me… and then you kiiiss… me. Bob is just watching her silly behavior. 44 | P a g e    


JESSICA …but you still shut up so I’ll just stop now… … BOB …he… you’re just un-believable. JESSICA (chuckling) I am?.. Because….? BOB Because you just don’t look like a girl! (chuckling) Not even closer – with your muscular body, studness, and that silliness! -JESSICA And now you’re back to mocking me…-BOB (CONT’D) But somehow you always got me curious. (smile) Jessica’s heartbeat starts a little faster after hearing Bob’s last line. JESSICA Er’… curious of what?... (a bit blushing) BOB …curious of… Jessica really waits for his answer. A long pause, then: BOB …of how will I get to trick you even funnier than the last time. And it just makes Jessica’s vein in her forehead grows a bit bigger. JESSICA Ah you are just annoying, you know that? BOB Haha… what? You think I would wanna say something else to you? Jessica just turns her body around all over again. BOB Probably you waited a line like I looove you… I wanna kiiiiss you. 45 | P a g e    


JESSICA What-ever!! BOB (laughing) Be careful Sweetheart! Don’t let the bad bugs! Jessica just keeps walking further him while Bob is having his winning laughing for making Jessica annoyed again. He just loves it.. INT.


Seems like things going on so well on the interview. They’re laughing together! MR. KLERK You got that right! What’s the point of volunteering some cash – for someone who doesn’t even care to get paid?! NAT I know! Like – “oh please – pay me No More!” Hahahaha…!... MR. KLERK Well okay-okay, what’d you got in that silly note again? Huh? (cheery) NAT (looking at her note) W’ oh there’s nothing silly anymore! KRIS He… I’m afraid that was the last question Mr. Klerk. MR. KLERK Aww… when it’s just getting interesting?? Bummer! NAT I know! Haha… MR. KLERK Oh this has been the most fun interview I’ve ever had. She’s a comedian! NAT Oh! Haha… well let me do my own stand up comic, then. 46 | P a g e    


KRIS She’s just brighten up our day, isn’t she? MR. KLERK Yes, she is! NAT Aww… You guys are too much. MR. KLERK Well I’m telling you, You gotta keep her, Son. She’s gonna make a great reporter someday. NAT You think? KRIS Well, she’s incredible. (smiling at Nat) NAT (smiling back) …thank’s. MR. KLERK Well okay then, it’s almost night. I gotta get home faster to taste my wife’s lasagna. (rise up) KRIS Oh yes, Sir. (get up) really, it’s been a great time interviewing you. Thank you for your time. MR. KLERK Oh, Thank you both. They’re shaking hand together, one by one. MR. KLERK You definitely refresh my brain in this busy afternoon. And say Hi to your principle, okay? And study hard, you kids have shining future. KRIS & NAT Thank You, Mr. Klerk! CUT TO: 47 | P a g e    


Nat and Kris are walking at the front park, on their way to Kris’s motorcycle, “Juppe”, that’s what he calls. NAT Gosh! It was so excited!.. He loved us! (cheery) KRIS (chuckling) He loved you. NAT What? No..! He loved you too. KRIS No, he… you completely stole the thunder. And I’m not mad, because that tells us that you were great at doing this. Really?


KRIS Yeah!.. You totally lighten up that ‘gloomy room’. You did a good job. (smile) NAT Aww… Thank’s. (smile happily) I love interviewing!.. I wanna do it again. KRIS (chuckles) Well then, let’s do it again. NAT But that means I’m taking 2 jobs now, editor and journalist. I should be paid double then. KRIS You should! If, we got paid. NAT Ah, stupid school administration. Kris just chuckles seeing Natalie’s spirit. And finally, they arrive at Juppe’s parking lot. KRIS Wait a minute. 48 | P a g e    


Kris takes out his cell-phone, checking it out, and start dialing a number. NAT Who are you calling? KRIS Umm… Mary. She’s been miscalled me on the interview. I gotta check her first. Nat surely doesn’t like what she’s hearing, so she just looks around avoiding him to see her frown face. So then, Kris calls up Mary now, waiting for her to answer. And she’s answering. KRIS (on the phone) Hey baby, I’ve just finished.. yeah.. we had to wait for a couple hours… Kris walks away bit, just to make sure that he doesn’t want to be heard. But “super earring” Natalie, keep trying to hear that conversation. KRIS (on the phone) …so you want me to be there with you?.. (flirty smile) …Oh no, I completely agree, hehe… Nat just rolls her eyes hearing that lame romantic conversation. KRIS (on the phone) …well okay… bye-bye… wait for me… So he turns off his phone connection, and starts to walk over Nat again. KRIS So, we’re going home now? (taking his helmet) NAT Where else would we be? (a little sound upset) Kris looks over her, but she just gives him her corky smile just to sure that he doesn’t find out her displease. So, they’re just getting motorcycle, and Kris started to turn on the machine. Natalie, who behind him, is watching his back, wondering whether if Jessica really the right thing. Only one thing that she sure knows now, she doesn’t Mary at all.

make up a sits said like


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SCHOOL PAPER CLUB, LSHS – MORNING SHAWN She is thinking that I’m – GAY!!.. I’m Gay!.. I’m all Gay!!..

