Motion English Debate

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THIRD SPEAKER 1. THW Legalize the sale of organs Affirmative (+) 1. I agree about legalize the sale of organ because when viewed from the social aspects related to the health aspects of many in the community who need transplants of human organs such as the heart organ transplants for heart patients, so where are the heart of the organ can be found if it is not taken from the human body itself? Things like that actually legalized because it includes helping the soul of someone who is in need of human organs. 2. I agree because although in Indonesia the sale of human organs is not legalized but many overseas that perform organ transplants and this looks reasonable. Examples: 1. More than 10,000 people in the UK currently need a transplant, this proves the level of need for human organ sales abroad is very high. 2. In 1983, Dr. Barry Jacobs requested that the US government should create a fund to compensate the families who donate the organs of their deceased relatives. He also proposed a business plan to buy kidneys from living donors to transplant to American patients. 3. I agree because in addition they really need an organ transplant, if we viewed of the economic aspects of the sale of organs a person can earn a lot of money because the organ is paid very expensive. Many of the people who sell their organs just want to improve their economic life. At summarize, organs are the property of the donor, and so they have the right to do with them as they wish. Opposition (-) 1. I disagree because National Organ Transplantation Act of 1984 still prohibits the sale of human organs from both dead and living donors. 2. I disagree as seen from the religious aspect, the sale of organs are strictly not allowed. This organ is the creation of God. so, can not be traded. Although it is to be transplanted into people who need human organ, but human organs should not be sold on the white market as they should not be sold on the black market. Human organs should be given freely because life is given freely to us. No one pays for their life when they are born. 3. I disagree when viewed from the economic aspect, someone with bad economic fact should not be thinking of selling their organs. The advice is to work as closely as possible, not to give up selling the organ just for the money. 4. I disagree because when we viewed from social aspect of Indonesian people, sale of organs is not fair. They think that people who want to sale their organs is abnormal.

2. THW Supports donation of sterile needle injected drug users Affirmative (+) 1. I agree and i really to support donation of sterile needle injected drug user because there is program from goverment to drug user. Minister of Health (Kepmenkes) Number: 567 / Menkes / SK / VIII / 2006 on Guidelines for Harm Reduction narcotics, psychotropic and addictive substances (drugs) is called the Use of Needle Syringe Program (Pejasun). Needle Exchange Program (NEP) or Needle Syringe Exchange Programme (NSEP), needle exchange programs. The program emphasizes the exchange is not distribution. Program Service Injection Needles and Syringes Sterile (NSP) in the framework of the reduction of the impact of HIV in injecting drug users. This program provides and sterile injecting equipment, along with materials other risk reduction, to ensure that each injection is done by using new syringes. NSP program was held in Bali, Banten, Yogyakarta, Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java, West Nusa Tenggara, South Sulawesi and North Sulawesi. 2. I agree because sterile is a condition that is free of foreign objects. Sterile syringes safe to use and are used only once. 3. I agree with donated syringes to drug users that will minimize the impact when using used needles. Example: use of non-sterile needles to people who use drugs will have an impact on health. Needles contaminated by foreign substances such as bacteria, germs, viruses will easily enter the body and grow as a disease. 4. I agree it is would prefer provide sterile syringes rather than drug users using unsterilized needles in turns will be bad. For example in the case of HIV-AIDS is one of the causes is the use of non-sterile needles excessively. Opposition (-) 1. I don’t agree because of a sterile needle injection will continue to cause advers effects because user still use illegal drugs and possibly with a higher dose. It would worsen their health. 2. If we support the donation of sterile needles will impress legalize the use of syringes, even facilitate it. What happens when drug users who use needles and syringes is this? they will not think how to inject healthy, which only they can think of is to use a syringe to things that are forbidden. This means that provide opportunities for them to dare to take drugs and if this is set by the government will certainly increase the number of drug users. 3. THW Prohibit experiments on animals subjects Affirmative (+) 1. I agree because animals have to undergo sever suffering during testing. 2. I agree because animals has difficult maintance, is not like a human. Animals cannot communicate like human subjects. 3. I agree because animals result cannot be reliable to the fullest. Though animals physiology is similiar to humans, but not all the studies can be extrapolated to humans. Opposition (-)

