Monthly Update October 2009

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Monthly Update October 2009  PACTE – remaining payment: The letters have been signed and you should 

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all have received the balance of your grant by mid-November at the latest. LVQ received a $5,000 increase, bringing our annual grant up to $80,000. On-line annual members survey: Ten surveys were completed. Top 3 PD topics members would like to have training in are: 1 – student retention/motivation 2 – community partnerships and 3 – staff roundtable and sharing. To consult the survey results in their entirety, visit the members section of the website. Measuring Non-Academic Progress in Adult Literacy Learners: LVQ has received funding from MELS for a project to develop and/or implement tools to measure non-academic progress in adult literacy learners. The project objectives are twofold: i) to conduct a literature review to see what’s already out there in the field and ii) pilot up to five different tools with member groups and adapt or adopt one or more tools for use by member groups. Stay tuned for more information…. December 5/International Volunteers Day: To celebrate International Volunteer Day and to recognize the fundamental role volunteers hold in society, LVQ has asked for testimonials on What does volunteering mean to you? Submissions will be posted to the LVQ website, and may be used to develop PR or volunteer recognition materials. Encourage your members to submit a testimonial; no testimonial is too short or too long! Have them email their testimonials to Joani at [email protected] by Friday, November 27. Radio documentary: Rotem Ravid, a graduate student in Communications at Concordia University, interviewed SUN students Bernice Rosemarin and James Forde, and Karen Dotto, Program Coordinator at LU, for a radio documentary she produced. Visit the LVQ website to listen to this short but powerful documentary. Literacy video: Please let me know if you have not yet received the reprinted dvd. Full members members can receive up to 20 additional copies. If you still have copies of the original dvd, please send them back to me. S.U.N. team: Members from the SUN team are now available for public speaking. Visit the SUN team page on the LVQ website at to learn more about each student and request a speaker. A travel fund has been set up to defray the cost of bringing a student to speak at your council. To apply for a travel subsidy, send in a list of expected travel costs and the Board will examine your request. Annual conference: Attendance was down at this year’s conference, but that did not stop people from enjoying the day! Participants were treated to an interactive presentation by Dr. Ariel Fenster, and learned a lot about composting, natural home care products, recyclable art (is there a natural

October 2009/monthly update


product that can remove paint from the carpet?), and how to consume responsibly. Check out all the photos in the gallery on the LVQ website. Pre-conference: Prof. Lebel of UQAM discussed by-laws and Board legal responsibility before a crowd of 28 directors and staff. Then the fun began about a dozen volunteers, staff and students visited the Botanical Gardens where we viewed some amazingly creative decorated pumpkins. Then it was on to the Chinese Garden and the Magic of Lanterns display. This year’s theme was the Chinese astrological signs. The silk lanterns are designed by experts in Montreal and produced in China. Visit the gallery on the LVQ website to view the pumpkins and lanterns. Support LVQ: Please support LVQ by mentioning us on your PR materials, on your website, by displaying the pamphlets and postcards, etc. If you need more postcards or pamphlets, please do not hesitate to contact me or Vicky at [email protected]. AGM and next general members’ meeting/get-together: A very fruitful discussion surrounding HR issues was held on Monday, September 28. The upcoming professional development session in January will address staffboard relationships and other human resource issues such as contracts, job descriptions, work conditions, etc. Also on the agenda is a presentation by Lana Faessler of Laubach Literacy Ontario about their social enterprise project. Exact dates to be confirmed. NALD story of the week: If you know of a student who would like to see their story, or any other text, posted, contact Lorette Melanson at [email protected].

Congratulations to October’s winner, Gerardo Bernal Vasquez, of the Yamaska Literacy Council! Read all the entries on the LVQ website. November’s Monthly Challenge: LVQ Annual Conference OR The Environment Deadline: November 30

Your student could win a $25 gift certificate

Do not hesitate to forward me any notices, student or tutor submissions, or photos you would like to see posted, as well as any council resources. The website address is: To access the private members page: User ID is literacy, Password is quebec.

October 2009/monthly update


Toll-free number 1-866-581-9512

Joani Tannenbaum Executive Director

October 2009/monthly update


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