Natalie, Jessica, and Kris are just looking at Shawn, a little bit shocked and a little bit expected. JESSICA I knew it. SHAWN I’m Not confessing now!.. This is serious! Is there any part of me that really tells, “Gay alert”?! - Is it?! JESSICA Well… you could take off that vest.-NAT And scarf.-KRIS And the hat.-SHAWN W’ okay! I’m stylist! I’m in to fashion! I know it! But that doesn’t mean that I’m – Gay! Straight people do love fashion too! JESSICA Straight people do. Straight Guy, not much! SHAWN Hey see me do the ‘rolling eyes’, which means I do not care what you’re saying. And Shawn gives his rolling eyes in slow-motion just to make sure Jessica really gets it. The three of them are just chuckling seeing their friend freaking out. JESSICA So why didn’t you just tell her? SHAWN Did you not listen to the story? Naked Ladies – Confessing?! Which one did I have to choose – As a straight guy! It’s like… “Sophie’s Choice”! Kris?! 50 | P a g e    


KRIS W’he… -(thinking;a beat) …well maybe confessing – I don’t wanna make a bad name of myself. SHAWN W’ha… Th’that’s easy for you to say. You just stare some chick so deeply in her eyes and she’ll just throw all her clothes right away! KRIS Owhow ya like that’s ever gonna happen. Kris turns to Nat to get some agreement, doesn’t notice that Nat has already been staring at him all the time. But luckily, Nat immediately comes to her senses! NAT (conscious!) … oh bbrrzz! Ha… She acts weird, tell that she agrees. And Jessica notices Nat’s silly act upon Kris. Nat also realizes that she’s being weird now… … KRIS Look, (walking closer to Shawn) (MORE) KRIS (CONT’D) --okay so you were lucky seeing them naked yesterday, but anyway – (whisper) is Kellie really Double-D? SHAWN (whisper) If the designer can create a Triple-D…-KRIS Wow, Seriously…-JESSICA Okay! Stay on a Main topic line Guys! KRIS Ehm, Ya anyway, just tell the truth to her today, dude. You know… Meaghan’s such a sweet girl, she’ll understand it and forgive you right away.-JESSICA Yeah and she’s kinda dumb too…-51 | P a g e    




Jessica is shocked with the yelling. SHAWN She may be dumb but she’s still the cutest girl I’ve ever known. And Jessica just rolls her eyes. SHAWN And how am I gonna tell her?! KRIS Well… (walking to the doorway) just true to your heart, man. Be honest. She’ll know that you’re genuinely felt sorry about the whole thing. SHAWN Yeah-yeah, you’re giving me an advice but you’re walking away now. Where’re you going?! KRIS (chuckling) Lunch with Mary. See ya. And Kris is just walking out of the door, leaving them three. SHAWN (sigh) He sure has nothing to worry about chasing after girl… they’re just drooling over him like crazy… JESSICA You’re right. Just like the girl beside me. (pointing at Nat) NAT W’hh… okay would you stop that? (get up from her chair) JESSICA Well you stared at him all the time! You’re acting so silly in front of him, for the love of God! (chuckles) Seriously Shawn, back me up here?

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SHAWN Well I got enough problems in my life right now. So I don’t really wanna play along with this ‘Avoiding true feeling’ you girls are doing now. JESSICA What’d you mean ‘you girls’?! SHAWN You and Bob. JESSICA I’m not -- … Okay it’s not about me now! This’s the time for teasing Nat. So aim your mockery over her, okay?! Nat just chuckles while photocopying something. SHAWN Well your girls’ problems are easy. Just say it out loud, Nat! It’s really not a bad thing that you start to like him. -NAT (turn around) I do not like him! Can you just deal with that?! No! Ah,


(rolling eyes) well okay – IF I do start to like him – then it’s too late! He’s already back with Mary – and they seem really happier now then ever. Did you even listen to him? “lunch with Mary, Seya!” (impersonate Kris) And Nat start photocopying again, while Jessica and Shawn are waiting for her to get realized. After a beat, then: NAT …I do like him! JESSICA & SHAWN There you are! And Natalie has come to her senses. 53 | P a g e    




She lays back on a photocopy machine, frowning… Well It’s Mary than over

NAT Okay!... I like him now but still! too late already!.. He’s back with now and they seem really happier ever before!.. Did I just retell that all again?

JESSICA (chuckling) Well, we’re just happy that you already true to your heart. (beat) But yeah, you’re right. It is too late, sorry. SHAWN You know, you’ll get over him. Just hoping that it’ll come sooner. Okay? JESSICA Be strong. Jessica and Shawn just get back to their activity, not even caring that Nat’s still confusing her problem that have just been told to them. NAT (confuse) W’Excuse me!? So that’s it?? Jessica and Shawn are turning over her again. NAT You just wanna hear me confessing that I like him – that’s all?? Nothing more?? JESSICA (thinking) …yeah, why? NAT W’ well I thought that you could come up with a solution! How do I have to deal with this! Instead – you just, blow me off and-and.. burying my desire! JESSICA Burying your desire?