1. I disagree because when we do a experiments on animals as a subjects it is can save valuable human lives. When a new chemical or substances is found to have some effect on body physiology, it is first evaluated on animals. 2. I disagree, when we do a experiments on animals subjects it is can minimize the cost. Animal testing decreasse the cost significantly than testing on humans is highly expensive. 3. I disagree because animals are similiar to humans in terms of physiology and behavior to pain. It is reliable studies. 4. I disagree because animals are also used for demonstrative for study and research. 4. THBT United Nations is not firm about Palestine-Israel War Affirmative (+) 1. I agree the role of the UN Security Council was still dependent on the United States (US). The dominance of the United States made the effectiveness of the Security Council was not optimal. The dominance of the United States made the effectiveness of the Security Council was not optimal. The main reason for Palestine is an Islamic country and Israel is a Jewish state. While most also know that senior figures in the US are Jewish. All forms related resolutions on Israel, the US prefers to abstain or veto a UN Security Council the outcome of negotiations with several other members. 2. I agree The role of the UN Security Council in the political views of Islam-was not able to stop the war even though temporary,. Rejection of evidence is the refusal resolution No. 1860 of the ceasefire by Israel and the Palestinians. As long as Israel still military aggression, settlement construction in the West Bank and blocking in the Gaza Strip, the settlement of the conflict will never stop. Opposition (-) 1. I do not agree because the big countries are already united in a world organization that is the unity of nations that have helped in order not to worsen the war. Many other countries suggests unity united nations to immediately force Israel-Palestinians to a ceasefire. The proof: a. A current peace proposal is a map to peace proposed by the Four Ones EU, Russia, UN and the United States on 17 September 2002. b. The Balfour Declaration of 1917 November 2, 1917. Britain launched the Balfour Declaration, which regarded the Jews and Arabs as a promise to establish a "homeland" for the Jews in Palestine. c. the establishment of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was officially established in May 1964. d. On May 14, 1948, with the help of the US which has a strong position within the UN, Israel succeeded in declaring the formation and independence of Israel.

2. I’m dissagree because we know that The UN as a mediator who tried to mediate between the Palestinians and Israeli interests. Mediation by the United Nations is a diplomatic effort aimed at the settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The UN has been involved in every effort to IsraeliPalestinian negotiations, indirectly. UN involvement has been started since 1947, namely the separation of Palestine into a Jewish state and an Arab country through Resolution 181. 3. I’m dissagree because The UN as a mediator also took part in the Six Day War 1967 dated October 22, 1967. The text of this resolution refers to the withdrawal of military forces both sides of the conflict area, the cessation of all claims and independence of all countries involved. The UN hopes to do a lot of diplomacy and negotiations, therefore, in IsraelPalestine can find a middle ground and mengahkiri conflict. 5. THW Give second chance to athletes involved in doping offences Affirmative (+) 1. I agree the athletes who use doping should be given a second chance as prohibitions on competition from other sports in a given time. We know that they also make a living from his success in the field of sports. If we do not give a second chance for athletes who want to repair their name due to a doping offense means we have restricted the right person in the fulfillment of his life. Advice is if the use of doping for athletes not allowed it would be good if the government facilitates the athletes like producing a sports supplement that provides both effect for health and fitness. thus, the athletes do not consume doping or other illegal drugs. The solutions are: 1. Given a second chance to correct his career in the world of sport 2. Do not be discriminated from the environment of sports institutions 3. Given the advice not to use doping both in small doses and repeatedly. Opposition (-) 1. I’m not agree because if someone that use a doping, it would endanger the health of the wearer. It will make causes ill-effects of various aspects. So it is not effective if it provides a second chance for a doping violation. The consequences are: a. From the social aspect, the individual would be detrimental to its users because it will have a bad name in the eyes of society at large. Meanwhile, due to the wider will damage the good name of the institution / organization even his own country in the eyes of the world. b. From an economic perspective, it automatically will also have a big impact as a result of violations that have been made to take down his career in the world of sports. In terms of culture, when viewed from one side will damage the good name of the athlete and his own country. However, if viewed more broadly will also

