Monsignor Martin Muller

  • October 2019
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From the Pastor’s Desk

RESPONSE: August 26, 2008

My Dear People: Maybe some of you read the recent letter to the editor in the Birmingham News that criticized the Bible and tried to invalidate it by saying that for the Bible to tell us that the Bible is inspired by God is not logical. The following is the article and the response which I have sent to the editor. If you read the criticism, you need to read my response: BECAUSE THE BIBLE TELLS US SO Numerous letter writers have quoted the Bible to justify irrational human attitudes and behavior, e.g. homophobia, capital punishment, religious intolerance, gender bias. How do we know a biblical pronouncement is valid? “The Bible is inerrant.” What makes the bible inerrant? “The Bible is the written Word of God.” How do we know the bible is the written Word of God? The Bible tells us so: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God.” II Timothy 3:16. This is a perfect example of circular reasoning – the practice of assuming something in order to prove the very same thing you assumed. Advocates of biblical inerrancy use the premise that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God to prove the Bible is the inerrant Word of God. In other words, the Bible is true. Without evidence from an independent source, the premise that the Bible is inerrant has no validity. There is no rational or empirical evidence giving the Bible the status of unquestioned authority. It’s only “authority” comes from the flawed beliefs of ancient people. Hence, it contains a plethora of contradictions, scientific errors and just plain bad advice. David N. Miles Orange Beach

Birmingham News Attention Editor: The recent letter to you that appeared in the News on August 24, 2008, entitled “Because the Bible Tells Us So,” was very disturbing since it showed a lack of understanding of the word of God; and belittled it. It stated that the Bible is the word of God, only because the Bible itself said so. If that is the only reason we believe in the Bible we are hard pressed when we take this to the court of reason. You cannot use the Bible to prove the Bible is inspired by God. Here is where the author was so wrong. The gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke are the best history of the ancient Mediterranean world. These history books tell us that Jesus of Nazareth proved Himself to be God by His miracles worked in the name of God. In other words, God backed up His claims to His divinity. This God-Man, Jesus, clearly founded a Church and gave it the authority to teach. This teaching Church then took these history books and pronounced them to be more than history. Along with other books this Church taught them to be the inspired word of God. On the authority of this teaching Church, we believe the Bible to be the inspired word of God. It is unfair to judge the Bible without admitting that God uses human instruments and their style of writing. The scholars call it literary form. Even today we have expressions such as “the sun rises” when we all know it is really the earth that is revolving, giving us morning and night. Scholars of the Scriptures have no problem with explaining apparent “mistakes” while recognizing the books of the Bible are uniquely inspired by God. The Church pronounced Matthew, Mark and Luke as well as the other twenty-four books of the New Testament to be inspired by God. The Church clearly stated the twenty-seven books of the New Testament to be inspired in

the year 393 at the Council of Hippo; again at the Council of Carthage in 397, and most emphatically at the Council of Trent 15451563. The Bible’s credibility does not come from the Bible but from the teaching authority of the Church whose teaching authority is seen in the historical documents of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Rev. Msgr. Martin Muller Homewood

MASS INTENTIONS Monday, Sept. 1 Tuesday, Sept. 2 Wednesday, Sept. 3 Thursday, Sept. 4 Friday, Sept. 5 Saturday, Sept. 6 Sunday, Sept. 7

Vito Alfano Joe Milazzo Special Intention Phania Carbonie Donors to the School Foundation Fernando Quintanilla Joseph Campanotta Phania Carbonie Ernie Eltz Charles Woods Brian Joseph Criswell Bill Stephens & Intention Of the Blessed Mother People of the Parish Mary Holley

PRAY FOR VOCATIONS If you are willing to offer your life for Jesus’ sake, you will find it. By walking the path we come to know Jesus’ promise is real. Pray for courage and the willingness to let go and let God.” (Matthew 16:2127) This ad is sponsored by the Serra Club.