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SHAWN Well we did come up with a solution. “Just get over it!” NAT Oh, okay – I’ve just confessed something that-that probably huge for my love life – and I have to get over it immediately! That’s genius! (sarcastic) SHAWN Well what’d you want us to do then?? NAT Well I… I don’t know!.. (long pause) …Maybe you should tell me to confess with him forwardly. -JESSICA & SHAWN Oh No – no – no!... JESSICA You can’t do that.-SHAWN That’s forbidden. NAT What?! Why?!... JESSICA Because – like what you’ve said earlier! He is with Mary now and the things are really going so well between them! You can’t just wreck them up by confessing to Kris. SHAWN Yeah, and think about Mary. She has been like, let down by Kris one time and I don’t think she wanted to feel that again. NAT W’well… (gagging) …what about my feeling?! JESSICA What about it? SHAWN It’s just a crush, you’ll get over it as soon as possible.-55 | P a g e    


JESSICA Yeah you just found out about it like, a second ago. It really doesn’t mean that much.-NAT (cutting) Ah, you know what? You are not a very good friend! Good friends are supposed to support each other. JESSICA And good friends are supposed to remind you what’s good or not. Yep!--


JESSICA And after all, you had your chance back then. You should take it when you had it. NAT Oh ya How fool was I – not knowing that I haven’t liked him at the time!-SHAWN (cutting) Well what if Kris doesn’t feel the same way with you now? And that sentence make Natalie think about it for a while. Making Jessica and Shawn wonder if she has thought all the advices that they said. NAT I’m gonna tell him. (start leaving) JESSICA Oh no wait, Nat! -NAT Look I don’t care about his reaction later, whether he’ll accept me or not…-SHAWN Seriously, that’s not a good idea-NAT (turn around) Hey you’re the one who has woken up this ‘romantic feeling’ inside me – and you just have to stay silently and take responsibility for this, okay?! 56 | P a g e    


And she’s leaving the room. JESSICA (yelling) W’ well we’ll make sure that you won’t do that! She after her to the doorway and seeing her walking. JESSICA Right?! (look over Shawn) SHAWN (thinking) …Yeah I have to tell Meaghan that I’m not gay today. So, you’re on your own. (walking) Bye. w’Hey!...


Shawn is also leaving Jessica, alone, and confuse, just sighing… INT.


Kris is in the line to bring his lunch, alone. Nat sees that good opportunity, and go right over him immediately. NAT Hey Wood, what’s up? Kris’s a bit shocked as he looks over her. Hey.


NAT Where’s Mary? I thought you said you wanna have lunch with her. / does she cancel you up? KRIS (chuckles) No, she’s waiting in a Musical Room, practicing her piano lesson. I’m bringing her lunch there. NAT Oh howkay… (rolling eyes) er’ look I euh… I kinda have something to tell to you. Now. 57 | P a g e    


KRIS Yeah? What is it? NAT W’ here? What are we? Caveman? KRIS Well we can talk after lunch then. -NAT No – it can’t wait that long. -JESSICA (cut line between them) Hey you guys! What are the chances – meeting you up in here. Hahaha… Jessica comes and tries to stop Natalie’s action. NAT Yeah, we’re not best-friend anymore. JESSICA I know, just try to help someone from ‘crazy people’ talking. NAT “hahaha” funny. KRIS Er’… … well anyway, girls. I really gotta go now, Mary’s been waiting for me.-JESSICA Of course! Mary! Your Nice Girlfriend! Soul-mate! (exaggerating) KRIS (confuse look) …I think you girls have to go out sometime. You know, refreshing your mind.. Well Nat, I’ll catch you up later, okay? See ya girls. Kris is leaving them. NAT What? So you are the ‘Love Inspector’ now? Trying to hold up people from screwing their “Relationship”??

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JESSICA Nat, seriously, you really have to think this thru. Don’t you feel a little bit sorry for Mary? NAT W’hey I told you – all I’m gonna do is just confessing – we never know if Wood’s gonna accept me or just blow me off. It’s a fair competition. They already bring their lunch, and start to walk. JESSICA Yeah except we know that he’s gonna accept you. He is?


JESSICA Well you have been the love of his life, it’s really a 50% chances that he could fall for you all over again. Really?


JESSICA And I just realize that my last statement is not making you even stepping back, right? It actually becomes more interesting to Nat. JESSICA And what is this place?! A refugee Camp?! This place is like, flooded with hunger people! Yes, if you’re coming a little too late to cafeteria. Then you won’t ever get the chance to find a place to sit. But luckily, the fortune still comes to these ‘problem ladies’. BOB Hey Jessica! And her friend! Over here! Bob is calling Jessica and Nat to have a seat with him and his sexy friends, Matt, Evan, and Chace. JESSICA Ah, are you kidding me? I am so… boring just to see him all the time yesterday. I don’t think I wanna spend a time with him today. 59 | P a g e    


NAT (look at them) Yeah but there’s also Chace in there, and cute Matt, and Evan! They’re Hot! C’mon let’s sit with them. (wanna start walking)-JESSICA W’ hey, (hold her) okay - You just wanna sit with them just because they’re Hot? How superficial are you!-NAT Well I don’t care! I just wanna sit and finish my lunch first before I get to my confession time to Wood! Okay?! (and she’s walking) JESSICA Ah, ego – bee-aatch. And they arrive at a ‘Hot Guys table’. JESSICA Hello Guys. BOB Hello ladies. C’mon, let’s make some space for these cute ladies. They slide their seats to make Natalie and Jessica sit right in the middle of them, surrounded by flat-chested tall guys. EVAN ROSS DAVID Looking good, Natalie… Nat is smiling properly at them, and so are they. Then, she starts eating her lunch. BOB So, how are you doing today? JESSICA Fine before I see you. GUYS Ohow-how… (laughing) MATT KUTCHER Jessica, you always tell the truth in your heart. I dig it. 60 | P a g e    


