Moolight Part 7

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 325
  • Pages: 2

"ehmygawd is that kuh-laire"i heard alicia say ,claire herd it too because she smiled ''yeah its her and her voice is diffrent too it like they did some thing too her '' ''well what ever its is its doing her wonders her fashion sense has improved"massie said looking claire up and down alice totally should her this ''how did she get those stell macarrty heels there not even out yet''dylan whined with a touch of envey behind her cry's ''did you see the car they drove up in black mercades s55 turbo and the man that was driving was hawt times ten ...... million all the cullens are i was at the mall the other day and they were all there gawd and the ones named taylor and jacob are the best''nessie and i stiffened ''i wonder if she knows she had cam going crazy about herderrick told me he wont even talk too any girls'' *LUNCH* ''i have too see him at least tell him im okay'' ''fine at least let us come with you ''nessie sighed ''sure''

her boyfreined sure did have a nice house it kinda remined me of the house in forks ,has a lot white ''hello mrs.fisher im her too see cam ''sure he's up staires in his room'' she led us to kis room ''cam honey you have company'' ''tell them too go away'' she looked at us then turned to leave ,claire walked in ''well ill only go away if you let me see you first '' he looked up then his eyes poped wide ''claire?'' he gasped ''yeah its me'' ''what happened too tou ''his faced mixed with several difrentt emotions-love ,awe,and confusion ''its along story i'll explain it later but now i just want you too know i love you so much and that i dint mean too hurt you'' she walked over and hugged him he dint even flinch when she touched him

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