High School Youth (Sunday) classes are now

being called “High School Continuing Religious Education,” which will be held on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. on the third floor in the Family Life Center. This will start on Sunday, September 14. We will be having Robert and Patricia Weaver teach in a rotation schedule with other adult volunteer

teachers during the year. WE STILL NEED SEVERAL MORE VOLUNTEER TEACHERS TO HELP! Please-email [email protected] Father Jim Booth will be the Spiritual Director of our classes and select from a variety of suggested diocesan books and materials. He will be teaching on Wednesday nights starting at 6:30 p.m. All the material Father Booth teaches on Wednesday night will be taught the following Sunday morning's class. ALL HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH AND THEIR PARENTS NEED TO ATTEND OUR "OPEN HOUSE " ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 10, FROM 6:30-8:00. WE WILL BE HAVING HOT DOGS, HAMBURGERS AND BEVERAGES FOR ALL, INCLUDING SIBLINGS WHO COME ALONG. Come and meet Father Booth, Kenny Skellie, Beverly Hiott, Robert and Patricia Weaver, Julie Meadows and additional volunteer teachers. We need YOUR input and interest in continuing the success of High School Religious Education and Youth Group activities! We will need to have registration forms filled out also that night. JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH PROGRAM will have its kick-off meeting on Sunday night, September 14, at 7:00 p.m. -- in the Assembly Hall, in the Family Life Center. Hot dogs, hamburgers and beverages for all will be provided. WE WILL HAVE A CATHOLIC CONTEMPORY SINGER PLAYING FOR US THAT NIGHT.YOUTH AND PARENTS-PLEASE ATTEND AND GIVE US YOUR IDEAS AND YOUR HELP THIS YEAR! ALL the youth attending PSR and catholic schools who attend our parish, we ask you to please come the meetings.

PSR classes will begin next Sunday, September 7th, at 10:00 a.m. THANK YOU to the Knights of Columbus for providing the wonderful meal for our Family Supper last week, to Monsignor Muller for allowing us to gather and to Father Booth for presiding over Benediction. We are so grateful to come together in fellowship and prayer. CALLING ALL ST. ANN’S GUILD MEMBERS: Members and guests of St. Ann’s Guild will meet on Wednesday, September 3rd, at 10:30 a.m. in the Sodality Room of the Family Life Center. Our speaker will be The Honorable William Pryor, U.S. Federal Court, 11th Circuit on “Faith and Government.” Members may collect their pictures made at our luau. Lunch will be served. Guests are welcome for our program. Those who can remain for lunch, please call Dolores Geary at 942-8552 or Frances Wideman at 970-1864. CHAPEL OF OUR SAVIOR The Chapel needs permanent Committed Adorers for: Monday at Midnight to 1:00 AM (To Share Hour) Friday at 1:00 pm (Share Hour) Saturday at 8:00 AM (Hour not covered) Our goal is to have at least 2 people on each hour. Please call Ida Wilker at 933-2281 or Mary Claire Brouillette at 871-2909. "During our holy hour, those in most need of His mercy are stamped and marked with the Precious Blood of Jesus. This includes those who are to die that day. Stamped with the Precious Blood of Jesus, they are saved. - Excerpts from Letters To A Brother Priest

Children’s Eucharistic Adoration

Please join us for Children’s Eucharistic Adoration, Wednesday, September 3rd, from 9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. in the church. Children of all ages are welcome including newborns and infants. This time is a wonderful opportunity to encourage your child’s faith and prayer life while fulfilling Christ’s command to “Let the little children come to me ...” (Mark 10:14) For more information, please call Kim Stephens at 823-8886. ATTENTION CATHOLIC SINGLES OF THE DIOCESE: OLS Singles Ministry is delighted to announce that St. Francis Xavier Singles has joined OLS Singles Ministry. For more information call Grace at 323-3000 or 5412865. Give a Gift of Hope to a Caregiver-A book filled with hope and inspiration for caregivers will be released in early September. “Upside Down and Back Again: Hope for the Caregiver” is a unique book for caregivers written from a Christian perspective, comprised of practical tips, prayers, bible verses, and inspiration by author Barbara J. Cooper. This book has a forward by Deacon Luis Doriocourt and an introductory note by Eugene J. Cooper, Doctor of Theology. A portion of the proceeds will go to the Franciscan Poor Clare Nuns. For more information or to pre-order your copy, you may contact the author though her website Pilates Come join us for a wonderful work out for mind and body. Pilates strengthens the core, improves flexibility and posture, and reduces stress. The first class will be Wednesday, September 3rd from 10:30-11:30 a.m., in the OLS Family Life Center Assembly Hall. Fee is $30.00 a month for 6 classes (we will not meet the week of September 15th). Wear comfortable clothes and bring a beach towel or a yoga mat. The instructor is Robin Beidleman, 871-4448.

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