JESSICA Thank you. BOB (a bit offended) That’s just swell, isn’t it. JESSICA Well why don’t you ask my girl over here – who’s by the way, looking for a guy and not planning to do some confession to someone. Ooh…


NAT Oh great. So now you advertise me. Why don’t you just write me on a board: Natalie, Single, Cat Lovers. EVAN Well I’m a cat lover too, you know? NAT Evan you got 2 bulldogs in your house. EVAN I forgot we were in the same junior high school back then. Nat just smiles, cynically. BOB Well okay, why don’t you just pick one of us? We don’t mind to sign up… Bob is intentionally looking at Jessica, see if she was jealous. Jessica is just staring back at him indifferently. NAT Oh, haha… no… you guys… are like, not my type. (low voice) MATT W’ Hot – is not your type? Are you a lesbian? Cuz I do them too.-NAT W’ hey No!... I’m just… (gagging) … I’m more in to a kinda nerdy guy-(MORE) 61 | P a g e    


NAT (CONT’D) --you know… big glasses… wearing a school sweater… Unknowingly, some nerd guy who does wear a school sweater and sits in a next table closer to her is listening to her. NAT Big words… love puzzle… (giggling) … with a tie on his neck…-Ehm…ehm…


And everyone at the hot table are looking at him right away, who’s smiling widely to Natalie… NAT … … er’ but still, …have a muscle and always take care of his body… And that nerdy just tries to show off his un-muscle arms…-NAT Ok, not you. And Nat just wrecks that Nerdy Guy dreams in a second. BOB Well, if you’re talking about a smart guy. Chace is the smartest among us. Chace just gives his charming smile… NAT Oh no-no, he’s too pretty for me. Huh?


NAT You know you don’t want people around you saying, “Oh Natalie, you got a charming boyfriend – How lucky you are.” Ah, I don’t wanna be the one who’s lucky (to Jess) It should be the guy who’s lucky to be with me… JESSICA Yeah you got the point…-NERDY GUY W’well.. I would be so lucky to have-62 | P a g e    


NAT (cutting) Seriously – Not You! … …


CHACE W’he… I confuse, but I’m flaterred… But you know what? You are also pretty, both of you, so if there’s any guy who can be with you, pretty or not, …he would be so very lucky to have you… JESSICA & NAT (starring at him) …Aww… (blushing) EVAN Well how about me? Not too pretty but still shabby, huh?...-NAT Evan you’re a player. You were taking most of the girls’ virginity back in Junior High School. And I don’t wanna be your next victim. EVAN Damn it! It’s not easy to be with a person who knows our record. MATT Well… (flirty smile) I’m not much of a “Player”-NAT Matt you’re worst than Evan! Did you know that every girls here are calling you, “Mr. Sleepover”? You’re sleeping over the night and you’re just gone in the next morning! Seriously, we work in a media, we know all the dirty gossip inside you “football guys”. MATT Oh Media… always meddling up our personal life… But I kinda like that nick-name… (imagining looks)

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BOB (chuckling) Well… so it all comes to me at the end. I assume that I don’t really have much dirty gossip around me, huh sweetie pie?... NAT Oh Robert… I’m never gonna choose you. Huh? Why?


NAT Because you’re Mrs. Carter now!-What?-What?--


3 GUYS Oh!!.. Hahahaha…!... (laughing) she got that right – you are busted!... BOB Okay why Mrs?? Why shouldn’t she be the one who’s called Mr. Klein?!-JESSICA Hey who wants that?!-BOB Relax it’s just hypothetically.-JESSICA Well hypothetically –I don’t want that either! BOB Geez – what’s wrong with you being so ‘hotheaded’ like this?!-JESSICA Well what’s wrong with you being so annoying like this?!-BOB Ah I just can’t believe with your ‘barbaric attitude’.-JESSICA Well who’s asking you to believe in it, idiot!-64 | P a g e    


While Jessica and Bob are still arguing each other, Nat just gets off of her bench. NAT Ah, my lunch’s done. I think I’m gonna do my plan now. Bye guys. And Natalie just leaves, while those 3 other guys are just staring at Nat’s walking away. CHACE She is strange… (chuckling) EVAN But still got a nice ass… MATT I’m gonna be her “Mr. Sleepover.” INT.


Shawn walks thru the corridor hall looking for his little Miss. Perfect, Meaghan. Unaware, people starts to notice him while he’s passing them off, some girls are just smiling at him, but some guys are like avoiding bumping with him. Shawn’s a little bit aware of it but he doesn’t really mind about that. And by the time he’s walking and turning to the right hall, he’s got his luck. MEAGHAN Shawn, Hey! There she is, walking so perky with her two BFF, Kellie and Cassie. SHAWN Oh, Meaghan! (cheery) KELLIE & CASSIE Hi Shawn!!... SHAWN Oh you two… (unexcited) The three of them are immediately grouping Shawn, holding him and making him walk side by side with them. CASSIE Gosh, Shawn! We’ve been looking for you, everywhere!

