Mother Earth Worship is Satanism By Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., J.D., Esq., Coif © Copyright 2009 by Anthony J. Fejfar Some persons worship “Mother Earth” as God, when in fact this is Satanism. Mother Earth in Greek Cosmology is Geia, the Great Mother who spawned all the evil magic beings of the Earth such as Trolls, Cyclops, the Medusa. Geia was tricked by her Son Pan to create the Immortal Heros and the gods and goddesses who did battle with the forces of evil. Pan, the Male god of Wisdom, is the god of the Universal Physical, Metaphysics, Creativity, and Male Intuition. Pan, who is really a Titan, not a god, was the real Father of the Greek gods and goddeses. Pan, the Earth Father, Jesus, returns in every generation reincarnationally. Pan’s Magic form is that of a Male Being Nymph. Geia is satanic because she has the same consciousness as the reptiles and spiders who are ruled by the base emotions and who devour their husbands and children. The Matriarchy and psudeo-feminism of Mother Earth Worship must be destroyed to avoid a horrible world where all are tortured and live in lives of terror and fear.