Mops Newsletter.01.09.09

  • December 2019
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Radiant MOPS January 9, 2009

The Main Attraction


Radiant Church ~ 4020 Maizeland Road ~ Colorado Springs, CO 80909 ~ (719) 597-4402

As we begin the second half our MOPS year, we’d like to take a minute to thank you for your dedication and support of our group. It takes each unique individual to make this group successful, and we truly appreciate each of you. From all of us on steering, we wish you and your family a year filled with joy and blessings.

Happy New Year! ~ MOPS Steering Team

Upcoming Speakers & Crafts Today, January 9th:

Friday, January 23rd:

Speaker ~ Chris Hardesty

Speaker ~ Beth Vogt

Women’s Health

Lowering the Bar

Craft ~ To Be Announced

Craft ~ To Be Announced

Inside this issue: MOPS Cookbook - Recipes Wanted


January Birthday Girls


Meeting Cancellation Policy Due to Weather


January 12th is “Organize Your Home Day”


Other Fun January “Holidays”


The Concession Stand: Homemade Mac & Cheese


The Golden Ticket Devotional: Sibling Rivalry


MOPS Cookbook ~ Recipes Wanted! Would you like to own a useful recipe book where you actually have the ingredients to make the recipe? Have you tried a dish at a get together and thought, “Wow—I wish I knew how to make that?”. Our MOPS group is creating exactly that, and we desperately want your recipes! Please take a few minutes to submit your favorite or unique family recipes. You may write them down or email them directly to Niki at [email protected]. Recipes will be collected until March 6th, but please don’t wait until the last minute (as Niki needs time to type them). A big thank you to those who have already taken time to submit recipes! It’s greatly appreciated!

2008/2009 Steering Team Coordinator ~Naomi Thomas ~ 494-0936 Co-coordinator ~ Niki Broyles ~ 494-8292

Happy Birthday To You...

Mentor Mom ~ Rae Driscoll ~ 444-0506 Mentor Mom ~ Beth Connell ~ 260-7405

January 3rd ~ Naomi Thomas January 11th ~ Karen Silverio

Discussion Group Coordinator ~ Lindsey Giaffoglione ~ 201-1628

January 16th ~ Rochelle Janecek

Finance ~ Rachael Felice ~ 576-2379

January 19th ~ Ashlee Mizee

Craft Coordinator ~ Heather Gwinn ~ 244-2142 Craft Coordinator ~ Becky Walker ~ (720) 733-0343

Meeting Cancellation

Hospitality ~ Jennifer Dorminey ~ 548-8370 Hospitality ~ Carrie Reeck ~ 596-2052

Due to Weather

Publicity ~ Roxanne Cook ~ 598-1740 Publicity ~ Amber Scott ~ 388-8407

As the winter months draw near, we'd like to remind you of our meeting cancellation policy. If District 11 is cancelled or on a delay due to inclement weather, our MOPS meeting will be canceled. We will meet again on the next regularly scheduled date.

Discussion Group Leaders Niki Broyles ~ Orange Lindsey Giaffoglione & Heather Huerta ~ Red Anna Peterson ~ Yellow Michelle Vacha ~ Green


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January 12th is “Organize Your Home Day” Do you ever wonder who comes up with these holidays?!? In any event, what a better time than the New Year to start organizing your home and life. Avoid becoming overwhelmed by starting simple and setting realistic goals for yourself. Here are a few places you can start: •

Find a home for all the gifts you received over the holidays. If things need to be returned or exchange, do so now.

Purchase birthday cards, anniversary cards, etc. for the first quarter in 2009. That way, when the occasion rolls around, you’ll be prepared.

Recycle magazine and newspapers (magazines older than three months and newspapers older than one week).

Clean out your refrigerator. Throw out old leftovers and expired condiments.

Clean out your medicine cabinet. Throw out any expired medicines, cosmetics or never-used toiletries.

Clear out and organize your email Inbox.

Make a schedule for yourself. Write one small thing for each calendar day that you would like to accomplish such as clearing off the top of the refrigerator, throwing away expired coupons or consolidating all your movies and cd’s to one location. Visit for a practical January calendar and other helpful hints.

Other Fun January “Holidays” January 21st—National Hugging Day

January 24th—National Compliment Day

How many different hugs can you create? Bear Hugs? Pinky Hugs? Have fun finding new ways to say “I Love You.”

Teach your children to give and accept compliments. Practice throughout the day and celebrate kindness.

A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie. ~Tenneva Jordan

The Concession Stand ~ Homemade Mac & Cheese • • • • • • • • •

8 ounces uncooked elbow macaroni 2 cups shredded sharp Cheddar cheese 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese 3 cups milk 1/4 cup butter 2 1/2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 2 tablespoons butter 1/2 cup bread crumbs 1 pinch paprika

Cook macaroni according to the package directions. Drain. In a saucepan, melt butter or margarine over medium heat Stir in enough flour to make a roux. Add milk to roux slowly, stirring constantly. Stir in cheeses, and cook over low heat until cheese is melted and the sauce is a little thick. Put macaroni in large casserole dish, and pour sauce over macaroni. Stir well. Melt butter or margarine in a skillet over medium heat. Add breadcrumbs and brown. Spread over the macaroni and cheese to cover. Sprinkle with a little paprika. Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 30 minutes. Serve.


Serve with a salad for a great kid-pleasing meal

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Meeting Notes

The Golden Ticket Sibling Rivalry Psalm 133:1 reads, “How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity.” Indeed! But most brothers and sisters I know need a little help to make it to the point of harmony. When squabbles are unavoidable, concerned parents have a plan for teaching their children how to fight fair. Here are several suggestions: • • •

Expect fights. Children use fights as a way to measure parental love as well as to learn empathy, process their emotions and develop the negotiation skills they’ll need as adults. Give it time. Resist the urge to jump right in and referee. Let your children have time to learn what they need to learn without your interference. Short of them harming each other, give them time to work it out alone. Listen. When your children come to you with their struggles, tune in to their words. Recall the reasons for sibling squabbles. Listen for the cause beneath the struggle.

Help unity grow in-house by teaching your children to fight fair. In time, they will learn the rules, be able to work through conflicts, and find that wonderful harmony. How good and pleasant it can be! (by Elisa Morgan in the Mom’s Devotional Bible)

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