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KELLIE There’s something we wanted to show you, You’re gonna be like, freakin’ excited!... hihi… SHAWN Oh am I?... b’but Hey Meaghan, Meaghan? Where are you? MEAGHAN I’m over here! Little Meaghan is walking behind them. SHAWN Why are you/ … (turn around immediately) er’ look I really gotta talk to you now. MEAGHAN Well okay, what is it?-KELLIE (cutting) Talk later, we’re really got to change now, we got cheerleading coming up. And you’re coming too now. SHAWN Change? Change to what? What’d you mean ‘change’? (start panicking) CASSIE What else do we mean? Hihi… And them girls are slamming some door in front of them and showing some room full of lockers. Oh No.


Yes, it’s a locker Girl’s room. CHEERLEADER Hi Shawn!... And most of them are almost naked. SHAWN Oh ya I think I’m gonna pass. -(turn back again) CASSIE Hey? Where’re you going? 66 | P a g e    




Meaghan is coming in already. KELLIE Well chill out in here, we’re totally cool with it! GIRL (just wearing underwear) Yeah Shawn, Gay guys are like our best Buddies, they totally can compliment us without wanting for sex after that. Hahahahihihi… The girls are just giggling so sexy… SHAWN w‘Haha’ (freakin out) Yeah but I really don’t feel good with everyone moreover guys -(making gay attitude) --out there, they’re like gonna be soo jealous with me if they found out that I’m sticking here with the naked ladies. Hahaha… So, Bye. (start turning again)-CASSIE Oh that’s absurd (giggle), no one’s gonna think that. C’mon.-(pull him in) And now Shawn is looking at Meaghan who’s ready to un-button her dress. SHAWN (panicking) Owkaay! (close his eyes) I’m really gonna leave - Bye-bye girls! (pulling the door knob)-KELLIE Shawn would you relax? Everyone already knows that you’re Gay! Shawn’s immediately SLAMMING off the door, making most of the girls turn at him right away, including Meaghan who’s stopping to unbutton her dress. SHAWN What did you say? (confront Kellie) everyone? Everyone knows what?? 67 | P a g e    


KELLIE (bit scared) Er’ ya you know… I - I know that you wanted to make it a secret… but-CASSIE (cutting out) She spilled it out at a lunch break, everyone heard it. What?!!


Shawn is freakishly shocking. Making all the girls wondering why… SHAWN So you mean everyone – Everyone – at school knows that I’m Gay?!! KELLIE (long pause) …I guess. SHAWN You guess?? (high-pitch tone) KELLIE W’well what’s wrong with that?! Look you really need to come clean about your sexuality sooner or later! Then you’re gonna set yourself free..! CASSIE W’ ya! Just relax, nowadays everyone are like so open minded. They’ll be like totally cool and accept you being Gay Guy! SOME GIRL We’re totally support you, Shawn! Meaghan is just watching at him, confusedly. KELLIE Yeah and you know what? Being gay is actually Hot! They’ll be like a celebrity – everywhere! SHAWN “A celebrity”?! Wow – wouldn’t want anything more! (sarcastic)

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KELLIE Yeah! Right? you’re gonna be like so awesome in this lamow school! Girls are started to giggle again. Hahahihi… CASSIE Yeah you’re gonna love it! It’s like a ‘special privilege’ for you! -(giggling) SHAWN Oh ya I totally will love it! IF I WERE REALLY GAY! Shawn is shouting at the top of his lung. The girls are slowly stopping their giggles, and slowly start processing the last sentence that Shawn deliberated. …what?


SHAWN (sigh) I’m not Gay, I’m sorry. The girls still quiet and try to think. KELLIE Ahaha… that’s a joke, right? Funny!... hahaha… The girls are confusedly chuckling. SHAWN A joke?? W’he… okay well let me ask you girls something – What would a guy react when he sees a bunch of Hot Ladies getting naked in front of him? GIRLS …ahmm… (a bunch of idiotic girls) SHAWN Ah for Heaven Sake, just see this. And Shawn just open down his pants. Huh?


And the girls look at the ‘thingy’ that stuck up inside Shawn’s underwear, like a tower. 69 | P a g e    


Yes, “it” is on. GIRLS (breathing in) … AAAAAaaaaaahh!!…… They start covering their body. SHAWN Now you get it… -(put on his pants) KELLIE You – LIAR!!... (outrageous) CASSIE Girls – Go Get Him!! (Furious) SHAWN What? W’w’w’wait No-GIRLS AAAaaaaAAAAhhh!!!....!!!... They start running after Shawn. Oh Boy.


Brag! Shawn SLAMS on a door and start running out of the room right away. KELLIE Don’t you Run Away!!... GIRLS AAAaaaaaAAAaaahh!!... HeLP!!...