damage the good name of the sport as a whole actually said fairplay has become a basic principle in the world of sport. c. In terms of organization / institution is the abolition of the institution / organization concerned from the competition in a certain period of time or even forever. 6. THBT Cigarette advertisement should be banned from sport events Affirmative (+) 1. Banning advertisements about Cigarettes will and shall help. In my argument that banning such advertisements will decrease the smoking rate of the people. I think or will say that this goes out to all detrimental things in this world, such as Alcohol. The issue I raised in this debate is very specific, and that is to ban the advertising of Cigarettes. How does this affect the society? it will and shall diminish the increase of young people to go out in the market, but a pack of cigarettes and smoke it even though they know they do not know how to. Opposition (-) 1. I disagree because: a. First: by your rational, the government would have the privilege to ban the advertisements of everything it thinks harmful to people. This is a total negation to the freedom of speech in our first amendment. In our society, every person, or business has the right to express their ideas, and make their products known, this is an important part to a capitalistic society. b. second: Just because you may not want other people to smoke, does not give you, or the government to regulate it. All advertisements have a warning already on them. So your pursuit of banning further advertisements does not serve to spread awareness of the dangers of smoking, rather only illustrates your prejudice. c. Forth: this relates to your assumption that if advertisements are banned, the number of people smoking would decrease. what basis do you have for this argument? Advertisements for Crystal Meth are illegal, as is the drug itself, yet each year more people use it. And also, what action should the government take against people who offer cigarettes? word of mouth is one of the most successful means of advertisements. 7. THBT Big sport events should be organized only in countries with highest standards of living. Affirmative (+) 1. I agree because in developed countries like the United States has a living so high that in carrying out the big sports events in the country is guaranteed. From the economic aspect, the developed countries are very superior and all amenities very adequate course will hold a big sport event that is very festive and memorable. from the social point of view, these countries have a lot of people and they live amid the progress that science and technology in the community is also very supportive of this big sports events more festive and become an arena for the

promotion of their country to be visited by tourists. This will add to the country's advantage. Opposition (-) 1. I do not agree because it considers that the ability of countries whose standard of living lower not able to hold big sports events well. That's the same patronizing these countries. Example: Indonesia Open Karate Championship 2nd which will take place September 24 to 26, 2010 in Denpasar, Bali. Eighth foreign nationals who have entered the names of athletes to participate in the championship are Malaysia (20 athletes), Brunei (10), Iraq (5), Iran (15), Vietnam (12), South Korea (11), Philippines (2) , Singapore (1), said Chairman of PB Forki hendardji supandji on Tuesday. While another 10 countries Japan, Hongkong, Australia, Cia, Taiwan, Thailand, Macau, Uzbekistan, Russia and India also had confirmed to join the championship but has yet to enter the name of their athletes. Indonesia in the championship was lowered 35 karateka. 8. THBT Pokemon Go does bring more harm than good. Affirmative (+) 1. I agree although not the fault of the app designers, there is always going to be a small minority that ruins it for the rest. One of the greatest dangers of the game is the pre-set destinations. Gamers who travel to poke-stops alone are at risk of being robbed or attacked by waiting predators, as anyone with the app can predict where nearby players will be heading. 2. I agree because when we viewed from mental health, the key ingredient of any successful game is the level of addictiveness (running to central park in the middle of the night to catch a Pokemon is a fair example of this). A gaming addiction can have debilitating effects on the individuals mental/physical health and also their relationships with friends and family. 3. These waiting periods can be avoided using in-app purchases. Despite a written warning when opening the app, players are encouraged to look at their phone screen while walking, or even driving, rather than concentrating on spatial and traffic hazards. There are many options for in-app purchases up to the value of $159.95 for 14.500 ‘poke-coins’ which players use to buy extra poke-balls and bypass waiting periods in gameplay. If a player is addicted to the game these purchases could easily lead to financial trouble down the track. 4. I agree because people who never do that game said that: 

Gameplay is very basic / shallow compared to previous Pokémon games. In a nutshell this is a classic treasure hunt game in an augmented reality fantasy world. Those who have already spent hundreds of hours fighting their Pikachu, Charmander, Bulbasur and Squirtle Pokémon may find that

some aspects of the game have been excessively dumbed-down. Catching Pokémon is extremely simple and no combat is required. The battle system is not particularly good comparatively speaking and making your Pokémon evolve can become a very repetitive and boring task. The game is more or less interesting depending on the geographical location. You need to have the application of the game open all the time in order to get alerts of nearby Pokémon or PokéStops. This means you will drain your battery extremely quickly or you may need to revisit places you walked past when the application was closed. Although this game gets players outdoors, they are still on their phone. Pediatricians do not recommend spending more than two hours a day looking at a screen. Some Pokémon Go players spend many more hours a day on their phones due to this game. Pokémon Go can be very distracting and even dangerous for people, this is called in psychology a "blended reality state." Walking while watching the screen of a smarphone is dangerous, much more so driving while hunting for Pokémon. There have been manyaccidents recorded in which people have been hurt because of distractions linked to Nintendo's new game. There have been car crashes, people falling from their bicycles while "hunting", traffic jams provoked by drivers leaving their cars to search for nearby Pokémon, etc. Many crimes related to Pokémon have been reported. People have been lured into locations with Pokémon and then robbed. Muggers have also realized that some areas where valuable Pokémon are "hidding" will attract many people with smartphones. People chasing Pokémon may also accidentally enter dangerous areas of cities where they can be assaulted. The game can also become problematic for people with some psychological disorders. For instance it can heigthened the level of stress or create some psychotic episodes in people who have difficulties separating fantasy from reality. Pokémon Go may become costly for some users. Since the game has microtransactions and requresdata, some children and adults may end up spending a lot of money by playing this apparently free game. Pokémon can become a tool to lure people into shops.Companies may pay the developers in order to drive players to their shops and restaurants. For instace if a highly valued Pokémon can only be found in a certain store, this store may get hundreds of people coming in order to "hunt" it. They may also purchase something there. In fact McDonalds and Pokémon Go have already signed a partnership so that the fast food chain will host in 3000 of its restaurants in Japan Pokémon Go Gyms.

