Part 7

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 1,285
  • Pages: 8
7.0 Adding Details to the Drawing 7.1 BHATCH Draw ► Hatch… Hatches are shaded patterns which generally represent a cross selection of a mechanical component or any civil representation. Hatching is used to show details of components by highlighting, using special patterns. After you invoke the command Hatch and Gradient dialog box will be appeared. Command: _bhatch

Defining the boundaries for hatch area There are two methods of defining the boundaries and namely they are • Picking a point • Selecting object Picking a point on the hatching area is the most popular method because after picking a point, AutoCAD will automatically select the boundaries near to that point. Instead of picking a point you can define the boundaries by selecting the objects associated to the area which is going to be hatched. There is a major drawback of this method that is the boundary objects should be met end- to- end. Therefore this method is used for selecting simple objects. E A







Pick point method


Selecting object method

7.2 ID Tools ► Inquiry ► ID Point ID command finds the coordinates of the specified point. After you specified the point AutoCAD displays the UCS coordinate values on the command prompt. Command:ID  Specify point: Use one of the point fixing methods

7.3 LIST Tools ► Inquiry ► List We can find out the parameters and properties of selected objects using this command. Command:LIST  Select objects: Select the object using one of the object selecting methods

LINE Layer: "0" Space: Model space Handle = 37 from point, X= 5.6399 Y= 5.8053 Z= 0.0000 to point, X= 4.7021 Y= 2.9780 Z= 0.0000 Length = 2.9788, Angle in XY Plane = 252 Delta X = -0.9378, Delta Y = -2.8273, Delta Z =


7.4 DIST Tools ► Inquiry ► Distance To measure the distance between two point AutoCAD gives us a utility DIST Command: '_dist Specify first point: Use one of the point fixing methods Specify second point: Use one of the point fixing methods Distance = 2.9788, Angle in XY Plane = 72, Angle from XY Plane = 0 Delta X = 0.9378, Delta Y = 2.8273, Delta Z = 0.0000 Distance

Y Delta Y

Angle from XY Plane

Angle in XY Plane

Delta X


7.5 AREA Tools ► Inquiry ► Area

Calculate the area and perimeter of objects or defined areas in the drawing. To find the area of a boundary formed by set of points, select the points in cyclic method where AutoCAD construct an imaginary polygon passing through the points and lists the area and perimeter of the polygon. Command: _area Specify first corner point or [Object/Add/Subtract]: Use one of the point fixing methods or enter an option Specify next corner point or press ENTER for total: Use one of the point fixing methods Specify next corner point or press ENTER for total: Use one of the point fixing methods Specify next corner point or press ENTER for total: Use one of the point fixing methods Area = 30.9820, Perimeter = 23.0352 2






4 10 11 1




Area and Perimeter Defined

Area and Perimeter Calculated

7.6 SPLINE Draw ► Spline SPLINE fits a smooth curve to a sequence of points within a specified tolerance. Command: _spline Specify first point or [Object]: Use one of the point fixing methods Specify next point: Use one of the point fixing methods Specify next point or [Close/Fit tolerance] <start tangent>: Use one of the point fixing methods Specify next point or [Close/Fit tolerance] <start tangent>: Use one of the point fixing methods Specify next point or [Close/Fit tolerance] <start tangent>: Use one of the point fixing methods Specify next point or [Close/Fit tolerance] <start tangent>: Use one of the point fixing methods Specify start tangent: Use one of the point fixing methods Specify end tangent: Use one of the point fixing methods P2 P4

Start Tangent

End Tangent


P3 P5

8.0 Dimensioning Dimensioning is the process of adding measurement annotation to a drawing. AutoCAD provides many ways to dimension objects and many ways to format dimensions. Dimensions show the measurements of objects, the distances or angles between objects, or the distance of a feature from an origin specify.

8.1 DIMLINEAR Dimension ► Linear Command: _dimlinear Specify first extension line origin or <select object>: Pick the first extension line origin or press enter  to pick the object Specify second extension line origin: Pick the first extension line origin Specify dimension line location or [Mtext/Text/Angle/Horizontal/Vertical/Rotated]: Pick the location of dimension line or enter an option Dimension text = 7.4050




8.2 DIMALIGNED Dimension ► Aligned Command: _dimaligned Specify first extension line origin or <select object>: Pick the first extension line origin or press enter  to pick the object Specify second extension line origin: Pick the first extension line origin Specify dimension line location or [Mtext/Text/Angle]: Pick the location of dimension line or enter an option Dimension text = 1.4963

To activate the object selection option you have to press enter key.

P1 Object Selected

8.3 DIMRADIUS Dimension ► Radius A radial dimension consists of a radius dimension line with an arrowhead at the arc or circle end. Command: _dimradius Select arc or circle: Select the arc or circle which you need to have dimensioning Dimension text = 1.0000 Specify dimension line location or [Mtext/Text/Angle]: Pick the location of dimension line or enter an option

8.4 DIMDIAMETER Dimension ► Diameter DIMDIAMETER draws different types of diameter dimensions depending on the size of the circle or arc.

8.5 DIMANGULAR Dimension ► Angular Command: _dimangular Select arc, circle, line, or <specify vertex>: Select the object or vertex

8.6 DIMBASELINE Dimension ► Baseline DIMBASELINE draws a series of related dimensions measured from the same baseline. AutoCAD offsets each new dimension line to avoid overlaying the previous dimension line. Command: _dimbaseline Specify a second extension line origin or [Undo/Select] <Select>: Pick the second extension line origin or press  Dimension text = 1.3610

8.7 DIMCONTINUE Dimension ► Continue DIMCONTINUE draws a series of related dimensions, such as several shorter dimensions that add up to the total measurement. Continued dimensioning is also known as chain dimensioning. Command: _dimcontinue Specify a second extension line origin or [Undo/Select] <Select>: Pick the second extension line origin or press  Dimension text = 2.4283

8.8 DIMORDINATE Dimension ► Ordinate Ordinate dimensions display the X or Y ordinate of a feature along with a simple leader line. These dimensions are also known as datum dimensions. AutoCAD uses the current user coordinate system (UCS) to determine the measured X or Y ordinate and draws the leaser line in a direction orthogonal to the axes of the current UCS. Command:DIMORDINATE Specify feature location: Pick the datum point Specify leader endpoint or [Xdatum/Ydatum/Mtext/Text/Angle]:

8.8 ARC LENGTH Dimension ► Arc Length You can measure and display the length of an arc using ARCLENGTH dimension. In dimension style there is an option to fix the length symbol. Command: _dimarc Select arc or polyline arc segment: Pich the arc segment Specify arc length dimension location, or [Mtext/Text/Angle/Partial/Leader]: Dimension text = 8.7063

Exercise: 04- Apply these hatch patterns to the figure

Pattern – gradient Pattern – BRSTONE Scale – 1.25 Angle - 45

Pattern – AR-RSHKE Scale – 0.04 Angle - 0 Pattern – SACNCR Scale – 3 Angle - 0

Pattern – Angle Scale – 1.25 Angle - 45

Pattern – ANSI 134 Scale – 0.6 Angle - 45

Pattern – Gravel Scale – 0.75 Angle - 30

Exercise 05: Apply dimensions for the provided figure

R40 Ø50


R20 R15





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