And Shawn is chased by bunch of sexy ladies around the corridor, making all the heads turn around him immediately, probably stunned with many Hot girls running behind him so furiously! KELLIE Stop that Pervert!! And Shawn officially makes everyone pays attention to him being chased by Hotties around the corridor! Even Natalie who’s walking at a corridor is pushed away by them to the side of the wall. 70 | P a g e    


NAT Wow!... Shawn?... And that weird parade has passed Natalie to the open sky. Natalie just sigh looking at their ridiculous act, so she starts walking again looking for some room that she wanted to bust in. She turns to the right, still looking, and she finds it! Musical Room! So she starts to walk to the front door, but… At the tiny window door, she’s seeing Kris and Mary are kissing in front of Piano, so smooth… very romantic… and peaceful. So she pulls back… and starts lying back on the wall between the door and a locker. Re thinking all the things that Jessica and Shawn told to her about not wrecking their relationship… So she puts her head on a wall, exhaling so heavily… wondering what has to do now… until: The door’s open! NAT (shocked) Oh no, -(turning right away) Brag!! And… she’s BANGING the locker beside her. PEOPLE Ooh!!... -(scrunching!) MARY Aah! -(shocking;just got out) KRIS Wha…?!... (follow her) NAT …that hurts. And she FALLS down. Ow!...



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Natalie is conscious after her forehead got some bandage in a bump. She already lays down in a health room’ bed. NAT …oh my God… She moans and tries to get up. MARY Feeling better now? Nat is a little bit shocking hearing that voice, so she looks over and finds Mary is preparing some ice on a towel. NAT Mary??... (mystified) Yeah.


NAT Why are you… where’s everyone?.. where’s Wood? Mary looks a bit unhappy when she calls her boyfriend, Wood. But she just keeps that in mind. MARY …well he’s got a class now. And Jessica is absenting you. While I suppose to train some cheerleader in this period. But, it doesn’t really matter, no one’s here to watch you, so… I did. (smile) And Mary gives the ice-towel for Nat to use. NAT …you’re watching me?... (take the ice-towel) wow, isn’t that sweet… (muttering - bit cynical) She sigh and put the ice on her forehead. Mary knows that Natalie doesn’t really appreciate her being there. So there comes an awkward moment…

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MARY So umm, what were you doing anyway? Standing in front of musical room? Why didn’t you just… come in? NAT Oh. Umm… (thinking) … well I did wanna come, but I saw you guys were.. smooching around, so I just didn’t wanna bother you and… waiting for you guys to stop in there. Oh,


(giggling) … well we actually didn’t mind if you just cut our “act”, we were too often doing that ‘thing’ anyway… NAT (jealous) …of course you are. (act cold) Mary realizes that Natalie isn’t always being friendly with her. MARY Ehm, Look, Natalie. …I know that we always didn’t come at the right term, you know… always have something to fuss about, he… But, …that doesn’t mean that I stop trying to make friends with you. NAT (look at her) …what? MARY Kris, …Wood I mean, is as just important to you as I do. …So if he thought of you as being his close-friend, just like to Jessica and Shawn, …So I probably would like to have the same opportunity… be close with you guys …cuz that’s just gonna make me feel so… happy and, more connected with him in another level. Nat is thinking about it, and she kinda finds that ridiculous. NAT Owkay, (chuckling) I’m sorry but I’m imagining us walking-(MORE) 73 | P a g e    


NAT (CONT’D) --together hand in hand right now – and my other imagination starts shouting, “Really??” haha… MARY (offended - sigh) … sure-NAT Sorry-sorry, (chuckles) I don’t mean to… tease you up but… Look, if Woo/ Kris really have… ‘strong feeling’ to you, despite all evil friends he has, …trust me he won’t stop caring for you. Mary just looks at her straight. NAT Look, all I’m saying is, you don’t have to push it too hard try to make friends with us, cuz no matter how, ..we’ll still respect you for being his… girlfriend… (look down) … anyway… Mary is now the one who do the thinking. MARY Ah You’re right… (smile) … you’re totally right! Gosh I’m so afraid I have to call you a ‘patch-sister’ if we really try to get along so hard. (chuckling)-NAT Oh no way -MARY So freakishly weird, haha… -NAT Will never come up in my mouth, he…-MARY Ya – hello?? We never even have some likeliness to each other! Haha… no offence.-NAT Non taken, that’s True. Haha…--

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MARY Ha… I knew that it was ridiculous, but I said it anyway, he… I mean we would do anything for a guy we love to make him closer to us, right? NAT Er’he… ya…-(realize) what?.. And so does Mary, who just realizes that she spilled out the ‘L’ word. NAT …you love him? MARY (embarrassed ; close her eyes) Ah it just spilled out of my mouth – anyway I haven’t told him directly that I… (make a signal) …So I’ll appreciate if you don’t tell him first, okay? Natalie now is torn in between, she really wanted to confess her growing feeling to Kris, but in the other way, she knows that her feeling is still not stronger than Mary’s. NAT …Okay. (smile slightly) … MARY (smile) … thank’s. …And now we’re ‘sharing each other’.-NAT I know – stop it. Ha… Nat is just confused right now. INT.