Opposition (-) 1. I disagree because when we viewed from outside-time, The game requires players to walk distances to catch Pokemon, attend gyms and hatch their eggs. The addictiveness of the game drives them to sub-consciously exercise which has many benefits including higher levels or mobility and vitamin D intake from the sun. 2. I disagree because when we viewed from mental health, The app takes the inter-connectedness of gaming a step further encouraging players to go outside and meet/battle other gamers face-to-face. The game supports a positive social atmosphere and increased mobility leads the brain to release endorphins which could help isolated people overcome mental health issues such as anxiety or depression. The game has set time periods where players have to wait for poke-stops, new poke-balls and to free-up egg incubators. This ensures that to an extent they don’t feel obliged to be constantly on the app and discourages long periods of unbroken screen-time. The download of the app and gameplay is completely free of cost. Players are not forced into in-app purchases in order to continue playing. 3. I disagree because the game in the human point of view who like this game said that: 

The game is fun and easy to play. You don't need to be a hardcore player or even had played a Pokémon game ever before. The game is very intuitive to make sure that both children and adults can enjoy it, while requiring some level of strategy. You can play for free. Even if there is a chance to speed up your progress in the game through in-game microtransactions, you don't need to pay to download the game or play. It can make you healthier. Pokémon Go creates incentives for your to getoff your couch and go for a walk to hunt for Pokémon. An effect of Pokémon Go is what psychologists call behavioral activation. It encourages people do some exercise and move and help prevent obesity. Augmented reality technology, such as that used in Pokémon Go, can contribute to treat some psychological disorders, such as depression, anxiety, phobias, and post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD). Moreover the game has a clear structure and offers incremental challenges to avoid fatigue and keep up motivation. Pokémon Go creates opportunities play and interact socially with other people. You may make new acquaintances and talking about a light topic such as this game may ease the social anxiety some shy people may feel. Non-threatening theme for all publics. The game aims at teaching friendship, respect for the others and hard work. Although Pokémon fight other Pokémon, this is largely a non-violent game very different from many of the popular game franchises, such as Mortal Kombat, Metal Gear

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Solid and The Witcher, which usually include high degree of violence and adult content.There are many games, animes and movies available for those who want to dig deeper in the Pokémon universe. The mix of reality and fantasy can help children develop creativity. The game can help you better know your town and discover some locations which may have historical or artistic value. Many Pokémon are "hidden" in relevant spots, so in order to capture them you will have to scan scultures, parks, murals and buildings.Somepoeple even travel to capture Pokémon. Pokémon Go facts 

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15 million downloads within the first week of release. 75 million downloads within the first 20 days of its US release. The game has been downloaded more times in a week than the popular Tinder applications during its four years of existence. Nintendo shares went up 23% after launch. By 8 July 2016, only 2 days after the game was launched, it was already installed in 5.16% of all American Android devices. The average user spent 43:23 minutes per day. By 12 July, the game became the most active mobile game ever in the United States with over 21 million active users (Candy Crush Saga reached 20 million at its peak). By 26 July the game generated more than $75 million through in-game purchases. Spotify streams of Pokémon theme "Gotta Catch 'Em All" went up 362% during the first week of Pokémon Go. There are about 200,000 user-generated playlist in Spotify related to Pokémon. More than 350,000 users of the British phone network EE were playing the game before the game was launched in the UK. The average daily usage of Pokémon Go exceeded that of Instagram, Snapchat, Tinder, Facebook and Twitter. Players will be able to catch 151 different Pokémon characters.

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