Jessica tries to take care of Shawn’s wound for getting beat down by the Hot Cheerleaders, while Kris lays back on a desk, crossing his hands, and watching them. JESSICA Seriously, this’s hilarious… (chuckling) You’re totally gonna be in our headline news. “GAY GUY is punished for not being GAY.” 75 | P a g e    


KRIS (laughing) Haha… that’s a good line, we’ll use that. SHAWN Yeah just making fun of me, while I’m soaking up with my misery right now… (sigh) JESSICA Well it’s your own fault, so God is punished you thru those ladies. Just Thank God that they didn’t kill you after all. (chuckles) And then the door’s open, and Natalie comes in with handling the ice on her forehead. KRIS (stand straight immediately) Nat! You’re okay now? NAT (look at Kris) …Ya – No problem. KRIS Well we were about to visit you there after she’s done nurturing him. Shawn is rolling his eyes, Jessica just chuckles. NAT Oh ya – what was that all about? “Hot Girls chasing Gay Guy Parade”? (sitting down) Hahaha… Jessica and Kris are laughing. JESSICA That’s a good line too! NAT So they were like, mad at you for being honest? JESSICA Well they wouldn’t be that mad if he wasn’t confessing it in a Locker Girl’s Room.-KRIS Literally. -76 | P a g e    


JESSICA And “physically”. Nat is just processing their assertion… NAT … … oh Shawn I’m so happy for you… You Gone Wild! Jessica and Kris are just laughing to hear Nat’s mockery. SHAWN (sigh) Well serious Guys, how am I gonna deal with this? ‘Enlighten’ me! Meaghan definitely won’t ever talk to me anymore… I can see her face so disappointed… JESSICA Well you really gave her some emotional damage to remind of (chuckles) SHAWN stares her straight

JESSICA Stop joking. Done. KRIS (chuckles) Well, what else can you do? Just go, talk to her. / Just the two of you without… her friends to bother around. She’ll understand. SHAWN You think she’s gonna forgive me? KRIS Not sure for that. SHAWN Gee… thank’s for the honesty. (cynical; sigh) well what’d you think Nat? Should I talk to her? NAT (thinking) …well you already spill it all out. So why stopping there? You might as well explaining to her. 77 | P a g e    


SHAWN …well yeah I’m already embarrassed… so why don’t I just complete the day off. NAT You’re gonna be fine… (smile) SHAWN (teary) …you are the greatest cousin ever… (too touchy) JESSICA Over… (un-trust face) NAT I know. (smile proudly) Kris chuckles. SHAWN And she’s not good at taking care of people. -JESSICA You ungrateful son of a gun. (poke him)-Ouch!


NAT (chuckling) Well let’s just go home now, I really need to rest my forehead right away. (get up) JESSICA Foreheads, plural. You got two now. (mocking) NAT “haha” Funny. KRIS Oh ya Nat, what was the thing you wanna talk about earlier? Oh, …


Shawn and Jessica are just prepared for their ears to listen to her. 78 | P a g e    


NAT (pause) …nothing, actually. Somehow I just forgot about that, (nervous chuckle) …mostly because my memories have been transferred to that ‘damn’ locker… Shawn and Jessica are a bit surprised hearing her answer. Oh,


(chuckles) well you really gotta take a rest then. So Alrite guys, I’m off to my band rehearsal now. See ya on Monday! Bye…


Kris has left the room. JESSICA Well… (get up) I guess we have learned our lesson now. We really need to be banging your head off for making you a better person! Nat just gives her an indifferent smile. SHAWN (smile & get up) Well I’m gonna be off too. Gotta fix all the chaotic I’ve made today. So, lock the door and… see ya ladies. Shawn also leaves the room. JESSICA (shakes head ; chuckling) Come on. And the girls also start to walk out. JESSICA So, what’s with the sudden change of heart then? NAT (locking the door) Well… just embracing the fact.

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JESSICA What fact? They start to walk each other. NAT …the fact that My feeling to him is not even big enough… compare to Mary’s. JESSICA Oh, you both talked? NAT Yeah. Why did you leave her and make her stay with me at the health room? JESSICA (chuckles) Well you know what? It’s really for the best. You’ll find out that it’s only a crush you got now to him. NAT Yeah I guess… -(lazy chuckles) BOB Well here comes the barbaric lady. By the time the girls walk out of the doorway, Bob and his ‘football gang’ are just hanging out in there at the porch. JESSICA (upset) Uurgh, I’m not gonna deal with this anymore… (low voice to Nat) So they just keep walking, but Bob can’t just let her go away like that. So, Bob block her off of the front. BOB Hey I guess someone already thinks as a loser now. JESSICA (sigh) You know what? I’ve had enough with your childish game, alright? So just, buck off now. FOOTBALL GUYS Ooh… (watching them) 80 | P a g e    


BOB Well I never thought of it as a “childish game”. It’s a “teenage game” actually. We’re teenager.— (cynical) JESSICA Whatever… -(wanna start walking) BOB (block her) What? You don’t have anything to make fun of me anymore? Nat just follows Jessica’s movement. JESSICA Bob – (hold her upset) just – cut it off, okay? BOB Aww… so what? You’re gonna beat me up if I don’t stop it? “Barbaric Girl”? HEY!!!


Jessica is yelling at him at the sudden. Making people all around them are just staring, even Nat is shocking listen to her shout at the nearest place. And Bob just shut up. JESSICA (yelling) I told you that I don’t wanna be your Girl-Friend!! Enough with the stalking!! I can even hear you breathing on a phone for God Sake!! So stop Bugging my life – and find Other Girl to be stalked - You Pathetic creepy Jerk!! I am soo blowing you off!! Get that?!! Everyone GAPS immediately!! Bob is just widening his eyes, can’t believe what he’s been heard of, Natalie and the football guys are just holding their laugh. Jessica really gets him off now. EVERYONE What a loser… so lame… Bob starts gagging, feel really confused – embarrassed and upset at the same time. 81 | P a g e    


JESSICA (make a winning smile) …so would you excuse me. (start walking again) NAT Be tough, Bob. (hold her laugh and following Jess) FOOTBALL GUYS Be Strong! (mocking too) Son of a… EXT.

BOB --


Shawn is looking for Meaghan, wanted to solve things out. And then he sees her walking alone. SHAWN W’ Meaghan! (shouting) Meaghan! Meaghan looks around and finding Shawn is running toward her, she just sighs and keep walking. SHAWN Meaghan, (walking with her) MEAGHAN (sigh) What else do you want Shawn? You’ve already seen me barely naked… -(keep walking) SHAWN (keep up with her) W’ ya’ya I know – and I’m really sorry – I really am! I was wrong and I should’ve denied that in the first place – But’ but I want you to understand-MEAGHAN Understand what? (stop) that you actually just a liar “pervert”?-SHAWN W’ No-no! I’m not! I’ I was just.. I was just too shy to actually tell you that I-82 | P a g e    


MEAGHAN A pervert?-SHAWN No! I like you! A beat. Meaghan actually didn’t thought about that. SHAWN (sigh) …I Like You. Meaghan is looking down. SHAWN …that’s why I, I always acted so silly in front of you… complimenting you but but.. always afraid to think what’s the next word I have to tell to you… I’ I’m just too nervous to be around you… Cuz I really think you’re the sweetest person I’ve ever known in my life… Meaghan is a bit flattered by that, she’s blushing a little bit. SHAWN …look I’m just saying that… I’m really sorry cuz I… I don’t wanna stop hanging around just to be near you. …I really like you. MEAGHAN (thinking) …well… … I like you too. Shawn waned to smile widely, but: MEAGHAN As a friend thou… A beat. SHAWN (bit disappointed) W’well that’s okay! (nervous chuckles) at least… I still can spend time together with you, …right? MEAGHAN …well I do really love shopping with you.. (smile shyly) 83 | P a g e    


SHAWN Well then let’s shopping! Every week! (chuckling) we, we can call that.. A shopping weekly! How about that? MEAGHAN (giggling) That sounds fun.. SHAWN It is, It’s gonna be fun! Although you’re gonna be walking with a straight guy now, haha… And now, Meaghan can start smiling again. SHAWN …so umm… you forgive me now? Meaghan looks at him, and then gives him her sweetest smile. MEAGHAN …of course I do… SHAWN (smile relieve) …well I’m glad. And then Meaghan is holding his hand. Making Shawn a little more nervous. MEAGHAN Thank you, Shawn. ..for liking me… SHAWN …you’re… welcome? MEAGHAN (smile) See ya… So, Meaghan is leaving him. Even thou Shawn is a little bit disappointed for being rejected but, he is just glad that Meaghan is not hating her. FADE TO: INT.


Natalie, as usual, sits on her sofa at her tiny balcony in front of her room. Already in her pajamas and wearing her glasses, she’s listening to some music on her iPod. But suddenly, someone is flicking her cheek. Making her shocked and turn her head around. And there she finds… KRIS So serious. 84 | P a g e    


Natalie is totally shocking to see Kris is standing in her window (also a way to the balcony). NAT Wood, what are you doing here?? (take off the ear-phone) KRIS (climb up the window) Well, I was from the county market, but then I’m passing your house, so… (sitting beside her) as a good friend, I wanna visit you to see how you doin’ right now. NAT Oh isn’t that sweet?... KRIS Everyone calls me that. Nat just chuckles. A silent first, then: NAT So where’s the drawing book?-KRIS (cutting off) You know me too well. Kris is searching to his bag, and taking out some drawing book to Nat. NAT So what’s the task now? (sitting directly at him) KRIS Making some cubicles painting, I don’t know… I always suck at this. NAT Haha… You know, people must know that you(MORE) NAT (CONT’D) -have some slackness. Trust me, if girls find out that you never draw by yourself – they’re just gonna be like so devastated.. KRIS Haha… Oh come on, I’m not that likeable. NAT No, you’re ‘loveable’. (act cynical) 85 | P a g e    


KRIS (laughing) Yeah sure, they just don’t know me well. Just look at you and Jessica, you’re not joining in to ‘Kris-aholic’. NAT (laughing) Yeah Jessica definitely won’t be interested. KRIS I know, he… I mean, why would they like me anyway? NAT er’he… Well… Natalie knows that Kris is really not making some question there, but she kinda like wanted to answer it, so Kris is waiting for her to speak. NAT Well I actually don’t know. Haha… (nervous laughing) KRIS I knew it, hehe… well anyway, (take out some book) so this’s the example of the draws, you can-NAT (cutting) Maybe because you’re sweet… KRIS (not very listening) What? NAT You’re so… friendly and… kind… and.. .charming. KRIS …er’he… you think? NAT And humble too… KRIS Haha… well, thank you I guess, NAT Yeah… that’s just why I like you. He… 86 | P a g e    


A beat. Natalie is shocking. Kris is even shocking. They just look at each other. *** My Private Note: True to yourself, and be comfort in it. That what makes others feel comfortable around us too. Accept yourself for being who you really are, then others will accept you just the way you are. Love yourself first, Then others will follow to love you as well :) FADE OUT END OF SHOW

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